Minutes - 2004 - City Council - 09/14/2004 - Regular I ORIGINAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes September 14,2004 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Merrill calls the meeting to order at 5 :35 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, SEDLACEK, GUERBER, NORDSTROM. Bastian is absent. A Quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: Steve Eglinton, concerned parent of two students who attend Eagle Elementary School. Our children have been able to go through the gate at Park Lane and now the gate is closed. Our children now have to go down State Street and Eagle Road. I have a petition that has been signed by 100 people. General discussion. 5:40 p.m. Council Member Bastian is in attendance. Further discussion. Council concurs to have the City facilitate a neighborhood meeting on this Issue. Decker, I would encourage you to revisit this issue. I would like you to go down and take a look at this situation. Michael Gifford, Eagle Sewer District Board, the City and the Board had a meeting to discuss future service within the City and the impact area. We are now aware that the City has moved forward with a land use application and the Board would like to work with the City on servicing new areas. General discussion. City Attorney Buxton: It was my understanding that Item #IOA. would be moved prior to the public hearing. General discussion. Bastian moves to amend the agenda and move Item #10A to after Public Comment. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES.............. lOA. Review and action of the United Water Contract: (SEB) Mayor introduces the issue. City Attorney Buxton: Provides Council an overview of the process taken to arrive at a new contract with United Water and discusses the new contract. The meters are to be read tomorrow and the new rates would go into affect then. It is my recommendation that you approve Resolution 04-16. General discussion. Greg Wyatt, United Water Operations, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Council and especially Council Member Sedlacek and your engineers, Vern Brewer and Ken Rice. There has been some revisions to the exhibits and I have copies of the exhibits with my signature on them tonight. Discussion on the hearing before the PUC. Sedlacek moves to approve Resolution No.04-16 a resolution oftbe City of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho, approving and authorizing the execution of the Water Service Contract with United Water Operations Idaho, Inc., an Idaho corporation; authorizing the Mayor to sign; and providing an effective date. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. Bastian: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................... Page I K:\COUNClLIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-O9-14-04min.doc 5. CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the Rules of Order. . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of August 24, 2004. C. Minutes of August 26, 2004. D. Minutes of August 30, 2004. E. DR-74-04 - Office BuUdin!! - Executive Power Investments. LLC: Executive Power Investments, LLC, represented by Jason Martin with Backstreet Architects, is requesting design review approval to construct a 2,200-square foot office building. The site is located on the north side of East State Street approximately 95-feet east of Palmetto Avenue within the Winding Creek Development. (WEV) F. DR-75-04 - Monument Si!!n for Farm Bureau Insurance - Executive Power Investments. LLC: Executive Power Investments, LLC, represented by Jason Martin with Backstreet Architects, is requesting design review approval to construct a monument sign for Farm Bureau Insurance. The site is located on the north side of East State Street approximately 95-feet east of Palmetto Avenue within the Winding Creek Development. (WEV) G. DR- 76-04 - Two StOry Multi-tenant Office BuUdin!! - Johnson Brothers Hospitalitv: Johnson Brothers Hospitality, represented by Scott Wendell with Lombard Conrad Architects, is requesting design review approval to construct a two (2) story multi-tenant office building within Eagle River Development. The site is located 450-feet south of East Shore Drive at 1025 South Bridgeway Place (Lot 25, Block 4, Mixed Use Subdivision No.5). (WEV) H. DR- 77-04 - Master Si!!n Plan for a Two StOry Multi-tenant Office BuUdin!! - Johnson Brothers Hospitalitv: Johnson Brothers Hospitality, represented by Scott Wendell with Lombard Conrad Architects, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for a two (2) story multi-tenant office building. The site is located 450-feet south of East Shore Drive at 1025 South Bridgeway Place (Lot 25, Block 4, Mixed Use Subdivision No.5). (WEV) I. DR- 78-04 - Convert Residence into an Office BuUdin!! - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kres!!e: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kresge, represented by James Gipson with James Gipson Architects, are requesting design review approval to convert a 1,400-square foot single family residence into an office building. The site is located on the north side of East Idaho Street approximately 100-feet east of 2nd Street at 342 East Idaho Street. (WEV) J. DR-79-04 - Monument Si!!n for SpotLi!!ht Events - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kres!!e: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kresge, represented by James Gipson with James Gipson Associates, are requesting design review approval to construct a monument sign for SpotLight Events. The site is located on the north side of Page 2 K:ICOUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-O9-14-04mindoc East Idaho Street approximately 100-feet east of 2nd Street at 342 East Idaho Street. (WEV) K. DR-80-04 - Master Sien Plan for a Multi-tenant Flex Space Office Buildine - David Bailev: David Bailey, represented by A. J. Lopez, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for a multi-tenant flex space office building. The site is located on the north side of East Iron Eagle Drive approximately 200-feet west of Edgewood Lane at 1410 - 1500 East Iron Eagle Drive. (WEV) L. DR-83-04 - Multi-tenant Retail Buildine - Dave Buich and Gree Hall: Dave Buich and Greg Hall, represented by Scott Marshall with LKV Architects, are requesting design review approval to construct an 8,908-square foot multi-tenant retail building. The site is located on the northeast comer of the intersection of East State Street, South Edgewood Lane, East Iron Eagle Drive, and East McGrath Road. (WEV) M. DR-84-04 - Master Sien Plan for a Multi-tenant Retail Buildine - Dave Buich and Gree Hall: Dave Buich and Greg Hall, represented by Scott Marshall with LKV Architects, are requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for a multi-tenant retail building. The site is located on the northeast comer of the intersection of East State Street, South Edgewood Lane, East Iron Eagle Drive, and East McGrath Road. (WEV) N. DR-85-04 - Multi-tenant Office Buildine - Kittvhawk Investments: Kittyhawk Investments, represented by Billy Ray Strite with BRS Architects, is requesting design review approval to construct a 4,918-square foot multi-tenant office building. The site is located south of East State Street where Palmetto A venue intersects East State Street at 825 East State Street (Lot 6, Block 1, Periwinkle Subdivision). (WEV) O. DR-86-04 - Master Sien Plan for a Multi-tenant Office Buildine - Kittvhawk Investments: Kittyhawk Investments, represented by Joe Rausch, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for a multi-tenant office building. The site is located south of East State Street where Palmetto intersects East State Street at 825 East State Street (Lot 6, Block 1, Periwinkle Subdivision). (WEV) P. Findines of Fact and Conclusions of Law for FPOD-4-04 - Final Development Plan for Windine Creek East POD - Southers Properties: : Southers Properties, represented by Phil Hull with The Land Group is requesting final development plan approval for Winding Creek East, a 44-unit multi-family residential POD. The 3.9-acre site is located on the north side of State Street approximately 100-feet east of Palmetto Avenue. (WEV) Q. Findines of Fact and Conclusions of Law for RZ- 7-04 - Rezone With Development Aereement From A & R-2-DA To R-2-DA - Rockv Ridee Construction: Rocky Ridge Construction dba South Channel LLC., represented by Steve Holt, P.E., with Toothman-Orton Engineering Co., is requesting a rezone from A (Agricultural) & R-2-DA Residential - up to two dwelling units per one acre with a development agreement) to R-2-DA (Residential - up to two dwelling units per acre with a modified development agreement). The 99.70- acre development is located west of Eagle Road, at 707,781,799,807,844 & 1201 W. South Channel Road. (WEV) R. Findines of Fact and Conclusions of Law for PP-S-04 - The Shores Subdivision - Rockv Ridee Construction: Rocky Ridge Construction dba South Channel LLC, represented by Steve Holt, P.E., with Toothman-Orton Page 3 K:ICOUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-09-l4-04min.doc Engineering Co., is requesting preliminary plat approval for The Shores Subdivision, a 130-lot (92-buildable, 38-common) residential subdivision. The 99.70-acre development is located west of Eagle Road, at 707, 781, 799, 807, 844 & 1201 W. South Channel Road. (WEV) S. Findine:s of Fact and Conclusions of Law A-I-04 & RZ-I-04 - Annexation and Rezone From RUT to R-E - Geore:e Crandlemire: George Crandlemire, represented by Tealey's Land Surveying, is requesting rezone upon annexation from RUT (Rural Urban Transition) to R-E (Residential-Estates - up to one dwelling unit per two acres). The 24.1 O-acre site is located on the south side of Beacon Light Road, approximately 1600-feet west of North Eagle Road.. (WEV) T. Findine:s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for PP-I-04 - Preliminary Plat for Tane:lerose Subdivision - Geore:e Crandlemire: George Crandlemire, represented by Tealey's Land Surveying, is requesting preliminary plat approval for Tanglerose Subdivision, a 13-lot (II-buildable, 2-common) residential subdivision. The 24.1 O-acre development is located on the south side of Beacon Light Road, approximately 1600-feet west of North Eagle Road. (WEV) U. Findine:s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for A-2-04 & RZ-2-04 Annexation and Rezone From RUT to R-E E. Thomas & Connie Jones: E. Thomas & Connie Jones, represented by Tealey's Land Surveying, are requesting a rezone upon annexation from RUT (Rural Urban Transition) to R-E (Residential-Estates - up to one dwelling unit per two acres) for Pony Subdivision No.2. The 21.55- acre, II-lot (9-buildable, 2-common) residential subdivision is located south of Beacon Light Road, approximately 1500 feet east of North Ballantyne Lane. (WEV) V. Findine:s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for PP-2-04 - Preliminary Plat for Ponv Subdivision No.2 - E. Thomas & Connie Jones: E. Thomas & Connie Jones, represented by Tealey's Land Surveying, are requesting preliminary plat approval for Pony Subdivision No.2, a 14-lot (9-buildable, 5-common) residential subdivision. The 21.55-acre re-subdivision of Lots 1-4, Block 1, of Pony Subdivision, is located south of Beacon Light Road, approximately 1500- feet east of North Ballantyne Lane. (WEV) W. Appointment to the Eae:le Arts Commission: The Mayor is requesting Council confinnation for the appointment of Crane Johnson and Mark Priddy to the Arts Commission. The length of each of their tenns will be 3 years. (NM) X. Contract for Senior Citizens Van Use and Senior Center Utilities Ae:reement for Fiscal Year 04/05. (SEB) Y. Contract for Professional Grant Consultine: Services for Fiscal Year 04/05. (SKB) Z. Contract for Services - Code Enforcement Officer for Fiscal Year 04/05. (SKB) AA. Contract for Services - City Forester for Fiscal Year 04/05. (SKB) BB. Contract for Services - with Gibbons. Scott and Dean LLP for audit of 2003- 2004 fiscal records. (SKB) Guerber removes Item #5L. Bastian removes Item #5A. Sedlacek removes Item #5D Mayor removes Item #5N. Page 4 K:ICOUNClLIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-O9-14-04min.doc 5A. Claims ae:ainst the City. Bastian: I have not had a chance to look at the claims and I don't want to vote on the claims until I have had a chance to review them. Mayor we will vote on the claims at the end of the meeting. Bastian moves to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Seconded by Guerber. Bastian: A YEj Sedlacek: A YEj Guerber: A YEj Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. 5L. DR-83-04 - Multi-tenant Retail Buildine: - Dave Buich and Gree: Hall: Dave Buich and Greg Hall, represented by Scott Marshall with LKV Architects, are requesting design review approval to construct an 8,908-square foot multi-tenant retail building. The site is located on the northeast corner of the intersection of East State Street, South Edgewood Lane, East Iron Eagle Drive, and East McGrath Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Greg Hall, we want to bury the service line that services that building but we don't feel that we should have to bear the cost of burying the distribution line. General discussion. Bastian moves to approve DR-83-04 - Multi-tenant Retail Building and remove Site Specific Condition of Approval #2 but require in its place: "provide the service line to be located underground". Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES........... General discussion on the City Code as to burying lines. 50. Minutes of Aue:ust 30. 2004. Sedlacek: The motion that I made on Page 8 of 14, bottom of the page needs to be clarified. Discussion on clarifications that need to be made. Bastian who seconded the original motion concurs with the clarifications made tonight. Sedlacek moves to approve the Minutes of August 30, 2004 with the changes made tonight. Seconded by Nordstrom. THREE AYES: ONE ABSTAIN: MOTION CARRIES............. 5N. DR-85-04 - Multi-tenant Office Buildine: - Kittvhawk Investments: Kittyhawk Investments, represented by Billy Ray Strite with BRS Architects, is requesting design review approval to construct a 4,9l8-square foot multi-tenant office building. The site is located south of East State Street where Palmetto Avenue intersects East State Street at 825 East State Street (Lot 6, Block I, Periwinkle Subdivision). (WEV Mayor: I asked this to be pulled because I asked that ladders on the roof need to be internal and I would like to have this added as a Site Specific Condition of Approval. Joe Rausch, Wright Brothers Construction, the ladder is sitting in a location that is the back east side of the building and a big tree sits right there and I'm having trouble believing that this would be an issue. We do not have a mechanical room in the interior of the building. The DR Board requested that the ladder be painted to match the building. General discussion. Bastian moves to approve DR-85-04 - Multi-tenant Office Building - Kittyhawk Investments. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.......... 6. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: None 7. FINAL PLATS: None Page 5 K:ICOUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-O9-14-04min.doc 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. CP A-02-04 City of Eae:le: The City of Eagle will consider a City initiated Comprehensive Plan Amendment to modify a portion of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and a policy to adopt the Western Eagle Sub-area Plan. (WEV) Tabled/rom 9/7/04. Mayor introduces the issue and Opens the Public Hearing. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Displays overheads and discusses the Floating Feather planning area. General discussion Council deliberation. Sedlacek moves to approve the text as presented on Page 40 and 41 of 56 under 6.5E with the following modification: The very last paragraph where it says "use of transitional lot sizes and clustering when new development abuts existing subdivisions, business and office uses to the south, school sighting in the area shall focus on areas with higher densities to decrease bussing concerns preference will be given to sighting elementary schools in this area and that the density in the transitional area shall not exceed 3 to 4 units per acre. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES........................... Moon Valley and State planning area. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Displays overheads and discusses the Moon Valley and State planning area. General discussion. Mayor swears in Roy Barrett. Roy Barrett, 198 Eagle Hills Way, reads a prepared letter to the Council. Mayor swears in Sandy Quinn. Sandy Quinn 6201 West State Street, I want to know that if we are put into Eagle down the road my property is slated as commercial. I'm wondering if I'm going to be forced to sell or ifl can wait untilljust can't stand the commercial being developed around me. General discussion. Mayor swears in Leslie Quinn. Leslie Quinn, 6201 West State Street, my biggest concern started about two weeks ago when a gentleman pulled up to my house and made me an offer on my property. My concern is when all of this development comes in where are all of these wells going to come from? What happens to my well if my well goes dry? General discussion. Mayor swears in Shawn Nord. Shawn Nord, 5337 W. State Street, discusses the current plan for zoning on our property and I am requesting that you extend the mix use area to cover these properties on State Street. I would hope to some day move my business to this area if it is mixed use. General discussion. Mayor swears in Denise VanDorren. Denise VanDorren 7223 Moon Valley Road, discusses the higher density that Ada County is proposing. Discussion on the City's application for expansion of the impact area. Discussion on the proposed sewer and water services for the area. This would be in my front yard. General discussion. Mayor swears in Gene Muller. Gene Muller 320 Palmer Lane, you women said that the people should decide what they want to do with their property. General discussion. Page 6 K:ICOUNClLIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-09-14-04min.doc Mayor swears in Mike Chase. Mike Chase, I'm concerned about property rights. The City has been leap froging. The City needs to develop the land that is close in instead of going out. Discussion on the density. General discussion. Mayor swears in Jessie Henshaw. Jessie Henshaw 1053 N. Eagle Road, I moved here 10 years ago and I remember when it was a small town. I was involved in cutting down of the trees at the High School and I want to apologize for my actions. General discussion. Mayor swears in Mary Taylor. Mary Taylor, 3410 Hartley, we would have never guessed that the growth would be what it is. We are doing this planning and you never know when the need will come. Discussion on a list that was presented at the last meeting of people who want to be in Eagle and I have reviewed it and it is in error. There are some people who want to be in Star. I have sat through all of these meetings. We in the Linder Road area are concerned about the language in ordinances, especially the City ordinance in regards to transferring water rights to the City of Eagle. Weare troubled by sewage in our back yards. Those of us who live West of Linder have seen Star's plan and we are concerned because the City can not provide us with sewer service and water service. Star can provide water and sewer and their plan has taken our wishes into consideration. There are a lot of people who want to be in Star. General discussion. Mayor swears in Phil Fry. Phil Fry,4122 Homer Road, I appreciate the planning you are putting in but it scares me. Reads from a prepare statement. I won't cover the village area tonight. General discussion. General Council discussion on the comp plan changes and why the City is moving forward with this planning. Mayor recesses at 9:40 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 9: 55 p.m. Mayor: We have now looked all of the areas out here. If anyone else would like to testify we will hear from them now and then I will close the public hearing and hear from staff and the Council. Mayor swears in Lida Fry. Lida Fry, 4122 Homer Road, I do appreciate the work you have done and I have looked at the maps and have been at the hearings. The village worries me as there is no way to know how it will develop. I'm concerned about the zoning around that area. I have a problem extending Homer Road into the village. I am also questioning why Highway 16 would go into the village. Your plans for the village are pipe dreams. I believe that if you pass this plan tonight you will have people into the City ready to develop. I believe this will develop faster than you believe. Where are the schools going to be and the parks? This should be more specific. You are right about how Ada County develops. I'm concerned about the sewer. I agree that there is no way to prevent development and the City needs to control it. Eugene Muller, 320 Palmer Lane, how is the traffic going to be handled? You are not providing any roadways. Mayor swears in Stan Lillquist Page? K:ICQUNClLIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-09-14-04min.doc Stan Lillquist, 3544 N. Hartley Road, I have listen to both sides, I'm neither stupid or naive. I believe Ada County has a plan on this area. You do have to submit your plan to them. When I heard sewer I thought of collection ponds and didn't realize it was different until I got here tonight. I'm wondering if Council Member Sedlacek has a conflict of interest. General discussion on Council Member Sedlacek's position at the Sewer District. There is not a conflict of interest. Mayor swears in Burt Johnson. Burt Johnson, 6391 W. Beacon Light Road, Ijust saw these plans yesterday. Discusses the Sewer District ponds that were next to his property but have now been removed. We already have open spaces, we have our own community of people who love it the way it is. I see both sides of this. Denise VanDorren, 723 Moon Valley Road, it has been said that we need to pay attention to the comp plan. On one hand we are told to pay attention to the comp plan and then we are told that this is just a vision. If a developer meets all of the criteria you have to say yes. Council replies that the Council can still say no. General discussion. Discussion on how the community has developed to date. Why are you not letting Star have the same opportunity that Eagle has had. If Star does not get this land their community will be chocked out. General discussion. I haven't heard one person that is in favor of this plan. Further discussion. Mayor swears in Mark Butler. Mark Butler, 52 N. Second Street, in 15 years as a planner I have never seen a Council that has shown great dialog in the process as you have tonight. Displays overheads and discusses properties in the river plain planning area. General discussion. Discussion on the middle school planning area. General discussion. Mayor swears in Steven Ricks. Steven Ricks, I would like to discuss the NW corner of Park Lane and Linder Road. I think this would be appropriate to be neighborhood commercial. Mayor swears in Dean Fiscus. Dean Fiscus, 75 N. Longhorn, I'm seeing a lot of things going on around the High School that the Council has opposed because of traffic. We don't need commercial in this area and it will bring more traffic to the area that we don't need. The developers develop but they don't do anything for roadways to move the traffic. The commercial and higher density development needs to be downtown. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Vern Brewer, Holladay Engineering, City Engineer, discusses water planning. We have been told by the Legislature that the cities need to be planning out 50 years. Cities also need to have an ordinance in place to be able to retain water rights within the city. General discussion. General Council discussion. Bastian moves to approve the proposed Comprebenise Plan Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 with an addition to Chapter 4 as presented by the Eagle Sewer District dated 9/14/04 dealing with 4.9, 4.9.1, 4.9.2, 4.9.3 basically stating that Eagle Sewer District will provide sewer services. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................. Page 8 K:ICOUNClLIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-O9-l4-04min.doc Bastian moves to reconsider earlier approval of Chapter 6, land use and land use planning. Seconded by Guerber. THREE AYES: ONE NAY: MOTION CARRIES............ Discussion on Chinden Planning area. Bastian moves to approve the Chinden Planning Area with the deletion of illustration 6.1 on the left hand side of the page called "parking orientation to highway" and we approve this section with all of the changes and conditions we placed upon this section at an earlier approval. Seconded by Guerber. THREE AYES: ONE NAY: MOTION CARRIES...... ..... Discussion on Park Lane Planning Area. Discussion on commercial in the area of Linder Road and Park Lane. Guerber moves that within the Park Lane area we retain changes that have taken place previously with one exception and that would be: reference to the area bound by Park Lane, State Street, Linder Road and Floating Feather to include residential land uses as a density of two to three units per acre north of the drain ditch and the 17 area south of the drain ditch be designated a limited service commercial area. Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion. Bastian proposes a substitute motion: the limited services commercial be allowed south of a frontage road extending from Park Road to Linder and that the limited service commercial be allowed on the north side of that frontage road transitioning to a residential neighborhood of not more than three units per acre with a development agreement. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. Bastian and Guerber withdraw their motions. Guerber moves that the Ricks property be designated southern 17 acres limited service commercial and the northern 20 acres residential not to exceed R3. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. TWO A YES: TWO NAYS: MAYOR NAY: MOTION FAILS Bastian moves to approve the Ricks property with 17 acres of limited service commercial and the remainder to be professional office. Motion dies for a lack of a second. Sedlacek moves that the bottom be professional office and the top half be residential R3. Seconded by Nordstrom. TWO A YES: TWO NAYS: MAYOR NAY: MOTION FAILS Guerber moves that the whole area be mixed use. Seconded by Bastian. TWO A YES: TWO NAYS: Discussion by Mayor. Guerber amends his motion to add that there be a Development Agreement and it show transition to residential to the north. Second concurs. THREE AYES: ONE NAY: MOTION CARRIES.................. Sedlacek moves to remove the illustrations 6.2 and 6.3 on Page 35 of 56. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES......................... Discussion on Old Valley Road. Bastian moves to approve Old Valley Road area as proposed. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................ Discussion on Flint Estates. Discussion on the Village Planning area. Nordstrom moves to approve the Village Planning area as presented. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. Pa8e 9 K:\COUNClLlMlNUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-09-14-04min.doc Discussion on the Floating Feather residential area. Bastian moves to approve the Floating Feather residential area as previously approved. Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................. Discussion on the River Plain residential area. Bastian moves to approve the River Plain residential area with the additional language added to the 1st paragraph: the Humpries property north 16 acres to be mixed use and the south approximately 5 acres be Residential 1 and the Nords property north one-half and the mixed use designation extend eastward to the existing mixed use designation and the rest of the language as stated in the document. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES........................ Discussion on the Thiery property. Bastian moves to amend the River Plain residential area language to include the following text: The Thiery property east of Moon Lake Ranch shall be Residential 1 transitioning to residential estates to be compatible with Moon Lake Ranch. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. THREE AYES: ONE NAY: MOTION CARRIES................... Discussion on Eagle Island planning area. Guerber moves to approve the Eagle Island planning area as proposed but change the designation of the Sali property to be residential estates as in the case of the adjacent properties. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................. Discussion on Moon Valley planning area. Nordstrom moves to approve Moon Valley Estate planning area as proposed with the exception of the area designated as Professional Office on the south side of State Street be changed to Residential Estates. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. Nordstrom amends the motion to strike professional office and limiting the area east of Palmer all the way to the end of the planning area and leaving that as Residential Estates. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................ Discussion on Rim View planning area. Bastian moves to approve Rim View planning area as adopted in the previous meeting. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................... Discussion on Eagle Middle School planning area. Sedlacek moves to leave the Eagle Middle School planning area as originally voted upon. Seconded by Nordstrom. THREE AYES: ONE NAY: MOTION CARRIES......... ......... ..... Discussion on the proposed map changes. Bastian moves to substitute language created by our Planner, Nichole Spencer, dated August 9, 2004. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. Guerber moves to accept Section 6. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. Mayor calls a recess at 11 :20 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 11 :30 p.m. Page 10 K\COUNClLIMlNUTESITemporary Minutes Work Area\CC-Q9-14-04min.doc 9. NEW BUSINESS: A. LS-I-04 - Lot Split - Betty J. Roberts: Betty 1. Roberts is requesting approval of a lot split for the creation of two lots located on the north side of West Washam Road approximately 1400- feet east of Ballanyne Road at 1561 West Washam Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Jason Densmer, Roylance & Associates, staff recommends denial because of the existing single family dwelling located on the property. Provides Council an overview of the requested lot split. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Discusses conditions of approval. Bastian moves to approve LS-I-04 - Lot Split with the following conditions of approval: 1. The applicant shall submit payment to the City for all engineering fees incurred for reviewing this project prior to the City Clerk signing the Lot Split record of survey; 2. Revise all Lot Split record of survey endorsements to refer lot split and not lot division; 3. Provide the Lot Split record of survey title at the top of the sheet to read Lot Split Record of Survey; 4. Revise the Lot Split record survey to change the configuration of parcel B to a minimum of 1.8 acres in area; 5. A building permit will be required to be obtained from the City prior any construction; 6. Provide a recorded copy of the Lot Split record of survey to the City prior to the issuance of any building permits; 7. The application should be aware that a drainage/irrigation ditch located on the property to the west of the subject site may have an irrigation/drainage easement on either side of said ditch, the applicant shall comply with all requirements of any managing drainage/irrigation entity having jurisdiction over said ditch with regard to any improvements proposed within the immediate vicinity of the ditch. The applicant shall submit to the City a document from the managing irrigation/drainage entity approving the installation of any improvements prior to the issuance of any building permits. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................... B. Resolution 04-15: A Resolution Of The Eagle City Council, Eagle, Ada County, Idaho Repealing Any And All Existing Comprehensive Plans, And Adopting The Amended 2000 Comprehensive Plan; Affirming That Prescribed Notice And Hearing Requirements Were Met In Accordance With Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code; And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Guerber moves to approve Resolution 04-15, A Resolution Of The Eagle City Council, Eagle, Ada County, Idaho Repealing Any And All Existing Comprehensive Plans, And Adopting The Amended 2000 Comprehensive Plan; Affirming That Prescribed Notice And Hearing Requirements Were Met In Accordance With Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code; And Providing An Effective Date. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................ 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Review and action of the United Water Contract: (SEB) Moved to after Public Comment. 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Threatened or Pendine Litieation: I.C. §67-2345(t) Mayor introduces the issue. Page II KICOUNClLIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC.O9-14-04min.dDc Nordstrom moves to go into Executive Session for the discussion of Threatened or Pending Litigation. Seconded by Guerber. Bastian: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES........................ Council discusses threatened or pending litigation. Council leaves Executive Session at 11 :55 p.m. General Council discussion on water rights. Sedlacek moves to instruct the City Attorney to arrange for special council of John Lerma to work on the Meridian Fire Department Case. Seconded by Nordstrom. THREE AYES: ONE ABSTAIN: MOTION CARRIES........... lOB. Review and discussion of proposed Ordinance No. 477 and associated Resolution No. 04-13: An ordinance for the City of Eagle, Idaho, amending Eagle City Code, Title 3 "Business and License Regulations", Chapter 4" Vendors, Solicitors, and Temporary Merchants", Section 2 "Definitions", and Section 11 "Restrictions", and providing and effective date. And a resolution of the Eagle City Council, Eagle, Ada County, Idaho establishing procedures for issuing vendor permits in Municipal Parks; and providing an effective date. Staff is requesting this item be continued to the September 28, 2004 meeting. (SKB) Mayor introduces the issue. Sedlacek moves to continue the Review and discussion of proposed Ordinance No. 477 and associated Resolution No. 04-13 to the September 28, 2004 City Council meeting. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............... Bastian moves to approve the claims against the City. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.......................... 12. REPORTS: Discussion on meetings with Eagle Sewer District. Bastian: Reports on the Library Board meeting. General discussion. Zoning Administrator's Report: Reports on the cost of the street lights at China Palace. We have money in this years budget so we may be able to get this completed. Discussion on a new building in Eagle River which will be over the height limit. Nordstrom: No report Guerber: No report Discussion the RFP for the new City Hall. Mayor: I'm going to speak at the Colony's Homeowner's Association meeting. City Engineer Report: No Report City Attorney Report: No Report City Clerk/Treasurer Report: No report Page 12 K:ICOUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-09-14-04min.doc 13. ADJOURNMENT: Guerber moves to adjourn. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES...... ......... ...... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 12:20 a.m. Respectfully submitted: A~. 1Z- (?:¡D~ SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: Page 13 K:\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-O9-14-04min.doc ARCHITECTS LEATHAM KROHN VAN OCKER DATE: September 14, 2004 PROJECT: Multi -Tenant Retail Building - _' (L.7 Barb Cerda, File: drr tjF ftAtyil-. SEP 1 4 201 Route to" 1 am writing on behalf of our clients Greg Hall and Dave Buich to formally request removal from the consent agenda at tonight's meeting. Our clients wish to discuss with the City Counsel the requirement imposed by Planning and Zoning to relocate existing overhead power lines below ground. Tha __ ou, "ott Marshall LKV Architects DARRL.I I. i.H;ATHAM-KF N'l KROI-IN -AMHi R VAN OCKFR - WAYNE TFIOM.ESS -STI1,1.MAN ANDERSON 1735 FEDERAL WAY, BOISE, IDAHO 83705 - PHONE 208-336-3443 - FAX 208-336-3680 Z0/Ze 3EVd SlDalIH3elt' I1>i1 989E-9EE-82Z 9T:ST b00Z/bT/60 CPA -02-04 CITY OF EAGLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT PUBLIC HEARING THE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2004 5:30 P.M. ADDRESS/ NAME TELEPHONE , —iG ,st c -S5(-15 5 - 260,1 l F X37_(12472 - 701 Ostlierilvir- q54'-7117 )hacvn /Id 5337 to, S4e k ✓ liec Vadorm X((a'031- c,Po Pzo.r` 14i'977 0 TESTIFY SUBJECT YES[ O? PRO/CON // e-tcw\ Y\ �T .D%,._,) /fNePD/dr . 7grellite 2Mc* 00 v allcV \les 3.2� �A (►mai' , Lin/ . Page 1f1 I I.\COUNCIIAAGFNDA\CCSIGNUP.WPD CPA -02-04 CITY OF EAGLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT PUBLIC HEARING THE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2004 5:30 P.M. NAME ADDRESS/ TELEPIIONE SUBJECT 1-1053 N - I V ►ZA PGI r. 116496t i Page 1 f 1 11 \COUNCII AGENDA\CCSIGNUP \'PD TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON X Suu* Nord S'377 W. S&h s4 . Wwylit/i/ x x x x x x - I h x I x 1 RR x (X F x RR Q u x x x� UL U V.ALLt x x x x x x x Rid x x x /, Barrett and Sawyer, LLC 918 Eagle Hills Way Eagle Idaho Ada Phone 208-365-7513 Home Phone 208-939-0956 September 14, 2004 Dear Madam Mayor and Eagle City Council, I have enjoyed being a resident of Eagle since 1977. I have watched it grow from a very small "bedroom" community to what it is today. The achievements and growth are commendable. Too bad some of the "charm" has been lost, but that unfortunately is the price for "progress". Recently however I sense a "disconnect" between city leaders and the citizens. The most notable symptom of this malady being the history and votes surrounding the proposed city office building. I believe most Eagle citizens recognize the need for new city offices, yet the vision and desire proposed by city officials has failed repeatedly. Obviously there is a lack of a shared vision and understanding between the city leaders and the citizens. I mention this recent history only to underscore the fact that again you are not hearing or acting upon the wishes of many residents and land owners in Eagles proposed impact area. My partner, Mr. Larry Sawyer, and I own a parcel of land located on the N.E. corner of the intersection of Highway 44 and 16. We have attended many public hearings sponsored by both Eagle and Star. At the onset neither of us had a bias toward either community plan. With no disrespect toward Eagle or its leaders, but after attending many meetings in Eagle and Star we became convinced that Star could serve our property needs better. We then attended a meeting where the leaders of Star presented there plan to the Ada County Planning and Zoning Commission. Our belief was supported by both the professional staff of Ada County as well as the Planning and Zoning Commission itself, when Stars plan was approved by vote. Incidentally, at the Ada County meeting I found myself very disappointed in a few of the representatives of Eagle. The attitude and some of the accusations directed at the City of Star and its leaders were unwarranted. Unfortunately it seems that local politics has become as dirty as that which disgust many of us on the national level. Too bad for all of us. The purpose of this communication is to once again state to you that we do not wish our property to be included in Eagles Impact Area, and request that you delete it from your plan. I believe that Eagle already has a very fill! state of challenges to address and will have even more when the impact area is expanded, even without our property. Star, on the other hand, is within relative close proximity to our property and has demonstrated to our satisfaction that it has the capability, need and desire to better meet the needs associated with our property. Respectfully, Star Sewer & Water District P.O. Box 400 * 11184 W. State St. * Star, ID 83669 (208) 286-7388 * Fax (208) 286-7361 February 11, 2004 City of Star P.O. Box 130 Star, ID 83669 Re: Expansion of the City Impact Arca P c- 9--i�-off The Star Sewer and Water District supports the proposed change in the City of Star's Impact Area (refer to attached figure). The District has in place or will soon have in place the basic water and wastewater infrastructure to support growth in this area. WASTE WA TER SERVICE The existing sewer master plan already addresses sewer for the area proposed in the new City Impact Area. With the recent passing of the bond election on February 3, 2004, the Star Sewer and Water District is now proceeding with the construction of a new mechanical wastewater treatment plant. This new treatment plant will be a modular plant capable of future modular expansions that will accommodate flow for all the growth projected in the proposed City Impact Arca. The District has completed major sections of large diameter trunklines that have been sized to ultimately provide sewer service to the area currently identified in the proposed City Impact Area. As development occurs, the collection system will also be expanded by developers so as to accommodate the flow created by additional growth in the proposed City Impact Area. WATER SERVILE Existing water service to the proposed Impact Area has been planned. The District has developed initial core water supply, storage, and transmission pipeline facilities and a water system master plan that will handle and direct future system expansion into these additional impact areas. In order to provide service to this area, additional wells will need to be added as demands increase. Additionally, the existing network of 1 0 -inch and 12 -inch pipelines will need to be extended to serve new development. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us as (208) 288-1992. Very truly you .k •' y John :. Kirtic" ST Di ct I3oardChairman ATER DISTRICT ESD Version 9-14-04 4.9 Sewer Background The Eagle Sewer District (ESD), formed established in 1963, is a separate public entity from separate from the City of Eagle, the service area of which generally corresponds to the area within the Eagle City limits. Extensions of the ESD service area are done accomplished by actions of the ESD Board of Directors, and de -net -necessarily for the most part match annexations to the City ei er in location or Vie. However. they do not have to match annexations to the City either in location or in time. ESD serves approximately 07500) home nna other within its sewer service are all of the residential and commercial users in the City that are receiving central sewer service. In addition to users served by central sewer, many homes in the District's service area have disposal by septic tanks and drain fields. The District's ultimate -me -ant o€ esa1 i District currently provides for wastewater treatment to secondary standards with ultimate disposal facilities of the City of Boise, through facilities of the City of Boise, under a long-term agreement between the District and the City of Boise. Future Conditions Due to total pollutant loading limitations applying to for the Boise River, it is probate that restrietions-en stream discharge of wastewater effluent discharges in to the Boise River wi41 may become far more stringent in the future than they are at present. Additional development may at some time require alternatives to stream discharge, such as some form of groundwater recharge. A further -likely censequence of Duch pr. ,enti tion of stream discharge restrictions -might -be a change of ESD policy, slowing its rata -of E3ipapsion aid Extension into-pre'.ieesly unsevered ares. ESD will continue to plan for consenuences of such potential intensification of stream discharges to meet the needs for central sewer in areas within the City. ESD is committed to providing central sewer service to areas within the City of Eagle. It is the City of Eagle's policy to accommodate orderly and appropriate development at a pace that does not unreasonably impede or burden the development process. Timely extension of sewer service is an essential feature of orderly development. Hence, the City of Eagle will in future take an active interest in sewerage and wastewater issues. 4.9.1 Goals okay 4.9.2 Objectives First paragraph is fine Second needs to be deleted. 4.9.3 Implementation Strategies c. In the event that ESD is unwilling to provide central sewer service the city should (Then the rest of the paragraph would go in here). Lynn Moser cc_ 91—/e/---04 14 September 2004 To: Eagle City Council From: Phil Fry, resident at 4122 Homer Rd., Eagle, ID, 83616 (phone 939 9267) Subj: Comments to CPA -02-04 — Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan My wife and I are retired on a fixed income on Homer Rd. We own land south of the Farmers Union Ditch which is proposed for inclusion in your Western Area plan. Our family has lived within a mile of us for 6 generations now. We support our quality of life and the nearby residents with natural, undeveloped hills and wildlife. Thus we need to make comments to the proposed North West planning area of the Comp Plan above the SHW 16 industrial park. Expanding the Area of Impact (14 Sept. meeting.) 1. You ask what we residents want. We want to maintain our planned quality of life for at least the 20 years before this expansion of the Area of Impact is needed (interests, view, traffic, crowding, and crime.) We want reasonable tax increases, not those associated with premature growth, so we can enjoy our planning. We will be dead or indifferent in 20 years but hope our children can continue the open space we maintain. Impacting our quality of life will force the building of houses on our hills for everyone's loss. The city has shown little sympathy for the not- in- my- back yard arguments but that is exactly the basis for sympathetic and compatible development. 2. Eagle's planning is extensive and detailed. I assume this was done to provide future city income, to show the city's capability to manage development there, and to influence the area's leaving residents to accept the planning because of higher income from sales at higher density zoning. However the expansion of the Area of Impact with the Comp Plan changes are generally premature, limiting, and contrary to current/future residents interests (with the exception of those planning to sell) for at least 15 years. 3. The plan is premature because your Compass population numbers show a need only nearing build -out in the present AOI in about 2020. This also doesn't seem to consider Eagle's need for higher densities near the Central Business District. This should be Eagle's first priority to provide a viable, cost effective infrastructure for the city and support future transportation options. Eagle should plan to make a city out of the CBD now and then replan in 2010- 2015 for expanding into the West. Consider what approval of the AOI means. If a developer proposes 200 unit high rise apartments on the current feedlot this year, with some greenery and parking and incorporated into the city, Eagle may approve it as compatible with the plan. If the developer accompanies this with a warehouse business Eagle will be hard pressed to turn it down and will provide the necessary and expensive infrastructure. This would be a horrible misuse of Eagles powers and certainly a non -compatible use of the area. And the residents complaints but would be rejected by your not- in- my- backyard rejection. 4. The plan is limiting because Eagle cannot foresee growth in the area in the next 10 years to allow the plan to adapt naturally. Growth should allow 5 acre sites for some 10 years until pressure forces additional density. Sitting with a few residents and many developers in your planning meetings is not good planning as it brings in only people with a profit motive who append quality of life issues Eagle has approved. Also we resent that were not informed of your planning meetings except for the newspaper notices and these did not identify the plans for the Western expansion. 5. The plan is contrary to the interests of residents because it is using the area to promote growth away from the CBD. This means Eagle will mis-use the tax money for expansion rather than the CBD growth. This means our land values will greatly increase in 20 years and we residents on fixed income will not be'able to afford the taxes. We will also have 14 September 2004 larger traffic flows and will loose our isolation and peace and quiet. 6. I propose Eagle and Star delay this expansion planning for ten years as identified in comments 2 thru 5. If Eagle has valid plans they can be coordinated with Ada County and Star during the 10 years. 7. Eagle should consider being a good neighbor to Star. Star only has about 40% of Eagle's area and will not have the tax base of Eagle to develop needed infrastructure. The area between SHW 16 to Palmer Ln. in both the Star and Eagle plans now contains about 60 people and 1300 acres which, at $200,000 per resident, would calculate as more than $13 million value or an additional $78,000 in yearly taxes if incorporated into Eagle. This won't support a new Berk. On build out the area could contain some 2000 residences for more than $700 million value for some $4 million yearly taxes to Eagle or Star if incorporated. These taxes would improve Star's infrastructure much more than Eagle's. Village Concept (7 Sept. meeting ) 8. The proposed village concept is apparently an attempt to create a friendly industrial /education park with supporting residences. I oppose this for its negative impact on my and my neighbors quality of life, negative impact on my taxes, erosion of CBD identity and validity, erosion of CBD cost effectiveness. Also the village is a poor location — not dose to transportation, in an environmental hazard area (feedlot salt and antibiotics residue in soil), and will require early expensive city paid infrastructure. There are much better areas for your village concept industrial /educational area near Eagle with improved CBD support and less infrastructure costs— for example Eagle Island West of Two Rivers, or Lonesome Dove Ranch Area. Commercial development will be much better able to handle the inevitable occasional flooding there also. 9. I propose that, except near SHW 16 the zoning for the NW planning area be the same as for the current zoning north of Eagle -- residential rural above Beacon Light Rd. and residential estate below. This would allow more consistent, orderly development, prevent a sudden rush to sell/ develop village lots, and prevent the need for expensive early infrastructure development by the city. 10. I oppose the planned diagonal roads to the village from SHW 16 and from Homer Rd. These roads will cause poor traffic flows, will be expensive and will greatly impacts quality of life for current residents. Traffic planning should be worried about getting people from/to Emmett area to Boise and Interstate destinations. This is best done with a SHW 16 bridge over the Boise river and improved roads through Meridian. This is worst done by allowing shortcuts through Eagle and Linder Rd., by the High School and up the Bypass through the Eagle bypass. Also I think we on Homer Rd. do not want a through road as a quality of life issue. We now can ride horses, take walks, teach children to ride bikes, let kids drive bikes and motor things, have pets with little fear of life and limb (we do have the occasional after High School and Saturday night excesses on the road now). Just from the cost viewpoint, the diagonal roads will cost a lot to build and by rough measure will use up roughly 31 acres of usable land which at 2, $350,000 homes /acre will replace $21 million of taxable residences or $2.6 million in tax revenues a year. 11. I am upset at the appearance that the developers are doing Eagle's planning with their goal of increased profits. We often see proposals of higher density growth outside the CBD that provide tempting improvements. Please keep to your planned goals of supporting the Eagle CBD, expanding nearby population density and keeping outside areas for people who Want a little land. This is especially dangerous to residents in the Village area. cc 9 -I'/ -OV PETITION We the undersigned citizens of the City of Eagle and patrons of the Meridian School District are gravely con-cerned about the safety of the children attending Eagle Elementary School that are not part of the bus riding student body. These children must walk to school and, until this year, many of them have walked north on Olde Park Road to the southwest comer of the Eagle Elementary School property. There is a gate at this loc-ation which has been welded shut denying the children access to the school property. These students must now walk along State Street and Eagle Road to get to school. This is a very busy and dangerous for pedestrian traffic of any age, let alone children. DUE TO THIS VERY DANGEROUS SITUATION WE ASK THE SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF EAGLE TO IMMEDIATELY OPEN THIS GATE TO ALLOW FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR CHILDREN. Printed Name 717.11.1.1e, Ste v'er)fx 1761"),4 -- Address Phone # PO goal /30/ A7/e_ 9 9-9V92 3C y /u <a 5(e Liv 942--s 2 07 L etho .3-/069 Lae. Ze?-3 / �eW2 Sian re rd Ar -b old De Atm Li(p? 5 5f ' *C,_-! l �rti .06 -r -40-..c.07 3 LZ Ca- 44►4s o.crS .✓ ,..=""' ,. P,o/v . 8o)l r? - ��',r7 Wil/ rJdap'pft, -?Ji ?)) C feVeht L 1e 37d)im ti log De 337» 7eyo.f 9 ? /7 4Oe --4 ( 7/6 ,._) . v az c/ - j5 Uierr-c rn`% 14,2&se_ /1 C1/4v73'. QL , MI Kf toe e,c • c a --L- TV -1.517 / Rp_01- tfea8L-- k 7 2 I -er /4-b94it '4 Z ',7 LJ . yikGc 93? -95- \\ 3? -9i -1 M - c.��\r . 939 -070$ 7/3-0/g 2(37.077 9239-6/5' �.3 f g39•%�sv V, g 2 q 921 • e4cr-Y12' ^7V 41 4. en . z ?f3 %� 7s�2- � ��r s• C ~ 478-f6c,c_ - 9's- (4).Items - L/3 5G ATI s C . 1 i - a.S 743 4, 1 s c 935 -zsoesr lvriCi �lS� iQosanlul, �ic �I3`� ���1 P PETITION We the undersigned citizens of the City of Eagle and patrons of the Meridian School District are gravely con-cerned about the safety of the children attending Eagle Elementary School that are not part of the bus riding student body These children must walk to school and, until this year, many of them have walked north on Olde Park Road to the southwest corner of the Eagle Elementary School property. There is a gate at this loc-ation which has been welded shut denying the children access to the school property. These students must now walk along State Street and Eagle Road to get to school. This is a very busy and dangerous for pedestrian traffic of any age, let alone children. DUE TO THIS VERY DANGEROUS SITUATION WE ASK THE SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF EAGLE TO IMMEDIATELY OPEN THIS GATE TO ALLOW FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR CHILDREN. Printed Name IM( AA_/-jL av�- A,01A)>ti Jo) IP Address R14 . isT q30-6 LlJ Wil kirra 1 Eaa--h?Z ) o >1r c.,i, S-A-. GAutw u. 1/ `� ���� Q ) ( ✓►r r 3 (1(MAI /o% AA l �-- l 4 ! F�11ir2 ��� c+ L) ► '()rte.) C 74..3 a/ y/ (.J /4! l/ NS (IT` gg- /4s-3 ,7 4(-)v 2-3S 51 IOY (39-T5O .1 1e4-5-- �i y �j 6( 1 2ecI -Df 144 r UAL g Los Lc_ ric4 ( `1-1 w• 6 (.NL -3 ,fir Phone # Signature 34/5�s � �I 1414 St yi6Na Miff ern Dubio 3 {L--inC) ,1 /: CI -507 11517 c 3isg r� X39 R -7s( c( (f ( c r\;; ¥ c- (ur k 0 Poi 0 ' E' 1\ tAikAref Pt ;ctu,e)�rR.1 14—)c) ‘,6 t L, fl 0 U•e.1 s /� '27_ IA), gown k c� 2133 g (,) 01( 1") gaylsteA (S.01�s 3000 ,.1 (oLoMJ G?, 33 9.3- 3X3/ ?39 t —3 e/(4ef 7La `1&) 9 -1- ).Dol /7/1 A,e 7.-IsS ciSci SO. fj L , PETITION We the undersigned citizens of the City of Eagle and patrons of the Meridian School District are gravely con-cerned about the safety of the children attending Eagle Elementary School that are not part of the bus riding student body. These children must walk to school and, until this year, many of them have walked north on Olde Park Road to the southwest corner of the Eagle Elementary School property. There is a gate at this loc-ation which has been welded shut denying the children access to the school property. These students must now walk along State Street and Eagle Road to get to school. This is a very busy and dangerous for pedestrian traffic of any age, let alone children. DUE TO THIS VERY DANGEROUS SITUATION WE ASK THE SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF EAGLE TO IMMEDIATELY OPEN THIS GATE TO ALLOW FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR CHILDREN. Printed Name Address Phone # 31 �/ reP t i�%� c l `(E art 1' G/1 g `l5� p 32 i_T -l`1 1`1���i� `CA"lG �i -�P� 1 y S `-I-1 33 Jar) .?,o h.,o.4. L17. N .0...P4_ !JIe. 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PETITION We the undersigned citizens of the City of Eagle and patrons of the Meridian School District are gravely con-cerned about the safety of the children attending Eagle Elementary School that are not part of the bus riding student body. These children must walk to school and, until this year, many of them have walked north on Olde Park Road to the southwest corner of the Eagle Elementary School property. There is a gate at this loc-ation which has been welded shut denying the children access to the school property. These students must now walk along State Street and Eagle Road to get to school. This is a very busy and dangerous for pedestrian traffic of any age, let alone children DUE TO THIS VERY DANGEROUS SITUATION WE ASK THE SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF EAGLE TO IMMEDIATELY OPEN THIS GATE TO ALLOW FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR CHILDREN Printed Name 61 1 fli CA PCkr,nrwl 6 ` r1 \ k j 63 l ‘QV -0 64 65 66{ 67 /12,C' t'1 (1I t S 68 NA .„ 6��b��O l�, Or) 70 m W71 (ti^ 71 /1 .,tiA L 1 e a 72 I i Shr1 V S „A 73 `;rvF l 74 AUcy-'i �r )cY 75 \A). VIK•-rf til i) Q if !El' n. 76 77 78 7 80 81 Address L)bq j,.) [707 n) _ (1 to 1, -) rio KORCI I t 3 ic4, 3 Cobbles � 24 k s-r� , s. eops-/--,e( 2)1 'D f t) . e whr CANA)morn 4icY-00 i 95)lel///1u1(_: 1/11 N. Gyle d' �a1L i y7 i „J 12 c 216' N C iAJ74 161 St M I\; Sc6 Lo co (0 ., C X1,4 Cd dui) - ,,z_2r.) w PBL rrL—tir_ 61. inti I,IeIA I ;u_ ('-e spa \1JCU L kl a Yah 1t1) arch . fid ` i�iscl A Ci:( --1-e/ 3 C , PeadeL Phone # Siignature(Th (139-c/57,oy 1 ,o,VQ,TmarfA, c q;;? /7 i,3C1-t13k f 938 . u._ - (0L117 i j 110 41 (/39-6-0/0 33' -C9 5t, l•� X35 30% 939-269/ 13q -Z' 72 c. CU/CC (A Ty, 4,1AL L7Q C1‘14,Y NAr [ 2_38 E'. K I1 Cf • 93b' Srb'5 82 LrefG I-VL(e- a3R E knell �', . y Sir1 c3 Os- Nes�c'oGci" s/ 84 J Son h/eU-cr e.bauee , 36 S. /2/e.1t )w, n s/ 85 ev,,,,. AIN z30 /Ves �L,.� , ` 93q- g-tS 86 �►P✓ Le /D 21 M. 14oad5-'rrakn?l. c)._3()---76(03 87 W ea,/�ver/ LI LI 7 'RA a,o.h ci 39- (a3k 0 88 1)/`%/l L;a���' /CSC) .f% l(JDOI�! ?‘i/ 0.3 89 fill dietke/? lDa Z 3/03 S. 39-687/ 93VS>3" lay-Sg- 90Sev. `ti)$'.( -e ./ 2c .