Minutes - 2004 - City Council - 06/29/2004 - Joint v THE CITY OF EAGLE Joint Meeting Agenda City Council/Planning & Zoning Commission June 29, 2004 6:00 p.m. 1. 2. CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: City Council: BASTIAN, GUERBER. ABSENT: SEDLACEK, NORDSTROM. A QUORUM IS NOT PRESENT. Planning & Zoning: BANDY, CROOK, DECKERS, GLA V ACH. ABSENT: LIEN. A QUORUM IS PRESENT. DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Future land use in the Area Of Impact. (NBS) Nichoel Baird-Spencer reviews changes made to the visioning map and what additional changes should be made. Nichoel stands for questions. Discussion on what type of growth should take place near Park and State Street. General discussion. Planning area discussion. 3. Discussion on open house meeting dates to discuss area of impact. 4. ADJOURNMENT: Crook moves to adjourn at 8:45 pm. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE.. .MOTION CARRIES. A"""". II"""" ~;~ OF 11 "#4'. ¡;:;.... .., ^ ',4'. .. V" ... I (p'-PO~ ...~{t'I \ ,*, -1~\ \ !! .. -.- : : i \7. S h . * : 10 ø" .~o ~ A I ' ,~ = 10. ~ ...'1'» '\~:.. $ ~"1~..o".\~'-...I'. ~.'o :- ##4'. "'~ ......,,- \: ...." """ 0 F CJ ~ '\......" ,.,.,....."", Respectfully submitted: J! /Âd,<~ ~~~ SHARON K. BERGMA CITY CLERKffREAS URER Page 1 of 1 K:ICOUNCILIMINUTESITerrporary Minutes Work AreaICC-06-29-04jntmin.doc