Findings - PZ - 1984 - No App Number - Variance To Build A Home On Odd Shaped Lot At 305 Yellowpine / Eagle Ranch Subdivision EAGLE PLANNING & ZONING P.O. BOX 477 - EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 - PHONE 939-6813 Applicant ) ) ) ) ) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW In the Matter of VARIANCE ROBERT BALDWIN FINDINGS OF FACT 1) On January 30, 1984, Robert and Car lie Baldwin applied for a Variance to Article VII of the City of Eagle Zoning Ordinance #40, for property located at 305 Yellowpine, Block 6, Lot 13, Eagle Ranch Subdivision #4B, Eagle, Idaho. 2) On March 6, 1984, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commis- sion, following the notice and hearing procedures re- quired in Section 67-6509, Idaho Code, voted to recom- mend to the Eagle City Council that the Variance be approvedo 3) The variance is warranted by the desire of the applicant to build a home on a lot that is shaped in such a manner that enforcement of the rear yard setback would result in an unnecessary hardship for the applicanto 4) Written testimony received was in favor of the variance and there was no oral or written testimony in opposition of the variance. Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission, at it's March 6, 1984 meeting, voted to re- commend that the Eagle City Council approve the variance. The re- commendation of this approval is based upon the following: 4) PAGE 1 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1) The application of Robert & Carlie Baldwin of January 30, 1984, complies with the requirements for a Variance as set forth in Article XV of Ordinance #40 of the City of Eagleo 2) Special conditions and circumstances exist which are per- culiar to the land and which is not applicable to all of the other lands in the same districto 3) Literal interpretation of the provisions of Article VII of Ordinance #40 would deprive the applicant of rights com- monly enjoyed by other properties in the same district. Special conditions and circumstances did not result from the actions of the applicant; and FINDINGS OF FACT CONCLUSIONS OF LAW PAGE 2 EAGLE PLANNING & ZONING P.O. BOX 477 - EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 - PHONE 939-6813 5) The granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by the Zoning Ordinance to other lands in the same districto APPROVED: ATTEST: ¿~Á'1 /,~~ ' Bonnie Krasowski City Clerk