Minutes - 2005 - City Council - 02/08/2005 - Regular v' EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes February 8, 2005 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 D.m. - 7:30 D.m. 1. Introduction of new building inspector. - Mike Mongelli, Building Official, introduces Steve Nash the City's new building inspector. General discussion. 2. Presentation by COMPASS on Communities in Motion. Tony Tisdell, Compass, provides an overview of what COMPASS is and does. Distributes handouts in regards to Communities in Motion and discusses the same. A Scout Troop is at the meeting working on their citizenship badges. Discussion with the Mayor and Council. REPORTS: a. Mayor and Council's Report: Nordstrom: Reports on the Industrial Development Corporation meeting held on February 4, 2005. General discussion. Guerber: Air Quality Board meets tomorrow. Eagle Fire Department is selling two trucks. They have two new trucks that cost $80,000 a piece. They are having a problem selling them because there is a surplus nationwide. A sub-committee of the Pathway met this afternoon and worked on updating the pathway plan on the comp plan. Bastian: The Library Board met last night. The Friends of the Library has contributed $6,000 to the Library. The Friends are averaging $160.00 a week on the sale of used books. There have been some problems with graffiti at the Library which brought up the issue of security and cameras. The cameras that were installed are inside cameras and not outside cameras. Lighting is another issue outside at the Library. The board is looking at outside security including cameras and lighting. Discussion on the self-check out machines. The Scouts discuss reporting graffiti and the self-check out machines. Bastian reports on the Library survey that was held. One of the comments was the need for more books. The Library Board feels they have sufficient money in their budget to build the collection. The Scouts discuss the idea of having a book drive at school to benefit the Library. Discussion on the Accelerated Reading Program. Sedlacek: The Senior Citizens Board of Directors met today. They understand the process of the removing the mold, they have been going to Star for lunch. Discussion on the usage ofthe Van. Reports on the Economic Development Committee meeting. We had a very positive meeting. Discussion on Bio- Technology and a dinner being sponsored at the Grove. Mayor: Reports on the Weapons of Mass Destruction meeting that was held on February 4, 2005. Reports on the Computer Lab and the other programs that Sam, AmeriCorps, is working on. Page I K:ICOUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work AreaICC-O2-08-05mindoc Guerber: Discussion on the Federal Budget. The President is proposing eliminating the Land and Water Programs and preservation of handling historic records. The Historic Preservation Funds were cut in half. Some of the cut backs may trickle down to the cities. Discussion on Homeland Security. General discussion. b. City ClerklTreasurer Report: On March I st the Joint Meeting with ACHD is scheduled. The meeting will start at 5:30. Council would like to discuss the extension of Idaho Street and Aikens Street. c. City Engineer Report: Moved to end of Agenda d. Zoning Administrator's Report: Moved to end of Agenda e. City Attorney Report: Moved to end of Agenda REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 7:30 p.m. 0 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor calls the meeting to order at 7:30p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, SEDLACEK, GUERBER, NORDSTROM. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: None 5. CONSENT AGENDA: Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the Rules of Order. Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims against the City. B. Minutes of January 25, 2005. C. DR-124-04 - Two Multi-tenant Retail Buildin2s - Venture Development Group. LLC: Venture Development Group, LLC, represented by Roger Foster with BRS Architects, is requesting design review approval to construct two multi- tenant retail buildings (one 5,OOO-square foot building and one 7,500-square foot building). The site is located on the north side of East Eagle River Street within Eagle River Development Promenade. (WEV) D. DR-127-04 - Multi-tenant Office/RetailJRestaurant Buildin2 - B. B. One: B. B. One, represented by Jory Walker with Beecher Walker and Associates, is requesting design review approval to construct a 17,371-square foot multi-tenant office/retail/restaurant building. The site is located within Channel Center Subdivision on the southwest comer of Rivershore Lane and Eagle Road at 689 Rivershore Lane. (WEV) Page 2 K:\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Mmutes Work Area\CC-O2-08-05min.doc E. DR-130-04 - Park and Ride Lot - Ada County Hie:hwav District: Ada County Highway District, represented by Karen Doherty with Doherty and Associates, is requesting design review approval to construct a Park and Ride lot. The site is located on the southwest comer of State Highway 44 and East Riverside Drive. (WEV) F. DR-131-04 - Common Area Landscapine within Hillcreek Subdivision- Pacific Security Companies. Inc.: Pacific Security Companies, Inc., represented by Jon Breckon with The Land Group, is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping within Hillcreek Subdivision. The site is located on the northeast comer of East State Street and Hill Road. (WEV) G. DR-132-04 - Master Sien Plan for Rivershore Place Multi-tenant Buildine - B.B. One: BB One, LLC, represented by Jim Rehberg with Idaho Electric Signs, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for a two story multi-tenant retaiVoffice building. The 2.17 acre site is located approximately 20 feet east of State Highway 55 within the North Channel Development at 689 Rivershore Lane. (WEV) H. DR-82-01 MOD - Hilton Garden Inn Buildine Addition - Johnson Brothers Hospitality: Johnson Brothers Hospitality, represented by Scott Wendell with Lombard Conrad Architects, is requesting design review approval to construct a 17,763-square foot building addition to the Hilton Garden Inn, which will include thirty three (33) additional rooms. The site is located on the south side East Riverside Drive within Eagle River Development at 145 East Riverside Drive. (WEV) I. DR-139-04 - Common Area Landscapine within Westover Lakes Subdivision - Naev Sprine:creek LLC: Nagy Springcreek LLC, represented by Doug Russell with The Land Group, is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping and a 624-square foot pool house within Westover Lakes Subdivision. The site is located on the west side of South Eagle Road approximately 4185-feet north of Chin den Boulevard at 2267 South Eagle Road. (WEV) J. DR-140-04 - Monument Entry Sie:n for Westover Lakes Subdivision- Naev Sprinecreek LLC: Nagy Springcreek, LLC, represented by Doug Russell with The Land Group, is requesting design review approval to construct a monument entry sign along a retaining wall for Westover Lakes Subdivision located 4185 south of Chin den on the west side of Eagle Road at 2267 S. Eagle Road. (WEV) K. DR-141-04 - BanklFinanciaI Institution with Drive-up Service - Svrine:a Bank: Syringa Bank, represented by James G. Murray with CSHQA, is requesting design review approval to construct a 4,664-square foot bank/financial institution with three drive-up service lanes. The site is located near the northwest corner of East State Street and North Horseshoe Bend Road within the Eagle Promenade Shopping Center at 3172 East State Street. (WEV) L. DR-142-04 - Two Buildine Wall Siens and One Monument Sie:n for Svrinea Bank - Svrinea Bank: Syringa Bank, represented by Debbie Anderson with Idaho Electric Signs, is requesting design review approval to construct two Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUfESITemponuy Minutes Work AreaICC-O2-08-05mindoc (2) building wall signs and one monument sign for Syringa Bank. The site is located on the north side of East State Street within Eagle Promenade Development at 3172 E. State Street. (WEV) Sedlacek removes Item #5E from the Consent Agenda at the applicants request. Guerber moves to approve the Consent Agenda minus Item #5E. Seconded by Bastian. Bastian: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES....................................... 5E. DR-130-04 - Park and Ride Lot - Ada County Hiehwav District: Ada County Highway District, represented by Karen Doherty with Doherty and Associates, is requesting design review approval to construct a Park and Ride lot. The site is located on the southwest comer of State Highway 44 and East Riverside Drive. (WEV) Karen Doherty, Doherty & Associates, tonight I am representing ACHD on the Park-n- Ride Lot on State Highway 44 and East Riverside Drive. I would like to discuss a Design Review condition on the burial of power poles. The power poles in question are not on our site. We will be glad to take care of anything on our site. General discussion. Zoning Administrator: After discussing this with the applicant, this condition should not be a condition of approval. General discussion. Bastian moves to approve DR-130-04 - Park and Ride Lot - Ada County Highway District and strike Site Specific No 1. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.......................... Sedlacek moves to add to the Agenda as Item #lOB. DR-1-15-O4 Multi-Tenant Office Building. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................... 6. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: None 7. FINAL PLATS: None 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Discussion reeardine fees for municipal pIavine field reservations/maintenance fees. This item was continuedfrom the January 24, 2005 meetings. Mayor introduces the issue. JeffSchwers, Fields Coordinator West Valley Little League, as a member of the Parks & Pathway Committee it was brought to our attention that there was discussion about fees at the Hill Road Park. We are in a crunch for fields. Out league has grown about 25%. We have 840 registered. Last year we had 700 registered, boys and girls. Fields have been an issue. It is not in our Leagues budget for field use, we are a volunteer organization. We have assessed a field assessment fee in our registration. Weare using these fees to put in fields at the Nazarene Church. Most of the other leagues in our little league area are in Boise City. Discussion on the field complexes within the City of Boise. I know the leagues help maintain the fields and I don't believe that they pay a fee. We want to be fair and help out any way that we can. Discussion on baseball and soccer leagues. Being the only organized league in Eagle we would hope that we could have priority at certain times. Our games are played every night and some Saturday leagues that could to all day. Page 4 K:ICOUNCILIMINlITES\Temporary Minutes Work AreaICC-O2-08-O5mindoc Bastian: Is it safe to say that most of the participants would be Eagle residents? Jeff Schwers: Our leagues include Eagle and Star. Discussion on what the League presently is doing in maintaining the fields that they presently have. Discussion on the League prepping the fields at Hill Road Park. Discussion on the fees and time schedules that the City is proposing. Discussion on the baseball season and the soccer season. Discussion on using Merrill Park for soccer leagues. Jeff: I think the league could pay a one time fee or a maintenance fee. We are trying to develop these other fields. General Council discussion. Discussion on developing the Sports Complex and having West Valley Little League work with the City on developing baseball fields. Work with both the Little League and Soccer League on their priority schedules. No fees and no reservations for the first year. Nordstrom moves to hear Items #8B & C under Unfinished Business as Items #lOC and D under New Business. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES....................... .. B. Request for approval for new city hall facility: Moved to New Business. C. Review and approval of informational handout ree:ardine acquisition of water riehts and Eae:Ie ordinance No. 479. (VB) Moved to New Business. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. CP A-I-04 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Residential Two to Mixed Use - La2Una Pointe. LLC: Laguna Pointe, LLC, represented by Land Consultants, Inc., is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map from Residential Two (up to two dwelling units per acre) to Mixed Use. The 9.31-acre site is located on the east side of Eagle Road, at 2260 South Eagle Road. An annexation application previously submitted to the City for review included this property, a 9.31-acre portion ofthe approximately 117-acre site. This item was continuedfrom the January 24,2005 meeting. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor swears in Mark Butler Mark Butler, representing the applicant. We have been working with Dennis Baker and Associates and we have just signed the joint agreement with Dennis Baker. We have Page 5 KICOUNCll.\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC..Q2-08-05mindoc refined the Development Agreement. Displays overheads and discusses the Development Agreement. General discussion. Zoning Administrator: I don't have anything to add and will stand for questions. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor swears in Shannon Cook Shannon Cook, applicant, displays an overhead of the site plan, and discusses landscaping and berrning. Weare not going to cut any comers in landscaping and amenities in this development. Mayor closes the Public Hearing General Council discussion. Guerber CP A-I-04 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Residential Two to Mixed Use - Laguna Pointe, LLC: Laguna Pointe, LLC with the inclusion of the guidelines and requirement from the Staff as outlined to the Council tonight and including the amendment in Exhibit E which refers to the open air deck to be include on the structure. Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................................. B. RZ-2-03 MOD - Rezone from RUT and A-R to MU-DA - Coast 2 Coast LLc.: Coast 2 Coast LLC, represented by Land Consultants Inc., is requesting a rezone from RUT (Rural Urban Transition - Ada County designation) and A-R (Agricultural- Residential-up to one dwelling unit per five acres) to MU-DA (Mixed Use with Development Agreement) and, a modification to the development agreement previously approved by the City affecting 9.31-acres of the overall 117 -acre Laguna Pointe PUD site. The site is located on the east side of Eagle Road, at 2260 South Eagle Road. This item was continuedfrom the January 24,2005 meeting. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Nordstrom moves to approve RZ-2-03 MOD - Rezone from RUT and A-R to MU- DA - Coast 2 Coast LLC as presented with an addition on Section 2.6.3 of the Development Agreement noting the allowance of an outdoor deck and a deck cover on the first story of the facility. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES..... ................... 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. DR-144-04 - Common Area Landscapine within Rineo Rid2e Sub. No 2 (previousIv Arbor Ridee) -AND- Discussion reeardin2 site specific condition No. 10 for DR-34-01- Common Area Landscapine within Arbor Rid2e Subdivision No.1: Bruce Patterson: Bruce Patterson, represented by Doug Patterson, is requesting design review approval ofthe common area landscaping within Ringo Ridge Subdivision No.2 (aka Arbor Ridge Subdivision). The common area design as proposed necessitates Council discussion regarding site specific condition of approval #10 for DR-34-01 (Arbor Ridge phase one common area). The site is located on the north side of Hill Road Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-O2-0S.05min.doc approximately 800-feet west of State Highway 55 (phase 2 is located east of phase 1 at the eastern terminus of Sadie Drive). Mayor introduces the issue. Council Member Sedlacek Abstains from the discussion on this item. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Displays overheads and discusses conditions of approval and the overall project. General discussion. Mayor swears in Fred Schumacher Fred Schumacher, representing the applicant, I was not here nor was Mr. Patterson at the last couple of hearings of the Design Review Board because I sense that the Design Review Board may have gotten distracted by the failure of the developer to maintain the berm. Discussion on the berm history and the overall project. The developer is shrinking the number of lots in Phase II from 17 to 8. This is not back peddling or shrinking from the obligations of Condition #23 to construct all of the improvements or bond for them. They do want to adjust and move around some of the common area improvements. On the East side of Sadie where it intersects with Echo Hawk extended, Mr. Vaughn showed you the pocket park, that happens to be a slight redesign. Kind of an unspecific set of improvements that was originally required, landscaping, irrigation, berm and fence combination, the developer is still adhering to all of those obligations. The best estimate of Doug Patterson for those uncompleted improvements is about $125,000 which would require a bond on the order of $200,000. I think the amount ofthe bond is something Mr. Vaughan and the developer can resolve. The Developer is prepared to go beyond what the conditions currently require as the City now has a new ordinance that puts a time cIock on how long the bond can be out there. The Developer has authorized me to commit tonight that the improvements will be completed, all of the common area improvements by November 1 st, the pocket park improvements that you saw by July 1 st (2005). The pocket park improvements, a portion of the common area, those improvements will be in, installed, completed by July 1 st, all of the common area improvements, the berm running parallel to the east of the subdivision & west of Highway 55 right-of-way, will be done by November 1 st. We are prepared to make that additional commitment tonight. There has been some movement of common area improvements as Mr. Vaughan indicated. There isn't any room for playground equipment because the retention pond was expanded so it consumes almost the entire area. Then the developer installed on a voluntary basis a water amenity to beautify the entrance to the subdivision. So we are talking about installing two picnic benches/tables. The Developer is proposing that they be installed in this area. The Developer is then proposing that the Tot Lot improvements be moved and installed by July 1 st in the pocket park area. Mr. Doug Patterson is here and he has been acting as the Construction Manager. General discussion. Doug Patterson, applicant, discusses connecting to Eagle Water for their water source. Eagle Water has a line by Phase II and we will probably have to tap into that on another meter. General discussion. Page 7 K:\COUNCILIMINlITES\Temporary MIDu!e' Work AreaICC-O2-08-0Smindoc Further Council discussion. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: The water feature did not go through Design Review. The drainage swell to the north was the subject of much discussion with ACHD and the City Engineer. An open space plan for Phase II, the entire park area and the park, needs to be completed and reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board and the Council. General discussion. Bastian moves to approve DR-144-04 - Common Area Landscaping within Ringo Ridge Sub. No 2 (previously Arbor Ridge) -AND- Discussion regarding site specific condition No. 10 for DR-34-01 - Common Area Landscaping within Arbor Ridge Subdivision No.1 with the following Site Specific Conditions added: #7 Phase II shall include an open space plan that shall be submitted to the Design Review Board for approval including all of the area East of Echo Hawk Way over to the berm that will be on the Easterly side along Highway 55, design the berm and open space per Site Specific Condition #23, that this will be accomplished prior to sign the final plan; Site Specific Condition #8. That the small pocket park on the Southwest corner of Phase I will include benches and tables as shown on the cut sheet this evening and will include a water feature as current installed and with the pathway leading down to Hill Road Park. Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion. Fred Schumacher: Thinking about the home buyer, maybe we could require the seller, the developer and all the realtors to disclose in any earnest money agreement the pertinent facts regarding the fact that all of the common area improvements have to be completed by November 1 before the City will issue any building permits. City Attorney: That should be a written condition. That type of a notice will be included in all sales documents. Jason Mayer, builder of homes in this subdivision: I'm wondering when the building permits would be able to be issued for Phase II? Zoning Administrator Vaughan: When the final plat was recorded. Further discussion. Bastian amends the Motion to add Site Specific Condition #9. The small pocket park to the southwest will be completed by July 1st and all other open space and common area park and open space berm to the east of the development will be completed by November 1, 2005. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES...................... .... Mayor called a recess at 9:30 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 9:35 p.m. B. DR-I-15-04 Multi-Tenant Office Bundin!! - Reconsideration. Mayor introduces the issue. Sedlacek: We have been requested by staff to reconsider this item. The maker of the motion and the second on the original motion need to move for reconsideration. Page 8 K\COUNCIL\MINUTESITemponuy Minutes Work AreaICC-O2-08-05min.doc Bastian moves to reconsider DR-1-15-04 Multi-Tenant Office Building. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............................ Zoning Administrator Vaughan: I'm requesting that you reconsider this item and remand back to staff and it will then be brought back to Council. It gives staff with Ron Bath the opportunity to go back to the applicant and request some architectural revisions to be in compliance with the craftsman style in the EASD book and in accordance with Ron's requirements. This is a building in Winding Creek Development. From this point forward, every application in Winding Creek has to have a memo or letter from Ron approving the architecture and Ron wants to see compliance with EASD book in this development and the CC&R's require that also. This was a building that Ron had provided preliminary approval on but needed to see the final plans and he did not get a chance to sign off from the final plans before it came to the City. Bastian moves to remand DR-1-15-04 Multi-Tenant Office Building back to staff. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES...................... C. ReQuest for approval for new city hall facility: Mayor introduces the issue. City Attorney Buxton: We have the RFP and we did receive some input back from Mr. Hayden and Mr. Guho. We got the input to late to put into the packet and to revise the RFP. Discussion on the long tenn lease. Discussion on the lease payment. Tom Zabala, ZGA, discusses the comments received from the developers. You may find yourself above market rate for a lease depending on the numbers. General discussion on the RFP. Bastian moves to approve the Request For Proposal with changes presented tonight to be reviewed by the Mayor and a member of staff. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................... Further discussion. Council concurs to have a special meeting on March 15, 2005 to review the responses to the RFP. D. Review and approval of informational handout reeardine acQuisition of water riehts and EaeIe ordinance No. 479. (VB) Mayor introduces the issue. Vern Brewer, Holladay Engineering, provides Council an overview of the City of Eagle Water Supply Handout. General discussion. Sedlacek moves to approve the use of this document. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES......................... Page 9 KICOUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work Area\CC-O2-08-DSmin.doc 11. REPORTS: Engineering Report: Vern Brewer, Holladay Engineering, we will be getting a letter the end of this week in regards to our water rights. We have been meeting with a number of developers and the document you approved tonight is very timely because of the issues that are going to be coming up before the City. Discussion on the Water Master Plan. Attorney Report: Susan Buxton, our office sponsored a gang workshop. One of my friends from college is the authority from the LA Police Department on Civil Gang Injunctions. Provides Council an overview of the workshop. We need to update some of your ordinances. General discussion. Zoning Administrator Report: No report 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Pending or Threatened litigation, Personnel and private Property Acquisition: I.C. §67-2345(f) Mayor introduces the issue. City Attorney Buxton: Also for private property acquisition. Bastian moves to go into Executive Session for the discussion of pending or threatened litigation, I.e. 67-2345(t) and private property acquisition. Seconded by Nordstrom. Bastian: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES........................ Council discusses pending or threatened litigation, personnel, and private property acquisition. Council leaves Executive Session at 11 :20 p.m. Zoning Administrator: Discussion on the Master Sign Plan at the WinCo site. General discussion. Guerber moves to authorize the City Attorney to begin the process for filing for judicial confirmation on the construction of the critical tank for pressurization for the Eagle City Water System. Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES............ 13. ADJOURNMENT: Sedlacek moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bastian. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES... ........... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at ~1.cW.Ð.W.. I'"~ G I E"" R full b. d ,.." ,.. ~ '" espect y su mltte : ...." L'. ~ ...",-',' .., J ..0""'.. "'.0."" ~ .. ..,,'\..- " ~ "'" I 0'" .. =-. q, -: b.l (~-<. - Lß.,.A"-r~ E ...: '" - ; b :-.0- SHAR N K. BERGMANN : u \ ù : : CITY CLERK/TREASURER \ ... .$ ¡ ~ ... ...Fl . .." .~.... ..,'. ~.. ,#. " '##" S T : ',..~~' """"",,, Page 10 K\COUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work ATeaICC-O2-08-O5min.doc APPROVED: Page 11 K\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work AreaICC-O2-08-05mindoc CPA -1-04 - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT FROM RESIDENTIAL TWO TO MIXED USE - LAGUNA POINTE, LLC PUBLIC HEARING THE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2005 7:30 P.M. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE SUBJECT Page 1 f 1 H:\COUNCIL\AGENDAICCSIGNUP. WPD YES/NO? PRO/CON RZ-2-03 MOD - REZONE FROM RUT AND A -R TO MU -DA - COAST 2 COAST LLC PUBLIC HEARING THE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2005 7:30 P.M. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE SUBJECT Page 1 f 1 11:1COUNC11.1AU1:NDA\CCSIGNUP. WPD YES/NO? PRO/CON Package Strip Sc>t Set A: Bypass/Loop Road 90% Roadway Funding/10% Transit Funding jfirrortr, • -°'40,..°N.i3 r• • Maintains current funding split between roadways and transit • 30 miles of new limited access road (like an express- way or freeway bypass) • No funds for public rail transit COMMUNITIES IN MOTION • Limited funds available for other improvements (freeway, rural highway, arterials) • Very limited bus service Transportation Planning Workshops — 2005 Set B: Public Rail Transit 65% Roadway Funding/35% Transit Funding • Significant shifting of funding commitments to transit • 24 miles of public rail transit on the existing Nampa/Boise rail corridor • Expanded bus system to support public rail transit • No funds for a new limited access road (bypass) • Greater funding for freeways, rural highways and ar- terials February 2: Hispanic Cultural Center of Idaho, Nampa 9:00 am—noon 6:00-9:00 pm February 3: Idaho Historical Museum, Boise Set C: No Rail Transit, No Bypass 9:00 am—noon 80% Roadway Funding/20% Transit Funding 1:30-4:30 pm • Expand bus transit system 6:00-9:00 pm • Strong rural highway program • Strong arterial improvement program _B_L_UEPRINT'for • Support freeway and urban highway program Good j GROWTH COMMUNITIES IN MOAO1S7 P6unc 2118-s 2;; , cctrnmon 1) Fay• 2O}i Sii 2i39 Crb. wWW u1111111 111111Ii IIunotnon.org 1_m,ul tti lalrht ioml>a>,ulaho ort; or t•ihnr,man.'u cnnthas ulalu org In conjunction with the Blueprint for Good Growth, a project of Ada County governments. COMMUNITIES IN MOTION Land Use Scenarios 15ac•k0-rOun(1 The six -county region will have almost $1.25 billion available over the next 25 nears to improve and expand the transportation system. Today we spend approximately 9000 of our available transportation improvement funds on roadways and the remaining 1000 is spent to provide transit within the region. Participants at the November workshops provided sev- eral ideas for improving the transportation system over the next 25 to 50 years, including development of public rail transit along the existing rail corridor between Nampa and Boise, and con- struction of a new limited access road that would go around part of the more urban areas of the region. Each idea requires be- tween 20"o and 5000 of the available funds to build and operate fir 25 years. 'Therefore, it is unlikely both could be accom- plished. The February workshops will focus on transportation and include the ideas developed by participants at the November workshops. To start, the group %%ill discuss and choose which land -use scenario best represents their desired future: Workshop Average, Satellite Cities, Concentrated Mixed -else Corridors, or -Trend. Participants will then select a "package" of transporta- tion improvements from a choice of three. One package will include the new limited access road, another will include the public rail transit improvement, and the third package will have a range of improvements that excludes the neve limited access road and the public rail transit. al"141111 V Workshop Average A "middle of the road" scenario with a development pattern that is dense in some locations and dispersed in others. The scenario reflects the average distribution from the November workshops. Satellite Cities Growth is evenly dispersed throughout the region. Smaller towns grow into complete self-sustaining cities with a mix of housing and employment. A new town forms adjacent to 1-84 south of Boise. Concentrated Mixed -Use Corridors Growth concentrates along high-capacity, multi -modal transportation corridors, becoming the most concentrated growth scenario with the highest mix of alternative transportation options. Trend Growth continues as it is now, with many of the farms and rural areas converted to residential development. The majority of jobs will be in Ada County, mainly in Boise. Communities will grow together as farm land is filled with development. See back page for packages"of transportation improvement strip sets E E c V T i 7 V a`"" 470 I� REGIONAL LONG - RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN 2030 Communities in Motion Fact Sheet What is Communities in Motion? Communities in Motion is an evaluation of regional growth and transportation issues and needs in Ada, Canyon, Elmore, Boise, Gem, and Payette Counties. COMPASS, the metropolitan planning organization (MPO), is responsible for the regional long-range transportation plan required for the urbanized areas within Ada and Canyon Counties under federal law. These laws require the MPO to prepare and adopt a plan and update it every three years, in order to use federal funds for transportation within the planning area. The Idaho Transportation Department is responsible for the state system planning of the rural counties (Elmore, Boise, Gem and Payette.) Why was the region for Communities in Motion expanded? The project started as a plan for Ada and Canyon Counties. In autumn 2003, the Idaho Transportation Department requested that the planning area be expanded to better address issues regionally. The expanded area was based partly on the regional commuting patterns. The regional focus allows the plan to: • • Focus on corridor level issues Serve as a basis for seeking major federal assistance • Integrate with Idaho Transportation Department plans • Address "beyond the border" transportation issues oiniM tin`' Patterns iirRe` b> ork in Ada + Canyon County of Residence Workers Canyon 58,983 56,701 )wvh . 7 Number Boise 3,050 Percent 98% 96% 40% 1,678 55% `iA 6,227 2,302 Total MSA 228,240 214,564 37% 94 % lmnre2,449 x1,676 13% ashington 4,187 200 5% a• f_ _ yet. — - - 1- — — , 120 s , _ _ _ 13% Malheur OR 11,117 589 5% Do the new areas now included have to be members of COMPASS? No, the study results will be used in preparing the official metropolitan planning organization plan. Portions of the study area outside Ada and Canyon will be used by the Idaho Transportation Department in their planning. Local governments in Elmore, Boise, Gem and Payette will participate in the study but will not review or approve the Ada/Canyon plan. 1111 11111111111 Community Planning Association - www.compassidaho.org - 208 855.2558 - 800 5 Industry Way. Suite 100 - Meridian - ID 3 2 X11 5.Jm..ert Now COMMUNITIES IN MOTION—' How will Cornfnunities in Motion be different than prior transportation plans? Communities in Motion will differ from past plans because it will: • Start with broad evaluation of growth and transportation issues -not a laundry list of projects. • Stress policy - not projects as a way to reach to goals of our future communities. • Include peak hour and mode choice model to evaluate public transportation and other travel demand policies such as pricing on the transportation system. • Address Transportation Management Area requirements for congestion management. • Use multiple growth scenarios -not a single view of future growth. • Emphasize project priority criteria to guide future funding decisions during development of the annual Transportation Improvement Program. What is the cost for the plan? In addition to the staff time of 3-4 work years per year on the plan, Si million will support technical consulting services. Half of these funds have been provided by the Idaho Transportation Department. COMPASS will contribute federal planning funds toward consultant work, and Valley Regional Transit has provided $200,000 in transit planning funds to improve the travel demand forecast model. This compares to $1.7 million spent on consultant work during Bench Valley or the $1 million plus for the Three Cities River Crossing Study. How much is the region expected to grow? More than 300,000 new residents are expected to move to Ada and Canyon County between 2002 and 2030. The estimates for each city and rural county are listed in the table below. The distribution could change by the end of the process, depending on the outcome of the growth scenario process. We can also anticipate 460,000 new jobs in the two -county area with most (388,000) in Ada County. This can change, however, by creating more jobs in Canyon County, also alleviating some of the congestion on our roadways. Population Growth Forecast* through 2030 IIIIMMIRIPI Cit lauut ..N ine1 Population - Q. ! t._� _ Rural Ada County 9,800 11,260 12,890 15,350 17,810 20,160 22,830 Boise 222,740 225,820 240,590 258,540 278,120 302,400 324,330 Eagle 17,090 18,530 20,890 22,920 25,080 27,670 30,040 Garden City 11,570 11,870 12,850 13,200 13,640 14,310 14,870 Kuna 9,380 9,700 13,690 19,430 23,690 26,030 28,180 Meridian 52,900 59,080 69,510 80,480 91,810 104,710 116,820 Star 2,360 3,540 5,010 6,480 7,970 9,590 11,140 Total Ada Household Population 325,840 339,800 375,430 416,400 458,120 504,870 548,210 Group Quarters Population 7,690 8,020 8,860 9,830 10,810 11,910 12,940 Grand To 3 _ 3 _ _, 3 468,9 516;780 , Rural Canyon County 29,120 29,690 30,210 31,270 32,420 33,390 34,590 Caldwell 34,560 39,110 44,810 51,580 58,220 65,210 72,420 Greenleaf 1,050 1,090 1,210 1,350 1,500 1,670 1,820 Melba 770 820 940 1,060 1,190 1,350 1,490 Middleton 4,060 5,170 6,490 7,880 9,240 10,650 12,080 Nampa 75,260 79,600 77,100 82,050 86,960 92,600 98,750 Notus 830 970 1,100 1,230 1,380 1,560 1,710 Parma Wilder Total Canyon Household Population Group Quarters Population 2,160 2,220 2,300 2,410 2,560 2,740 2,880 1,670 1,830 1,970 2,120 2,310 2,530 2,710 149,480 160,500 166,130 180,950 195,780 211,700 228,450 3,290 3,500 3,600 3,900 4,200 4,500 50' Grand Total Re ion 486,300 512,220 554,020 611,080 r8 ' 0 '732,980 4,900 794 500 *Based on the areas of impact. Why should I be involved? Transportation project can take many years to complete. Since we anticipate that our population will continue to grow, we need to plan for the future now. Communities in Motion, along with Blueprint for Good Growth in Ada County, can make a difference in how we develop our resources now and in the future, which will make a difference in how the transportation system develops as well. Communities in Motion is a completely new plan and will be updated periodically for the next decade or more. Your involvement and understanding today is important for acceptance and implementation in the future. Please participate! Where can I get more information? For more information about Communities in Motion, visit the website at www.communitiesinmotion.org or contact Charles Trainor, project manager, at 855-2558, extension 232. T:\FY05\600Projects\661 CIM\08-Publiclnformation\EntttyUpdateW2005\FactSheet doc rrr r *fZ/r r ���j /• r Facts about projected growth in Ada and Canyon counties If growth and development continue in the current pattern, it will be possible to drive through Southwest Idaho and not be able to tell when you've left one town and entered another because residential growth will have blurred the boundaries. Ada County: • By 2030, Ada County's total population is expected to Increase to 548,2I0 — a jump of some 220,000 people (a population larger than present-day Canyon County) or 68 percent. • In 2002, 3.2 percent of houses were in the rural areas. By 2030, 25 percent of houses will be there. • Over the next 25 years, the Boise and Eagle are expected CO have fast -paced growth rates (46 and 76 percent, respectively), while unincorporated Ada County will likely experience historic rates of growth. • The projected population increases will be larger by both percentages and in real numbers than the population jumps between the I990 Census and Census 2000, previously considered the county's "boom" period. • Following current housing densities by area, the population increase will require the development of an additional 45 square miles within Ada County — an amount of acreage that is unavailable in and immediately adjacent to the Boise River Valley. Canyon County: • In 2002, 24 percent of houses were in Canyon County's rural areas. By 2030, 34 percent of houses will be there. • By 2030, 87 percent of the land in the rural areas of Canyon County will be taken by housing. Other issues: • The design of' the current growth does not support alternative transportation. If the design and pattern of development doesn't change, traffic congestion will increase significantly because people will rely on cars to take them where they need to go. • "Sprawl" puts a strain on emergency services such as police, sheriff and fire. It increases costs to local school districts because of busing. www.communitiesinmotion.org COMMUNITIES IN MOTION - PROJECT PROCESS r 4r r."1.17.'"4.6.443771 Ig4 COMMUNITIES IN MOTION TIMELINE &ACTIVITIES Winter 2003.- Spring 2004 Set goals for regional process • Board establishes vision for process • Community provides input for project The Idaho Transportation Department and four rural counties join planning process • Confirm public involvement activities for the project • Refine project process and schedule COMMUNITIES IN MOTION? Fall 2004 Review previous Treasure Valley planning efforts • Summarize current planning documents and gather transportation, land use, environmental, economic and demographic data for project area • Identify strengths and weaknesses of existing long-range transportation plans, financial plans and planning tools to address regional transportation issues Develop evaluation approach to place transportation needs in priority • Establish criteria for identifying and evaluating regional deficiencies and needs • Engage stakeholders in the process • Define guiding principles, goals and objectives for Communities in Motion Examine existing conditions and trends • Determine operation of regional transportation system • List transportation needs and deficiencies • Assess regional transportation, land use, financial and economic trends • Prepare environmental resources overview Winter 2004 - Spring 2006 Determine scenarios for transportation future • Conduct workshops to create a desired scenario of the Treasure Valley, including land uses and transportation systems • Hold second set of workshops and public open house Identify 2030 regional transportation needs • Determine 2030 transportation needs and costs • identify the expansion plans and future needs of regional airports, railroads and truck freight providers Prepare Communities in Motion (CIM) • Prepare the regional long-range transportation plan • Develop a set of consistent strategies, technical tools, performance measures, data and processes to select transportation projects • Receive formal public input on CIM