Minutes - 2005 - City Council - 03/08/2005 - Regular .j ORIGINAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes March 8, 2005 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. REPORTS: 1. Facilities Manager Report: Facilities Manager submitted a written report. 2. Blue Print for Growth: Mayor provides an overview of the Blue Print for Growth: Karen Dorty, Dorty and Associates: General discussion on the meetings, discussion on the 5 acre parcel issue, discussion on Phase I, development of the county wide land use, and Phase II, regulations and adoption of ordinances. We do not have the funding for Phase II. Weare still trying to put together the remainder of the funding for Phase I. General discussion on the scenarios. 3. Valley Regional Transit: Kelli Fariless gives a power point presentation on the regional transportation plan and discusses the plan. General discussion. 4. Mayor and Council's Report: Moved to the end of the Agenda 5. City Engineer Report: Moved to the end of the Agenda 6. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: Moved to the end of the Agenda 7. Zoning Administrator's Report: Moved to the end of the Agenda 8. City Attorney Report: Moved to the end of the Agenda REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor calls the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, SEDLACEK, GUERBER, NORDSTROM. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: None 5. CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the Rules of Order. . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims against the City. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of February 17,2005. e. Minutes of February 22,2005. Page I K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-O3-08-05min doc D. Application for Beer & Wine License: ZB Inc., dba Zen Bento is requesting a beer and wine license for a restaurant to be located at 342 E. State. St. The appropriate fees and documentation has been submitted and the City Clerk is recommending Council approval. (SKB) E. Findin2s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for A-9-04 & RZ-14-04 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT to A and R-E - Mark & Linda Buter Mark and Linda Butler, represented by Land Consultants, Inc., is requesting an annexation and rezone from RUT (Rural Urban Transition) to A (Agricultural) and R-E (Residential-Estates - up to one dwelling unit per two acres) for Loch Lomond Subdivision No.2. The l6.02-acre development is located west of Park Lane, approximately 600-feet north of Floating Feather at 1681 North Park Lane. (WEV) F. Findin2s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for PP/FP-5-04 - Loch Lomond Subdivision No.2 - Mark & Linda Butler: Mark and Linda Butler, represented by Land Consultants, Inc., is requesting combined preliminary and final plat approval for Loch Lomond Subdivision No.2, a 9-lot (8-buildable, I-common) residential subdivision. The 16.02-acre development is located west of Park Lane, approximately 600-feet north of Floating Feather Road at 1681 North Park Lane. (WEV) G. Findin2s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for FPUD-I-04 & FP-I-04- Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Shadow View (aka Shadow Rid2e) PUD Subdivision - Hillview Development Corporation: Hillview Development Corporation, represented by Land Consultants Inc., is requesting final development plan and final plat approval for phase 2 of Shadow View Subdivision PUD (also known as Shadow Ridge), a 52-lot (45-buildable, 7-common) residential subdivision. This l4.6-acre phase of the Shadow Ridge Subdivision PUD is located on the west side of Horseshoe Bend Road at 10943 through 11053 Horseshoe Bend Road.(WEV) H. Findin2s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CU-9-05 - Bank Facility With Drive Up Service - Svrin2a Bank: Syringa Bank, represented by CSHQA, is requesting conditional use approval to construct a bank facility with three drive-up service lanes. The 1.04 acre site is generally located on the northwest corner of State Highway 44 and north Horseshoe Bend Road in the Eagle Promenade Shopping Center at 3172 East State Street. (WEV) I. DR-136-04 - Buildin2 Wall Si2ns and One Monument Si2n for Albertsons - Albertsons Inc: Albertsons, Inc., represented by Jeff Carico with Image National, Inc., is requesting design review approval to modify and construct a series of four (4) building wall signs and one monument sign. The site is located on the northeast corner of the Eagle Road and State Highway 44 intersection side of East State Street within Eagle Promenade Development at 3172 E. State Street._(WEV) J. DR-137-04 - Two Multi-tenant Retail Buildin2s - White Leasure Development: White Leasure Development, represented by Roger Foster Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-O3-08-05mindoc with BRS Architects, is requesting design review approval to construct two multi-tenant retail buildings (one 6, 1 93-square foot building and one l2,594-square foot building). The site is located generally north of East State Street and west of Horseshoe Bend Road within the Eagle Promenade Shopping Center at 3116 East State Street. (WEV) K. DR-I-OS - Freestandin2 Si2n for Zen Bento - ZB. Inc.: ZB, Inc., represented by Rene Iwamasa, is requesting design review approval to modify a freestanding sign for Zen Bento. The site is located approximately 100- feet east of Second Street on the north side of State Street at 342 E. State Street. (WEV) L. DR-02-05 - Landscape Plan for Loch Lomond Subdivision - Old Towne LLC: Mark Butler & Old Town LLC., are requesting design review approval for common area landscaping for an 8-lot residential subdivision. The site is located on Braveheart Lane 1320-feet north of Floating Feather Road. (WEV) M. DR-03-05 - Multi-Tenant Office Buildin2 - Summit Financial: Summit Financial, Inc., represented by The Land Group, is requesting design review approval to construct a 6,750-square foot multi-tenant office building The site is located on lot 19 block 4 of Eagle River near the southeast corner of State Highway 44 and S. Eagle Road. (WEV) Zoning Administrator Vaughan removes Item #5F from the Consent Agenda. Guerber removes Item #51 from the Consent Agenda. Bastian moves to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Seconded by Nordstrom. Bastian: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES........... 5F. Findin2s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for PP/FP-5-04 - Loch Lomond Subdivision No.2 - Mark & Linda Butler: Mark and Linda Butler, represented by Land Consultants, Inc., is requesting combined preliminary and final plat approval for Loch Lomond Subdivision No.2, a 9-lot (8-buildable, I-common) residential subdivision. The l6.02-acre development is located west of Park Lane, approximately 600-feet north of Floating Feather Road at 1681 North Park Lane. (WEV) Zoning Administrator Vaughan: On Page 13 of the Findings #15 was a condition regarding stamped concrete pathway. The condition says the applicant shall install a 6' wide stamped concrete crossings spanning Braveheart Lane and all driveways through which the pathway travels. I believe the later part of that sentence "and all driveways through which the pathway travels." was to be stricken. Your discussion was that pathway being stamped only across Braveheart Lane. Bastian moves to approve Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for PP/FP-5-04 - Loch Lomond Subdivision No.2 - Mark & Linda Butler and on Page 13, Item 15, line 3: strike after Bravehart Lane strike "and all driveways through which the pathway travels." Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES........ Page 3 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-O3-08-05min doc 51. DR-136-04 - Buildin2 Wall Si2ns and One Monument Si2n for Albertsons - Albertsons Inc: Albertsons, Inc., represented by Jeff Carico with Image National, Inc., is requesting design review approval to modify and construct a series of four (4) building wall signs and one monument sign. The site is located on the northeast corner of the Eagle Road and State Highway 44 intersection side of East State Street within Eagle Promenade Development at 3172 E. State Street._(WEV) Guerber: I have concerns and questions about the Albertson signage. General discussion on the location of the signage. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: The Design Review Board has recommended denial. An Albertson's representative is here tonight if you want to hear from him. General discussion. Jeff Carico, Image National Signs, representing Albertsons, provides Council an overview of the meetings and discussions in regards to the sign. Further discussion. Guerber moves to table this item to the next City Council meeting on March 22, 2005 and ask the representative to consult with Albertsons and indicate our desire to reduce the amount of signage on the store and come back with proposal for changing the signage as discussed tonight. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. Bastian withdraws his second. Motion fails for lack of a second. Bastian denies the applicant's request for signage on the building and approves the applicant's request for the Monument Sign. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES...................... 6. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: A. Resolution No. 05-05: Authorizing the archiving of records. Mayor introduces the issue. Sedlacek moves to approve Resolution No. 05-05, authorizing the archiving of records. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................... .. B. Resolution No. 05-06: Authorizing the destruction of temporary records. Mayor introduces the issue. Bastian moves to approve Resolution No. 05-06 authorizing the destruction of temporary records. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES............. 7. FINAL PLATS: A. FP-9-04 - Final Plat for Rin!w Rid2e Estates Subdivision No.2 - P.O. Joint Venture Inc.: P.O. Joint Venture Inc., represented by Jim Rees with MTC, Inc. Engineers and Surveyors, is requesting final plat approval for Ringo Ridge Estates Subdivision No.2, an 8.7-acre, 10-lot (8-buildable) residential subdivision located on the Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-O3-08-05min.doc west side of State Highway 55 approximately 800- feet north of Hill Road. The site is within the Eagle City Limits. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: This is has been reviewed in accordance with the Preliminary Plat and conditions of approval and also the discussion that Council had in regards to the open space area and the Plat has been signed in accordance with those requirements. Doug Patterson, 162 Idaho, applicant, discussion on the recommendations. #4 I agree with everything until we get down to ITD property. ITD has a catch pond and they will not let me extend any further to the East. Discussion on the meandering sidewalk. From Hill Road to the property the sidewalk needs to be tied to the curb and gutter, as there is not enough room for a meandering sidewalk. General discussion. This is what we are having trouble with. I agree with everything else. Further discussion on the location of the sidewalks. Sedlacek: I need to declare a conflict as Mr. Patterson and I work together. Council member Sedlacek steps down. Further Council discussion. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Discussion on the sidewalks and the roadways. Larry Sale, ACHD, in order to understand this would take an inspection on the ground and a review of the drawings. Developers typically have not been required to develop the area next to property they do not own. I can't testify on the 60' strip without looking at the drawings. Vern Brewer, City Engineer, we need to study the construction drawings to make a determination. I have not personally been involved in this project, other members of staff have. General discussion. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Discussion on the irrigation system for the common area. 44 lots and the common area could be accommodated by a pressurized irrigation system. General discussion. Bastian moves to approve FP-9-04 - Final Plat for Ringo Ridge Estates Subdivision No.2 with Site Specific #1-4 as presented with an addition to #4 that the developer work with the engineer and ITD in an attempt to provide a planting strip of the East Side of Echo Hawk Way and subject to the approval of staff and one member of the City Council, and the addition of #5 with the language that was read by Bill Vaughan (The automatic irrigation system used for the open space and park area located on the east side ofN. Echo Hawk Way shall be designed so that it can be hooked up to a non-potable pressurized irrigation system and said hook-up shall occur upon the development of the property to the north of Phase 2 (identified as the Loukes property included as part of the preliminary plat for Arbor Ridge Sub.) requiring the use of potable water in this portion the development. Seconded by Page 5 K\COUNCIL\MINUTESITemporary Minutes Work Area\CC-O3-08-0Smin.doc Guerber. Discussion. TWO AYES: ONE NAY: MOTION CARRIES................. .... Further discussion on providing surface water to the property. 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. A-8-04 & RZ-13-04 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT to R-E - Bill Guhrke: Bill Guhrke, represented by Land Consultants Inc., is requesting an annexation and rezone from RUT (Rural Urban Transition) to R-E (Residential Estates - up to one dwelling unit per two acres) for Venice Subdivision. The 5.03-acre development is located south of Beacon Light Road, approximately 1/2 mile west of Eagle Road at 885 West Beacon Light Road. (WEV) B. PP/FP-4-04 - Venice Subdivision - Bill Guhrke: Bill Guhrke, represented by Land Consultants Inc., is requesting combined preliminary plat and final plat approval for Venice Subdivision, a 2-lot (2-buildable) residential subdivision. The 5.03-acre development is located south of Beacon Light Road, approximately 1/2 mile west of Eagle Road at 885 West Beacon Light Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Items #8A and 8B will be heard together but there will be separate motions. Shawn Nickel, Land Consultants, representing the applicant, discussion on the Site Specific Conditions of Approval. Distributes a document address conditions #2, 5 and 6 and discusses the proposed changes. General discussion. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Discussion the proposed changes to the Site Specific Conditions of Approval. Council discussion Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor swears in Bill Guhrke Bill Guhrke, applicant, the 2 acre parcel is for me to building my personal home. Discussion on going underground with the power line. All of the utilities will be underground. Mayor swears in Lisa McNeilly Lisa McNeilly, 2741 N. Anacortes Lane, I have several concerns. One being the power. Discussion on maintenance of the private road and the easement. Concern about the construction on the road. Discussion on the flood irrigation. I'm unsure about when the sidewalks will be installed. General discussion. Bill Ghurke, Idaho Power tells me they can bore under the road. If not I will do a pavement cut. I will keep the site clean. I bought the property when the irrigation was off. If there is something that needs to be done with the irrigation I will do it. Mayor swears in Harold Garrnett Harold Garrnett 2560 N. Anacortes Lane, several of my questions have been addressed Page 6 K.\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-O3-08-05min doc already. Discussion on gas service to the new home. My concern is that the existing gas service would be on the east side of Anacortes Lane very near the existing poles. The irrigation box is of concern to us in regards to flooding. Idaho Power required us to put in an additional transformer. I'm not sure which of the three transformers is going to be used. Mayor closes the Public Hearing. Bill Ghurke: Discusses the gas and power service. Zoning Administrator: The City Engineer has addressed the concerns involving the private street. General discussion. Sedlacek moves to approve A-8-04 & RZ-13-04 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT to R-E Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................. Sedlacek moves to approve PP/FP-4-04 - Venice Subdivision with the following modifications: #2. Insert at the end of the first sentence "if required by the Fire Department"; strike #5; #6 should read "The applicant shall install a street light on the power pole at the intersection of Anacortes Lane and Beacon Light Road. Lighting details and location shall be submitted to the City prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat." Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES..................... C. RZ-15-04 - Rezone from A-R to BP-DA - Glenn Mosell: Glenn Mosell, represented by The Land Group, Inc., is requesting a rezone from A-R (Agricultural- Residential) to BP-DA (Business Park with Development Agreement) for the construction of a self storage facility. The 4.32-acre parcel is located on the south side of Hill Road approximately 240-feet East of State Highway 55 at 2835 East Hill Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Doug Russell, The Land Group, representing the applicant, we are submitting for a rezone application. Displays overheads and provides Council an overview of the rezone request. Weare submitting a development agreement with this application. The comp plan designates this area as a business park. There is frontage on Hill Road and Highway 55. ACHD gave us the option to provide a straight sidewalk or a meandering sidewalk. We will install a meandering sidewalk. Discussion on the set backs. Reads a letter from Doug and Sandy Beckman into the record (this letter is in the Council packet). Discussion on the architecture of the self-storage facility. General discussion. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: I will stand for questions. I agree with Doug's set back presentation. This will be reviewed by the Design Review Board. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor closes the Public Hearing Doug Russell, discusses the Development Agreement. do and we wanted to present you with our ideas. We have a lot of design work to Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-O3-08-05min.doc Guerber moves to approve RZ-15-04 - Rezone from A-R to BP-DA with all the Site Specific Conditions of Approval. Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............. Mayor calls a recess at 10:05 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 10:20 p.m. 9. NEW BUSINESS: A. Ordinance No. 509 ( Senora): An Ordinance Annexing Certain Real Property Situated In The Unincorporated Area Of Ada County, Idaho, And Contiguous To The Corporate Limits Of The City Of Eagle, To The City Of Eagle, Idaho; Establishing The Zoning Classification Of Said Real Property Described Herein; Amending The Zoning Map Of The City Of Eagle To Reflect Said Changes; Directing That Copies Of This Ordinance Be Filed As Provided By Law; And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Guerber moves to continue Ordinance No. 509 (Senora) to the March 22,2005 City Council meeting. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES B. Ordinance No. 507 (Shadow Rid2e) An Ordinance Annexing Certain Real Property Situated In The Unincorporated Area Of Ada County, Idaho, And Contiguous To The Corporate Limits Of The City Of Eagle, To The City Of Eagle, Idaho; Establishing The Zoning Classification Of Said Real Property Described Herein; Amending The Zoning Map Of The City Of Eagle To Reflect Said Changes; Directing That Copies Of This Ordinance Be Filed As Provided By Law; And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Nordstrom moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance #507 be considered after being read once by title only. Nordstrom reads Ordinance #507 by title only. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES................. Nordstrom moves that Ordinance #507 be adopted. Seconded by Bastian. Bastian: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE: Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES......................................... C. Ordinance No. 508 (Loch Lomaond): An Ordinance Annexing Certain Real Property Situated In The Unincorporated Area Of Ada County, Idaho, And Contiguous To The Corporate Limits Of The City Of Eagle, To The City Of Eagle, Idaho; Establishing The Zoning Classification Of Said Real Property Described Herein; Amending The Zoning Map Of The City Of Eagle To Reflect Said Changes; Directing That Copies Of This Ordinance Be Filed As Provided By Law; And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue Bastian moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be Page 8 K\COUNCIL\MINUTESITemporary Minutes Work Area\CC-O3-08-05min.doc dispensed with, and that Ordinance #508 be considered after being read once by title only. Bastian reads Ordinance #508 by title only. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES................. Bastian moves that Ordinance #508 be adopted. Seconded by Guerber. Bastian: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE: Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES......................................... D Review and action on an application for Liquor and Beer License submitted bv Michael McGunness. Mr. McGuinness is requesting Council approval of a Liquor and Beer license for a bar to be located at190 E. State Street. The City Clerk is recommending denial of the application. (SKB) Mayor introduces the issue. This item needs to be continued. Guerber moves to continue the application for Liquor and Beer License submitted by Michael McGunness to the March 22, 2005 City Council meeting. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............... Bastian moves to amend the agenda by bring Item #lOB and C to be heard immediately. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. lOB. ACHD A2reement Collectin2 Impact Fees: (NM) Mayor introduces the issue. Bastian moves to approve the ACHD Agreement Collecting Impact Fees. Seconded by Sedlacek. THREE AYES: ONE NAY: MOTION CARRIES.............. lOCo Resolution No. 05-07:A resolution approving an intergovernmental agreement for the cooperation of development application review and the collection of development impact fees by and between the City of Eagle and the Ada County Highway District ("ACHD"); authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest said agreement on behalf of the City of Eagle; and providing an effective date. (NM) Mayor introduces the issue. Sedlacek moves to approve Resolution No. 05-07, a resolution approving an intergovernmental agreement for the cooperation of development application review and the collection of development impact fees by and between the City of Eagle and the Ada County Highway District ("ACHD"); authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest said agreement on behalf of the City of Eagle; and providing an effective date. Seconded by Bastian. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES............... ..... E. Review and action on increase of 2eneral maintenance contract fees to include the addition of the Ea2le Sports Complex and additional maintenance on parks and pathways due to hi2h usa2e. (SKB) Mayor introduces the issue. General Council discussion. Page 9 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-08-05mmdoc Guerber moves to approve the increase in personnel costs as proposed in the amount of $16,304.64. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. Bastian: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............. F. Purchase of desktop copier/fax: (SKB) Mayor introduces the issue. General discussion. Bastian moves to approve the purchase of a Ricoh Aficio 1515MF copier in the amount $2,088.00. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. Bastian: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: NAY: MOTION CARRIES................ 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Ensi2n Valve out20in2loan a2reement: (SKB) Mayor introduces the issue. City Attorney Buxton: We have approved this contract. The City needs to pay for moving the valve and pay for insurance. General discussion. Bastian moves to approve the Outgoing Loan Agreement. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. Bastian: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................ PRE-COUNCIL REPORTS: Mavor and Council's Report: Nordstrom: Reports on the ongoing conversations with the Sewer District. General discussion. Discussion on development in the foothills and the possibility of an airport in the area. Discussion on the Mayor's Cup Golf Tournament. General discussion. We need to proceed to get a date. Discussion on having a City Manager. Discussion on making the Mayor's position full time. Guerber: The Idaho Parks & Recreation Grant presentation for Hill Road Park is March 23rd. Reports on the Fire Protection District. They are doing an override election to build and man a new station. This would generate $850,000 and would cost each resident $6 a month. General discussion. Discussion on the next Economic Development Committee meeting next week. Staff needs to attend to discuss the land use map. Bastian: Vern and I visited with Vern Schmidt from Qwest and spoke to them about fiber optics in the home. They do have fiber optics close. They have no problem providing fiber optics to business parks. They have never done fiber optics to the home; they think DSL is fast enough. General discussion. Page 10 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-08-0Smin doc I have communicated with Ross Ely, Meridian School District, and I would like to have him meet with our planners to go over the maps and look at possible locations of school sites on Friday. General discussion. Reports on Legislation. General discussion. Reports on the Library Board meeting. Our book circulation with the City of Boise. Boise City pays the Library $39,000 for this circulation. Our collection is going up. This year there will be 53,000 books in the collection. Some of these books are donated. The Library is in the process of changing the catalog system. General discussion. Sedlacek: The seniors are wondering when the Computer Lab is going to begin. A meeting with the Seniors will be next week. Discussion on van usage. Economic Development Committee meeting twice a month. Bastian: Discussion on vandalism at the Library and the installation of lights. They would also like to have better lighting in the front of the building. Bruce Smith discusses water legislation. City Attorney Buxton: Discussion on a meeting with Mark Butler in regards to Walsch. General discussion. Discussion on the meeting with United Water on March 16th. General discussion. Council concurs to have legal representation at this meeting. City Engineer Report: Distributes copies of the Water Master Plan, Volume I and Volume II and discusses the same. This report is written to fulfill the requirements ofDEQ, the requirements for impact fees and to set the stage for judicial confirmation and LID's. This needs to be adopted by Council by Resolution. A copy will go to DEQ and they will make their comments and we will then make an amendment to the Master Plan. It could be a year for the DEQ process. General discussion. We have been asked by some developers outside the city limits and we have declined to do this work. Discussion on the Eagle Sports Park Agreement on the water storage tank location. General discussion. Discussion on the sand well and drilling a new well on the Lexington Hills #2 site. General discussion. City Attorney Report: Discussion on Butler/Walsch meeting. Discussion on e-mail in regards to Idaho Power. I finally got the map today. discussion. Discussion on the McGuinnes liquor license. Reports on the East Hills Reservoir. General City Clerk Report: I distributed the Facilities Manager report for March 2005. You have a copy of the information on the Arts Commission fundraiser. If you have any names to add to the list or corrections on names and addresses please get those to me. Page II K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-08-05mindoc Hill Road Park will have sod this week and will be ready for a dedication ceremony after the week of April 18th. Let me know if you want to go to the Boise Metro Chamber of Commerce 2005 Leadership Conference. Discussion on the RFP for the new City Hall. 3/1 we had the Preliminary Project Review meeting. 3/14 the proposals are due at City Hall. At your meeting on 3/15 the proposals will be reviewed to make sure they are complete and on 3/22 you will interview the developers. The Joint Meeting with ACHD will be after the RFP's are opened. ZGA has been approached to join a development team and they wanted Council to clarify that at this point in time their services for the City have been rendered in full. General discussion. Council concurs that the services of ZGA are no longer required and they are free to consider joining a development team for the construction of the new city hall. The AIC Leadership Conference is in June. Let my office know if you are interested in gOIng. Discussion on the Senior Center Hardwood Floor. Council concurs to have Acorn Hardwood Floors fill the cracks and put a seal coat on the floor. They have discounted their proposal by 50% for a total of $700.00 I have provided you some information on the Water Fund since we are about 6 months into the fiscal year. Zoning Administrator's Report: Discussion on Winding Creek East and the condos that are going to be constructed. One of the requirements was a 25' set back between buildings. When they did the final engineering they will now need to have a 20' set back between the buildings. Council concurs. Reports on the old fire station building. The glass fronts will be going in soon and they are working on the grass area. General discussion. They are still working on the over all plan for the area. Mayor: Mick and I met with Boise City on the joint park. We are working with Dan Torfin to get the road back to the park area. I asked Mick to get a cost on painting the street lights. It is approximately $70.00 each and there are 90 lights. Reports on the Blue Moose allowing the patio to be enclosed. It has now become a new addition to the building and she now has a new patio area staked out. This would cause an increase in parking which they don't have. General discussion. Senator Bunderson and Mike Moyle want to meet on Eagle Island State Park. PAL Soccer is trying to lease space. The Director wants to do gravel pits. A golf course is also being discussed. General discussion. Discussion on Moyle's property tax bill which would eliminate the New Construction Tax Roll. General discussion. 11. ADJOURNMENT: Sedlacek moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES................... .... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 11 :45 p.m. Page 12 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-08-05mlO.doc Respectfully submitted: ~ ~ IL~--~ SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER """"11". ..., aLe "... "~I ~.p.. C ~'#. ..' .1'. v........ "'" ~# .. .....' ...~ .... ~ 0 ",. <>-po.. T B . \ - 1"<" '.. = >". ",0 ~\ 0 ~ - L.. ~ , 0'. . . "". tI( .... .-. .... : .-.0 . VQ.""'. ; u \ 0 ' .t",.~ t::: < : ~" ~ v '!'l ~ $ .. 8. -;;J o~.""" ~ ~, "'" 8..~NCOR~...O~ ..~ .., -r ..... .." "" STA~~ ...." '1 ...." """..11'" APPROVED: L/ Page 13 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-08-0Smindoc PP/FP-4-04 VENICE S ► ':,� r: ION - BILL G U HRKE PUB E `� ARING Mayor: Nal1Ly C:. Merrill i . I. E Council: Stanley I. Bastian THE CITY& EAGLE Stcvc Gticrker CIt eomIL vs Scott Nordstrom Lynne Sedlacek TUESDAY, JA-NU-A-RY 1-f 2005 7:30 P.M. NAME ADDRESS/ TESTIFY TELEPHONE SUBJECT YES/NO? PRO/CON L15f1 NOk)e,1.(lii Z-741 Flnac.of-,LSLi-) Eck<sl.g S3`i l(00( jiq CL/rt z is fi'P imr4?lC `1.3Y-ov3(C r( 1 Y Page 1 11 11 c'ul NC'IL\AGENI)A CLSI(iNl P Vb'PI) ? i Z RZ-15-04 REZO A -R TO BP -DA GLF QQS ELL Mayor: Nancy C. Merrill CITY OF EAGLE Council: Stanley j. Bastian PUBLICHEARING Steve Guerber THE CIiiebti X6GLE sett Nordstrom 9 8l Lynne, Sedlacek NAME CITY COUNCIL ---05 TUESDAY, JAN-UAR-Y4IT2005 7:30 P.M. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY TELEPHONE SUBJECT Page 1 f 1 1I' \COU NC IL\AGENDA\CCS1GNIJN. WPI) YES/NO? PRO/CON A-8-04 & RZ-13-04 A �, ��, TION AND REZONE Merril Fl I ROM RUT TOY - — — BILL GUHRKE • AG Council PUBLIGHEARING THE CIttltittAtLE CITY COUNCIL 3—g--0 5 TUESDAY,--JANUARY-14, 2005 7:30 P.M. \lavor: Nance C. NAME / Stanley J. Bastian Steve Guerber Scott Nordstrom Lynne Sedlacek ADDRESS/ TESTIFY TELEPHONE SUBJECT YES/NO? PRO/CON (1.3 .7 Page 1 f 1 1L\COUNC IL\AG1 NDA\CCSIGNUP WPI) March Council Report Facilities Manager Hill Road Park Construction The small soccer field is complete with grass, the large soccer field and baseball field are about half in sod. Sod should be completed tomorrow. The parking lot is complete, picnic tables are installed, trash cans are installed, pathway is completed. All that remains after sod is roof in backstops, installation of basketball standards, and pathway between parking lot and fields. Water Lynne, Vern and I are meeting with Greg Wyatt on the 16th to discuss the future of Eagle City Water. We will give Greg a copy of the Water Master Plan at that time. City Hall Mold Issue Mold remediation is completed. Rain gutters have been installed, heat ducts have been repaired and cleaned, carpets have been cleaned and filters have been changed. New insulation in the crawl space will be installed next week along with sealing around pipes and replacing the pony walls in the crawl space. New spore samples will be taken later this week to determine the final results. Parks and Pathways The pathway mile markers are being prepared as of this date. Ben Shile is doing this as his Eagle Scout project. He will make 20 concrete discs in his garage and paint them with the appropriate numbers and install them along the pathway starting at Lakeland subdivision and working his way to Merrill Park. The picnic shelters in Friendship and Orval Krasen Parks have been repainted. The fence at Orval Krasen Park has been repainted. The Mayor, Rich Talbert, Jeff Schwers, Stan Swonson, and I met with Boise Parks and Rec. on March 3" to discuss the Boise -Eagle Sports Complex. Boise had prepared a draft sketch that was reviewed and changed. The new sketch will be available next week. Library I am working with Ron Baker to install additional lighting along the back of the library to help deter vandalism. We will install two directional lights on the back of the library outside the patio area to light the dark corners outside the patio. We are waiting for bids to determine who will install the lights. Street Lights The Mayor asked me to investigate the cost to repaint the light poles along State Street and Eagle Road before the upcoming PGA Golf event. The best price I have to date is $70.00 per pole. We have 88 poles that need to be painted and there are 41 privately owned poles that need to be repainted. I am working on other painters but doubt they will be much less because all of the poles need to have one coat of primer and two coats of paint. Sharon Bergmann From: Jennifer Trautman [jtrautman@gwest net] Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 9:38 AM To: Sharon Bergmann Subject: Re: General Maintenance I 1 i Sharon. Page 1 of 1 I visited with Craig this morning to discuss in detail the things he typically does during thew inter months. Ele does the following things on a daily basis: Clean the restrooms at Merrill Park Pick up debris on City Properties Blows sand (roadway debris) off sidewalks Maintains the Christmas lighting and decorations (replacing bulbs etc.) Repairs broken items as needed (benches. swings. etc.) Removes leaves that continue to fall throughout the winter months Removal and dumping of trash cans and replacing with liners Cleanup picnic areas and washes down areas with split drinks or as needed to keep a neat appearance If you need more specific details to include the amount of time spent on each item, I can pull the daily records from this last winter and review them with you. Let me know. Thanks. Jen C c SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 2. Comply with all requirements of the Eagle Fire Department's letter dated December 29, 2004, including the installation of fire protection sprinkler systems in any dwelling unit if required by the e— Fire Department. Approval from the Eagle Fire Department is required prior to the issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy for the dwelling unit. structures and the buildirrg lots shall be placed und'orgrod. Th developG\rhall invescco'all investigate the option of Anacortes Lane fmN3o in li currently in uso 6. The applicant shall install an 1P-Ghtr xd street light on the Power pole at the intersection of Anacortes Lane and Beacon Light Road. Lighting details and location shall be submitted to the City prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. F1 Linda Goldman Real Estate Consultant 208-409-7867 208-361-7534 fax March 7, 2005 Dear City Council Members, Attached you will find a list compiled by The Arts Commission and the Eagle Chamber to be used for the Thomas Aikens Fund Raiser. Each of these people will receive an invitation to the party which is scheduled for April 2, 2004. We would appreciate any additional names you think should be added to the list as well as any corrections to the current names and addresses. If you are aware of a spouses name that should be added to the list, please do so. Also, if you notice any incorrect spellings or addresses, please make a note of those. We know your days are full, and we would really appreciate it if .you could review and return your list to City Hall by Friday, March 11. Thank you so much for your help with this list. This is a very important event for the Arts Commission that will allow us to raise money for our public art installation, and it will also allow us to begin building a list of arts patrons and volunteers. Please let me know if there are any questions I can answer about this list or the event. Sincerely, Z,,,,„1„. Linda Goldman *Prudential Jensen Neal Estate Box 756, Eagle, Idaho 83616 Linda@LindaGoldman.com www.LindaGoldman.com A 1 LAST NAME 2 Afshar 3 Agrusa 4 Alfen 5 Anderson 6 Archer 7 Arnold 8 Bagerly 9 Bagert 10 Band 11 Banks 12 Bassett 13 Bastian 14 Bath 15 Berguson 16 Birkholz 17 Bivens 18 Bolen 19 Bothwell 20 Bottles 21 Boyle 22 Bradley 23 Brandt 24 Brewer _ 25 Brooks 26 Buchanan 27 Burchfield 28 Burke 29 Butler 30 Cameron 31 Cariago 32 Carlise 33 Carlson 34 Castaneda 35 Clapp 36 Clark 37 Clark . 38 Clark 39 Clarno 40 Clegg 41 Clinkingbeard B FIRST NAME Shah Francie and Phillip Dr. Ryan j Diana Jody Ted Tracy Michael James iBob Karla and Marty Stan Ron and Teri Bergi and Jan William (Willy) !Dave Bill Glenn Mark Suzie Bert Eagle Arts Commission Fundraising Mailing List C D I E 1 ADDRESS CITY , STATE 700 E. State St. Eagle i Idaho 2631 W. Conifer Drive Eagle Idaho 483 South Rivershore Lane Eagle _ Idaho 6126 W. State Street Boise Idaho 1036 East Iron Eagle Drive, Suite 120 Eagle 209 South Eagle Road 1542 N. Parkforest Way 1379 S Island Glenn Way 1369 E. Nest View Court 1729 Whitby 9770 West State Street -__ 2354 Star Ln. 11449 MedinahCt. '4845 N. Curfew Ln. 5418 N. Eagle Road Hans and Shannon 1548 S. Island Glenn Way 1745 Crest Rd. 3805 Golden _ 16335 N. Horseshoe Bend Rd. 595 E. State Street Vernon and Anita ;Jim Dennis ,Darrell and Laurie Tim and Mary Mark and Linda Michelle Nino Chuck Herb ~Alfonso and Jan n 'Sandra I Rick Bill Dr. Taylor Randy and Sally • Doug and Sandy Cynthia 2876 W. Timber 52 North 2nd Street :1632 Timbre Dr. Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Boise 'Boise Meridian Eagle Eagle Boise l Eagle !Caldwell Eagle Boise Eagle Eagle Eagle Caldwell 485 E Riversldahoe Drive, Suite 10.0 Eagle PO Box 1238 142.7 S. Island Glenn Way PO Box 2660 6019 North Eagle Road 661 S. Rivershore Ln. #120 _1091 W. Pinnacle Way 333 W. State St. #A Eagle Eagle Eagle_ Eagle Eagle _Eagle Eagle Idaho Idaho _Idaho Idaho ;Idaho Idaho F 1 G I H ZIP PHONE L _COMPANY 83616 1 Customedica Pharmacy 83616. _ L 83616 North Channel Dentistry 83703 SelEquity 83616 'Progressive Financial Services 83616 :J Bar K & Associates, Inc. 836161 _ 83616 Holland Realty 83616- 83702' Idaho 83714 'Idaho j_ _ 83642 t- lldaho 83616 Idaho 83616 1Franz Witte Landscape Nursery 83713; Mark Bottles Real Estate Services 1Young Morgtgage Idaho 83616 Idaho 83607 Idaho 83616 83714' 83616F Coldwell Banker 83616 i 83616T - Land Consultants, Inc. 836071 Cable One Sunset Mortgage Idaho Idaho Idaho • Idaho • Idaho 83616'938-4270 Eagle River LLC Idaho 83616, Independent Rancher Idaho 83616L _ Idaho 8361.6' Sandra L. Clapp & Associates Colliers International Idaho T 836161 AII About You Dental Idaho 83616 938-4655 Vision First Idaho 83616' Brookwood Idaho 83616 H.O.P.E. Health Centers A 42 Coelho 43 Craig 44 Crawford 45 Crosby 46 Davis 47 Dayton 48 Densmer 49 Dickey 50 Doane -Mann 51 Domeny_ 52 Donica 53 Dover 54 Eras 55 Erhart 56 Esposito 57 Evans 58 Evans 59 Evans 60 Fisher 61 Foreman 62 Franden 63 Frazier 64 Gandiaga 65 Gerber 66 Gerosin 67 Gestrin 68 Gifford 69 Goldman 70 Goldman 71 Goodrich 72 Graham 73 Guerber 74 Guho 75 Hadley 76 Hamlin 77 Hartley 78 Hawke 79 Hawkes 80 Hayhurst 81 Hicks 82 Holloway B Larry and Vicky Senator Larry Don Wayne and Jane Dr. Greg Daytona Jason Dave and Maureen Lyla ISharron Carla Peter Erica Milt John and Lexi John Glenda •Zach Weldon Laura John and Janet _ Jeff and Wendi Lisa Lloyd Peggy and Dan Barbara and Bruce 'Michael 1 Howard and Dottie Linda Greg Dean Steve Mark .Stephanie and Brent Bob and Carol . Greg and Tammy Ryan and Suzy Scott and Jessica Clayne Tom Eagle Arts Commission Fundraising Mailing List I CD I E I ,1800 W. Woods Gulch • 1035 Edgewood Ln. 50 E. State St. 467 South Rivershore Lane 1789 East Laurelwood Drive 391 West state Street Suite E 402 South Eagle Road 6126 W. State Street 228 East Plaza Drive, Suite P 408 South Eagle Road, Suite #109 800 W. Bannock 354 N. Cove Colony Way 5699 N. Riffle Way 1300 E. State St. Ste 100 1507 S. Fitness Place 546 E. Beacon Light PO Box 1327 2300 E. Buckskin Ct. 1452 S. Island Glenn Way 145 East Riversldahoe Drive 3420 N. Shadow Hills Dr. 1664 S. Rivershore 661 S. Rivershore Drive, Suite 200 3837 N. Green Valley Drive P.O. Box 756 1400 E. Falconrim Ct. 699 Ranch Drive 391 West State Street, Suite G 136 South Academy Ave 2312 Brisbane Court 276 N. Baltic Place 1948 E. Cypress Point Drive 193 W. River Trail Drive 250 South eagle Road Eagle Idaho ! Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Boise Eagle Eagle F 1 83616 Idaho 83616 Idaho 83616 Idaho 83616 Idaho 83616 Idaho 83616 Idaho 83616 Idaho Idaho Idaho Boise Idaho Eagle Idaho 1 Garden City Idaho 8370.3 83616 83616- 83702 83616. 83703 4 Eagle Idaho 83616 Eagle 1Idaho Eagle Idaho Mountain Home Idaho Eagle Idaho 83616. Eagle Idaho 83616 Eagle Idaho 83616 Eagle Idaho 83616. Eagle Idaho 83616~ Eagle :Idaho 836161 G H Eagle Rivershore Dental Daytona & Friends Roylance & Associates Idaho Banking Holland Realty SelEquity 'Peddlers Fine Gifts American Family Insurance Countrywldahoe Home Loans Wachovia Securities i Idaho One Realty 83616 i Zach Evans Construction 83616 83647; 587-7542 'Johnson Brothers Hospitality Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle .Eagle Eagle Eagle Meridian • Idaho Idaho 836161 83616: Idaho 83616 Idaho 83616 Idaho 83616 Idaho 83616 83616 83642 Eagle Idaho 83616 Eagle Idaho 83616 Eagle Idaho 83616 Hilton Garden Inn Group One Premiere Mortgage Guho Corporation Eagle Counseling Center 'Hartley Concrete Dirt Works Idaho Business Review Top Ten List Brookwood Albertson's A 83 Holt 84 Hope 85 Howard 86 Hughes 87 Hummel 88 Hutt 89 Hutt 90 Kauffman 91 Kennedy 92 King -Powers 93 Koga 94 Kunkler 95 Kunkler 96 Lake 97 Laraway 98 Larson 99 Lee 100 Lliff 101 Longson 102 Lund 103 Luque 104 Madary 105 Mahaffey 106 Malmstrom 107 Maneleey _ 108 Markland 109 Marks 110 Martin 111 Martin 112 Martinez __ _ 113 Martinez 114 Martz 115 Masner 116 McConnell 117 MCConnell 118 McDaniel 119 Merkle 120 Merrill 121 Merrill 122 Miller 123 Miller B Janet and R.D. Dorothy Sally Des Michael Don Judy and Ron Mike George Stacey Davldaho Fred Rick Dorothy and Jim !Larry Dr. Don !Larry !George - ! Lee and Leann 1Judy Marion and John Katharina j Lloyd and Judy Barb Larry Tia Cliff Frank Jamin and Katharine ;11075 Old Highway 55 Steve and Camille 9165 W. State Street Ted and Debbie _19165 West state Street Harry and Kim 16.131 Franklin Road 3168 S. Whitepost Way 595 E. State Street 664 Rivershore Drive • 1447 East State Street 2150 N. Canter Place 1246 E. Dickey Circle 857 Plaza Drive, Ste. # 110 1880 West Campo Lane Capital Eagle Arts Commission Fundraising Mailing List I C 1 D I E 13210West Chinden Blvd. 228 East Plaza Drive, Suite I 661 Rivershore Ln. - - 501 Front Street 1393 S. Loder Place 15711 Hwy 55 3701 N. Hwy 16 1617 N. Dunsmuir Way 462 East Shore Drive F I G Eagle Idaho I 83616 Eagle � Idaho 83616 Eagle _ ; Idaho 83616~ Boise ;Idaho k 83702 • Meridian i Idaho 836421 Boise ;Idaho 83714 Eagle ildaho j 836161 Eagle ildaho 83616 Eagle 228 East Plaza Drive, SuiteF__ 595 E. State Street 700 East State Street 13210 East Chinden Blvd 475 S. Capitol Blvd. #300 707 N. Eagle Road 1641 East Riverchase Way 1951 E. Plaza Drive, Ste 110 PO Box 207 82 E. State St. Ste. B 408 S. Eagle Road, Suite 108 2310 E. Chinden 1P0 Box 1878 PO Box 624 Morgan and Julie Julie Ron Drew Jim and Anna Nancy and Gayland Reldaho and Cari Jill Amy Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Boise Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle 'Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle • Boise Boise Boise 'Nampa Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Idaho 83616 Idaho 1 83616— Idaho i 83616 Idaho ! 83616 Idaho 83616 Idaho 83702 Idaho Idaho !Idaho 'Idaho Idaho Idaho Idaho Idaho Idaho Idaho Idaho Idaho Idaho I H Mirabella MedSpa Hope Blooms Flowers & Things Group One Windermere Capital Group Shadow Valley Golf Course Title One The Land Group, Inc. Chef Shoppe Coldwell Banker Donald E. Larson DMD !Eagle City Market ;Colliers International 83616 83616 j Mary Kay Cosmetics 83616 Rocky Mountain Health and Wellness 836161 Treasure Valley Joumal 83616 938-4990 j 83616 83616 83616 83616 83714 83714, 83714 83687 Idaho 83616, Idaho ' 83616 }Idaho 83616 Idaho 83616 Idaho 83616 Idaho 83616 Idaho 83616 Idaho 83616 jHolland Realty City Market I Eagle Magazine Summer Lawns, Inc. Tradewinds Building Company Tradewinds Building Company Power Enterprises I Coldwell Banker Silverhawk Realty Precision Panel Structures Rocky Mountain Fitness & Rec. Jill Miller Interiors Holland Realty Eagle Arts Commission Fundraising Mailing List A I B I C 124 Miller Amy 8665 West Emerald, Suite 200 125 Minas I Michael .100 Cottonwood Ct. #15 0 126 Molenaar - Schram ',Ann M_ arie 3201 E Chinden Blvd 127 Morgan Mary Ann 408 S. Eagle Road, Suite 108__ 128 Nauahi Melody 2808 East State Street 129 Navert Rich and Robyn 128 W. River Trail Drive 130 Nelson _ Helena 7311 Potomac 131 Nemec Aaron 609 W. Colchester 132 Niccolls Bob PO Box 969 133 Nickel Shawn and Leslie 1442 E. Prohaska Court 134 Nordstrom 'Scott 2590W. Timber Drive 135 O'Leary -Molly 99 East State Street 136 Preston Naomi 83 E. State St. 137 Priddy Mark and Jeanette PO Box 639 138 Proctor Glen 599 S. Rivershore Lane 139 Ralston- . Larry _ PO Box 1349 140 Rausch Joe 779 East State Street 141 Reed Bill and Tami 238 East State Street 142 Reid Tim and Kim 2199 N. Aldercrest Place 143 Rice Tina T408 S. Eagle Road, Suite 108 144 Roberts Max and Debbie 1P0 Box 2560 145 Roe .Richard 408 S. Eagle Road, Suite 10.8 146 Roghani Foad 175 S. Rosebud Ln. 147 Roque Tony 3120 E. Chinden Blvd • Louise 600 N. Rivershore Lane, Suite 100 Eagle 148 Russell 149 Ryan 150 Schrack 151 Schwartz 152 Schwers 153 Scott 154 Sedlacek 155 Seiber 156 Seil_ 157 Self 158 Settles 159 Sharpe -Wolf 160 Sidio . 161 Simmons_ 162 Simon 163 Simpson 164 Smith I D I E I Boise - Idaho Eagle I Idaho ! Eagle _ Idaho Eagle !Idaho 'Eagle _ Idaho Eagle Idaho Boise Idaho Eagle I Idaho Eagle Idaho Eagle 1Idaho Eagle ' Idaho Eagle _ Idaho Eagle Idaho Eagle ! Idaho T Eagle Idaho j Eagle _ _ Idaho Eagle 'Idaho j Eagle I Idaho Eagle j Idaho Eagle 'Idaho I Eagle Idaho Eagle _ _ Idaho Eagle Idaho Eagle 7idaho Idaho Idaho Idaho Idaho Idaho Idaho Eagle Idaho Boise !Idaho Eagle 'Idaho Eagle ~Idaho Boise Idaho Boise .Idaho John Lee and Brook Larry Jeff and Shelly 'Dan and Diane Lynne and Ron 'Rich Mike - - -- - -- Lee -Kevin Greg Peggy Roger _ Tamara Dr. Gilbert Rick and Sandy 408 E. .41st St. 1750 W. Front Ste_ 120 190 E. State St. 395 W. State St. 1624 N. Kenwood Place 1200 Hereford Drive 6126 W. State Street 931 East State Street Box 159___ 80 W. Cottonwood Ct. #100 PO Box 1558 6126 W. State Street 951 E. Plaza Dr. #170 577 East State Street 503 South Eagle Road Boise Boise Eagle .Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Idaho Idaho Idaho F 1 83704 83616 836161 83616' 83616 83616 83704 83616 836161 83616 83616 83616 83616j. 83616! 836161 836161- 83616:'' 83616'_ 83616 83616 83616 836161 83616! 83616 83616 83714 83702 83616' 83616 83616 83616'_ 83703' 83616 836161 83701. 83703 j _ 83616 83616 83616 G 1 Transnation Title River Medical Family Practice H Molenaar Jewelers Holland Realty Home Depot First American Title Company Robert S. Niccolls, CLU Richardson & O'Leary Wild West Bakery Con Agra Foods Capitol Building Co. Wright Brothers (building comp.) Reed Cycle & Ski 'Holland Realty ,Roberts Custom Homes, Inc. Holland Realty Camille Beckman Corp. i Ruby Lou Smoky Mountain l andamerica Transnation Title/Escrow daVinci's Eye 2 Eye Brookwood SelEquity Evan's Building Center Bardenay SelEquity Rocky Mountain OB GYN Eagle Dental Office North Channel Chevron A 165 Smith 166 Sorenson 167 Sprinkel 168 Steach 169 Steed 170 Steinwald 171 Stingley 172 Tate 173 Taunton 174 Taylor 175 Therrien 176 Thiry 177 Thomason 178 Tijerina 179 Torfin 180 Transtrum 181 VanEnglen 182 Vemon 183 Wagner 184 Wagner 185 Warbis 186 Wardle 187 Wamer 188 Weaver 189 Weeks 190 Williams 191 Wright 192 Yzaguirre 193 194 195 Eberharter 196 Martin Frank 197 Decker Jerry B Sam and Holly Shawn Herb and Heidi Theresa Randy Eva Scott Eric Bob Bill Eagle Arts Commission Fundraising Mailing List I C 1 D I E '1188 S. Island Glenn Way 1Eagle 1408 S. Eagle Rd. #100 f Eagle 1347 W. River Trail Drive Eagle 67 E. State St. Eagle 1250 East Iron Eagle Drive Eagle 17088n W. HolliynnDrive_- Eagle LPO Box 7338 1485 E. Riversldahoe Dr. #300 1400 Taylor St. •Marcella and Greg 1523 W. Two Rivers Drive Denise Frank Carlos Dan and Ann George Craig and Kristen 16126 W. State Street •Louann -- - -- - -- - _ - 501 Front Street PO Box 1790 750 W. Idaho 659 E. . River Quarry Way 11121 E. State Street, Suite 107 Jerry Ron and Debra 3240 West Chinden Blvd • Mark s _802 West Bannock, Suite #101 Shawn 2999 N. Lake harbor Ln. Aaron 408 S. Eagle Rd. #100 , Tawni -- --- - - 1Cheryl vPO Box 668 - Jim 48 N. Palmetto Ave. Bob and Teri Box 637 Rick and Sandy PO Box 907 1 F � G Idaho 836161 Idaho 83616: 'Idaho 836161 Idaho 83616 Idaho 83616 }Idaho 83616' 7 Boise Idaho 83707 Eagle 'Idaho : 8361619.3.9-0343 Eagle I da1 o 83616 1 Eagle daho } 836161938-3305 Boise Idaho 83702' Eagle Idaho 83616 ~Boise Idaho 83702 Eagle_ Idaho 83616 'Eagle Idaho 83616 Boise Idaho 83703' 'Meridian Idaho ; 836421 Idaho 83702 Boise •Idaho 83703'884-4635 Eagle Idaho 83616- Eagle 'Idaho 83616 Eagle Idaho 1 83616 _ Eagle Idaho 83616 Eagle Ildaho 83616 1 1 Boise H Eagle Vision One Eagle Historical Society Steed Construction Pacific Martial Arts Premiere Mortgage Tates Rents, Inc. Suncor Windermere Capita_ l Group Valley Times Mai Thai Restaurant D.K. Commercial SelEquity Holland Realty Wagner Farms Otter, Butch Representative x107 Eagle Vision One ReNu Medispa jAccounting Concepts, LLC Wright Brothers White Cloud Mountain Coffee ,..,•--; ,, ,.. -,, • f - -,. .., -; ,; "i ‘-,.. •-, i t- • A ll : .. .:,,f).:g;;.0.:, • ' ." voli.: .. ' :1,.. . .:.;.-:..,...,:,. :. . i x,i,,,, • .r., The Eagle Arts Commission Invites you to be a part of the Thomas Aikens Fund Raising Event. Join us for an evening of hors d'oeuvre, refreshments, live music and a silent auction. All proceeds to benefit the Thomas Aikens life size bronze lto be installed in historic downtown Eagle. Saturday, April 2, 2005 at 6pm Ticker"are $100 per person At the home of Howard and Dorothy Goldman 3837 North Green Valley Way, Eagle (rt-ec t -n c— L-10 j - 7Se / Directions. From State Street, north on Eagle Road, west on Beacon tight, north on Osprey, east on Valli Hi which turns in to Green Valley Way F4».74 -a*. -w -a:, :«r c�cexmvEr, r 774=71 77,1= 7,7 p Yes, we plan to attend. Our check for $ is enclosed. Name of Attendees: p No, we can't attend. Enclosed please find a donation toward this event. RSVP by March 25, 2005 Proceeds to benefit the Eagle Arts Commission Thomas Aikens Public Art Project. Checks only please, payable to the City of Eagle. UNITED WATER RECEIVABLES 10/04 New Contract Electronically Transferred into City Bank Account DATE AMOUNT 11/22/04 1/14/05 2/9/05 3/1/05 NOTES 7,981.88 For October Collection 52,151.66 Nov Collection - $26,953.08 Dec Collection - $25,198.58 32,991.79 Jan Collection 22,292.39 Feb Collection 115,417.72 TOTAL TO DATE UNITED WATER PAYABLES 10/04 New Contract Paid Monthly DATE 10/19/04 11/23/04 12/14/04 1/11/05 2/8/05 L.;-zf---or cc, AMOUNT NOTES 33,125.00 9/15/04-9/30/04 1/2 month 11041.67 + 10/04 $22,083.33 22,131.25 November 22,163.03 December 22,258.66 January 22,126.05 February 121,803.99 TOTAL TO DATE K:1Clerks\Water CompanylNew UW Contract 9-20041Monthly Collection Transfers State of Idaho Local Government Investment Pool S TAT E M CITY OF EAGLE SHARON K. BERGMANN P.O. BOX 1520 EAGLE, ID 83616-9102 BE$E►VED��gILEDA CIN OF (3LE NGV 0 3 2004 File' Route tri' :COUNT RON G. CRANE State Treasurer Denise D. Shields Administrator PAGE: 1 reriud ---- (2y01/04 ---10/01/04 through 10/31/04 Current -Yield: 2.5367 Account -Number: 2178-2047 Prior Balance Contributions Accrued Earnings Received 124,751.68 234.19 New Balance 87,871.58 Withdrawals 37,114.29 Earnings Reinvested 234.19 DATE ===== 10/01/04 12/04 10/20/04 10/31/04 10/31/04 T ACTIVITY AMOUNT BALANCE Forward Balance Withdrawal Withdrawal Reinvestment Ending Balance WIRE ACH Average daily invested balance during period: 6,552.50-°- 30,561.79-- 234.19 ,552.5030,561.79234.19 108,701.44 124,751.68 118,199.18 87,637.39 87,871.58 87,871.58 o ECRU P.O. Box 83720 • Boise, Idaho 83720-0091 • 208-332-2980 • 800-448-5447 • FAX 208-332-2961 • Web Site http://www2.state.id.us/lgip State of Idaho Local Government Investme t Pc 032005 c De se D. Shields Plia ministrator et5 t ---- STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT l 07-- ��: ` ON G. CRANE JiVLS Sta e Treasurer CITY OF EAGLE SHARON K. BERGMANN P.O. BOX 1520. EAGLE, ID 83616-9102 PAGE: 1 ccount i'erioa -- 2/01/05 through 2/28/05 Current -Yield: 2.0508 Account -Number: 2178-2047 Prior Balance 13,188.77 New Balance Contributions 7,310.89 Withdrawals Accrued Earnings Received 31.02 Earnings Reinvested 20,530.68 31.02 DATE ACTIVITY AMOUNT BALANCE 2/01/05 Forward Balance 13,188.77 ../04/05 Contribution ACH 7,310.89 2/28/05 Reinvestment 31.02 2/28/05 Ending Balance Average daily invested balance during period: 19,717.46 20,499.66 20,530.68 P.O. Box 83720 • Boise. Idaho 83720-0091 • 208-332-2980 • 800-448-5447 • FAX 208-332-2961 • Web Site http://www2.state.id.us/Igip/ CITY OF EAGLE WATER FUND BANK BALANCE FIRST SECURITY BANK Oct -04 DATE 10/12 10/7 10/7 10/18 10/20 10/19 10/22 10/28 DESCRIPTION BALANCE FORWARD TRANS FROM STATE TREAS VOUCHERS - SEPT 04 DEPOSIT DEPOSIT TRANS FROM STATE TREAS VOUCHER DEPOSIT DEPOSIT I WATER REVENUE WATER EXP NITURES' 6,552.50 850.00 850.00 30,561.79 850.00 5,100.00 -2,927.75 -33,125.00 TOTAL TRANSACTION 6,552.50 -2,927.75 850.00 850.00 30,561.79 -33,125.00 850.00 5,100.00 CASH ACCT BALANCE 863.21 7,415.71 4,487.96 5,337.96 6,187.96 36,749.75 3,624.75 4,474.75 9,574.75 CITY OF EAGLE WATER FUND BANK BALANCE FIRST SECURITY BANK Nov -04 DATE 11/5 11/9 11/10 11/10 11/17 11/18 11/23 11/24 11/23 11/29 11/30 DESCRIPTION BALANCE FORWARD DEPOSIT VOUCHERS TRANS TO STATE TREASURER DEPOSIT DEPOSIT DEPOSIT VOUCHERS TRANS FROM ST TREAS DEPOSIT DEPOSIT DEPOSIT UNITED WATER WATER REVENUE 850.00 1,700.00 1,700.00 850.00 31,000.00 850.00 1,700.00 7,981.88 WATER EXPENDITURES TOTAL TRANSACTION 850.00 -3,443.28 -3,443.28 -3,356.72 -3,356.72 1,700.00 1,700.00 850.00 -33,700.32 -33,700.32 31, 000.00 850.00 1,700.00 7,981.88 CASH ACCT BALANCE 9,574.75 10,424.75 6,981.47 3,624.75 5,324.75 7,024.75 7,874.75 -25,825.57 5,174.43 6,024.43 7,724.43 15,706.31 CITY OF EAGLE WATER FUND BANK BALANCE FIRST SECURITY BANK Dec-04 WATER 1 WATERTOTAL CASH ACCT DATE DESCRIPTION REVENUE XPENDITURE RANSACTIO BALANCE BALANCE FORWARD 15,706.31 12/7 VOUCHERS -2,313.53 -2,313.53 13,392.78 12/8 DEPOSIT 850.00 850.00 14,242.78 12/10 TRANSFER TO STATE TREAS -1,786.15 -1,786.15 12,456.63 12/14 VOUCHERS -22,163.03 -22,163.03 -9,706.40 12/15 TRANS FROM STATE TREAS 21,313.03 21,313.03 11,606.63 12/20 DEPOSIT 850.00 850.00 12,456.63 12/21 DEPOSIT 1,700.00 1,700.00 14,156.63 12/28 VOUCHERS -8,115.25 -8,115.25 6,041.38 12/29 TRANSFER FRM ST TREASURER 5,600.00 5,600.00 11,641.38 12/28 DEPOSIT 850.00 850.00 12,491.38 CITY OF EAGLE WATER FUND BANK BALANCE FIRST SECURITY BANK Jan -05 DATE 1/6 1/10 1111 1/12 1/25 1/27 1/14 DESCRIPTION Balance Forward DEPOSIT DEPOSIT voucher Transfer from St. Treas voucher DEPOSIT UNITED WATER DEPOSIT I WATER WATER TOTAL REVENUEI EXPENDITURES I TRANSACTION I CASHTRANSACTION 12,491.38 1,700.00 14,191.38 850.00 15,041.38 22,196.00 1,700.00 52,151.66 1,700.00 850.00 1,700.00 850.00 -29,255.20 -29,255.20 22,196.00 -2,371.29 -2,371.29 1,700.00 52,151.66 -14,213.82 7,982.18 5,610.89 7,310.89 59,462.55 CITY OF EAGLE WATER FUND BANK BALANCE FIRST SECURITY BANK Feb -05 DATE 2/2 2/4 2/4 2/7 2/8 2/14 2/15 2/16 2/18 2/22 2/23 2/9 DESCRIPTION Balance Forward deposit TRANSFER TO STATE TREAS deposit vouchers vouchers deposit deposit deposit vouchers VOUCHERS deposit UNITED WATER - JAN WATER REVENUE 1,700.00 850.00 850.00 850.00 850.00 850.00 32,991.79 WATER I TOTAL I CASH ACCT EXPENDITURES TRANSACTION BALANCE 59,462.55 1,700.00 61,162.55 -7,310.89 -7,310.89 53,851.66 850.00 54,701.66 -13,481.14 -13,481.14 41,220.52 -22,468.41 -22,468.41 18,752.11 850.00 19,602.11 850.00 20,452.11 850.00 21,302.11 -861.75 -861.75 20,440.36 -3,386.89 -3,386.89 17,053.47 850.00 17,903.47 32,991.79 50,895.26 CITY OF EAGLE WATER FUND BANK BALANCE FIRST SECURITY BANK Mar-05 WATER I WATER 1 TOTAL I CASH ACCT DATE I DESCRIPTION I REVENUE I EXPENDITURES TRANSACTION I BALANCE Balance Forward 50,895.26 3/1 UNITED WATER DEPOSIT-FEB 22,292.39 22,292.39 73,187.65 City of Eagle Detail Ledger Page: Period: 10/04 - 02/05 Mar 07, 2005 07:03y Report Criteria: Account.Acct No = 6004341000, 6004341100, 6004344200, 6004344201, 6004345800 Actual Amounts Summarize Payroll Detail Date Journal Ref No Payee or Description GL Acct No Debit Amount Credit Amount Balance WATER MASTER PLAN 10/1/2004 ( 00/04 ) Balance 60-0434-10-00 .00 12/27/2004 AP 260 Holladay Engineering 83 6,372.75 /31/2004 (12/04) Period Totals and Balance 6,372.75 * .00 * 6,372.75 2/7/2005 AP 45 Holladay Engineering R3 12,322.14 82005 (02/05) Period Totals and Balance 12,322.14 * .00 * 18,694.89 YTD Encumbrances .00 YTD Actual 18,694.89 Total 18,694.89YTD Budget 25,500.00 Unexpended 6,805.11 WATER -OPERATE EXPS- UNITED WTR 10/1/2004 ( 00/04 ) Balance 60-0434-11-00 .00 10/19/2004 AP 57 United Water Operatio 413 33,125.00 /31/2004 (10/04) Period Totals and Balance 33,125.00 * .00 * 33,125.00 11/232004 AP 228 United Water Idaho 155 22,131.25 /30/2004 (11/04) Period Totals and Balance 22,131.25 * .00 * 55,256.25 12/13/2004 AP 156 United Water Idaho 155 22,163.03 /31/2004 (12/04) Period Totals and Balance 22,163.03 * .00 * 77,419.28 1/112005 AP 58 United Water Idaho 155 22,258.66 12005 (01/05) Period Totals and encu 22,258.66 * .00 * 99,677.94 2/7/2005 AP 71 United Water Idaho 155 22,126.05 2/7/2005 AP 72 United Water Idaho 155 22,126.05 - 2/82005 AP 153 United Water Operatio 413 22,126.05 282005 (02/05) Period Totals and Balance- 44,252.10 * 22,126.05 -* 121,803.9 YTD Encumbrances .00 YTD Actual 121,803.99 Total 121,803.99 Budget 255,210.00 Unexpended 133,406.0. WATER/ENGINEERING 10/1/2004 ( 00/04 ) Balance 60-0434-42-00 .00 10/72004 JE 28 charged to incorrect account 5,952.50 10/72004 JE 31 account correction 2,327.75 - 10/72004 JE 40 Reverse JE 10/7/04 5,952.50 - 10/72004 JE 41 Reverse JE 10/7/04 2,327.75 10/7/2004 JE 42 Holladay Engineering Oct fees 2,327.75 10/7/2004 JE 53 Correct JE Engineering Fees 3,436.75 - 10/72004 JE 54 Correct JE Engineeing Fees 188.00 - 10/72004 JE 56 Correct JE Engineering Fees 2,327.75 - /312004 (10/04) Period Totals and Balance 10,608.00 * 14,232.75 - * 3,624.75 - 11232004 AP 179 Holladay Engineering 83 6,903.64 11/23/2004 JE 5 charged to incorrect account 6,903.64 11/23/2004 JE 12 account correction 420.50 - 11232004 JE 25 Revers AP 11/23 6,903.64 - 11232004 JE 26 Reverse JE 11/23 6,903.64 - 11232004 JE 27 Reverse JE 11/23 420.50 11/23/2004 JE 28 Holladay Engineering Fees Nov 420.50 /30/2004 (11/04) Period Totals and Balance 14,648.28 * 14,227.78 -* 3,204.25 - 1227/2004 AP 261 Holladay Engineering 83 1,742.50 /31/2004 (12/04) Period Totals and Balance 1,742.50 * .00 * 1,461.75 - 2/72005 AP 46 Holladay Engineering 83 1,159.00 2/18/2005 AP 185 Holladay Engineering 83 861.75 5) Period Totals and aa_. 2,020.75 * .00 * YTD Encumbrances .00 YTD Actual 559.00 Total 559.00( YTD Budget 25,000.0 I UnexEended 24,441.0 City of Eagle Detail Ledger Page: Period: 10/04 - 02/05 Mar 07, 2005 07:03r Date Journal Ref No Payee or Description GL Acct No Debit Amount Credit Amount Balance WATER/LEGAL SERVICES 10/1/2004 ( 00/04 ) Balance 60-0434-42-01 .00 11/8/2004 AP 32 Moore Smith Buxton & 109 2,363.28 11/232004 AP 191 Moore Smith Buxton & 109 2,857.32 /30/2004 (11/04) Period Totals and Balance 5,220.60 * .00 * 5,220.60 12/7/2004 AP 35 Moore Smith Buxton & 109 891.17 /31/2004 (12/04) Period Totals and Balance 891.17 * .00 * 6,111.77 1/25/2005 AP 199 Moore Smith Buxton & 109 2,371.29 /31/2005 (01/05) Period Totals and Balance 2,371.29 * .00 * 8,483.06 2/22/2005 AP 241 Moore Smith Bunton ./ 109 3,386.89 (728/2005 (02/05) Period Totals and Balanc_1> 3,386.89 * .00 * 11,869.95 YTD Encumbrances .00 YTD Actual 11,869.95 Total 11,869.95 60,000.00�Jnexpended 48,130.05 WATER REPAIR/MAINTENANCE 10/1/2004 ( 00/04 ) Balance 60-0434-58-00 .00 /28/2005 (02/05) Period Totals and Balance .00 * .00 * .00 YTD Encumbrances .00 YTD Actual .00 Total .00 YTD Budget .00 Unexpended .00 (60) WATER FUND Totals: No. of Transactions: 32 No. of Accounts: 5 Totals: 203,514.41 50,586.58 - 152,927.83 Grand Totals: No. of Transactions: 32 No. of Accounts: 5 Totals: 203,514.41 50,586.58 - 152,927.83 Report Criteria: Account.Acct No = 6004341000, 6004341100, 6004344200, 6004344201, 6004345800 Actual Amounts Summarize Payroll Detail