Minutes - 2004 - City Council - 10/19/2004 - Regular V OR\G\NAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes October 19, 2004 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Committee Reports: 1. Lt. Dana Borgquist, Ada County Sheriff: Introduces Sgt. Allen Olson, comes from the BSU contract with 14 years oflaw enforcement experience. Would like to bring more foot patrol and bicycle patrol. Steve Bartlet is our new detective. He was trained in Garden City and transferred to Ada County and now is with us in Eagle. Discusses the different projects that Detective Bartlet has worked on to date. General discussion. 2. Tom Wilson, City Code Enforcement Officer: Distributes a report to Council and discusses the same. I have had 330 cases since I started as the Code Enforcement Officer. That averages 18 cases today. Discusses the Weaver property. General discussion. 3. Chuck Ferguson: Parks and Pathway Committee: Everything is going good. We are going forward. Let us know if there is anything that you need from us. One of the main ones that is coming up is the new 84 acre park. Weare working on the bridge going under Eagle Road. The pathway is up to Garden City and they are trying to get that tied in. General discussion. 4. Lynn Moser, Eagle Sewer District: Council Member Nordstrom attended our Eagle Sewer District meeting as the City Liaison and we appreciate him coming on board. Our meeting was last night and we approved a couple of projects. Discussion on projects. Discussion on the call from Star Sewer District with a commitment to work together. General discussion. 5. Keith Atkins, City Forester: Distributes a report to the Council and discusses the same. Discusses the three grant proposals that he has prepared. General discussion. 6. Weldon Fisher, Eagle Historic Commission: Discussion on the Arrowrock Dam Valve. Provides Council some history on the valves. Discussion on a project called the Barn's of Eagle. General Discussion. Diane Scott: Eagle Historic Commission: Discussion on the Barn's of Eagle project and possibly doing a calendar. We are planning our first fund raiser. We are going to have a Historic Home Tour on December 4th. Discussion on the oral history program. Discussion on the Scavenger Hunt Program at the Museum. We have had three groups of children so far. Our future plans is to build a replica of a barn and a prune packing shed. The Cullen family has donated an anvil and a grinder that was in the original blacksmith shop and we have photographs in the Museum showing the people in the shop. Discussion on a barn calendar. General discussion. Discussion on working with Jim Birdsall on some grant opportunities. Recess called at 6:50 p.m. Reconvened at 7:00 p.m. Page I K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-IO-19-04min.doc 7. Eagle Fire Department, Mark Rabdau, Assistant Chief, presents a Power Point presentation for the Council that provides an overview of the Fire Department procedures, equipment and community projects. Discussion on volunteers. General discussion. Discussion on how insurance rates in the City reflect on the procedures and preparedness of the Fire Department. Further general discussion. 8. Jim Birdsall: Discussion on the Juvenile Justice Program. I have materials from Kuna and the best idea would be to have the people involved in the Kuna program make a presentation to you. Council would like to have this presentation on a pre-council agenda. 9. Larry Sale, ACHD: Discussion on the gravel at the Hill Road Park Site. We are have some difficulties with Ada County on getting the permits to move the gravel. It may be after the first of the year before we can get the gravel moved. We met on site with Hillside Nursery and it appears they can work around the pile for a few weeks. We will be working with your contractor. 10. City Clerk Bergmann: Reports on the progress with Eagle Water in getting the water line to the Hill Road Park. Mr. DeShazo has been very good to work with and has proceeded in a timely fashion. I have provided you a copy of the Withdrawal of the RFP for the new City Hall that will be sent out. United Water has contacted me and the balance on their accounts receivables is just over $1,900.00. I will put this on your next agenda so you can take action on purchasing these accounts. In regards to a City Flag at Eagle River we are getting a price for the flag. Eagle River will be responsible for the maintenance of the flag. I have provided information in regards to the 2004 City Officials Academy & Legislative Lunch on November 16th. Let me know if you want to attend. 11. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Discussion on the Communities in Motion, Public Presentation Workshop. REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Council President Bastian calls the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, SEDLACEK, GUERBER, NORDSTROM. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: None 5. CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the Rules of Order. Pa8e 2 K:\COUNClLIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work AteaICC-1 0-19-04min.doc . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of September 14, 2004 C. Minutes of September 21, 2004 D. Minutes of September 28, 2004 E. Minutes of October 7, 2004 F. DR-90-04 - One Monument and Two Buildinl! Wall Sil!ns for a Bil! 0 Tire Shop - Mark Peterson: Mark Peterson, represented by Neil Caldwell with Idaho Electric Signs Inc., is requesting design review approval to construct one monument and two (2) building wall signs for a Big 0 Tire Shop. The site is located approximately 200-feet north of East State Street within Eagle Promenade at 2948 East State Street. (WEV) G. DR-91-04 - Common Area Landscapinl! within Shadow Ridl!e PUD- Hillview Development Corporation: Hillview Development Corporation, represented by Mark Butler with Land Consultants Inc., is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping within Shadow Ridge PUD. The site is located west of Horseshoe Bend Road at 10711 through 10867 Horseshoe Bend Road and 10943 through 11053 Horseshoe Bend Road. (WEV) H. DR-92-04 - Two Monument Sil!ns for Shadow Ridl!e PUD - Hillview Development Corporation: Hillview Development Corporation, represented by Mark Butler with Land Consultants Inc., is requesting design review approval to construct two monument signs at the entry to Shadow Ridge PUD. The site is located west of Horseshoe Bend Road at 10711 through 10867 Horseshoe Bend Road and 10943 through 11053 Horseshoe Bend Road. (WEV) I. DR-93-04 - Tire Shop within Eal!le Promenade - Mark Peterson: Mark Peterson, represented by David Everson with Gowland, Johanson and Zimmerman, is requesting design review approval to construct a 5,395-square foot tire shop for Big 0 Tires. The site is located approximately 200-feet north of East State Street within Eagle Promenade at 2948 East State Street.(WEV) Sedlacek moves to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Guerber. Bastian: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES...... ...... .... 6. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: A. Proclamation desil!natinl! October 25th throul!h 31st as Red Ribbon Week Bastian introduces the issue. Guerber I would move to approve the Proclamation with one correction: the top of the Proclamation states the 25th through 31st and the last paragraph states October 24th, therefore I move to approve the Proclamation designating October 24th through 31st as Red Ribbon Week. Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion. Council President Bastian reads the Proclamation. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............. 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. CU-8-04 - Wal!ner Farms Fall Festival- Rod and Debi Wal!ner: Rod and Debi Wagner are requesting conditional use permit approval to operate a fall festival with events including a Page 3 K:\COUNClLIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-l 0-19-04min.doc corn maze, a pumpkin patch, hay rides, and associated outdoor entertainment events. The site is located on the north side of Mace Road and west of Eagle Road at 800 W. Mace Road. (WEV) Bastian introduces the issue. Mark Butler, 52 N. 2nd Street, representing the Wagners. I have a slide presentation that provides the Council an overview of the Wagner Farms Fall Festival. Discussion on the conditions of approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission. Discussion on some of the neighbors concerns. We have had great support for the festival. General discussion on lining Mace Road with hay bales. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Provides Council an overview of the Staff Report. This Conditional Use Permit would continue on through the year 2008 providing a report each year after the event and to discuss any concerns that need to be addressed for the next year. The hours of operation are 10:00 am to 10:00 pm. General discussion. Bastian opens the Public Hearing Council Member Sedlacek reads comments from the public received within the last five days into the record. Bastian: We have received a Petition with about 50 signatures in favor of the festival. Bastian swears in Rob Wagner. Rod Wagner, 3240 W. Chinden, Meridian, you have read four negative letters do you have time to read the positive letters. Council Member Sedlacek replies that these are just letters that we have just received and the other letters are already in the record. The festival only runs four weeks. We don't have any water trucks. We have a tractor that does the watering. If there is an issue with the water I will wait to run the tractor in the morning. I think because this is a farm operation I can run the tractor any time. We are zero tolerant as far as the alcohol, kids, teenagers, dust and trash is concerned. I don't think you have any real complaints in regards to any of these issues. Discussion on car lights shining on the neighboring residents. Everything shuts off at 10:00 pm. Obviously you can't get all of the people out right at 10:00 pm. We can't shut the lights off until everyone is gone. Bastian swears in Carl Able Carl Able, 2284 N. Snowhawk, Kuna, if the festival was there before the people in Two Rivers purchased their house why did they buy there. My son loves this place, he cries when we have to leave. My son's pre-school was there plus some additional schools. This is an educational experience for the children. You need to let them get their permit. The kids are learning and having fun. This is only four weeks out of the year. I am in support of the festival. General discussion. Bastian swears in Mike Thorton Mike Thorton, 3627 Gem Avenue, Emmett, I'm for the corn maze. I've spent many years with at risk kids across the county. We need places for our kids to go. I was raised here in Eagle. I see thousand of kids come to this event. It is a safe environment. It is a great thing to see families enjoy this festival. Most people are in support of this event. You can't make everyone happy. We have to have a legacy. Bastian swears in Brad Robertson Page 4 K:\COUNClLIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-1 O-19-04min.doc Brad Robertson, 2957 W. Colony Court, I have little boys and I sure enjoy taking them over there. I think it needs to stay and we need to retain some our agricultural heritage. I don't understand the alcohol if this is a family thing. I would sure like to see it stay. Bastian swears in Rebecca Butler Rebecca Butler, 1640 Washam Road, I went to the festival numerous times as a teenager. I never witnessed any under age drinking. Alcohol has been a part of celebrations for generations and even if it is against your religion it shouldn't be taken away from the pumpkin festival. Bastian swears in Ricky Butler Ricky Butler, 1640 Washam Road, I have been going to the pumpkin for years and people don't go to the pumpkin fest to drink alcohol. I can't imagine people looking into others people's windows in Two Rivers. They've done a lot to get rid of the noise. They've turned the direction of the music and they've controlled the light. Mark Butler, there are seven houses next door to the activities. I have some slides that show you the berm on the south side of Mace Road. There is a memo from Dana Borgquist and there has only been one incident. The Wagner's turned away one person who had been drinking when they came to the event and it was one of the people who wrote a letter against the festival. General discussion. Mayor swears in Kathy Conklin Kathy Conklin 735 Palmento, I live across from the golf course and they have big events that are televised. These events can happen any place. Mike Thorton, I've watched people go into the beer garden. I've never seen any body stumble out of there. The people that are serving the beer are careful to watch how much somebody is consuming. Is everyone going to be concerned about the golf course restaurant with people coming and going. There are a lot of pluses to keeping this as it is. We have to draw the line and salvage some of our heritage. This is a farm. Things go on at night at a farm. We need to save this. Carl Able, I live in Kuna and I am President of our Homeowner's Association. Our subdivision is right next to a farm and we don't get any complaints about farm operations. Bastian closes the Public Hearing. Guerber: I need to declare a conflict. I have been at the maze and watched the activities this last week end. Anyone who goes to the festival is going to say that they don't want to see this go away. We have to be aware of those who are adversely affected. They have voiced a concern and we have to deal with this. We have to look at how we can minimize the impact of these people. Noise is a factor. Maybe closing at 9:30 pm would be ample time to have everyone out ofthere by 10:00 pm. I would like to see most of the activities moved to the west end of the property to alleviate some of the problems with neighbors. I don't think traffic is a big problem. I think the drinking has been controlled and people who don't want drinking just don't want drinking. Any thing that can be done to minimizing the concerns of these people needs to be done. Sedlacek: I remain committed to this festival. This is a wonderful event. I agree with Steve. Some people have concerns and we need to work with them each year. For the record I used to be Rod Wagner's babysitter. Page 5 K\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-1 0- J 9-04min.doc Nordstrom: I echo the things that have been said. I think you have been tried to be a good neighbor. Any thing that you can do to mitigate the neighbors concerns would be greatly appreciated. This is only four weeks out of the year. There are a lot of events going on in this town. I'm wondering if it would cause a negative impact if you close at 9:00 pm. I'mjust wondering if this should be considered next year. This is something to think about. I don't know how well alcohol and this event goes together. If someone has an accident related to alcohol it maybe something that would be hard to overcome. This is a great thing for the City of Eagle. Bastian: I appreciate the testimony that has been given. The community is in favor of this event and the few letters that we have received from people who are impacted are the neighbors closest to the event. Reads statements from the comprehensive plan. We do have to take into consideration our ordinances and the fact that this could be upsetting to the closest neighbors. If there is a way to get everyone out by 10:00 pm and no machinery operating at 10:00 pm that would be preferable. I'm not sure that can be done. The conditions that are placed here are preferable. The alcohol beverages, there have been no reports of any incidents. It is my personal preference that no alcohol beverages be served. I think this should come back to the Council on an annual basis for review after staff has meet with Wagners. General discussion. Discussion on photos with Rod Wagner. Rod Wagner, on days that we don't have customers we close early. Like today it was raining and we closed at 6:00 pm. I would like to have the 10:00 pm closing as it gives the kids time to enjoy all of the activities after dark. I turn all of the lights off except for the ones that are needed for people to leave. I can water in the morning. Nordstrom moves to approve CU-8-04 - Wagner Farms Fall Festival with the Site Specific and Standard Conditions of Approval with the following changes; Item #4. That the operation be limited to the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. and that the event be held seven days a week and no longer than 30 days from the first day of operation; Specific Condition #11. That a water truck or tractor shall be maintained on the site as a means to diminish air borne dust (finishing up that sentence) and add "no watering after 6:00 p.m."; Item #13. That the applicant and staff shall meet to discuss language to provide to the City Council the mitigation control of amplified music and additionally for staff to brief the Council prior to sign off by staff before the event. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. Nordstrom amends the motion to add to Item #2. The administrative review process includes the right of the City Council to amend these conditions of approval on an annual basis. Second concurs. Nordstrom amends the motion to strike #13 in its entirety. Second concurs. Further discussion. Guerber moves to amends the Motion to state: The hours will be Sunday through Thursday the concessions and entertainment to shut down at 9:30 p.m. and the event ends at 10:00 p.m.; on Friday and Saturday the concessions and entertainment to close at 10:00 p.m. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. Discussion Council and Rod Wagner: the traffic flows out evenly. We only have entertainment on the weekends. It's not that busy during the week. We have spent thousands of dollars on advertising for this year. I hope to leave our hours as they are this year. Vote on Amendment to Motion: ONE AYE: THREE NAYS: MOTION FAILS..... Vote on Original Motion: ONE AYE: THREE NAY: MOTION FAILS..... Page 6 K:\COUNClLIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-10-19-04min.doc Sedlacek moves to approve CU-8-04 - Wagner Farms Fall Festival with all Site Specific and Standard Conditions of Approval with Item #2 being modified as addressed by the city attorney and that #13 be stricken and #4 be modified that 45 days be changed to 30 days. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. Sedlacek moves to amend the motion to 31 days. Second concurs. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES..................... Bastian calls a recess at 9:20 p.m. Meeting reconvenes at 9:30 p.m. B. RZ-8-04 - Rezone From A-R to PS - Ada County Hil!hwav District: Ada County Highway District, represented by Doherty & Associates, Inc., is requesting a rezone from A-R (Agricultural-Residential) to PS (Public/Semi-Public) for the construction of a park and ride lot. The AI-acre parcel is located on the south side of North Ballantyne Road and north of the intersection of West Highway 44 and West State. (WEV) Bastian introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Displays overheads of the project location and provides Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Bastian swears in Larry Sale Larry Sale, ACHD, displays an aerial photo of the area and provides Council an overview of the application for rezone. The application is in conformance with the City's comprehensive plan and staff recommends approval. The environmental review process has been completed. Discussion on access to the site when Ballantyne is realigned. Bastian opens the Public Hearing Bastian closes the Public Hearing Sedlacek moves to approve RZ-8-04 - Rezone From A-R to PS - Ada County Highway District for the park and ride with the Standard and Site Specific Conditions of Approval. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................... 8. FINAL PLATS: A. Final Plat Extension of Time for Yorkshire Acres Subdivision: Paul B. Clayton Family Trust, represented by Mark Robinson, is requesting a third one-year extension of time for the final plat for Yorkshire Acres Subdivision. The 4.64-acre, 15-10t (l3-buildable,2-common) residential subdivision is located on the south side of East Floating Feather Road, approximately 900-feet west of Horseshoe Bend Road. (WEV) Bastian introduces the issue. General discussion. Guerber moves to grant the extension of time as requested. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. THREE AYES: ONE NAY: MOTION CARRIES............... 9. NEW BUSINESS: A. Comprehensive Park & Pathwav Recreation Svstem Plan - Recommendation from the Parks & Pathway Development Committee to proceed with the proposed scope of work presented from Jim Birdsall. (JB) Bastian introduces the issue. Jim Birdsall, I have a couple of items that need your approval tonight so that we can move forward with the Comprehensive Park & Pathway Recreation System Plan. Page 7 K:\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC- JO-19-04mÍß.doc Discussion on the budget and cost estimates for the scope of work. Discussion on the time that Mick McCurry, City Facilities Manager, will spend on the project. It may not take much of his time unless he wants to be more involved. Discussion on Jim's time. It was my intent to stay within my contract if at all possible. Although if I am going to do grant applications also we may revisit my time. Guerber moves to approve the draft scope of work as proposed with the stipulation that the scope of work falls within the City budget. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................. Jim distributes the sub-proposal from Greg Smith in the amount of $4,900.00. General discussion. Council concurs that the City will have the Contract with Greg Smith for the survey. Council would like to review and have input on the questions that are developed by Greg Smith. Further general discussion. Bastian moves to approval the proposal as presented in the document dated September 29, 2004 not to exceed $4,900.00 plus or minus 10% and that the Council will have a review and input on the questions that are developed for the survey process. Seconded by Guerber. Bastian: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................. B. Eae:le Arts Commission - Approval of Proposed Projects: The Eagle Arts Commission has submitted information on 4 projects for FY04/0S and is seeking Council approval. (SKB) Bastian introduces the issue. General discussion on the Eagle Arts Commission Activities Memo from Linda Butler dated September 22, 2004. Nordstrom moves to approve the proposed expenditures by the Eagle Arts Commission. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. Bastian: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................ C. Hill Road Park - Contract Chane:e: CSHQA is recommending a Contract change to provide an asphalt parking lot instead of the proposed gravel lot. Bastian introduces the issue. Nordstrom moves to direct CSHQA to bring a change order to the Council pricing an asphalt parking lot instead of the gravel parking lot. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............... D. DR-94-04 - Two StOry Multi-tenant Office/Retail/Restaurant Buildine: - Stonewvcke Partners. LLC: Stonewycke Partners, LLC, represented by Paul MacDonald with Paul MacDonald Architect, are requesting design review approval to construct a 14,830-square foot two (2) story, multi-tenant office/retail/restaurant building. The site is located approximately l3S-feet south of East Shore Drive within Eagle River Development (Lot 12, Block 4, Mixed Use Subdivision No.3) at 291 East Shore Drive.(WEV) Bastian introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: provides Council an overview of the project. General discussion. Page 8 K:\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC- 0- J 9-04min.doc Guerber moves to approve DR-94-04 - Two Story Multi-tenant OfficelRetail/Restaurant Building - Stonewycke Partners, LLC with the change in the height of the building from 40' to 35'. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............... E. DR 95-04 - Master Si!!:n Plan for a Multi-tenant OfficelRetail/Restaurant Buildin!!: - Stonewvcke Partners. LLC: Stonewycke Partners, LLC, represented by Paul MacDonald Architect, are requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for a multi-tenant office/retail/restaurant building. The site is located approximately 13S-feet south of East Shore Drive within Eagle River Development (Lot 12, Block 4, Mixed Use Subdivision No.3) at 291 East Shore Drive.(WEV) Bastian introduces the issue. Guerber moves to approve DR 95-04 - Master Sign Plan for a Multi-tenant OfficelRetail/Restaurant Building - Stonewycke Partners, LLc. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES....................... F. FY 2006-2010 Transportation Improvement Proeram (TIP) (WEV) Bastian introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: I'm requesting that this be continued to the October 26, 2004 City Guerber moves to continue this item to the October 26, 2004 City Council meeting. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................... 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Settlement Aereement - Idaho Power - CU-9-02 (This item will be continued to the October 26, 2004 City Council Meeting) Bastian introduces the issue. Guerber moves to continue the Settlement Agreement with Idaho Power to the October 26, 2004 City Council meeting. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES........ 11. REPORTS: City Engineer Report: Vem Brewer, Holladay Engineering: Greg Wyatt, Mick McCurry and I are scheduling a meeting this week in regards to the 16' line that United Water is proposing. When this line is installed our To and Through Agreement will not be serviced by this line. They may be starting as early as the next two weeks. We were told about this in our contract negotiations. The PUC is opening up the whole expansion area. We are in the process of updating the City's water master plan. United Water would like to expand into this area. I have talked to Bruce Smith on this and he is on top ofthis. We are requesting a meeting with DEQ on our application. We do need to get the master plan updated and into them. Discussion on the water ordinance. I've been involved with Compass the last 4-5 years on transportation planning and I have been asked to serve on Communities in Motion as a representative of City's that we represent. I will be attending the meetings because that is what we do and I will be happy to speak on behalf of the City on your comp plan. I just wanted to inform you of this and get your approval. General discussion. Page 9 K:ICOUNClLIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work ArealCC-l O-19-04min.doc Zoning Administrator's Report: Discussion on Robert DeShazo putting up a 45' foot flag pole at his new yard. A flag is not regulated through our sign ordinance. General discussion. Discussion on the Blue Moose Café. They would like to do a patio cover over the concrete patio on the West side ofthe building. They also want to change the style on the columns. They were reluctant to talk to the Planning Department and Mike told her to talk to the Mayor. The Mayor wants us to explore how the City can accommodate her request. Discussion on the Piccadilly Letter of Credit. City Attorney's Report: Discussion on negotiations on the Brookwood Well. Mayor and Council's Report: Guerber: I would like to see a story in the Valley Times about our Hazardous Waste Program which was a huge success. I believe that we had 213 vehicles. We had a traffic jam around the Library. People need to be aware that this program came about because of our increase in the cost of service. Also we have the leaf program in November. Reports on the Air Quality Board meeting. I would like to have a new updated map on the wall because I do refer to the map occasionally. The Zoning Administrator will get a new map. Nordstrom: I attended the Sewer Board Meeting last night and it went well. Sedlacek: No report. Bastian: I met with the Library Board and they are working on a Strategic Plan and they are distributing questionnaires. They are going to do some study groups. Our Director has had treatment and is doing very well. Library Board has some good representatives and they have a desire to work with the City. The Library is in good hands under the new management. The fact that Dana is a Lieutenant is going to make a big difference in the community policing. If anyone wants to go on a car trip just let Dana know. 12. ADJOURNMENT: Sedlacek moves to adjourn. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYE: MOTION <:ARRIES............ Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 11 :00 p.m. Respectfully submitted: ß~. -K ~ SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: """""""" ,.."..t OF E40 """ ," ~ ..".... '.(. ~4! ~ " ... .. ~ ~ I C,¡.. ~VOR-1/.. \ : Ie? ~.. ~ : : :*=. . * . -.- . . - . . - : . <'EAL;::. . .. ."--1- J -< "'I: \ .."o~ «' '". 0 ¡ ~ IP.;, ..~T'()?:,,-;,,3. ~ ~ "" -1 ì':~. '. o.~ en':',. ......" " I~("'\""" '" ,J l "" III........,' Page 10 K:\COUNClL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-1 0- J 9-04min.doc Sharon Bergmann From: SUSAN S COLAIANNI [sscola@juno.com] Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 5:09 PM To: eaglecity@cityofeagle.org Subject: CU -8-04 Wagner Farms Fall Festival -Rod and Debi Wagner Mayor: Nancy C. Merril Council Members: Stan Bastian Lynne Sedlacek Steve Guerber Scott Nordstrom Planning and Zoning: Jeff Lowe Good Morning, Pae1of1 R1 CEIVEL. L. FILED CITY OF EAGLE OCT 1 S File. Route tor.j CC- I L I am sending this e-mail to each of you regarding the Wagner Farms application for a conditional use permit 8-04 to operate a fall festival each year along Mace Road. I am unable to attend the council public hearing on October 19th due to prior commitments. It is my hope that each of you will read my e-mail and consider my family comments. I live at South Arbor Island Way in Two Rivers and my residence backs up to Mace road and ultimately to Wagner Farms. Let me say that my family is not opposed to Wagner farms and have enjoyed the festival each year we have lived here, we hope it does not go away. Having said that I would like the Mayor, Council members and Jeff Lowe at Planning and Zoning to take into consideration our concerns with the festival: 1. We would like to see the festival hours limited to 10:OOpm on weekdays and 11:OOpm on weekends. Any later than this the festival disturbs our peace and ability to sleep at night. You can clearly hear the PA announcements at night, the bright lights used to illimunate the field, illuminates into our residence and the noise from car stereos and engines make it impossible to sleep. 2. I would discourage the council from allowing any type of alcohol permit at this festival. This is first and foremost a family event and we would like to see it kept that way. Having persons consume alcohol then drive their family down the very narrow, winding, unlighted Mace road and the across 5 lanes of 50mph traffic is a disaster waiting to happen. 3. We would also like the council to consider requiring Wagner farms to stack bails of straw (3 High) down the entire stretch of Mace Road which would help with noise reduction, dust and vehicle headlights. Thank you all for your consideration. Scott & Susan Colaianni 10/19/2004 Sharon Bergmann From: Bastian, Stan [sbastian@nsd131.org] Sent anc)Tbesisttly,rOctober 19, 2004 10 02 MATY OF EAGLE To: sscola@juno.com P.O. Box 15/00 Page 1 of 1 RECEIVED & FILED CITY QP EAGLE I OCT S 2O[ Ft!®: Council: Stanley J. 3astian Route try Steve Guc -ber El -le sguerber@ishs.state.id.us;Isedlaceeave404@msn.com, snordstrom@avcatc or Lynne snumnacekSharon Moore Subject: Wagner Farms Scott & Susan Colaianni, Thanks for your input into this process. I agree with a closing hour of 10:00 P.M. (this corresponds with our noise ordinance). Closing at 10:00 P.M. will help you and your neighbors to get a good night's sleep. The festival is a family activity and closing at 10:00 P.M. will encourage participants to get home at reasonable hour for a good night's sleep. I agree with your assessment of the potential danger of permitting alcohol at this festival. The proponents of the Pumpkin Festival have argued that they police the consumption of alcohol and do not let people drive away under the influence. I agree there is great danger in this situation. I think it is reasonable to require Wagner farms to stack bails of straw (3 High) down the stretch of Mace Road where vehicle headlights, noise, and dust may be reduced. Thanks again for your written testimony regarding your support for the Pumpkin Festival, your specific concerns and the means of dealing with them. Stan Bastian Eagle City Councilman 10/19/2004 EAGLE HISTORIC HOMES TNIHIEJ1IITIFIII TIIIINDF CENTIIRYHDMES SIITURIMY DECEMBFI rn aiim -1/111, PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS 4T TNEsf MATIONS- Eagle Museum Bach Photography Chamber of Commerce Chef Shoppe City Market Curves Copy Express Gayle's Loft of Books Our Secret Cottage Orville Jackson's Ponderosa Paint Rocky Mountain Fitness Second Avenue State Street Ice Cream ALL TICKETS ARE TJJXDEDUCTABLE MUSEUM IS LOCATED ACROSS THE STREET FROM ORVILLE IACKSON'S $ 2 OFF TICKET PRICE IF PURCHAED BEFORE THE DAY OF THE TOUR TICKET PRICE: 58.00 S5.OOfOBSENIORS IIUDS INLY /lfASf ISNEIIIEI TIEITS ITTNE ELSIEIUSEUM 67E/lSTSTATESTREET 939 2669 EAGLE CITY FORESTER 3Q 2004 REPORT FOR EAGLE CITY COUNCIL • Grant Proposals- Three applications totaling $20,500. • Tree Inventory Project- 1597 trees now in inventory including all city property as well as several residential and commercial subdivisions. • Compliance- Little activity here due to summer weather. Zamzow's was at last brought into compliance. • Tree Voucher Program- All 100 vouchers were issued. I will report on the number of trees purchased at the next quarterly review. • City Tree Replacement- Eight trees were replaced, 5 on Eagle Rd, one at Merrill Park, and two at the library. • Presentations- Made presentation to the Design Review Board on tree valuation methodology • Plant Health Care- Considerable effort was spent on PHC issues including the following locations: o Alderwood o Cavallo o Eagle RD o Feathemest o Island Wood o Library o Merrill Park o Red Leaf Heights o Washington Mutual TZ CONSULTING 8405 MOON VALLEY RD. EAGLE, ID 83616 208 286 9644 CODE ENFORCEMENT REPORT October 4, 2004 Prepared by Thomas Wilson Code enforcement report No 104.wps 1 10/6/2004 Index 1. Transmittal letter for Progress Report for September 2004 and a copy of one of the Latest Code Violation Data Base Sheet and Sign Log. 2. A brief update on the progress of the East State Street Neighborhood Association Eagle Elementary School Park Road Letter Code Enforcement Procedure and Decision Flow Chart 3. A copy of the Code Enforcement Strategic Plan 4. A copy of the Environmental Filing System Draft copies of the First and Second Notices for Weed Enforcement 5. A copy of a proposed "Door Knocker" Code enforcement report No 104.wps 2 10/6/2004 TZ CONSULTING 8405 MOON VALLEY RD. EAGLE, ID 83616 208 286 9644 September 30, 2004 Mr. William E. Vaughan, AICP Zoning Administrator City of Eagle P.O. Box 1520 Eagle Idaho Subject: September Code Enforcement Report Dear Bill, The following data is a summary of the progress of the on going Code Enforcement Program as of September 30, 2004. Total Cases Received 330 Cases Closed 310 Cases Pending (corrective actions not completed) 17 Cases on Hold 3 Cases Open (enforcement action not started) 0 Total 330 The attached Code Violation Data Base for the year 2004 provides status for each of the cases in the program for 2004. Incomplete cases for 2003 are listed. The closed cases for 2003 are not listed but are included in the totals. Note 30 -day promotional banner signs are now tracked by the use of a sign log. The shading on a specific case indicates that the case is closed. Sincerely al omas W. Wilson, PE 9/30/2004 FILE NO. CITY OF EAGLE CODE VIOLATION DATA BASE VIOLATION eedSOnVaCant Iot •Sitti1Signsi, iNtIliip.11P• 1H0,111 andOned Car will: Itwood & Ran ! Tragh Baitet•StOreci: In front.pfhouse. , Bennet Sign• iti:Landseape! 4010 Lundscape 0003, 6287 Non -permitted Sign ...0000lartrarlt: $.1t0',Signtii; it ' 6290 Banner Sign no sign permit CONTACT 14 41P011.8§7. • •: 12501iiiiiiEi1041011 edcJnePIflof.Id t jaffilaylot:869431 ••-, , • i 515 Ranch ';ON4ilq1111141i$L„. • Eagle United chur SpringCreekRita CoreUa Rennison Engineering Page 11-04 I INSPECTION NOTIFICATION LETTER ENFORCEMENT ACTION i I1 8/111 COMMENTS I kn SI • I rn•Ov.:. Nalker Sawtooth Satelllte., 9396397 Learning Center 939-9937 1900*1;939i-98, 1466i Irnittagler Drive 1464 W Kenal • eth • Cit 6,00/itit70:twiliroil•titiliess no i'l 692 EagIe.HII19Way: ,500 S.• tudio C:: F(pps 863-2770 • 4g94 cottsnyd qpmootot, I z 1791 'it Moss'O AlderCreek, „ . 8/18 They will start permit procedures WW apply for sign permit Trash a' ni�ved plot:remove:a; Sign moved Weeds cut Plops ,ROMOVed; kopoirerppv,P Business moved 0#100.qsigi ati10111 be Maetea !;‘; • eda; CutVeedstobe, pulled lawn Ottt enecV;94. !!1 Boat. ,Moved. SIGN LOG Banner and A -Frame Signs Date Sept. 30.2004 Number Violation Offender Date Up Date Removed Remarks :Wend s , 7,115:.,'4':!4':•:13/1V!-'• BannerSi�n,:::::. We11s.Fara°: :° :::: . ::::::::.:715 5-3 Banr�er:Sin;;;; ;:: Vlhals Mutual; :: 7L. S -S..., A►-F�acne, :�:,:.:..,..:.:.,;1Naiis Fare}Q:.,.....:.:.::::....:. 811A_::: 8170,, ...... S-5 :, Icaotter.Si�rt ;: Eagle Glvrvn ;;:, 811: .: °.The Geltar:.:;.;, 8112.1. 5-8: ; BannenSign i : Baptist rrch.; = .:.:.. 8/20 S-9:: Bannex:Si�n, H: Force�Dance..:....... S-10 Banner Sign Home Depot 9/27 S-11 Banner Sign Wells Fargo 9/27 East State Street Neighborhood Association Status The East State Street Neighborhood Association is been formed to upgrade the overall status of the area from Conover to Syringa to Parkinson to McGrath (see attached map). All members and officers of this association will be from the neighborhood. The intent is for this group to be a self-governing association. Eagle City Planning Department and the Ada County Sheriff Department will provide advisory support only. Tom Wilson will represent the Planning Department. Deputy Marc Bowman and Administrative Aid Judy Simmons will represent the Ada County Sheriff Department. A letter was recently distributed to the residence of the neighborhood requesting volunteers for Association Officers. So far we have received 20 inquires stating interest in the association. It is with some pleasure I can report only 3 of the communications have been negative. The first organizational meeting was scheduled for October 14 at the Senior Citizens Hall. Meeting notices and the meeting agenda were distributed October 7. Eagle Elementary School Gate Park Road Letter Draft of Letter is complete. However unable to contact the original complainant to verify if the School District's corrective actions have been successfully. If not the draft letter will be revised to emphasize an additional required improvements. Code Enforcement Procedures and Decision Flow Chart A flow chart is being developed to graphical represent the 10 major steps that defines the procedures and decision that take place in an code enforcement case. It is very preliminary at this stage but will be completed, as time is available. Code enforcement report No 104.wps 3 10/13/2004 64 s7 5 7-A2; 57, A/7;11P' 44 ), _ EAGLE MARKET PEACE 518 • E EAGLE ta RIVER ST A 1 1 1 EAGLE 83616 GARDEN CITY 837.14 CORRESPONDING —41 AREA MAP PAGE 4 PUBLIC SAFETY T 4 N I-18 1-20 J 18 J 20 1 I H E PLAZA DR 700 5 FITNESS RIVERSIDE 2 4 5 -5 RIVER SHORE LN MERRILL PARK SYRINGA ST 1900 1300 8 CIT „; T 24 IORStV O Z G aD CC'Et --._ MY 5 E AK 45 1 83616 3 4 Ring. AVE EAGLE ISLAND 18 TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION R E 16 15 21 22 4 MAPS (800)817 -FIND Copyright, (E) by dtG MAPS. Copying or transmitting for personal use or resale Is unlawful without written permission. 6 EAGLE 83616 -4.-W COLCHESTER DR -4.-JAKONA LPI Thurman Alit Canal W OAKKIAMPTON DR 7 /g 8 '--- ''',.,..„........ •c 8 ...., , 8 0— . --. en CV nto. __„........--.--- I I i .Z. LiJ ae B c,g X CEMETERY IN JOPIUN --..........\'N...,_ . .....„.. rc ...„...._.......______._ I I 1 C 1 1 I 13 0 )1 E 1 I I F 1 1 ) G 1 1 1 H 1 ;Vann 5prizgr Canal WEST DOISE IVASII RAI a TSEATHINF PLANT MULBERRY AVE GARDEN cm' 83714 20 J 20 1 Code Enforcement Strategic Plan PURPOSE The Code Enforcement officer will work with Eagle residents in an effort to make Eagle a clean, safer, and healthier place to live. The methods used will primarily be through education in conjunction with enforcement as needed. While serving the public, Code Enforcement officer will treat the public with dignity and respect, with a positive attitude, and a collaborative spirit. Code Enforcement officer will develop processes and procedures to effectively serve the public. Code enforcement Officer will stay informed and educated on current issues with code enforcement and develops needed skills to deliver professional services. Code enforcement will work in cooperation with a variety of other agencies and take part in community events to serve the public. Officer's Responsibilities and Objectives Objective One Educate property owners and renters of their responsibilities to maintain their property as it pertains to the standards set forth in Eagle City codes. Objective Two Enforce the codes in accordance with established policies and procedures. Seek compliance through education and enforcement. Objective Three Work with individual property owners, landlords, occupants, renters and businesses owners Objective Four To maximize our serve to the community, we have analyzed the most common code violations that have the most negative impact on a neighborhood. The Code Enforcement officer will focus on the most common violations listed below. 1. Signs 2. Debris and garbage on properties 3. Inoperative vehicles 4. Weeds Code enfrorcement Strastegic Plan.wps 1 'ADMINISTRATIVE Logic Diagram Data Base Index Complaint Forms Inspection Forms Standard Letters Abatement Documents Interoffice Memos E-mails Status Reports Time Sheets I I SIGNS Complaint Forms Inspection Forms First Notice Forms Second Notice Forms Final Notice Forms Abatement Notice Abatement Work Order Case Correspondence CITY OF EAGLE CODE ENFORCEMENT FILING SYSTEM I NUISANCE Complaint Forms Inspection Forms First Notice Forms Second Notice Forms Final Notice Forms Abatement Notice Abatement Work Order Case Correspondence I 'ZONING and QUALITY Complaint Forms Inspection Forms First Letter Second Letter Final Letter Abatement Notice Abatement Work Order Case Correspondence Note: All Basic Document Forms will be filled under the Administrative Section. Each case will have a unique file number, which is obtained from Data Base Index. All the applicable documents for that case will be filed under that unique number. This system will work for the present paper filing system and should be easily converted to a major data base when the proper software is developed. City of Eagle CODE ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING and ZONING DIVISION OFFICE (208) 939-0227 EAGLE CITY HALL 310 EAST STATE ST. EAGLE IDAHO 83616 FIRST NOTICE DRAFT Date Name A field review of your property located at: Has revealed that you have the following problem. SEE BELOW Thomas W. Wilson Code Enforcement Officer The City of Eagle would like to solicit your cooperation and community spirit in correcting the code compliance issue created by the non -complying weed situation immediately. You have 10 days from receiving this notice to take action on this problem or call my office and make arrangements. If you wish to discuss this situation please call Tom Wilson at 939-0227. • City Code Section 4-3-2 (A) Every owner, occupant, or person in control of any premises shall be required to keep weeds over 6" (six inches) in height continuously cut down, weeded out, removed, sprayed or destroyed. The accumulation of weeds in violation hereof shall constitute a public nuisance. (Ord. 451, 9-9-2003) • City Code Section 4-3-2 (B) Every owner, occupant, or person in control of any premises shall be responsible to control noxious weeds on their land and property. Control of noxious weeds must be for the prevention, eradication, containment or restoration of the land to be weed free. Noxious weeds are those on the noxious weed list of the State of Idaho, I.C. Section 22-2405 & 22-24-7. Ada County will also be notified of noxious weeds. The growth of noxious weeds shall constitute a public nuisance. Date Name City of Eagle CODE ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING and ZONING DIVISION OFFICE (208) 939 0227 EAGLE CITY HALL 310 EAST STATE ST. EAGLE IDAHO 83616 SECOND NOTICE DRAF1 Thomas W. Wilson Code Enforcement Officer The City of Eagle Code requirements are for the promotion of the public health, safety, convenience and general welfare of the inhabitants of the City. A second field review of your property located at: Has revealed that you have not corrected the following problem. SEE BELOW The City of Eagle would like to solicit your cooperation and community spirit in correcting the code compliance issue created by the non -complying weed situation immediately. You are advised that the nuisance must be abated within ten (10) day of the receipt of this notice or civil and/or criminal proceedings may be initiated and that nuisance abatement costs may be assessed against the owner in accordance with Eagle City Code 4-3-6. (Ord. 451, 9-9-2003) • City Code Section 4-3-2 (A) Every owner, occupant, or person in control of any premises shall be required to keep weeds over 6" (six inches) in height continuously cut down, weeded out, removed, sprayed or destroyed. The accumulation of weeds in violation hereof shall constitute a public nuisance. (Ord. 451, 9-9-2003) • City Code Section 4-3-2 (B) It shall be the duty and responsible of all landowners to control noxious weeds on their land and property. Control of noxious weeds must be for the prevention, eradication, containment or restoration of the land to be weed free. Noxious weeds are those on the noxious weed list of the State of Idaho, I.C. Section 22-2405 & 22-24-7. Ada County will also be notified of noxious weeds. The growth of noxious weeds constitute a public nuisance. Date #0123 City of Eagle Code Enforcement 939-0227 Your Code Enforcement Officer is: Address While working in your neighborhood, I found the following code violation/s that need your immediate attention: _Weeds over 6 inches _Noxious weeds _ Banner sign _ A Frame sign _Inoperative or unlicensed vehicles Other Officer notes on violation: _Vision obstruction _Obstruction or blocking of sidewalk _Debris and garbage on property _Parking on sidewalk or right-of-way As good neighbors and citizens, the City of Eagle is asking you to do your part in making Eagle a safer, cleaner and more comfortable place to live. This card has been issued instead of a notice and must be returned by mail or in person within 10 days. If you have questions, please call our office at 939-0227. Please mail this portion of card back #0123 Name Address Phone Plan to correct violation Signature Thank you for doing your part in making Eagle a great place to live and do business. If you need help contact us at 468-5473 Officer information #0123 Name Address Phone Violation Quarterly Report Eagle Substation July -August -September 2004 Presented by Lt. Dana Borgquist October 19, 2004 Eagle City Hall Eagle Monthly Report July — August — September Sergeant Dana Borciquist July • Attended a budget workshop for Eagle City • Attended the flood tabletop exercise for Eagle City and coordinated with city leaders about response to flooding situations • Attended the Compass open house to learn more about the role they play in our community • Met with the landlord to discuss the Eagle Substation rental contract • Assisted with Detective interviews for possible Eagle Detective position • Went to the Legal update training • Attended the Lieutenant question and answer session to understand more about the upcoming test • Made a monthly report presentation to the Mayor and city council • Met with Mark Strait with ITD to discuss the STEP grant • Met with the Mayor to brief her on ongoing issues in Eagle August • I attended the K9 presentation at Albertson's in Eagle where a check for $5,000 was presented to the Sheriff's Office by Milk Bone. • Throughout the month, I met with the Eagle Academy, Eagle High School and Eagle Middle School staff and administration to review procedures for police calls and to discuss ways in which we can support them. An e-mail distribution list is being created so that we can relay information between police and the school. • I met with the landlord of the Eagle Substation to discuss the lease agreement and to sign the lease for the new fiscal year. • I planned an escort for the West Valley Little League players upon their return to Eagle after their second place finish in the National Little League Series. • Visited the Meridian Boys and Girls club to gather ideas for the Eagle Youth Center. • I worked extra duty at the Western Idaho Fair • I introduced Steve Bartlett to the City Council. He is to be the new Detective assigned to Eagle beginning in October. • I met with Meridian Police Sergeant Hosford to begin discussing the possibility of partnering with them in regards to animal control calls in the next year. • I attended the Eagle City Hall staff meeting to brief the city on issues facing the Eagle Sheriff's Office and learn what issues the rest of the city is facing. Deputy.; Jon McDaniel July • When call load and staffing allowed, I performed burglary suppression by riding throughout the neighborhoods during the early morning hours. • I conducted my monthly visit with staff of the Family Table Group Home, a home for juvenile sex offenders. They are currently at maximum occupancy (10 children). • I performed nightly checks of Eagle parks, including the skateboard park, and made sure the 911 phones were functional, restrooms were locked, etc. August • Attended the National Night Out festivities at Feathernest Subdivision. Handed out cards and answered questions from citizens and talked about crime prevention. • Had meetings with Sandy Smith (N. Channel Chevron) concerning check fraud protocol and explained the Prosecutor's new check collection program. • Performed burglary suppression in Eagle subdivisions by riding the bicycle during the early morning hours. I distributed several Community Policing door hangers that warn of the risks of leaving a garage door open all night. • Met with a Family Table group home employee to discuss conditional use permit issues. They are currently housing eight children and have had no calls for service this month.. September • I had a recent complaint about people in the Eagle Hills/Stierman/ Amanita area parking their vehicles facing the wrong way on the street. I made copies of the ordinance addressing this situation and issued warning stickers to over 25 vehicles. I also placed one of my business cards on each of the cited vehicles, so the vehicle owners could call with any questions. Recent patrols through the area indicated that progress has been made and car owners are parking correctly. • I reminded Justos, Albertsons, Albertsons Express, North Channel Chevron, Beacon Light Chevron, and Jackson's about the importance of training employees to pay particular attention to birthdates on I.D.'s when tobacco and alcohol sales are being made. • I met with Family Table personnel referencing conditional use permit issues. The group home is currently housing six children and the Eagle Substation has had no calls for service or been notified of any problems this month. • I continued the use of the bicycle for burglary suppression during the early morning hours of nightshift. Deputu Todd JoIiife July • I was on vacation in Florida for a great part of the month. • I visited many area businesses, including banks, credit unions and the Money Tree to review robbery protocol. The Boise area has recently been experiencing a rash of bank robberies, so my visits were to insure that they were aware, informed, and reassured that we are aware of area crime. August • During the month of August, I met with several neighborhood groups to discuss the up -coming school year and the traffic that comes with it. • We discussed the concerns facing area subdivisions and determined when the highest traffic times are occurring. • I met with area schools and discussed the absence of School Resource Officers (SRO's) and how patrol would be responding September • I conducted a meeting for the residents of Burns Street. Eighteen residents attended the meeting that was held at the Eagle Library. Many issues were discussed and each side brought its own cheering section. It was later determined that it would be up to these friends of the combatants to hold their own side accountable for acting as adults. • As of this report, we have not had any calls back to Burns Street. • Other than that, it was a pretty standard month. Deputu Luis Gutierrez - August • I was gone on vacation for the majority of the month. While I was here, I conducted routine extra patrols in the evenings of all city parks, the skate park and "target rich" environments. • I attended the Echohawk Subdivision Homeowner's Association meeting. We discussed recent vandalism that had occurred and options to help keep their neighborhood safe. A good time was had by all! • I participated in our SWAT team's recent activation in south Boise. A suspect in a stolen truck shot at the police during a pursuit , then crashed his truck, then ran and barricaded himself in a random house. After a short standoff, we went in and got him. With the kids back in school, I have been spending extra time in the afternoons at our school zones running radar, watching for stop sign and crosswalk violations. September • Began investigation for $3,000+ vandalism to 1431 N. Eagle Creek. Developed a few leads and through follow-up I came up with two suspects. After conducting some interviews of witnesses I was able to locate the suspects and tried to make contact. The interviews that followed led to both suspects confessing their involvement in the vandalism. After meeting with the victim and both of the 7 and 8 year-old suspects and their parents the issue was resolved and arrangements are being made to pay for the damages. The two juveniles were left with lasting impressions and a genuine understanding of the consequences for their behavior. • Provided extra patrol in "high risk" areas such as construction sites, area parks, the downtown corridor, and "problem" neighborhoods. Deputy John Dewetj July • During the first two weeks of July I was on vacation in the beautiful state of Hawaii. • The second two weeks I caught up on what I missed. • I am continuing to run radar/laser patrols on Hwy 44 and on Floating Feather.. Speeding continues on Floating Feather! Working with the STEP team to curb that problem! • Made new contact at Fantastic Sams in the Eagle City Market. • Working on creating a gun safety presentation for teenagers in Eagle. August • School has started and I have been working traffic patrols around the High school, Middle school and Elementary schools during the lunch time rush and after school. School traffic seems to be flowing and accidents have been light. • Conducting weekly walk-thrus at the High School and talking with staff and security. • Conducting a lot of extra patrols in the subdivisions looking for speeders and talking to home- owners and children. • I conducted a Gun Safety class for a couple of Eagle teenagers who wanted to learn how to be safe when handling firearms. Their mother was extremely pleased. • I am continuing to make contact with the local business owners. • I was involved in a SWAT call -out this month in the south county. We caught and arrested the suspect who shot at Sheriff's Deputies during a pursuit. September • I conducted heavy traffic enforcement primarily on Floating Feather, Hwy 44 and Eagle Rd. School is back in session and traffic problems have increased. • I am continuing to meet with new and old businesses addressing concerns/problems or just saying hi. • I am conducting daily security checks through several subdivisions and all our local parks. • I met with employees of Fantastic Sam's addressing concerns of an ex -employee and giving safety tips. • Talked with employees and assistant manager of Westmark Credit Union about my safety and awareness project. • I set up and worked a static display booth for the Sheriff's SWAT team at the annual Star Mule Days. I answered many questions and watched the kids run through an obstacle course. Great fun! I helped with traffic control for the annual Top Cop competition that was held at Sheriff's range above the skate park and around Eagle Deputu Jeremiah Neumann July • I am presently developing contacts to be used as confidential informants for drug related cases. • I taught Arrest and Control Technique classes • I worked extra patrol along the river • I worked traffic in the downtown corridor of Eagle. August • During the month of August I spent the majority of time on vacation fishing in Alaska. • I started the process to have more signs posted on the North Channel Bridge to deter bridge jumpers. Responding to bridge jumper issues uses a lot of our time during the summer months. I am following through with this during the month of September. • I continued directive patrol on the major highways through Eagle. • I continue to watch several area narcotics related houses. There has been limited activity lately. • I continue working with narcotics detectives reference subjects purchasing iodine at the Farm and City Supply store on Parkinson. The detectives are following up on a large list of names that I provided them. Iodine is an ingredient needed in the manufacture of methamphetamine. • Prior to leaving for vacation I started the process that would allow bikes in the Skate Park in Horseshoe Bend. I spoke to multiple juveniles who were concerned about the ban of bicycles and I was involved in a discussion that listed several reasons as to why the park could be shared. Deputy Jake Voat August • I continued to conduct extra patrols of neighborhoods. • I continued extra patrols of construction sites. • I conducted foot patrols in the downtown area. • I attended monthly training. • I concentrated on DUI saturation patrols on Highway 44/Eagle Road area. September • . Foot patrols/surveilance in the downtown area reference recent commercial burgs. • . Extra patrols in subdivisions. • . Extra patrols in construction sites. • Other graveyard stuff etc Deputu Matt Buie July • I did a safety presentation to about 20 kids at the "Kid's Campus" Daycare at 8707 W State St. I taught the kids how to be safe in their home and community, and told them all about what I do as a police officer. • I did a bicycle safety presentation to a group of Cub Scouts. I taught them how to stay safe on their bicycles, and answered questions about my job as a police officer. I also checked their bicycle helmets for proper fit. • I continued work on the distribution of crime prevention pamphlets to all the households in the City of Eagle. I partnered with the Eagle Chamber of Commerce who generously donated $100 towards the printing of 8,000 pamphlets. The pamphlets did get printed and 4,200 of them were inserted into the end of the month Eagle Sewer bills, thanks to Lynne Sedlacek at the Eagle Sewer District. I have also contacted a local Boy Scout troop leader, and he has made his troop available to deliver pamphlets to the households that are on septic only. However, 4,000 pamphlets is a lot for a group of boy scouts, so I am still working on delivering as many as I can through homeowner's associations. Once I have delivered all that I can through them, I will hand the rest to the Boy Scouts to complete the distribution process. The goal is to have all pamphlets delivered by the end of August. August • I am continuing my project of distributing crime prevention pamphlets to the remaining citizens of Eagle. • I am trying not to overload the Boy Scouts who have volunteered to help, so I have taken on delivering a lot of the pamphlets myself. I delivered them to the residents on Burns, Janet, Campo, and Ballantyne between Floating Feather and Beacon Light. I also delivered the proper numbers to the Eagle Town homes, Peregrine Cove Apartments, Canterbury Subdivision HOA, and Tahoe Ridge HOA. It is an ongoing project, which will hopefully be complete in the first half of September. • I did some radar patrol on Floating Feather at Seven Oaks for the year around school zone traffic. I also hit the school zones for the beginning of the normal school year including: Eagle Middle School, Eagle Elementary, Seven Oaks, and Eagle High. • Deputy Marc Bowman, Deputy Gary Dawson and I assisted the West Valley Little League with a parade that went from Eagle and Chinden to Merrill Park. We handled traffic control and led the parade. All went very smoothly. September • Deputy Marc Bowman and I attended the walkathon at Seven Oaks Elementary. We participated in the first lap, and spoke to some residents. We later attended a homeowner's association picnic in the Echohawk Subdivision. We handed out some crime prevention pamphlets and spoke to the residents. • Business contact at Vision First on Rivershore. They had an open door the previous night that had been discovered by Deputy Vogt. I suggested that they try to keep it more secure. • I completed the project to distribute crime prevention pamphlets to all the households in the City of Eagle. A Boy Scout troop handed out a great number to several neighborhoods within the city. I asked them to do one more neighborhood, and that was Banbury Subdivision. I completed to distribute the brochures to the rest of the city on my own. I spent several hours driving to some of the southwestern and northwestern neighborhoods and also the residents on the main roads, such as Floating Feather, Meridian, Park Ln, etc. I also finished handing pamphlets out to some of the trailer park managers, and to leaders in homeowner's associations to handle the rest of the distribution. If all went according to plan, everyone within the Eagle City limits received a pamphlet. Thanks to all who helped with the project. If there is a need for more pamphlets, there are plenty more at the Eagle Substation for handing out. • I conducted several directed patrols at the 2500 Block of W State St, where a school bus was having problems with drivers running the stop arm. • Since the new ordinance became law, I have continuously checked Eagle and Island Woods for vehicles parked for sale, and chased them away as quickly as possible. I want to thank Mayor Nancy Merrill and the Eagle City Council for their support as I have been in Eagle four years now. I am now moving on to experience Detectives out of the main Barrister office. After gaining some experience and training, I hope to return someday to serve Eagle once again as a Detective. Deputu Marc Bowman July • Met with code enforcement officer and Mayor on the East State Street Association. • Met with the principal at Seven Oaks Elementary regarding traffic issues. • Met with residents of Eagle Hills regarding traffic problems at Ranch and Stearman (stop sign violations) • Worked with Idaho Stated Police involving commercial vehicle enforcement in the city of Eagle. • Attended a meeting on the "Every 15 Minutes" project that will take place at Eagle High School this October. • Provided extra patrol in neighborhoods requesting additional law enforcement presence. August • I am working with the City of Eagle and with Code Enforcer Tom Wilson to create a neighborhood association in the Parkinson/McGrath area. • I have been attending "Every 15 Minute" meetings, working in conjunction with the community high school, hospital, and fire department to create a film depicting the ramifications of teen age drinking and driving. • I have been patroling Eagle school zones to monitor safety in the school zones and to cite speeding vehicles. September • I targeted aggressive drivers on HWY 44 and Eagle RD. • I worked with the "Every Fifteen Minute" project, a documentary being filmed with Eagle High school and Eagle Academy students, which is being created to show the effects of drinking and driving. • I talked with the Lexington Hills neighborhood association. • I continue to work with Tom Wilson, the Eagle code enforcement officer, referencing an East State Street neighborhood association. Eagle Monthly Report July — August — September Sergeant Dana Borgauist July • Attended a budget workshop for Eagle City • Attended the flood tabletop exercise for Eagle City and coordinated with city leaders about response to flooding situations • Attended the Compass open house to learn more about the role they play in our community • Met with the landlord to discuss the Eagle Substation rental contract • Assisted with Detective interviews for possible Eagle Detective position • Went to the Legal update training • Attended the Lieutenant question and answer session to understand more about the upcoming test • Made a monthly report presentation to the Mayor and city council • Met with Mark Strait with ITD to discuss the STEP grant • Met with the Mayor to brief her on ongoing issues in Eagle August • I attended the K9 presentation at Albertson's in Eagle where a check for $5,000 was presented to the Sheriff's Office by Milk Bone. • Throughout the month, I met with the Eagle Academy, Eagle High School and Eagle Middle School staff and administration to review procedures for police calls and to discuss ways in which we can support them. An e-mail distribution list is being created so that we can relay information between police and the school. • I met with the landlord of the Eagle Substation to discuss the lease agreement and to sign the lease for the new fiscal year. • I planned an escort for the West Valley Little League players upon their return to Eagle after their second place finish in the National Little League Series. • Visited the Meridian Boys and Girls club to gather ideas for the Eagle Youth Center. • I worked extra duty at the Western Idaho Fair • I introduced Steve Bartlett to the City Council. He is to be the new Detective assigned to Eagle beginning in October. • I met with Meridian Police Sergeant Hosford to begin discussing the possibility of partnering with them in regards to animal control calls in the next year. • I attended the Eagle City Hall staff meeting to brief the city on issues facing the Eagle Sheriff's Office and learn what issues the rest of the city is facing. Denutu Jon McDaniel July • When call load and staffing allowed, I performed burglary suppression by riding throughout the neighborhoods during the early morning hours. • I conducted my monthly visit with staff of the Family Table Group Home, a home for juvenile sex offenders. They are currently at maximum occupancy (10 children). • I performed nightly checks of Eagle parks, including the skateboard park, and made sure the 911 phones were functional, restrooms were locked, etc. August • Attended the National Night Out festivities at Feathernest Subdivision. Handed out cards and answered questions from citizens and talked about crime prevention. • Had meetings with Sandy Smith (N. Channel Chevron) concerning check fraud protocol and explained the Prosecutor's new check collection program. • Performed burglary suppression in Eagle subdivisions by riding the bicycle during the early morning hours. I distributed several Community Policing door hangers that warn of the risks of leaving a garage door open all night. • Met with a Family Table group home employee to discuss conditional use permit issues. They are currently housing eight children and have had no calls for service this month.. September • I had a recent complaint about people in the Eagle Hills/Stierman/ Amanita area parking their vehicles facing the wrong way on the street. I made copies of the ordinance addressing this situation and issued warning stickers to over 25 vehicles. I also placed one of my business cards on each of the cited vehicles, so the vehicle owners could call with any questions. Recent patrols through the area indicated that progress has been made and car owners are parking correctly. • I reminded Justos, Albertsons, Albertsons Express, North Channel Chevron, Beacon Light Chevron, and Jackson's about the importance of training employees to pay particular attention to birthdates on I.D.'s when tobacco and alcohol sales are being made. • I met with Family Table personnel referencing conditional use permit issues. The group home is currently housing six children and the Eagle Substation has had no calls for service or been notified of any problems this month. • I continued the use of the bicycle for burglary suppression during the early morning hours of nightshift. Deputy Todd JoIIif& July • I was on vacation in Florida for a great part of the month. • I visited many area businesses, including banks, credit unions and the Money Tree to review robbery protocol. The Boise area has recently been experiencing a rash of bank robberies, so my visits were to insure that they were aware, informed, and reassured that we are aware of area crime. August • During the month of August, I met with several neighborhood groups to discuss the up -coming school year and the traffic that comes with it. • We discussed the concerns facing area subdivisions and determined when the highest traffic times are occurring. • I met with area schools and discussed the absence of School Resource Officers (SRO's) and how patrol would be responding September • I conducted a meeting for the residents of Burns Street. Eighteen residents attended the meeting that was held at the Eagle Library. Many issues were discussed and each side brought its own cheering section. It was later determined that it would be up to these friends of the combatants to hold their own side accountable for acting as adults. • As of this report, we have not had any calls back to Burns Street. • Other than that, it was a pretty standard month. Deputu Luis Gutierrez • August • I was gone on vacation for the majority of the month. While I was here, I conducted routine extra patrols in the evenings of all city parks, the skate park and "target rich" environments. • I attended the Echohawk Subdivision Homeowner's Association meeting. We discussed recent vandalism that had occurred and options to help keep their neighborhood safe. A good time was had by all! • I participated in our SWAT team's recent activation in south Boise. A suspect in a stolen truck shot at the police during a pursuit , then crashed his truck, then ran and barricaded himself in a random house. After a short standoff, we went in and got him. With the kids back in school, I have been spending extra time in the afternoons at our school zones running radar, watching for stop sign and crosswalk violations. September • Began investigation for $3,000+ vandalism to 1431 N. Eagle Creek. Developed a few leads and through follow-up I came up with two suspects. After conducting some interviews of witnesses I was able to locate the suspects and tried to make contact. The interviews that followed led to both suspects confessing their involvement in the vandalism. After meeting with the victim and both of the 7 and 8 year-old suspects and their parents the issue was resolved and arrangements are being made to pay for the damages. The two juveniles were left with lasting impressions and a genuine understanding of the consequences for their behavior. • Provided extra patrol in "high risk" areas such as construction sites, area parks, the downtown corridor, and "problem" neighborhoods. Depute John Dewen July • During the first two weeks of July I was on vacation in the beautiful state of Hawaii. • The second two weeks I caught up on what I missed. • I am continuing to run radar/laser patrols on Hwy 44 and on Floating Feather.. Speeding continues on Floating Feather! Working with the STEP team to curb that problem! • Made new contact at Fantastic Sams in the Eagle City Market. • Working on creating a gun safety presentation for teenagers in Eagle. August • School has started and I have been working traffic patrols around the High school, Middle school and Elementary schools during the lunch time rush and after school. School traffic seems to be flowing and accidents have been light. • Conducting weekly walk-thrus at the High School and talking with staff and security. • Conducting a lot of extra patrols in the subdivisions looking for speeders and talking to home- owners and children. • I conducted a Gun Safety class for a couple of Eagle teenagers who wanted to learn how to be safe when handling firearms. Their mother was extremely pleased. • I am continuing to make contact with the local business owners. • I was involved in a SWAT call -out this month in the south county. We caught and arrested the suspect who shot at Sheriff's Deputies during a pursuit. September • I conducted heavy traffic enforcement primarily on Floating Feather, Hwy 44 and Eagle Rd. School is back in session and traffic problems have increased. • I am continuing to meet with new and old businesses addressing concerns/problems or just saying hi. • I am conducting daily security checks through several subdivisions and all our local parks. • I met with employees of Fantastic Sam's addressing concerns of an ex -employee and giving safety tips. • Talked with employees and assistant manager of Westmark Credit Union about my safety and awareness project. • I set up and worked a static display booth for the Sheriffs SWAT team at the annual Star Mule Days. I answered many questions and watched the kids run through an obstacle course. Great fun! I helped with traffic control for the annual Top Cop competition that was held at Sheriff's range above the skate park and around Eagle Depute Jeremiah Neumann July • I am presently developing contacts to be used as confidential informants for drug related cases. • I taught Arrest and Control Technique classes • I worked extra patrol along the river • I worked traffic in the downtown corridor of Eagle. August • During the month of August I spent the majority of time on vacation fishing in Alaska. • I started the process to have more signs posted on the North Channel Bridge to deter bridge jumpers. Responding to bridge jumper issues uses a lot of our time during the summer months. I am following through with this during the month of September. • I continued directive patrol on the major highways through Eagle. • I continue to watch several area narcotics related houses. There has been limited activity lately. • I continue working with narcotics detectives reference subjects purchasing iodine at the Farm and City Supply store on Parkinson. The detectives are following up on a large list of names that I provided them. Iodine is an ingredient needed in the manufacture of methamphetamine. • Prior to leaving for vacation I started the process that would allow bikes in the Skate Park in Horseshoe Bend. I spoke to multiple juveniles who were concerned about the ban of bicycles and I was involved in a discussion that listed several reasons as to why the park could be shared. Depute Jake Voat August • I continued to conduct extra patrols of neighborhoods. • I continued extra patrols of construction sites. • I conducted foot patrols in the downtown area. • I attended monthly training. • I concentrated on DUI saturation patrols on Highway 44/Eagle Road area. September • . Foot patrols/surveilance in the downtown area reference recent commercial burgs. • . Extra patrols in subdivisions. • . Extra patrols in construction sites. • Other graveyard stuff etc Deputy Matt Buie July • I did a safety presentation to about 20 kids at the "Kid's Campus" Daycare at 8707 W State St. I taught the kids how to be safe in their home and community, and told them all about what I do as a police officer. • I did a bicycle safety presentation to a group of Cub Scouts. I taught them how to stay safe on their bicycles, and answered questions about my job as a police officer. I also checked their bicycle helmets for proper fit. • I continued work on the distribution of crime prevention pamphlets to all the households in the City of Eagle. I partnered with the Eagle Chamber of Commerce who generously donated $100 towards the printing of 8,000 pamphlets. The pamphlets did get printed and 4,200 of them were inserted into the end of the month Eagle Sewer bills, thanks to Lynne Sedlacek at the Eagle Sewer District. I have also contacted a local Boy Scout troop leader, and he has made his troop available to deliver pamphlets to the households that are on septic only. However, 4,000 pamphlets is a lot for a group of boy scouts, so am still working on delivering as many as I can through homeowner's associations. Once I have delivered all that I can through them, I will hand the rest to the Boy Scouts to complete the distribution process. The goal is to have all pamphlets delivered by the end of August. August • I am continuing my project of distributing crime prevention pamphlets to the remaining citizens of Eagle. • I am trying not to overload the Boy Scouts who have volunteered to help, so I have taken on delivering a lot of the pamphlets myself. I delivered them to the residents on Burns, Janet, Campo, and Ballantyne between Floating Feather and Beacon Light. I also delivered the proper numbers to the Eagle Town homes, Peregrine Cove Apartments, Canterbury Subdivision HOA, and Tahoe Ridge HOA. It is an ongoing project, which will hopefully be complete in the first half of September. • I did some radar patrol on Floating Feather at Seven Oaks for the year around school zone traffic. I also hit the school zones for the beginning of the normal school year including: Eagle Middle School, Eagle Elementary, Seven Oaks, and Eagle High. • Deputy Marc Bowman, Deputy Gary Dawson and I assisted the West Valley Little League with a parade that went from Eagle and Chinden to Merrill Park. We handled traffic control and led the parade. All went very smoothly. September • Deputy Marc Bowman and I attended the walkathon at Seven Oaks Elementary. We participated in the first lap, and spoke to some residents. We later attended a homeowner's association picnic in the Echohawk Subdivision. We handed out some crime prevention pamphlets and spoke to the residents. • Business contact at Vision First on Rivershore. They had an open door the previous night that had been discovered by Deputy Vogt. I suggested that they try to keep it more secure. • I completed the project to distribute crime prevention pamphlets to all the households in the City of Eagle. A Boy Scout troop handed out a great number to several neighborhoods within the city. I asked them to do one more neighborhood, and that was Banbury Subdivision. I completed to distribute the brochures to the rest of the city on my own. I spent several hours driving to some of the southwestern and northwestern neighborhoods and also the residents on the main roads, such as Floating Feather, Meridian, Park Ln, etc. I also finished handing pamphlets out to some of the trailer park managers, and to leaders in homeowner's associations to handle the rest of the distribution. If all went according to plan, everyone within the Eagle City limits received a pamphlet. Thanks to all who helped with the project. If there is a need for more pamphlets, there are plenty more at the Eagle Substation for handing out. • I conducted several directed patrols at the 2500 Block of W State St, where a school bus was having problems with drivers running the stop arm. • Since the new ordinance became law, I have continuously checked Eagle and Island Woods for vehicles parked for sale, and chased them away as quickly as possible. I want to thank Mayor Nancy Merrill and the Eagle City Council for their support as I have been in Eagle four years now. I am now moving on to experience Detectives out of the main Barrister office. After gaining some experience and training, I hope to return someday to serve Eagle once again as a Detective. Denutu Marc Bowman July • Met with code enforcement officer and Mayor on the East State Street Association. • Met with the principal at Seven Oaks Elementary regarding traffic issues. • Met with residents of Eagle Hills regarding traffic problems at Ranch and Stearman (stop sign violations) • Worked with Idaho Stated Police involving commercial vehicle enforcement in the city of Eagle. • Attended a meeting on the "Every 15 Minutes" project that will take place at Eagle High School this October. • Provided extra patrol in neighborhoods requesting additional law enforcement presence. August • I am working with the City of Eagle and with Code Enforcer Tom Wilson to create a neighborhood association in the Parkinson/McGrath area. • I have been attending "Every 15 Minute" meetings, working in conjunction with the community high school, hospital, and fire department to create a film depicting the ramifications of teen age drinking and driving. • I have been patroling Eagle school zones to monitor safety in the school zones and to cite speeding vehicles. September • I targeted aggressive drivers on HWY 44 and Eagle RD. • I worked with the "Every Fifteen Minute" project, a documentary being filmed with Eagle High school and Eagle Academy students, which is being created to show the effects of drinking and driving. • I talked with the Lexington Hills neighborhood association. • I continue to work with Tom Wilson, the Eagle code enforcement officer, referencing an East State Street neighborhood association. 1 Eagle Reported Cases 711/04 to 9/27/04 77- J.!.r • • -/ • NL /.....„ i i . . '....•..•. .. . / .I .;!,•. -- i.•: • <--- , 1, -. i., - „-.,71:,: ` i-_, ,...-.,-..•,„,--, ; -il•l-••'/.•..•:.•./ .1 ';,4i.i ',zr.,.)•*•:i.,,1 2'N'i-i.'./(:)_!_'---.:;-1',y..\-:1/4-•:, .) ,1j /•- • , / F10T1NGFE a -e.' :. >,•- -1• , • t ... . - -••••;./- A. _ . ; - • ,. ,.--,.. - ,t r• 1 1 ) • i• \ H:41..:..1..7\:1.-('' i'' ;,. ,c3' ... •.,.._ I . • F ---t--1- -- ,.',. ekr.-/-* ....._ I i i ! ,• , )1 I i/ .i.„.. L.., 0 REPORTED CAMS O ABUSE/I\EGLECT OF CHU) O ASSAULT AGGRAVATED • BATTERY • al/GLARY VIEHCLE o ODMVERCIAL BURGLARY O CONSTRUCTION SITE BLRGLARY 0- OCNTENPT OF COURT O COUN tr.ti-ri !N3 • CISORCERLY CONDUCT • =EMT BATTERY • DDNESTIC DISIURBANCE • DRUG RELATED • DU • DAP O ENTICEVENT CF CHILCREN • FAILURE TO OBEY CITATION • • FORGERY / FRAUD • FrA ii,FvelmyE TO IDAHO CRAFF11111 WIRY BY GRAFFITI • •HARSSVENT ao HOLD DETOX O HOLD NIENTAL 24 HR • IMMENT DANGER • INATTENTIVE DRIVING • INDEavr EXPOSURE • I NTIMMAllON OFVUTNESS ff -/-MWEEPROBLBA • LEAVI NGTHE. SCENE CF AN ACCIDENT • LEWD CoNDUCT- ••--LOST/FCUND/RECOED PROPERTY -a NISSING ND ACCCUNT CI-ECK .- NDISEDI$TURBANCE 'INIECI NG ASSIMANCE N s1ou31 PROPERTY OLATION MINOR - • I Caltelehl! RtMINA • tSra.1 Ny, i" • SJ" atAtTsvctrEtt 3 sz=ia a THEFTcb • THEFT CF MO VENCLE e 11 -EFT PETIT • THREATEN (tS� CALL e LNIA • VANDAU • MOLNOQOffCRDER WRRAJREtM& • VETARE CHECK W 88 z o W 2 EAGLE CRASHES 7/1/04 to 9/27/04 2000 to 0500 ® Non -Injury 0� Injury 1300 to 1900 • Non -Injury * Injury 0600 to 1200 • Non -Injury * Injury 85 • FLOATING FEATHITItill 93 t i1 PI 1PD • N • 11 PI 12 PD Y44 j1 PI PD 86 `2 PD 84 0 z94 BEd 2 82 2 PI fri2 PD TT ACSO/CAU/RH 7% Geocode 10/4/04 Day of Week JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER GRAND TOTAL SUNDAY 13 17 6 36 MONDAY 12 11 9 32 TUESDAY 9 18 4 31 WEDNESDAY 6 12 9 27 THURSDAY 15 7 5 27 FRIDAY 15 11 19 45 SATURDAY 14 5 15 34 Grand Total 84 81 67 232 TIME FROM JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER GRAND TOTAL 0000 17 20 6 43 0100 4 6 0 10 0200 4 2 5 11 0300 2 4 0 6 0400 0 0 1 1 0500 0 3 0 3 0600 0 1 0 1 0700 0 3 2 5 0800 2 2 1 5 0900 1 2 2 5 1000 4 5 1 10 1100 2 1 1 4 1200 6 3 2 11 1300 1 3 2 6 1400 4 4 5 13 1500 7 2 3 12 1600 4 3 3 10 1700 3 3 7 13 1800 4 2 3 9 1900 1 1 3 5 2000 7 0 7 14 2100 3 5 4 12 2200 6 3 3 12 2300 2 3 6 11 Grand Total 84 81 67 232 12- 10 8 6- 4 2 0 - 10 JUL BURGLARY BURGLARY VEHICLE COMMERCIAL BURGLARY CONSTRUCTION SITE BURGLARY RESIDENTIAL BURG ATTEMPTED 1 RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY TOTAL BY AREA Jul 04 - Sept 04 DOMESTIC DOMESTIC BATTERY/PHYSICAL DOMESTIC BATTERY/VERBAL DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE TOTAL BY AREA DRUG RELATED TOTAL BY AREA THEFT THEFT GRAND THEFT OF MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT PETIT THEFT/LARCENY ATTEMPTED TOTAL BY AREA 'VANDALISM 'TOTAL BY AREA 9 JUL 6 1 0 1 2 10 JUL 5 0 2 7 JUL 3 JUL 2 2 4 0 8 JUL 7 'Grand Total ' 35 AUG AUG 4 1 0 0 2 7 ❑ BURGLARY ■ DOMESTIC ❑DRUG RELATED ❑THEFT ■ VANDALISM SEPT 2 3 1 0 1 7 8 7 SEPT TOTAL BY CRIME 12 5 1 1 5 24 AUG SEPT TOTAL BY CRIME 3 3 11 0 0 0 1 0 3 4 3 14 AUG I SEOPT 'TOTAL BY CRIME' 0 AUG 4 1 4 0 9 AUG 6 SEPT 0 1 2 0 3 TOTAL BY CRIME 6 4 10 0 20 SEPT 'TOTAL BY CRIME' 8 21 26 21 1 82 CASE DESCRIPTION VANDALISM DWP DUI BURGLARY VEHICLE BATTERY FTA THEFT PETIT DOMESTIC BATTERY CONTEMPT OF COURT LEAVING THE SCENE OF AN ACCIDENT THEFT GRAND COMMERCIAL BURGLARY PROBATION VIOLATION RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY WARRANT ARREST MISC LOST/FOUND/RECOVERED PROPERTY RUNAWAY THEFT OF MOTOR VEHICLE UNATTENDED DEATH DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE DRUG RELATED WELFARE CHECK ABUSE/NEGLECT OF CHILD DOMESTIC BATTERY/PHYSICAL FAILURE TO OBEY CITATION FORGERY FRAUD FRAUDULENT USE OF FTC FUGITIVE TO IDAHO) HARASSMENT IMMINFNT DANGER klATTFNIT!VE DRIVING INTIMIDATION OF WITNESS JUVENILE BEYOND CONTROL JUVENILE PROBLEM MISSING PERSON a 46 EAGLE REPORTED CASES July Total August 400 401 402 4034041 401 402 403 404 0 0 4 2 1 7 3 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 6 4 1 0 4 0 0 1 2 1 4 0 2 2 2 0 1 4 1 0 6 0 1 1 2 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 0 4 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 O 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 01 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 01 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 01 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 01 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 O 0 1 0 0 I 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 3 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 01 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Q Q 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 o t o 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Q I Q Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 (} 0 0 0 0 0 1 (� Q 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 O 1 Q 0 0 0 0 Q 1 1 0 Total September Total Grand Total 6 9 6 4 2 3 4 3 4 3 4 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 0 I 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 lo 0 lo 0 lo 1 I0 1 0 1 0 0 Io 0 lo 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 401 3 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 402 403 404 3 2 0 3 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 O 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 i 0 0 1 I o 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 010 1 010 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 21 19 13 12 10 10 10 9 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 5 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 CASE DESCRIPTION NOISE DISTURBANCE RECKLESS DRIVING VIOLATION NO CONTACT ORDER ASSAULT AGGRAVATED BURG ATTEMPTED CITY/COUNTY CODE VIOLATION CONSTRUCTION SITE BURGLARY COUNTERFEITING DISORDERLY CONDUCT ENTICEMENT OF CHILDREN FAILURE TO APPEAR GRAFFITI/INJURY BY GRAFFITI HEALTH & WELFARE REF - NO CRIME HOLD DETENTION/JUVENILE HOLD DETOX HOLD MENTAL 24 HOUR/INVOLUNTARY INDECENT EXPOSURE LEWD CONDUCT NO ACCOUNT CHECK PERSON NEEDING ASSISTANCE POSSESSION STOLEN PROPERTY PROCURING LIQUOR FOR MINOR RECOVERED STOLEN PROPERTY RECOVERED STOLEN VEHICLE STALKING SUICIDE SUICIDE ATTEMPTED SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES THREATENING NUISANCE CALL TOBACCO USE BY MINOR TRAFFIC VIOLATION (MOVING/NONMOVING VIOL NO QONTA(T ORDER Grand Total 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 July 401 402 403 404 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 I 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 O l 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 11 1 35 18 19 84 Total August 401 402 40 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 O 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 O 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 O 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 1 0 O 0 1 0 0 0 1 O 0 1 0 I o 01 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 14 26 26 3 404 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 Total September Total Grand Total 401 402 403 404 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 79 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 1 O 1 0 0 O 1 O I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 11 1 32 13 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 67 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 232 Ada County Accidents Eagle July -September 04 Accidents Total Physical Injury 11 Property Damage 33 Grand Total 44 Day of the Week PD PI Total Monday 5 0 5 Tuesday 3 2 5 Wednesday 7 2 9 Thursday 6 0 6 Friday 7 4 11 Saturday 5 2 7 Sunday 0 1 1 44 Time of Day PD PI Total I 6:00 - 16:00 17 8 25 17:00 - 20:00 13 1 14 21:00-5:00 3 2 5 44 Major Thoroughfares PD PI Total 'Eagle Rd 18 7 25 Highway 44 (State St) 15 1 16 Highway 20-26 (Chinden Blvd) 3 2 5 Floating Feather 2 1 3 Causes PD PI Total Inattention 5 3 8 Failure to yeild 3 1 4 Following too close 4 0 4 Info provided by ACSO/CAU/tr 10/412004