Minutes - 2004 - City Council - 06/15/2004 - Joint EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Joint Meeting Minutes City CouncillPlanning & Zoning Commission June 15,2004 V ORIGINAL 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Merrill calls the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: City Council: Bastian, Sedlacek, Guerber, Nordstrom. Nordstrom absent. A quorum is present. Planning & Zoning Commission: Bandy, Crook, Deckers, Glavach, Lien. Crook and Lien are absent. A quorum is present 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Future land use in the Area of Impact. (NBS) Mayor introduces the issue. Nichole Baird-Spencer: Displays an area of impact map. Discussion on the maps, specific areas indicated on the map and the activity areas on the map. Discussion on Chinden mixed use area. Discussion on Old Valley Road Mixed Use Area. Discussion on Park Road Mixed Use Area. Discussion on Moon Valley Road Mixed Use Area. Discussion on Commercial Areas. Discussion on Planned Community. Mayor adds approval of the open container permit for The Winery at Eagle Knoll to the Agenda. Sedlacek moves to approve the open container permit for The Winery at Eagle Knoll for the event to be held at Eagle River Mortgage. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................ 4. ADJOURNMENT: Bastian moves to adjourn. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted: "".u"""'" ~",~ of B<'t ""#. J1 ße ~.. <\~ ........0.( ,#. , /.~ ~ .... ... ~ ~ ~ '""." ...-pOR...¡ ~ e. '\ SHAR¡Ç~foMANN ~'-'" i I ",or ';;. \ * \ CITY CLERKffREASURER : *' -.- : : \ ~ SEAL~~ j ~ . (\0 :o.e 0 .. ~~)'> ".:'}>OR,.1:~ee ~ ..~ ',#. .., e.ee.ee ~..- "" 1'£ OF \~ ",.." "."........"" Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTESITemponuy Minutes Work AreaICC-06-15-04spmin.doc Draft Comprehensive Plan Text Mixed Use Areas: Chinden Mixed Use Area 378 Acres Uses: Retail, Commercial and Residential. Residential focusing on the bench area north of Chinden with lot sizes in the'/2-1 acres size, ensuring compatibility with Spur Wing Country Club to the east. Access: Limited access to Highway 16 & 20/26. Internal circulation road serving the entire area with appropriate building setbacks from future right of ways to mitigate noise issues. Site access should be limited to right in/right out with 1 mile access point east of the Black Cat and Chinden intersection. Issues: Concerns about sizing and location at the intersection of Chinden and Hwy.16 ext. This area would have some natural draw to commercial but would want to limit the impacts to the regional roadway network. One section of the property requested to be designated as mixed use is located west of Black Cat Road. Due to its size, location and the Hwy 16 extension this parcel may request a commercial designation. Old Valley Road Mixed Use Area 227 Acres Uses: Retail, Light Commercial, office and residential. Uses in this area should focus on services and trip capturing uses. Design: The design of this area should capitalize on the existing Old Valley Road and bring activity and uses to the road creating a pedestrian friendly area that encourages walking as well as services auto traffic. The area should include street trees, benches and sidewalks. Common parking areas to the sides of buildings would be advised with joint parking agreements so the buildings minimize walking distance and give an "old town" feel to the area. On street parking should be encouraged where sufficient right of way is available. Residential uses, such as row houses, town homes or patio homes, should be used to buffer this area to residential areas to the north and south. Signage should be done as a master sign oppose to individual signs located along Hwy 44/State Street. Access: Access should be limited to Old Valley Road, no direct access from State Street/ Hwy. 44. Area to the North of Hwy 44 should require the construction of a mirror road to Old Valley Road that removes individual property access to Hwy 44. Cross access agreements should be encourages through out the area for service roads. Issues: If individual lot access is allowed to Hwy 44 the area will loses its ability to function as a mixed use node encouraging both pedestrian and vehicular traffic. The city may want to establish a phasing criteria for the north and south portion to ensure that they area not over saturating the market before the supporting residential development occurs. Moon Valley Road Mixed Use Area 130 Acres Uses: Retail, Light Commercial, and office. Uses in this area should focus on services and trip capturing uses. Design: The design of this area should capitalize on the existing Moon Valley Road and bring activity and uses to the road creating a pedestrian friendly area that encourages walking as well as services auto traffic. The area should include street trees, benches and sidewalks. Common parking areas to the sides of buildings would be advised with joint parking agreements so the buildings minimize walking distance and give an "old town" feel to the area. On street parking should be encouraged where sufficient right of way is available. Signage should be done as a master sign oppose to individual signs located along Hwy 44/State Street. Access: Access should be limited to Moon Valley Road, no direct access from State Street/ Hwy. 44. Cross access agreements should be encourages through out the area for service roads. On street parking should be encourage where sufficient right of way is available. Issues: If individual lot access is allowed to Hwy 44 the area will loses its ability to function as a mixed use node encouraging both pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Scale is important to this area with the existing residential uses located on the south side of Moon Valley Road. Park Road Mixed Use Area 150 Acres Uses: Retail, Light Commercial, Residential and Office. Uses in this area should focus on services and trip capturing uses from Eagle High School. Design: The design of this area should be based on providing connectivity through the area with major linkages at Floating Feather to the north, Park Lane to the west, and Breanna Drive to the east. The area should be internally focused and try to capture trips from the high school and the immediate neighborhoods. This area should provide an activity center while creating a pedestrian friendly area that encourages walking as well as services auto traffic. The area should include street trees, benches and sidewalks. Common parking areas to the sides of buildings would be advised with joint parking agreements so the buildings minimize walking distances. On street parking should be encouraged where sufficient right of way is available. Signage should be done as a master sign oppose to individual signs located along Hwy 44/State Street. Transitional densities and design standards, berms etc., should be used to provide buffering to residential areas to the east of the site. Access: Access should be limited to Moon Valley Road, no direct access from State Street/ Hwy. 44. Cross access agreements should be encourages through out the area for service roads. On street parking should be encourage where sufficient right of way is available. A future access point may be allowed from State Street if the Idaho Parks Department is able to construct a new access to Eagle Island State Park, this access point must be in alignment with the State and may be restricted to right turns. Issues: If individual lot access is allowed to Hwy 44 the area will loses its ability to function as a mixed use node encouraging both pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Scale is important to this area with the existing residential uses. The entire area should be mater planned and buffering should be required for areas that remain residential. Careful consideration should be made before allowing uses that might strip out the frontage along Hwy. 44/ State Street. Commercial Area 344 Acres Uses: Commercial. This area is intended to provide community commercial uses. This area will provide services to the immediate Eagle area, Star, southern Gem County and Eastern Canyon County. Located along an regional interchange this area should serve as a destination and capture trips that would normally move through Eagle to large shopping areas in Boise and Meridian. Design: This area should be designed to be internally focused bringing trips from Hwy 16 and Hwy 44 into the area from a1/2 mile ring/loop road. The design should provide interconnectivity of roadways and consistency of architectural design. Parking should be cooperative when possible but on -street parking should be avoided along the loop road. Signage should be regulated to ensure that the hwy rights of ways are not cluttered with individual pole and monument signs. Landscape berms should be required along the loop road to provide a transition to the residential uses to the north and east. The intersection of Hwy 44 (State Street) and Hwy 16 should be identified as a gateway to Eagle with appropriate monuments and landscape designs. Access: Access to the area should be limited to a loop road accessing Hwy 161h mile north of State Street and accessing State Street 1/2 east of Hwy 16, existing Palmer Lane. Individual lot access within the commercial area should be limited to local roads not the loop roads. Issues: Design for this area should contemplate the placement of big box retailers and may want to limit individual building sizes to ensure that regional uses that may have negative impacts to the old town and mixed use centers area avoided. Planned Community 2,700 Acres This area is designed to provide flexibility of design while also ensuring compatibility to existing large lot residential uses and transitional density as development approaches Homer Road and the Boise Foothills. Uses/Design: Commercial, Retail, Civic, Business Park, Hospitability and Office. The Majority of the area will be residential with other uses focused into a Mixed Use Village. Mixed Use Village: The mixed use Village is 688 acres bounded roughly by Beacon Light Road to the north, Floating Feather to the south, Palmer Lane to the west and Lanewood Road to the east. This area will include three key components 1) a village center- providing retail commercial, hospitability and civic uses; 2) a business/corporate park area which is design to provide sufficient space for corporate headquarters in a park like setting near ancillary commercial uses in the village center; 3) Hospitality/Office area that provides lodging for cooperate training needs, restaurants and small office uses. Residential Areas: Areas within close proximity of the village center shall be encourage to include apartments, town homes, condominiums, patio homes, bungalows and live/work units ranging in densities from 5 to 20 units per acre. Decreasing densities should be allowed as the area radiates out of the village center. Lot sizing and compatibility will paramount as residential development reaches the existing 5 and 2 acres lot areas east of Linder Road and north of Floating Feather Road. Residential uses in the area located 1/2 mile north of Beacon Light and south of Homer Road shall be encouraged to cluster building lots and provide open space areas. Densities in the Planned Community shall range from 1 to 4 units per acres. Access: The Planned Community area will promote the construction of an east/west collector road that will have a boulevard design including planted medians, side walks and limited signalization. This roads design shall be similar to Harrison Boulevard and Park Center Boulevard in Boise. This area will also include the extension of Homer Road from Linder Road to the village center and the realignment of Beacon Light Road to slow the flow of through traffic from Hwy 16 to Hwy 55. The planned community area will be dependent of local road and interconnectivity as the area develops. Access to the area from Hwy 16 should be limited to the mile in alignment with Beacon Light Road and Floating Feather Roads. Commercial uses should be discouraged from fronting on Hwy 16 at these access points and directed to the commercial center at Hwy 16 & 44 or to the mixed use village. Construction of frontage roads by ITD along the eastern side of Hwy 16 should be discouraged and landscape berms should be used to continue a gateway feeling to the city along the eastern side of Hwy 16.