Findings - PZ - 1987 - Change to comp plan - Changes To Comprehensive Plan CITY OF EAGLE IN THE HATTER OF: EAGLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (1987) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW FINDINGS OF FACT: 1) Prior to January 1, 1987, the Eagle PlanninG and Zoning recommended changes to the 1986 Eaale Comprehensive Plan. 2) On January 15, 1987 in accordance with #67-6509 of the Idaho Code, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission advertised a public hearinq regarding the plan. 3) On February 3, 1987, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission met in public hearing regardinq the plan. There was no opposition to the plan by the public. 4) The Eagle PlanninG and Zoning ComMission recommended to the Eagle City Council to approve the revised 1987 Eagle ComDrehensive Plan. CONSCLUSIONS OF LAW: 1) The application by the Eagle Planning and Zonina Commission to revise the plan complies with the requirements as set by law. 2) Following the notice of public hearing procedure as required in secion 67-6509 of the Idaho Code the Eagle Planning and Zoning held a public hearinG regardinq the revisions. 3) The Planning and Zoning Commission voted to recommend the changes ~o to City Council at the next regularly scheduled meeting of Council. the Eaqle Planning and Zoninq Commission this -___L__day , 1987. ATTEST: ~r