Minutes - 2004 - City Council - 08/30/2004 - Regular v' ORIGINAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes August 30, 2004 1. 2. CALL TO ORDER: Called to order at 6:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: BASTIAN, NORDSTROM, SEDLACEK. Absent: GUERBER. A quorum is present. CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the Rules of Order. . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Appointment to the Desien Review Board: The Mayor is requesting Council confirmation of Debbie Barnes to the Design Review Board for a three year term. (NM) B. DR-89-04 - Conceptual Master Plan for Hill Road Park includine the construction of Phase I - City of Eaele: City of Eagle, represented by James Murray with CSHQA Architects, is requesting design review approval for the conceptual master plan for Hill Road Park including the construction of Phase I. The site is located on the north side of Hill Road approximately 260-feet east of Dicky Drive. (WEV) Bastian moves to approve the consent agenda. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL A YE...MOTION CARRIES. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. CP A-O2-04 City of Eaele: The City of Eagle will consider a City initiated Comprehensive Plan Amendment to modify a portion of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and a policy to adopt the Western Eagle Sub-area Plan. 3. Mayor introduces the item. City Staff, Nichoel Baird-Spencer, presents the staff report. Mayor opens the public hearing. The public hearing portion will be opened and testimony taken Chapter by Chapter. Chapter 1 No one chooses to speak. Page I ofJ4 K: ICO UN CIL IMINUTES\2004ICC -08- 3 O-04spmin. doc Chapter 2: City Staff, Baird-Spencer, reviews the staff report for this section. Mark Butler, 52 N. Second St. Eagle, Idaho. Butler has submitted a letter, which is in Council's packet requesting text addition to regarding power facilities. A copy a/letter is attached to minutes. The amendment is to page 9 Section 2.5 q. regarding above ground transmission lines. Chapter 3: City Staff, Baird-Spencer, reviews the staff report for this section. Mark Butler, 52 N. Second ST. Eagle, Idaho. Butler notes that there is a letter in the packet for Council's review. He briefly reviews the text changes he is requesting to page 12 of 56 section 3.9 f. Chapter 4: City Staff, Baird-Spencer, reviews the staff report for this section. MeMi Plum 854 E. River Drive Eagle, Idaho. Requests hard copies of the maps that are being displayed on the overhead. Mayor directs staff to provide copies. Ken Rice, Holladay Engineering addresses the infrastructure for the water and sewer plan for the proposed area. Vicki Priddy 5926 Floating Feather Eagle, Idaho. Priddy inquires if this is only addressing wells and ground water, not surface water. Mayor states that she is correct. City Engineer, Rice continues with his explanation. Sedlacek states that the intent of a recently passed municipal ordinance is if a piece of possibly agricultural ground were to be developed into a residential or commercial development the City is requiring that the surface water rights be used for non-potable uses, landscaping and things like that. And that wells be accumulated into the City water system to be part of the domestic water supply. Vicki Priddy has concerns with a recently passed municipal water ordinance and its legality. Does not feel the ordinance is legal as the water right cannot be transferred out of the canal. Priddy states that while the ordinance states that the City wishes to safe guard and preserve the public water supply, water rights supply out of irrigation canals are not public, but are private and belong to the irrigation canal. Share holders own water pertinent to their property out of the irrigation canal, but the water right belongs to the canal. Thus the water rights cannot be transferred to the city. Priddy states that you cannot transfer a water right out of a canal. Page 2 or 14 K: ICO UN CIL IMINUTES\2004ICC-O 8- 3 0-04spmin. doc Discussion. Council states that this perhaps this is issue of word choice, and one that could be addressed at another meeting. It is noted that there were public hearings held for the water ordinance prior to its passage, at which this could have been addressed, nonetheless it is something that the Council will direct their attorney to look into the matter. City Engineer, Rice provides comment on the sewer infrastructure. Mike Seiler 1125 Steeple View Dr. Eagle, Idaho. Has questions about ground water recharge process and what will it be surface percolation or direct injection. Rice states that the ground water recharge programs they are looking at right now it would be surface spreading, not injection wells. Mark Butler, 52 N. Second St. Eagle, Idaho. Butler notes that there is a letter in the packet for Council's review. He briefly reviews the text changes he is requesting to page 22 of 56 Section 4.10.1 which would encourage power facilities to be encouraged to be located outside of the Central Business District. A copy of letter is attached to minutes. Chapter 5: City Staff, Baird-Spencer, reviews the staff report for this section. Larry Sale, Staff Liaison between ACHD and the City of Eagle, with Ada County Highway District. Sale reads letter into the record. Copy of letter to attach to minutes. Mike Seiler, 1125 Steeple View Dr. Eagle, Idaho. Feels that there are numerous ACHD projects that are currently unfinished, specifically Hill Road, and Chinden Boulevard. Does not feel that the standards for ACHD and the standards for private developers is not the same. Would like to know how to fix this problem. Sale addresses Mr. Seiler's questions. Comments on funding of projects, jurisdictional responsibility and completion timelines. Mark Butler, 52 N. Second St. Eagle, Idaho. Butler notes that there is a letter in the packet for Council's review. He briefly reviews the text changes he is requesting to 28 of 56. Would like to see the graphic change to a 3 lane road rather than the 5 lane that is represented. John Petrovsky, representing North Ada County Foothills Association, a group of landownerslhomeowners generally north of Beacon Light Road centered on Eagle Road up Willow Creek. Mr. Petroski comments on the Village Planning Area, disappointed that the plan presented tonight abandons the rings of lower density as it projects out towards the foothills. Feels that traffic will be forced onto Beacon Light Road and Floating Feather and that this plan does not address this traffic shift. This organization is concerned with development north of the foothills. Feels that alternative access needs to be provide to get north into the foothills, by one of the north-south arterials is necessary. Page 3 of 14 K: ICO UN CIL IMI NUTES\2004ICC-O8- 3 O-Q4spmin. doc Mayor calls a 5 minute break. GUERBER is teleconferenced in at 8:05 p.m. Chapter 6: City Staff, Baird-Spencer, reviews the staff report for general land use section. The Mayor clarifies the procedure that will be taken tonight for public testimony and explains the color-coding of each proposed planning area. Colleen Maile, 885 Rush Road Eagle, Idaho. Would like to encourage the Council to use common sense and courage while reviewing and acting on these proposals tonight. Smart Growth is a concept that had been embraced in the past and she is disheartened with the proposals before the Council tonight. Ms. Maile feels that we can still maintain low densities while accommodating commercial growth.. Does not want higher density. Mary Taylor, 3410 Hartley Eagle, Idaho. Has attended the Vision meetings, Planning and Zoning meetings, and various other meetings held regarding the proposals. States that a number of people had said they do not want to be included into Eagle's area of impact. She says she represents a number of people between Linder and Highway 16 and they do not want to be included into Eagle's area of impact. Also states that for the record it is Eagle causing the conflict with the City of Star, not the City of Star. Roy Barrett, 918 Eagle Hills Way Eagle, Idaho. Owns the property on the east portion of the intersection of Highway 44 and Highway 16. Has attended numerous meetings and agrees with the previous speaker. Does not want his property to be included into Eagle's Area of Impact nor into its City limits. Feels that the City of Star is more than capable to take care of that area. Caralee Walker 301 W. Meadow Ridge Eagle, Idaho. Is testifying on the Eagle Middle School Planning area. Has concerns with the proposed density. States that the classrooms are overcrowded and the quality of their education is being affected. Would like the zoning to stay one lot per 2 acres, so they can continue to enjoy the more rural setting. Marie Alder 651 W. Rush Court Eagle, Idaho. Addressing Eagle Middle School Planning area, specifically the Chase property. Would like to maintain the rural environment. Is against the proposed density. The schools are overcrowded and an increase in density would cause Rim View Planning Area: from Meridian Road along the Rim taking into account Spur Wing Golf Course. City Staff, Baird-Spencer, reviews the staff report for this section. Judy Erdman7283 Windward Drive Meridian, Idaho. Has lived here for 30 years. Is very concerned with increased density. Would like large lots. Page4ofl4 K: ICO UNCIL IMINUTES\2004 ICC-O8- 3 0-04spmin. doc Verl Roberts 2982 Sugar Plum Eagle, Idaho. Is happy with current zoning, and does not want higher density. Dave Vail, 7448 E. Windward Drive states that there are 200 acres in contention tonight. Draws Council's attention to the letter he has submitted to Council, which is in their packet tonight. Agrees with the previous testimony give tonight regarding the proposal being zoned too densly. Feels that 2 acre parcels is too high density. Reads a section of findings of fact from 2 ~ years ago. Check tape to see if he states what appl he is reading from. Mime Plum 854 River Heights Drive. Has concerns with increased density. Feels that north of Chinden is a good place to retain 5 acres zoning. Would like to maintain the lifestyle they have come to cherish. Pat McGarran, 795 River Heights Drive. Feels that the increased density and traffic would not be desirable. Has concerns with the capacity of Eagle Sewer District to accommodate higher density. Feels this planning area should remain rural. Does not feel that the high nitrate level in their water levels caused by septic systems should push the need for extending sewer lines, which may result in the allowance of higher density development. Sedlacek provides background information on the role of the Sewer District and the possible extension of serves in this area. Paul Caberly, 913 River Heights Drive Meridian, Idaho. Agrees to a number of the comments previously given. Notes that Ms. McGarran is a professor of Water Quality issues and would like to make that part of the record.. Feels that 2 ~ years ago the Council took appropriate action and is alarmed that they would consider higher density now. Janice Leighton 620 Clear Vue Drive Eagle, Idaho. States that from Eagle Road all the way to Spur Wing there is nothing less than one acre, and believes it should stay that way. Would actually like to see the rest of it go 5, but definitely not less than one. Dick Sheehan 60 E. Clear Creek Drive Eagle, Idaho. State that a great deal of what he feels had already been said tonight. Against increased density, as it would have a negative impact on traffic. Encourages Council to not allow things that are incompatible with what is currently there. Rhonda McGrath, 10 II River Heights. Ms. McGrath agrees with the testimony given tonight. Hopes that Council will strongly weigh what the residents are testifying to tonight, more so than what is being proposed by developers testifying before them tonight. Page S of 14 K: ICO UN CIL \MJ NUTES\2004 ICC- 08- 3 O-04spmin. doc Mike McGrath 10 II River Heights, would like the lower density to remain. Would like to maintain his current quality of life. If the density is increased it would very negatively impact traffic in this area. Bob Stowe, 6722 N. Windward Dr. Increased density would negatively impact the quality of life of those currently residing in this area. Does not feel it is compatible zoning. Feels that the zoning is being driven by developers and not taking into account what the current residents want. Mayor provides procedural clarification for the public hearing items tonight. Ron Sali 1270 Candle Ridge Court. Has developed both high density and lower density projects. Agrees with the testimony tonight and feels that Eagle has made itself very special with its low density. Mike Sieler, 1125 Steeple View Drive. Notes that a former Mayor is currently on the Ada County Commission and is a great advocate for Eagle. Encourages everyone to re- elect Rick Yzaguirre to help ensure Eagle's interests are preserved. Mark Butler, comments on existing language in the Comprehensive plan which calls for buffering in this area. City Staff, Baird-Spencer, comments on how the proposed land use designation was arrived at for the Rim View area. Notes that the County already had applications in this area that would cause this increased density, so taking that into account the staff attempted to incorporate it into this proposed land use. Cell service is lost for Council member Guerber at 9: 1 0 p.m. Discussion amongst the Council. Sedlacek feels that a minimum of 1 acre lots should be maintained to insure compatibility. Bastian also feels that lower density should be maintained, except the "going home" corner which may accommodate a convenience store type activity so people wouldn't have to go all the way into Meridian or Eagle for minor purchases. Perhaps some buffering for this type of commercial use would be needed. Nordstrom concurs with comments made by Sedlacek and Bastian. Notes that with Meridian across the way and their zoning policies, it will still be a challenge. Discussion. Bastian would like to see a minimum of 1 acre lot size with buffering as it transitions up to 5 acre lots. City Attorney, Susan Wildwood, notes that the Council may choose close public testimony on this one item, and make a motion on this section only. Mayor explains that the Council has the opportunity action on one planning area at a time. Mayor asks if there is any additional testimony from anyone in the audience. Page6ofl4 K: ICO UN CIL \MINUTES\2004ICC -08- 3 O-04spmin. doc Claudette (last name unintelligible) 1100 River Heights Drive. Likes the buffer idea between 1 acre up to 5 acre lots. Mayor closes this section of the public hearing. Sedlacek moves to have the Rim Area be considered a rural transitional area, with feathering to occur with the lower density abutting existing property and that the overall density not exceed one unit per acre. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. Sedlacek amends her motion to provide clarification that that there is transition to the larger lots around the existing properties with the understanding that there will be the higher density, including the townhouses near Spur Wing that were proposed and then the commercial on the corner with that 5 acres. Development must be applied for with a Planned Unit Development or development agreement. This includes the commercial area and townhouse area as proposed. Second concurs with amendment. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Central Business District: City Staff, Baird-Spencer, reviews the staff report for this section. Rosalie Houghs 3884 Leland Way Boise, Idaho has concerns with the proposed zoning of her property located at 263 N. Eagle Road. She is not clear why the residential property would be included in this. She is inclined to request that it not be included in the CBD. Jan Shurtie, 1522 W. 15th Meridian, Idaho represents her mother who lives at 240 N. Eagle Road and her brother residing at 262 N. Eagle Road and Merle Brown who lives one house north of her brother. Everyone is opposed to this amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to a Central Business District. They all want to remain in this area forever, and feels that this change would allow commercial to be right next to them. Would increase noise and traffic. They do not foresee ever moving and changing the residential use. Mark Butler, notes that the proposed language for the Comprehensive Plan to extend the Central Business District would not change the current zoning of the property. Discusses current options he has for properties in this area and his plans for future development. Also notes that any land use would have to be come before Council for the individual applications. Has met with the City Forester on these sites. City Attorney, Susan Wildwood, comments on a letter submitted to the Council by the Carpenters. Letter attached to minutes. Wildwood provides clarification on the amendment process. City Staff provides clarification on which property owners on the west side of Eagle Road that have requested inclusion. States that the Planning and Zoning Commission was concerned with spot zoning and thus the four lots were all included rather than just the one. Page 7 of14 K: ICO UN CIL \MINUTES\2004ICC-O8- 3 O-04spmin. doc Rosalie Hughes has a question regarding the map she received. Baird-Spencer notes that the map only reflects properties which are being impacted. Colleen Maile, states that her son lives on Olde Park. Does not want the character of aide Park compromised when development does come through. Mayor closes the public testimony on the Central Business District Planning Area. Discussion amongst the Council. Sedlacek would like to remove all of the properties proposed on the east side of Eagle Road. At a minimum remove the Carpenter and Brown properties withdrawn for this application. Discussion. Mrs. Hughes states that she didn't realize the properties south of hers is already Central Business District. She doesn't have a problem with being included in Central Business District as the existing zoning will remain until a zoning change is applied for. Nordstrom reads the definition of Central Business District as stated in the Comprehensive Plan for the public's information. Discussion. Bastian notes that he is viewing this amendment as future planning, and that it may not occur within the next few years, but looking down the road it is good planning practice. Mayor asks for additional testimony from the public. Susie Kerr, owns 11 acres north of Floating Feather. States that this zoning designation will compound traffic problems. Mark Butler notes that Mr. Dawson who is on the east side of Eagle Road. Does want to be included in Central Business District. Mayor closes the public hearing. Discussion amongst the Council. Nordstrom feels that this is good planning and does not feel that it would be detrimental to residents. Bastian states that he would be in favor of removing the 4 lots south of Mission Drive from the Central Business District deignation. And let the lots on the west side remain as proposed. Sedlacek agrees with Bastian's comments. Sedlacek moves to approve the Central Business District for the proposed lots on the west side of Eagle Road and for the first parcel north of Idaho Street and north of the existing CBD on the east side of Eagle Road (that staff has outlined that the property owner desires the change). The 4 lots south of Mission Drive on the easet side of Eagle Road shall be excluded from the Central Business District designation. Seconded by Bastian. ALL A YE..MOTION CARRIES. Page 8 of 14 K: IC 0 UN CIL \MINUTE S\2004 ICC-08- 3 0-04spmin. doc Eagle Middle School Planning Area & Floating Feather Residential Area: City Staff, Baird-Spencer, reviews the staJfreport for these sections. Betty Miller, 959 Preakness Dr. Eagle, Idaho. Their property backs up to the Calhoughn property. Would like it to be compatible with their property and questions how it would be done. Baird-Spencer explains the densification of the area and how it is computed. Miller would like the density to remain the same, and require the developer to have to submit applications so they could have a say in the process. Is opposed to the proposed changes. Discussion for clarification between Staff and Council. Pat Miller 959 Preakness Dr. Eagle, Idaho. Likes the low density and would like them to remaIn. Colleen Maile, 85 Rush Road Eagle, Idaho. Is concerned with the density around the middle school. Felt that the 2 acres zoning was a hard felt battle and should remain. States that she feels that many people didn't know this area was up for revision. Mike Seiler 1125 Steeple View Dr. Eagle, Idaho. Concerned with economics and density. Is concerned with density creep. Does not feel this is developer driven, but by a landowner who wants to get more out of it. The Council must decide what is important to the Community. One to two units per acre would be acceptable. Paul Sadlak 171 W. Lance Ln. Eagle, Idaho. Feels that there was not enough public notice of the meeting. Does not want higher density. Brian Kerr 252 W. Meadow Ridge Eagle, Idaho. Does not want higher density. Questions why the Comprehensive Plan continually comes up for review. Mayor states that legally, property owners can always request change to the Plan. City Attorney, Wildwood notes that Idaho State Law requires that the plan shall be reviewed at least every 5 years. Baird-Spencer, City Staff provides clarification regarding density near the school. John Beewick 2102 N. Canter Place Eagle, Idaho. His property abuts the Chase property. Does not feel this is an issue of density, but an issue of consistency. Felt that adjoining properties should be zoned and developed similarly to those currently existing. Expresses concern with traffic increases. Against the increase of density. Dan Laboe 615 W. Rush Ct. Eagle, Idaho. Echo's the concerns with the density testimony already given tonight. Has concerns with traffic, does not want to alter the current plan. Does not believe the school district would request higher density. Page 9 of 14 K: ICO UNCIL IMINUTES\2004ICC-O8- 3 O-04spmin. doc Steve Jonan 633 W. Rush Court Eagle, Idaho. Concurs with testimony previously given. Traffic is a major concern. John Petrosky 4831 Willow Creek Road. Representing the North Ada County Foothills Association. Agrees with the testimony give tonight. Feels that the Council is abandoning what has made the Comprehensive plan so good and Eagle such a great community. Mark Butler, 52 N. Second Street Eagle, Idaho. Representing Jim Merkle and Don Hutts, potential developers of the Calhoun property. Does not have a problem with requiring a PUD on the some of these properties. Feels that the Council should consider a way to increase density in properties located in a close proximity to downtown. Susie Kerr has traffic concerns, especially around the Middle Schools. Does not feel that higher density should be allowed until the traffic issues are addressed. Mike Chase, recognizes that neighboring property has been developed and that it is part of progress. He is not in favor of high density, but notes that his property will be subject to what his current neighbors have done. The Chase Family has owned the property for 75 years, and now their future land use is potentially being dictated by how neighboring properties have been allowed to be developed. The family farm is what has give Eagle it's rural atmosphere and for most families the land serves as their 40lK plan. PUD's have worked well for the Council in the past and hope they would consider that in the future. Jim Merkel 2150 N. Canter Place Eagle, Idaho. Does not feel common planning sense was used with this plan. Mayor closes the public hearing. Discussion amongst the Council. Bastian notes that the Meridian School District would like to see higher density near their facilities so that the children could walk to school. Comments on water and sewer facilities. Would like this to be a transitional area. Around the school, near Floating Feather and across from Downing Downs, requiring I house per acre transitioning to lower densities on the fringes. Nordstrom agrees with Bastian's comments. Sedlacek agrees that an overall density of one unit per acre with compatible lot sizes around the outside perimeter. Sedlacek moves to residential transition area with the overall density not to exceed 1 unit per acre with transitional lots around the perimeter abutting up to the larger lots. A Planned Unit Development and/or development agreement would be required. In regard to the commercial on the corner, remove any commercial or mixed use from the corner, the northwest corner of Eagle Road for the time being. Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Park Lane Planning Area: City Staff, Baird-Spencer, reviews the staff report for this section. Page IOofl4 K: \CO UNCIL IMINUTE 5\2004ICC-08- 3 0-04spmm. doc Steven Ricks, owns the property which has the proposed as professional office park. Owns 37 acre parcel, which is split by a drain ditch. Would rather have it zoned commercial and a greater vision for proposed zoning be utilized. By zoning little pockets of commercial fewer trips may be generated into the Central Business District. Mr. Ricks would like to see the south 17 acres between the canal and Highway 44 be zoned commercial and north 20 acres remain professional park. Pete Cinterino, states that he owns property across from Camille Beckman. Would like his property to be zoned commercial, a small pocket of commercial. Something that would be compatible with the Beckman property. Is pleased with the visioning process, and would like to see his 2 or 2 Y4 acres zoned commercially. Kathy Nahas, supports Mr. Cinterino's request. Feels that commercial would be appropriate in that location. Tim Fease 4479 Old Valley Road Eagle, Idaho. Is in favor of additional commercial in this area as proposed by Mr. Ricks and Mr. Cinterino. Mark Butler, 52 N. Second Street Eagle, Idaho. Butler notes that there is a letter in the packet for Council's review. Has proposed changes to the language. Page 36 of 56 Section 6.5C.2 Design 6th paragraph, and 6.5C.3 Access first paragraph. Foad Roghani, 175 Rosebud Lane. Feels that an application later on the agenda for the music academy would be a great addition to the Eagle Community. But as for the request by Mr. Cinterino to allow zoning for a convenience store, fast food place he is concerned. It would be a great challenge for these type of uses to meet the design bar which has been set by the Camille Beckman project. Bill Stephan 45 Firwood Dr. Eagle, Idaho. Is in strong support for the Ribbonndale project which is a later application tonight. The music school would increase the quality of life, and give the communities youth a positive creative outlet. City Attorney, Wildwood cautions Council not to take testimony on applications which are to be heard later in the agenda, lest the record be unclear. Matt Siron 3391 Flint Drive Eagle, Idaho. Addresses the corner of Park and State Street, traffic is a huge issue. States that Shady Acres already exists and the kids utilize it. Prefers a mixed use designation. Mayor closes the public hearing on the Park Lane Planning Area. Baird-Spencer provides clarification of definitions and land use percentages for Council's information and consideration. Discussion amongst Council. Pa8e 11 of 14 K: IC 0 UN C lL IMI NU TES \2 004 IC C - 0 8 - 3 0- 04s p min. doc Sedlacek moves to that all the areas shown in purple as mixed use shall remain mixed use, the 37 acres on the north west corner, the bottom 17 be mixed use and the top 20 remain residential as an R-3 zone. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. ALL A YE...MOTION CARRIES. Mayor calls a 5 minute break. Bastian moves to item 4D to the current topic of discussion, and all the remaining proposed planning areas items in regard to item CP A-02-04, and agenda items 48, 4C and 5A will be continued to the September 7th meeting at 6:30 p.m. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. CP A-I-03/RZ- 7-03 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Residential Four to Central Business District and Rezone from R-4 to CBD-DA - G. Greeorv Hall: G. Gregory Hall, represented by Land Consultants, Inc., is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map from Residential Four (up to four dwelling units per acre) to Central Business District, and a rezone from R-4 (Residential - up to four dwelling units per acre) to CBD- DA (Central Business District with Development Agreement). The site is located on the west side of North Eagle Road, approximately 800-feet north of West State Street, at 223 North Eagle Road. This item is continued to September 7, 2004 at 6:30 p.m. C. CP A-2-03 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Residential One to Commercial- Rick & Nita Musick: Rick & Nita Musick, represented by Land Consultants, Inc., is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map from Residential One (up to one dwelling unit per acre) to Commercial. The site is located on the south side of West State Street approximately 400-feet east of Under Road, at 4526 West Old Valley Road. D. This item is continued to September 7, 2004 at 6:30 p.m. D. CPA-3-03/RZ-8-03 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Residential One to Commercial and Mixed Use and Rezone from A-R to C-2-DA and MU-DA- Park Hampton. LLC.: Park Hampton, LLC, represented by Land Consultants, Inc., is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map from Residential One (up to one dwelling unit per acre) to Commercial and Mixed Use, and a rezone from A-R (Agricultural-Residential-up to one dwelling unit per five acres) to C-2-DA (General Business District with Development Agreement) and MU-DA (Mixed Use with Development Agreement). The site (Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, & Lots 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, & 9, Block 2, of Flint Estates Subdivision) is located on the northeast corner of Park Lane and West State Street, at 3950, 3450 & 3300 West State Street, 3415, 3855, and 3850 West Flint Drive, and 312 North Park Lane. Page 12 of14 K: ICO UNCI L IMINUTES \2004 ICC-O8- 30-04spmin. doc Mayor introduces the item. Mark Butler, 52 N. Second Street Eagle, Idaho representing Park Hampton LLC. Butler reviews the application. City Staff, Bill Vaughan, reviews the staff report. Mayor would like to take testimony tonight and continue the discussion of the development agreement and action to September 7th meeting. Mayor opens the public hearing. Jenessa Jarvis 1705Washam Rd. is in favor of the proposed site for the Ribbondale Academy. Likes the location in proximity to the High School and North Star Charter School. Not only would it benefit the students, it would also provide jobs. Rebecca Nielson 3300 State Street Eagle, Idaho. States that there will be a number of classes offered to people of all ages, children to senior citizens. Justin Nielson 3300 State Street Eagle, Idaho. Feels that Eagle without this music academy would be a mistake. Appreciates the opportunity that Mr. Wood has provided to the music academy. Nate Scribeth 989 Boise, Idaho. Mr. Scribeth is a teacher. The school will provide great opportunity for the children and teachers. Rivendale will enrich people's lives. Don Graybill. This school will provide cultural events. It will provide family friendly transportation dropping kids off for different activities at the same location. Provides a positive atmosphere for children. Ken Cenell1601 Floating Feather Road Eagle, Idaho. Would provide economic alternatives that may not otherwise be available. Foad Roghani 175 N. Rosebud Lane Eagle, Idaho. Is impressed with Mr. Wood's proposal. The proximity to the school is a good location, the jazz academy would be an excellent addition to the community. Would like to see the project approved. Ken Cenell, a great deal of the land being used for the school is being donated which is making the academy possible. John Wood discusses the meetings and process he has gone through to get to this point. Comments on transportation alternatives, the entrance to Eagle Island State Park, and residential uses. Matt Siron 3391 Flint Drive Eagle, Idaho. Supports the lots bordering Flint Drive to remain residential. Support the lots abutting State Street to be mixed use with a berming Pagel30fl4 K: ICO UNCIL IMINUTES \2004ICC-O8- 3 0-04spmin. doc with a fence to provide buffering. Does not want duplexes or multi-family units along Flint Drive. The density along Flint Drive should not be more than. . . see tape. Bastian questions how parking would be accommodated. Butler provides clarification. No garages on the front of the homes, they would be on the back. Mayor continues the public hearing to the September 7th meeting and will be heard first on public hearings. 4. NEW BUSINESS: A. Resolution 04-15: A Resolution Of The Eagle City Council, Eagle, Ada County, Idaho Repealing Any And All Existing Comprehensive Plans, And Adopting The Amended 2000 Comprehensive Plan; Affirming That Prescribed Notice And Hearing Requirements Were Met In Accordance With Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code; And Providing An Effective Date. This item is continued to September 7, 2004 at 6:30 p.m. 5. ADJOURNMENT: Sedlacek moves to adjourn at 1:00 a.m. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 1 :00 p.m. Respectfully submitted: ~(~k ~ SHAItON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: r """""""" ,.." OF E A",#. ..." ...:I '"'"0 #. , <\ ~ ..."..... ~ ~#,,- " /.~ .. -- ~ ~ "-I.. ~yOR-'1¡.-. " :: : /"~ ~ .. \ :: :OJ '.: : * - _.- . . : \ AL;::: i " -~ S E ~::: "-.(>0 ~<) -- 0 :: ~iP'>..--/!ÞOR"~... ~$ ###.~:.¡ ...,...'" ~ .." "" "l'E 0 F \ v".." """"11 ...,." Pa8el4ofl4 K: ICO UN CIL IMINUTES\2004ICC-08- 30-04.pmin. doc 59cc 8/3010# Land Consultants, Inc 52 N. 2nd Street • Eagle, Idaho 83616 • Office 208-938-3812 • Fax 208-938-5873 August 26, 2004 Dear Mayor Merrill and Council Members: Please consider the following text and map changes for the City initiated western area Comprehensive Plan amendments. COMMUNITY DESIGN CHAPTER Page 9 of 56 Section 2.5 Implementation Strategies q. Identify a utility transmission corridor for all above ground utility transmission lines in the City of Eagle and its impact area. Utility agencies shall be encouraged to relocate existing above ground transmission lines to the utility transmission line corridor. New substations should be encouraged to be within the corridor and the existing substation on State Street in the Central Business District is to be relocated out of the Central Business District. (See Map 2.2) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER Page 12 of 56 Section 3.9 Implementation Strategies f. Excessively large single entity businesses that would jeopardize the competitive business environment of the downtown and CBD should be located only within the regional commercial centero planned for the northeast corner of U.S. Highway 20-26 (Chinden Boulevard) and the future extension of State Highway 16. PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES CHAPTER Page 22 of 56 Section 4.10.1 Electricity Implementation strategies Third paragraph As much as possible IPC facilities should be sited before development and should provide sufficient buffers and setbacks from residential use. Context sensitive setback should be discussed and utilized. Preference will be given to facilities located outside of scenic corridors, the Central Business District, and the Village Center and facilities may be considered within other commercial areas. Page 1 of 3 2004 Comp Plan2 LAND USE CHAPTER PARK LANE PLANNING AREA Page 34 of 56 Section 6.5C.1 Uses Fourth paragraph Flint Drive shall be preserved as a residential street while properties abutting State Street should include a mix of reential uses limited service commercial, limited retail and office uses that promote trip capturing. Approximately three acres at the northeast corner of State Street and Park Lane may be considered for uses such as a convenience store with fuel sales, a maximum of two eating establishments with drive thru and one full service financial institution. Page 36 of 56 Section 6.5C.2 Design Sixth paragraph The Flint Estates area adjacent to State Highway 44 should be designed to provide limited service commercial and limited retail uses that encourage pedestrian circulation from the residential and high school areas, and to compliment the existing mixed use areas at State Street and Park Lane (Camille Beekman- i.e.: the manufacturing facility site south of State Street). The three acres at the corner of State Street and Park Lane, which may be considered for uses such as a convenience store with fuel sales, a maximum of two eating establishments with drive thru and one full service financial institution, must incorporate significant landscaping and efficient pedestrian circulation amenities. Common building design elements for these uses will not be permitted. Design elements for these uses must be exceptional and in accordance with Eagle's design standards. Page 36 of 56 Section 6.5C.3 Access First paragraph Access to and through should be limited to existing roads (i.e.: Old Valley Road, Park Lane, and Linder Road): ne-deet access from State Street/Highway-44 shall be permitted unless a new access point is designated by the State of Idaho for Eagle Island State Park: Access points must meet spacing requirements determined by traffic engineering standards to be reviewed and approved by the governmental agencies having jurisdiction. Shared access is to be encouraged where practical. If a new access point is designated by the State of Idaho for Eagle Island State Park a shared access across from the State Park access should be encouraged and should be signalized. Page 2 of 3 2004 Comp Plan2 LAND USE CHAPTER EAGLE MIDDLE SCHOOL PLANNING AREA Page 51 of 56 Section 6.5J.1 Uses First Paragraph Land use designations in the Eagle Middle School Planning Area Transitional Residential, allowing 3 -units per acre with smaller lots adjacent to the school site and transitioning to compatible lot sizes and scaling adjacent to the large lots at the perimeter of the area. Page 51 of 56 Section 6.5J.3 Design Second paragraph Higher den'sitie"s (2-3 units -per acre) with smaller lots adjacent to the Eagle Middle School site transitioning into clustered and/or larger lots adjacent to existing subdivisions. Also please consider the following five changes to the land use plan. The areas are numbered on the attached colored land use map (see attached). Area #1 - Property north of State Street and west of Linder Road Extend high-density residential area to property line at north versus going through the property as shown. Area #2 — Property south of State Street approximately 1800 feet west of Linder Road Change land use designation from residential estates to residential one. Area #3 — Property north of river both sides of Linder Road Change land use designation from residential one to mixed use to follow property lines versus going through several lots. Area #4 — Calhoun Property on south side of Floating Feather Change land use map from residential one to transitional residential as was recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Area #4 — Park Lane at Flint Drive Assure allowance of new urbanism residential design (similar to the City approved Alderwood subdivision). Thank You. Mark L. Butler Page 3 of 3 2004 Comp Plant Olt August 25, 2004 Eagle City Council Attn: Nichoel PO Box 1520 Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Council Members: St cc 8/30kg It has recently been brought to our attention that there is a proposal to amend Eagle's existing Comprehensive Plan by changing the properties along N. Eagle Rd. from Idaho street to Mission drive from residential to a Central Business District. We are both located at 240 and 262 N. Eagle Rd and are concerned that this amendment would promote businesses next door to us that could possibly cause noise, lighting, parking and late hour delivery problems. One of us is elderly and the other handicapped, so this would directly impact our quality of life. Since there is no pending application to change this to a Central Business District by any owners along this side of N. Eagle Rd., we request that the City Council not approve this amendment to Eagle's Comprehensive Plan at this time. Sincerely, Maxine Carpenter PO Box 787 240 N Eagle Rd Greg Carpenter PO Box 52 252 N Eagle Rd Fife: Route to: RECEIVED & FILED .. CITY OF EAGLE AUG )2004 0e, C Ep;dbq ACHD Ada County Highway District John S. Franden — President David E. Wynkoop - 1st Vice President Susan S Eastlake - 2nd Vice President Sherry R Huber — Commissioner David Bivens — Commissioner City of Eagle 310 E. State St. Eagle, ID 83616 RE: Proposed City of Eagle Western Area Plan 3775 Adams Street Garden City ID 83714-6499 Phone (208) 387-6100 FAX (208) 387-6391 E-mail tellus«'ACHD.ada.id. us August 30, 2004 Dear Mayor and Council: Thank you for allowing ACHD to participate in the development of your Western Area Plan, which staff generally supports at this time pending Ada County's approval of the Area of Impact expansion. We look forward to working with the City of Eagle to achieve the goals of this Plan and fostering continued cooperation between our agencies. Note that the City of Star has also requested ACHD's input for a planned Area of Impact expansion that overlaps portions of the Western Area Plan. ACHD remains neutral as it pertains to the Area of Impact discussion between the City of Eagle, the City of Star and Ada County. Our comments are strictly associated to transportation -related proposals included in each City's plan. On July 27, ACHD staff met with your planning staff to review transportation aspects of the Comprehensive Plan_ We received a copy of the entire proposed Plan on August 20 and have reviewed it at the staff level. Currently, ACHD and the City of Eagle have a joint meeting scheduled for September 7. We are submitting comments as part of your public hearing process and look forward to discussing them at the joint meeting. Below is a list of specific staff comments on the Comprehensive Plan as they relate to ACHD's system. 1. New Roadway Connections: ACHD's policies support connectivity of the transportation system and any plans to improve and continue this effort is strongly supported. Below are specific comments on new roadway connections proposed in chapter 5 and on the Transportation/ Pathway Network map for the Western Planning Area. ■ East/West Boulevard: The concept of an East/West Boulevard can be accomplished through the development process. This roadway is not eligible for impact fee reimbursement through the Capital Improvements Plan; therefore it must be financed by private development. The connection to SH16 must meet ITD's access standards and any new roadways must meet ACHD's minimum standards. Careful consideration should be given to the proposed intersection with Beacon Light Road and Homer Road. • New Collectors (Homer Extension, Ring/Frontage Roads): Collector roadways not designated on the COMPASS Long -Range Functional Classification map will not be required by ACHD as part of the development process. These proposed changes will have to go through COMPASS for the next update of the functional classification C:\Documents and Settings\dkostelec\Desktop\2004 Aug 26 Eagle Comp Plan Comments.doc Created on 8/26/2004 1:14:00 PM Page 1 of 3 map. ACHD will not oppose these connections if the city wishes to require them. Such improvements will need to be funded by new development in the areas identified by the Plan. We strongly support the City's Visioning that strives to "preserve the function of regionally significant roadways" in the Eagle area. Ring and frontage roads help achieve this goal. It is not ACHD's responsibility to pay for and acquire frontage roads to the state highway system. ITD or the City of Eagle should acquire the right-of-way to have the roads constructed to ACHD standards prior to us accepting them into our system. • State Highway 16 Extension: ACHD supports the extension of SH 16 across the Boise River. It is assumed that this extension project will be led by ITD. ACHD is preserving right-of-way to accommodate 5 lanes on both Black Cat and Ten Mile Roads south of Chinden Boulevard (US 20/26) in preparation for one of those corridors being designated as a connection to either a new interchange on 1-84 or a new river crossing to SH16. 2. Existing Roadways: • Beacon Light Road: This roadway should maintain its straight alignment to SH16 as proposed in the Transportation/ Pathway Network for the Western Planning Area. • Floating Feather Road: ACHD supports a realignment of Floating Feather west of Palmer and will be conducting an alignment study to determine a feasible route. Floating Feather and Beacon Light are the only two east -west opportunities for connectivity north of SH44 and should be preserved to serve as minor arterials in the future. This connection may require re-classification of the roadway as a minor arterial as it will eventually connect Can -Ada Road to SH55. We request that the Transportation/ Pathway Network map be modified to show a proposed new connection of Floating Feather that aligns with the section line west of SH16. • Moon Valley Road: ACHD has received development applications within the past year for residential subdivisions along this roadway. We are requiring 30 -feet of pavement with gravel shoulder and barrow ditches within a 50' right-of-way. Sidewalks and/or pathways are not part of these requirements. ACHD supports the function of Moon Valley Road as a backage road to minimize access to SH44. 3. Sidewalks, Pathways and Landscaping: • Sidewalks/Pathways: ACHD supports connectivity of the pedestrian and bicycle system as proposed in the schematic cross-sections included in the Comprehensive Plan. • Meandering sidewalks/pathways: ACHD supports meandering sidewalks and pathways and will only accept those that are compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines. • Landscaping: ACHD looks to continued cooperation with City of Eagle as it relates to license agreements for landscaping along roadways. 4. Access to Schools: ACHD supports the City's implementation strategies that elementary and middle schools shall be located in residential areas. Direct vehicular access to arterial roadways or section line roads that have the potential to become arterials in the future should be prohibited. C:1Documents and Settingsldkostelec\Desktop12004 Aug 26 Eagle Comp Plan Comments.doc Created on 8/26/2004 1:14:00 PM Page 2 of 3 We look forward to discussing these issues further at the September 7 joint meeting. If you or your staff has any questions regarding ACHD's comments, please contact us. Sincerely, ,s► Don Kostelec Supervisor Planning, Programming & Cost Estimating CC: ACHD Commissioners, Director & Managers (with Transportation/Pathway Network map) City of Star Ada County Development Services Central Files / PPC Files C.\Documents and Settings\dkostelec\Desktop\2004 Aug 26 Eagle Comp Plan Comments doc Created on 8/26/2004 1:14 00 PM Page 3 of 3 NAME CPA -2-04 Soaring 2025: Western Area Plan PUBLIC HEARING THE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 2004 6:30 P.M. CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ADDRESS/ TESTIFY TELEPHONE SUBJECT YES/NO? PRO/CON Page 1 f 1 H.ICOUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNU I . WPD CPA -2-04 Soaring 2025: Western Area Plan PUBLIC HEARING THE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 2004 6:30 P.M. CHAPTER 2: COMMUNITY DESIGN ADDRESS/ TESTI FY NAME TELEPHONE My ku`Qb\ 51- Ni 2N1)c)7 SUBJECT Page 1 f 1 1I \COUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP WPD YES/NO? PRO/CON I V E> CPA -2-04 Soaring 2025: Western Area Plan PUBLIC HEARING THE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 2004 6:30 P.M. CHAPTER 3: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADDRESS/ TESTIFY d1�\"`AMIE TTELEPHOONE SUBJECT YES/NO? PRO/CON 1 -c. 0016\ 7 )tv ? i (A1P-GG----4,1ASc.) 1 CGutlk(sv/' Page 1 f 1 H.\COUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP WPD NAME CPA -2-04 Soaring 2025: Western Area Plan PUBLIC HEARING THE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 2004 6:30 P.M. CHAPTER 4: PUBLIC FACILITIES & SERVICES ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE SUBJECT Page 1 f 1 H:\COUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP WPD TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON CPA -2-04 Soaring 2025: Western Area Plan PUBLIC HEARING THE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 2004 6:30 P.M. CHAPTER 5: TRANSPORATION ADDRESS/ NAME TELEPHONE SCBJF.CI' 1.gwey p I/p. Sa lc tij.,, 2 si r efg41 GF, i �a1sY,1•� 727) 3A41-€.6,1/4.1 Lc6 Page 1 f 1 H 1COUNCIL\AGENDAICCSIGNUP WPD TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON Akkkai CPA -2-04 Soaring 2025: Western Area Plan PUBLIC HEARING THE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 2004 6:30 P.M. CHAPTER 6: LAND USE— GENERAL ADDRESS/ ,NAME TELEPHONE f'"cu,2-f off/1/44 �ca 3LitP Riatatul 4d,OaLt_ 11„— 7`) 3 oe�I� ,E?:.).3/1 1;Zr . ( /zed ,E as i— h'.iis 7 939 eq -r6 SUBJECT i)74r -f- I/ it/ C oykforn ri-\ 0 LLQ 7 9 776 'e /111,0Fel:M.S, X01 U) (f( M) tt :4 . A ztt �r / C Jf L GL/,t Vis/ "(J) �'��� c11 . J ✓� `�L� c v kke.j, aid -LA L -.61 -'ILL .k! i_.c, /( i(G% Z!'jL /la", r (',/i, rr/� 1 C uctai J to C Page 1 f 1 H.\COUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP WPD v TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON ufat -C/c:x?eS cf�-S U CAYY1 CPA -2-04 Soaring 2025: Western Area Plan PUBLIC HEARING THE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 2004 6:30 P.M. RIM VIEW PLANNING AREA ADDRESS/ NAME TELEPHONE SUBJECT '-8/7/1i;b1.1"1-1 Ur • &./zipc'.1 7rc 5 & ,LE57.) 0AQ etk too "ZA., 4c:' -q '44;) 7Tcf-2 04) Ati(kg 01-c g - -5(,..y 772 -/ /1--ti/ekt4_ of S��CG �p ttL _ 44/t/Kaitrzi)c4,° /3 eirv-e7)) Av->24,nki)L.,., / ,'S-4' iattl- WI- -›/ S /rn,a , IF 1 VttC_ I S7 ZS K' -GS D P7a' 795 Pr;ur 46:4Lbj V, 26,4y10,,, 9 /� IPi7fe,t, Au-P-vd4o1 "?3i.i . 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PRO/CON Pri Pc) CPA -2-04 Soaring 2025: Western Area Plan PUBLIC HEARING THE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 2004 6:30 P.M. EAGLE MIDDLE SCHOOL PLANNING AREA ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE Rs9 - lob/ Q3� -47'Z /0 6/ /.)� 2br•701/ 14 • ,} // 5 3 iLeLL»/t J(c,D -:<,�. rte,, u�.i4•« - ) e'�,C ✓� SUBJECT Afid 0 6.143 Page 1 f 1 H-\COUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP WPI) TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON //lc I �v 2✓ 6) (6 - P-1'0 NAME (, tuts CPA -2-04 Soaring 2025: Western Area Plan PUBLIC HEARING THE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 2004 6:30 P.M. PARK LANE PLANNING AREA ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE VW -7o17 v_Gs tkhu/4`( J- '2/70 r e/t/7ga 0 GfESTIFY SUBJECT, - YES/NO? Page 1 f 1 11.\COUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP WPI) Ye -s 740.4, PRO/CON Js* 2-0 NAME ,01412---N rk l!t 1-(A l 6/1/71-t CPA-3-03/RZ-8-03 Park Hampton, LLC. PUBLIC HEARING THE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 2004 6:30 P.M. ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE SUBJECT 3 � ti 240 5( S76._ eci5`,' /60 -Wq �I TESTIFY YES/NO? ✓ ��, at) / 1?/x)i34 ( I lc / (/-at U5TV1) /J j,' 4/ 3 S v 5,4r620 I �C v(MO&.1, g�� ` ).)n G1 iAYBii) 9aLu` / c o) � DLO R e frt S4x/S-I`�f (Ai Eve 1 / y u S . 1F. kfrk.ltiS .c6,Ljoar 33q I Ftrnf g.)f 1 V(-14_ (0 3 ct 1 S ft apt- i>r 1 v/2- hce4I 0,6,/ F ly k tto It Page 1 f 1 1I.1COUNCIL\AGENDAICCSIGN U P.WPD 1(�%J 65 YE S e5 J Ycz PRO/CON k-6 �(l rr-' '9iU NAME , L4tuQ pt(f u Glx Aimit \.4z -tri 71X606 CPA-1-03/RZ-7-03 Gregory Hall PUBLIC HEARING THE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 2004 6:30 P.M. ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE / T� NIK,O5r SUBJECT .r//) iI J OC 1Z - 5 Z eoG P I L,c,fo ZZ 3 AJ Ea,r� // U Page 1 r 1 H:\COUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP WPD 313 TESTIFY YES/N09 PRO/CON A/0 CPA -2-03 Musick PUBLIC HEARING THE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 2004 6:30 P.M. ADDRESS/ NAME TELEPHONE f\kRll u,(2� 5 ti�w� Sr SUBJECT I� iPtec/ Page 1 f 1 1-L\COUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP WPD 3G TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON 19kp I I I CPA -2-04 Soaring 2025: Western Area Plan PUBLIC HEARING THE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 2004 6:30 P.M. FLOATING FEATHER PLANNING AREA ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE SUBJECT YES/NO? X39 -47('o9- / C14/ -f -r -.)610.12 -Cit /cY?/&, T,u j �3Y-dJ-ow /' 'cj j s H /i b vN; 11 E ,Ji. 110ra))- 0- 5 /C -1 eS / I( 1 /. ?1-. (1 Page 1 f 1 H \COUNCIL AGENDA\CCSIGNUP \VPD PRO/CON CPA -2-04 Soaring 2025: Western Area Plan PUBLIC HEARING THE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 2004 6:30 P.M. MOON VALLEY & STATE PLANNING AREA ADDRESS/ NAME TELEPHONE SUBJECT " f"“) n0( -1,5I 2;Y- 27‘4e SY/E Page 1 f 1 H \COUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSKGNUP.WPD TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON NAME CPA -2-04 Soaring 2025: Western Area Plan PUBLIC HEARING THE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 2004 6:30 P.M. RIVER PLAIN PLANNING AREA ADDRESS/ TESTIFY TELEPHONE SUBJECT YES/NO? PRO/CON ) e'Ry OR -0 \f t 01=-4) iaN\Sc.(1` M4 MPS ►FS rr/ ret -X7 Page 1 f 1 H \COUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP WPD NAME CPA -2-04 Soaring 2025: Western Area Plan PUBLIC HEARING THE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 2004 6:30 P.M. CHINDEN ROAD PLANNING AREA ADDRESS/ TESTIFY TELEPHONE SUBJECT YES/NO? PRO/CON Page 1 f 1 H•1COUNCILIAGENDA\CCSIGNUP WPD CPA -2-04 Soaring 2025: Western Area Plan PUBLIC HEARING THE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 2004 6:30 P.M. EAGLE ISLAND PLANNING AREA ADDRESS/ NAME TELEPHONE SUBJECT cl E(A*Z Page 1 f 1 H.\COUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP. W PD TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON CPA -2-04 Soaring 2025: Western Area Plan PUBLIC HEARING THE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 2004 6:30 P.M. VILLAGE PLANNING AREA ADDRESS/ NAME TELPHONE 340D � 'i �% - o1-1 1`5 J o I-- Rick °M-0 3 �� SUBJECT kti9 ) 1 FATrr`N— DE.35c`*`lISGr-(Fir karLAt 1/ Page 1 f 1 11 \COUN('IL\AGENDA1CCSIGNUP WPD TESTIFY YES/NO? PRO/CON