Findings - PZ - 1984 - No App Number - Development Permit To Build New Home In Flood Plain At 135 Floating Feather EAGLE PLANNING & ZONING P,O. BOX 477 - EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 - PHONE 939-6813 Helen and Harry ) ) Fisher) ) ) Flood Plain Application In the Matter of Applicants FINDINGS OF FACT 1) On May 25, 1984, Harry and Helen Fisher, 135 Floating Feather Road, Eagle, the applicants herein, applied for a development permit pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance #83 of the City of Eagle, Idaho. Mro & Mrs. Fisher applied for a development permit to build a new home on their property which lies within the flood plain as designated by various agencies of the United States Government and therefore they must comply with the provisions of the Eagle Flood Plain Ordinance 0 2) In their application, the Fisher's answered each of those items required by Section 2, Chapter 4 of the Flood Plain Ordinance. Those required items include plans drawn to scale showing the nature, location, dimensions and elevations of the area in question: existing and proposed structures, elevation in relation to sea level of the construction pad; certification by a registered professional engineer of the elevation of 2,583.43 feet,* (Mean Sea Level) of the banch mark of the building pad. *above 3) On August 7, 1984, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission, following the notice and hearing procedures provided in Section 67-6509, Idaho Code, held a public hearing and received public testimony from Mro Fisher, the applicant. There was no other public testimony for or against the application. Mr. Fisher was unable to answer several questions that the Commission had and their motion on the application was to hold any decision on the matter until Mr. Fisher could be present at a Zoning meeting with his engineer. 4) On September 4, 1984, Mr. Fisher, along with his Engineer, Mro J. J. Howard, appeared before the Planning and Zoning Commission and answered the questions contained in Chapter 4, Section 6, of the Flood Plain Ordinance #82, to the Satisfaction of the Commission members 0 The Commission makes the following findings: a) If flooding were to occur, there would be no danger that materials may be swept onto other lands to the injury of others. b) There would be no danger to life and property due to flooding or erosion damage because of the proposed construction 0 c) The susceptibility of the proposed home and its contents to flood damage and the effect of such damage on the individual owner would be nil. (1) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW PAGE 2 Harry and Helen Fisher Flood Plain Development Permit d) There is not a alternative location for the proposed home that is not subject to flooding or erosion damage. e) There would be safety of access to the property in time of flood for ordinary and emergency vehicles. f) The costs of providing governmental services during and after flood conditions would be nil as the utilities would not be provided by the City. Based upon the foregoing Findings of Facts, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission at its September 4, 1984 meeting, voted to recommend to the council for approval of a development permit with the condition that the building have the lowest floor (including base- ment) at an elevatio~=~E=~~æÆ=~ã=~F. The recommendation for approval of this application was based upon the following: *at an elevation no less than 2,584.43 feet above mean sea level CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1) The application of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher for a development permit dated May 25, 1984, complies with the requirements for the filing of such an application as set forth in Section 2, Chapter 4 of Ordinance Number 82. 2) The standards used by the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission for its review of the application of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher for a Flood Plain Development Permit are those standards contained in Section 6, Chapter 4 of the Ordinance No. 82 and as more specifically contained in the above Findings of Fact as adopted by the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission. 3) The application by Mro and Mrs. Harry Fisher for a Flood Plain Development permit fulfills the statement of purpose contained in Section 2, Chapter 1 of the Flood Plain Ordinance as such the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission recommends that the City Council approve this application with the condition that the building have the lowest floor (including basement) at an elevation one foot above mean sea level 0 ~' I , , J?1H7 :7!.IM HI L . EAGLE PLANNING AND ZONING CHAIRMAN Att7-:-J:. " , c:)w." Ie< ~D<-" ^>Þ ~ Bonnle Kras ski, City Clerk