Findings - PZ - 1984 - No App Number - Amendment To Subdivision Ordinance # 88 Change Wording In Chapter 2 Section 2 Page 7 EAGLE PLANNING & ZONING P,O. BOX 477 - EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 - PHONE 939-6813 FINDINGS OF FACT -- AMENDMENT TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE #88 Unanimous roll call vote by the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended that the City Council approve the amendment to the Subdivision Ordinance #88 changing the wording in Chapter 2 Section 2 of the ordinance. (1) That the proper legal requirements for advertising of the hearing have been fulfilled as required by Eagle City Code and title 67-6509 of the Idaho State Code. (2) That no negative testimony was received. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW -- (1) The proper legal requirements for advertising of the hearing was fulfilled as required by Eagle City Code and Title 67-6509 of the Idaho State Code. (2) No negative testimony was received. (3) The Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by the Eagle City Council. ADOPTED by the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Eagle, Idaho, thisj"LI day Of--ftuj^T' ' 1984. APPROVED by the Chairman of the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission 0 f the C it Y 0 f E a g 1 e, I d a h 0, t his 3 ~ day 0 f 1..<..-'-~~~ , 19 8 4 . APPROVED: ~ JrM' tíri Ll:?1f air man ATTEST: ~}~ ~I)~~~' BONNIE KRASOWSKI, City Clerk