Minutes - 2005 - City Council - 02/17/2005 - Regular ORIGINAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes February 17,2005 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor calls the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, SEDLACEK, GUERBER, NORDSTROM. Nordstrom is absent. A quorum is present. 3. NEW BUSINESS: A. Appointment and confirmation of 3 members for the Committee of Nine proceedines with Ada County. Mayor introduces the issue. Nichole Baird-Spencer: Since we have requested to have a Committee of Nine proceeding with Ada County we need to nominate 3 elected officials from the City of Eagle to sit as the City's representation on that Board. Then the committee members from Ada County and the City of Eagle select 3 additional members that they agree upon. We have 30 days from the day we notified them that we wanted to have the Committee of Nine and the 30 days is up on Monday which falls to Tuesday because of the Monday Holiday. This needs to be a discussion by the Council and ratified by the Mayor. Guerber moves that Council Member Nordstrom, Couneil Member Sedlacek, and the Mayor Merrill be the 3 members representing Eagle for the Committee of Nine. Seeonded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................. Discussion on a list of names to be considered for the 3 members at large to be appointed to the Committee of Nine. 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Review and action on Idaho Power settlement stipulation. (NM) Mayor introduces the issue and provides the Council an overview of her meeting with Layne Dodson with Idaho Power Company. General discussion on the settlement stipulation. Council concurs to have Layne Dodson on the February 22,2005 Pre-Council if he is available to discuss the settlement stipulation. Sedlacek moves to amend the agenda to discuss Ada County Sheriff personnel. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................. Mayor: Jon McDaniel has tested for Sergeant. What they always do is send them to the jail for training first. However, if we want to keep Jon here we can move him into the Sergeant position now and adjust his salary which would be $5,000.00. The $5,000.00 would come out of Contract Other. On April 1 sl he would be a Sergeant and that would leave us one deputy short. Next fiscal year we were slatted to add another Sergeant so instead we would add an additional deputy. General discussion. Page I K:\COUNCIL\MINUTESITemporary Minutes Work Area\CC-O2-17-0Sspmin doc Bastian moves to approve the creation of a second Sergeant position and recommend Jon McDaniel for the position. Seconded by Sedlacek. Bastian: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES...................... 6. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Pendine or Threatened litieation: LC. §67-2345(f) Guerber moves to go into Executive Session for the discussion of pending or threatened litigation. Seconded by Sedlacek. Bastian: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.......................... Council discusses pending or threatened litigation. Council leaves Executive Session at 6:05 p.m. Bastian moves to withdraw our legal action against ITD with prejudice. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................ 7. ADJOURNMENT: Bastian moves to adjourn. Seeonded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES.................... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted: .1. ~ (~ I< ß..~ -- SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: ,'1"""", """, "" ,,"OLE '" ,.." ~I'- ..'..... * "'.. :-" ~ ... .", To ... \ .. O' " .." :: .. " ' ~. 0 :. :: ~:;~ ,'~ ';:.~ o;r. :. : E-<:: ,'.) C': <" : :..... (' 0:, " .: ~ Ù \~ . " .:. : .. . ' .. -:.. .' :- ".. ... ;' v' .." .., * ......' . .." '.. '\v .." "" ST ¡... ,..~~ """"11"" Page Z K\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work AreaICC.OZ.17-05spmin.doc