Minutes - 2004 - City Council - 12/13/2004 - Joint THE CITY OF EAGLE Joint Meeting Agenda Eagle City Council & Star City Council December 13, 2004 7:30 P.M. ORIGINALv' This meeting will be held at Eagle City Hall 3 1 0 E. State St. The Eagle City Council and Star City Council met in special session on December 13,2004, Mayor Merrill presiding. 1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present for Star: BELL, CHRISTOPHERSON, ERLEBACK, MCDANIEL. Absent: none. Present for Eagle: BASTIAN, GUERBER. Absent: SEDLACEK, NORDSTROM. A quorum is not present. Mayor Merrill moves to amend the agenda to discuss the EMS issue. Bastian seconds. ALL A YES...MOTION CARRIES. SEDLACEK and NORDSTROM arrive at 7:34 p.m. A quorum is present. Council discussion: Add provision to item number 4 that one person will represent the three cities of Eagle, Star and Garden City. Authorize Mayor to sign the amendment. For the City of Star, Bell moves to accept EMS, as amended above. Erleback,seconds. ALL AYES.. . MOTION CARRIES. For the City of Eagle, Bastian moves to accept EMS, as amended above. Guerber seconds. ALL AYES... MOTION CARRIES. 3. The Eagle City Council and the Star City Council are meeting on December 13, 2004, at 7:30 pm at Eagle City Hall to discuss renegotiation of the Area ofImpact between the City of Eagle and the City of Star as requested by the Ada County Board of County Commissioners. Mayor Mitchell opens item for the City of Star. Council discussion: Sedlacek believes Hwy. 16 is going to be a major issue and asks for clarification on proposed codes/zones from Star along this corridor. Mayor Mitchell indicates proposed zoning along Hwy. 16 corridor reflects desire of property owners and future development in the area. Sedlacek does not want to buy off on commercial development on both sides of Hwy. 16. Mayor Merrill presents the City of Eagle plan. Discusses planned "collector" road to be funded by developers as they move into the area. Mayor Mitchell goes back to Councilwoman Sedlacek's concerns regarding commercial development on both sides ofHwy. 16 and indicates that Star recognizes Eagles plan for the area. Nordstrom asks about mixed use development and the use of a collector road. Page 1 of3 K:ICQUNCllIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-12-13-04spmin.doc THE CITY OF EAGLE Joint Meeting Agenda Eagle City Council & Star City Council December 13, 2004 7:30 P.M. Mayor Mitchell indicates that actual access points are premature at this time and those issues fall to preliminary plat discussions. Commercial uses to be used as buffer to residential development. Bell clarifies "blue" area, mixed use, not so much as a zone, but rather a density indicator to allow land owner flexibility. Comp plan today is consistent with ITD intent as to traffic development. Nordstrom indicates ITD development (large cIover-leat) improbable. Mayor Merrill shifts focus to river crossing area of Star and asks about commercial development in that area. Mayor Mitchell clarifies that discussions with property owners in that area are underway and mixed use or commercial development is probable. Bastian envisions Hwy. 16 corridor similar to Eagle Road, with possible connection to Interstate. That would ultimately lead to (8-lane) traffic barrier to divide communities, although this may favor Eagle. This natural barrier lends itself to long range development. Nordstrom indicates that long-range planning may not favor individual land owners, but overall development of the area. Bell believes that the Star proposal is very reasonable and serves the landowners who want to be annexed to Star. Guerber believes that growth pattern should not be based on land owners who make an arbitrary decision. Prefers logical planning based on geography and roadways. Mayor Mitchell believes their plan addresses all issues, including population growth. Do not have a land use plan in place west of Can-Ada, Canyon County. Looking for diverse uses. Mayor Merrill suggests that we get a consensus or motion as to how each City sees the proposals. Bastian states the Star proposal makes transition for Eagle difficult, but Eagle's proposal, with the (8-lane) traffic corridor, the division is more natural. Mayor Mitchell believes that this is best conversation to date, but limiting Star to Hwy. 16 severely limits their growth and planning. Guerber states that highways are natural dividers. Sedlacek indicates that the Hwy. 16 is the dividing line, the end of Eagle development. Bastian believes if Star takes north of Beacon Light, it creates a huge obstacle to village development. Mayor Merrill believes we are at a stalemate. Guerber asks for clarification on what area Star is negotiating. Mayor Mitchell not aware of recent annexation application. Bastian asks if Star is interested in the area above Beacon Light remaining in the County. Bell indicates that area should be incorporated to Star to allow for their long-range planning. Page 2 of 3 K:ICQUNCllIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-12-13-04spmin.doc THE CITY OF EAGLE Joint Meeting Agenda Eagle City Council & Star City Council December 13, 2004 7:30 P.M. Nordstrom moves that discussions are at a stalemate and should cease at this time. Sedlacek seconds. Council discussion. ALL AYES...MOTION CARRIES. ADJOURNMENT: Sedlacek moves to adjourn the meeting, Guerber seconds. ALL AYES... MOTION CARRIES. 4. Hearing no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p,m, Sedlacek moves for Eagle City Council to go into Executive Session at 9:00 p.m. Guerber seconds. ALL A YES...MOTION CARRIES. Council leaves Executive Session at 9: 15 p.m., no action taken. ..'1"""" ~......,. OLE """ ......" ~þo. ....... >L #,# ... L'... .. ~ ## ,:> O:'\. .. Ì" l E 8. ~ ~ .- ~ .. ~ = >.. I ,,° -;'.. 0 . :<-.Z"" I'.:~-: .......0:. ~.._- ¡~'O ¡I."'c:-:: " ..., \0. ", : " . (:" -'" " ill . -. .." '" .... ..-'NCO'., -..' ,," iI!« ~ ....." - I... .." iI!###, STA.'\\' ......" ~" ,..- .........", RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: jt{~'l (k~ Sharon K. Bergmann City Clerk/Treasurer Page 3 of 3 K:ICQUNCllIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-12-13-04spmin.doc Tracy Osborn From: City of Eagle [eaglecity@cityofeagle.org] Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 2:15 PM To: Steve Guerber; Lynne Sedlacek; Nancy Home; Scott Nordstrom; Stan Bastian Cc: Tracy Osborn; Sheri Horton Subject: FW: Ada County EMS •---Original Message 'rom: Dan Friend [mailto:dfriend@eaglefire.org] ;ant: Monday, December 13, 2004 11:45 AM 'o: sguerber@ishs.state.id.us; knobhilltoys@aol.com ,c: eaglecity@cityofeagle.org ;ubject: Ma County EMS his morning John Lerma looked at the "Letter of Commitment in Support of Levy Override Election for the Operation of Ada County :mergency Medical Services". We received this document after 4:00 p.m. on Friday, December 10, 2004. The BOCC want the greement signed and back to them by 9:00 a.m. tomorrow moming (Tuesday, December 14, 2004). We can't notice a special -eating and authorize signing of this agreement in that quick of a time even if we agreed with their four items. John said he has a usy schedule today but will write a letter for you in the moming that summarizes some of his concems. Thanks, Dan .2/13/2004 Tracy Osborn Page 1 of : )11,1104 From: Dee Mahaffey [dmahaffey@adaweb.net] Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 2:47 PM To: Alan Shealy (E-mail); Bill Nary (E-mail); Dave Bieter (E-mail); Jerome Mapp (E-mail); John Evans (E-mail); Maryanne Jordan (E-mail); Nancy C. Merrill (E-mail); Nathan Mitchell (E-mail); Scott Nordstrom (E-mail); Ted Ellis (E-mail); kandy@4hr.com; Mayor Council; Maryanne Jordan; nmerrill@cityofeagle.org; shorton@cityofeagle.org; tosborn@cityofeagle.org; colleen@cityofkuna.com; mayor@cityofkuna.com; bergw@cityofineridian.org; deweert@exchange.meridiancity.org; sbconklin@gardencityidaho.org; tellis@gardencityidaho.org; elaine@idahosmartgrowth.org; crountre@itd.state.id.us; jtlang@juno.com; deweerdt@meridiancity.org; donnellc@meridiancity.org; gardnerp@meridiancity.org; birdronaldkeith@msn.com; W_Eberle@msn.com; Isedlacek@gwest.net; cbell@staridaho.org; nmitchell@staridaho.org; evans48@velocitus.net; dave_szplett@yahoo.com Cc: DJohnson@cityofboise.org; rosind@cableone.net; dfriend@eaglefire.org; star-chief@cableone.net; Troy Hagen; Teresa Baker; Melinda Nothern; Melinda @ Summit Subject: Letter of Commitment for Override - EMS -fello all - The commissioners have received several questions regarding the agreement to provide in-kind or financial .ontributions to conduct an override election because we currently have not budgeted for this action. If you aren't able to ielp financially but may be able to donate time, volunteers, resources, or other in-kind assistance, this would be sufficient to ign your intent on the existing document (Letter of Commitment for Override - EMS). :t is important to note that in order for the commissioners to deviate from the recommendation of the Blue Ribbon Task 'orce to dissolve the current taxing district, that they receive your signed commitment by no later that 9:00 a.m. December 4, 2004 by fax (287-7009), e-mail (bocci@adaweb.net) or courier. `hank you! 12/13/2004 ►4essage Tracy Osborn From: Tracy Osborn [tosborn@cityofeagle.org] Sent: Friday, December 10, 2004 4:18 PM To: Steve Guerber (sguerber@ishs.state.id.us); Lynne Sedlacek (Isedlacek@gwest.net); Nancy Merrill (nmerri1104@msn.com); Scott Nordstrom (snordstrom@avcraft.com); Stan Bastian; Stan Bastian (stan bastian@cableone. net) Cc: Sharon Bergmann(sharon@cityofeagle.org) Subject: FW: Letter of Commitment for Override - EMS Page 1 of &C/ Pii/04 ----Original Message :rom: Dee Mahaffey [mailto:dmahaffey@adaweb.net] ;ent: Friday, December 10, 2004 4:02 PM -o: Alan Shealy (E-mail); Bill Nary (E-mail); Dave Bieter (E-mail); Jerome Mapp (E-mail); John Evans (E-mail); Maryanne Jordan (E - nail); Nancy C. Merrill (E-mail); Nathan Mitchell (E-mail); Scott Nordstrom (E-mail); Ted Ellis (E-mail); kandy@4hr.com; Mayor :ouncil; Maryanne Jordan; nmerrill@cityofeagle.org; shorton@cityofeagle.org; tosbom@cityofeagle.org; colleen@cityofkuna.com; nayor@cityofkuna.com; bergw@cityofmeridian.org; deweert@exchange.meridiancity.org; sbconklin@gardencityidaho.org; ellis@gardencityidaho.org; elaine@idahosmartgrowth.org; crountre@itd.state.id.us; jtlang@juno.com; deweerdt@meridiancity.org; lonnellc@meridiancity.org; gardnerp@meridiancity.org; birdronaldkeith@msn.com; W_Eberle@msn.com; Isedlacek@qwest.net; bell@staridaho.org; nmitchell@staridaho.org; evans48@velocitus.net; dave_szplett@yahoo.com :c: DJohnson@cityofboise.org; rosind@cableone.net; dfriend@eaglefire.org; star-chief@cableone.net; Troy Hagen; Teresa Baker; Belinda Nothern; Melinda @ Summit subject: FW: Letter of Commitment for Override - EMS 1ello all - the following is the letter of committeemen we have asked all mayors, fire districts, etc. to sign and return to us Before Dec 14th @ 9:00 a.m.--the date we would need to publish a resolution for dissolving the EMS district. We recognize he short time available for your consideration of this matter but we feel it is necessary to have this signed document in our ile before we proceed any further. The media has requested a copy of this letter but we wanted you to have this before Kt( eleased it to them. Please confirm receipt of this e-mail. If you would like a hard copy, please let us know and we will orward it to you through the mail. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. )ennis - could you please ensure all the fire chiefs and the union receive a copy of this e-mail as we do not have their e-mail ,ddresses. Could you please let me know when you have sent this to all of them as well? Many thanks! )ee Mahaffey on behalf of the Ada County Commissioners 287-7000 [2/13/2004 LETTER OF COMMITMENT IN SUPPORT OF LEVY OVERRIDE ELECTION FOR THE OPERATION OF ADA COUNTY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this day of , 2004 by and between Ada County and its Emergency Medical Services Department, the City of Boise and its Fire Department, Boise Firefighters Union Local 672, the City of Eagle, the Eagle Fire Protection District, the City of Star, the Star Rural Fire District, the City of Kuna, the Kuna Rural Fire District, Garden City, the North Ada County Fire District, the City of Meridian and its Fire Department, the Meridian Rural Fire District and the Meridian Firefighters Union Local ?. The parties identified are collectively referred to herein as the "Parties." WHEREAS, Ada County operates Ada County Emergency Medical Services ("EMS") an ambulance taxing district organized under Idaho Code § 31-3908; and WHEREAS, the recent changes to Federal laws under Medicare created an environment wherein the ambulance providers no longer have the ability to recover the balance of a bill not paid by Medicare from a patient, and along with similar changes by Medicaid and other insurance providers have resulted in EMS losing more than 20% of their gross revenue annually since April 2002, when the rules went into effect; and WHEREAS the demand for service by EMS continues to increase an average of 6% annually; WHEREAS, the Board of Ada County Commissioners commissioned the Ada County Emergency Medical Services Blue Ribbon Task Force in November 2003 to study in depth the current emergency medical services system in Ada County with a specific emphasis on the financial impact that the drastic changes to the Medicare system by the federal government has had on Ada County and their ability to provide public safety services to citizens; WHEREAS, the Task Force looked at many options for increasing funding to Ada County EMS as a self-supporting ambulance district including actively supporting a bill sponsored by the Idaho Association of Counties in the 2003 and 2004 Idaho State Legislature to allow for ambulance districts to increase their levy to the level currently LETTER OF COMMITMENT IN SUPPORT OF LEVY OVERRIDE ELECTION FOR THE OPERATION OF ADA COUNTY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES PAGE 1 c:ldocuments and settings\tosborn\local settingsltemporary internet fileslolk 1261letter of committment for override.doc allowed by statute and mandates taxpayer approval of the tax levy increase at a supermajority level and such bill failed; and WHEREAS, the Task Force was unable to find an alternative source of funding that has the ability to fund the budgetary short falls and unanimously recommended that the current Ada County "Emergency Medical Services" District be dissolved and recreated pursuant to Idaho Code § 31-3908; and WHEREAS, Ada County is considering a resolution to dissolve the current "Emergency Medical Services" district and a petition from taxpayers to recreate a new district pursuant to Idaho Code § 31-3908; and WHEREAS, several cities and fire districts have requested Ada County to consider their proposals for cooperation for the provision of emergency medical services in Ada County as they believe that an override of the taxing levy limitations would be an effective way for EMS to solve their financial for the Emergency Medical Services; and WHEREAS, Ada County is willing to consider asking the voters of Ada County for a temporary override of the taxing levy for the Emergency Medical Services district pursuant to Idaho Code § 63-802(3) under certain conditions as a temporary override will not provide a permanent solution to the funding problem as it would not adequately address the issue as ongoing costs for equipment and personnel continue to increase because of the increased demand for service; and WHEREAS, Ada County desires to pursue the option of consolidation of fire and emergency medical services. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals, the parties covenant and agree as follows: 1. Cost of Override Election. The participants agree that they will share a portion of the cost for the override election. This cost will be based in-kind donations of employee time, providing polling places for the election and possibly other financial consideration. 2. Legislative Cooperation. The parties agree to cooperate and actively support the passage of legislation to create an option for taxpayers to vote to consolidate emergency medical and fire services within a county and another to allow an ambulance LETTER OF COMMITMENT IN SUPPORT OF LEVY OVERRIDE ELECTION FOR THE OPERATION OF ADA COUNTY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES PAGE 2 c:ldocuments and settingsltosborn\local settingsltemporary Internet fileslolk 126\Ietter of committment for override.doc district to increase the mill levy of the district up to the level currently allowed by statute with taxpayer approval of the tax levy increase at a supermajority level. 3. Independent Review of Emergency Medical Services Department and Fire Services for Efficiencies. The parties agree to allow for an independent third party review and financial audit of all emergency medical and fire services within Ada County for efficiencies and develop a proposed consolidation plan if consolidation is recommended. All parties shall share the cost for such review. 4. Emergency Medical and Fire Service Study Committee. The parties agree to establish a committee to be formed immediately to review any proposed efficiencies of service within the current structure of EMS and fire service. An independent third party who shall act as the committee facilitator and shall be a non- voting member of the committee and shall chair the Emergency Medial and Fire Service Study Committee. The committee shall be comprised of one representative from the Ada County Board of Commissioners, one representative from Ada County EMS, the two Ada County EMS medical directors, one representative from each of the fire districts, one representative from each of the city fire departments and an Ada County citizen as an at - large member. The Emergency Medial and Fire Service Study Committee shall also review any proposed plan for consolidation and make recommendations to the Board of Ada County Commissioners. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this commitment is executed on the date indicated below. ADA COUNTY By: Dated: Judy Peavey -Derr Chairman CITY OF BOISE LETTER OF COMMITMENT IN SUPPORT OF LEVY OVERRIDE ELECTION FOR THE OPERATION OF ADA COUNTY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES PAGE 3 c:lddocuments and settingsltosbornllocal settingsltemporary internet fileslolk 126Vetter of committment for override.doc By: Dated: David H. Bieter Mayor CITY OF EAGLE By: Dated: Nancy Merrill Mayor CITY OF GARDEN CITY By: Ted Ellis Mayor CITY OF KUNA Dated: By: Dated: Mayor CITY OF MERIDIAN By: Dated: Tammy DeWeerd Mayor CITY OF STAR By: Mayor NORTH ADA COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT By: Chair KUNA RURAL FIRE DISTRICT Dated: Dated: By: Dated: LETTER OF COMMITMENT IN SUPPORT OF LEVY OVERRIDE ELECTION FOR THE OPERATION OF ADA COUNTY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES PAGE 4 c:ldocuments and settingsltosbornllocal settingsltemporary Internet fileslolk 126Vetter of committment for override.doc Chair EAGLE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT By: Chair STAR FIRE DISTRICT By: Chair MERIDIAN RURAL FIRE DISTRICT Dated: Dated: By: Dated: Chair MERIDIAN FIREFIGHTERS UNION LOCAL By: President BOISE FIREFIGHTERS UNION LOCAL 672 Dated: By: Dated: Tom Lovell President LETTER OF COMMITMENT IN SUPPORT OF LEVY OVERRIDE ELECTION FOR THE OPERATION OF ADA COUNTY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES PAGE 5 c:ldocuments and settingsltosbornllocal scttingsltemporary internet fileslolk 1261Ietter of committment for override.doc