Minutes - 2005 - City Council - 04/11/2005 - Workshop EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Work Session Minutes April 11, 2005 12:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor calls the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, SEDLACEK, GUERBER, NORDSTROM. All present. A quorum is present. 3. Work session to review e:rowth scenarios developed over the past several months to assist the Communities in Motion and Blueprint for Good Growth projects develop plans for the ree:ion. Mayor introduces the issue. Baird-Spencer Planner: Distributes handouts. Discussion on the scenarios and the points of concern that the City of Eagle has. Discussion on the Preservation Priorities from November Workshops; Hillsides, Prime Farmland, Floodplains, Birds of Prey and Open Water. General discussion. Discussion on the Trend Map. General discussion. Discussion on future population of Eagle. General discussion. Discussion on annexation, planned communities, and annexation in the City of Eagle. General discussion on Communities in Motion and Blueprint for Good Growth. 4. ADJOURNMENT: Bastian moves to adjourn. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 1:45 p.m. APPROVED: ""..""""" . "~ Op""~« "~ A'~ a-iO .#.. ..." ~~ 'i '.. :> v"" ,~ ~ ~ to'O'... v' ~ i ~O ~~ \ :*~.- i*: . . . \ SEAL ~ ~ol 1)i Of \1) :7 ...., Respectfully submitted: ~r~~~ SHARÓN K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER Page I K:\COUNCIL\MINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-O4-II-O5wrkshp.doc (^c, Community Areas by TAZ r Tf� 231 BEACON LIGHT 229 230 25 Legend !s7 County n Boise O Eagle Garden City Kuna 1s1K� Meridian ED ; Star E l Ada County ® Boise r1 Eagle Rs Garden City Kuna Meridian ' Slar 334 256 yyC 335 337 338 336 255 339 254 ). 265 0 0204 08 mom Miles v Map Document IC 1CLentfWrcMap t,cec!SVAa CO ,CrEvittuatort Mato MavalCommuney Fran TAZ mud) 116/1x5— 92156 RN Data Source COMPASS BLUEPRINTt for Good j GROWTH LANNING WORKS sses,,,so sew es, so, oSle Se user slers ^Leo es Pre-app or application Stage in TAZ 233 Pending Developments Units Legacy 600 Eagle Field 400 Lochs 80 Total 1080 Comparison of Scenerios w/ existing applications Scenarios Forecasted Units % comsumed by proposed development Blended 77 1400% Corridor 385 280% Trend 5992 18% Blended TAZ POP HH VEH RET OFF IND GOVT AGRI RPXAI RPIAX TRATEA] ZONE_ON 233 202 77 176 2 22 0 0 0 0 0 1.00 0 236 287 99 237 33 160 5 11 0 0 0 1.00 0 248 159 62 142 24 34 15 0 0 0 0 1.00 0 251 487 145 334 79 85 2 0 0 0 0 1.00 0 BK 4/11/2005 9:52 AM C:IDocuments and Settings\nbaird\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK191Disputed AOI TAZ Corridor TAZ POP HH VEH RET OFF IND GOVT AGRI RPXAI RPIAX TRATEAI ZONE_ON 233 1,020 385 887 116 38 0 0 0 0 0 1.00 0 236 94 32 77 23 14 0 0 0 0 0 1.00 0 248 158 61 140 24 34 15 0 0 0 0 1.00 0 251 706 209 481 79 85 2 0 0 0 0 1.00 0 BK 4/11/2005 9:52 AM C:\Documents and Settings\nbaird\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK191Disputed AOI TAZ Trend TAZ POP HH VEII RET OFF IND GOVT AGRI RPXAI RPIAX TRATEA] ZONE_ON 233 15750 5992 13846 69 89 0 0 0 0 0 1.00 0 236 559 192 463 195 119 0 0 0 0 0 1.00 0 248 6570 2548 5888 41 54 24 0 0 0 0 1.00 0 251 15463 4611 10653 124 133 3 0 0 0 0 1.00 0 BK 4/11/2005 9:52 AM C:IDocuments and SettingslnbairdlLocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK19\Disputed AOI TAZ 2002 Base Community Area POP02 HH02 EMP02 Ada County Total 16,766 5,539 3,152 Boise Total 222,699 87,976 147,585 .1• Eagle Total 15,682 5,346 2,466 Garden City Total 10,554 4,357 7,476 v Kuna Total 6,674 2,171 529 Meridian Total 53,958 18,213 20,272 Star Total 2,578 920 178 Grand Total 328,911 124,522 181,658 2030 Corridors Scenario Community Area POP HH RET OFF IND GOVT AGRI EMP Ada County Total 32,054 10,466 2,534 2,051 244 930 0 5,760 Boise Total 304,051 118,473 58,084 95,237 34,092 34,352 0 221,767 Eagle Total 33,491 11,513 3,020 3,699 75 236 0 7,031 Garden City Total 14,790 6,153 4,048 6,076 669 887 0 11,680 Kuna Total 15,858 4,992 956 362 24 42 0 1,385 Meridian Total 124,425 41,922 18,982 25,656 6,237 2,386 0 53,253 Star Total 8,296 2,928 756 659 0 55 0 1,469 Grand Total 532,965 196,447 88,380 133,740 41,341 38,888 0 302,345 2030 Blended Scenario Community Area POP HH RET OFF IND GOVT AGRI EMP Ada County Total 26,774 8,833 937 1,266 483 945 0 3,631 Boise Total 354,332 137,220 62,329 111,517 41,032 32,368 0 247,246 Eagle Total 24,432 8,459 1,972 2,463 242 239 0 4,916 Garden City Total 16,034 6,522 3,689 4,012 615 673 0 8,989 Kuna Total 12,711 4,032 522 908 268 103 0 1,801 Meridian Total 107,703 36,331 15,357 25,476 8,006 2,956 0 51,795 Star Total 6,166 2,194 283 216 3 42 0 544 Grand Total 548,152 203,591 85,089 145,858 50,649 37,326 0 318,922 note: employment numbers do not include education numbers BK 4/11/2005 10:17 AM C:\Documents and Settings\nbaird\Local SettingslTemporary Internet Files\OLK191Blended Corridors Demographic Area Airport Central Bench Downtown Boise Esle East End Foothill Foothills Rural Garden City Kuna Meridian North End Northwest Northwest Rural Southeast Southeast Rural Southwest Southwest Rural Star West Bench Total Demographic Area Airport Central Bench Downtown Boise Eagle East End Foothill Foothills Rural Garden City Kuna Meridian North End Northwest Northwest Rural Southeast Southeast Rural Southwest Southwest Rural Star West Bench Total Demographic Area Airport Central Bench Downtown Boise ale Ada County Trend Demographics, Demographic Area 2002 185 17,140 2,124 5,565 2,979 3,712 850 4,193 3,346 17,079 8,250 6,952 1,138 14,617 82 9,512 1,870 953 24,095 124,644 2002 526 41,587 3,533 16,347 6,474 9,509 2,392 10,668 10,379 50,533 17,892 17,484 3,410 36,109 2,726 28,692 5,625 2005 185 17,410 2,262 6,234 2,984 3,756 961 4,380 3,698 19,808 8,250 7,482 1,253 15,041 90 9,918 1,932 1,254 24,907 131,806 2005 516 42,223 3,874 18,067 6,387 9,437 2,655 10,969 11,301 57,546 17,594 18,476 3,657 36,645 2,955 29,364 5,685 2,673 3,448 65,927 67,024 332,487 347,825 2002 13,280 24,165 33,055 3,095 2005 13,875 25,121 34,365 3,368 2010 185 18,088 2,639 7,708 3,092 3,983 1,212 4,913 5,526 24,697 8,568 8,860 1,519 16,037 110 10,825 2,148 1,850 26,691 148,649 2010 501 42,698 4,436 21,891 6,491 9,722 3,229 12,052 16,338 69,869 17,892 21,296 4,301 38,113 3,553 31,182 I 6,140 4,944 69,902 384,547 Households 2015 185 18,353 2,953 8,649 3,149 4,135 1,503 5,153 6,763 27,855 8,643 9,033 5,413 16,430 369 11,640 6,787 2,410 27,251 166,673 Population 2015 491 42,547 4,900 24,049 6,518 9,901 3,885 12,434 19,646 77,221 17,742 21,274 14,565 38,310 4,836 32,906 18,726 6,317 69,908 426,174 Employment 2010 2015 16,008 28,308 39,289 4,408 18,302 31,766 44,789 5,588 2020 2025 2030 185 185 18,417 18,485 3,266 3,580 9,219 9,632 3,205 3,262 4,287 4,439 1,794 2,085 5,153 5,153 7,885 8,042 30,507 32,876 8,722 8,730 9,207 9,232 10,177 15,888 17,584 18,252 865 1,751 12,204 12,602 11,525 16,465 2,657 2,657 27,491 27,654 184,351 200,972 18,515 3,893 9,819 3,319 4,591 2,376 5,153 8,157 33,543 8,730 9,257 19,109 18,293 1,787 12,977 28,169 2,657 27,778 218,123 2020 2025 2030 486 490 42,277 42,720 5,376 5,880 25,321 26,609 6,590 6,753 10,163 10,608 4,557 5,308 12,311 12,399 22,726 23,366 83,735 90,887 17,740 17,872 21,445 21,653 26,933 42,248 40,492 42,119 6,693 9,630 34,147 35,539 31,375 45,101 6,887 6,939 69,756 70,653 469,011 516,773 2020 20,644 35,863 50,722 6,858 2025 23,024 40,243 56,939 8,208 42,666 6,367 27,035 6,862 10,943 6,007 12,363 23,664 92,410 17,827 21,635 50,636 42,086 9,685 36,503 76,824 6,918 70,718 561,150 2030 25,525 44,944 63,906 9,718 Page 1 of 2 Nichoel Baird -Spencer From: Nichoel Baird -Spencer [nbaird CO cityofeagle.org] Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 2:00 PM To: 'Doherty, Karen' Cc: 'Michael Lauer' Subject: RE: Household projections by Community Area for your review Karen & Michael, I have a few questions about these numbers. 1) What assumptions were made concerning the increase in density? Was redevelopment considered and where? 2) Do you have an allocation of vacant acreage that was within a targeted area for these forecasts? 3) Was there any population increase provided tot eh State Street Corridor between Eagle and Star? 4) Which comprehensive plan was used to address this allocation? I have at first blush no issues with the allocations as they pertain to the 2000 Comprehensive Plan but I do have a few concerns about how the western area will be address and whether population allocations will be detailed for that area. I have a really hard time giving thumbs up on the numbers until I understand the basic assumptions used to forecast them. Thanks! Nichoel R. Baird Spencer, MCRP, AICP Planner III City of Eagle (208) 939-0227 (208)938-3854 (fax) Original Message From: Doherty, Karen [mailto:kdoherty@dohertyeng.com] Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 4:04 PM To: abrunelle@fs.fed.us; berrinnejad@gardencityidaho.org; bill@clarkdevelopment.com; bvaughan@cityofeagle.org; hawkinsb@meridiancity.org; bchatterton@cityofboise.org; Bmills@achd.ada.id.us; ctrainor@compassidaho.org; crountre@itd.state.id.us; claycarley@oldboise.com; cquintana@achd.ada.id.us; dturnbull@brightoncorp.com; mino@velocitus.net; dgunderson@adaweb.net; mayor@cityofkuna.com; quanix@rmci.net; den@givenspursley.com; dcavigliano@achd.ada.id.us; clarkl@meridianschools.org; robertfreilich@paulhastings.com; eric.shannon@itd.idaho.gov; GaryAllen@givenspursley.com; dsarmsgl@adaweb.net; Gifford, Michael; gregorya@cityofkuna.com; hsimmons@cityofboise.org; hwmcons@aol.com; jschweitzer@achd.ada.id.us; evans48@velocitus.net; jwborton@foleyfreeman.com; kdoherty@dohertyeng.com; Karen Gallagher; Klevihn@achd.ada.id.us; KLacey@cityofboise.org; kfairless@valleyride.org; lihli@valleyride.org; Marler, Pat; mblanken@boisestate.edu; mlauer@ourplanningworks.com; mreynoldson@micron.com; nmitchell@staridaho.org; nbaird@cityofeagle.org; Paster, Elisa; poneill@oeiprop.com; pworth@kittelson.com; rstark@boisechamber.org; rpa@elamburke.com; mckc@rmci.net; sprice@achd.ada.id.us; sslaughter@achd.ada.id.us; wforrey@achd.ada.id.us; berrinnejad@gardencityidaho.org; Bill.Graham@idwr.idaho.gov; bvaughan@cityofeagle.org; rruhl@gardencityidaho.org; hawkinsb@meridiancity.org; bwewers@idahopower.com; bchatterton@cityofboise.org; freckleb@meridiancity.org; ctrainor@compassidaho.org; crichardson@achd.ada.id.us; cquintana@achd.ada.id.us; dgunderson@adaweb.net; mayor@cityofkuna.com; dcavigliano@achd.ada.id.us; dkostelec@achd.ada.id.us; dhardman@adaweb.net; robertfreillch@paulhastings.com; MEConner@mail2world.com; ginselman@achd.ada.id.us; 4/11/2005 Page 2 of 2 dsarmsgl@adaweb.net; gregorya@cityofkuna.com; hsimmons@cityofboise.org; evans48@velocitus.net; john.lee@unitedwater.com; kdoherty@dohertyeng.com; Karen Gallagher; KLacey@cityofboise.org; kfairless@valleyride.org; kbittner@valleyride.org; dsikes@idahopower.com; Iihli@valleyride.org; Ijstark@pn.usbr.gov; Ireese@itd.state.id.us; lynnmoser@qwest.net; mary.mcgown@idwr.idaho.gov; mary@benchsewer.org; mlauer@ourplanningworks.com; mmcgown@deq.state.id.us; chedemar@intgas.com; nmitchell@staridaho.org; nbaird@cityofeagle.org; Paster, Elisa; pnilsson@compassidaho.org; wbsd@qwest.net; pfriedman@adaweb.net; pworth@kittelson.com; rfinch@cityofboise.org; rdane@cbaspen.com; sgoodell@achd.ada.id.us; skoberg@idahoag.us; Skip.Vetten@id.usda.gov; sprice@achd.ada.id.us; ssedlacek@velocitus.net; SSulliva@itd.idaho.gov; sgrey@idahopower.com; tbreuer@adaweb.net; trentw@tvrgad.com; sswd@cableone.net; bighamw@meridianschools.org Cc: bkelly@ourplanningworks.com Subject: BGG: Household projections by Community Area for your review BGG Steering and Technical Committee Members: Attached is a spreadsheet with the 2002 and projected 2030 population, household and employment projections by community area for the blended and corridors scenarios. Please review and provide comments by March 25 directly to mlauer@ourplanninaworks.com as I will be out of the office from Tuesday, March 22 through Friday, March 25. Thank you, Karen Doherty, P.E. Project Coordinator Blueprint for Good Growth www.blueprintforpoodarowth.com email kdoherty@dohertyeng.com c/o Doherty & Associates, Inc. 575 E Parkcenter Blvd, Suite 200 Boise, ID 83706 ph (208) 336-0420 fax (208) 336-2407 cell (208) 863-2746 website www.dohertyeng.com 4/11/2005