Minutes - 2004 - City Council - 09/21/2004 - Joint I~ Iìí '~.'.' .' ,-", The City of Eagle City Council & ACHD Commissioners Joint Meeting Minutes September 21,2004 5:30 P.M. at Eagle City Hall v ORIG\NAL 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Merrill calls the meeting to order at 5 :35 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, SEDLACEK, GUERBER, NORDSTROM. Nordstrom is absent. A quorum is present. ACHD Staff and 2 Commissioners are present for the meeting. Mayor: I would like to amend the agenda to include Public Comment. Sedlacek moves to amend the agenda and add Public Comment. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT: Russell Vanliew, 97 Fisher Street, discussion on how development is moving out to their property and the use of Eagle Road. This is the section of road between Floating Feather and Beacon Light. It is getting much more hazardous for people who walk, ride horses, jog and etc on Eagle Road. I'm wondering if it would be possible to add sidewalks and other improvements to allow multi-use. General discussion. 4. DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Three Cities River Crossing (Eagle) ACHD provides Council an overview of the project and provides an update to the project. Discussion on the different proposed alignments. Discussion on the ITD proposed alignment. General discussion. B. Urban Development vs. County Improvements (Eagle) Discussion on how County projects affect the projects that are City projects. Discussion on the funding for these large County projects. Discussion on the maintenance of the roads including the new roads that are added every year. Discussion on Hidden Springs and the SunCorp Development. General discussion. C. Tree Trimming Policy (Eagle) General discussion on ACHD's procedure on tree trimming. The Highway District only does what is necessary. A letter is sent out prior to trees being trimmed. ACHD feels that tree trimming is the responsibility of the cities. Letters will copied to the City. General discussion. D. Community Program Criteria (ACHD) Discussion on the Community Program ranking. We are trying to make this program more of a need based program. All the information for this program is on our web site. Projects for the City can be put in the TIP. There are four major categories. General discussion on the program. E. City's request for signals as Plaza/Eagle Road & State/2nd Street (ACHD) Discussion on the signal plans for these areas. General discussion. F. Parking to Sell in ACHD right-of-way (Eagle/ACHD) The City has already passed an ordinance on this. We would now like to get your blessing on this. General discussion. /I, 'L~,'. The City of Eagle City Council & ACHD Commissioners Joint Meeting Minutes September 21, 2004 5:30 P.M. at Eagle City Hall G. Discussion ofrevenue generated from Eagle vs. amount of projects approved and built in Eagle (5 year work program) ACHD is presently preparing a revenue-expenditure report for all jurisdictions that will cover this. General discussion. General discussion on traffic issues. 5. ADJOURNMENT: Sedlacek moves to adjourn. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 7: 1 0 p.m. Respectfully submitted: --., uu""" ,-' OF ~ "« ~"'t ~.... '« .,...' ... ~ ."..... () ~ ~#~ .:> v'" .. .. ~ ~ :- .. PO" .. <P ~ : .. o~ "-1;. .. ~ :.(.¡ ~.: . . . . : * : -.- : * : . . . - ~ ..~ SEAL "': : ~ .r. ..(\0 ,"":: _V'~"I' ~.O" .... .,r' .. ÞORA1:" .. ~ :- '## -'1 ">. ......... ~, ...." ##,.1:11 OF \\). ...." '" ...." ...,u....,.., SHAR N K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: 1\1. :lad kot d e ri 02: - Walcit-A‘ Yit-e MA. fC - RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE SEP 2 1 200 ,s -t4 u -fra 12:-CaL,4-1A. (rt - sv aLtAi titLaAied, 14-0 71-o ea.A- SLICL t 60/ ,e46.ecia --froitto co aa, 601v2, (trk ryz e,0s.a.4 ot .15644 -et" of A , fr-444-1-3 ad -14i 0- .44 -0,J -alt .1 1 -rt frt 0 bt ,T -(21/1-A GiZ egr q3s-o67v '"A�Q� �" Ada County Highway District John S. Franden, President David E. Wynkoop, 1st Vice President Susan S. Eastlake, 2nd Vice President Sherry R. Huber, Commissioner Dave Bivens, Commissioner August 25, 2004 TO: Interested Citizens 3775 Adams Street Garden City ID 83714-6418 Phone (208) 387-6100 FAX (208) 387-6391 E-mail: tellus@ACHD.ada.id.us SUBJECT: ACHD COMMUNITY PROGRAM: CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK PROJECTS (Formerly the Residential Streets Program) General Information This is an application packet for ACHD's Community Program Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Projects. Included with this cover letter you will find all the instructions and forms needed to complete your application request. To submit a request for a Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Project, an application describing the project and a petition signed by at least 80% of the property owners with frontage on the project must be submitted to ACHD. There is no direct cost to property owners for a Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Project at this time. Each impacted property owner must donate the right-of-way for the improvements if additional right-of-way is required. If the Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Project request ranks high enough for funding, the timing for completion of the project depends on the complexity of the request and is subject to the continuation of funding for Community Program Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Projects. Deadline for Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Project Requests All Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Project requests are due to ACHD by September 30, 2004 at the following address: Ada County Highway District Att: Planning, Programming & Cost Estimating Dept. 3775 Adams Street Garden City, ID 83714 Applications received on or before the September 30, 2004 deadline will be ranked for inclusion in the 2006- 2010 Five -Year Work Program update. This update will identify Community Program Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk projects to be constructed in years 2006 & 2007. This is an interim process based on a trial prioritization method that is meant to rank projects on need rather than request. This process may or may not continue year-to-year based on Commission direction. It is anticipated that the Five -Year Work Program will be adopted by the Commission in January 2005. Recommendations for projects in 2006 will then carry into the 2006 Budget, which will likely be adopted in August of 2005. Requests received after September 30, 2004 will be evaluated when the Five -Year Work Program is updated in fall of 2005. These deadlines are tentative as the Community Program prioritization process is in transition and will be re-evaluated on an annual basis. Projects Eligible for the Residential Street Proiects Program The following criteria must be met for a request to be eligible for the Residential Street Projects program: 1 The request must be for improvements to streets classified as residential or local streets, as defined by the Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho (COMPASS). The ACHD Commissioners may consider sidewalk improvements on collector roadways on a case-by-case basis (e.g. route to school, park, senior center, etc.). 2. The properties adjacent to the street must be zoned residential unless the project is on a direct route to a school or other community gathering places. 3. The requested improvements must be within the public right-of-way and correct deficiencies in pedestrian, bicycle or vehicle facilities. The following list shows types of projects eligible for the Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk program. Examples of Eligible Projects Construction of new curb, gutter and sidewalk Construction of new sidewalk or replacement of damaged sidewalk next to already existing curb and gutter Repairing or repaving a street for pedestrian safety Paving a shoulder of a street for pedestrian safety Installing pedestrian ramps to meet ADA accessibility requirements Traffic calming measures (speed humps, stops signs, bulb -outs, etc.) Subject to criteria of the Traffic Calming Program ACHD no longer considers Alley Paving projects as part of Community Program: Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Projects. How ACHD Ranks Proiect Requests In 2004, ACHD revised how these projects are ranked and refined what types of projects are eligible for funding under this program. A Public Workshop was held in April 2004 to engage the public in how these projects are identified for funding. The results of this Workshop, as well as links describing the process, can be found at: http://www.achd.ada.id.us/Departments/ppce/community_prioritization.asp ACHD staff prioritizes each project request to see how it fits in the Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk program. There are 11 factors considered in ranking projects: • Average Daily Traffic • Existing Pedestrian Facilities • Proximity to Schools and Public Gathering Places • Cost • Existing Roadway Drainage Facilities • Right-of-way from Impacted Property Owners • Availability of Non-ACHD Funds for Project Prior Resources Expended on Project • Agency (City or County) Support of Project • Geographic Equity by City • Likelihood of Area Development or Redevelopment ACHD collects data related to the project for these 11 factors and each factor has a maximum number of points available. Once the ranking has been completed, projects are then selected from this prioritized list and submitted to the ACHD Commission for approval as part of the 2006-2010 Five -Year Work Program. Once the Commission approves the program, ACHD will notify applicants to inform them of the status of their request. Please see the above web site link for more information on the 11 factors used to rank projects. For more information on the prioritization process, please contact ACHD's Planning, Programming and Cost Estimating Department at (208) 387-6119. Residential Street Projects Application 1. Submitted By: Date: Phone: 2. Is this request for: O New Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk (may require a full rebuild of street) O Addition or replacement of Sidewalk adjacent to existing curb and gutter O Other Residential Street Improvements, Describe Below O Traffic Calming By signing this petition, I support the installation of speed humps, or other traffic calming measures, on the street listed below. I understand that the location of speed humps, warning signs, or other devices will be placed based on Engineering factors, not the preferences of adjacent property owners. 3. Location of proposed project. List the street(s) and closest cross streets, addresses or distances. Name of Street i From To 4. Describe the proposed project. What improvements are being requested? Are improvements on both sides of the street? 5. Additional comments 6. Please identify any schools, parks, senior centers or other community gathering places near the proposed project, including approximate distance. 1 7. Draw a sketch showing the project location (include major cross streets), boundaries, requested improvements and any other significant geographical features. 8. Petition. Complete the attached petition to be signed by at least 80% of the property owners with parcels fronting the proposed project. Note: To receive the maximum number of points for Right -of -Way contribution, the petition should be signed by at least 90% of impacted property owners. For general questions and project ranking, contact: Planning, Programming and Cost Estimating Ada County Highway District 3775 Adams Street Garden City, ID 83714 (208) 387-6119 For project specifics, (cost, feasibility, etc.) contact: Design/Survey Division Ada County Highway District 3775 Adams Street Garden City, ID 83714 (208) 387-6140 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Residential Street Projects Petition Project Name: Name (printed) Signature Street Address Own Support Will or Project donate Rent (Yes, Right -of - No) Way if needed? (Yes, No) 31 32 33 34 45 36 Residential Street Projects Petition Project Name: 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 (7C q-_.2 ;; , Planning, Programming & Cost Estimating Ate: Summary Sheet Community Program Prioritization This draft is a proposed method to rank Curb. Gutter and Sidewalk projects contained in the Community Program portion of the Five -Year Work Program (FWYP). The method is designed to evaluate projects on local roadways and/or collectors, pending direction from the ACHD Commission. A total of 100 points is available for each project. Projects are then ranked according to accumulated points. Technical Criteria The following is a listing of Technical variables, which are based on an engineering assessment of projects. There are two sections of the Technical Criteria—Safety Factors and Cost -related Factors. A maximum of 50 points. or 50% of the total is possible from the Technical Criteria section. Safety Factors (Max. 30 points) Traffic Exposure Rate (10 points): This criterion considers the ADT (Average Daily Traffic) for streets. Streets with higher traffic volumes have a greater need for safe pedestrian facilities because of a higher potential for accidents. 10 pts: Greater than 4,000 ADT 8 pts: 3,000 to 3,999 ADT 6 pts: 2.000 to 2,999 ADT 4 pts: 1,000 to 1,999 ADT 2 pts: 251 to 999 ADT 0 pts: 0 to 250 ADT Existing Pedestrian Facilities (10 points): This category gives consideration to the existing surfaces that can be utilized by pedestrians. 10 pts: No existing gravel or paved shoulder 8 pts: Greater than 5 -foot Gravel shoulder 6 pts: Greater than 5 -foot Paved shoulder 4 pts: Separated pathway or shoulder outside R/W 2 pts: Separated pathway in existing R/W 0 pts: Existing functional sidewalk, pathway with barrier Proximity to School. Park or Other Gathering Place (10 points): Projects in close proximity to school and community gathering places are likely to have the highest pedestrian volumes. Points are based on proximity. 10 pts: Within 1/2 mile from Elementary School. 8 pts: Within 1/2 mile to 1 mile from Elementary School; or within 1/2 mile from Junior High or High School: or within 1/2 mile of a major community gathering place (park. senior center. boys/girls club, etc.) 6 pts: Within lmile to 1.5 miles from Elementary School, or within 1/2 to 1 mile from Junior High or High School 4 pts: Within 1/2 mile to 1 mile of a community gathering place 2 pts: Within 1 mile to 1.5 mile radius of a junior high, high school, or community gathering place. 0 pts: No schools or community facilities within 1.5 miles. Il. Plan \Piognun l ummwun P.41111'11011 2( )414 :\hni \\ rh Pt.,un ['Florin/anon Cre;ucd or1 4 nUa .25') un P\I 4,4 , Planning, Programming & Cost Estimating • Summary Sheet Cost -related Factors (Max. 20 points) Cost per Mile of Street Improvement (10 points) Category represents estimated cost per mile of improvements related specifically to the proposed project. 10 pts: Less than $250,000/mile 8 pts: $250,001/mile to $500,000/mile 6 pts: Greater than $500,000/mile to $750,000 /mile 4 pts: Greater than $750,000/mile to $1.0 million/mile 2 pts: Greater than $1.0 million/mile to $1.5 million/mile 0 pts: Greater than $1.5 million/mile External Drainage System Factor (10 points): This category considers the ability of the proposed project to tie into an already existing roadway drainage system that is external to the project. If the proposed project can tie into an existing external system, it increases the feasibility of the project. 10 pts: Adequate existing roadway drainage facilities for project (no concerns) 5 pts: Existing roadway drainage facilities require some upgrade 0 pts: No existing roadway drainage facilities or existing facilities are problematic Partnerships Criteria (Max. 20 points) Contributions of right-of-way from the property owners directly impacted by Curb, Gutter. Sidewalk projects is essential to proceed with a project. ACHD is also seeking funding partnerships with cities, urban renewal agencies and private entities. These factors account for the contributions of property and funds to particular projects. Right -of -Way (R/W) Factor (10 points): Support of greater than 80% of property owners is the traditional threshold applied to projects before work can be done. This criterion gives more points to locations with enough existing right-of-way or where there is support to provide right-of-way. 10 pts: No R/W required; or Requires R/W and more than 90% of property owners will donate the necessary R/W. 6 pts: Requires additional R/W and between 80% and 90% of property owners will donate the necessary R/W. 0 pts: Requires additional R/W and less than 80% of property owners support Leveraging non-ACHD Funds (10 points): Points are based on grants, road trust funds, individual support and other outside sources. 10 pts: Major funds available (Greater than 40% of total cost) 8 pts: Moderate funds available (30% to 40%) 6 pts: Some funds available (20% to 30%) 4 pts: Limited funds available (10% to 20%) 2 pts: Small portion of funds available (1% to 10%) 0 pts: No outside resources available O I'lau\Pm_i.int t I'_nt Priori 2t10- April _N \\o-k.Iiop \\ <h I',.>nup (onnuunm IIov.ranl I'noriuiauon Cmrna dor CtcatrJ on 4 21 2n14 2 50 no pm Pt,c-013 -4111,•e Planning, Programming & Cost Estimating Summary Sheet Programming Criteria (Max. 30 points) The following is a listing of the variables used to calculate the Programming points. These factors measure ACHD's prior commitments to projects and development potential, as well as factors related to the six cities and county served by ACHD. Prior Resources Expended (10 points): This criterion represents ACHD's financial commitment to the project through resources applied in prior years. 10 pts: Design and right-of-way complete 8 pts: Design and/or right-of-way started 6 pts: Concept work or study complete 4 pts: Integral part of another project or advanced investigation work complete 2 pts. Some investigation work completed 0 pts: No resources expended Outside Agency Support (10 points): Level of support from outside agencies are part of the annual Five -Year Work Program request process. 10 pts: Project ranked as #1 priority of an agency 8 pts: Project ranked as #2 priority of an agency 6 pts: Project ranked as #3 priority of an agency 4 pts: Project ranked as #4 priority of an agency 2 pts: Project ranked as #5 priority of agency 0 pts: Project ranked lower than #5 by agency or opposed by agency or public Geographic Equity (5 points): Attempts to distribute work around Ada County proportionate to the population base and dollars spent per area over the history of the program (1994-2003). The six cities and unincorporated Ada County are shown below as functions of total population and total RSP dollars spent. Note, the figures for expenditures are still being examined and are expected to change slightly prior to FY 2005 Budget: 5 pts: Less than $10 per capita (Meridian & Uninc. Ada Co.) 4 pts: $10 to $20 per capita 3 pts: $20 to $30 per capita (Eagle) 2 pts: $30 to $40 per capita 1 pt: $40 to $50 per capita (Star & Boise) 0 pts: Greater than $50 per capita (Kuna & Garden City) Development Potential (5 points): Evaluates the potential for properties within the project limits to develop or redevelop. New development/ redevelopment is required to construct sidewalks along their property. Areas that have high development or redevelopment potential will be awarded fewer points. 5 pts: Area is built out and has low potential for development/redevelopment. 3 pts: Parts of project have potential for development/redevelopment. 0 pts: A significant portion within the project limits are likely to develop/redevelop. ): Pl.ut.l'tugrxm Cuiumuutn Pain Pi 20[14 April 2N \\utLshup Web Puaine lumnwnii PtPrturmzatiun ( rile>ta kluc Ci ealed on 4 21 2(104 2 59-00 PNI Page of 6/1/2004 15:05 Project Information Project Name 15th Street, Ada/Irene Chrlsway, Boise Ave/1606 Chrisway Howe St., Priest/Londoner Lubkin, Bruins/Curtis Frontage & Bruins, Lubkin/Northview Sloan St., BogarURoe Attached sidewalk from S. end to N @ softball field, 10' detaches SW from softball field to service road. koad Trust Money (522,000). Staff has staked RIW. i maNc/ 1 2 2 4 5 6 6 6 9 9 11 12 12 12 15 16 17 18 18 20 21 22 Bethel Orchard/Colby Broxon St., Nez Perce/Dorian & Dorian. Abbs/Broxon Lubkin, Curtis/Mountain View Roosevelt St., I-84/NY Canal Latah St., Nez Perce/Overland Pacific St _ Palouse/Nez Perce Ruth & Jackie US 10th, Ada/Sherman & Sherman, 10th/9th & 9th, Sherman/Ada Abbs St., Nez Perce/Donan Irving St., Orchard/Garden Targe (3605), Pacific/ Atlantic Colt St., Cole/Choctaw Hervey, Palouse/Spaulding 42nd Street Chinden/Adams 4th Street & O'Ferrell (300, 310, 320 around NE corner and 4th to existing curb 1/3 block to the N Draft Community Program: Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk Projects Ranking for FY 2005 Budget Considerations Project identNied in FYWP, DCR or Draft Budget. Project not identified in ACHD planning documents. City Type of Work Boise Install median islands for traffic -calming Boise Install curb. gutter and sidewalk. Match QQavement to curb. Boise Rebuild curb, gutter and sidewalk. Boise Install curb and gutter. Boise Install curb, gutter and sidewalk on west side Collector Roadway. Boise Install curb, gutter and sidewalk. Boise Rebuild curb, gutter and sidewalk. Boise Install curb, gutter and sidewalk al one property on the NW comer. Boise Replace asphalt sidewalk with concrete Boise Rebuild curb, gutter and sidewalk. Boise Rebuild curb, gutter and sidewalk. Boise Install sidewalk. Boise Area of Oise Garden City Install sidewalk on N. or S. side. curb/gutter already installed. Install curb, gutter and sidewalk at 2 properties (only curb/gutter for remainder of block for drainagej Rebuild roadway Install curb. gutter and sidewalk Rebuild street. Boise Install curb and gutter. 0 J .z 0) 0 rd J U 0.. 1,000 0 o O r m i E f .o . T w a o q t 6- U a 523,000 5119,000 8,815 40C $22,004 5284,000 800 $85.000 5561,000 1,500 574,000 5262,000 1,900 5131,000 5364,000 2,640 5606,000 51,213,000 800 5143,000 5943,000 200 521,000 5554,000 70C 521,000 5161,000 500 5100,000 51,051,000 1,30C $287,000 51,166,000 250 $8.000 4.700 5127,000 400 5144,000 1,300 5383,000 400 515,000 5163,000 5143,000 51,903,000 51,556,000 5203,000 0 O z 2 `m O E u = o ' 8 Y%r O N Washing( 0.3 on El m C E 4E L E CU 100% 1,209 Franklin 0-4 100% El. 1.329 Whitney 0.5 100% El. 235 3,495 1,640 Koelsch El. Owyhee El. Whitney El. 0.4 94% 0.6 100% 0.5 100% 289 Whitney 0.1 100% El. 784 Summer 1.2 100% wind El. 1,629 Longfello 0.1 100% w El. 517 Whitney 0.4 100% El. 2,901 Franklin 1.0 91% 855 Whitney 0.7 100% El. 858 Silver 0.6 100% Sage El. 302 Whitney 0 4 90% Et 1,221 Boy's & 0 2 0% Girl's 822 Longfello 0.6 100% w El. Albngbt (W. side), Marvinitalmeld & Fairfield (S. side), Holiday/Albright & Holiday Dr., S. end/Fairfield Walnut, Park S. Boundary/N Boundary @ Unpaved Service Rd. noise install sidewalk. 1,3(x; 5Je.UUU 3141S,UV0 b'G) Mcldmey u.3 1UUS El. Boise Replace curb, gutter and sidewalk. Collector 70C $22,000 5169,000 7,928 Adams 0.9 0% roadway Boise Install curb, gutter and sidewalk. Et. 20C $26,000 5675,000 1,226 Ann 0.7 100% Morrison Pax 587,000 5920,000 189 Garfield 0.7 100% El. 5169,000 5811,000 487 Koelsch 0.4 100%'' EI. Bosse Install curb and gutter on north side, as well at 50c SW ifR/W allows. Boise Install sidewalk. 1 tnc Boise Rebuild road to connect Sloan to Bogart, rural section 70C 365.000 5492,000 1,260 Shadow 0% Hills El Technical Criteria Safety Cost N C 6 a Avg. Daily Traffic Cost Points Ext. Drainage Points J V 12 zz VO wa 1- 10 0 10 10 10 40 4 8 10 4 8 10 0 10 10 8 6 8 4 8 10 2 8 10 2 10 6 4 8 10 2 8 10 6 10 8 2 10 8 2 6 8 2 10 10 4 8 8 2 8 8 8 10 40 6 10 38 8 10 38 8 5 35 2 10 34 4 10 34 6 10 34 10 10 42 2 10 32 2 5 31 10 10 40 10 10 36 0 10 32 0 10 30 10 10 38 4 10 o, 2 10 4 10 10 .10 1 10 5 5 37 25 31 37 Partnership Criteria C a. r u. a_ 2 ce wz zO_ cea- < a 10 8 18 10 0 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 18 10 10 0 10 10 0 10 10 0 10 10 0 10 10 1 10 10 10 10 i1 10 10 0 10 0 10 110 10 0 10 0 10 - 0 10 6 10 fi 0, , 0 kP _:.gProgram\Com non ly Pgm PnortlMey Rensionsk2004 Apr CGS Protect Pnonl¢ason May Revisions ds 16 10 Programming Criteria aw Agency Support Points Goog Equity Points Development Points t7 z M 1- oa cc 0. 8 0 1 5 14 10 0 1 3 14 10 0 1 5 16 8 0 1 5 14 2 0 1 5 8 10 0 1 5 16 10 0 1 5 16 10 0 1 5 16 0 0 1 5 6 10 0 1 5 16 10 0 1 5 16 0 0 1 5 6 0 0 5 5 10 8 0 1 5 14 2 8 0 5 15 0 0 1 5 6 0 1 5 0 0 1 5 0 0 1 5 2 0 1 5 0 0 1 5 8 0 1 0 6 6 6 8 6 9 < O Z a 72 64 64 62 61 60 60 60 58 58 57 56 56 56 55 54 53 50 50 49 47 46 44IACHD Notes Points for Leveraging non-ACHD funds dependant on grant approval from City of Boise. 10 points for R/W factor is dependent on buy in from property owners who will lose parking ��qI�44p In the installation th of e traffic islands. I[W at 100%. Design and ROW are al 100%. Additional length due to increasing to the project limits to o ntain View. Constniclion lentj�tive 2006. 540K From Boise City. Country Club is considering other options or project, such as only curb/gutter. Design 99%, R/W to be completed end of April 2004. onstruction tentative 2006. Design and RIW complete. Only affected parcel is the Elementary School and the Principal as signed off on the project so I assumed that we have 100% oval_ Design and ROW are complete. Design complete. RIW complete by end of FY04. Estimates calculated for south side, which reduces the number of ffected parcels. besign complete. 2 Overall request of Garden City. Urban Renewal District has ledged 50% of cost up to 5250K. Also includes road trust of 53,100. Y C lC tl' 23 6/1/2004 15:05 Project Information Project Name Hazel St , 28`"/150' e/o 27' City Draft Community Program: Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk Projects Ranking for FY 2005 Budget Considerations Project Identified in FYWP, OCR or Draft Budget. Project not identified in ACHD planning documents. Type of Work Boise Install curb, gutter and sidewalk on south side v w /6,000 a 0 U $886,000 2 ▪ o E2 0 8s o « 8 W . L Q N G N 443 Cowell Et 0.2 N Avg. Daily Traffic Points Technical Criteria Safety Cost 2 A 0 0. . .a o.. 52 VZ. c n _E ao 0 a 0 8 10 4 cn Ext. Drainage Pants 29 Partnership Criteria 10 0 Programming Criteria 10 0 a Agency Support Points —Geog. Equity N Developm re a 6 45 Notes 23 Preece Dr. (N. Side), Cote/Ethndge Boise FIII in sidewalk gaps. 1,500 $440,000 51,550,000 2,677 Cole EL 0.8 100% 6 y 10 8 0 5 29 10 0 10 0 0 1 5 6 45 25 Atlantic, Nez Perce/Overland Boise Install curb, gutter and sidewalk. Tod $132.000 5995.000 425 Whiney EL 0.4 100% 2 8 10 4 5 29 10 0 10 0 0 1 3 4 43 Only 7 affected parcels on the School side (East) . Section from school to Overland has existing sidewalk. 26 Phillippi, Targee/Malad Boise Install curb, gutter and sidewalk. (Both sides) 1,250 S249,000 51,053,000 645 Hillcrest Er 0.8 55% 2 10 8 2 10 320 0 0 6 0 1 3 10 13 42 Project identified in 05-09 FYWP Design delayed from 2004 I, 2005. Construction tentative 2006 0.3 0% 4 10 10 0 5 29 0 26 Ave D, 2nd St to 3rd St & 2nd St, Ave. D to Ave. C Kuna New roadway connecting Avenue D with 2nd Street 330 $302,000 53,189,000 New Road Ross Elem. 0 0 8 0 0 5 Cost estimated were obtained from the 05-09 FYWP folder for 42 this project. 28 Virginia Ave.. a/o Victory, w/o Federal Way Boise Install curb, gutter and sidewalk. 351 357,000 8858,000 254 Hawthorn eEL 1.2 100%2 10 6 4 5 27 10 0 10 0 ^ 0 1 3 4 41 28 Wildwood, Ustick/Montana Boise Install dab, gutter and sidewalk. `t 1 5276,000 51,618,000 1,907 Frontier El. 1.0 100% 4 10 8 0 5 27 10 0 10 0 0 1 3 4 Extensive Irrigation impacts, RIW issues, bridge widening. 41 30 Coston Street (E. side), Warm Springs/State & Jefferson (both sides), Coston/Jantoni Boise Install curb and gutter for drainage problems 1,450 5190,000 8693,000 1,039 Roosevel t El. 0.6 100% 4 8 8 6 0 26 10 0 10 0 0 1 3 4 '400' on Jefferson, 1050' on Coston SL 40 _ 30 Waltman, Larkspur/Linder Meridian Install curb, gutter and sidewalk, widen aspha on south side. 1,401 5270,000 51,019,000 1,124 Peregrin e EI. 0.1 83% 4 8 10 2 ` 0 _ 24 6 0 6 0 0 5 5 10 40 Sidewalk exists on north side (school). 32 Plymouth St., Phillippi/DW @ 532 & Phillippi, DW @ 1920/Plymouth Boise Construct curb/gutter on south side (Plymouth , pave shoulder on east side (Phillip') and construct drainage improvements. 3 533,000 5493,000 1,168 Hillcrest EI. 0.7 50% 4 8 8 8 5 33 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 6 150' on Plymouth & 200' on Phillippi. In -House Design 39 32 2nd St., Alley/Amanita Eagle Install 10' sidewalk 354 599,000 51,500,000 1,039 Eagle EI. 0.3 50% 4 10 10 2 5 31 0 0 0 0 0 3 5 8 39 requirestiremoval of large trees, possible asphalt widening in lieu 34 32od St. (E. side), Grace/Dewey Boise Install curb, gutter, and sidewalk. 309 • 1 585,000 593,000 51,146000 8822,000 1,832 1,408 Lowell El. Liberty El. 0.5 0.7 0% 0% 4 4 8 8 10 8 2 4 5 5 29 29 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 5 5 6 6 5 Only 8 parcels impacted for project just on the E. side of the road 35 35 34 Wright St., Apple/Constitution Bose Install curb, gutter and sidewalk on north side. 34 Owyhee Ave., Cedar/Bridge & N School Ave., Avalon/Owyhee Kuna Install curb, gutter and sidewalks, as well as traffic calming (not specific). 1 1 1 $896,000 51,577,000 427 Indian Creek El 0.3 96% 2 8 10 0 0 20 10 0 10 0 0 0 5 Preliminary work needs to be done to assess drainage. 35 37 Maple Avenue, 4th/Ross Elem. Kuna Rebuild for curb, gutter and sidewalk. 10. 815,000 8768,000 230 Ross EI. 0.2 0% 0 10 10 4 5 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 East side only. Partner w/ LoWst St. prof. 34 38 Ash St., Canal/Avalon Kuna Install sidewalk on east side, handrail at canal and speed bumps. 391,000 51,072,000 895 Indian Creek El. 1.1 100% 2 8 6 2 0 18 10 0 10 0 0 0 5 5 33 39 Locust St, 4th/Dawn Court Kuria Install curb, gutter and sidewalk. 1,i,r 1 5254,000 $1,342,000 261 Ross EJ. 0.6 0% 2 8 8 2 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 30 39 Columbus, Overland/Kootenai Boise Install curb, gutter and sidewalk.Collector Street 1,301 5413,000 51,677,000 3,191 Hawthorn a El. 1.0 59% 8 8 8 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 6 30 Numerous rental properties have not signed RNV intent. 41 Parkhill Drive, Peregrine/Highland View Boise Install curb, gutter and sidewalk on south side 1,200 5423;000 51,863,000 583 Highland e Et 0.9 10% 2 10 8 0 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 4 29 41 52nd St., Allworth/End Garden city Install curb, gutter and sidewalk. 1,2 i 5284,000 51,251,000 382 Boy's & Girl's Gvb 1.6 4% 2 a 10 0 2 _ 10 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 29 41 Settlers Ave., Ash Park Ln/Cole Rd Boise Install sidewalk. 2,00, 5475,000 81,255,000 720 Valley View El. 1.1 0% 2 8 6 2 5 23 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 6 29 44 Montclair Dr. (1941) Bosse Build a cul -0e -sac. 14 4 5238,000 512,553,000 65 Longfello I. 1,5 93% 0 10 6 0 0 16 10 0 10 0 0 1 0 1 27 L1key to be completed through development process_ 45 36th, Clay/Boise River Garden City Install curb, gutter and sidewalk. 921 5222,000 51,273,000 1.124 Boy's& 1.3 0% 4 8 2 2 5 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 26 Awaiting resolution on realignment of Adams St. 46 Chelan Ave. @N. Zoe Ln. Garden Widen roadway for turnaround 101 863,000 83,303,000 90 Andrus 3.3 0% 0 10 0 0 5 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 18 iMac needs additional support because of significant RAN ACHD planning documents include the Five -Year Work Program (FYWP) and Design and Construction Review (DCR). D iRan&ProgramtCommunily Pgm PriontMay Revisronsl2004 Apr CGS Profecl Pnonl¢aeon May Rens,ons xis