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Minutes - 2004 - City Council - 07/13/2004 - Workshop .,/ ORIGINAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes July 13, 2004 ~ WORKSHOP: 5:30 v.m. Facilities Manager Report: Mick McCurry distributes a report to the Council in regards to the RV Dump Site and discusses the same. General discussion. Council concurs to have Mick move forward to pursue Winco for the site and negotiate the maintenance costs. A. Discussion on proposed budget for fiscal year 2004-2005 General Council discussion on the proposed budget for fiscal year 2004-2005. Council concurs to adopt Plan B from the Ada County Sheriff's Department in the amount of $957,025.24 per year. Council approves the increase requested from Tom Wilson the City Code Enforcement Officer. Council approves the BPI Leaf Program in November and the Hazardous Waste Collection on a quarterly basis. Funding for these programs will come from the revenue the City receives from BPI for additional programs and education. Council approves a 2.5% COL for personnel and a 2.5% merit for performance increase. The Mayor will meet with department supervisors in regards to merit increases. ~ AGENDA: 6:30 V.m. - 7:30 V.m. 1. Review of audit report for fiscal year 2002-2003: Gibbons, Scott & Dean LLP., representative Jo Bolen will review the audit report which was received by the City on May 5, 2004. The audit went very smooth. City Clerk and Office Staff have done a good job. Discussion on revenue and expense posting. Discussion on the various funds. General discussion. 2. Cable One representative, Michelle Cameron will discuss rate increases and burying cable lines. Michelle Cameron distributes information to the Council and discusses the increase in rates and burying the cable lines. Discussion on burying the transmission lines. General discussion. 3. City Engineer Report: Vern Brewer, Holladay Engineer, discussion on a draft ordinance regarding water rights as a condition of annexation. I'm requesting Council to add this to the agenda for action. Discussion on an application to BLM for the ground that would become the eventual water storage site for the western area of impact. I'm requesting Council to add this to the agenda for action and to authorize the Mayor to sign the application. Ken Rice, Holladay Engineering, discusses the application to BLM. Page I K:\COUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work Area\CC-fJ7-13-04mio.doc The Dater fence is still an issue. We had a donation to put the fence in but it has been withdrawn. The Fire Department will donate the construction if we have someone to set the comer posts. Dater is fine with the extension as long as the City is making progress on the fence. There are only a few items on a punch list for completion of the pathway which includes slgnage. General discussion. 4. Larry Sale, Liaison with ACHD, we will be doing some construction on the Beacon Light bridge this summer. Our Pedestrian Pathway survey crew will be out working in your area. Discussion on the repairs that were made to the street lights on State Street. Discussion on the land exchange agreement with ACHD and Ada County. We will be moving the material off from that site as soon as the chip seal season is over, around September. 5. City Attorney Report: Discussion on Idaho Power transmission lines. General discussion. 6. City Clerkffreasurer Report: No report 7. Zoning Administrator's Report: No report 8. Mayor and Council's Report: Moved to the end of the Agenda REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Merrill calls the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, SEDLACEK, GUERBER, NORDSTROM. Bastian absent. Nordstrom in attendance by speaker phone. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: Frank Thompson, I think the City of Eagle should video the City Council meetings. General discussion. Guerber moves to amend the Agenda by adding the following items: Item SN. Open Container Permit for Terry Hayden; lOCo BLM Application for Transportation and Utility Systems and Facilities on Federal Lands and lOD. Ordinance No. 479. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES...... 5. CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the Rules of Order. . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MlNUTESITemporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07- J3-04mio.doc or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of June 1,2004 special meeting. C. Minutes of June 22, 2004. D. Minutes of July 6,2004 special meeting. E. Open Container Permit: Toothman-Orton Engineering Company is requesting an open container permit to be used at Merrill Park on August 7, 2004 from 5 :00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. They have met all of the requirements established by the City of Eagle and the Ada County Sheriff's Office. (SEB) F. DR-44-04 - Restaurant Facility for Cheerleaders Sports Dar and Grill - Robert Godsill: Roger Godsill, represented by Rocky Towle with Design Resources Architects, is requesting design review approval to construct a 5,789-square foot restaurant facility. The site is located on the south side of East Shore Drive approximately 820-feet east of Eagle Road within the Eagle River Development at 287 East Shore Drive. (WEV) G. DR-45-04 - Two Dundin!! Wall Si!!ns for Cheerleaders Sports Bar and Grill - Robert Godsill: Robert Godsill, represented by John McMahon with Classic Design Studio, is requesting design review approval to construct two (2) building wall signs for Cheerleaders Sports Bar and Grill. The site is located on the south side of East Shore Drive approximately 820-feet east of Eagle Road within the Eagle River Development at 287 East Shore Drive. (WEV) H. DR-47-04 - Master Sien Plan for a Multi-tenant Office Dundin!!- Roddy Eyans: Roddy Evans is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for a multi-tenant office building, including a building wall sign for Idaho One Realty and Idaho One Mortgage. The site is located on the northeast corner of East State Street and Academy Lane at 1300 East State Street. (WEV) I. DR-49-04 - Modify the Existin!! Pizza Hut Monument Si!!n to include a Money Tree Si2D - Money Tree: Money Tree, represented by Russ Doughty with Lytle Signs, is requesting design review approval to modify the existing Pizza Hut monument sign to include a Money Tree sign. The site is located on the northeast comer of State Highway 44 and Eagle Road within Eagle Pavilion Shopping Center at 396 South Eagle Road. (WEV) J. DR-60-04 - Limited Industrial Facility - Perry Eliason: Perry Eliason, represented by Stephen Teed with Stephen Teed Architects, is requesting design review approval to construct a 6,838-square foot limited industrial facility. The site is located south of East State Street and north of McGrath Road, approximately 720-feet east of Edgewood Lane at 1800 McGrath Road. (WEV) K. DR-61-04 - Monument Si!!n and Dundin!! Wall Si!!n for Pro Concrete Art - Perry Eliason: Perry Eliason, represented by Stephen Teed with Stephen Teed Architects, is requesting design review approval to construct Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MlNUTESITemponuy Minutes Work Area\CC-O7-13-04mio.doc a monument sign and building wall sign for Pro Concrete Art. The site is located south of East State Street and north of McGrath Road, approximately 720-feet east of Edgewood Lane at 1800 McGrath Road. (WEV) L. Findinl!S of Fact and Conclusions of Law for A-2-03/RZ-2-03/CU-S- 03/PPUD-I-O3/PP-3-03 - La2Una Pointe Planned Unit Development- La2Una Pointe LLC: Laguna Pointe LLC, represented by Land Consultants Inc., is requesting an annexation and rezone from RUT (Rural Urban Transition) to R-2-DA-P (Residential up to two units per acre with development agreement and PUD) and R-E-DA-P (Residential Estates up to one dwelling unit per two acres with development agreement and PUD), a rezone from A-R (Agricultural-Residential) to R-2-DA-P (Residential up to two units per acre with development agreement and PUD) and R-E-DA- P (Residential Estates up to one dwelling unit per two acres with development agreement and PUD), conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Laguna Pointe planned unit development. The 117 .51-acre development consists of a 53- lot (43-buildable, lO-common) residential subdivision*. The site is located east of Eagle Road approximately l/2-mile north of Chinden Boulevard at 2260 S. Eagle Road. (WEV) M. Appointments to the Development Impact Fee Advisory Committee: The Mayor is requesting Council confirmation to appoint the members of the Park & Pathway Development Committee to also serve as the Development Impact Fee Advisory Committee. The terms of office will be designated as established in E.c.c. 2-5-2. (NM) N. Open Container Permit for Terrv Hayden. Guerber moves to remove Item SM. from the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES........................ Guerber moves to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................ 5M. Appointments to the Development Impact Fee Advisory Committee: The Mayor is requesting Council confirmation to appoint the members of the Park & Pathway Development Committee to also serve as the Development Impact Fee Advisory Committee. The terms of office will be designated as established in E.C.C. 2-5-2. (NM) Mayor: We are appointing the Park & Pathway Development Committee minus Don Stockton to be the Development Impact Fee Advisory Committee. General discussion. Sedlacek moves to approve the Park & Pathway Development Committee with Stockton removed as the Development Impact Fee Advisory Committee. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................... 6. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: None 7. FINAL PLATS: None Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MlNUTESITemponuy Minutes Work AreaICC-m-13-04mio.doc 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. ~nl!: to consi4er the ratification of the sale and purchase al!:reement þetween Ada County Hil!:hway District and the City of Eal!:le for the sale and £!£.hanl!:e of parcels I!:enerally located north of Hill Road and West of Dicky Drive. (SEB) Mayor introduces the issue. City Attorney Buxton: This was the document negotiated between the City and ACHD for the land exchange on the Hill Road Property. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing. Mayor closes the Public Hearing. Sedlacek moves to ratify Resolution No. 04-09 and authorize the Mayor to sign a Purchase and Sale Agreement with AHCD for the acquisition of Property on Hill Road. Seconded by Nordstrom. Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................. Further general Council discussion. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Review and action of the United Water Contract: (SEB) Mayor introduces the issue. City Attorney Buxton: Provides Council an overview of the draft contract with United Water. I do not want an action tonight other than discussion on the contract and answering any questions that you have. The final Contract will come back to you for approval. General discussion. Sedlacek moves to continue action on the United Water Contract to the August 10, 2004 City Council meeting. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES....... ......... B. Discussion on City Hall. (NM) C. ReQuest for Proposals for City Hall facility. (SEB) Mayor introduces the issues. Item Band C are discussed together. City Attorney Buxton and Council discuss the Request for Proposals. Tom Zabala discusses the Request for Proposal and an overview of where ZGA is on the revised plans. General discussion. Further general discussion. Guerber moves to continue the Request for Proposals for review on the City Council Agenda for July 27, 2004. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES.... ................... Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTESITemponuy Minutes Work Area\CC-O7- J3-04mi0.doc 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. Municipal Water System Rates: Representatives from Holladay Engineering present information on this item. (VB) Mayor introduces the issue. Ken Rice, Holladay Engineering, distributes a hand out to the Council and discusses the same. General discussion. Council concurs on Option C - Quantity. A public hearing needs to be held on August 17, 2004, to be heard in conjunction with public hearing on the Budget for FY04/05. Sedlacek moves to direct our engineering firm to do an analysis to take this matter to a rate hearing on August 17,2004. Seconded by Guerber. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES................ B. Review and action on recommendations forwarded by the Park and Pathway Development Committee. (G) MayorinIToducestheissue. General Council discussion on the recommendations presented. Guerber moves to have the City Clerk identify a source of funds not to exceed $2,000.00 to purchase signage to be installed along the pathway. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE: Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ Guerber recommends that we endorse a ban on firearms on the greenbelt and work with the Sheriff's Department in this regard. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.......... Guerber moves to authorize the expenditure of funds to place a mutt mitt dispenser on the south side of the north channel on the east side of the bridge. Seconded by Sedlacek. Sedlacek: AYE: Guerber: AYE: Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYES: M OTI 0 N CARRIES................. C. BLM - Application for Transportation and Utility Systems and Facilities on Federal Lands. Mayor introduces the issue. Vem Brewer, Holladay Engineering, provides Council an overview of the application process and discusses the location of the water storage tank. General Council discussion. Guerber moves to submit the Application for Transportation and Utility Systems and Facilities on Federal Lands for the water storage facility and authorize the Mayor to sign the Application. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............. Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MlNUTESITemponuy Minutes Work Area\CC-07-13-04mio.doc D. Ordinance No. 479 - An Ordinance of the City of Ea2le. Ada County. Idaho. amendine Title 6. Chapter 5. of the Eaele City Code. Amendine Section 6-5-23 Providine Requirements for the Provision of Water Supply as a Condition of Annexation and/or Approval of New Development within the City of Eaele. Idaho: and Establishine an Effective Date. Mayor introduces the issue. City Attorney Buxton: Discusses the proposed Ordinance. General discussion. Vern Brewer, Holladay Engineering, discusses the Ordinance. General discussion. Guerber moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance #479 be considered after being read once by title only. Guerber reads Ordinance #479 by title only. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES................. General discussion on this being the first reading of the ordinance. Guerber amends his Motion to be the first reading of Ordinance #479. Sedlacek concurs. ALL A YES: MOTION IS AMENDED Guerber moves that Ordinance #479 be on the July 27, 2004 City Council Agenda for adoption. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Personnel Issues: I.C. 67-2345(a & b) B. Threatened or Pendine Litieation: I.C. §67-2345(f) City Attorney Buxton: I have no threatened or pending litigation for discussion in an Executive Session. Guerber moves to go into Executive Session for the discussion on personnel issues. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES...................... General discussion on personnel issues. Council leaves Executive Session at 9: 15 p.m. Sedlacek moves to approve the maternity leave requests submitted by Tracy Osborn and Nichole Baird-Spencer. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES............... MA YOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS: Guerber: No Report Sedlacek: Discussion on the flyer that the Sheriff's Department is going to send out to residents through the Sewer District's billings. Cliff Marks has resigned as the Chairman of the Economic Development Committee. Mayor: The Humane Society will be at our next meeting to justify their budget request. We will be losing a P&Z Member the end of August. General discussion. Discussion on economic development for the downtown business. Page 7 K:\COUNCILIMINUTESITetJ1'Onuy Minutes Work Area\CC-07-13-04mio.doc Discussion on wireless broadband utility. Discussion on if this will require towers. I will be out of town next week and Stan will be back. Discussion on the applicants for the director of Compass. Nordstrom: No report. 12. ADJOURNMENT: Guerber moves to adjourn. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. ......... .... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted: ~ýA-<L- ~..---I ..... SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERKfTREAS URER APPROVED: ".alII""",.. ~.., ~ BAal' ."'" ~f!i .! 0 ......."'~ '.. '~% ..." I ~ ~ORAl'~... -- 1(.) O~ \ir\ . : . . : . C,¡ _.- -: : :, 1 &:;. : :... c£~"'...: 0 :: -- ..~;:J ~<:).. ..... :: -- . C' '" . "",.:: ~ ."...oRPO\\."... ~.:- " Y"')., ....... ...:\) .." " .rA.... <"1 \. .." '" r¡ J E 0 ~ ...." """1111 """" Page 8 K:\COUNCIL\MlNUTESITemponuy Minutes Work Area\CC-07-I3-04mio.doc CABLE ONE The ONE you count on 6 123 TIMBRE DRIVE CALDWELL. ID 83605 PH 208.455.5555 FX. 208. 455. 1797 CABLEONE NET Eagle City Council Meeting July 13, 2004 ❖ After hours Cable ONE Customer Care Center ❖ Rate freeze until 2006 for $17.95 Lifeline and $27.95 Digital Lite service levels ❖ Same Day Installation ❖ Free Service Calls •`.• Added 5 Faith and Family channels, 2 Sports channels •:• Launched High definition (KTVB,KTVI, KBCI, Idaho PBS, Showtime and HBO, with more to come!) •:• Tripled our Internet Speeds with no Rate Increase ❖ Launching Digital Video Recorders ❖ Proud supporter of Cable in the Classroom, Newspapers in Education and the Hispanic Cultural Center ❖ Direct pay and online bill payment options Cable is TWICE T as DSL's most popular servic • Download photos, software, video, music and games in a flash, • Enjoy immediate email and Instant Messaging with friends and family—and work from home with ease. • Internet radio. Educational multimedia. Virtual classrooms. It's all just a mouse click away with Cable! Cable provides WORLD-CLASS technical support -24/7. • Trained professionals are ready to answer your calls promptly and courteously -24/7. • Free Spam Patrol—block out unwanted email solicitations and damaging viruses. • Add Web Stop to your service and control the types of content your kids can access online. Cable ON. net is easier to install than DSL—and NO PHONE LINE 5i is needed. + 1) 6C. s : r Prices start at just 95 for unlimited use. amonth, Discover why Cable is preferred 5-1 over DSL! • Cable is always on and ready when you are jump online without any phone -line hassles. • Talk and surf at the same time without paying for an expensive second phone line. • Installation is fast and easy! Sign up today and hook it up yourself tomorrow—no appointments, no waiting! Call today.' I-811-6 00-6099 Ask how you can SAVE BIG by getting Cable ONE Digital and Cable ONE. net together! Otter expires 2/27/04 High Speed Internet access available in Cable DNE wired service areas only and only with approved cable modem Prices Quoted are for service to current Cable ONE TV customers. reflecting a discount in the actual once. Access to Cable ONE net High Speed Internet is not dependent upon lease of cable modem tom Cable ONE Visit an authorized Cable ONE dealer for more options. Additional winng feetsl may apply for unwired outlets. Speed comparisons based upon fastest potential access. your results may vary Other restrictions may apply The truth is out there: /JO Cable is the clear Internet choice. Discover why Cable is preferred 5-1 over DSI,! CalL today. 1-811-600-6099 CA B L Prices start at just a month for unlimited use. 1 I1 CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JULY 13, 2004 7:30 P.M. A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER Ili; RATIFICATION OF Y Iu SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT AND IBE CITY OF EAGLE FOR THE SALE AND EXCHANGE OF PARCELS GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF HILL ROAD AND WEST OF DICKY DRIVE. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE SUBJECT Page 1 f 1 H:ICOUNCILIAGENDAICCSIGNUP. WPD YES/NO? PRO/CON Option A. B. C. D. (E) EAGLE CITY WATER Sample Spread Sheet Solutions Rate Structure Mixed basis; annual review Quantity only annual review Mixed basis; Quadrennial Review Base only; Quadrennial review (Base only; annual review) Base i_ $9.02 $8.50 0 $9.75 $9.00 $8.50 $19.22 ($18.46) Quantity (per CCF) $0.90 $0.95 $1.76 $0.97 $1.05 $1.10 0 (0) HOLLADAY ENGINEERING COMPANY EEG091400 Ken Rice / Page 1 RV Dump Station The City of Eagle has been researching an RV Dump location since 1999 or maybe longer. The State Department of Park and Recreation have an interest in Eagle installing an RV Dump Station. Jim Birdsall has done significant research into this project and believes that Eagle can install an RV Dump Station with State funds but the site would have to be maintained by someone. RV Dump Stations require a large amount of open space to maneuver vehicles around the actual dump location. It is also convenient to have other facilities co -located with the dump site so that the patrons can take advantage of the stop in order to acquire fuel or groceries. The largest concentration of RV travel in Eagle is on State Street and Hiway 55. The Winco Foods organization has expressed an interest in installing an RV Dump Station on their property which will have food and fuel available. This site will take advantage of the high use of State Street and Hiway 55 by valley residents. Winco Foods is in the final design stages for their future facility. Now is ideal time to make the decision to support this site so we can enter into negotiations with Winco on 0 & M funding for this installation. The Winco location provides the necessary space, the ability of the patrons to accomplish other task such as groceries and fuel, plus the real opportunity to get someone else to take care of the 0 & M on this facility. Eagle could gain points with State Parks and Recreation for future grants such as the Hill Road Park application we are currently pursuing if way make the decision and move forward now. .. STANDARD FORM 299 (2/2003) Prescribed by DOI/USDA/DOT P.L. 96-487 and Federal Register Notice 5-22-95 APPLICATION FOR TRANSPORTATION AND UTILITY SYSTEMS AND FACILITIES ON FEDERAL LANDS NOTE: Before completing and filing the application, the applicant should completely review this package and schedule a preapplication meeting with representatives of the agency responsible for processing the application. Each agency may have specific and unique requirements to be met in preparing and processing the application. Many times, with the help of the agency representative, the application can be completed at the preapplication meeting. 1. Name and address of applicant (include zip code) City of Eagle 310 East State Street Eagle, ID 83616 4. As applicant are you? (check one) a. b. c. d. e. f. ❑ Individual ❑ Corporation* ❑ Partnership/Association* ❑ State Government/State Agency ✓� Local Government ❑ Federal Agency * If checked, complete supplemental page 2. Name, title, and address of authorized agent if different from Item 1 (include zip code) Holladay Engineering Company - Kenneth R. Rice, P.E. P.O. Box 235 Payette, ID 83661 5. Specify what application is for: (check one) a. El New authorization b. 0 Renewing existing authorization No. c. 0 Amend existing authorization No. d. 0 Assign existing authorization No. e. 0 Existing use for which no authorization has been received* f. 0 Other* FORM APPROVED OMB NO. 1004-0189 Expires: October 31, 2005 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY Application Number Date filed 3 TELEPHONE (area code) Applicant (208) 939-6813 Authorized Agent (208) 642-3304 * If checked, provide details under Item 7 6. If an individual, or partnership are you a citizen(s) of the United States? 0 Yes 0 No Not Applicable 7. Project description (describe in detail): (a) Type of system or facility, (e.g., canal, pipeline, road); (b) related structures and facilities; (c) physical specifications (length, width, grading, etc.); (d) term of years needed; (e) time of year of use or operation; (f) Volume or amount of product to be transported; (g) duration and timing of construction; and (h) temporary work areas needed for construction (Attach additional sheets, {/'additional space is needed.) (a) Municipal potable water tanks 2 each @ 1,500,000 gallon capacity. (b) Access road on SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec. 27, T5N, R1W. BM; connecting pipeline on same 1/4 1/4. (c) Road 24 ft. wide, approximately 800 ft. pipe 24 inch diameter max with 4 ft. earth cover burial. (d) Perpetual or 99 -year. (e) Year- around. (f) Does not apply. (g) Not more than 270 days construction time per tank (will build as two phases, about 5 years apart). (h) See attached map for proposed site and access. 8. Attach a map covering area and show location of project proposal Attached 9. State or local government approval: 0 Attached 0 Applied for 0 Not required See attached comments* 10. Nonreturnable application fee: 0 Attached 0 Not required 11. Does project cross international boundary or affect international waterways? 0 Yes 0 No (If "yes." indicate on map) 12. Give statement of your technical and financial capability to construct, operate, maintain, and terminate system for which authorization is being requested. Applicant is a municipal govemment of a city with a population of probably 15.000 at present and experiencing population growth in excess of 10 percent annually. Applicant has all the funding and administrative tools and the institutional longevity and accountability inherent in existing as a municipal corporation in the State of Idaho. *(Attached Comment): Local govemment approval required is a Conditional Use Permit from Ada County Planning and Zoning. It is expected to be non -controversial. State govemment approval required is technical design approval from the State of Idaho Department of Environmental Quality. This approval will concern technical standards only. (Continued on page 2) This form is authorized for local reproduction. 13a. Describe other reasonable alternative routes and modes considered. (1) Tower - mounted elevated water storage tank. (2) Electronically - controlled booster pumps for pressurization (3) Nearby site on private land. b. Why were these alternatives not selected? 1. Tank on tower too costly (not cost effective compared to hillside). 2. Automatic boosters: not reliable enough for fire protection. 3. Nearby site on private land: visual screening more difficult, pipeline longer and zoning issues. c. Give explanation as to why it is necessary to cross Federal Lands. Federally owned site is most accessible point of appropriate elevation and with terrain that accommodates economical means of visual screening of facility. Need for water at the proper pressure, supplied with the reliability of gravity, is a basic need of cities. 14. List authorizations and pending applications filed for similar projects which may provide information to the authorizing agency. (Specify number, date, code, or name) None known to applicant. 15. Provide statement of need for project, including the economic feasibility and items such as: (a) cost of proposal (construction, operation, and maintenance); (b) estimated cost of next best alternative; and (c) expected public benefits. Purpose is to provide cost effective water storage based in particular on needed reserve for fire fighting for a probable final total of 30,000 or more residents and structures valued at probably $3,000,000,000. 16. Describe probable effects on the population in the area, including the social and economic aspects, and the rural lifestyles. About five acres of dry range would be withdrawn from grazing as road already exists (with gates). Access road would be gated similarly, introducing no general change. Project would accommodate a process of urbanization in sections to south, but denial of project would not prevent urbanization. 17. Describe likely environmental effects that the proposed project will have on: (a) air quality; (b) visual impact; (c) surface and ground water quality and quantity; (d) the control or structural change on any stream or other body of water; (e) existing noise levels; and (f) the surface of the land, including vegetation, permafrost, soil, and soil stability. (a) Air quality: no expected effect. (b) Visual impact: minor construction to be below skyline and screened by berm. (c) Water quality and quantities: none. Water will be from a remote source and used at remote sites. (d) Streams and bodies of water. none. (e) Existing noise levels: some noise during construction. but nearest dwelling is more than 500 feet from site. (f) Surface of the land: minor shaping, berm and fence around facility and surface gravel around tanks to protect facility from range fire. 18. Describe the probable effects that the proposed project will have on (a) populations of fish, plantlife, wildlife, and marine life, including threatened and endangered species; and (b) marine mammals, including hunting, capturing, collecting, or killing these animals. (a) Little effect on any known species. About four acres will be built on. (b) No known effect on marine mammals. 19. State whether any hazardous material, as defined in this paragraph, will be used, produced, transported or stored on or within the right-of-way or any of the right-of-way facilities. or used in the construction, operation, maintenance or termination of the right-of-way or any of its facilities. "Hazardous material" means any substance, pollutant or contaminant that is listed as hazardous under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980. as amended, 42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq., and its regulations. The definition of hazardous substances under CERCLA includes any "hazardous waste" as defined in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA), as amended, 42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq., and its regulations. The term hazardous materials also includes any nuclear or byproduct material as defined by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. as amended, 42 U.S.C. 2011 et seq. The term does not include petroleum, including crude oil or any fraction thereof that is not otherwise specifically listed or designated as a hazardous substance under CERCLA Section 101(14), 42 U.S.C. 9601(14), nor does the tern include natural gas. No hazardous materials expected. Site to be used to store potable water. 20. Name all the Department(s)/Agency(ies) where this application is being filed. Bureau of Land Mangement 1 HEREBY CERTIFY, That 1 am of legal age and authorized to do business in the State and that 1 have personally examined the information contained in the application and believe that the information submitted is correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of Applicant Date Title 18, U.S.C. Section 1001 and Title 43 U.S.C. Section 1212, make it a crime for any person knowingly and willfully to make to any department or agency of the United States any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or representations as to any matter within its jurisdiction. (Continued on page 3) SF -299, page 2 APPLICATION FOR TRANSPORTATION AND UTILITY SYSTEMS AND FACILITIES ON FEDERAL LANDS Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Alaska Region AAL -4, 222 West 7th Ave., Box 14 Anchorage, Alaska 99513-7587 Telephone: (907) 271-5285 GENERAL INFORMATION ALASKA NATIONAL INTEREST LANDS This application will be used when applying for a right-of-way, permit, license, lease, or certificate for the use of Federal lands which lie within conservation system units and National Recreation or Conservation Areas as defined in the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act. Conservation system units include the National Park System, National Wildlife Refuge System, National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, National Trails System, National Wilderness Preservation System, and National Forest Monuments. Transportation and utility systems and facility uses for which the application may be used are: 1. Canals, ditches, flumes, laterals, pipes, pipelines, tunnels, and other systems for the transportation of water. 2. Pipelines and other systems for the transportation of liquids other than water, including oil, natural gas, synthetic liquid and gaseous fuels, and any refined product produced therefrom. 3. Pipelines, slurry and emulsion systems, and conveyor belts for transportation of solid materials. 4. Systems for the transmission and distribution of electric energy. 5. Systems for transmission or reception of radio, television, telephone, telegraph, and other electronic signals, and other means of communications. 6. Improved rights-of-way for snow machines, air cushion vehicles, and all -terrain vehicles. 7. Roads, highways, railroads, tunnels, tramways, airports, landing strips, docks, and other systems of general transportation. This application must be filed simultaneously with each Federal department or agency requiring authorization to establish and operate your proposal. In Alaska, the following agencies will help the applicant file an application and identify the other agencies the applicant should contact and possibly file with: Department of Agriculture Regional Forester, Forest Service (USFS) Federal Office Building, P.O. Box 21628 Juneau, Alaska 99802-1628 Telephone: (907) 586-7847 (or a local Forest Service Office) Department of the Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Juneau Area Office 9109 Mendenhall Mall Road, Suite 5, Federal Building Annex Juneau, Alaska 99802 Telephone: (907) 586-7177 Bureau of Land Management (BLM) 222 West 7th Ave., Box 13 Anchorage, Alaska 99513-7599 Telephone: (907) 271-5477 (or a local BLM Office) National Park Service (NPS) Alaska Regional Office, 2525 Gambell St., Rm. 107 Anchorage, Alaska 99503-2892 Telephone: (907) 257-2585 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) Office of the Regional Director 1011 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Telephone: (907) 786-3440 Note -Filings with any Interior agency may be filed with any office noted above or with the: Office of the Secretary of the Interior, Regional Environmental Officer, Box 120, 1675 C Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99513. (For supplemental, see page 4) NOTE - The Department of Transportation has established the above central filing point for agencies within that Department. Affected agencies are: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Coast Guard (USCG), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). OTHER THAN ALASKA NATIONAL INTEREST LANDS Use of this form is not limited to National Interest Conservation Lands of Alaska. Individual departments/agencies may authorize the use of this form by applicants for transportation and utility systems and facilities on other Federal lands outside those areas described above. For proposals located outside of Alaska, applications will be filed at the local agency office or at a location specified by the responsible Federal agency. SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS (Items not listed are self-explanatory) Item 7 Attach preliminary site and facility construction plans. The responsible agency will provide instructions whenever specific plans are required. 8 Generally, the map must show the section(s), township(s), and range(s) within which the project is to be located. Show the proposed location of the project on the map as accurately as possible. Some agencies require detailed survey maps. The responsible agency will provide additional instructions. 9, 10, and 12 - The responsible agency will provide additional instructions. 13 Providing information on alternate routes and modes in as much detail as possible, discussing why certain routes or modes were rejected and why it is necessary to cross Federal lands will assist the agency(ies) in processing your application and reaching a final decision. Include only reasonable alternate routes and modes as related to current technology and economics. 14 The responsible agency will provide instructions. 15 Generally, a simple statement of the purpose of the proposal will be sufficient. However, major proposals located in critical or sensitive areas may require a full analysis with additional specific information. The responsible agency will provide additional instructions. 16 through 19 - Providing this information in as much detail as possible will assist the Federal agency(ies) in processing the application and reaching a decision. When completing these items, you should use a sound judgment in furnishing relevant information. For example, if the project is not near a stream or other body of water, do not address this subject. The responsible agency will provide additional instructions. Application must be signed by the applicant or applicant's authorized representative. If additional space is needed to complete any item, please put the information on a separate sheet of paper and identify it as "Continuation of Item". SF -299, page 3 SUPPLEMENTAL NOTE: The responsible agency(ies) will provide additional instrucnons I - PRIVATE CORPORATIONS a. Articles of Incorporation b. Corporation Bylaws c. A certification from the State showing the corporation is in good standing and is entitled to operate within the State. d. Copy of resolution authorizing filing c. The name and address of each shareholder owning 3 percent or more of the shares, together with the number and percentage of any class of voting shares of the entity which such shareholder is authorized to vote and the name and address of each affiliate of the entity together with, in the case of an affiliate controlled by the entity, the number of shares and the percentage of any class of voting stock of that affiliate owned, directly or indirectly, by that entity, and in the case of an affiliate which controls that entity, the number of shares and the percentage of any class of voting stock of that entity owned, directly or indirectly, by the affiliate f. If application is for an oil or gas pipeline, describe any related right-of-way or temporary use permit applications, and identify previous applications. g. If application is for an oil and gas pipeline, identify all Federal lands by agency impacted by proposal. a. Copy of law forming corporation b. Proof of organization c. Copy of Bylaws II - PUBLIC CORPORATIONS CHECK APPROPRIATE BLOCK ATTACHED FILED' ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ d. Copy of resolution authorizing filing e. If application is for an oil or gas pipeline, provide information required by item "I -f' and "i -g" above. IiI - PARTNERSHIP OR OTHER UNINCORPORATED ENTITY a. Articles of association, if any b. If one partner is authorized to sign, resolution authorizing action is c. Name and address of each participant, partner, association, or other ❑ 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 0 0 ❑ d. If application is for an oil or gas pipeline, provide information required by Item "I -f' and "i -g" above. If the required information is already filed with the agency processing this application and is current, check block entitled "Filed." information (e.g., number, date, code, name) If not on file or current, attach the requested information. The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 requires us to inform you that: The Federal agencies collect this information from applicants requesting right-of- way, permit, license, lease, or certifications for the use of Federal lands. Federal agencies use this information to evaluate your proposal. No Federal agency may request or sponsor, and you are not required to respond to a request for information which does not contain a currently valid OMB Control Number. BURDEN HOURS STATEMENT The public burden for this form is estimated at 25 hours per response including the time for reviewing instructions. gathenng and maintaining data, and (Continued on page 5) ❑ ❑ Provide the file identification completing and reviewing the form Direct comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this form to. U.S. Department of the interior, Bureau of Land Management (1004-0189), Bureau Information Collection Clearance Officer (WO -630), 1849 C Street, N.W , Mail Stop 40ILS, Washington, D.0 20240 A reproducible copy of this form may be obtained from the Bureau of Land Management, Land and Realty Group, 1620 L Street. N.W., Rm I000LS, Washington, D.C. 20036. SF -299, page 4 NOTICE NOTE: This applies to the Department of the InteriorBureau of Land Management (BLM). The Privacy Act of 1974 provides that you be furnished with the following information in connection with the information provided by this application for an authorization. AUTHORITY: 16 U.S.C. 310 and 5 U.S.C. 301. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: The primary uses of the records are to facilitate the (1) processing of claims or applications; (2) recordation of adjudicative actions; and (3) indexing of documentation in case files supporting administrative actions. ROUTINE USES: BLM and the Department of the Interior (DOI) may disclose your information on this form: (1) to appropriate Federal agencies when concurrence or supporting information is required prior to granting or acquiring a right or interest in lands or resources; (2) to members or the public who have a need for the information that is maintained by BLM for public record; (3) to the U.S. Department of Justice, court, or other adjudicative body when DOI determines the information is necessary and relevant to litigation; (4) to appropriate Federal, State, local, or foreign agencies responsible for investigating, prosecuting violation, enforcing, or implementing this statute, regulation, or order; and (5) to a congressional office when you request the assistance of the Member of Congress in writing. EFFECT OF NOT PROVIDING THE INFORMATION: Disclosing this information is necessary to receive or maintain a benefit. Not disclosing it may result in rejecting the application. SF -299, page 5 • mI Cit tilt?N rcu.'? ► 02 WO) '46 1,41! APP PR • SI RE: ki4 tf- 1 . 33 \na r -•ti • . tii T5N,R1V, 3.:. T4NR1V. 4 r 2000 0 2000 L OF ACO.. 4000 1 H HOLLADAY ENGINEERING CO.°r DINE RS • CONSULT NITS E II M. WM P. Bat M b inti w a (rasa ; r OoeI cora Dna� "�'°'o.inuirralra SCALE 1 INCH -2000 FEET 1CATI N :NOIR TANK 35 • rN. �/� S�- 1rMr'y ,•1r MONO - PROPOSED MUNICIPAL POTABLE WATER TANK SITE CITY OF EAGLE, IDAHO 2 . '~ l'kG070604 x/9/04 City of Eagle PROPOSED RESERVOIR SITE .;: rf w `•q +XiY* _ :��., t''• u t: • KY+� ,.kft..7:3y 4 " e" sP- vr4 . xr? v `-� •a- Jta• of _ ..•x y a. • %„, ..�+. • th- EG 070604 Digital Cable & High - Speed Internet Bundles Experience the best of both worlds Digital Starz! Internet Pak $104.95 Digital HBO Internet Pak $104.95 Digital Showtime Internet Pak $104.95 Digital Internet Pak $93.95 Digital Plus service 5 channels of Digital Starz! 6 channels of Digital Encore! 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Limited service is required to receive all other services, except Internet. Digital Value Pak, Premium and PPV channels available for an additional charge require Digital Access. Digital Access Includes digital equipment, TV Guide interactive, DMX, and PPV access. Internet rates reflect SI0/month discount for video customers. Not all services available In all areas. C=ONE Watch us make you smile. 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HDTV You don't watch it. You experience it. What is HDTV? High Definition brings viewers sharper pictures, crystal clear surround sound, vibrant colors, wider screen and five times the detail of standard television. How is HDTV different than digital HDTV customers will notice an even sharper picture and improved sound. High -Definition television can broadcast at resolutions as high a 2 million pixels, while the resolutions of digital broadcasts are in the 210,000 pixel range. The result is that you receive a picture that is at least 5 times sharper than standard TV broadcasts. What equipment is needed? To receive HDTV programming, you must subscribe to Cable One Digital Basic and have an HDTV compatible TV that accepts a 1080i signal via Y, Pb and Pr connections. Also, an HDTV receiver that we provide is necessary to receive HDTV programming. HIGH DEFINITION TV 450 HBO 460 KBCI - CBS 451 SHOWTIME 465 KTVB 7 - NBC 455 KIVI 6 - ABC 470 KAID - PBS LIFELINE SERVICE 2 INFORMATION (HANNEL 3 TV GUIDE CHANNEL 4 PBS 5 QV( 6 KIVI - ABC 7 KTVB - NBC 8 KB(I - CBS 9 KNIN - UPN 10 PAX 11 TREASURE VALLEY TV 12 KTRV - FOX 13 WB NETWORK 15 (SPAN 16 (SPAN 2 17 LEASED ACCESS 18 LOCAL ACCESS 19 HU EDUCATIONAL 20 HSN 21 AZTECA - COMING SOON! 22 UNIVISION LIMITED SERVICE 23 PRODUCT INFO NETWORK 44 ANIMAL PLANET 24 TNT 45 TRAVEL CHANNEL 25 FOX SPORTS 46 HISTORY 26 ESPN 47 ARE 27 ESPN 2 48 LIFETIME 28 24/7 NEWS CHANNEL 49 HGTV 29 CNBC 50 FOOD TV 30 MSNBC 51 AMC 31 FOX NEWS 52 TMC 32 CNN 53 FX 33 CNN HEADLINE NEWS 54 COMEDY CENTRAL 34 DISCOVERY 55 THE WEATHER CHANNEL 35 THE LEARNING (HANNEL 56 5(I FI 36 NICKELODEON 57 SPIKE TV 37 CARTOON NETWORK 58 MTV 38 DISNEY 59 VIII 40 ABC FAMILY 60 (MT 41 TBS 62 E! NETWORK 42 USA 63 AMERICA'S COLLECTIBLE NETWORK 43 TV LAND DIGITAL PREMIUM 100 HBO E 142 SHOWTIME 3 W 101 HBO 2 E 143 SHOWTIME EXTREME W 102 HBO SIGNATURE E 144 SHOWTIME BEYOND W 103 HBO FAMILY E 145 SHOWTIME FAMILY E 104 HBO COMEDY E 156 SHOWTIME WOMEN E 105 HBO ZONE E 147 SHOWTIME NEXT E 106 HBO W 155 TMC W 107 HBO 2 W 146 TMC 2 W 108 HBO SIGNATURE W 165 FLIX W 109 HBO FAMILY W 170 SUNDANCE W 115 HBO LATINO 181 STARZ W 120 (INEMAX E 182 STARZ THEATER E 121 CINEMAX W 183 STARZ FAMILY E 122 MORE MAX E 184 STARZ CINEMA E 123 WOMEN'S MAX E 185 BLACK STARZ 124 A TON MAX 190 ENCORE W 125 @ MAX E 191 ENCORE LOVE STORIES W 126 THRILLER MAX 192 ENCORE MYSTERY W 127 5 STAR MAX E 193 ENCORE WESTERNS W 128 OUTER MAX E 194 ENCORE TRUE STORIES W 140 SHOWTIME W 195 ENCORE ACTION W 141 SHOWTIME 2 W (t I A Ni NI E' i i .ta 1 NM E rLi PAY-PER-VIEW 200 PPV PREVIEWS 201-234 PPV MOVIES 8 EVENTS 250 TEN 251 PLEASURE 252 ETC 256 BLOX 257 BLUE 501-505 ESPN SPORTS PPV DIGITAL VALUE PA K 300 GOLF CHANNEL Comming soon! 314 GAMESHOW 315 FOX MOVIE CHANNEL 320 CNNFN 321 DISCOVERY WINGS 322 BIOGRAPHY 323 DISCOVERY HEALTH 324 HISTORY INTERNATIONAL 325 THE SCIENCE (HANNEL 326 TECH TV 327 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 340 TOON DISNEY 341 BOOMERANG 342 DISCOVERY KIDS FAMILY PAK 393 3ABN 394 FAMILY NET 301 ESPN NEWS 302 ESPN CLASSIC 303 FOX SPORTS WORLD 304 SPEED CHANNEL 305 OUTDOOR CHANNEL 306 FOX SPORTS • ATLANTIC 307 FOX SPORTS • CENTRAL 308 FOX SPORTS - PACIFIC 309 FUEL 310 COURT IV 311 SOAPNET 312 HALLMARK FAITH & 390 TBN 391 INSP 392 BYU DIGITAL 601 TELEMUNDO 602 CNN EN ESPANOL 603 FOX SPORTS EN ESPANOL 604 CANAL SUR 605 (INE LATINO ESPANOL 606 MUNDOS2 607 LATIN TV 608 PUMA TV 609 BOOMERANG (SAP) 610 TOON DISNEY (SAP) DMX DIGITAL MUSIC 900 DMX - ADULT CONTEMPORARY 923 DMX - TRADITIONAL COUNTRY 901 DMX - ALBUM ROCK 902 DMX - MODERN COUNTRY 903 DMX - LITE CLASSICAL 904 DMX - JAll 905 DMX - SOFT HITS 906 DMX - 70'S HITS 907 DMX - CLASSIC R&B 908 DMX - URBAN BEAT 909 DMX - GREAT STAtIDARDS 910 DMX - ALTERNATIVE 911 DMX - LISTENING ROOM 912 DMX - NEW AGE 913 DMX - CHILDRENS 914 DMX - CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN 915 DMX - HOTTEST HITS 916 DMX - DANCE 917 DMX - URBAN ADULT CONTEMP. 918 DMX - ROCK N ROLL OLDIES 919 DMX - 80'5 HITS 920 DMX - FOLK ROCK 921 DMX - HARD ROCK 922 DMX - REGGAE 924 DMX - FLASHBACK LOUNGE 925 DMX - GROOVE LOUNGE 926 DMX - BLUES 927 DMX - BEAUTIFUL INSTRUMENTALS 928 DMX - RIG BAI1D/SWING 929 DMX - HOLIDAYS R HAPPENINGS 930 DMX - 90'5 HITS 931 DMX - GOLDEN OLDIES 932 DMX - CLASSIC ROCK 933 DMX - RETRO DISCO 934 DMX - ADULT ALTERNATIVE 935 DMX - SMOOTH JAll 936 DMX - RAP 937 DMX - SYMPHONIC 938 DMX - SHOWTUNES 939 DMX - GOSPEL 940 DMX - FIESTA TROPICAL 941 DMX - SALSA 942 DMX - LATIN CONTEMPORARY 943 DMX - TEIAt1O 944 DMX - REGIONAL MEXICAN