Findings - CC - 1985 - No App Number - Rezone From R-5 To Cbd Carpenters Third Subdivision Ne Corner Of Idaho St And Eagle Rd CITY OF EAGLE In the Matter of: IRENE GUNDERSON, FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Applicant. FINDINGS OF FACT 1) On August 27, 1985, Irene Gunderson applied by an amendment to the zoning map of the City of Eagle. Specifically, the applicant seeks a change from R-5 (Residential) to CBD (Central Business District) for Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 8 of Carpenter's Third Sub- division located at the northeast corner of Idaho Street and Eagle Road in the City of Eagle. Article XVII, Section B of Ordinance No. 40, provides for the initiation of zoning amendments by the filing of an application by a property owner or person who has an existing interest in the property proposed to be affected. 2 ) On October 1, 1985, following the notice and hearing requirements set forth in §67-6509, Idaho Code, the Eagle Planning and Zoning commission voted to recommend approval of the proposed zoning amendment to the Eagle City Council. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1) The application of Irene Gunderson complies with the requirements for seeking an amendment to the zoning ordinance as set forth in Article XVII, Section C of Ordinance No. 40. 2 ) The application for zoning amendment is in accordance with the current Comprehensive Plan of the City of Eagle. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW - PAGE 1 3 ) The Commission recommends approval by the Eagle City Council of the application as submitted. ADOPTED by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Eagle, Idaho, this I day of o~ , 1985. APProVED ~ the Chai=an of the Planni~~~~O~~g ~~iSSion of the City of Eagle, Idaho, this /;;{ day of\¥iOIl(/~ , 1985. .--- /- ,-)- ~ø' ~ILL Chalrman ( // FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW - PAGE 2