Minutes - 2019 - City Council - 10/08/2019 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 8, 2019 INVOCATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ridgeway calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GOLD, PITTMAN, MITCHELL. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Ridgeway leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PRESENTATION: A. Sierra Club Climate Presentation: Tyra Benoit and Crystal Rain will present on climate and clean energy. Mayor introduces the issue. Tyra Benoit displays a power point presentation and provides an overview for the City Council. Crystal Rain, Conservation Voters for Idaho, discusses the importance of goal setting in regard to clean energy. Discusses clean energy. General discussion. 5. REPORTS: A. Update on the September 26, 2019, special workshop with the Eagle City Council, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission, and Ada County Commissioner Diana Lachiondo. (NBS) Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Baird -Spencer gives an update on the special workshop. 6. PUBLIC COMMENT 1: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, land use application, or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. Trever Hill, 4854 W. Rose Angle Court, President of the Foxglove HOA, the developer has handed over the subdivision to the HOA. There are a lot of issues in our subdivision. We could use the City's help in holding the developer accountable. We have made numerous calls and have received no help. General discussion. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-10-8-19 min.doc Steve Bender, 1235 N. Seven Oaks Place, I moved to Eagle from Virginia. I choose Eagle because the neighborhoods were neighbors. Discusses the growth in the area. Please don't sell out Eagle to the developers. Nancy Merrill, 3268 W. Skywood Lane, discusses changing of the comp plan. How do we get the people involved? Is there a reason for the changes? Shelly Brock, I want to thank you for your efforts to buy Eagle Water Company. Provides an update on a Suez meeting with Boise City. Suez needs to repair their current infrastructure. Discusses the current water break on Floating Road. 7. ADDITIONS, DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA; INCLUDING THE CONSENT AGENDA: A. City Staff Requests: None B. Mayor or City Council Requests: None 8. ALL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS CONSENT AGENDA: • Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. • Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims against the City. B. Minutes of September 24, 2019. (SKB) C. Minutes of September 26, 2019 — Special Workshop. (SKB) D. Minutes of September 26, 2019 — Executive Session. (SKB) E. Rejection of Bid Received for Mace Road Sidewalk Widening: The bid received exceeded budgeted estimates. (S. Noyes) F. Re'ection of Bids Received to Re ave Areas of Greenbelt: The two qualified bids received far -exceeded budgeted estimates. (S. Noyes) G. National 4H Week Proclamation: Proclaiming October 6-12, 2019 National 4-H Week in the City of Eagle. H. EXT -08-19 — Final Development Plan/Final Plat Extension of Time for Riverfund Five Six Five Subdivision (FP -08-18) — Andrew Menlove: Andrew Menlove, represented by Jason Densmer, P.E., is requesting a one (1) year extension of time for the final development planlfinal plat approval for Riverfund Five Six Five Subdivision, a 11 -lot (7 -buildable, 3 -common, 1 -non - buildable) residential subdivision. The 3.94 -acre site is located on the southwest corner of South River Creek Avenue and West State Street (SH -44) at 5335 West State Street. (WEV) Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-10-8-19 min.doc I. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CU-02-19/FPUD-02-19/PP- 02-19 — Snoqualmie River Subdivision No. 4 — White Sturgeon, LLC: White Sturgeon, LLC, represented by David Sterling, with T -O Engineers, is requesting conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Snoqualmie River Subdivision No. 4, a 91 -lot (82 -buildable, 6 -common, 2-shared/common driveway, and 1 -future right-of- way) residential planned unit development. The 37.57 -acre site is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of West Decathlon Street and North Palmer Lane. (WEV) J. Appointment to Development Impact Fee Advisory Committee: In accordance with Resolution 14-19, Mayor Ridgeway is requesting Council confirmation of the appointment of Theresa Johnson to fill a vacated term on the Committee. Ms. Johnson's term will expire in March 2021. (SR) K. Idaho Humane Society Contract Extension. (SR) L. Contract for Server at the Eagle Landing: Authorize the mayor to sign a contract with Rack Simply for purchase of a server suite for the Eagle Landing in an amount not to exceed $90,389.48. This server suite is for use of daily operations at the Landing, and to be used as a disaster recovery site for Eagle City Hall and the Eagle Public Library in case of an emergency. It includes all servers, routers, switches, and access points for all 3 buildings. This quote also includes the server racks and installation of all hardware. This will enable operations to continue or be saved in case of an emergency or outage at the Eagle City Hall location. M. Valley Regional Transit Cooperative Agreement. (SKB) Pittman removes Items #8G and #8M from the Consent Agenda. Bastian removes Items #8I and #8B from the Consent Agenda Pittman moves to approve the Consent Agenda Items #A, C, D, E, F, H, J, K, and L. Seconded by Bastian. Bastian: AYE; Gold: AYE; Pittman: AYE; Mitchell: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ #8B. Minutes of September 24, 2019: Bastian: On Page 4 of the minutes, second line, change "over" to say "overview", on Page 9 where it starts with Scott Williams, the 3`d line down after that " unfrastructure" s/b "infrastructure". Mayor: could we have a motion to approve those chansed by Bastian. Seconded by Mitchell. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES........... ..... #8G. National 4-H Week Proclamation: Proclaiming October 6-12, 2019 National 4-H Week in the City of Eagle. Pittman, I pulled this because we have 4Hers in the audience and calls for them to come up. Pittman reads the National 4-H Week Proclamation into the record. Pittman moves to apAgenda #8G. Seconded by Gold. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.......... ........... The Mayor and Council presents the Proclamation to the 4H members. Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CG10-8-19 min.doc #8I. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CU-02-19/PPUD-02-19/PP-02-19--- Snoqualmie River Subdivision No. 4 White Sturgeon, LLC. Bastian: When this came before the Council, I voted against it. This subdivision should have been done differently and I am not in favor. Pittman moves to approve Consent Agenda Item #8L Seconded by Gold. Bastian: NAY; Gold: AYE; Pittman: AYE; Mitchell: AYE: MOTION CARRIES...... #8M. Valley Regional Transit Cooperative Agreement. Pittman this will bring a bus line through downtown Eagle. Discusses other entities in the community to support this. Planner Baird -Spencer discusses the funding and the bus stops. We are working on a grant through St. Luke's. General discussion. Pittman moves to approve Consent Agenda Item #8M. Seconded by Gold. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES......... 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None 10. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m. • Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. ♦ .Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest. A. ACTION ITEM: A-03-19fRZ-08-19/CU-05-19/PPUD-04-19/PP-06-19--Lanewood North Planned Unit Development— SCS Brighton, LLC: SCS Brighton, LLC., represented by Michael Wardle, is requesting an annexation, rezone from RUT (Rural - Urban Transition - Ada County designation) to R -3 -DA -P (Residential with a development agreement - PUD), conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Lanewood North Subdivision, a 188 -lot (162 - buildable, 22 -common, 4 -common driveways) residential planned unit development. The 81.16 -acre site is located between North Lanewood Road and North Linder Road approximately 1,100 -feet south of the intersection of North Lanewood Road and West Beacon Light Road at 2810 North Lanewood Road and 2553 North Linder Road. (WEV) This item was continued from the September 10, 2019, Cily Council meeting. Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Williams displays a power point presentation and provides an overview for the Council. Michael Wardle, representing the Applicant, presents a power point presentation provides the Council with an over of the development. David Turnbold discusses the common drives, lot sizes, the open space, the landscape berm and the fencing. Our open space is 25% above the requirement in the PUD. Discusses setbacks. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CG10-8-19 min.doc Jim Kepler, 2888 N. Linder Road, I live across from this development. This is a high- density development. This was approved by the County and it was huge mistake. This is a wrong development for our area. I am totally opposed to the project as presented. Gloria Kepler, 2888 N. Linder Road, we live right across from the project on the East Side. Discusses the location of the entrance. This is dense housing next to homes on large acreage. Discusses her view being impacted and buffering and the roads. Richard McPherson, 1843 W. Eagle Crest Street, the City of Eagle has a big problem that is not being addressed and that is transportation. The City refuses to work with County to get more roads. There shouldn't be any development until the roads are fixed. Teresa Peery, 2458 N. Bottle Creek Place, I have an interest in keeping Eagle rural. Discusses school overcrowding. Growth should not be allowed until there are more schools. We need to have lower density housing and keep lot sizes bigger and we need to be stricter on the setbacks. Terri Holman, I live off from Linder Road, we have a horse boarding business. I would like to see this stay rural. Discusses the traffic. Our quality of life is going down. This is not smart growth. Steve Bender, 1235 N. Seven Oaks Place, discusses the setbacks and the traffic. General discussion. Jan Combi, 6440 W. Beacon Light Road, discusses the amount of homes in this development. Roads and schools can't handle this development. This is going to put us in the middle of the City. The infrastructure is not keeping up with the growth. We like it the way it is. You can slow the growth down. General discussion. Robert Kalash, 2013 N. Black Forest Way, discusses the size of the development. I would request that you stay with an R2 and 10' setbacks on the side. Shelley Brock, 8770 W. Chaparral Road, discusses the roads and the growth and working with ITD to create a road trust fund. Michael Wardel displays a power point and discusses the urban character of Eagle and the other developments in the area. David Turnbold, we have worked with Staff for several months on this development. I am open to questions from the Council. General discussion. Mayor closes the Public Hearing General Council discussion. Tom Firch, ACHD, discusses Linder Road future planning. Pittman moves to table A-03- 1 9/RZ-08- 1 9/CU-05-4 9/PPUD04- 1 9/PP-06- 1 9—Lanewood North Planned Unit Development—SCS Brighton, LLC. Seconded Mitchell. Discussion. Pittman: I move to reopen the Public Hearing. Seconded concurs. Further discussion. Pittman withdraws the motion. Second concurs. General discussion. Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-10-8-19 min.doc Pittman moves to table A-03-19[RZ-0849/CU-05-19[PPUD-04-19[PP-06-19-- Lanewood North Planned Unit Development—SCS Brighton, LLC. and ask the applicant to change the setbacks to the 10'required as an R2 development and adding the location of the pathways, pool, tot lot and be submitted in the preliminary plat so we have a good indication of where everything is. Seconded by Mitchell. Discussion. Pittman: AYE, Mitchell: AYE, Bastian: AYE, Gold AYE: MOTION CARRIES........... Mayor calls a recess. Mayor reconvenes the meeting. B. ACTION ITEM: RZ-1O-07 MOD/CU-01-19IPPUD-01-19/PP-01 -19-Belvoir Estates Planned Unit Development -Toll Southwest, LLC: Toll Southwest, LLC, represented by Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions, is requesting a development agreement modification, conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Belvoir Estates Subdivision, a 979 -lot (913 -residential, 64 -common =inclusive of 56 open space, 2 -common driveways, and 6 -private streets_, 1 -city park site, and 1 -elementary school site) residential planned unit development. The 372.30 -acre site is located at the southeast corner of West Beacon Light Road and North Palmer Lane between West Beacon Light Road and West Floating Feather Road. A portion of the property is located on the west side of North Palmer Lane at the northwest corner of West Floating Feather Road and North Palmer Lane. (WEV) This item was continued from the September 24, 2019, Cily Council meeting. Mayor introduces the issue. General Council discussion on the application. Becky McKay, representing the applicant, displays a power point presentation and discusses the village center, Mayor opens the Public Hearing Steven Bender, 1235 Seven Oaks Place, there are a lot of services that the Council does not have any control over. You only have control over the builders. Discusses mixed use. Christie Weston, 6126 W. Piaffe Court, discusses the comp plan, the traffic, discusses the school site and how schools would be funded. I ask that you delay this project. Steve Weston, 6126 West Piaffe Court, I would recommend postponing approval until a design is reconsidered. Discusses density and the unique beauty of the City. David Wilkinson, 969 N. Arena, most of the points I was going to make have been stated. Discussion on water rights. I want to applaud you as you are slowing growth down. Manuela Walter, 2840 W. Deerfield Court, I urge you to deny this request. I want to keep Eagle rural. I think there should be a moratorium until infrastructure problems are addressed. Discusses the development agreement. Discusses future development. General discussion. Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CG10-8-19 min.doc Larry Walker, 2053 N. Luge Avenue, I agree with the previous comments. Most people have moved here from California and they had moratoriums. I applaud you for slowing things down. Cheryl Bloom, 2153 Hollybrook Place, distributes a handout and discusses the gates on the private streets. Patricia Minkiewicz, Deerfield Court, the plat is not up to City's standards. Discusses the location of the school, the home sites near or on Beacon Light Road, and the plat. This subdivision will set the standard for the future. The rural area must be protected. Rene Palafox, 63 S. Bayler Way, discusses the development agreement and a modification to the development agreement. There are not much that homeowners can do. Discusses the widening of Eagle Road. Your vote matters. Kevin Zasio, 499 W. Rivermore Lane, discusses Eagle development and the subdivisions in Eagle. Discusses the number of homes in this project and rear setbacks. General discussion. John Peterson, Buxton Court, discusses the Toll Brothers Company. I would encourage you to stand up against the Toll Brothers. I would also suggest a cafe in the middle of the subdivision. Discusses the over 55 area and custom homes. Christopher Hadden, 909 N. Morley Green Pl., I'm here to testify against this development. Discusses the history of this development. I believe the development doesn't conform to Eagle City Code. Discusses the use on the property and termination of the agreement. Kim Harp, West Ada School District, 1303 E. Central Drive, we have experienced another year of student growth and we added over 700 students since the end of 2018/2019. Discusses the proposed elementary school location. We would be appreciative of the donation of the real property and the current location would work well with West Ada. General discussion. Nancy Merrill, 3268 West Skywood Lane, discusses the property in 2007, the development agreement and the village center. This was an annexation and rezone and it never was to have a deadline on it. General discussion. Charlie Baun, 1072 N. Beechwood Court, discusses open space and the recommendations for this development. Discusses the park, the school and common lots. Discusses park impact fees and the village planning area. General discussion. James Kepler, 2888 N. Linder Road, I am in agreement with the 12 points presented by Council tonight. I hope this development is denied. Discussion on ACRD widening of Linder Road from Beacon Light to Floating Feather. Gloria Kepler, 2888 N. Linder Road, discusses the number of homes in the subdivision. Rob Gerichs, 6167 W. Piaffe St., Legacy Court, my family is engaged with the City of Eagle. Discusses the 2007 agreement and creative solutions. Don't give in to this developer. Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CG10-8-19 min.doc Richard McPherson, 1843 West Eagle Crest Street, I urge you to task the City Attorney to understand land issues in the City of Eagle before you have any more meetings. General discussion. Teresa Peery, 2458 N. Bottle Creek Place, I agree with what has been said. Discusses the schools and traffic issues. Judy Dahl, 735 N. Echo Hawk Way, I agree with all of Council's points. Discusses the application process and the traffic issues. Jan Combi, 6440 W. Beacon Light Road, discusses the mixed use and the park property. This plan is not what we need. Deny or delay this. Brad Pike, 1905 N. Scenergy Place, you are advocates for our citizens and you have to make decisions for our citizens. Impacts and balance are what you should consider on any development. Justine Boccanera, 239 N. Fall Creek, there was a lot great testimony and I agree that development needs to slow down. We need to increase fees for these giant developments. I think everyone needs to take a step back and developers need to pay higher fees, they are not paying for the impact on the community. Jason Pierce, 1980 N. Floating Feather Road, we have to quit talking about the past. We have to pick the best projects for this community. This project doesn't fit for this community. We need to find what Eagle wants to have. Becky McKay, representing the applicant, the project before you is a large project. Discusses the Council's visions and Toll Brothers vision. Discusses the traffic study, annexation into the Sewer District, the water infrastructure, the possibility of a fire station, we are providing a location for a school. The Council needs to give us a clear path. Discusses the open space, the club house and other amenities. We want a project that the City can be proud of. Discussion on impact fees and other fees. We need clear direction to move forward. Debra Nelson, 601 W. Bannock, discusses the Development Agreement. This project is a contract. Discusses the number of lots and the setbacks. General Council discussion. Bastian moves to deny RZ-1O-07 MOD/CU-01-19fPPUWO1-19IPP-01-19-Belvoir Estates Planned Unit Development -Toll Southwest, LLC. Seconded by Pittman. Discussion. Bastian: AYE, Gold AYE, Pittman: AYE, Mitchell: AYE: MOTION CARRIES........... Mayor: I didn't close the Public Hearing, so we need to rescind this Motion. Bastian moves to rescind the vote. Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ Mayor closes the Public Hearing Bastian moves to deny RZ-1O-07 MOD/CU-01-19[PPUD-01-19IPP-01-19-Belvoir Estates Planned Unit Development. Seconded by Pittman. Bastian: AYE, Gold: AYE, Pittman: AYE, Mitchell: AYE: MOTION CARRIES........... Page 8 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CG10-8-19 min.doc C. ACTION ITEM.' RZ-07-19 — Rezone from R-1 (Residential) to C -1 -DA (Neighborhood Business District with a Development Agreement Jin Lieu of a Conditional Use Permitl) — Jerron and Marie Porchia: Jerron and Margie Porchia are requesting a rezone from R-1 (Residential) to C -1 -DA (Neighborhood Business District with a development agreement in lieu of a conditional use permit_) to allow for retail, restaurant, and residential uses (3-townhomes, 2 single-family dwellings, 4- residenital condominiums _located within the commercial building_). The 2.56 -acre site is located on the west side of North Horseshoe Bend Road approximately 130 -feet south of intersection of West Bonita Hills Boulevard and North Horseshoe Bend Road at 10201 North Horseshoe Bend Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Marla Carson, representing the applicant, we are here to request a rezone. Discusses a business district, a shared parking analysis and a mixed-use center. General discussion. Planner Williams displays a power point presentation and provides an overview for the Council. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Cheryl Bloom, 2153 N. Hollybrook Place, this is very poorly designed. Discusses the traffic and the commercial space. This is not a good design for the area. You really need to take another look at this. John Peterson, Buckskin Court, this is a wonderful piece of land. I think they can do a better design. Christopher Hadden, 909 N. Morley Green Pl., they have a wonderful view. I think they need to move things around. Discusses the condos and the proposed restaurant. Marla Carson, representing the applicant, discusses the parking garage, the design, the residential site, the views and open-air walkways. Margie Porchia, 7670 Colt Drive, Boise, me and my husband own the property. We have had the property almost 30 years. This is for rezone and we have a development agreement. Discusses a gathering place, the views, stadium view center and parking. General discussion. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Mitchell moves to approve RZ-07-19—Rezone from R-1 (Residential) to C -1-DA (Neighborhood Business District with a DeAgreement [in Lieu of a Conditional Use Permit]) Jerron and Margie Porchia. Seconded Gold. General discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES....... 11. NEW BUSINESS: NONE 12. PUBLIC COMMENT 2: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter, up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing and land use items. Comments regarding Public Hearing and land use Page 9 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CG10-8-19 min.doc items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s) in accordance with Idaho Code. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters (excluding Public Hearing and land use items) during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. John Peterson, Buxton Court, this is the first night I have been proud of the Council. Good job tonight. 13. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: Mitchell reports on the Senior Center. Bastian: No report Gold: No report Pittman: No report B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: None C. City Attorney Report: None D. Chief Clifford: No report. 14. ADJOURNMENT: Gold moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bastian. Mayor: seeing no objections, we are adjourned. Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 11:45 p.m. 9sectfully submitted: SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER STAN RIDGEWAY MAYOR oto will 411,4,4,, C C).; �V O R ®� O • SEAL • eArs E OF 19 ,%,�` `,,l/Q:iI11100 AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT WWW.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 10 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2019\CC-10-08-19 min.doc EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA ITEM #10A A-03-19/RZ-08-19/CU-05-19/PPUD-04-19/PP-06-19-Lanewood North Planned Unit Development- SCS Brighton, LLC October 8, 2019 NAME PLEASE PRINT ADDRESS 4414 I) dirk xl ktt(,,dtc. e) -le6r //vxx fo rC1 c STIFY PROC:();::) /NO NEUTRAL V." I -Lk, - , 1700 // //_,/./i6a,zy. Ai (4' 4- 0 --viici -) ok). rtc4$23 -325,5- , , 0 cie,61-&'4-je ,--\ c)A v \(,- i :-.)'\"- \e-- 73Li '9-- . l'\) ''l --,41-tz., (i)v-e-).-.__ 1\) \-3 (A) re 5 a FJ C)-eyr C EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING Irc1 AGENDA ITEM #1OA A-O3-19/O8-19/CU-O5-19/PPU D-04-19/PP-06-19-Lanewood North Planned Unit Development- SCS Brighton, LLC October 8, 2019 #54 C-trfV4G Voit 010 staties Ylauttea 0615, N oi AGE VV-0-19-1avolr west 1,1.4C '01,31)-01-19utb 03-009�o � raccitS o 10 219 0500 r��U,��,1 31"143-01 .1-01)�eVe October � Y�S�� EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING °$e AGENDA ITEM #10B RZ-10-07 MOD/CU-01-19/PPUD-01-19/PP-01-19-Belvoir Estates Planned Unit Development -Toll Southwest, LLC October 8, 2019 /j I2rCJ er- JCL_ 305 E Co\\ -(7)A f t ,s4e.cie Li L.? LI qi! C d `)--ti 0,1 ao,N YA.) IEP6 2 a S 1-1.1•J t J 1 Ai ce_ Of) (47 5 2- _S— ) 0- ± j4r'/// C) (I biccav) qa,oit \s/o-ai i Urka\*--5- L •,-bac20-yu% +. 'K\-0 otr- c?it) yLJ CO CCAA‘AAI- re (4 2 L-Lck2 Cy-cet L(1)14"9 C R-entL•Rezone from ,reem ar,ie Poreh'a' �_p�-19 � aDe�elo � meritonand 1VIkith err 2019 �istri�t ��tober g� CO1JC%L #1OC AGENDAITEM to C- in ReSldential .Lleu of NAME, PLEA' -ANT \-1 \i. ......... ......... 1 1 \ _ --\ V - -A\ A.DIAttSS T e i 1 I � bboritood Businesse1 _ Use permit ofl°nal PROICON TESTIFY NOTRAI, )(ONO�� tifl \-- t\o-YN. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA ITEM #1OC RZ-07-19 — Rezone from R-1 Residential to C -1 -DA Nei hborhood Business District with a Develo ment A reement in Lieu of a Conditional Use Permit Jerron and Margie Porchia: October 8, 2019 C To the Mayor and Eagle City Council: My name is Cheryl Bloom and 1 reside at 2153 N. Hollybrook Place, Eagle, ID. had asked a question for clarification with regard to the "gates on the private streets" at the 24 September Public hearing and I did not receive a response during rebuttal. However, I have gone back and listened to the archived hearing and looked at each page of the 432 page packet and have this to offer as follow up: Councilman Pittman questioned Ms. McKay with regard to private drives, private streets and at the 1:47 hour/minute mark, Ms. McKay then offered her comments: "we're proposing premiums lots," [here, here, and here, (pointing at the map)] "these loops will have gates." Councilman Pittman confirmed that there will be 3 gates and Ms. McKay stated.. ."I failed to add to my presentation..." those 3 gates. It is a minor oversight to fail to mention shrubs and landscaping. It's a minor oversight to fail to mention things like roofing materials and maybe types of playground equipment or materials. However, it is not a minor oversight to fail to mention gates, 3 gates, access to private streets that are a hot topic in these proposed premium home areas that give the impression of yet another elitist housing area in Eagle. Unless someone with a magnifying glass or the time to read every single page of this 432 page packet sees a note or happens to catch the 3 -gate comments as an "off the cuff remark" it would have been missed. In my opinion, it's a deliberate attempt at avoiding a discussion for the public to provide input. Ms. McKay is better than that. She would not deliberately avoid a public discussion on such an important matter. The gates were not mentioned during P&Z. They were not part of her presentation then and not at the Tuesday, September 24 Eagle City Council hearing. They were not included in the ACRD presentation. I have been to each and every one of the hearings for this application since it was first presented 12 years ago. Conspicuously absent from the 432 -page packet are date stamps from several pages, including but not limited to page 115. If you look at this page, the "gated entrance," are there on this undated exhibit. Gates are not an amenity nor are they a unique or special circumstance to a traditional housing development. They give the impression of an "elitist" area for which this is specifically not the target market, or so it has been presented. Please do not approve the gates for these 3 private streets. Thank you for your time and consideration. lkne .II, i II 1 j 1 ; : r { V la k = 4O j �� Y .-fir- a = �. i% 4:, \ .". .....,t4. 3ili!liiii :;. 1*Lk I / la' ig, iiilg :,_ ---, 1- If if . i. I I 1 1 i i z " , . f if iv' 1. i. 1 - __,..„1_ _ 7...,4,./` tiii Y , _ ft:" t --4---- . 1 / : 14 i- kill: ' Iti --; I/ it.i'l c.". 4334,7 t ses 4,44, _____ 4 ., , ----.„_ ___g_ - 7 0 g , F w ----4-4i- ' _ 3i: M --+- - _ .- ` •. ,,,. it, ____tir . ii il is :a i" sit { >iNgrt Y : 1 I ' # if` e 51111111 1. -le .i -tii _. ,$ r L. i. t Illi›P '1 ' , 4 i , t 111 : I .:-. 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