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Minutes - 2004 - City Council - 05/11/2004 - Regular
v EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes May 11, 2004 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. 1. Ada County Sheriffs Office - Sgt. Dana Borgquist will give the monthly report for April. Sgt. Borgquist reviews the activities in April. A surveillance camera is being installed at the AdalEagle Sports Complex free of charge. Those donating the camera would like a letter of support from the Eagle for the donation of services. Sgt. Borgquist reviews a grant applicant which would add a traffic enforcement person to current staff. A letter of support from the City would be need to apply. The City would commit to pay 25% ofthe Deputy's wages the flfst year, 50% the second year, 75% the third year and 100% the final year. Discussion. 2. COMPASS Representatives will give updates on the Corridor Study and TIP. (15 min.) Trisha Nilsson. Ms. Nilsson reviews a handout on the State Highway 44 and u.S. 20/26 Corridor Plans. Katie Levin with ACHD is in attendance should the Council have questions on existing projects. Ms. Levin comments on the Three Cities River Crossing. 3. Mark Butler will give report on the upcoming Fun Days events. (10 min.) Reviews the schedule of events for Fun Days. 4. Angela Deckers, Hazardous Materials Coordinator, with the City of Boise would like to discuss adding a household hazardous waste site in Eagle. Ms. Deckers presents information on hazardous material collection. Discussion. Place Hazardous Materials Collection site on the next agenda, bringing forth projected costs and funds available.(l0 min) Moved to the end of the meeting. 5. Mayor and Council's Report: 6. City Engineer Report: 7. City ClerklTreasurer Report: 8. Zoning Administrator's Report: 9. City Attorney Report: REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 7:40 p.m. 2. 3. 4. ROLL CALL: Present: BASTIAN, SEDLACEK, GUERBER, NORDSTROM. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Seth Miller leads the pledge. PUBLIC COMMENT: CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the Rules of Order. . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. 5. Page I K:\COUNCIL\MlNUTESITemponuy MinuteS Work AreaICC-OS-ll-04mio.doc B. DR-21-O4 - Paramount Parks at Eaele Assisted Livine Center - Paramount Parks at Eade. LLC: Paramount Parks at Eagle, LLC, represented by Jerry Teal with Teal Architects, is requesting design review approval to construct a 54,190-square foot, seventy (70) room, assisted living center. The site is located on the west side of North Eagle Road approximately 900-feet south of Floating Feather Road at 813 North Eagle Road. (WEV) C. DR-22-O4 - Monument Sien for Paramount at Eade Assisted Livine Center - Paramount at Eaele. LLC: Paramount at Eagle, LLC, represented by Jerry Teal with Teal Architects, is requesting design review approval to construct a monument sign for Paramount at Eagle Assisted Living Center. The site is located on the west side of North Eagle Road approximately 900-feet south of Floating Feather Road at 813 North Eagle Road. (WEV) D. DR-23-04 - Warehouse/Office! Retail Buildine - Heartland Construction: Heartland Construction, represented by Cornel Larson with Larson Architects PA, is requesting design review approval to construct a l2,960-square foot warehouse/office/retail building. The site is located on the northwest corner of East Iron Eagle Drive and Edgewood Lane at 1540 East Iron Eagle Drive. (WEV) E. DR-24-O4 - Master Sien Plan for a WarehouselOfficelRetail Buildine - 3JC Land Company. LLC: 3JC Land Company, LLC, represented by Cornel Larson with Larson Architects PA, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for a warehouse/office/retail building. The site is located on the northwest corner of East Iron Eagle Drive and Edgewood Lane at 1540 East Iron Eagle Drive. (WEV) F. DR-2S-O4 - Multi-tenant Retail Buildine - Ronald Van Auker: Ronald Van Auker, represented by Cornel Larson with Larson Architects PA, is requesting design review approval to construct a 7,289-square foot multi-tenant retail building. The site is located on the north side of East State Street within Eagle Promenade approximately lA-mile east of State Highway 55 at 2976 East State Street. (WEV) G. DR-26-O4 - Common Area Landscapine within Windine Creek East Subdivision - Southers Properties: Southers Properties, represented by Phil Hull with The Land Group, is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping within Winding Creek East Subdivision (formerly a portion of Trolley Square). The site is located 420-feet north of State Street and approximately 1,OOO-feet east of Palmetto Avenue. (WEV) H. DR-29-O4 - Master Sien Plan for Two Multi-tenant Retail/Office Buildines - Old Towne 1 LLC: Old Towne 1 LLC, represented by Mark Butler, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for two (2) multi-tenant retail/office buildings. The sites are located on the northeast corner of East State Street and North 2nd Street at 222 East State Street and 50 and 52 North 2nd Street. (WEV) I. DR-30-O4 - Multi-tenant Retail Buildine -.Joe Osier: Joe Osier, represented by James Adams with James W. Adams Architect, is requesting design review approval to construct a 3,200-square foot multi-tenant retail building. The site is located on the north side of East Riverside Drive approximately 230-feet east of Eagle Road within Eagle River Development. (WEV) J. DR-31-O4 - Master Sien Plan for a Multi-tenant Retail Buildine - James and Kimberli Dean: James and Kimberli Dean are requesting design review Page 2 K:\COUNCILIMINUTESITcmponuy MinuteS Work AreaICC-OS- I I-O4mio.doc approval of a master sign plan for a multi-tenant retail building including building wall signage for All American Deli, Ice Cream and Espresso. The site is located on the north side of East Riverside Drive approximately 230-feet east of Eagle Road within Eagle River Development. (WEV) K. DR-32-O4 - Master Sien Plan for a Multi-tenant Retail Buildine - White Leasure Development: White Leasure Development, represented by Debbie Anderson with Idaho Electric Signs Inc., is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for a multi-tenant retail building. The site is located on the north side of East State Street within Eagle Promenade, approximately lA-mile east of State Highway 55 at 2976 East State Street. (WEV) L. Findines of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CU-9-O4 - Public Service Facility! Heieht Exception Request for a 138kV Sub-Transmission line - Idaho Power Company: Idaho Power, represented by Layne Dodson, is requesting conditional use approval to construct a 138kV sub-transmission line, and a height exception request to construct utility poles with heights ranging from approximately 70 to 85-feet, (35 to 50-feet higher then the required maximum of 35-feet). The new sub-transmission line is proposed to connect with the existing l38kV power line on State Street and is proposed to extend west through the City to Ballantyne Road at which point the line will follow the same route as the existing power lines that parallel State Highway 44, to the new Star, Idaho, substation site. (WEV) M. Minutes of April 27, 2004. (SKM) N. Minutes of May 4,2004 special meeting. (SKM) Guerber moves to approve the consent agenda as presented. Seconded by Nordstrom. BASTIAN, AYE; SEDLACEK, AYE; NORDSTROM, AYE; GUERBER, AYE. ALL A YE...MOTION CARRIES Guerber moves that item 10D Historic Preservation Commission Proposal be moved up as item 6A to discuss the acquisition of historic item relocation into the City of Eagle. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL A YE...MOTION CARRIES. Bastian asks to add an Executive Session to discuss pending litigation and personnel issues as item 11 and a new item 10F Conditional comp time approval by department heads as suggested by legal counsel. Seconded by Guerber. ALL A YE...MOTION CARRIES. 6. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: 6A. Historic Preservation Commission Proposal: (SG). Mayor introduces the item. Guerber discusses a pressure valve that is available from the original installation at Arrow Rock Dam. The exact location for the display of the valve has not been decided upon yet. Weldon Fisher addresses the Council giving background information on the valve. Guerber moves that Council send a letter to the Bureau of Reclamation expressing their desire to obtain on a long term loan the Ensign valve that is available from Arrow Rock Dam, and send along information about our intent for display which I would suggest would be similar to what is on the second page. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. ALL A YE...MOTION CARRIES. Page 3 K:\COUNCILIMINUTESITetJ1'Onuy Minutes Work AreaICC-OS- I l-O4min.doc Bastian moves to amend Ìhe agenda to include Ordinance No. 374 under new business as new business as item G. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL A YE...MOTION CARRIES. 7. FINAL PLATS: A. FP-4-O4 - Final Plat for Paddy row Subdivision -Steye Roth: Steve Roth, represented by Jane Suggs, is requesting final plat approval for Paddy Row Subdivision, a 30-lot (24-single- family, 5-common, I-private road) residential subdivision. The 3.55-acre site is located on the east side of 2nd Street approximately 40-feet north of Plaza Drive at 150 South 2nd Street The site is within the Eagle City Limits. (WEV) Mayor introduces the item. Jane Suggs, representing Steve Roth, reviews the application. Zoning Administrator, Vaughan states that both Planning and Zoning Staff and the City Engineer has reviewed the application and find that it is within substantial compliance with the preliminary plat. Bastian moves to approve FP-4-O4 Final Plat for Paddy row Subdivision Steve Roth: Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. ALL A YE...MOTION CARRIES. B. FP-2-O4 - Final Plat for Castlebury Subdivision No.3 - Capital Development: Capital Development, represented by Dave Yorgason, is requesting final plat approval for Castlebury Subdivision No.3. a 27.48-acre, 28-lot (24-buildable, 4-common) residential subdivision located on the north side of Chin den Boulevard approximately I-mile west of Locust Grove Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the item. Dave Yorgason, representing Capital Development, reviews the application. Zoning Administrator, Vaughan states that both Planning and Zoning Staff and the City Engineer has reviewed the application and find that it is within substantial compliance with the preliminary plat. Guerber moves to approve FP-2-O4 - Final Plat for Castlebury Subdivision No.3 - Capital Development:. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL A YE...MOTION CARRIES. 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Discussion of Western Area of Impact proeress and future meetine. (NBS) Mayor introduces the item. Planner ill, Nichoel Baird-Spencer, reviews recent events concerning the area of impact expansion meetings and explains the concept map that was created as a result of the workshops. Bastian would like staff to make a recommendation at this point and then bring it forward to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Sedlacek would like to have one additional joint meeting with the Council and Planning and Zoning Commission prior to having staff incorporate the concept map into a recommendation and begin the hearing process at the Planning and Zoning Commission level. Discussion. B. DR-IO-O4 - Modification to Two Monument Siens and a Buildine Wall Sien for Jackson's Convenience Store - Jackson's Food Store: Jackson's Food Store, represented by Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTESITemponuy Minutes Work AreaICC.()5- I I-04mio.doc Roger Huber with Young Electric Sign Company, is requesting design review approval to modify two (2) monument signs and replacing the existing building wall sign. The site is located on the northwest corner of West State Street and Eagle Road at 30 West State Street. This item was continuedfrom the April 27, 2004, meeting. (WEV) Mayor introduces the item. Zoning Administrator, Vaughan briefly reviews staffs memo. Discussion amongst Council. Nordstrom moves to accept staff's recommendation on item DR-I0-O4 Modification to Two Monument Signs and a Building Wall Sign for Jackson's Convenience Store Jackson's Food Store. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. THREE A YE...ONE NAY (Guerber). MOTION CARRIES. The applicants representative requests the opportunity to address Council. Sedlacek moves to reconsider the motion. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. ALL A YE...MOTIONS John McCreedy representing Jackson's Food Store requests clarification on staffs recommendation. Vaughan provides clarification. Upon receipt of clarification, Mr. McCreedy discusses the applicant's position. City Attorney, Buxton expresses her concern that the documents Mr. McCreedy is providing tonight have not been submitted in a timely manner and that neither staff nor the attorney's office has had time to review. Mr. McCreedy proceeds with his explanation of his applicant's desire to preserve their first amendment rights of commercial free speech and re-iterates his client's position. Discussion amongst Council and City Attorney. Mr. Jackson addresses Council and expresses his desire to see renderings of what Council's suggestions are prior to agreeing to it. Sedlacek moves that the top half behind the shell be white and behind the lettering it be grey, and similar to what is behind the Jackson' with white lettering. Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion. Bastian moves to offer a substitute motion, to continue the matter to the regular session and come back with 2 signs, one with the left side being the shell as presented with the yellow and red background and fading from a white to a gradient darker grey, the right side being grey with black letters and the second sign is to be brought back with a white background on the left hand side with the shell logo and grey on the right hand side with white letters. Seconded by Guerber. THREE A YE...ONE NAY. MOTION CARRIES. 10. NEW BUSINESS: Mayor requests item C. be heard before A and B. Sedlacek moves to hear item C Ordinance No. 473 prior to A and B. Seconded by Bastian. ALL A YE...MOTION CARRIES. C. Ordinance No. 473: Ordinance Of The City Of Eagle, Ada County Idaho Amending Eagle City Code Title 4 "Public Health And Safety", Chapter 8 "Fire Protection", Section 1 "Eagle Fire Protection District"; Providing A Severability Clause; And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) PageS K:\COUNCILIMINUTESITetJ1'Onuy Minutes Work AreaICC-OS-I I-O4mio.doc Mayor introduces the item. Vaughan indicates that though his initials are behind this item he has little input for the item. The Deputy Clerk mistakenly placed his initials behind the item. The draft ordinance was received from the City Attorney's office and thus placed on the agenda. Discussion amongst the Council. Buxton addresses the Council regarding the state code provision that addresses fire protection and gives a brief legislative background. She also states that the attorney from the City of Meridian Fire District had contacted her several months ago and disagrees with Eagle's interpretation of Idaho Code §3l-l429. Ms. Buxton's office strongly feels that the legislation allows the City of Eagle to require any properties annexed into our city limits becomes part of the Eagle Fire District. This is an issue with Meridian that mayor may not come up again. Discussion. Fire Chief, Dan Friend, addresses Council giving some history of fire district boundaries. Chief Friend states that Mayor Ellis from Garden City was instrumental in the passage of this state law. Cities at one time were not able to change fire district boundaries, and Eagle Fire District use to go into Arney Lane and cover part of Garden City. The Fire Chief from Garden City with Mayor Ellis went to the legislature and changed a few words and the State Tax Commission supported what they were doing with that ordinance. Eagle took that very same ordinance and brought it to the City of Eagle once it had been passed at the State level. Discussion. It is the position of the Eagle Fire Department that the Council should reject this ordinance. The Mayor and Council voice their strong support and satisfaction with the Eagle Fire Department in both in what they can provide in services and their quick response. If we look at what can best serve the area, it is clear that the best service is being given by the Eagle Fire Department. The City Council and Eagle Fire Department need to provide a united front regarding their desire to have the Fire District serve all properties within Eagle City limits. Guerber moves to vote down Ordinance No. 473. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL A YE...MOTION CARRIES. A. Review and approval installation sample stations for municipal water system and the costs associated with installation: Per Department of Environment Quality standards five sample stations will need to be established for the City's water system to monitor coliform. (SKM) Mayor introduces the item. Vern Brewer, address the letter submitted by United Water. Guerber moves to approve the reimbursement of United Water for the costs of the installation of no more than five sample stations at a cost of no more than $1,600 each, for a total amount not to exceed $8,000. Seconded by Sedlacek. SEDLACEK, AYE. BASTIAN, AYE; GUERBER, AYE; NORDSTROM, AYE. MOTION CARRIES. B. Resolution 04-10: A Resolution Of The Eagle City Council, Eagle, Ada County, Idaho Adopting Design Standards For Storm Drainage Facilities; Affirming That Prescribed Notice And Hearing Requirements Were Met In Accordance With Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code; And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) Mayor introduces the item. Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MlNUTESITetJ1'Onuy Minutes Work Area\CC-OS-I I-04nmdoc Guerber moves to approve Resolution 04-10. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL A YE...MOTION CARRIES. C. Ordinance No. 473: Ordinance Of The City Of Eagle, Ada County Idaho Amending Eagle City Code Title 4 "Public Health And Safety", Chapter 8 "Fire Protection", Section 1 "Eagle Fire Protection District"; Providing A Severability Clause; And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) Mayor introduces the item. See above action. D. Historic Preservation Commission Proposal: (SG). Mayor introduces the item. See above action. E. Review and action on contract between the City of Eaele and Susan Wildwood. Chartered. (SKM) Mayor introduces the item. City Attorney, Buxton has does not have any changes to the proposed contract. Nordstrom moves to approve the contract for Susan Wildwood. Seconded by Sedlacek. SEDLACEK, AYE: BASTIAN, AYE: GUERBER, AYE: NORDSTROM, AYE. MOTION CARRIES. F. Discussion reeardine comp time. Buxton notes that maternity leave is not addressed in the personnel manual, and that it should be as it has become an area of concern. Discussion regarding compo time and gives the Council the option of adopting language that would allow department heads, at their discretion, to utilize compo time in lieu of overtime in regard to maternity leave where they may not have sufficient time accrued with their personal vacation/sick leave. This could be drafted, along with a maternity leave policy that could be presented to Council at the next meeting for ratification. If a department head would like to use compo time it would have to be in a contractual arrangement with the City Council, and that is one thing we would like to work on. Discussion. Comp time would be accrued at time and one-half according to the fair labor standards act. Sedlacek moves to direct the City Attorney's office to come with an amendment to Eagle's personnel manual regarding maternity leave, and also bring language on utilization of comp time by department heads only in certain circumstances for maternity leave only. Seconded by Bastian. ALL A YE...MOTION CARRIES. G. Ordinance No. 474 Mayor introduces the item. Vaughan comments on the challenges being faced to meet public hearing notice requirements for area of impact meetings. The City would have more flexibility if it were to publish it's notice requirements in a paper that publishes more that once a week. Buxton notes that she understands the City still wishes to support the Valley Times and but also feels that the more citizens of Eagle may reached if both newspapers were to be used for publication. Discusses Idaho State Code and it's applicability. Discussion. Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTESITetJ1'Onuy Minutes Work Area\CC-OS-I I-O4mio.doc Frank Tominson, Editor and Owner of The Valley Times. Discusses his concern with this proposed change. General discussion. Bastian proposes the draft language be changed to read (added language underlined) Section 1, second paragraph, Pursuant to the provisions of section 50-213, Idaho Code, the "Valley Times" and the "Idaho Statesman" are hereby designated the official newspaper~ of the City and such ordinances, notices and publications as are required by law to be given publication in the newspaper shall be published in both "Valley Times" and "Idaho Statesman". Bastian moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance #474 be considered after being read once by title only. Bastian reads Ordinance # 474 an ordinance amending Title 1, Chapter 11, Section 2 of the Eagle City code designating the Valley Times and the Idaho Statesman as the official newspapers of the City of Eagle; providing a severability clause; and providing an effective date. Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES................. Bastian moves to adopt to ordinance No. 474 as proposed this evening. Seconded by Merrill. SEDLACEK, AYE; BASTIAN, AYE; GUERBER, AYE; NORDSTROM, AYE. MOTION CARRIES. Council takes a 10 minute break. City Attorney's Report: Buxton presents the Council a letter receive at her office today from Ada County regarding the Skateboard Park lease. She reviews the notes she has made on the letter. Also comments on the Hill Road lease agreement. Sedlacek moves to go into Executive Session to discuss personnel issues and pending litigation. Seconded by Bastian. SELDACEK, AYE; BASTIAN, AYE; GUERBER, AYE; NORDSTROM, AYE. MOTION CARRIES. Council exits Executive Session at 11: 10 a.m. Sedlacek move to submit offer of judgment on Aries Development, dated May 6, 2004. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL A YE...MOTION CARRIES. 5. Mayor and Council's Report: Mayor discusses Suncor bio-filtration system. Brewer provides additional insight into the issue. Nordstrom inquires about Hidden Hollow landfill issue. Nordstrom would like Holladay Engineering to keep an eye on the Hidden Hollow issue and keep Council informed on updated. Guerber and Bastian: No report. Vaughan and Sedlacek discuss the RV dump site grant that Jim Birdsall is working on. 6. City Engineer Report: 7. City Clerkffreasurer Report: No report. 8. Zoning Administrator's Report: 9. City Attorney Report: 11. ADJOURNMENT: Page 8 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTESITemponuy Minutes Work AreaICC-QS-I I-O4min.doc Sedlacek moves to adjourn at 11:30 p.m. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 11 :30 p.m. Respectfully submitted: ,~CtÅ-c< =)(~ SHARON K. MOORE CITY CLERKITREASURER ~"""U"'" fl."'" ~ OF E """" ,Ii ....~~ ........<f" '... !II' v'" .. ee V'þ ~ ~" e. "-~ ... , . ORl'Ol?'1 '" V'" ~ . : V ,>'.'" ,*: ~~ ... : : -e- : : . ..... S . * . \ \-1- E. y ~-:.' : #. .^ ."0 ' , " e . ~ v'j,. . ~ " . ~ #..".. e. Þn:> ,'c"'"'.. 0 .." ~,...-1.ì".Ð~<...",.~ ,..." '" J;;OF\'.)-~""" '" ,~~~ ""......" Page 9 K:\COUNCIL\MlNUTESlTemponuy Minutes Work AreaICC-oS-I l-O4min.doc CSC 51u1 d4 ENSIGN VALVES Ensign valves such as the original one seen here were in use at Arrowrock Dam from 1915 until 2003. The function of the valves was to control the flow of water passing through the dam. Each 50,000 pound valve operated by water pressure, when an operator turned a wheel inside the dam. Water released from Arrowrock Dam played a major role in flood control, irrigation and agricultural development of the Boise Valley throughout the 20th century. The Ensign valve is named for its designer, Orville Hiram Ensign, Reclamation's chief mechanical and electrical engineer in the early 1900's. Unlike earlier valves, the Ensign valve was hydraulically actuated by reservoir pressure, thereby eliminating the need for motors and mechanical linkages that were difficult to power and maintain at remote dam locations. The valves were inserted at the upstream side of the dam, arranged in two horizontal rows of 10, with one row at elevation 3105 feet, and the other at elevation 3018 feet. Each valve connected to a conduit or tube, by which water passed through the dam. The Ensign valve consisted of a cylindrical shell fitted with a cone -headed piston (see figure). The inner end of the piston formed a needle operating to regulate the amount of water discharged and closing similar to a check valve. By regulating the opening and closing of a drain pipe at the rear of the cylindrical shell, it was possible to regulate the backward and forward movement of the piston, and the opening and closing of the valve. SHELL PISTON WATER FLOW NEEDLE •--DISCHARGE CONDUIT CLEARANCE GAP FOR DESIGNED LEAKAGE DRAIN PIPE WATER FACE OF DAM CYLINDER 4-100-961 rr 44 Best / Oreeket (MK-! t 4) (2 Remo) 047) B Lor po96,ta (006-11 Mr 17) A (965) 14414.36' AttodrooM bets rr/roe7Ma & nuts (4 0) (006-2) AMoommM Mohr (4 Op.) (006-7 & 7) (962) 2' Asn-anmb moot l4P1 IS'P , l6' Epoxy / anchor Dols rr+� 4-100-960 )I$ nub, & nus 4-100-962 (76 pp.) (M7 -2I) 4-100-965 (966) 4-100-961 1-100-961 1-100-966 Eaton wake P•444IM (MK-6 Wm 12) (967) Conrntt 76**do6on (Y6-/9) (966) REFERENCE DRAWINGS E76.614 VALE£ & SWPO.RT PEDESTALS - SITE PLAN t &I6E796C ENSIGN VALVE & SUPPORT PEDESDVS - ELEYADONS NEW, & DETAILS -ATTACHMENT BRACKETS - I504E7RAS. PUNS, & NEMS NIGH PEDESTAL - SOMME, PLAM & NEW LOW PEDESTAL - ISOMETRIC, PLAN. & NEW CONCRETE FOUN047100 - PLN t SECTON 43 ALWAYS THINK SAFETY .tlN1Apeirr a�,m Lm' 60riLiB�'° ENsZQV VALVE FOUNDATION & SUPPORT PEDIES.%ILLS ISOMETRIC Do* oaar , w+- +px aWada o¢o 2 112417,d) i 4-100-961 • Benefits of the House.hold:HaZarilotls. aste Collection .:-:.,-:-•:-.. :., x- amu c ra Ada Count nique u1ti.-agency sup Dort ati .tirc,,rc...: ADA COUNTY: P.9,rtcI . .. >.,tu,,lay Friday and Satur wastes teS collecte . are process ac aare- transportationat facilit Facility is supported by a mobile prog�_:. Boise Cnty,, Garden City, and Meridian First Week Second Week Third Week Fourth Week Household Hazardous Waste Collection Site Schedule Tuesday iNorth•Ad ounty ;.d=ire and Rescue _5800 Glenwood Bench Sewer ,Sanitary Services =2130 W. Franklin -Meridian Wednesday Thursday Fire Station #21 Fire Station #1 9500 Overland 707 Reserve St. Fire Station #3 2202 Gekeler Ln. Idaho Dept. of Transportation 3311 W. State St. Fire Station #12 BFI 3240 HWY 21 11101 Executive Dr. Collection site hours are from 12:00 pm to 7 pm Friday Saturday Ada County Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility 7:30 am to 6 pm --774 SR p 11 t•-• COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENTAL AwARENETs r'�".'Jrr.il •'1 Proudly sponsored by Ada County, Boise City, St. Alphonsus, 8s MSE Environmental, Inc. For more information call; Boise City 384-090:1 Ada County 8-1008 n:::>f1 ousoi:filbflt7.:W 3 HflftI .....,... r. a...* 0.•••••N moi. hbo�h od 43;- Your NeigAis hborhood Waste Collector ftala���s [ USED Olt * SWOTS + PAIS. MB= • NE,: ��.potential for illicit ills atbusinesQes amount o ,teria m erita A..dditic)nal E-_-,c)ts of.a-)prox. vi.sueetaaikl. duct.ta e). .. , ts.c;.k``til"+rotiGi�.n.,Ss..:.ti1�r..,rAdi�-� ( siflog State Highway 44 and U.S. 20/26 Corridor Plans May 11, 2004 Presentation to Eagle City Council Patricia Nilsson, COMPASS p►\C 0 M P AS S nofil Study Objectives • ITD and COMPASS • Corridor Preservation . Access Management • Useful products for member agencies and public • Implementation success • Eagle ??? 1 47, General Information Review minimum 1 -mile wide corridor between Eagle Road and I-84 Conduct NEPA review in anticipation of right- of-way acquisition Study is federally -funded with STP -Urban funds • COMPASS will manage the project • Consultant will be hired to provide transportation planning and engineering expertise and assist with public involvement/information Corridor Planning Process • Develop corridor work plan • Research existing conditions • Document environmental and land use conditions xi Analyze 20+ year travel demand and performance 2 Corridor Planning Process (con't) • Review corridor boundary, develop statement of purpose and need, and identify goals for the corridor • Generate alternatives to meet goals • Identify feasible alternatives • Analyze feasible alternatives to generate preferred alternative(s) • Prepare the corridor plan document Stakeholder Groups • ITD, ACHD, Canyon Highway District • Local governments • Property owners within study area • Property owners with highway frontage • Transit providers and users • Pedestrians and bicyclists - Others ??? 3 Project Information E COMPASS web site COMPASS Board meetings Council updates as requested COMPASS staff Patricia Nilsson 855-2558 ext. 23 Linda Ritter 855-2558 ext. 225 4 �c� FAST FUSION CPC ENROLLMENT AGREEMENT Enrollment Agreement No: 320050 Date: May 16, 2003 Wholesaler ("Buyer") Name: JACKSONS FOOD STORES INC Address: P 0 BOX 488, MERIDIAN, ID 83680 Sold To No.: 240234 101 THIS FAST FUSION CPG ENROLLMENT AGREEMENT ("Enrollment Agreement") is entered into as of the date of the last signature to this Enrollment Agreement ("Effective Date") between Buyer and Shell 011 Products US ("Seller") The parties agree as follows. 1. Conversion Requirements: (a) Buyer shall convert all of those retail outlets identified on Exhibit A ("Retail Outlets") to the Shell Retail Visual Identity level selected for each Retail Outlet specified on Exhibit A. The RVI levels are defined in the Retail Visual Identity USA Design Standards and Conversions Manual ("Manual"). The conversion must be made in conformance with the Manual. Buyer must complete the conversion pursuant to a conversion schedule mutually agreed to by both parties which date is identified in Exhibit A but in no event later than June 30, 2004 unless Seller has approved in writing an extension. (b) Within 2 weeks of commencement of conversion of each Retail Outlet, all Texaco trademarks, including the signs bearing the Texaco trademarks, at the Retail Outlet must be removed from the Retail Outlet and destroyed. Within 30 days of commencement of conversion of the Retail Outlet, the Texaco trade dress (i.e. the overall appearance of products, services, and facilities identified by the Texaco trademarks to the extent such overall appearance is distinctive) must be removed from, or changed at, the Retail Outlet. 2. Incentives and Incentive Agreement: Upon completion of the conversion of each Retail Outlet, Buyer shall submit to Seller a completed RVI Site Visual Checklist and photos of the conversion. Upon Seller's approval of the conversion, (1) the parties shall execute Seller's Fast Fusion CPG Incentive Agreement ("Incentive Agreement") for that Retail Outlet, a sample of which is attached as Exhibit B: and (2) for the number of months specified on Exhibit A ("Incentive Pay -Out Period"), Seller shall commence paying Buyer the monthly incentive specified on Exhibit A based on Shell -branded gasoline delivered to, and sold at, the Retail Outlet 3. Brand Commitment. Pursuant to the terms of the Incentive Agreement, the Retail Outlet must remain branded Shell for 120 or 144 months as outlined in the Fast Fusion Incentive Program document ("Brand Commitment"). if the Retail Outlet is dehranded prior to expiration of the Brand Commitment, Buyer will be obligated to reimburse Seller all or a portion of the incentive monies paid to Buyer depending upon the date of the default event. 4. Failure to Complete: If Buyer fails to timely complete the conversion of any Retail Outlet in accordance with the dates mutually agreed to in Exhibit A without Seller's written approval to extend the date of completion of the conversion, Seller may terminate this Agreement with respect to that Retail Outlet and Exhibit A will be modified accordingly to remove that Retail Outlet. 5. No Other Commitments: Buyer represents that it currently has, or at the time of conversion will have, the right to make the conversion of the Retail Outlets to the Shell brand and has no other commitments to another supplier concerning the Retail Outlets - 1 - Rev 2002/09/12 FF610 FF CPG Enrollment Agreement 6. General: (a) A waiver on the part of Seller of the breach of any term, provision, or condition of this Agreement shall not constitute a precedent, nor bind Seller to a waiver of any succeeding breach of the same or any other term, provision or condition of this Agreement. (b) This Agreement embodies the entire agreement with respect to the respective rights, obligations and liabilities of the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, if any, relating to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement may be amended only by an instrument in writing executed by the parties hereto. (c) Buyer may not assign its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of Seller. (d) The remedies set forth in this Agreement are not exclusive but are cumulative and in addition to all other rights and remedies provided by law or equity including those under the WMA. (e) Seller will be entitled to recover from Buyer reasonable attorneys' fees and other legal costs Seller incurs in order to secure or protect the rights inuring to Seller under this Agreement, or to enforce the terms thereof id h'J Executed on the date shown below. JACKSONS FOS. _ TORES INC Buyer B Date: 3 Shell Oil Products US Seller By Dme y/a f"./g/- av/or 2 Rev 2002/09/12 FF610 FF CPG Enrollment Agreement SOLD TO # 240234 CUSTOMER NAME EXHIBIT A RETAIL OUTLETS AND RVI LEVELS JACKSON FOOD STORES INC SHIP:TO ,LOC# • 13430241125024 ' 3429871124987 343038 125038 343022 125022 13430291125029_ 1343031{125031 342983{124983 12379551118469. 343281112_5286 237941 i 118455 342988 124988 343014 125014 1343046 125046 225970 117605 342984124984 343012 125012 3430091125009 2379581118472 3430131125013 343015 125015 237924 118443 343023 125023 343040 125040 3430361125036 343039 125039 237957 118471 343008 125008_ 343005 125005 282701 165036 236669 124876 256316 166453 2826601116043 1256314 145158 LOC; ADDRESS'; . ;1565 SOUTH MERIDIAN ROAD ;210 EAST HIGHWAY 40 12728 SOUTH ORCHARD 1,3101 MAGIC VIEW DRIVE EAST 330 3RD STREET ;5985 GLENWOOD_ M_ .�8755.RED ROCK^ROAD_-„ -_, _ _l100 CALDWELL BLVD _ 1101 EAST IDAHO :14101 EAST LOGAN STREET 11014 FIR STREET 1017 SOUTH 1150 EAST '10221 FAIRVIEW AVENUE :1075 HWY 95 ;10850 SOUTH VIRGINIA ST 1100 BURLEY AVENUE 1107 N CURTIS 11107 SOUTH 5TH AVENUE 11135 BLUE LAKE BLVD NORTH 1120 HIGHWAY 30 �_ _ 1203 SOUTH ORCHARD EET- 11310 ADDISON EAST _ _ - STR- _ 11320 SW 4TH ST _ _ __ 1340 SOUTH WASHINGTON __ AVE 11407 FRANKLIN BLVD 1527 SOUTH POCATELLO CREEK 11575 SOUTH FIVE MILE RD 71607 BROADWAY 11652 NINTH STREET 11790 IDAHO STREET 11881 WEST CALIFORNIA AVENUE 11900 YELLOWSTONE ROAD F 1901 SOUTH 300 WEST LOC C174,: 'LOC '`STATE; QUAL . RVi LVL SUB. MERIDIAN ID ;Y 2 ;FERNLEY4.NV iY i2 !BOISE I�.-..._.._.1(_ kY ''2 _...... _ _D ._._..__....._ }2..._... IKUNA ID -.._,Y-- • 12... . IGARDEN CITY IDIY 2 RENO..__.__....._ _INV ,_Y .._....... 2._.._...... NAMPA _-...___-_-_ IP_ --__4Y________ 3A - -- 'HOMEDALE _ I ___. ID _,Y __ 3A _ _ !CALDWELL ID _ 1Y 3A !CARLIN NV .Y ---- .._ 3A . 1EDEN ID Y 3A BOISE 11D 1HAWTHORNE RENO 1BUHL 1BOISE / POCATELLO !TWIN FALLS IFILER !BOISE !TWIN FALLS ;ONTARIO !EMMETT I NAMPA $ POCATELLO BOISE BOISE ROCK SPRINGS ELKO SALT LAKE CITY Y 3A NV Y 3A NV _ Y 3A ID 3A ID Y 3A ID Y 3A ID r 3A ID FY 3A ID _Y__ 3A ID Y 3A OR Y 3A ID Y 3A ID Y 3A ROCK SPRINGS SALT LAKE CITY ID Y 3A I D Y _3A_ ID - ^ Y�~ 3A WY Y 3A NV Y 3A UT Y 3A WY Y 3A UT 1Y 3A • SALES MGR RICK POWELL DISPE SIGN RVI LVL EST. YEARLY DISPENSER NSER TYPES/SIZE APP . GAC, '•ONS CANOPY SIZE • :::BRAND.. , , MODEL # OF DISP. . DISP. SERIAL # . S . 19062841 feet ._ _ 16635961feet 15092401 feet _ 1731156afeet 14048281, feet ..._E1332876jfeet 20534161feet k 650784 feet 858576 feet _-•__-. . 910248 feet 1020336 feet x44 feet _'_ 7515361 inches -276 1250000 rt 1603584 580 feet 1247316 feet 1 578448 72 feet 41 ..5s ....... 6 4; 4i 141 81 61 722964 feet feet 828096 feet 913440 178 feet i �- __- ifeet 'feet feet feet feet feet feet Meet 'feet feet feet i 6 feet P.11 !X16 feet :feet feet 'feet 498060 150 feet 2 i feet 701124 feet 612108 1181232 664584 827472 1044012 21 feet 152 feet ; f 4 - 1 feet feet € 21 +feet 270 feet ! 6 I feet feet-- - ;feet feet 2 !feet 953460 15 feet -314 - 828324 feet 934416 , 17068081 14802481 6762121 1 _ 12917401 ! 4 i FOUR 4 •- ---.feet 6/23/2003 245689 165274 1971 NORTH 400 WEST 342976 124976 2001 SOUTH VIRGINIA 246656 165396 211 LEWIS STREET .223475_117075 217 MICHIGAN 237911.118430 2220 ADDISON AVENUE EAST 237946 118460 2265 NORTH YELLOWSTONE 237845 118423 229 NORTH BROADWAY 343007 125007 2323 BOGUS BASIN RD 256315 166452 2360 SOUTH FOOTHILL_ DRIVE 2379 118466 2513 CALDWELL BLVD 237912 118436 2545 EAST 17TH STREET 342982 124982 2595 CLEARACRE 1237902;118425 260 EAST MAIN STREET 1224398 117265 2816 SOUTH LINCOLN L342981 124981 295 SPARKS BLVD [q1898.1_16627 2995 VISTA BLVD ;237943 118457 30 WEST STATE 1343019125019 301 NORTH WHITLEY 1343042'125042 3110 WEST STATE 235818 118070 3200 SOUTH VISTA AVENUE 237913 118437 356 LINCOLN STREET 265208 167441 400 SOUTH MAIN STREET 280143 168450 402 NORTH 10TH AVENUE 343043 125043 412 EAST FAIRVIEW 1343034 125034 4315 GARRITY BLVD 1221899 116628 ('222334 116742 _342179 124179 342973 124973 254326 166160 :343020 125020 4444 YELLOWSTONE AVENUE '4575 NORTH SILVER SPRINGS 459 ERIE MAIN 500 CAMPBELL STREET 500 SOUTH 1109 WEST 503 NORTH MAIN STREET LAYTON _RENO KETCHUM COUNCIL TWIN FALLS IDAHO FALLS BUHL BOISE SALT LAKE CITY NAMPA AMMON RENO `'JEROME JEROME SPARKS SPARKS :EAGLE FRUITLAND UT NV ID `ID ID ID 'ID ID .UT ID ID NV ID ID NV NV ID ID EXHIBIT A RETAIL OUTLETS AND RVI LEVELS Y Y Y Y Y Y Y V Y Y Y Y BOISE ID Y BOISE ID ;AMERICAN FALLS ID 'ALPINE , UT CALDWELL IID MERIDIAN ID Y NAMPA :ID 'Y 'CHUBBUCK IID Y • DR PARK CITY iUT iY TONOPAH CNV IY3A 1000000 BAKER CITY `OR Y 3A : 2643048 -feet 3 WEST BOUNTIFUL ;UT IY._-.._.__ 3A __._._.. 707268 feet .._ J_._ 4 CASCADE ID IY 3A I 1030020 I I ! -- - --- - L -- - . �I. _ _ ---,- - - 1268544 167716 '504 WEST 400 NORTH BOUNTIFUL AUT Y 3A 1810140 268 feet i ! fi 343044 125044 ;505 SO CAPITOL BLVD BOISE 4ID IYY I3A _L 887724 feet i 237905 118429 515 WASHINGTON TWIN FALLS IID IY 3A 550956 112 feet 2' r - -r----._ .. 222452 116884 522 WEST CHERRY LANE -MERIDIAN - ID IY 3A 771984 feet M 2; Y Y Y 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 1301052feet 994980 feet 622932 128 feet _ 613692230 feet 811356 150 feet _ 519612 none 561684 122 feet 803148 feet 2246172 623100 feet 620436 feet 1247064 feet 501636 100 feet 1377804 344 feet _ 1249608 feet x44 feet 804072 feet x44 feet 778044 feet 997740 220 feet 997728 feet 829668 feet 516000 feet 931404;200 696444 feet 848856 feet 1917636 395 feet 1276800 feet 938100 2 2'; ,_ 2 2 4 2 5 6 1 1343026 125026 544 NORTH OVERLAND :BURLEY !ID IY 3A 1 1401720 300 feet ;343047125047 565 SO 16TH STREET :PAYETTE !ID }Y 3A I 1210380 feet !342986 124986 597 WINNEMUCCA BLVD IWINNEMUCCA NV 1Y ,3A __ 578520!feet x44 feet 3i feet feet NT feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet 6 feet P.I.. MONUME ,feet feet feet _ X5 feet feet NT 16 feet _ feet feet feet feet feet X13 feet_ NONE _ • feet feet POLE 8' feet 8 feet P I 6/23/2003 442 12379231118 12379331118447 13430251125025 13430101125010 13430301125030 13429751124975 !3430161125016 13429851124985 12379141118438 i2652101124956 3430281125028 2403281118465_ 3430181125018 242123;124873 2379041118428 2403321118451 _ 2379381118452 3429771124977 2379541118468_ 343006(125006_ 2827061124953 - X6010 WEST STATE STREET 6225 SOUTH 5 MILE ROAD _____ 16350 FAIRVIEW AVENUE ;650 AMERICAN LEGION RD 1659 ADDISON AVENUE_W 1695 NORTH WELLS 17 EAST MAIN 1700 NORTH SIERRA ST _ __ !705 NORTH MAIN STREET 1790 NORTH 1600 WEST 801 MAIN STREET r80511THENUE AVNORT 1817 THIRD H 18764 NORTH Hwy._11 ;890 SOUTH WASHINGTON 18990 FAIRVIEW AVENUE -__18990 OVERLAND ROAD 1901 NOR__H VIRGINIA__ _ 1927 CALDWELL BLVD 9325 CHINDEN BL ;950 NORTH MAIN 3429791124979 221855(116606 .343045 ;125045_ 3430371125037 241354 124856 12413521119109 ..1HIGHWAY 34 HIGHWAY 93 AND HIGHWAY 95 :I158EXIT31 ;180 EAST & HWY 224 1200 SOUTH 1200 WEST EXHIBIT A RETAIL OUTLETS AND RVI LEVELS BOISE_....__...._ .. ID BOISE ID BOISE ID MOUNTAIN HOME ID TWIN FALLS ID RENO NV MIDDLETON ID RENO NV ASHTON — ID MAPLETON UT JORDAN VALLEY OR NAMPA ID HAILEY ID LAKE POINT TWIN FALLS BOISE BOISE RENO NAMPA BOISE TOOELE Y I3A Y 13A Y�_..__ 3A L__ _....... 13A 3A Y 13A Y Y 8239201feet �"'...._._.�_._._.,..___..�,._.i__...._...._.T.. 2� -t 6818761 feet 2' 1041048 feet _ �— 61T 6232321 204 feet ; 4 838956204 feet � `"� ~'-_"T"�- --___ . at 828108] feet I_ i _y. _ t�--- _ _ _ 1001244 feet 4i 13A _� ., _1457148 feet x44 feet 3A _ _ _ 564000 feet 870792 200 feet 549192____ i3A Y ~� 13A 61 2' , feet !feet 1 --':feet �-- ---- I .---feet- ------- Meet feet feet 1 ;8 feet P.I. 'feet 5 ;feet Y i 3A 720000 feet 1 i 2 'feet _ TYy 13A—T 61094448 feet 16X6 1 UT _ 13A 882456 _.._.._ ----- ID Y (3A _ 5460721100 feet • � 2 � feet ! ID Y ;3A 8400001none 21 _ ,feet I ID Y 13A 7083001feet -. i 21 ' feet 1 NV Y 3A 6876601 feet 21 feet , ID Y ;3A 6687361feet 1 2' feet ID Y 13A 7214161feet -- i `___—____----..________�. ______-.. _-- ; 4 feet UT Y 13A 6045241 — — - - --- GERLACH NV iv !3A 5605801feet x17 feety 3 3 :6 feet P.I. t �SHOSHONE - - ---7. IDY__. 3A ;�-+ 6781321268 feet } 4 __ ______._.. _.._.____._ '8X8- _ 'WILDER ID 1Y 3A 7889521316 ! 41 feet 1 i Y !3A 1 604836!200 feet !PARK CITY UT 1Y -3A .1 1365852;feet 4T ;OGDEN UT 1Y 13A -y 852960 7! feet 6/23/2003 EXHIBIT A RETAIL OUTLETS, RVI OUTLETS,CONVERSION DATES,CPG AND INCENIVE PAY -OUT PERIOD SOLD TO # 240234 CUSTOMER NAME SHIP TO LOC # LOC ADDRESS 237936 118450 10577 FAIRVIEW AVENUE 343206 125206 110 HIGHWAY 78 _ 225598 124967 1302 SOUTH STATE STREET 237959 118473 1310 YELLOWSTONE AVENUE 254717 124950 1514 WEST 2100 SOUTH 223476 117076 15722 RIVER SIDE ROAD •237934 118448 1575 SOUTH BOISE AVENUE 343033 125033 '1716 NORTH AMMON RD 237921 118440 1795 SOUTH VISTA AVENUE 343032 125032 200 SPACE 38 HWY 20 26 267750 167666 2002 BROADWAY AVENUE 242122 124865.2100 SOUTH AND MAIN STREET 237953 118467 ;224 22ND AVENUE SOUTH 237940 118454 ' 2406 MONTANA 248436 165676 2600 EAST BENGAL BLVD •265718 167489 ;2689 FEDERAL WAY '256313 166451 !310 NORTH MAIN .343021 125021 3505 EAST 105 NORTH 282704 124115 3650 SOUTH POINTE CIRCLE 3675 NEEDLES HWY 266696 124955 3701 SOUTH HIGHLAND DRIVE_ 343035 125035 404 SOUTH ROOSEVELT 237939 • 118453 '4124 CHINDEN .237915 118439 .4190 NEZ PERCE 237935 118449 4608 SOUTH COLE ROAD 237942 118456 5059 YELLOWSTONE 343011 125011 507 NORTH 3RD STREET .221856 116605 '531 SOUTH STATE .225599 12.4959 565 WEST STATE ROAD 198 237949 118463 '575_ WEST 6TH _ 237948 118462 66 EAST STATE STREET 258013 166595_ .701 NORTH MAIN 237925 118444 ;703 SOUTH LATAH 342978 124978 ,706 CARSON 255702 166372 '710 WEST FRONT STREET :254716 166197 ,75 SOUTH 900 EAST JACKSON FOOD STORES INC LOC CITY BOISE GRAND VIEW SALT LAKE CITY POCATELLO OGDEN CALDWELL BOISE IDAHO FALLS BOISE NOTUS BOISE ;SALT LAKE CITY NAMPA .CALDWELL SANDY BOISE CLEARFIELD UCON LAUGHLIN LAUGHLIN LOC STATE QUAL ID Y ID Y 'UT_ Y ID :Y UT 'Y ID Y ID _ Y ID Y ID Y ID __ 1Y ID ,Y UT Y ID Y ID Y UT Y _ ID Y UT - Y ID Y NV .Y NV .Y SALT LAKE CITY UT Y BOISE .ID Y 'BOISE ID 'Y BOISE .ID Y BOISE ID CHUBBUC K .ID• Y MCCALL;ID 'Y HAGERMAN ID Y SALEM UT 'Y MOUNTAIN HOME .ID 'Y MERIDIAN SID Y HAILEY ID :Y BOISE ID ;CARSON CITY NV ;Y BATTLE MOUNTAIN NV •Y SALT LAKE CITY UT ,Y RVI LVL APP 3B 3B 3B 38 3B SALES MANAGER RICK POWELL EST. YEARLY GALLONS # OF DISP. _409488 2 447840 2 401220' 481212 390300 3B 471480: 3B 441732: 3B 405600' 38 414204 3B 452616 5. 3B 463512 38 452124 38 377004 38 378660. 3B 571260! 38 406188; :39 406248 38 368400'. 3B 364812 3B 364812 38 377388. 38 422580; 2 '3B 563712 2 3B 437736. 1 3B 528312 2. .38 640812; 2' '3F3 435768; 2 3B 434484. 2 3B 526188' '38 377448' 2 38 402144 1. ,38 472872 2: 38 408132: 1 :38 364896 6, 3B 456132; 3. 3B 405240 4 2' 2- 3; 4' CONVERSION DATE CPG YEAR CPG YEAR CPG YEAR! ONE TWO THREE 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0.0200 0.0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200' 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200• 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200. 0.0200 0 0200 0 0200: 0 0200 0.0200' 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0.0200 0 0200 0 0200, 0 0200 0.0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200' 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0,0200 0 0200 0 0200, 0 0200 0 0200 00200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200' 0.0200 0 0200 0 0200 0.0200 0 0200 0 0200 0._0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200. 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200: 00200 0 0200' 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0.0200 0 0200' 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0.0200 0 0200 0.0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0.0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0.0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 0 0200 1237931i118445 2S5719y167490 [237966118470 237922118441 5530 118032 EXHIBIT A RETAIL OUTLETS, RVI OUTLETS,CONVERSION DATES,CPG AND INCENIVE PAY -OUT PERIOD 791 NORTH GARDEN STREET !BOISE [818 NORTH 8TH STREET BOISE 1830 2ND AVENUE SOUTH PAYETTE [897 SOUTH COLE ROAD iBOISE HWY95 OROVADA ID Th' [3B 384288{. ...: . ID 1Y ;3B : 5294041 21 ID Y i3B : 471.2881, it .. , _.., .IDi4286041 1 i NV 4Y !3B 3721441 2i , • 0.02001 0.0200, 0.0200; 0.0200 0.020( 0.0200, 0.0200! 0.0200 0.0200: 0.0200 0.0200; • * 1 0.0200: .„. . 0:02001 0.02001 0.0200i Community Planning Association TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMPASS POLICIES AND PROCEDURES April 2004 Report No. 10-2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMIVIARY 1 SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION 2 WHAT IS THE TIP? 2 Responsibilities and Authority of the MPO 2 GEOGRAPHIC AREA OF THE TIP 3 TIME PERIOD OF THE TIP 4 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION PLAN CONSISTENCY 4 TIP DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE 4 WHAT FUNDING SOURCES ARE PROGRAMMED IN THE TIP? 4 TIP DEVELOPMENT PROCESS 5 SECTION 2: DEVELOPMENT OF THE TIP 6 OVERVIEW 6 TIP MANAGEMENT 6 DEVELOP AND APPROVE THE ANNUAL SCHEDULE 6 PROJECT CATEGORIES AND SPONSORS 7 FUNDING ASSESSMENT 7 PROJECT SOLICITATION 7 PROJECT SELECTION AND PRELIMINARY TIP PREPARATION 10 AIR QUALITY CONFORMITY 1 1 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT IN THE TIP 12 FINAL TIP PREPARATION AND ADOPTION 12 AMENDMENTS 14 SECTION 3: PROJECT TRACKING 15 APPENDICES 1 A. Glossary of Acronyms and Definitions 1 B. Federal Funding Sources 1 C. Federal Regulations for TIP Development 1 D. Definition of Regionally Significant 1 E. Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Project Request Form 1 F. Criteria for Establishing Regional Priority of Projects Under the Transportation Enhancement Program 1 G. Northern Ada County Urbanized Area - Surface Transportation Program -Urban (STP -U) Criteria for Evaluation of Roadway and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Projects 1 H. Nampa Urbanized Area - Surface Transportation Program -Urban (STP -U) Criteria For Evaluation of Roadway and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Projects 1 I. Transportation Improvement Program - Amendment Request Form 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This document is a review of the applicable regulations, policies and protocols that shape development and approval of the Community Planning Association's annual Transportation Improvement Programs (TIP). Figure 2 depicts the TIP process for one year. Federal regulations require Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) such as COMPASS to develop a TIP that covers at least than three years and is updated every two years at a minimum. Projects in the TIP must be consistent with the goals of the region's long-range transportation plans, Destination 2025 (Ada County) and Moving People 2025 (Canyon County). The TIP must recognize financial limitations and must comply with requirements outlined in the Clean Air Act Amendment for areas deemed non -attainment or maintenance by the Environmental Protection Agency, as is the case for Northern Ada County. COMPASS develops separate TIPs for the Northern Ada County Urbanized Area and the Nampa Urbanized Area (see Figure 2). Both documents cover a period of five years. Although the TIP is required to list federally funded projects, the Northern Ada County TIP includes locally funded projects that meet the definition of "regionally significant." 1 SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION This document provides a review of all regulations, policies and protocols that are observed during the development and approval process of the annual Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The TIP is a comprehensive listing of all transportation projects that receive federal funds or are subject to a federally required action, such as a review for impacts on air quality. WHAT IS THE TIP? The Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho (COMPASS) prepares and adopts the TIP every year in cooperation with Idaho Transportation Department (ITD), local highway districts, local governments, and other project sponsors. The TIP covers a five-year period and contains a list of projects that implement the regional transportation plans for the Northern Ada County Urbanized Area and the Nampa Urbanized Area. The TIP is required by the U.S. Department of Transportation to delineate the allocation of federal transportation dollars to the metropolitan transportation projects, and to be financially constrained to only those funds expected to be available. Additionally, in air quality non -attainment and maintenance areas (e.g. the Northern Ada County Urbanized Area), the TIP must demonstrate conformity to applicable air quality improvement documents. The TIP includes all federally funded projects as well as locally funded projects meeting the definition of "Regionally Significant" (Appendix D) for air quality conformity purposes. An opportunity for public review and comment on the TIP is required prior to its adoption. The TIP generally includes the following types of projects: • Roadway projects on federal, state, or local roads; • Transit, rideshare, park and ride and other projects promoting the use of alternative transportation; • Safety and hazard elimination projects; • Bridge projects; • CMAQ projects; • Transportation Enhancement Program projects; and, • Transportation -related studies. The ITD develops simultaneously a similar document called the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The STIP includes all transportation projects proposed for state or federal funding. It covers five years of transportation programming and is updated annually. The list of TIP projects must be endorsed by the COMPASS Board of Directors prior to being included in the STIP. All Metropolitan Planning Organizations in Idaho follow the State's schedule for the development of TIP documents. Responsibilities and Authority of the MPO A Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is a coalition of local governments authorized under federal regulations to make transportation related decisions for the Metropolitan Planning 2 Area. Urbanized Areas with a census population of 50,000 people or more are entitled to form an MPO. The principal functions of the MPO are: (1) development of a long-range transportation plan; (2) development of a TIP; and (3) development of a Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). Federal regulations regarding the TIP development process are located in Appendix B. As the designated MPO for Northern Ada County and Nampa Urbanized Areas, COMPASS prepares and approves separate TIPs for each urbanized area. While MPOs are required by federal law to develop a TIP at least every two years, COMPASS has chosen to prepare the TIP on an annual basis. Urbanized Areas with a census population of 200,000 or more are designated as Transportation Management Areas (TMAs). Northern Ada County crossed that threshold with the 2000 Census. TMAs have two additional responsibilities; development of a Congestion Management System (CMS) and meeting the requirements of Triennial Review, a form of federal audit. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) allocates annually a certain amount of federal transportation funds to the MPOs that are designated TMAs. GEOGRAPHIC AREA OF THE TIP Figure 1 depicts the adopted boundaries of the Northern Ada County and Nampa Urbanized Areas. The Urbanized Area (UA) designation is provided by the U.S. Census to provide a better separation of urban and rural territory, population, and housing in the vicinity of large places. A UA comprises one or more places ("central place") and the adjacent densely settled surrounding territory ("urban fringe") that together have a minimum of 50,000 persons. The urban fringe generally consists of contiguous territory having a density of at least 1,000 persons per square mile plus additional criteria to include enclaves or areas connected by existing roadways. 3 TIME PERIOD OF THE TIP The TIP spans a five-year period. The first three years include committed projects that are considered budgeted, while the remaining years are more informational in nature. The projects in the last two years are listed to provide a framework for transportation needs that move from the planning stage to the implementation stage. These projects should be considered more tentative in nature and subject to change as priorities and availability of revenue change. An additional category, Preliminary Development (PD), is included for projects that currently have no committed funding year, but are identified as a recognized need. These projects will be considered for placement in a programmed year in the next update of the program, or sooner if the opportunity arises. REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION PLAN CONSISTENCY Federal Regulations require that the TIP be consistent with the Regional Long -Range Transportation Plan. For the Northern Ada County Urbanized Area, the applicable plan is Destination 2025, adopted by the COMPASS Board of Directors in July 2002 and subsequently amended in September 2002. For the Nampa Urbanized Area, Moving People: 2025; adopted in February 2003, is the applicable plan. TIP DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE Figure 2 outlines the annual process to develop the TIP. A detailed calendar is prepared each year to establish deadlines for project solicitation, project evaluation, development of the preliminary and final TIP, adoption of the final TIP and coordination of necessary actions by local highway districts, COMPASS, and ITD. WHAT FUNDING SOUR.CFS ARE PROGRAMMED IN THE TIP? The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA -21) provides federal transportation money to states and local governments through a variety of transportation programs. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) administer these programs. Each state receives a portion of available funding, which is determined according to a formula. The Idaho Transportation Board determines distribution and allocation of federal transportation funds to each program. Appendix B lists the most commonly used funding sources for transportation projects. 4 Figure 2 TIP DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Solicit MemberA Transportation pile and Sort by Appropriate Transportation Agency i Highway Districts ValleyRide Develop TIP Schedule ♦--♦ ITD's STIP Schedule Prioritization of Projects for STP -U, STP -TMA, STP -E Funding 1 Approval of Preliminary TIP by COMPASS Board Develop Draft of Final TIP Air Quality Conformity Demonstration Public Outreach Process''; Approval of Final TIP by COMPASS Board 1 Inclusion of TIP Document in the STIP. SECTION 2: DEVELOPMENT OF THE TIP OVERVIEW The major stages of developing the TIP are shown on Figure 2. Each year the program begins with project solicitation from local governments and transportation agencies. This typically extensive list is winnowed down after a thorough review of several factors, including the project sponsor's ability to complete the project, the identification of local matching dollars, expected federal dollars available to the region, and conformity analyses to ensure air quality standards are met. TIP MANAGEMENT COMPASS is initiating the use of the Transportation, Economic and Land Use System (TELUS) Program to manage the volume of information on each desired project. The transition to the use of TELUS will require the submission of project request forms (Appendix E). Since TELUS is produced in Microsoft Access, it can easily accept data from other agencies that produce their programs using Access, such as the ACHD Five -Year Work Program. TELUS will produce the TIP document in different formats, each tailored to a special use and audience. The use of TELUS provides the following benefits: • ACHD projects can be directly downloaded into TELUS, saving staff time and reducing error. COMPASS staff hopes to eventually download ITD and ValleyRide projects as well. • Distinct project phases can be shown in the TIP. The current format shows only the final phase of a project, which is the construction year. • Individual project maps can be provided, enabling a view of the distribution of projects throughout Ada and Canyon Counties by integrating Geographical Information System (GIS) files. • The project list can be sorted by project type, cost, year or any other field of interest. DEVELOP AND APPROVE THE ANNUAL SCHEDULE Every September, the ITD prepares and approves the STIP schedule in cooperation with the MPOs in the state. The schedule delineates steps in the development and approval process of the STIP. Once this schedule is accepted, COMPASS prepares a schedule of dates critical for the development and approval of the respective Northern Ada County and Nampa Urbanized Area TIPs to ensure coordination with the ITD schedule. Critical dates for COMPASS actions include: • Deadline for submitting requested projects by member agencies • Deadline for submitting Transportation Enhancement Applications • Schedule for COMPASS Board of Directors establishing the priority order of Transportation Enhancement projects • Schedule for COMPASS Board of Directors establishing the funding priority of projects under STP-U/TMA. 6 • Schedule for COMPASS Board of Directors approval of a preliminary list of projects for inclusion in the TIP. • Schedule for a public commenting period and a date for an open -house meeting on the proposed final TIPs. • Final approval by the Northern Ada County and Nampa Urbanized Areas TIPs by the COMPASS Board of Directors in August/September. The schedule is approved by the Regional Technical Advisory Committee and the COMPASS Board of Directors by the end of the calendar year. PROJECT CATEGORIES AND SPONSORS The ITD and the Ada County Highway District (ACHD) sponsor roadway projects in Ada County. In Canyon County, project sponsors are more varied due to the larger number of agencies that have transportation responsibilities. This includes the cities of Nampa and Caldwell, Canyon Highway District, Golden Gate Highway District, Nampa Highway District and Notus-Parma Highway District. As the regional public transportation agency, ValleyRide is the sponsor of transit and rideshare projects. FUNDING ASSESSMENT Since the Northern Ada County Urbanized Area is designated as a Transportation Management • Area, the FHWA allocates a portion of the STP—Urban; funds received by the ITD to the Northern Ada County Urbanized Area. each -year.: This obligation authority (STP -TMA) is approximately $4.7 million each year. In the Nampa Urbanized Area, the Idaho Transportation Board allocates a portion of STP -Urban funds to urban areas in Idaho. This amount is approximately $900,000 per year. A coalition of representatives of Idaho MPOs and the Local Highway Technical Assistance Council participate in a STP -Local Urban Committee, referred to as the "Balancing Committee", that works in coordination with the ITD to allocate funds to the transportation priority projects established by the COMPASS Board of Directors. PROJECT SOLICITATION To allocate federal dollars to the area's transportation priorities, the COMPASS Board of Directors must be provided with a comprehensive list of multimodal transportation projects needed in the area, including roadway projects, transportation enhancement projects, Congestion Management and Air Quality Projects, public transportation projects, state and interstate highway projects, and transportation studies. COMPASS solicits projects beginning in August with a letter to member agencies that requests a meeting to establish community transportation needs/projects. The meetings with local agencies and groups provide information to the responsible entity on the status of projects they requested in previous years, assists the entity with the development of an updated list of desired transportation projects for inclusion in the TIP, and collect desired projects for possible inclusion in the ACHD Five -Year Work Program, Canyon County Highway Districts' Capital 7 Improvement Programs and the Local Highway Technical Assistance Council's (LHTAC) list of projects. Participants in the meeting may represent a variety of constituents, including planning and zoning commissions, citizens' groups, city councils, public works departments or highway district commissions. In all cases, the entity selected to participate is designated by the mayor and city council or by the board of commissioners. ValleyRide, the regional public transit authority, submits transit projects for both Ada and Canyon Counties, and considers those COMPASS recommends for inclusion. During the fall of each year, the ITD solicits projects for the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAC) Program and the Transportation Enhancement (TE) Program (see Figures 3 and 4). These are competitive programs that provide federal funds to fund surface transportation related projects that strengthen the cultural, aesthetic, or environmental value of Idaho's transportation system and air quality projects, planning and programs, respectively. COMPASS compiles requested projects into a master list for review by RTAC and the COMPASS Board of Directors. The projects consist of a variety of modes and types, and as such, fall under the jurisdiction of all transportation agencies in the Treasure Valley. The project designation process identifies both an appropriate transportation agency for each project and a funding source. troc and:�Co) IrA sr a; fo enation about ogram to allpotenti, l a l cants in t o Treasue'Valley (generallyinNovemler) T ; a no tification provides.adescription Of the Prot*, rts• require.mentsac the process of:funding project:=: applications. " =.'2. COMPASS staff is available:. to provide technical assistance .with the development of applhcatsons. 3. COMPASS requires tbatalltmember,agencies send=their CMAQ applications to DEQ -by the deadline.specified in the ST,JF/TIP S Schedule •t 4: • DEQ calculates air quality benefits and• forwards applications to COMPASS-forinclusion in the preliminary TIP: DEQ provides a letter endorsing the project concept and the methodology used in estimating- the air quality benefits of the project. 5. A list of all project applications received by the deadline is preparedtfor the COMPASS Board review. TheCOMPASS Board does not prioritize projects for funding under the CMAQ Program, as the fimdmg is solelyve based:: e• cost �effecti�"ness of the ,reviews: 9: Staff informs the COMPASS:Boardon which projects have. :been recommended for funding:• 0. Projects not recommended` for:fupdi)g.are eliminated from ist,of final 's. :The Idaho: Transportationoard`:approves CMAC projects fore: funding: m Septem ber as par ofti e;$ ` The appropriate transportation agency is the one with legal jurisdiction over the requested project. For example, projects that improve state highways are designated to the ITD and those on local roadways to the agencies with jurisdiction over the roadway. The designation of a project to a transportation agency is done in consultation with that agency. In Ada County, ACHD designates the appropriate funding source for projects. In Canyon County, the designation of appropriate funding sources is at the discretion of the cities and the four highway districts. Figure 4 COMPASS Procedures for Transportation Enhancement Applications 1. Letter of Intent is submitted to COMPASS from all applicants. This letter briefly describes the project, the total cost, the source of the local match to be provided and whether the applicant needs technical assistance. 2. COMPASS staff provides technical assistance with the applications to member agencies. 3. Applications are submitted to COMPASS by the deadline specified in the STIP/TIP schedule. 4. COMPASS staff reviews applications for completeness and notifies the applicant in case there is any missing information or documentation. 5. A list of all project applications received by the deadline is prepared. The list provides a description of project, total cost, federal share requested, local share committed, sponsor, and identifies the specific category of the Enhancement.Program for which funding is requested. 6. The RTAC designates a subcommittee for each county to review and prioritize all Transportation Enhancement Applications received in accord -with adopted criteria (Appendix F). 7. The Subcommittees prioritize the Transportation Enhancement projects and presents them to the RTAC for recommendation to the COMPASS Board. 8. COMPASS Board reviews the list of projects and the recommendations to establish the priority of projects for each category in each county. 9. COMPASS submits project applications and the MPO's priorities to the ITD. 10.A statewide Enhancement Advisory Committee reviews all project applications submitted throughout the state to make funding recommendations to the Idaho Transportation Board: 11.The Enhancement Advisory Committee gives additional merit points to the MPO's top priority projects. 12.The ITD informs all applicants on whether the Enhancement Advisory Committee recommended their application for funding. 13. Staff informs the COMPASS Board which projects have been recommended for funding. Projects not recommended for funding are eliminated from the final list of TIPS. 14. The 1TD Board approves Transportation Enhancement projects for funding in September as part of the STIP. 9 PROJECT SELECTION AND PRELIMINARY TIP PREPARATION In January of each year, all requested roadway, transit and study projects are evaluated based on adopted criteria for each urbanized area (Appendices G and H). Transportation Enhancement applications are first submitted to COMPASS for review and ranking in accord with adopted criteria (Appendix F). Each year a subcommittee of the Regional Transportation Advisory Committee (RTAC) is formed for this purpose. The CMAQ Program is based on local sponsorship of projects whose air quality analyses are first reviewed and approved by the IDEQ Regional Office. These applications are then reviewed for completeness by COMPASS and processed through the ITD District 3 office for evaluation by the CMAQ Technical Review Committee. The RTAC reviews the subcommittees' rankings and forwards a recommend list to the COMPASS Board of Directors for approval in March/April. The purpose of this effort is to provide the ITD with approved lists of projects for inclusion in the draft STIP. The preliminary list highlights changes to the TIP since last approved by the COMPASS Board of Directors. The preliminary document includes: • Projects listed in the previous year TIP, except those that have been implemented or "committed". • Proposed projects for funding under the STP—U or TMA, STP -E, CMAQ programs. • Proposed transit and rideshare projects.. • Proposed transportation studies. • Proposed projects for funding under STP -Rural, when the project is within the Metropolitan Planning Area but outside of an urbanized area. • In Ada County, all locally funded projects identified as Regionally Significant for air quality conformity purposes. The preliminary list does not include new state sponsored projects, as a list of those projects is not available during the development of the preliminary document. State sponsored projects include National Highway System (NHS) projects and projects funded in the bridge, interstate maintenance, and Federal Lands Highways programs. 10 Figure 5' Steps to Develop the Priority List of Projects For Funding under the STP -Urban or TMA Program 1. The Regional. Technical Advisory Committee designates a subcommittee for each county toreview and prioritize all projects submitted for funding under the STP -U or TMA. 2. The Ada County Subcommittee applies to the candidate projects within Ada County the STP -U (now STP -TMA) Criteria last approved by the COMPASS Board in January 2001. A copy of the criteria is included as Appendix G. 3. The Canyon County Subcommittee applies to the candidate projects within Canyon County the STP -U Criteria approved by the COMPASS Board in December 2002. A copy of the criteria is included as Appendix H. 4. Each subcommittee prioritizes candidate projects within their area for funding and presents them to the Regional Technical Advisory Committee for recommendation to the COMPASS Board. 5. The COMPASS Board reviews the list of projects and establishes their priorities for funding. The establishment of priorities by the COMPASS Board is usually in conjunction with the approval of a Preliminary TIP (generally in March/April). 6. A meeting of the Urban Balancing Group, made up of representatives of the MPOs in Idaho is usually held in late April to determine the amount of STP -TMA and STP -U funds available to the Boise and Nampa Urbanized Areas respectively. 7. The available amount of STP -TMA funds is applied to the priority list approved by the COMPASS Board for the Boise Urbanized Area. 8. The available amount of STP -U funds is applied to the priority list approved by the COMPASS Board for the Nampa Urbanized Area. 9. Lower priority projects that did not receive funds will not be shown in the finat TIP, as the document must be fiscally constrained. 10. Sponsors may resubmit a not -funded projectas their priority in the following year. 11. COMPASS will notify sponsors of the projects in the STP -U and STP -TMA lists on the ranking of their projects and will request that they submit to the ITD's requisite forms for their projects. COMPASS will provide assistance with the preparation of the forms to those member agencies that do not have an engineer on staff. AIR OUALITY CONFORMITY Amendments to the Federal Clean Air Act (CAA) require that transportation improvement programs and projects in a federally designated non -attainment or maintenance area do not create new violations of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), increase the frequency or severity of existing air quality violations, or delay timely attainment of the NAAQS. Ada County is designated a "Maintenance Area" for two pollutants, carbon monoxide (CO) and Particulate Matter (PM10). As such, the approval of the annual TIP in Ada County is contingent upon meeting all applicable air quality conformity requirements. The demonstration of air quality conformity is based on the projection of traffic volumes and the average speed for each class of roadways. This data is used as the input into the emission models to estimate projected emissions of the proposed transportation network. The assumptions used in these computer -modeling practices are reviewed and approved by a state recognized group of 11 stakeholders, named the Interagency Consultation Committee. State of Idaho regulations require that the public be given a 30 -day opportunity to review and comment on the air quality conformity document. As a general practice, this 30 -day commenting period is scheduled simultaneously with the 30 -day commenting period on the proposed TIP. In addition to federally funded projects, the annual Northern Ada County Urbanized Area TIP must include locally funded projects that are deemed to be "Regionally Significant." The determination of a Regionally Significant project is made in accord with the definition adopted by the Interagency Consultation Committee, per the federal guidelines. This definition is provided in Appendix D. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT IN THE TIP COMPASS solicits public comments on the annual TIP and the companion Northern Ada County Air Quality Conformity Demonstration. Public outreach for the TIP may be held in conjunction with the ITD public outreach for the STIP. These efforts include, but are not limited to: • A 30 -day public comment period on the proposed TIPs and the Northern Ada County Air Quality Conformity Demonstration. This is generally held during the month of July. • A public meeting (open house format) to inform the public on proposed projects and to solicit comments. • A news,release to media in the Treasure Valley to announce opportunities for providing. • input in.o the documents. . • Website access to documents for public review. • Paid print advertisements regarding comment period and the public meeting in the Idaho Statesman and the Idaho Press -Tribune. • Purchase legal notices for the major newspapers. • Mail postcards to interested citizens in the Treasure Valley and email notices to stakeholder lists. • Summarize comments and provide responses to those who offered written response. • Post comments and responses on the website. • Deliver comments related to transportation issues within the purview of the ITD or ValleyRide. FINAL TIP PREPARATION AND ADOPTION The final TIP document documents compliance with all federal and state requirements. The primary steps to prepare the final TIP include preparation of the final list of projects, completion of the air quality conformity analysis in the Northern Ada County Urbanized Area, and reconciliation of any differences between the local TIPs and the draft STIP. The final document is then subject to public review and comment prior to approval by the COMPASS Board of Directors. The following steps are necessary to prepare the final list of projects: • New state-sponsored projects are added to the preliminary list. • Projects not recommended for funding under the STP -Enhancements, STP -Urban, STP - Rural, STP -TMA, and CMAQ are removed from the list. 12 • Modification to the scope, costs or implementation year of projects on the preliminary list is shown in the final list. • May include a project that was not in the approved preliminary list. A comparison of the final list to the preliminary list is provided to the COMPASS Board of Directors. A typical final TIP document includes the following sections: Introduction: Describes briefly what the TIP is, the major regulations shaping the development of the document, the content, the agencies involved, and the authority of COMPASS in developing the document. Public Outreach Efforts: Describes the public outreach efforts made throughout the development of the document and the means of public outreach employed. Air Quality Conformity: Provides a synopsis of the Air Quality Conformity Demonstration that was conducted for the document. Status of Local Planning Activities: Provides information on the status of local transportation and land use plans that influence the development of the annual TIP. Federal Aid Program: Provides a synopsis of federal transportation programs and funding sources. Projects in the TIP using each of these funds are identified under the description of the program. . Financial Capacity Analysis: Demonstrates that projects in the TIP have.a reasonable funding source and that the sponsors of the projects are financially capable of providing the required local match dollars. Project List: Information shown for each project includes the title, project description, costs, construction year, funding source, ITD key number, project sponsor and their key number, if applicable. Status of First -Year Projects in the Last -Year TIP Document. This is a federally required table. The purpose of this table is to show the status of projects programmed for implementation in the previous year. List of Transit Projects: This is requested by the ITD, Public Transportation Division. It provides easy reference to all transit projects listed in the TIP. Funding Summary Table: The COMPASS Board of Directors requires a table showing the amount of federal dollars programmed under each federal funding source, in each urbanized area, and in each year. The main purpose of this table is to track the allocation of federal dollars in each urbanized area. Federal Funds Allocated to Alternative Modes: The COMPASS Board of Directorsrequires a table showing the total funds allocated to roadway and alternative modes projects in each year. Projects that cannot be classified as either roadway or alternative mode of transportation, or lack any specific funding source, are not included in this calculation. Percentages of roadway projects that include sidewalk and bike facilities are assigned a share of alternative mode funding. This percentage in Ada County is 25%; the share in Canyon County varies between 5% and 15%. 13 Final approval of the TIPs is accomplished after the following steps are completed: • Representatives of Ada County on the COMPASS Board of Directors approve the Northem Ada County Urbanized Area TIP through the adoption of a resolution. • Representatives of Canyon County on the COMPASS Board of Directors approve the Nampa Urbanized Area TIP through the adoption of a resolution. • Approved documents are submitted to the ITD and the FHWA's Boise office. • The Idaho Transportation Board approves a STIP that includes the Boise and Nampa Urbanized Areas TIPs in September. • Approval of the STIP by the FHWA and the FTA. As noted above, federal regulations require consistency between the Transportation Improvement Programs and the STIP for those projects that are within the MPO's Metropolitan Transportation Planning Area. A great deal of coordination is done with the ITD prior to the approval by the COMPASS Board of Directors to avoid any discrepancies between the two documents. In case the document approved by the COMPASS Board of Directors is different from the one approved by the Idaho Transportation Board, the differences must be reconciled. The reconciliation normally involves the amendment of one or both documents. AMENDMENTS During the year, project sponsors may want to amend the adopted TIP. To . consider an amendment, the project must show substantial changes in the scope or termini.of projects, must have. cost, increases or reductions equal toor greater than 20%, should be a new or, removed project, should advance projects from the fourth or fifth years into the first three years, or should delay projects from the first three years into the fourth or fifth years. The COMPASS Board of Directors must approve changes to the TIP. To do so, project sponsors must submit a request to COMPASS on the form included in Appendix I. The request should specify the current status of the project, the change requested and the reason for the change. Once changes have been made and approved, the revised TIP is posted on the website. When possible, project sponsors are encouraged to submit their requested change as a new item for the next TIP, rather than request an amendment of the existing one. No amendment will be processed after July 15, the date the ITD begins closing out the books for that fiscal year Not all changes to the TIP document require an amendment. The following do not require an amendment: • Monetary changes in the cost of projects when the change is less than 20% of total cost. • Advancing or delaying projects within the first three years of TIP. • Minor changes to the description of projects. According to federal regulations, some amendments require a new public involvement effort and/or Air Quality Conformity Demonstration, while others do not. Generally, adding or deleting a capacity expansion project triggers new public involvement and Air Quality Conformity 14 Demonstration. Any project previously included in the Regional Emission Analysis or one that is exempt from the analysis does not require a new Air Quality Conformity Demonstration. SECTION 3: PROJECT TRACKING COMPASS must continually track the progress of projects programmed in the TIP even though the project sponsor is responsible for project development from the application and conceptual report through to project construction. Numerous situations may impact the programmed projects and necessitate a modification during the annual TIP development process or requiring a TIP amendment. Possible causes of project modifications include: • The project has satisfied all design, right-of-way and environmental criteria and is ready for construction a year or more in advance of the programmed construction year. • The project sponsor encounters design, right-of-way and environmental or other issues that prohibit the project's construction obligation during the programmed year. • The actual cost of the project is determined to be substantially higher or lower than the cost estimate originally identified in the TIP. • Project priorities are reassessed and shifted. This might occur as a result of higher estimated costs, project needs being -lessened by social or economic conditions, the need to coordinate with other transportation projects, or a change in state and local funding and programming policies. These situations may create potential project advances, delays and replacements. The following procedures should be taken when the above situations arise: Project Advances 1. The project sponsor of a locally sponsored project should identify and notify COMPASS as early as possible regarding the readiness of all programmed projects to be constructed or completed and the desire to advance such a project given matching funds, etc. 2. If it is identified that a project under the STP -Urban Program will be constructed for much less than the funds programmed for the project, COMPASS staff should be notified immediately. COMPASS staff will evaluate if the cost savings and/or the project advancement provides for an opportunity to potentially advance or program other projects and discuss those opportunities and determine the desires to do so with the "project sponsors". 3. COMPASS staff presents to the RTAC and COMPASS Board of Directors the desire of the "project sponsor" to advance the project if an opportunity presents itself. 4. COMPASS staff will develop a list of all potential project advancements approved by the COMPASS Board of Directors. This list will be forwarded to ITD District 3. If the project is in the STP Local Urban program, COMPASS staff will monitor opportunities and negotiate to re- program the project in advance of its current programming. ITD District 3 staff, in cooperation with COMPASS staff, will do the same for all projects in other programs. 15 5. If successful, COMPASS staff will make appropriate modifications to the TIP, either through the annual update process or an amendment to the current year TIP, and present the changes to RTAC and COMPASS Board of Directors for approval. The changes will then be forwarded to the ITD for approval. Proiect Delays 1. The project sponsor of a locally sponsored project should identify as early as possible an expected delay and inform the COMPASS staff who will then inform RTAC and the COMPASS Board of Directors of the expected delays. 2. The project sponsor and COMPASS staff should evaluate and explore what actions can be taken to avoid the delay of a project. Primary actions that might be explored include: a. The project sponsor evaluates if the project can be developed in phases to avoid delaying the entire project. b. Find and negotiate with other agencies for additional resources. This includes the "project sponsor" covering anticipated cost increases that threaten to delay the project. It is the policy of the STP Enhancement Program that the proiect sponsor.covers the cost increases to avoid delay of the proiect. If a delay is unavoidable. the proiect is dropped from thern oma, and must be resubmitted for consideration in the statewide competitive selection process. c. If the delay is due to cost increases or funding shortfalls, COMPASS and ITD staff will attempt to identify other projects within the same federal transportation funding program that have or will likely delay and allow for the project to remain as programmed. It may be possible, but not practical, that the project be moved to another federal transportation funding program to avoid a delay. 3. If delaying the project cannot be avoided or a phase of the project will be delayed, COMPASS staff for the STP Urban Program and ITD staff in cooperation with COMPASS staff for all other federal transportation -funding programs will work with the appropriate agencies to delay the project. NOTE: Under the STP Urban Program. if another proiect cannot be advanced to fill the void createdby the ornject being delayed. those funds earmarked for the proiect may he lost and will not be made available for later years. Therefore. the nroject may need to be delayed until funds are once again sufficient to cover the costs. 4. Whereas the action of how to address a project in the STP Urban Program may impact the available funding shared by urbanized area entities and other programmed projects. COMPASS staff should immediately notify RTAC and COMPASS Board of the ramifications of such a decision. They should also be made aware of all explored opportunities and why such a decision was made. With Board approval, COMPASS staff will pursue the approved course of action. Even though, under the other federal 16 transportation funding programs, funds are not shared by the entities, RTAC and the Policy Board should be kept abreast of what actions are being taken to maintain or delay a project. 5. Adjustments or amendments to the TIP as a result of project delays are presented for review and approval of the RTAC and COMPASS Board and forwarded to the ITD for approval. Proiect Replacements 1. COMPASS staff should be notified immediately if the "project sponsor" desires to replace an "existing" project with a "new" project due to the delay or re -prioritization of projects. 2. COMPASS staff will verify that the "new" project is identified and, if applicable, prioritized in the Long Range Transportation Plan. If required, COMPASS staff will take appropriate steps to ensure the project is consistent with the Plan. 3. The re -prioritization of projects will be presented to the RTAC and COMPASS Board. This is important because re -prioritized projects may impact the eventual funding of other projects. 4. The "existing" project will be dropped from . the program or delayed. If the project is delayed, then COMPASS staff for the STP Urban Program and ITD staff in cooperation with COMPASS staff for all other federal .transportation funding programs will, work with the appropriate agencies to delay the project.. • 5. COMPASS staff for the STP Urban Program and ITD staff in cooperation with COMPASS staff for all other federal transportation funding programs will work with the appropriate agencies to program the "new" project in the slot vacated by the "existing" project. If the cost of a "new" project is similar to that of an "existing" project, the process to program the "new" project should be less onerous. 6. Adjustments or amendments to the TIP, as a result of project replacements and any delays, are presented for review and approval of the RTAC and COMPASS Board and forwarded to the ITD for approval. Proiect Meetings For locally sponsored projects, COMPASS staff should be made aware of and attend all meetings where project reviews and determinations are made that potentially impact the programming status of a project. Cost Modifications under Construction After a project has gone through the TIP process and is under construction, any cost modification, either an increase or decrease, will have an impact on the TIP. Under the STP Urban Program all cost modifications will add to or reduce the balance of funds available for other programmed projects in the area and the ability to program new projects. COMPASS staff should be notified immediately of any cost modifications to a project whereas COMPASS staff 17 must be aware of the balance funds available to the area in the STP Urban Program in order to appropriately balance the Program. COMPASS staff will notify the RTAC and Policy Board of substantial cost modifications and the potential ramifications. ITD-1414 Project Program Entry and Revision Form Upon determination that adjustments to a locally sponsored project are required, an ITD-1414 Project Program Entry and Revision Form should be completed. The project sponsor should document the adjustments and forward the information to the ITD District 3 Local Roads Coordinator for STP -Urban projects, who will process the information. A copy of the information supplied by the project sponsor to District 3 should be forwarded to COMPASS. T:1600transup1685tipVTIP Guide\TIP Development ProcessRev2nocover.doc 18 APPENDICES Appendix A A. Glossary of Acronyms and Definitions ACHD Ada County Highway District ADA Americans with Disabilities Act CMAQ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program CMS Congestion Management System COMPASS Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho EAC Enhancement Advisory Committee EPA Environmental Protection Agency FHWA Federal Highway Administration FTA Federal Transit Administration HZD.ELM Hazard Elimination IDEQ Idaho Department of Environmental Quality ITD Idaho Transportation Department ITS Intelligent Transportation System MPO Metropolitan Planning Organization NHS National Highway System PM,o Particulate Matter equal or smaller than 10 microns in diameter SIP State Implementation Plan STP Surface Transportation Program STP -E Surface Transportation Program -Enhancement STP -R Surface Transportation Program -Rural STP -U Surface Transportation Program -Urban TCMs Transportation Control Measures STP -TMA Surface Transportation Program -Transportation Management Area TEA -21 Transportation Equity Act for the 21" Century TIP Transportation Improvement Program TMA Transportation Management Area Tenn >, Definition ACHD Commuteride Ada County Highway District's program that coordinates car- and vanpools and related assistance to employers. Arterial A road that carries the major portion of trips entering, passing through, or leaving urban areas. They are.often further defined as principal, minor, and rural. Carpool An arrangement where two or more people share the use and cost of privately owned automobiles in traveling to and from pre -arranged destinations together. Collector Any street that primarily moves traffic from local roads to arterials. COMPASS Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho Corridor A broad geographical band that follows a general directional flow connecting major sources of trips that may contain a number of streets, highways and transit route alignments. District 3 One of six ITD-designated districts in Idaho, this district is composed of the 10 southwest Idaho counties, including Canyon and Ada Counties. Term Definitiop: •• Functional Classification The process by which streets and highways are grouped into classes, or systems, according to the type of service they are intended to provide. High -Occupancy Vehicle Vehicle with more than one rider, sometimes given preferential treatment in (HOV) the planning of transportation facilities, such as carpool lanes on highways. Intermodal ITD Level of Service Local Road Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Public Transportation Those issues or actio ties which involve or affect more than one mode of transportation, includig-t�ansportation connections, choices, cooperation and coordination of various modes. Also known as "multimodal." Idaho Transportation Department. For highway systems, a qualitative rating of the effectiveness of a highway or highway facility in serving traffic, in terms of operating conditions. A road used for access to abutting properties. Formed in cooperation with the state, develops transportation plans and programs for the metropolitan area. For each urbanized area, a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) must be designated by agreement between the Govemor and local units of govemment representing 75 percent of the affected population (in the metropolitan area), including the central cities or cities as defined by the Bureau of the Census, or in accordance with procedures established by applicable state or local law. Transportation by bus, or rail, or other conveyance, either publicly or privately owned, providing to the public general or special service (but not including school buses or charter or sightseeing service) on a regular and continuing basis. Also known as "mass transit", "mass transportation", and "transit". Regional Public A state -designated agency responsible for administering state funds, Transportation Authority preparing the required Regional Transportation Plan and Regional (RPTA) Transportation Improvement Program, and other tasks. Right -of -Way (ROW) A parcel of land dedicated or reserved for use as a public way, which in urban areas may include streets, sidewalks, utilities, or other service functions. A vehicle that carries the driver only. Single Occupant Vehicle (SOV) Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Urbanized Area Valleyride A concept that seeks to reduce the number of vehicles using the road system while providing mobility options to those who wish to travel. Area designated by the Bureau of the Census that has a population of 50,000 or more. The regional transportation agency for Ada and Canyon Counties. A-2 Appendix B B. Federal Funding Sources Federal Highway Administration's Programs National Highway System (NHS): The National Highway System (NHS) consists of approximately 160,000 miles of roadway important to the nation's economy, defense, and mobility and includes the following subsystems of roadways: Interstate: The entire national highway system. The Eisenhower Interstate System of highways retains its separate identity within the NHS. Other Principal Arterials: These are highways in rural and urban areas that provide access between an arterial and a major port, airport, public transportation facility, or other intermodal transportation facility. Strategic Highway Network (STRAHNET): This is a network of highways which are important to the United States' strategic defense policy and which provide defense access, continuity and emergency capabilities for defense purposes. Major Strategic Highway Network Connectors: These are highways that provide access between major military installations and highways that are part of the Strategic .Highway Network. A local example of this category is Gowen Road. Intermodal Connectors: These highways provide access between major intermodal facilities and the other four subsystems making up the NHS. A local example of this category is Vista Avenue, between the Boise Air Terminals and the Boise Depot. Interstate Maintenance (IM). As part of the NHS Program, the Interstate System has a separate identity and receives separate funding under the IM Program. The Interstate Maintenance Program provides for completion of interstate construction, interstate substitute highway projects, and the maintenance of the Interstate System. The IM Program involves projects to rehabilitate, restore, and resurface the Interstate System. Reconstruction is also eligible if it does not add capacity. High -Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) and auxiliary lanes, however, can be added under this category. Surface Transportation Program (STP). The STP is a block grant program that may be used for any roads (including the NHS) that are not functionally classified as local or rural minor collectors. These roads are collectively referred to as Federal -Aid System (FAS) roads. Public bridge projects are exempt from this requirement. Transit capital projects are also eligible under this program through a process known as "flexibility," which allows local and State governments to determine the most effective means of meeting transportation needs in their communities. The ITD subdivides STP funds into State and Local. The Local share is subdivided into Urban and Rural. The Urban portion is further subdivided into urban areas with less than 5,000 population and urban areas with 50,000 populations or more (MPO Areas). Surface Transportation Program -State (STP -S). STP -S funds primarily provide funding for reconstruction or rehabilitation of roadways on the State Highway System. These funds may also be used for planning, enhancement, transit, bridge, or safety activities. B-1 Surface Transportation Program -Urban (STP -U). The STP -U, a portion of the STP, is allocated to urban areas (5,000 or more population). The funds are primarily used for reconstruction or rehabilitation of roadways functionally classified as urban collectors or higher. These funds may also be used for planning, enhancement, transit, bridge, or safety activities. The urban areas with a population of 50,000 or more are entitled to form an MPO, such as COMPASS, to prioritize the allocation of STP -Urban dollars. There are currently six MPOs in the State of Idaho: Boise, Pocatello, Idaho Falls, Coeur d'Alene, Lewis -Clark Valley, and Nampa. The Local Highway Technical Assistance Council and the six MPOs assist the ITD with the administration of this fund. The Nampa Urbanized Area receives approximately $900,000 of this fund annually. The Boise Urbanized Area is the only MPO in Idaho with a population of over 200,000. As such, it is designated as a TMA and annually receives an obligation authority of approximately $4.7 million under the STP Urban•Program. In Idaho, the portion of the • STP -Urban dollars allocated to the TMA is called STP -TMA. Surface Transportation Program -Rural (STP -R). Local Rural funds are for projects in rural areas, and in cities with population below 5,000. They are primarily used for reconstruction or rehabilitation of roadways functionally classified as rural major collectors or higher. The funds may also be used for planning, enhancement, transit, bridge, or safety activities. In Idaho, the Local Highway Technical Assistance Council (LHTAC) assists the ITD with the administration of this federal program. Surface Transportation Program -Enhancement (STP -E). Ten percent of the STP funds must be allocated for Transportation Enhancement activities. Transportation Enhancement activities provide funding for: • Facilities for pedestrians and bicycles; • Acquisition of scenic easements and scenic or historic sites; • Scenic or historic highway programs; • Landscaping and other scenic beautification; • Historic preservation; • Rehabilitation and operation of historic transportation buildings, structures, or facilities (including historic railroad facilities and canals); • Preservation of abandoned railway corridors (including the conversion and use thereof for pedestrian or bicycle trails); • Control and removal of outdoor advertising, archaeological planning and research; and • Mitigation of water pollution due to highway runoff. Projects under the Transportation Enhancement Program are funded on a statewide competitive basis. Per a policy of thbIclaho Transportation Board, the Statewide Evaluation Committee gives addition merit points to the projects ranked by the COMPASS Board of Directors as the area's highest priority projects. Safety. Ten percent of STP funds are allocated to the Safety Program. Eligible activities include projects for the improvement of identified high -hazard locations that constitute a danger to vehicles or pedestrians. Examples of the types of projects include intersection improvements, modification of roadway cross-sections, pavement skid treatments, and alignment changes. Any reconstruction of appreciable lengths of roadway is not intended for funding under this program. The major focus of this program is to target spot improvements of high accident areas. Similar to the Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program, safety projects can be on any public road. Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ). The CMAQ Program directs funds toward transportation projects that improve air quality by reducing emissions or traffic congestion. Currently no area in the State of Idaho receives an entitlement under this program, as there is no formally designated carbon monoxide non -attainment area in Idaho. The Idaho Transportation Board, however, has set a policy of directing a portion of the CMAQ funds to air quality projects in the areas that have a history of air quality problems or are susceptible to such a problem. Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program. Highway bridges over waterways, railroads, other highways, or other topographical barriers may be replaced or rehabilitated when .the states and the Secretary of Transportation find that they are unsafe due to structural deficiencies, physical deterioration, or functional obsolescence. Preliminary engineering, construction, and construction engineering of these bridges are eligible activities under the Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program. Additional eligible projects include bridge painting, seismic retrofitting, and calcium magnesium acetate applications. Bridge Program Funds may not be used for costs of right-of-way, utility relocation or adjustments, long approach fills or similar items. Approach costs are limited to 10% of total costs. (Note: Other Federal -aid highway funds may share in the cost of these items.) The structure to be replaced may be on or off the Federal -Aid Highway System. The structure must be inspected, rated and determined to be deficient, submitted as a replacement candidate, and considered as having a high priority for replacement. Federal Lands Program. Funding authorizations under the Federal Lands Program are now provided through three categories: Indian Reservation Roads, Parkways and Park Roads, and Public Land Highways. Funds are allocated on the basis of relative needs. States containing at least 3% of the Nation's total public lands are given priority for these discretionary funds. Idaho is one of these priority states. Scenic Byways Program. This program began in 1991 and provides federal funding for maintenance and improvement of scenic roadways on a competitive basis throughout the Country. The ITD provides up to 80% of the cost of projects under the Scenic Byways Program. B-3 The project must be on a highway or local road designated as a scenic, historic, or backcountry byway. Eligible projects include: • Developing and implementing a corridor management plan; • Safety improvements required as a result of scenic byway designation; • Pedestrian/bicyclist facilities, rest areas, turnouts, highway shoulder improvements, passing lanes, overlooks, and interpretive facilities; • Enhancing access to an area for recreation purposes; • Protecting scenic, historic, recreation, cultural, natural, and archaeological resources; • Developing and providing tourist information; including interpretive exhibits/kiosks, brochures, audio/video tapes; and • Developing and implementing a scenic byway -marketing program. Federal Transit Administration's Programs. The FTA provides federal assistance funds under its various programs to transit entities. ValleyRide, as a regional public transportation entity in the Treasure Valley, is the designated recipient of FTA's Section 5307 funds. Section 5303. Provides funds for transit planning activities in the metropolitan planning areas. The funds are allocated to the state and distributed to the MPOs. In Idaho, these funds are combined with FHWA funds under the Consolidated Planning Grants to allow multimodal planning activities. Section 5307. These funds are allocated. to the urbanized areas by statutory formula. This transit program provides federal funds for capital and operation improvement programs of transit systems. The funds could be used for planning public transportation and the development of transit services. Currently, in the TMAs, Section 5307 funds cannot be used for operation costs of transit services. Section 5309. Provides discretionary funds allocated directly by US Congress to state and local transit providers for capital improvement purposes. The funds are not transferable to roadway or transit operation improvement programs. Section 5310. Provides funds for services and rolling stocks that directly benefit transportation of elderly and people with disabilities. The funds are distributed to states based on the population of elderly and people with disabilities in the state. Section 5311. Provides funds to states for distribution to transit entities in the areas with less than 50,000 population. The funds can be used for planning, administration, capital and operation improvements, and other costs associated with the provision of transit services. Section 5311(f). Funds are allocated to the state to be distributed to entities that providefixed route public transportation services between cities. Funds may be used for administration, operations, planning, and capital; costs of intercity bus services. B-4 APPENDIX C C. Federal Regulations for TIP Development 23 CFR §450.324 The metropolitan transportation planning process shall include development of a TIP for the metropolitan planning area by the MPO in cooperation with the State and public transit operators. The TIP must be updated at least every two years and approved by the MPO and the Governor. The frequency and cycle for updating the TIP must be compatible with the STIP development and approval process. Although metropolitan TIPs, unlike statewide TIPs, do not need to be approved by the FHWA or the FTA, copies of any new or amended TIPs must be provided to each agency. In non -attainment and maintenance areas for transportation related pollutants, the FHWA and the FTA, as well as the MPO, must make a conformity determination on any new or amended TIPs (unless the amendment consists entirely of exempt projects) in accordance with the Clean Air Act requirements and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conformity regulations. There must be reasonable opportunity for public comment and, in non -attainment TMAs, an opportunity for at least one formal public meeting during the TIP development process. The proposed TIP shall be published or otherwise made readily available for review and comment. Similarly; the approved TIP shall. be published or otherwise made readily available for information purposes. The TIP shall cover a period of not less than 3 years, but.may cover a longer period if it identifies priorities and financial information for the additional years. The TIP must include a priority list of projects to be carried out in the first three years. As a minimum, the priority list shall group the projects that are to be undertaken in each of the years, i.e., year 1, year 2, year 3. In non -attainment and maintenance areas, the TIP shall give priority to eligible [Transportation Control Measures] (TCMs) identified in the approved [State Implementation Plan] (STIP) in accordance with the U.S. EPA conformity regulation and shall provide for their timely implementation. The TIP shall be financially constrained by year and include a financial plan that demonstrates which projects can be implemented using current revenue sources and which projects are to be implemented using proposed revenue sources. The financial plan shall be developed by the MPO in cooperation with the State and the transit operator. The TIP must include: All transportation projects, or identified phases of a project, within the metropolitan planning area proposed for funding under title 23, U.S.C., and the Federal Transit Act, and planning and research activities; Only projects that are consistent with the transportation plan; All regionally significant transportation projects for which an FHWA or the FTA approval is required whether or not the projects are to be funded with title 23, U.S.C., or Federal Transit Act funds, e.g., C-1 addition of an interchange to the Interstate System with State, local, and/or private funds, demonstration projects not funded under title 23, U.S.C., or the Federal Transit Act, etc.; For informational purposes and air quality analysis in non -attainment and maintenance areas, all regionally significant transportation projects proposed to be funded with Federal funds, including intermodal facilities, not covered in paragraphs (0(1) or (0(3) of this section; and For informational purposes and air quality analysis in non -attainment and maintenance areas, all regionally significant projects to be funded with non -Federal funds. Sufficient descriptive material (i.e., type of work, termini, length, etc.) to identify the project or phase; Estimated total cost; The amount of Federal funds proposed to be obligated during each program year; Proposed source of Federal and non -Federal funds; Identification of the recipientlsubrecipient and State and local agencies responsible for carrying out the project; In non -attainment and maintenance areas, identification of those projects which are identified as TCMs in the applicable SIP; and In areas with Americans with Disabilities Act required Paratransit and key station plans, identification of those projects which will implement the plans., In non -attainment and maintenance areas, sufficient detail for projects (design concept and scope) to permit air quality analysis. The TIP shall: Identify the criteria and process for prioritizing implementation of transportation plan elements (including intermodal trade-offs) for inclusion in the TIP and any changes in priorities from previous TIPs; List major projects from the previous TIP that were implemented and identify any significant delays in the planned implementation of major projects; In non -attainment and maintenance areas, describe the progress in implementing any required TCMs, including the reasons for any significant delays in the planned implementation and strategies for ensuring their advancement at the earliest possible time; and In non -attainment and maintenance areas, include a list of all projects found to conform in a previous TIP and are now part of the base case for the purpose of air quality conformity analyses. Projects shall be included in this list until construction or acquisition has been fully authorized, except when a three-year period has elapsed subsequent to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) approval without any major action -taking place to advance the project. In order to maintain or establish operations, in the absence of an approved metropolitan TIP, the FTA and/or the FHWA Administrators, as appropriate, may approve operating assistance. Amendment. The TIP may be modified at any time consistent with the procedures established in this C-2 part for its development and approval. In non -attainment or maintenance areas for transportation related pollutants if the TIP is amended by adding or deleting projects which contribute to and/or reduce transportation related emissions or replaced with a new TIP, new conformity determinations by the MPO and the FHWA and the FTA will be necessary. Public involvement procedures shall be utilized in amending the TIP. Relationship to Statewide TIP. After approval by the MPO and the Governor', the TIP shall be included without modification, directly or by reference, in the STIP program, except that in non -attainment and maintenance areas, a conformity finding by the FHWA and the FTA must be made before it is included in the STIP. After approval by the MPO and the Governor, a copy shall be provided to the FHWA and the FTA. Action Required by FHWA and FTA. The FHWA and the FTA must jointly find that each metropolitan TIP is based on a continuing, comprehensive transportation process carried on cooperatively by the States, MPOs and transit operators. This finding shall be based on the self -certification statement submitted by the State and MPO and upon other reviews as deemed necessary by the FHWA and the FTA. Project selection. In areas not designated as TMAs projects to be implemented using title 23 funds other than Federal lands projects or Federal Transit Act funds shall be selected by the State and/or the transit operator, in cooperation with the MPO from the approved metropolitan TIP. Federal Lands Highways program projects shall be selected in accordance with 23 U.S.C. 204. In areas designated as TMAs all title 23 and Federal Transit Act funded projects,'except projects on the NHS and projects funded under the bridge, interstate maintenance, and Federal Lands Highways • programs, shall be selected by the MPO in consultation with the State and transit operator from the approved metropolitan TIP and in accordance with the priorities in the approved metropolitan TIP. Projects on the NHS, and projects funded under the bridge and Interstate maintenance programs shall be selected by the State in cooperation with the MPO, from the approved metropolitan TIP. Projects not included in the Federally approved STIP will not be eligible for funding with title 23, U.S.C., or Federal Transit Act funds. The Idaho Transportation Board approves the STIP on behalf of the Governor. C-3 Appendix D D. Definition of Regionally Significant The Idaho Administrative Code includes the following definition of a regionally significant project within the Rules for the Control of Air Pollution in Idaho (IDAPA 58.01.01)" 566.14 Regionally Significant Project A transportation project, other than an exempt project, that is on a facility which serves regional transportation needs (such as access to and from the area outside the region, major activity centers in the region, major planned developments such as new retail malls, sports complexes, etc., or transportation terminals as well as most terminals themselves) and would normally be included in the modeling of a metropolitan area's transportation network including , at a minimum: a. All principal arterial highways; b. All fixed guideway transit facilities that offer an alternative to regional highway travel; and c. Any other facilities determined to be regionally significant through Section 570, interagency consultation. On. .January 30, 2002, the Ada County Interagency Consultation Committee on Air Quality Conformity developed the following definition for the term "Regionally Significant": "A transportation project in Ada County, Idaho is designated 'Regionally Significant' if (a) the project is for the improvement of either: (i) a principal arterial or higher functional classification; or (ii) a minor arterial which will have a twenty (20) year projected traffic volume of at least 45,000 vehicles a day after completion of the project; and (b) the project will add at least one new continuous vehicular lane which either: (i) extends from one intersecting principal or minor arterial to another intersecting principal or minor arterial; or (ii) in the case of an interstate, extends from the on ramp of one interstate interchange to a point beyond the off ramp of the next adjacent interstate interchange." D-1 Appendix E E. Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Project Request Form Instructions: Use one form per project. TIP Year (check one): Year 1 0 Year 2 0 Year 3 0 Year 4 0 Year 5 0 PD 0 Requesting Entity: 1. Project Priority: # 2. Project Title: 3. Project Termini: Start: Finish: 4. Project Description: 5. Implementing Agency: (check all that apply) ❑ City of (please specify) ❑ Highway District ❑ County of (please specify) 0 ACHD ❑ ITD Is project included in Implementing Agency work program? 0 YES 0 NO 6. Is the project identified in the Regional Long -Range Transportation Plan? ❑ YES 0 NO If yes, 'cite references: If no, project is not eligible for the TIP at this time. 7. Describe any other plans that identify the project (local comprehensive plans, corridor studies, etc.) (use additional sheets if necessary): 8. Describe potential for coordination with other existing or proposed projects in the region: Please attach any additional information on the project on separate pages. Note: All TIP Project Request Forms must be accompanied by a copy of the official action recommending the projects. The action may be in the form of a resolution or letter that indicates a majority of the governing board approved the project request(s). E-1 Appendix F F. Criteria for Establishing Regional Priority of Projects Under the Transportation Enhancement Program Approved by the COMPASS Board of Directors in November 2000. The ranking of Transportation Enhancement Program applications will be based on (1) the Idaho Transportation Board's Criteria; and (2) Equity in Geographic Distribution of the fund. The Idaho Transportation Board gives additional merit points to the projects identified as regional priority projects. This additional merit point applies to each of the three categories of the Transportation Enhancement Program, 1) pedestrian and bike facilities; 2) scenic and environmental; and 3) historical preservation. Therefore, a community with projects within all three categories of the Program may choose three projects as their first priorities and another three projects as their second priorities. For the purpose of scoring the COMPASS criterion to promote geographic equity, Ada and Canyon Counties are divided into the following geographic areas: Ada County 1. Ada County, rural portion 2. Boise, north of the river 3. Boise, West Bench Planning Area 4. Boise, Southeast Planning Area 5. Boise Central Bench Planning Area 6. Eagle Planning Area 7. Garden City Planning Area 8. Kuna Planning Area 9. Meridian Planning Area 10. Star Planning Area Canyon County 1. City of Nampa 2. City of Caldwell 3. City of Middleton 4. Balance of the County TABLE 1 ENHANCEMENT APPLICATION SCORING CRITERIA Criteria Maximum Points Quality of Experience 15 Value and Cost 15 Support 20 Importance 15 Plans and Goals 15 Project -Specific Criteria 20 Geographic Equity 20 No approved project over the past 5 years. 20 No approved project in the same category over 15 the past 5 years. One approved project in the same category over 10 the past 5 years. More than one approved project in any category 5 over the past 5 years. Total Maximum Points 120 F-1 Appendix G G. Northern Ada County Urbanized Area - Surface Transportation Program -Urban (STP -U) Criteria for Evaluation of Roadway and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Projects 1. Community/Agency Task Force's Priority (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Highest priority 7 Pts. = Intermediate priority 5 Pts. = Low priority 2. Provides for Current and Future Roadway Needs (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Improves forecasted future deficiencies (LOS E/F) 7 Pts. = Improves crossing of physical barriers 4 Pts. = Improves gateways or primary community entrances listed in the Long Range Transportation Plan 3. Significance of Project (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Addresses a Regional Area (e.g., a principal arterial project) 7 Pts. = Addresses a Sub -Regional Area (e.g., a minor arterial project) 4 Pts. = Addresses a Neighborhood issue (e.g., a collector project) 4. Provides for Existing Infrastructure (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts.= Increases efficiency of existing facilities 7 Pts.= Preserves existing facilities 5. Safety Improvement (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Improves current high accident location 7 Pts. = Improves current design deficiencies 4 Pts. = Increases bicycle and pedestrian safety 6. Consistency with Regional, Local and Agencies' Plans (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Specifically named in the Long Range Transportation Plan 7 Pts. = Specifically named in local or agencies' Plans 7. Air Quality Improvement (Maximum of 10 Points) 5 Pts. = Reduces carbon monoxide emissions 5 Pts. = Reduces particulate matter emissions (PM1o) 8. Implements System Efficiency on Facilities/Areas Identified by the Congestion Management System as (Maximum of 5 Points) 5 Pts. = High 3 Pts. = Medium 1 Pt. = Low or Unclassified (i.e. Minor Arterials) Notes: Maximum possible points under this category are 75 points. Applications and interpretations of the Criteria are at the discretion of the Subcommittee on STP - U Criteria. G-1 Northern Ada County Urbanized Area Surface Transportation Program -Urban (STP -U) Criteria for Evaluation of Alternative Modes of Transportation Projects 1. Community/Agency Task Force's Priority (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Highest priority 7 Pts. = Intermediate priority 4 Pts. = Low priority 2. Provides for Current and Future Alternative Modes of Transportation (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Improves or maintains existing services/facilities 7 Pts. = Expands existing services/facilities 4 Pts. = Improves travel options during peak hours 3. Significance of Project (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Addresses a Regional Area (e.g., bus or van purchases) 7 Pts. = Addresses a Sub -Regional Area (e.g., Park & Ride lots or new bus or van routes) 4 Pts. = Addresses a Neighborhood issue (e.g., bike and pedestrian facilities) 4. System Efficiency (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Improves travel along congested routes 7 Pts. = Improves future,deficiencies, 4 Pts. = Reduces peak. hour travel 5. Reduces the Amount of Single Occupant Vehicles on Facilities/Areas Identified by the Congestion Management System as (Maximum of 5 Points) 5 Pts. = High 3 Pts. = Medium 1 Pt. = Low or Unclassified (i.e. Minor Arterials) 6. Provides Accessibility to Non -Auto Users (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Serves major trip destinations 7 Pts. = Serves areas with highest concentration of people depending on alternative modes 4 Pts. = Serves schools 7. Consistency with Regional, Local and Agencies' Plans (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Specifically named in the Long Range Transportation Plan 5 Pts. = Specifically named in local or agencies' Plans 8. Air Quality Improvement (Maximum of 10 Points) 5 Pts. = Reduces carbon monoxide emissions 5 Pts. = Reduces particulate matter emissions (PM10) Notes: Maximum possible points under this category are 75 points. Applications and interpretations of the Criteria are at the discretion of the Subcommittee on STP - U Criteria. G-2 Northern Ada County Urbanized Area Surface Transportation Program -Urban (STP -U) Criteria for Evaluation of Transportation -Related Studies 1. Community/Agency Task Force's Priority (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Highest priority 7 Pts. = Intermediate priority 4 Pts. = Low priority 2. Significance of Project (Maximum of 20 Points) 20 Pts. = Addresses a Regional Area (i.e., a principal arterial or a regional transit project) 15 Pts. = Addresses a Sub -Regional Area (i.e., a minor arterial or a bus route project) 10 Pts. = Addresses a Neighborhood issue (i.e., a collector or a bike & pedestrian facility) 3. System Efficiency (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Addresses improvement of congested travel routes 7 Pts. = Addresses peak hour travel needs 5 Pts. = Addresses future deficiencies 4. Evaluates System Efficiency on Facilities/Areas Identified by the Congestion Management System as (Maximum of 5 Points) 5 Pts. = High 3 Pts. = Medium 1 Pt. = Low and unclassified (i.e. Minor Arterials). 5. Consistency with Regional, Local and Agencies' Plans (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Specifically named in the Long Range Transportation Plan 5 Pts. = Specifically named in local or agencies' Plans 6. Promotion of Alternative Modes (Maximum of 10 Points) 5 Pts. = Aims at promoting, marketing and educating public on use of alternative modes 5 Pts. = Provides incentives for use of alternative modes or disincentives for use of single occupancy vehicle 5 Pts. = Provides reliable alternatives to use of single occupancy vehicle 7. Federal Compliance (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Deemed critical to maintaining inflow of federal funds 5 Pts. = Facilitates compliance with federal and state regulations 5 Pts. = Increases chance of receiving additional federal funds Notes: Maximum possible points under this category are 75 points. Applications and interpretations of the Criteria are at the discretion of the Subcommittee on STP - U Criteria. G-3 1. Appendix H H. Nampa Urbanized Area - Surface Transportation Program -Urban (STP -U) Criteria For Evaluation of Roadway and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Projects Sponsoring Agency's Priority (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Highest priority 7 Pts. = Intermediate priority 4 Pts. = Low priority 2. Provides for Current and Future Roadway Needs (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Improves forecasted future deficiencies (LOS E/F) 7 Pts. = Improves crossing of physical barriers 4 Pts. = Improves gateways or primary community entrances listed in the Long Range Transportation Plan 3. Significance of Project (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Addresses a Regional Area (e.g., a principal arterial project) 7 Pts. = Addresses a Sub -Regional Area (e.g., a minor arterial project) 4 Pts. = Addresses a Neighborhood issue (e.g., a collector project) 4. Provides for Existing Infrastructure (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts.= Increases efficiency of existing facilities 7 Pts.= Preserves existing facilities 5. Safety Improvement (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Improves current high accident location 7 Pts. = Improves current design deficiencies 4 Pts. = Increases bicycle and pedestrian safety 6. Consistency with Regional, Local and Agencies' Plans (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Specifically named in the Long Range Transportation Plan 7 Pts. = Specifically named in local or agencies' Plans 7. Air Quality Improvement (Maximum of 10 Points) 5 Pts. = Reduces carbon monoxide emissions 5 Pts. = Reduces particulate matter emissions (PM10) 8. Implements System Efficiency on Facilities/Areas Identified by the Congestion Management System as (Maximum of 5 Points) 5Pts. =High 3 Pts. = Medium 1 Pt. = Low or Unclassified (i.e. Minor Arterials) Notes: Maximum possible points under this category are 75 points. Applications and interpretations of the Criteria are at the discretion of the Subcommittee on STP - U Criteria. H-1 Nampa Urbanized Area Surface Transportation Program -Urban (STP -U) Criteria for Evaluation of Alternative Modes of Transportation Projects 1. Sponsoring Agency's Priority (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Highest priority 7 Pts. = Intermediate priority 4 Pts. = Low priority 2. Provides for Current and Future Alternative Modes of Transportation (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Improves or maintains existing services/facilities 7 Pts. = Expands existing services/facilities 4 Pts. = Improves travel options during peak hours 3. Significance of Project (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Addresses a Regional Area (e.g., bus or van purchases) 7 Pts. = Addresses a Sub -Regional Area (e.g., Park & Ride lots or new bus or van routes) 4 Pts. = Addresses a Neighborhood issue (e.g., bike and pedestrian facilities) 4. System Efficiency (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Improves travel along congested routes 7 Pts. = Improves future, deficiencies 4 Pts. = Reduces peak hour travel 5. Reduces the Amount of Single Occupant Vehicles on Facilities/Areas Identified by the Congestion Management System as (Maximum of 5 Points) 5 Pts.=High 3 Pts. = Medium 1 Pt. = Low or Unclassified (i.e. Minor Arterials) 6. Provides Accessibility to Non -Auto Users (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Serves major trip destinations 7 Pts. = Serves areas with highest concentration of people depending on alternative modes 4 Pts. = Serves schools 7. Consistency with Regional, Local and Agencies' Plans (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Specifically named in the Long Range Transportation Plan 5 Pts. = Specifically named in local or agencies' Plans 8. Air Quality Improvement (Maximum of 10 Points) 5 Pts. = Reduces carbon monoxide emissions 5 Pts. = Reduces particulate matter emissions (PMIO) Notes: Maximum possible points under this category are 75 points. Applications and interpretations of the Criteria are at the discretion of the Subcommittee on STP - U Criteria. H-2 Nampa Urbanized Area Surface Transportation Program -Urban (STP -U) Criteria for Evaluation of Transportation -Related Studies 1. Sponsoring Agency's Priority (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Highest priority 7 Pts. = Intermediate priority 4 Pts. = Low priority 2. Significance of Project (Maximum of 15 Points) 15 Pts. = Addresses a Regional Area (i.e., a principal arterial or a regional transit project) 10 Pts. = Addresses a Sub -Regional Area (i.e., a minor arterial or a bus route project) 5 Pts. = Addresses a Neighborhood issue (i.e., a collector or a bike & pedestrian facility) 3. System Efficiency (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Addresses improvement of congested travel routes 7 Pts. = Addresses peak hour travel needs 5 Pts. = Addresses future deficiencies 4. Evaluates System Efficiency on Facilities/Areas Identified by the Congestion Management System as (Maximum of 5 Points) 5 Pts. = High 3 Pts. = Medium 1 Pt. = Low or Unclassified (i.e. Minor Arterials) 5. Consistency with Regional, Local and Agencies' Plans (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Specifically named in the Long Range Transportation Plan 5 Pts. = Specifically named in local or agencies' Plans 6. Promotion of Alternative Modes (Maximum of 10 Points) 5 Pts. = Aims at promoting, marketing and educating public on use of alternative modes 5 Pts. = Provides incentives for use of alternative modes or disincentives for use of single occupancy vehicle 5 Pts. = Provides reliable alternatives to use of single occupancy vehicle 7. Federal Compliance (Maximum of 10 Points) 10 Pts. = Deemed critical to maintaining inflow of federal funds 5 Pts. = Facilitates compliance with federal and state regulations 5 Pts. = Increases chance of receiving additional federal funds 8. Safety Improvement (Maximum of 5 Points) 5 Pts. = Improves current high accident location 3 Pts. = Improves current design deficiencies 1 Pt. = Increases bicycle and pedestrian safety Notes: Maximum possible points under this category are 75 points. Applications and interpretations of the Criteria are at the discretion of the Subcommittee on STP - U Criteria. H-3 Appendix I I. Transportation Improvement Program - Amendment Request Form Date Submitted: TIP to be Amended: Sponsoring Agency: Project Key No.: Year: Funding Source: Project Name: Type of Amendment (check all that apply): ❑ Funding Year ❑ Funding Amount ❑ Project Description Amendment Justification: ❑ Project Description (changes to projects resulting in increase road capacity may require an air quality conformity analysis) Additional Information (please use separate paper): 1. Does this project require. a new' air quality conformity determination? . (From CFR Section 51.400C2: A TIP amendment requires a new conformity determination for the entire TIP before the amendment is approved by the MPO, unless it merely adds or deletes exempt projects listed in Section 51.460.) • 2. Is this project regionally significant? (From CFR Section450.324f3: The TIP shall include... all regionally significant transportation projects for which an FHWA or the FTA approval is required whether or not the projects are to be funded with title 23, U.S. C., or Federal Transit Act funds, e.g., addition of an interchange to the Interstate System with State, local, and/or private funds, demonstration projects not funded under tide 23, U.S.C., or the Federal Transit Act, etc.) 3. Has this project had the opportunity for public comment? (From CFR Section450.326: "...Public involvement procedures consistent with Section 450.316(b)(1) shall be utilized in amending the TIP, except that these procedures are not required for TIP amendments that only involve projects of the type covered in Section 450.324(1).) 4. Has this project been found to be financially constrained? (From CFR Section 450.324(e): "The TIP shall be financially constrained by year and include a financial plan that demonstrates which projects can be implemented using current revenue sources (while the existing transportation system is being adequately operated and maintained. The financial plan shall be developed by the MPO in cooperation with the State and transit operator." Signature of Authorized Official Title: Date: 1,'(2,5////of Ada County Sheriff's Eagle Station Monthly Report April 2004 Presented to: Eagle City Council By: Sgt. Dana Borgquist Sergeant Dana Borgquist 1. Completed the "Every 15 Minutes" program that was held at Meridian High School, which teaches the youth about alcohol related crashes. Due to the overwhelming support from the community, Eagle High School has requested that we do the program at their school in October. 2. Helped our detectives set up a sting camera in a local business that has been broken into twice in the last couple months. 3. Met with several security contractors to look into getting surveillance equipment installed at the Skatepark. 4. Coordinated the speakers at the chamber meeting as requested by President Bath. Topic was "Drug -Free Eagle". 5. Held a team meeting with all the Eagle Deputies to go over current issues and problem solving of those issues. 6. Met with our Crime Analysis Unit to discuss the traffic problems in Eagle in preparation of a press release/news story on the increase traffic issues. 7. Met with Councilman Iiason Bastian to discuss updates. 8. Attended the first arca of impact meeting at the City Hall. 9. Had several meetings to discuss the seniors/kids and the recreation center. 10. Attended the Fun Days meeting. 11. Assisted our patrol with several calls. 12. Worked a late shift to see how the night deputies were doing. Red Team Deputy Matt Buie 04/01/04 - 4/30/04 Throughout the month of April, I monitored several local wanted subjects. Because of this, 1 was able to make several warrant arrests, and add other misdemeanor charges that were acquired during the arrests. Throughout the month of April I conducted stationary radar patrols in the Local school zones and other high volume, speed problem areas. The specific areas of concentration were Floating Feather and Edgewood; Floating Feather and Selvaggio; Floating Feather and Chaucer; Floating Feather and Thunderbird; State and Academy; Seven Oaks Elementary; Ballantyne and Mountain Creek; Highway 44 and W State St; Highway 44 and Pinedale; 2" and State St.; Cove Colony and Breanna; Ranch and Fruitwood; and Park Ln between Floating Feather and Beacon Light. We had reported problems with traffic backing up on southbound Eagle Rd from State St, all the way to Eagle Elementary. 1 reported my observations to Sgt. Borgquist. Late in the month, we had a report of driver's cutting through parking lots at Eagle and State (Jacksons), and Edgewood and State (Buster's). 1 was able to observe that for two mornings, and did issue one citation. 2 04/09/04 I introduced myself to the employees of "The Money Tree" on S Eagle Rd next to Pizza Hut. I gave them a business information card for dispatch, and my business card, and asked them to call with any suspicious activity etc. I did foot patrol at the Eagle Center at State and Stierman. I contacted the following businesses: China Palace, Sea Breeze Dry Cleaners, Farmer's Ins., Sonia's Deli, Eagle Floral, Fenix Homes, and the Eagle Computer Center. I gave all these businesses a business information card for dispatch, as well as my business card. I urged them to call on suspicious activity, or any other problem that they needed help with. 04/15/04 1 spoke with Mike at Evan's Building Center again about their donation of some old broken tools for our "construction sting" operations. Mike had two nail guns, and two staple guns for our use. All are non-functioning, but look the part perfectly. I picked these up on 4-28-04 and a chip has been installed in at least one to be stolen at a later date, and retrieved by detectives after the theft. I contacted a juvenile that was smoking at Justos during the Eagle Academy lunch hour. Rather than a citation today, I gave this person the option of doing a little community service, by cleaning the Eagle Sub Station for a couple of weeks. This person wisely accepted the deal, and is now providing a much-needed janitorial service for the Eagle substation. 04-24-04 We contacted a felony probationer on Horseshoe Bend Rd several times throughout the day. This person was irrational and paranoid, but doing nothing criminal. With the knowledge that he was on felony probation, we were able to contact his probation officer to make him aware of the behavior, and have him checked more frequently. 04-28-04 Deputy Marc Bowman and I did some foot patrol at the Eagle City Market. We contacted the new Walgreens, and spoke with an assistant manager. We gave him a business card, and business information card for dispatch. We urged him to not hesitate to call the police if needed. We also contacted the Eagle Early Learning Center briefly. Our final contact was The Home Store. We also gave her a business card, and a dispatch info card, prior to being dispatched to a call. Deputy Marc Bowman I attended Motor School April 5th- /6th. I also attended a homicide investigation course April 19th -21st. I started working in Eagle April 24th and have worked a total of 5 days so far. I have spent my time learning the geography of Eagle and meeting the business owners. 3 Deputy Jeremiah Neumann For the month of April 2004 Deputy Neumann was in Alabama for a bomb training class that was put on by the federal government. He said he learned a lot of new information. Like what to blow up and what not to blow up (he came back with all ten fingers). It was good training, but a long time to be away from his wife and two girls. Deputy Jake Vogt Continuing my partnership with newspaper delivery people asking for their help reporting suspicious people / vehicles etc. at the time they are seen instead of hours later. Conducted nightly patrol of the Skatepark and other city parks. Conducted nightly patrols of the various construction sites for burglary suppression. Spoke to the night cleaning crew about securing their vehicles, crime prevention education, reference vehicle burglaries. Gold Team Deputy Todd Jolliffe I put in several hours of practice using the laser before actually writing tickets with it. Stopped by Eagle Middle, Seven Oaks and Eagle Academy to see if they needed anything. Met with a security company to discuss camera locations and options at the Skatepark. Gave a safety presentation at Eagle Wings Pre-school with Deputy Dewey. Gave presentation at Idaho Youth Ranch to 17 and 18 -year-old boys that will be released from probation. Presentation covered Selective Service and adult law compared to juvenile system. Met with builders of Parade of Homes houses to discuss security. I addressed concerns and gathered contact name and phone numbers for each house. 4 Deputy John Dewey Traffic has picked up and become heavier around town. I made several traffic stops especially on Floating Feather. More attention will be directed on Floating Feather in May. Continuing to contact local businesses and local citizen's everyday. Met with Eagle Knoll subdivision HOA and ACHD about speeders, cut - through traffic and possibly getting new stop signs and speedbumps installed. ACHD has been and will continue a speed/traffic study in the sub and call another meeting so that we can help solve the problem. Taught a Safety and Awareness class for 15 preschoolers at Eagle Wings Daycare. We had a great time learning how to be safe. Participated in SWAT team demonstration for the Boy Scouts of America annual Scout -O -Rama at Centennial High School. Talked with Scouts and their parents about our job. A very fun event! Because of the good weather, I've been security checking the city parks couple times a day. Deputy Luis Gutierrez Attended an Eagle Knoll Homeowners Association meeting. I answered questions they had about traffic, barking dog problems and parking issues. Attended SWAT training twice during the month. Participated in SWAT team demonstration for the Boy Scouts of America annual Scout -O -Rama at Centennial High School. Talked with Scouts and their parents about our job. A very fun event! Deputy Jon McDaniel I. Met with Home Depot manager Melody Nauahi. Melody has agreed to assist our detective section by donating returned tools (compressors, generators, etc,) the company did not want shipped back. Our detective section will then place small tracking chips in the tools and place them as bait in construction areas. This has already worked well at our BSU substation. 2. Bike patrol during graveyard shift. 3. Along with Deputy Jolliffe, I did routine checks on homes in the Parade of Homes show. Several are in Eagle city limits and due to burglary problems last year we are doing extra patrol this year. 4. Met with Terry Young from the Family Table youth home. They currently have 10 kids and no calls for service this month. 5 12 10 8 6 10 5 4 4 — 2 2- 7 7 7 APRIL 2004 ❑ BURGLARY ■ DOMESTIC ❑ DRUG RELATED ❑ THEFT ■ VANDALISM 11 BURGLARY BURGLARY VEHICLE COMMERCIAL BURGLARY RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY TOTAL BY AREA 2 DOMESTIC DOMESTIC BATTERY/PHYSICAL DOMESTIC BATTERYNERBAL DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE TOTAL BY AREA DRUG RELATED TOTAL BY AREA THEFT THEFT GRAND THEFT OF MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT PETIT TOTAL BY AREA 3 4 5 Eagle Kuna Star 1 2 3 4 5 Eagle Kuna Star BSU 0 0 1 3 0 2 7 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 2 10 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 4 10 2 4 2 4 9 0 3 1 2 3 4 5 Eagle Kuna Star BSU 3 1 2 0 3 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 3 2 4 0 1 4 1 1 5 4 4 4 3 4 7 3 1 BSU TOTAL BY CRIME 13 7 18 38 TOTAL BY CRIME 15 2 18 35 1 2 3 4 5 Eagle Kuna Star BSU TOTAL BY CRIME 2 3 7 2 2 3 6 2 0 1 27 1 2 3 4 5 Eagle Kuna Star BSU 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 3 5 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 2 5 4 3 3 9 1 3 7 7 6 4 3 4 11 1 6 TOTAL BY CRIME 5 11 33 49 ;VANDALISM 1 2 3 4 5 Eagle Kuna Star BSU TOTAL BY CRIME' TOTAL BY AREA 3 3 0 9 0 5 7 1 3 31 li !Grand Total ' 21 27 19 23 10 20 40 7 13 180 [Eagle Reported Cases 4/1/04 to 4/30/04 Source: New World 516104 AC SOICAUIj m Reported Incidents 1 -ANIMAL AT LARGE 2 -ARSON OF PROPERTY 2 -BATTERY 2 --BURGLARY VEHICLE 1-BURNING/LITTERING 1 -CIVIL SITUATION 1 -COMMERCIAL BURGLARY Q 4 -CONTEMPT OF COURT E 2 -DOMESTIC BATTERY/PHYSICAL A 1 -DOMESTIC BATTERY/VERBAL O 1 -DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Q 2 --DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE/ALCOHOL Q 7 -DRIVING WHILE SUSPENDEDIDWP • 1 -ENTICEMENT OF CHILDREN Q 1 -FAILURE TO APPEAR F 1 -FAILURE TO OBEY CITATION ,i , 1 -FALSE IMPERSONATION • 1 -FRAUD ® 1-GRAFFITI/INJURY BY GRAFFITI ® 1 -HOLD DETENTION/JUVENILE • 2 -ILLEGAL CONSUMPTION () 1 -IMMINENT DANGER 1 -INATTENTIVE DRIVING 3 -JUVENILE BEYOND CONTROL 1 -JUVENILE PROBLEM 3 -LEAVING THE SCENE OF AN ACCIDENT ▪ 2 -MARIJUANA POSSESSION 1 -PERSON NEEDING ASSISTANCE 1 -POSSESSION DRUG WITHOUT RX 1 -PROBATION VIOLATION r 1 -RAPE BY FORCE 2 -RECKLESS DRIVING 1 1 -RECOVERED STOLEN VEHICLE y"r 2 -RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY • 1 -RUNAWAY 1 -RUNAWAY RETURNED 1 -SOLICITATION VIOLATION 5 -SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES 1 -THEFT GRAND + 3 -THEFT PETIT 1 -THREATENING NUISANCE CALL 1 -TOBACCO USE BY MINOR 4 -VANDALISM 4 -WARRANT ARREST MISC r -- Eagle Crashes 4/1/04 to 4/30/04 (2) 1—Intersection/Injury 1--Non-Intersection/Injury Non -Intersection O Non -Injury O Injury Intersection L Non -Injury L Injury L BEAGAN} LIGHT l FLOATING FEA (4) 1—Non-Intersection/Non-Injury 1—Intersection/Non-Injury 2—Intersection/Injury (2) 1—Intersection/Non-Injury 1-- Non-Intersection/Non-In'ury CE (2) Non-Intersection/Non-Injury T H Source: CAU Database 5/6/04 AC SO/CAU/J m CRIMINAL DIVISION Phone (208) 287-7700 Fax (208) 287-7709 CIVIL DIVISION Phone (208) 287-7700 Fax (208) 287-7719 ADA COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY GREG H. BOWER 200 W. Front Street, Rm 3191 Boise, Idaho 83702 Susan Buxton Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke, Chtd 225 North 9th St., Ste. 420 Boise, ID 83702 Re: Ada -Eagle Sports Complex Lease Dear Susan: 1 � 19 co fZft - • Gam' RECEIVED MAY 1 1 2004 MSB&T,CTD. Please find enclosed two originals of the finalized version of the Lease Agreement between Ada County and the City of Eagle for the Ada -Eagle Sports Complex. As you will see from the changes that were made from previous versions of the Lease, I have tried to address the concerns you had. Ransom Bailey passed your concerns on to me but unfortunately we have not been able to talk specifically about these issues. The only thing that is missing from this Agreement are Exhibits A and B. We had discussed that you believed you had a legal description of the park in your files that could be used for Exhibit A and a blueprint type drawing that could be used for Exhibit B. If this is not the case then please let me know. I know that the City and the County are both anxious to get this Lease signed as we have been negotiating these issues for over a year. I hope these changes meet with your approval. Please have the City sign the Agreement and return the originals to me and I will have the Board sign the Agreement and then return an original of the Lease for your records. The Board currently has this on their agenda for action on May 25, 2004 at 9:00 a.m. g:\tab\workloads 2004\parks\buxton lir re sports cornplex.doc 4 w Susan Buxton 05/10/2004 Page 2 If you have any questions, please let me know. Sincerely, GREG H. BOWER Ada County Prosecuting Attorney By: Teresa A. Baker Deputy Prosecuting Attorney TAB:plc Enclosures cc: Ada County Board of Commissioners Nancy Merrill, City of Eagle Pat Beale, Director, Ada County Parks and Waterways Ransom Bailey, Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke, Chtd g:ltablworkloads 2004\parks\buxton ltr re sports complex.doc Agreement No. LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN ADA COUNTY AND THE CITY OF EAGLE FOR ADA -EAGLE SPORTS COMPLEX THIS LEASE AGREEMENT is entered into this day of 2004, by and between Ada County, a political subdivision of the State of Idaho, (hereinafter "County"), and the City of Eagle, a municipal corporation of the State of Idaho (hereinafter "City"). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, County owns certain real property located in Ada County, Idaho, commonly known as Ada -Eagle Sports Complex, consisting of approximately eighty-five (85) acres, more fully described in "Exhibit A" hereto attached (hereinafter "Property"); and WHEREAS, A portion of the Ada -Eagle Sports Complex consisting of approximately four (4) acres, known as the Eagle Skate Park, more fully describe in "Exhibit B" hereto attached (hereinafter "Skate Park") has been developed; and WHEREAS, City desires to lease the Property including Skate Park from County for recreational purposes and for use as a public park; and WHEREAS, County hereby agrees to lease the Property to City for a public park and recreational purposes, according to the terms set forth herein; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: I. TERMS OF LEASE AGREEMENT 1. TERM, TERMINATION AND RENEWAL OF LEASE AGREEMENT. Pursuant to Idaho Code § 31-836(4) County shall lease to City the entirety of the Property for a term of ninety-nine (99) years. This Lease Agreement shall be effective upon the signature of both LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN ADA COUNTY AND THE CITY OF EAGLE FOR ADA -EAGLE SPORTS COMPLEX — PAGE 1 g:ltablworkloads 20041parksleagles march 04 revision eagle-ada sports complex Ieasel.doc M o Aft -'7 0/P rui parties, and may be terminated by either party pon thirty (30) days written notice. This Lease Agreement may be renewed for additional terms upon wn muLua agreement of the parties. 2. CONSIDERATION. The consideration for this Lease Agreement shall be the operation and maintenance of the Property by the City for public park and recreational purposes, for the benefit of the people of Ada County and the general public in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein. This lease is contemplated by the parties as being included within the terms of Idaho Code § 36-1604 (Recreational Limitations of Liability of Land Owners). Nj0 Thi 3. TAXES, UTILITIES AND INSURANCE. City agrees to pay .11 taxe•, utilities, insurance, and fees associated with the Property throughout the duration of this Lease Agreement, unless said Lease Agreement is terminated by the parties pursuant to Paragraph I.1. above. This lease is subject to the Idaho Power easement of Record. 4. MAINTENANCE. City agrees to maintain the Property throughout the duration of this Lease Agreement. City shall be responsible for any repairs and costs incurred in maintaining the Property. During the term of this Lease Agreement, City shall maintain the Property in a condition that is reasonably safe for visitors to the Property. City shall clean up all litter associated with use of the Property. Any damage to the Property by City or City's invitees shall be the responsibility of City. 5. CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS. The City agrees that as funds become availablyo improve the Property. 6. DEVELOPMENT PLAN. The development of the Property shall consist of developing the facilities and services necessary to create public park and recreational facilities on the Property. City may seek grant funds for the development of the Property, consistent with LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN ADA COUNTY AND THE CITY OF EAGLE FOR ADA -EAGLE SPORTS COMPLEX — PAGE 2 g:ltab\workloads 20041parks\eagles march 04 revision eagle-ada sports complex lease! .doc terms of this Lease Agreement, and County shall cooperate with City and may co-sponsor, as necessary, such grant applications sought by City. 7. SURRENDER UPON EXPIRATION OR TERMINATION. Upon expiration or termination of this Lease Agreement, City shall surrender possession of the Property to County in the condition of the Property at such expiration date, including any permanent improvements that may be made upon the Property by City,However, the County agrees to allow the City to annex the Property into the City, at the City's option. Jo 7/41 8. NOTICE. If under the terms of this Lease Agreement a written notice is required, it shall be accomplished by certified mail, return receipt, postage prepaid, and addressed as follows: Eagle City Clerk P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, ID 83616 Ada County Board of Commissioners 200 W. Front Street, 3rd Floor Boise, ID 83702 Notice as served by mail shall be deemed complete when deposited with the United States Postal Service. Any change of address shall not be effective unless served upon the parties in the same manner as notices referred to herein. 9. APPLICABLE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. City shall comply with all applicable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, those regarding construction, health, safety, food service, water supply, sanitation, use of pesticides, and licenses or permits to do business. City shall make and enforce such regulations as are necessary and within its legal authority in exercising the privileges granted in this Lease Agreement, provided that such regulations are not inconsistent with those issued by County. LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN ADA COUNTY AND THE CITY OF EAGLE FOR ADA -EAGLE SPORTS COMPLEX — PAGE 3 g:ltablworkloads 20041parksleagles march 04 revision eagle-ada sports complex leasel.doc City shall certify that aaYwater and sanitary system modifications made on the Property, ith County's prior approval] comply with all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. —1-0-.--1.,ONDITION OF PREMISES. City acknowledges that it has inspected the Property, - /rd knows its condition, and understands that the same is leased without any representations or warranties whatsoever and without obligation on the part of County to make any alterations, repairs, or additions thereto, unless specifically mentioned elsewhere in this Lease Agreement. 11. TRANSFERS. ASSIGNMENTS. AND SUBLEASES. City shall neither transfer nor assign this Lease Agreement nor sublet the Property or any part thereof, nor grant any interest, privilege, or license whatsoever in connection with this Lease Agreement, without the prior written approval of County. Written approval shall not be unreasonably denied by the County. 12. FACILITIES, SERVICES AND FEES. City shall have the ability to enter into'food and refreshment agreements for the purpose of providing services for the general public. 13. NONDISCRIMINATION. City shall not discriminate against any person or persons or exclude them from participation in City's operations, programs, or activities conducted on the fProperty due to race, color, religion, gender, age, handicap,or national origin. 14. HEALTH AND SAFETY. City shall maintain the Property in good order and in a clean sanitary, and safe condition and shall have the primary responsibility to ensure that any sub -lessees and concessionaires • erate and maintain the Property in such a manner. --_ _ Cattit}i; upon discovery of any hazardous conditions on the Property that presents a threat to health and or danger to life or property, will notify City and shall require that the affected part or all of the Property be closed to the public until such condition is corrected and the danger to the public is eliminated. City, its concessionaires and sub -lessees shall have no claim for LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN ADA COUNTY AND THE CITY OF EAGLE FOR ADA -EAGLE SPORTS COMPLEX – PAGE 4 g:ltablworkloads 2004\parks1eagles march 04 revision eagle-ada sports complex leasel.doc damages against Ada County, or any officer, agent, or employee thereof, on account of action taken pursuant to this section. 15. PUBLIC USE. No attempt shall be made by City to forbid the use of the Property by the public, subject, however, to the authority to set hours, limit public access during special events, and manage the Property to provide safety and security to the visiting public. 16. NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. City shall conduct no mining operations, remove no sand, gravel, or kindred substances from the ground, commit no waste of any kind, nor in any manner substantially change the contour or condition of the Property, except as may be authorized by County. 17. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES. Nothing in this Lease Agreement shall bind either party to a commitment of funds in excess of that lawfully appropriated by their respective governing bodies. II. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS. City agrees to indemnify, defend, save and hold County, its employees, representatives, and agents harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, suits, causes of action, or other proceedings arising from any and all accidents and/or incidents that result in injury, death, damage or loss to any party or the personal property of any party that occur on the Property during the term of this Lease Agreement, and during any extensions or renewals hereof, which directly or indirectly arise out of any actions, activities or omissions of or by City or any City invitee. County agrees to indemnify, defend, save and hold City, its employees, representatives, and agents harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, suits, causes of action, or other proceedings arising from any and all accidents and/or incidents that result in injury, death, LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN ADA COUNTY AND THE CITY OF EAGLE FOR ADA -EAGLE SPORTS COMPLEX — PAGE 5 g:ltablworkloads 2004\parkskagles march 04 revision eagle-ada sports complex leasel.doc damage or loss to any party or the personal property of any party that occur on the Property during the term of this Lease Agreement, and during any extensions or renewals hereof, which directly or indirectly arise out of any actions, activities or omissions of or by County. 2. LIABILITY INSURANCE. During the term of this Lease Agreement, City shall maintain in full force and affect a policy of comprehensive general liability insuran_covering the Property and naming as sureds, City and County, in an amount not less th One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence. aid insurance shall provide liability protection for an r� Oe -e.` d ;ainst..alland/or property damage occurring on the Property during the term of i p this Lease Agreement, which directly or indirectly relate to the use of the Property by City. Further, said liability insurance shall provide primary liability coverage over any other policy or program of insurance maintained by County. City shall furnish proof of said insurance protection to County, with a Certification of Insurance. 3. MODIFICATION. This Lease Agreement may be modified or amended only by a writing duly executed by both parties. 4. SEVERABILITY. In the event any provision or section of this Lease Agreement conflicts with applicable law, or is otherwise held to be unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless be enforceable and shall be carried into effect. 5. ASSIGNMENT. This Lease Agreement may not be assigned in whole or in part by either of the parties hereto without the prior express written consent of the other party, and nothing contained herein shall create any relationship, contractual or otherwise, with, or any rights in favor of, any third party. LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN ADA COUNTY AND THE CITY OF EAGLE FOR ADA -EAGLE SPORTS COMPLEX — PAGE 6 g:ltablworkloads 20041parkskagles march 04 revision eagle-ada sports complex leasel.doc 6. CHOICE OF LAW. This Lease Agreement and its performance shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Idaho, with venue for any action brought pursuant to this Lease Agreement to be in the Fourth Judicial District, State of Idaho. 7. MERGER AND INTEGRATION. This writing embodies the whole agreement of the parties. There are no promises, terms, conditions, or obligations other than those contained in this Lease Agreement. All previous and contemporaneous communications, representations, or agreements, either verbal or written, between the parties are superseded by this Lease Agreement. 8. PERFORMANCE. The failure of a party hereto to insist upon strict performance or observation of this Lease Agreement shall not be a waiver of any breach or of any terms or conditions of this Lease Agreement by any other party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto executed this Agreement and made it effective as herein above provided. BOARD OF ADA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LESSOR By: By: By: ATTEST: J. David Navarro, Ada County Clerk Judy M. Peavey -Derr, Chairman Rick Yzaguirre, Commissioner Fred Tilman, Commissioner LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN ADA COUNTY AND THE CITY OF EAGLE FOR ADA -EAGLE SPORTS COMPLEX — PAGE 7 g:ltablworkloads 20041parksleagles march 04 revision eagle-ada sports complex Teasel .doc THE CITY OF EAGLE LESSEE By: Nancy Merrill, Mayor ATTEST: Sharon K. Moore, Eagle City Clerk LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN ADA COUNTY AND THE CITY OF EAGLE FOR ADA -EAGLE SPORTS COMPLEX — PAGE 8 g:ltablworkloads 20041parkskagles march 04 revision eagle-ada sports complex leasel.doc (Jockfoni) STATE 67' 40' O REFACE EXISTING MONUMENT DISPLAY AS REQUIRED O INSTALL NEW ILLUMINATED CABINET, REPLACE EXISTING IDAHO CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. c 2627-S FABRICATE AND INSTALL 1/8" ALUMINUM PANELS PAINTED WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53) AND GREY (AMERON SHELL #61) ALUMINUM PANELS TO MOUNT DIRECTLY ON TOP OF EXISTING. QUANTITY (4) AT 72"X55" DECORATE FACES WITH JACKSONS LOGO (33 RED, 51 GREY, BLACK), SHELL LOGO (SHELL RED AND YELLOW) YELLOW VINYL RECTANGLES TO GO BEHIND CHANGE LETTERS. INSTALL READER TRACK TO ACCOMMODATE 8" LETTERS. CHANGE LETTERS TO BE BLACK ON CLEAR ORDERED BY YESCO.. 0 60" (Jackfoni) LOGO TO BE: RED 33, GREY 61 AREA OUTSIDE LOGO TO BE OPAQUE SHELL GREY e c 5/r/o Regular Plus Premium 1.39' 1.49' L1.59' QTY; 2 MONUMENT SIGNS REMOVE AND JUNK EXISTING TEXACO AND JACKSONS FACES ON STORE FASCIA. FABRICATE AND INSTALL NEW 5'x5' PLEX FACE DECORATED WITH JACKSONS VINYLS. © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY CLIENT SALESES DomGN ESTIMATING ENGINEERING E PEERING DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET 140. SCALE DATE BY ORIG. DES. 3/8"=l' 12.30. CHRIS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #57 30 W STATE EAGLE. ID I I 1 SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS I ME DESIDN NUM6EFI Boise o i s e o Division s i o n Jounce eLecrRic sign comPan� 15100 WO. NUMBER REVISIONS iescoa 416 E. 41st St., Boise, ID. 83714 (208) 345-2982 NOTE: cosr To ^, wcuJo®INSGNPROPOSAL © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. MAPLE GROVE + Q i FAIRVIEW AVE. REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM ZIMMERMAN: (1) SET D/F LOGO...SH1066RF.00RT. (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL-5H2066RF.30RT RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. ORDER SET OF LETTERS, CHANGE ARM, AND STORAGE CABINET FROM ZIMMERMAN. SALES CHECKED BY DATE • 6'z 6' PYLON (20) 72712 © ILLUMINATED AWNING ;16) 06712 O (4) FUEL ISLAND FIXTURE`.. ® (10) SOFFIT LIGHTS fi 1 UTSIDE RETAINER 41/4 ... • • • ARCHED Rrorma R I DE RETANER . . EDGE OF EXISTING C48 CUSTOM CURVED RETAINERS TO BE FABRICATED TO AFFIX TO EXISTING CABINET. PLEX FACE DECORATED WITH: 33 RED, 51 GREY BACKGROUND TO BE OPAQUE SHELL GREY SH1066RF.00RT CUSTOM FACES & RETAINERS BY YESCO 5H2066RF.30RT 74" 13'-6" IDAHO CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. C2627S © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY OVAL DATE BY PROD. APPROVAL SALES DESIGN MATING ENGINEERING O fl1NG DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY ORIG. DES. CHRIS REVISIONS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #47 8990 FAIRVIEW BOISE, ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS 250359 RLE DESIGN MAUNA iii aesco6 - - Boise 'DivisionCUENT wounG eLecTRic son comPonw 416 E. 41st St., Boise, ID. 83714 (208) 345-2982 w.o. M1M881 NOTE COST FORPROVIplq NICESSARN ELECTRICAL WIRING TO SIGN ARFA �NaT © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY 5 ORCHARD O REFACE AND REPAINT 8X8 PYLON A5 REQUIRED O INSTALL VINYL COPY READING "CLEARANCE" PROVIDED BY CUSTOMER CENTER VINYL ON CANOPY SALES CHECKED BY DATE z F, 5'-0 3/4" iaciltionf PLEX FACE DECORATED WITH: 33 RED, 51 GREY, BLACK REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...T50606RFID. (1) SET D/F CABINET TS0206CAB W/BLANK FACES & SHELL BORDER FROM SIGN RESOURCES (LOGO COPY BY YESCO) (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL-T50406PKG (1) T50106CAB (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL-T50106PKG REARRANGE DISPLAY A5 NEEDED 50 THERE ME NO GAPS IN CABINETS. RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND TOP SECTION OF POLES WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. T50606RFID TS0206CAB TSY1009 T50406PKG T50106CAB T50106PKG REINSTALL READER BOARD 6'-0" 4 jaciitic 1.49 1.39' 1.59' 1.59' IDAHO O CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. C21274 © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY CLIENT SMEs ES11WTING ENGINEERING EXPEDMNG DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY OR3G. DES. NTS 12.9.0 CHRIS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #10 2728 S ORCHARD BOISE. ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS RE DESIGN NUMBER Eli WescoR Boise Division DUflG eLecTRlc son comPanu 416 E. 41st St., Boise, ID. 83714 (208) 345-2982 14926 WO. NUMBER REVISIONS NOTE COST FOR PROVIDING NECESSARY ELECTRICAL SIGN TO S4GN AREA IS 40 © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY OVERLAND ROAD 0 O 4, O REFACE AND REPAINT PYLON DISPLAY A5 REQUIRED O'. INSTALL VINYL COPY READING "CLEARANCE" PROVIDED BY CUSTOMER CENTER VINYL ON CANOPY O INSTALL (1) SET OF SMELL LETTERS ON CANOPY f a iFicadne104 a Dim raJE1Pi 1111V1y1Lei SALES DATE CHECKED BY 81" Ce) J 24" ORDER AND INSTALL (1) SET OF SHELL LETTERS FROM SPARKLE SERVICES SHIPPED TO BOISE INSTALL ON FUEL CANOPY IDAHO CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. C26274 REMOVE EXISTING FACES FROM PYLON DISPLAY AND JUNK. FABRICATE AND INSTALL (4) EACH 6'X8' LEXAN FACES DECORATED WITH SHELL RED AND SHELL YELLOW VINYL. PAINT EXISTING CABINET WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53) 89 1/4" 94 1/4" X © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY Weir SALES DAN ESTIMATING ENGINEERING XP EEWING DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE ORIG.DES. NTS 12.30._ REVISIONS BY CHRIS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSON5 #8 1575 S FIVE MILE BOISE. ID SAL SPERSGN ERIC WILLIAMS RLE DESIGNNUMBER JeSCo1J Boise Division ouno eLec�rRic sign comPanw 416 E. 41st St., Boise, ID. 83714 (208) 345-2982 15094 W.O. NUMBER NOTE: COST FOR PROVIDING NECESSARY TO SION AREA SNOT WINO IS © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY 1 1.4! IDAHO CONTRACTOR UCENSE NO. C2627 -S 81" ORDER AND INSTALL (1) SET OF SHELL LETTERS FROM SPARKLE SERVICES SHIPPED TO BOISE ON FUEL CANOPY STRIP JACKSONS LOGO FROM EXISTING PLEX PANELS & REUSE EXISTING FACE. DECORATE WITH JACKSONS VINYL COLORS. DIVIDER BAR BETWEEN JACKSONS AND PAYDAY IS BLACK VINYL. QTY -4 DIVIDER BAR IS 2" BLACK VINYL 24" rossroads PLAZA 1.4 9 1 1.48' N 9 (V Crossroads PLAZA 1.49 1.4 9 m 1.491 © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUAIJZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY, DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY ORIS. DES. CHRIS SONS PROD. APPROVAL CLIENT SALES LANDLORD (If Applicable) FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #55 4124 CHINDEN GARDEN CITY ID SALF-SP ERIC WILLIAMS RLE DESIGN NUMBER Boise Division Jounce eLecTRic sign comPanw 15712 W.O. NUMBHi wescoo 416 E. 41st St., Boise, ID. 83714 (208) 345-2982 NOTE COST FO„PRO,,, NECESSAITY ELECTRICAL WIDNO TO SIGN AREA IS NOT INCLUDED IN SIGN PROPOSAL 81" ORDER AND INSTALL (1) SET OF SHELL LETTERS FROM SPARKLE SERVICES SHIPPED TO BOISE ON FUEL CANOPY STRIP JACKSONS LOGO FROM EXISTING PLEX PANELS & REUSE EXISTING FACE. DECORATE WITH JACKSONS VINYL COLORS. DIVIDER BAR BETWEEN JACKSONS AND PAYDAY IS BLACK VINYL. QTY -4 DIVIDER BAR IS 2" BLACK VINYL 24" rossroads PLAZA 1.4 9 1 1.48' N 9 (V Crossroads PLAZA 1.49 1.4 9 m 1.491 © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUAIJZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY, REPLACE EXISTING FACES WITH NEW WHITE PLEX DECORATED WITH JACKSON'S VINYL COLORS. REPAINT EXISTING RETAINER SHELL GREY. JUNK EXISTING FACES. IDAHO CONTRACTOR UCENSE No. C2627S MOTE: SHELL PECTOM MUST ALWAYS BE ON STREET SIDE OF SIGN Aro- Regular Plus Premium NOTE: SHELL PECTOM MUST ALWAYS BE OM STREET SIDE OF SIGN © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL CLIENT SALES LANDLORD (If Applicable) DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY ORKIDES. NTS 3.3.04 CHRIS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #36 18N8Tr d,,E, ,CI SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS 250384 Wesco ... Boise Division ` uouna eLec-nRic sign comPanu 416 E. 41st St., Boise, ID. 83714 (208) 345-2982 W.O. NUMBER R NOTE COST FORPRONDRG NECESSARY ELECTRICAL WIRING TO SION AREA IS NOT &miaow aGN PROPOSAL , © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY VISTA AVE O REFACE AND REPAINT MONUMENT DISPLAY AS REQUIRED O INSTALL NEW SHELL LETTERS O INSTALL VINYL COPY READING "CLEARANCE" PROVIDED BY CUSTOMER CENTER VINYL 011 CANOPY ORDER AND INSTALL (1) SET OF SHELL LETTERS FROM SPARKLE SERVICES SHIPPED TO BOISE ON FUEL CANOPY iraddrativAaimasimaartemoisleitopiwi SALES CHECKED BY IDAHO CONTRACTOR UCENSE 110. C2627 -S DATE 81" c� 14.4" 120" 24" NOTE: SHELL PECTON MUST ALWAYS BE OM STREET SIDE OF SIGN REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...T50505RFID. (1) SET D/F T50505RF4N (1) SET SP0805N70 REARRANGE DISPLAY AS NEEDED RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT ALL OTHER CABINETS AND PYLON COVER DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. COVER "DIESEL" COPY WITH BLACK VINYL. NOTE: SHELL PECTON MUST ALWAYS BE ON STREET SIDE OF SIGN TSO505RFID TSO505RF4M 5F0805N70 EXISTING - DO NOT REPLACE © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY 01°n SALES ESTIMATING ENGINEERINGnoTe EYPEDRING DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY °��D NTS 12.9.0 CHRIS REVISIONS F1RM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #34FILE 3200 5 VISTA AVE BOISE. ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS DON NUMBER Boise Division JDUr1G BLGCTRIC SIGN COmPanJ 14933 "'AONUMBER Jescoe 416 E. 41st St., Boise, D. 83714 (208) 345-2982 COST FOR rRoVnallor¢cEssaAv �WRINGLS NOT TO S GN © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY 5 ORCHARD O REFACE AND REPAINT BM PYLON AS REQUIRED O INSTALL VINYL COPY READING "CLEARANCE" PROVIDED BY CUSTOMER CENTER VINYL ON CANOPY IDAHO CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. C2627 -S PLEX FACE DECORATED WITH: 33 RED, 61 GREY REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...T50606RFID. (1) SET D/F CABINET T50206CAB W/BLANK FACES & SHELL BORDER FROM SIGN RESOURCES (LOGO COPY BY YESCO) (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL-T50406PKG RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND TOP SECTION OF POLES WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. INSTALL METAL FLASHING BETWEEN ENDS OF CABINETS AND EXISTING POLES TO HIDE GAP. PAINT FLASHING AMERON SHELL WHITE AND GREY AS NEEDED. JUNK EXISTING READER BOARD TS0606RFID T50206CAB T5Y1009 T50406PKG 6'-0" )cckrani 1139' 11.49' 1.59' 9 0 a_u+u�a B 1 e DI I •-' , `I Ili • . :�DUIIG @L@CTRIC mon COti'1PGtl'J- PROD. APPROVAL CLIENT SALES LANDLORD (Il Applicable) DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY oRro DES NTS 3.3.04 CHRIS REVISIONS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #31 404 5 ORCHARD BOISE, ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS RtFoESICNwnAeei 14926 W.O. NUMBER @SCOo 416 E. 41St St., Boise, ID. 83714 (208) 345-2982 ; NOTE COST FOR P110YIdNB NECESSARY MOTE: C ST WIRING TO SM3 AREA rs NOT INCwDEDINSIGN PROPOSAL © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY 11111111111111111.1 0 0 9 3'-4 " 5'-0 " 1 CUT AND APPLY ENTRANCE AND EXIT FROM WHITE VINYL. APPLY TO EXISTING FASCIA ON CENTER. CAR WASH: NEW FLEX FACE DECORATED WITH RED -33 AND REVERSE CUT VINYL. REPAINT CABINET SEMIGLOSS BLACK CENTER LETTC,R5 Ifi Open 5F(ic= Of BAND -. ALIO7H WITH BOTTOM OF BAND CLEARANCE 13=8" CENTER CUSTOMER SUPPLIEDVIHYL CLEARANCE LETTERS ON BOTH SIDES OF CANOPY. MEASURE HEIGHT AND USE APPUCABLE LETTERS. 1'-6 " Fl ORDER AND INSTALL (1) SET OF SHELL LETTERS FROM SPARKLE SERVICES, SHIPPED TO BOISE, ON FUEL CANOPY - HOOK UP PRIMARY POWER TO LETTERS AHD ILLUMINATED RED BAND REPLACE FACES WITH THOSE SHOWN AT RIGHT FROM SIGN RESOURCES: DECORATE JACKSON5 T50208/T50106 WITH STANDARD COLORS. DECORATE T50208 MOXIE WITH TEAL -246, RED -33 AND GOLDEN YELLOW -125 REARRANGE DISPLAY AS NEEDED 50 THERE ARE NO GAPS IN CABINETS. RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND TOP SECTION OF POLES WHITE (AMEROM SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. IDAHO CONTRACTOR UCENSE NO.02627-$ T5o606RFID T50 106CAB TSY1009 T50406PKG 6'-0" s ► 9 i0 T50808RFID T50208CAB TSY1007 T50208CAB TSY1008 T50608PKG T50208CAB T50208PKG 8'-0" 4 1.49' 1.39' 1.59' 1.59' © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY CLIENT SALES ESTIMATING ENGINEERING ExPEDfl G DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE ORIG. 4.19.0 BY CHRIS FlRM NAME!LOCA1TON ADDRESS JACKSONS #28FILE BOISE. ID ERIC WILLIAMS °�� NUMBER LELECTRICAL W iescoe _ Boise Division JOUr1G eLeCTRIC son COmPGr1�'°" 416 E. 41st St., Boise, ID. 83714 (208) 345-2982 ... _ .. µ 16073 w.o. NUMBER REVISIONS WIRING IS NOT © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY 9 0 0 OLPMWOOD a( AMENITIES PANEL O REFACE AMD REPAINT 6x6 PYLON A5 REQUIRED O INSTALL VINYL COPY READING "CLEARANCE" PROVIDED BY CUSTOMER CENTER VINYL ON CANOPY *MUUMUU MDAaoirau[iaiDistela wi SALES CHECKED BY IDAHO CONTRACTOR UCENSE NO. C2627 -S DATE • PLEX FACE DECORATED WITH: 33 RED, 61 GREY PLEX FACE DECORATED WITH: BKGD TEAL VINYL 3630-246. LETTERS (MOXIE) TO BE RED VINYL 3630-33. LETTERS (JAVA) TO BE GOLDEN YELLOW VINYL 3630-125. FACE HAS ALREADY BEEN ORDERED WITH THE RECTANGULAR OPENING, PLEASE FLOOD COAT CABINET WITH FIRST SURFACE OPAQUE GREY VINYL AND DECORATE WITH NEW JACKSONS LOGO. REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...T50606RFID. (1) SET D/F CABINET T50206CAB (1) SET D/F TSY1009 (LOGO COPY BY YESCO) (1) SET D/F CABINET TS0106CAB (1) SET D/F TSY0081 (LOGO COPY BY YESCO) (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL-T50406PKG (1) T50106CAB (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL-T50106PKG REARRANGE DISPLAY AS NEEDED 50 THERE ARE NO GAPS IN CABINETS. RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND TOP SECTION OF POLES WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. REMOVE AMENITIES PANEL AND PATCH HOLES T50606RFID T50206CAB TSY1009 T50106CAB TSY0081 T50406PKG T50106CAB T50106PKG 6'-0 " 4 9 0 © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY CUM SALES DESIGN ESTIA ENGINEERING EXPEDRWG DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY OnG.DES. MTS 12.29.'_° CHRIS REVISIONS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #25 5985 GLENWOOD BOISE, ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS i FRE [MESON NUMBER 801 ion Jounc eLBCTRIC SIGs companu 15093 RINSERRINSERw.o. eERER U@SCoe 416 E. 41St •St., Boise ID. 83714 (208 345-2982 1 NOTE COST FON PROVIDING NECESSARt �w SIGN WIRING SION AREA IS ;Tor © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY vonAi! 51' 6" • 26' 6" CURTIS O REFACE AND REPAINT MONUMENT DISPLAY A5 REQUIRED O INSTALL NEW SNELL LETTERS (43 G INSTALL VINYL COPY READING "CLEARANCE" PROVIDED BY CUSTOMER CENTER ON CANOPY ORDER AHD INSTALL (1) SET OF SHELL LETTERS FROM SPARKLE SERVICES SHIPPED TO BOISE ON FUEL CANOPY `_lma[1aigArmmaJEaurmmislylleiWi SALES CHECKED BY IDAHO CONTRACTOR UCENSE NO. C2827 -S DATE 81" 24" 1.49' 1.39' 1.59' MOTE: SHELL PECTOM MUST ALWAYS BE OM STREET SIDE OF SIGN REMOVE EXISTING TOP CABINET AND REPLACE WITH NEW D/F CABINET FROM ZIMMERMAN WITH SHELL PECTON AND 3 PRODUCT PRICE PANEL. REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM ZIMMERMAN: (1) 4'X8' D/F SIGN - SH0048GM.3 (1) D/F 3 PRODUCT FONT - SH8004LF.31-1 (1) STORAGE CAB - SH80045C.3 RE -PAINT PYLON COVER DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. MOTE: SHELL PECTON MUST ALWAYS BE OM STREET SIDE OF SIGN 5110048GM.3 EXISTING - DO NOT REPLACE . ' = I. Iu .II + IN i, 11 1 I pill - wOUIIG @LECTRIC SIGs COmPan'J- WeSCod 416 E. 41st St., Boise, ID. 83714 (208) 345-2982 PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY CLIENT SALES DESIGN ESTIMATING ENGINEERING EXPEDITING DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY ORIG. DES. NTS 12.18.03 CHRIS REVS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #20 1107 N CURTIS BOISE. ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS ' I RLE DESIGN NUMBER I 008 I 15NUMBER I w.o. I NOTEoosrFOR PnanewoNECESSARY ELECTRICAL Awa PROPSION OSAL NOT © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO, SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. NO COST FOR PROVIDING NECESSARY ELECTRICAL WIRING TO DON AREA IS NOT INCLUDEDSIG?. J W N PR (9,J r?° 42' 6" BROADWAY O REFACE AND REPAINT MONUMENT DISPLAY AS REQUIRED O INSTALL NEW SHELL LETTERS O INSTALL VINYL COPY READING "CLEARANCE" PROVIDED BY CUSTOMER CENTER ON CANOPY ORDER AND INSTALL (1) SET OF SNELL LETTERS FROM SPARKLE SERVICES SNIPPED TO BOISE ON FUEL CANOPY • • `GI11LIWI WIMIDj1IIMOSIE1011111610lI1110J11 SALES DATE CHECKED BY IDAHO CONIRACIOR LICENSE NO. C2027S 3 0 81" 24" 144" 120" NOTE: SHELL PECTON MUST ALWAYS BE ON STREET SIDE OF SIGN REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...T50505RFID. (1) SET D/F T50505RF4N (1) SET SP0805N70 REARRANGE DISPLAY A5 NEEDED RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT ALL OTHER CABINETS AND PYLON COVER DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. REMOVE AMENITIES PANEL AND PATCH HOLES AS REQUIRED. NOTE: SHELL PECTON MUST ALWAYS BE 011 STREET SIDE OF SIGN T50505RFID T50505RF4N SF0805N70 EXISTING - DO NOT REPLACE dl Boise Division wouno eLec-rRIc son comPanu aescoe 416 E. 41st St, Boise, ID. 83714 (208) 345-2982 PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY CLIENT SALES DESIGN ESTIMATING ENGINEER1NG EXPEDITING DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY ORIS. DES REVISIONS NTS 12.18.03 CHRIS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #15 1607 BROADWAY BOISE. ID SALESPERS°N ERIC WILLIAMS RLE DESIGN MAWR 14940 W.O. !A MU R © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL, THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. IDAHO CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. C2627 -S 5 ORCHARD O REFACE AND REPAINT 6x6 PYLON AS REQUIRED O INSTALL MEW SMELL LETTERS • INSTALL VINYL COPY READING "CLEARANCE" PROVIDED BY CUSTOMER CENTER OM CANOPY ORDER AND INSTALL (1) SET OF SHELL LETTERS FROM SPARKLE SERVICES SHIPPED TO BOISE ON FUEL CANOPY *MU D[14011/MIDjWDIM:d11111ly110Nw�` SALES CHECKED BY DATE 5'-0 3/4" PLEX FACE DECORATED WITH: 33 RED, 51 GREY, BLACK REPLACE FACES WITH TME FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...T50606RFID. (1) SET D/F CABINET T50206CAB W/BLANK FACES & SHELL BORDER FROM SIGN RESOURCES (LOGO COPY BY YESCO) (1) SET T5406CAB (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL-T50406PKG (1) T50106CAB (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL-T50106PKG REARRANGE DISPLAY AS NEEDED 50 THERE ARE NO GAPS IN CABINETS. RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND TOP SECTION OF POLES WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). NEW CABINETS WILL NEED FLASHING ADDED 011 THE SIDES SINCE THE EXISTING POLES ARE 7' APART. RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. T50606RFID T5O206CAB T5Y1009 T50406CAB T50406PKG T50106CAB T50106PKG © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY POD. APPROVAL DATE BY CLIENT SALES MATING ESTIMATING ENGINEERING EXPEDITING DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY ORIG. DES. NTS 12.9.03 CHRIS REVISIONS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #14 2323 BOGUS BASIN BOISE. ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS RLE DESIGN NUMBEFI 'Boise DIVISIon W JounG eLecTRIc s son comPanJ Jescoe 416 E. 41st St., Boise, ID. 83714 (208) 345-2982 14935 WO. NUMBER NOTE COST FOR PIgNDIO NECESSARY ELECTRICAL NNO SON PRO OSAL SION AREA LSNOT/ 5 ORCHARD O REFACE AND REPAINT 6x6 PYLON AS REQUIRED O INSTALL MEW SMELL LETTERS • INSTALL VINYL COPY READING "CLEARANCE" PROVIDED BY CUSTOMER CENTER OM CANOPY ORDER AND INSTALL (1) SET OF SHELL LETTERS FROM SPARKLE SERVICES SHIPPED TO BOISE ON FUEL CANOPY *MU D[14011/MIDjWDIM:d11111ly110Nw�` SALES CHECKED BY DATE 5'-0 3/4" PLEX FACE DECORATED WITH: 33 RED, 51 GREY, BLACK REPLACE FACES WITH TME FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...T50606RFID. (1) SET D/F CABINET T50206CAB W/BLANK FACES & SHELL BORDER FROM SIGN RESOURCES (LOGO COPY BY YESCO) (1) SET T5406CAB (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL-T50406PKG (1) T50106CAB (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL-T50106PKG REARRANGE DISPLAY AS NEEDED 50 THERE ARE NO GAPS IN CABINETS. RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND TOP SECTION OF POLES WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). NEW CABINETS WILL NEED FLASHING ADDED 011 THE SIDES SINCE THE EXISTING POLES ARE 7' APART. RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. T50606RFID T5O206CAB T5Y1009 T50406CAB T50406PKG T50106CAB T50106PKG © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY 0 0 cc 020C4 - MERIDIAN ROAD COREFACE AND REPAINT MONUMENT DISPLAY AS REQUIRED 0INSTALL ALUMINUM PANELS OVER EXISTING DECALS eREFACE & REPAINT EXISTING HIGHRISE DISPLAY REPLACE CABINET WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM DUALITE SALES & SERVICE: (1) SET D/F L000...16'X16' PANAFLEX FACES 165-RF2-R (10000011112) RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND TOP SECTION OF POLES WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT PIPES BELOW PECTIN DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES IDAHO CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. C2627S 16' NOTE: SHELL PECTON MUST ALWAYS BE ON STREET SIDE OF SIGN REMOVE EXISTING TOP CABINET AND REPLACE WITH NEW D/F CABINET FROM SIGN RESOURCES WITH SHELL PECTON AND 4 PRODUCT PRICE PANEL. REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM ZIMMERMAN: (1) 5'X10' D/F CAB - T50510CAB (1) D/F 4 PRODUCT - T50505RF4N (1) D/F PECTON - T50505RFID RE -PAINT FOOD MART CABINET AMERON SHELL GREY. REMOVE EXISTING JACKSONS CABINET AND PATCH HOLES AS NEEDED. POLE COVER TO BE PAINTED DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51) NEW JACKSONS CABINET I5 38"x130". WITH A 2" RETAINER. V015 34"x126", FACE SIZE: 37.5"x128.75. DECORATE WITH GREY -61 AND RED -33 JUNK EXISTING FACES. BACKGROUND VINYL AROUND JACSONS L000 I5 OPAQUE SHELL GREY NOTE: SHELL PECTON MUST ALWAYS BE ON STREET SIDE OF SIGN FABRICATE & INSTALL 4 TOTAL 1/8" ALUMINUM PANELS PAINTED SHELL RED TO COVER EXISTING DECALS. DECORATE WITH OPAQUE WHITE VINYL TEXT LIKE SHOWN. c A L 1 SALES CHECKED BY T50510CAB T50505RFID DATE T50505RF4N EXISTING REMOVE EXISTING 15'-0" 24 IR BAR WASH 2411 BAR WASH 5'-4 " --N 0 co 4 9'-4 " N © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY CLIENT SAES DESIGN ESTIMATING ENGINEERING ocvEanNG DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE ORIG. DES 12.29._ BY cHRI5 FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSOMS #11 1585 5 MERIDIAN BOISE. ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS FILE DESIGN NUMBER i:±1 WeSCOe Boise Division JounG eLecTRlc son comPanJ 416 E. 41st St., Boise, ID. 83714 (208) 345-2982 15091 W.O. NUMBER REVISIONS NOTE COST FOR PROVIDING NECESSARY wcwowwsic+anaOPG 'pro T © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. REMOVE EXISTING PLEX FACE AND JUNK, REPLACE WITH NEW WHITE PLEX DECORATED WITH TEAL -246, RED -33 AND GOLDEN YELLOW -125 FOR MOXIE AND DECORATED WITH GREY -61 AND RED -33 AND OPAQUE SHELL GREY FOR JACKSOHS. PAINT CABINET AMERON SHELL GREY. CABINET SIZE: 20 3/4" X 129 3/4" V.O.: 17 3/4" X 126 3/4" PLEX SIZE: 20 1/4" X 129 1/4" RETAINER SIZE: 1 1/2" 10'-9 3/4" NOTE: SMELL PECTOM MUST ALWAYS BE 011 STREET SIDE OF SIGN MOTE: SHELL PECTOM MUST ALWAYS BE 011 STREET SIDE OF SIGN IDAHO CONTRACTOR UCENSE NO. C2627 -S © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY WWI SAES ESTI NTIING ENGINEERING SCPEDITING DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY ORIG. ' 4.19.0' CHRIS REVISIONS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #26 KUNA. ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS FILE DEQ MAGE' 1 1u,l s, Jescoc JOUnG @L@CTRIC son COmPanu 416 E. 41st St., Boise, ID. 83714 (208) 345-2982 16075 W.O. NUMBER NOTE COST FOR PROVIDING NECESSARY ELECTRJCAL YARJNO TO SIGN AREA IS NOT INCLUDED IN SIGN PROPOSAL © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. STORE CANOPY 1� O REFACE AND REPAINT 8X8 PYLON AS REQUIRED O REMOVE AMENITIES PANEL, PATCH HOLES WITH RED SHEET METAL CAPS. • INSTALL SHELL LETTERS O INSTALL CUSTOMER PROVIDED CLEARANCE SIGNS EAST IDAHO STREET re re 0 N CENTER LETTERS IN OPEN SPACE OF BAND ALIGN WITH BOTTOM OF BAND CLEARANCE 13'-6" CENTER CUSTOMER SUPPLIEDVINYL CLEARANCE LETTERS ON BOTH SIDES OF CANOPY. MEASURE HEIGHT AND USE APPLICABLE LETTERS. IW WO CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. C2827S CO PLEX FACE DECORATED WITH: 33 RED, 61 GREY 61" PLEX FACE DECORATED WITH: PURPLE (VQ4153) MAGENTA (VQ4154) & YELLOW (VQ4077) FT - ORDER AND INSTALL (1) SET OF SHELL LETTERS FROM SPARKLE SERVICES, SHIPPED TO BOISE, ON FUEL CANOPY - HOOK UP PRIMARY POWER TO LETTERS AND ILLUMINATED RED BAND 0 N REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) 5ET D/F LOGO...T50606RFID. (1) SET D/F CABINET T50206CAB (1) SET D/F T5Y1009 (LOGO COPY BY YESCO) (1) SET D/F CABINET T50106CAB (1) SET D/F T5Y0081 (LOGO COPY BY YE5C0) (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL-T50406PKG (1) T50106CAB (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL-TSO106PKG REARRANGE DISPLAY A5 NEEDED 50 THERE ARE NO GAPS IN CABINETS. RE- PAINT SHELL CABINET AND TOP SECTION OF POLES WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE- PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. REMOVE AMENITIES PANEL AND PATCH HOLES T50606RFID T50206CAB TSO206RFBL T50206CAB T5Y1009 T50206CAB T5Y0081 T50406PKG T50106CAB T50106PKG 6'-0" 4 �1 Boise Division JounG eLecTAlc son comPani wescOe 416 E. 41st St, Boise, ID. 83714 (208) 345-2982 PROD. APPROVAL CUENT SALES LANDLORD (II Applicable) DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY OR DES. REVISIONS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS 10.3.03 CHRIS JACK50NS #4 101 E. IDAHO HOMEDALE, ID SALESPERSCA ERIC WILLIAMS 250324 FILE DESIGN NULBEi 614717 W.O. NUMB81 NOTE COST FON PROVIDING NECESSARY BECTRN:AL VA RING TO SIGN AREA IS NOT INCLUDED IN NON PROPOSAL ® THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. MAIN STREET O REFACE AND REPAINT 8X8 PYLON AS REQUIRED O INSTALL VINYL COPY READING "CLEARANCE" PROVIDED BY CUSTOMER iY CENTER VINYL ON CANOPY = PLEX FACE DECORATED WITH: 33 RED, 51 GREY, BLACK 6'-9 1/2" O INSTALL (1) SET OF SNELL LETTERS ON CANOPY REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...T50808RFID. (2) SETS D/F CABINET T50308CAB (1) SET D/F TSY1007(L000 COPY BY YESCO) (1) SET D/F TSY1008(L000 COPY BY YESCO) (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL-T50606PKG (1) T50208CAB (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL-T50208PKG REARRANGE DISPLAY AS NEEDED 50 THERE ARE NO GAPS IN CABINETS. RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND TOP SECTION OF POLES WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. SALES CHECKED BY IDAHO CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. C2627 -S DATE 6'-11 " • PLEX FACE DECORATED WITH: PURPLE (VQ4153) MAGENTA (VQ4154) & YELLOW (VQ4077) 81" 24" ORDER AND INSTALL (1) SET OF SHELL LETTERS FROM SPARKLE SERVICES SHIPPED TO BOISE INSTALL ON FUEL CANOPY T50808RFID T50308CAB TSY1007 T50308CAB TSY1008 T50608PKG T50208CAB T50208PKG 8'-0 " 4 © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY CLIENT SALES SIN ESTIMATING ENGINEERING ITI EXPEDNG DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY 0Ria s. NTS 12.9.0_ CHRIS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #22 7 E MAIN MIDDLETON. ID SALESPOISON ERIC WILLIAMS DESIGN N a GN" "`BE' .� Mu esCoe B • = o vision E r.:UM eL@CTRIC son CCmPari i 416 E. 41 St. Boise ID. 83714 (208 345-2982 f, 1RLE 15087 W.O. NUMBER REVISIONS NOTE COST FOR PROVIDING NECESSARY INCLUDED WIRINGNOT o SIGN AREA`� , © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY STORE 10TH AVENUE 0 Li O REFACE AND REPAINT 8X8 PYLON A5 REQUIRED O REFACE AND REPAINT 13X13 HI -RISE A5 REQUIRED O INSTALL SHELL LETTERS O INSTALL CUSTOMER PROVIDED CLEARANCE SIGHS `AI'rJrekkiA4DiJMAIML�J►� SALES CHECKED BY IDAHO CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. C2627 -S DATE 135-F2 1000012535 PROPOSED 1 EXISTING REFACE & REPAINT 13x13 HI -RISE DISPLAY REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM DUALITE: (2) 135-F2 10000012535 FACES RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. T50808RFID T50308CA8 TSY1007 T50608PKG T50208PKG TS0208CAB PROPOSED 138i1 Power 148' Mos le Power V(1;mrUm 158' N] EXISTING REFACE & REPAINT 8x8 PYLON DISPLAY REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) D/F LOGO...T50808RFID. (1) D/F T50308CAB (2) TSY1007 FACES (1) D/F PRODUCT PANEL...T50608PKG (1) D/F T50208CAB & T50208PKG RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND UPPER POLE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY cuENT SALES DESIGN ESTIMATING ENGINEERING EXPEDITING DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY ORIG. DES. 10.3.03 CHRIS REVI&,ONS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #82 402 n 10th CALDWELL, ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS 250321 FILE DESIGN NUMBER T® • - B14705 IMO NUMBER .. _ . _- . . _ - _a J CCIe Al6 E. 41st St., Dais@, I0. 837 ; NOTE: COST FOR PROVIDING NECESSARY SIGN AREA IS ELECTRIC�N SIG NG PROPOSAL NOT .... ,-, ....... _:.., . -.. —..:. .. .. ..-- .: © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. 22I1D AVENUE 3RD STREET O REFACE AHD REPAINT 6x6 PYLON A5 REQUIRED COSHELL LETTERS O INSTALL CUSTOMER PROVIDED VINYL CLEARANCE DECALS 1 REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...T50606RFID. (1) D/F JACKSOMS LOGO, MEW FACES AND RETAINERS AS REQUIRED (BY YESCO) (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL...'TSO406PKG T EDGE OF EXIST/NG CA8 ARCHED RETAL 6'-I 1 • 2" UTS/OE RETAINER / DE RET.1/NER Jac' tf-onr JACKSON CABINET TO USE STANDARD CORPORATE VINYL COLORS RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND POLE WHITE (AMEROM SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMEROM SHELL #51). REMOVE DIESEL CABINET AND JUNK ALONG WITH EXISTING FACES. RETAINER ARC TO MATCH SHIPPED IN FACES SALES CHECKED BY DATE O 9 A v 6'-0 II rjc�clv-Cin J� 1.39' . 1771.49:j 1.59' PROPOSED DAHO CONTRACTOR UCENSE NO. C2627.S THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY CUENT SALES DESIGN ESTIMATING ENGINEERING EXPEDrNG DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY ORIG. DES. CHRIS REVISIONS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSOMS #64 2406 MONTANA CALDWELL, ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS RLE DESIGN NUMBER B14376 WO.NUM BER NOTE: COST FOR PROVIDING NECESSARY ELECTRICAL TO SIGN AREA INCLUDED u+SIGN IS NOT THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY 0 0 0 0 CANOPY LOGAN STORE REFACE AND REPAINT 8X8 PYLON AS REQUIRED REMOVE AMENITIES PANEL, PATCH HOLES WITH RED SHEET METAL CAPS. INSTALL SHELL LETTERS INSTALL CUSTOMER PROVIDED CLEARANCE SIGNS • CLEARANCE 13'-6" CENTER CUSTOMER SUPPLIED VINYL CLEARANCE LETTERS ON BOTH SIDES OF CANOPY. MEASURE HEIGHT AND USE APPLICABLE LETTERS. IDAHO CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. C2627 -S CENTER LETTERS IN OPEN SPACE OF BAND ALIGN WITH BOTTOM OF BAND L r�- ORDER AND INSTALL (2) SET OF SHELL LETTERS FROM SPARKLE SERVICES, SHIPPED TO BOISE, ON FUEL CANOPY - HOOK UP PRIMARY POWER TO LETTERS AND ILLUMINATED RED BAND T50808RFI D T50208CAB T50208RFBL T50308CAB TSY1007 TS0608PKG T50208PKG jAmarteuumplimurauctootimumwi SALES CHECKED BY DATE REFACE & REPAINT 8x8 PYLON DISPLAY REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) D/F LOGO...T50808RFI D. (1) D/F T50208CAB (2) T50208RFLB FACES (1) D/F T50308CAB (2) TSY1007 FACES (1) D/F PRODUCT PAIEL...T50608PKG (2) T50208PKG FACES RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND UPPER POLE (AMEROM SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMEROM SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL «LENT SALES DESIGN ESTIMATING ENGINEERING ExPEDMNG DATE BY DRAWINGS ORIG. DES. REVISIONS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE 10.3.03 BY CHRIS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #63 250324 RLE DESIGN NUMBER !1 ■ .� r -l [__�` -,� 11114 PI -} L""lskvi lci iIloal®i I_i) 7 eIn 4)1 101 E. LOGAN ST CALDWELL, ID.1.441 614714 WO.NUM�10'""41110 SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS NO1E COST FOR PROVIDING NECESSARY ELECTRICAL WIRING TO SIGN AREA IS NOT INCLUDED IN SIGN PROPOSAI- 110 © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY fro YALE CANOPY O REFACE AND REPAINT 8x8 PYLON A5 REQUIRED O INSTALL CUSTOMER PROVIDED CLEARAMCE SIGNS O INSTALL SHELL LETTERS STORE D J CO II J J W 10 J V fV 0 0 k 48 1/4" ORDER (4) CUSTOM SETS OF 8" CHANGE LETTERS. REMOVE SEPARATOR BARS FROM EXISTING CABINET AND INSTALL NEW FLEX PANELS WITH READER TRACK TO HOLD CHANGE LETTERS. PLEX PANELS TO BE DECORATED WITH OPAQUE GREY- WHITE TEXT TO BE REVERSE CUT FROM GREY VINYL YELLOW RECTANGLES TO BE REVERSE CUT AND DECORATED WITH SUNFLOWER -25 TRANSLUCENT VINYL. IDAHO CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. C2627 -s THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY CUENr SALES ESTIMATING ENGINEERING ° TED'TING DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY owG.DES. 10.3.03 CHRIS REVISIONS Boise Division OUflG eLeCTRIC soon con'1i i i '.METING 416 E. 41st St., Boise, ID. 83714 (208) 345-2982 FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #62 250319 FILE DESIGN NUMBER 100 CALDWELL BLVD NAMPA, ID 16044 W.O. NUMBER JeSCO0 SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS NOTE COST FOR PROVIDING NCCE8911HN ELECTRICAL REA IS NOT I PROPOSAL THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY T II FRANKLIN ROAD REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM ZIMMERMAN: (1) SET D/F LOGO...5111066RF.00RT. (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL-SH2066RF.30RT RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. ORDER SET OF LETTERS, CHANGE ARM, AND STORAGE CABINET FROM ZIMMERMAN. JAcdrateiumimraartemineilmbl SALES CHECKED BY DATE ® 66x6' PYLON DISPLAY (18) 72112 0 PBL AWN NG (4) 96712 (4) 72112 SHELL ICON WHITE GRID NEON O SHELL LETTERS 5/1 WHITE NEON ® (6) FUEL CANOPY F.XTURE: • SOFFIT FIXfUPES (16) 96112 UTSIDE RETAINER ARCHED RE ONER-2 I Of RErAJAEK EDGE OF EXISTING C48 CUSTOM CURVED RETAINERS TO BE FABRICATED TO AFFIX TO EXISTING CABINET. FLEX FACE DECORATED WITH: 33 RED, 51 GREY SM 1066RF.00RT CUSTOM FACES & RETAIMERS BY YESCO 5H2066RF.3ORT 6' 74" 13'-6" IDAHO CONTRACTOR UCENSE NO. C2627S HIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY CLIENT SALES ESTIMATING ENGINEERING RI EXPEDNG DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY ORIG. DES. CHRIS REVISIONS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #58 805 11th AVE NAMPA, ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS 250360 RLE DESIGN NUMBER Hi Boise Division Jouno eLecTRic soon comPani WO. Nurteal aesco. 416 E. 41st St., Boise, ID. 83714 (208) 345-2982 NOTE COST FOR PROVIDING NECESSARY ELECTRICAL PARING TO SIGN AREA INCL SNOT HIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY °i enAnun MOM 0 REFACE AMD REPAINT MI PYIOM A5 REQUIRED OREFACE AMD IIENAIITT NIOH•NSE DISPLAY AS REQUIRED OINSTALL NEW SHELL LETTERS OM CANOPY OIII5TALL VINYL COPY RIADIMO-CLEAAAMC!' PROVIDED SY CUSTOMER M 1 13' REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...T50808RFID. (2) SETS D/F CABINET T50308CAB BOTH W/BLAMK FACES & SHELL BORDER FROM SIGN RESOURCES (LOGO COPY BY YESCO) (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL...T50608PKG REARRANGE DISPLAY AS HEEDED 50 THERE ARE 110 GAPS 111 CABINETS. RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND TOP SECTION OF POLES WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. PROPOSED i/ CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. C2627 -S REPLACE CABINET WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM DUAUTE SALES & SERVICE: (1) SET D/F LOGO...13'X13' PAMAFLEX FACES 135-RF2 (10000011109) RE -PAINT HORIZONTAL SUPPORT PIPE AND AU. ELEMENTS ABOVE INCLUDING SHELL CABINET AND TOP SECTION OF POLES WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT PIPES BELOW MESSAGE CENTER DARK GREY (AMEROH SHELL #51). DO NOT PAINT MESSAGE CENTER JUNK EXISTING FACES AMD HANGING CABINET. BOISE' Dlvlslon ioune eLecTRIC Bien comPana "J- eSCOm 416 E. 41st St., Boise, ID. 83714 (208) 345-2982 - I Jac' 6.-9 1/2" von/ PLEX FACE DECORATED WITH: 33 RED, 51 GREY, BLACK 6'-T1' PLEX FACE DECORATED WITH: BKGD TEAL VINYL 3630-246. LETTERS (MOXIE) TO BE RED VINYL 3630-33. LETTERS (JAVA) TO BE GOLDEN YELLOW VINYL 3630-125. SALES DATE CHECKED BY T50808RFID T50308CAB CUSTOM FACE T50308CAB CUSTOM FACE TS0608CAB T50608PK6 8'-0 II ORDER AND INSTALL (1) SET OF SHELL LETTERS FROM SPARKLE SERVICES SHIPPED TO BOISE OM FUEL CANOPY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS CLIENT owaDEs. NTS 12.9.03 CHRIS JACK5ON5 #5 SALES REVISIONS 1407 FRANKUN BLVD DESIGN NAMPA, ID ESTIMATING ENGINEERING ExmoIRNLL RIE DESIGN NUMBER 14708 WO. NUMBER SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS O6wDElm NM PROPOSAL ■ © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY 9 02 STORE NAMPA CALDWELL BLVD O REFACE AND REPAINT 8X8 PYLON A5 REQUIRED O INSTALL CUSTOMER PROVIDED CLEARANCE SIGNS O INSTALL SHELL LETTERS CLEARANCE 13'-6" CENTER CUSTOMER SUPPLIED VINYL CLEARANCE LETTERS ON BOTH SIDES OF CANOPY. MEASURE HEIGHT AND USE APPLICABLE LETTERS. MIDDLETON ROAD CENTER LETTERS in OPER SPACE OF BAND ALIGN WITH BOTTOM OF BAND ORDER AND INSTALL (1) SET OF SHELL LETTERS FROM SPARKLE SERVICES, SHIPPED TO BOISE, ON FUEL CANOPY - HOOK UP PRIMARY POWER TO LETTERS AND ILLUMINATED RED BAND T50808RFID T50208CAB T50208RFBL T50308CAB TSY1007 T50608PKG i=d NAVA M MORO :I EON DIVAN I LOW SALES CHECKED BY DATE REFACE & REPAINT 8X8 PYLON DISPLAY REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) D/F LOGO...T50808RFID. (1) D/F T50208CAB (1) T50208RFLB FACES (1) D/F T50308CAB (2) TSY1007 FACES (1) D/F PRODUCT PANEL...T50608PKG RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND UPPER POLE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. IDAHO CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. C2627S © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY «TENT SALES DESIGN ESTIMATING ENGINEERING DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY ORIG. DES. 10.3.03 CHRIS REVISIONS2513 FIRM NAMEILOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #59 CALDWELL BLVD NAMPA, ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS 250320 RLE RAIDER j 7�l jy� - - - j} .�.► tiMig-t'islii, :.. .1_�i �'lr� [� �.Ci_>•l.�II,[P-="411 B14715 W.O. NUMBER NOTE COST FOR PROVIDING NECESSARY ELECTRIEPEDTRNG INCLUDEDIN SIG Baa SIGN AREA SNOT © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY YALE O REFACE AND REPAINT 8X8 PYLON AS REQUIRED O INSTALL CUSTOMER PROVIDED CLEARANCE SIGNS O INSTALL SHELL LETTERS CANOPY STORE CLEARANCE 13'-6" CENTER CUSTOMER SUPPLIED VINYL CLEARANCE LETTERS ON BOTH SIDES OF CANOPY. MEASURE HEIGHT AND USE APPLICABLE LETTERS. IDAHO CONTRACTOR UCENSE NO. C2627 -S CENTER LETTERS IN OPEN SPACE OF BAND ALIGN WITH BOTTOM OF BAND FLAT PLEX FACE DECORATED BY _ YESCO NO CHANGE 4 ORDER AND INSTALL (1) SET OF SHELL LETTERS FROM SPARKLE SERVICES, SHIPPED TO BOISE, ON FUEL CANOPY - HOOK UP PRIMARY POWER TO LETTERS AND ILLUMINATED RED BAND Oland NAVA DA MIN raurtemplimimbl SALES CHECKED BY DATE 9 " MANUFACTURE (2) NEW PLEX FACES TO REPLACE TEXACO STARS. EXISTING PRODUCT PANELS TO REMAIN UNCHANGED. INSTALL (1) SET OF SHELL LETTERS. INSTALL CUSTOMER PROVIDED CLEARANCE VINYLS. RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET (AMERON SHELL #53). JUNK EXISTING FACES. MANUFACTURE (2) PLEX FACES. VT VINYL NEEDS TO BE ORDERED FROM MOUNTAIN PRODUCTS. WHITE AREA TO BE OPAQUE VINYL. ACTUAL FACE MEASUREMENTS TO BE 48" X 48" ISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY �� SALES DESIGN ESTIMATING ENGINEERING E�EOIRNc DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY 10.3.0 CHRIS REVISIONS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #62 100 CALDWELL BLVD NAMPA, ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS 250319 RLE DESIGN NUMBER 814716 WO. NUMBER NOTE COST FOR PROVIDING NECESSARY ELECTRICAL PARING IS NOT P s ISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY CHERRY LANE 0 REFACE AHD REPAINT 6X6 PYLON AS REQUIRED O INSTALL (1) SET SHELL LETTERS O INSTALL CUSTOMER PROVIDED "CLEARANCE" VINYL REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...T50606RFID. (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL-T50406PKG REARRANGE DISPLAY AS NEEDED 50 THERE ARE NO GAPS IN CABINETS. RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. `_CIUc141011IDicaumlei • Lai ►�� SALES CHECKED BY IDAHO CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. C2621 -S DATE FLEX FACE DECORATED WITH: 33 RED, 51 GREY, BLACK RETAINER ARC TO MATCH SHIPPED IN FACES FACE HAS ALREADY BEEN ORDERED WITH THE RECTANGULAR OPENING, PLEASE FLOOD COAT CABINET WITH FIRST SURFACE OPAQUE GREY VINYL AND DECORATE WITH NEW JACKSONS LOGO. 81" T50606RFID CUSTOM CABINET & FACES BY YESCO T50406PKG FABRICATE CABINET TO FIT SHIPPED IN FACES 24" ORDER AND INSTALL (1) SET OF SHELL LETTERS FROM SPARKLE SERVICES SHIPPED TO BOISE INSTALL ON FUEL CANOPY 6' CURT: DIAMETER OF PIPE STEPS DOWN FROM 8" TO 6" 10' 13'-6" © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY CLIENT MUM DESIG+MERIDIAN, ESTIMATING ENGINEERING EXPEDITING DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY oaG.DES. CHRIS REVISIONS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #35 522 W CHERRY LH ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS RLE DESIGN NUMBEFI Li j Bose Division Jouno eLecTRic sign comPani 15096 W.O. NUMBER aesCOG 416 E. 41st St., Boise, ID, 83714 (208) 345-2982 - NOTE COST FOR ggNWJG NECESSARY ELECTRICAL ooEDSIaPRO IS NOT www © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY CAW ROAD OREFACE AMD REPAINT BM PYLON AS REQUIRED 0 REFACE AND REPAINT MpN•RISE DISPLAY AS REQUIRED OINSTALL VINYL COPY PLEADING "CLEARANCE' PROVIDED BY CUSTOMER F ° 11141 CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. C7827.4 n , u■, • :l II 16' TACO BELL: tt, . 1 11, AMMII PROPOSED 1 I■, ■ PLEX FACE DECORATED WITH: 33 RED, 61 GREY. VINYL OUTSIDE LOGO TO BE OPAQUE SHELL GREY. ,o r EXISITING: NO CHANGES 6,-11 .. PLEX FACE DECORATED WITH: BLACK, LOGO BKGD TEAL VINYL 3630-246. LETTERS (MOXIE) TO BE RED VINYL 3630-33. LETTERS (JAVA) TO BE GOLDEN YELLOW VINYL 3630-125. REPLACE CABINET WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM DUALITE SALES & SERVICE: (1) SET D/F LOGO...13'M3' PAMAFLEX FACES 135- RF2 (10000011109) TOP SHELL CABINET AND TOP SECTION OF POLES TO BE PAINTED WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT PIPES BELOW MESSAGE CENTER AND TACO BELL/MOXIE CABINET DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). DO NOT PAINT MESSAGE CENTER JUNK EXISTING FACES AND HANGING CABINET. _ JOUIIG eL@CTRIC SIGH COI'r1PCIflu wesc o 416 E. 41st St., Boise, ID. 83714 (208) 345-2982 PROD. APPROVAL DATE CLIENT SALES DESIGN ESTIMATING ENGINEERING EXPEDMNG SALES CHECKED BY BY DATE DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE ORIG. DES. REVISIONS T50808RFID T50308CAB T5Y1007 T50308CAB T5Y1008 T50608CAB T50608PKG T50208CAB T5O208PKG 8'-0" REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...T50808RFID. (1) SET D/F CABINET T50308CAB (1) SET D/F TSY1007(LOGO COPY BY YESCO) (1) SET D/F TSY1008(LOGO COPY BY YESCO) (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PAMEL-T50606PKG (1) TSO208CAB (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL-T50208PKG REARRANGE DISPLAY AS NEEDED 50 THERE ARE 110 GAPS 111 CABINETS. RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AHD TOP SECTION OF POLES WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). BY FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS NTS 12.9.03 CHRIS JACKSONS #24 3101 MAGIC VIEW DRIVE MERIDIAN, ID FELE DESIGN NUMBER 15089 WO. ROWER 9 NOTE COST FOR PNONDOq NECESSARY SIGN AREA IS NOT SALESPERSON ERIC WILUAMS mcL AN P1OP3SAL 1 ■ P THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL, THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY IDAHO CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. C2827 -S STORE AIR BASE ROAD O REFACE AND REPAINT 6x6 PYLON A5 REQUIRED O SHELL LETTERS O INSTALL CUSTOMER PROVIDED VINYL CLEARANCE DECALS 1 1 REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...T50606RFID. (1) D/F JACKSOMS LOGO, NEW FACES AND RETAINERS AS REQUIRED (BY YESCO) (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL...'T50406PKG EDGE OF EX/STING CAB JACKSON CABINET TO USE STANDARD CORPORATE VINYL COLORS RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND POLE WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). REMOVE DIESEL CABINET AND JUNK ALONG WITH EXISTING FACES. j UTSID£ RETAINER ARCHED RETAINER -2 / DE REAINER acl 6'4 I; 2' (fon RETAINER ARC TO MATCH SHIPPED IN FACES OAINCIEtelimolmoirakroolpineinomi SALES CHECKED BY DATE A v 6'-0 S onr PROPOSED © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY CLIENT SALES DESIGN ESTIMATING ENGINEERING DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY ORIG. DES. CHRIS REVISIONS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #77 585 W 6TH MOUNTAIN HOME, ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS RIE LESION NUMBER B14396 W.O. NUMBER NOTE COST FOR PRONOWO NECESSARY S NOT ELECIRMAL RING TO MON AREAPEDRING STORE AIR BASE ROAD O REFACE AND REPAINT 6x6 PYLON A5 REQUIRED O SHELL LETTERS O INSTALL CUSTOMER PROVIDED VINYL CLEARANCE DECALS 1 1 REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...T50606RFID. (1) D/F JACKSOMS LOGO, NEW FACES AND RETAINERS AS REQUIRED (BY YESCO) (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL...'T50406PKG EDGE OF EX/STING CAB JACKSON CABINET TO USE STANDARD CORPORATE VINYL COLORS RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND POLE WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). REMOVE DIESEL CABINET AND JUNK ALONG WITH EXISTING FACES. j UTSID£ RETAINER ARCHED RETAINER -2 / DE REAINER acl 6'4 I; 2' (fon RETAINER ARC TO MATCH SHIPPED IN FACES OAINCIEtelimolmoirakroolpineinomi SALES CHECKED BY DATE A v 6'-0 S onr PROPOSED © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY STORE CANOPY HIGHWAY 95 O REFACE AMD REPAINT 8X8 PYLON AS REQUIRED O INSTALL CUSTOMER PROVIDED CLEARANCE SIGHS • INSTALL SHELL LETTERS CLEARANCE 13'-6" CENTER CUSTOMER SUPPLIED VINYL CLEARANCE LETTERS ON BOTH SIDES OF CANOPY. MEASURE HEIGHT AND USE APPLICABLE LETTERS. IDAHO CONTRACTOR LICENSEN0. C2627S CENTER LETTERS IN OPEN SPACE OF BAND ALIGN WITH BOTTOM OF BAND ORDER AND INSTALL (1) SET OF SHELL LETTERS FROM SPARKLE SERVICES, SHIPPED TO BOISE, ON FUEL CANOPY - HOOK UP PRIMARY POWER TO LETTERS AND ILLUMINATED RED BAND T50808RFID T50208CAB T50208RFBL T50308CAB TSY1007 T50608PKG T50208CAB T50208PKG FT: 01.IJJCI011IaDjWOJ[41:0101.10101 L�J►� SALES CHECKED BY DATE Diesel 1.651 1.751 1.851 co,_ 12 PACKS S2 99 Unleaded Power Plus Power Premium REFACE & REPAINT 8X8 PYLON DISPLAY REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) D/F LOGO...T50808RFID. (1) D/F T50208CAB (1) T50208RFLB FACES (1) D/F T50308CAB (2) TSY1007 FACES (1) D/F PRODUCT PANEL...T50608PKG (1) D/F T50208CAB (1) T50208PKG DIESEL RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND UPPER POLE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMEROM SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY, PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY SALES DESIGN Esn EXPEDITING EX DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY orsl�o 10.3.03 CHRIS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #3 HIGHWAY 95 - 128 STH WILDER, ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS 250325 ' DESIGN NUMBER i 1110_ Bcue Jounce eLecTRIC • - B471z Q7anNG NUMBER wesciqp 416 E. 41st St., Bpise, ID. 83714 (208) 345-2982ENGINEERING NOTE COST FOR PROVIDING NECESSARY SIGGNNPPROPOS IS NOT © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY, io 0 2110 AVENUE 5 REFACE AND REPAINT 6x6 PYLON AS REQUIRED SHELL LETTERS OINSTALL CUSTOMER PROVIDED VINYL CLEARANCE DECALS EDGE OF EXISTING C48 U75/DE RETAINER ARCHED RETAINER I / DEREM/A/ER 1 REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...T50606RFID. (1) D/F JACKSONS LOGO, NEW FACES AND RETAINERS AS REQUIRED (BY YESCO) (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL...ST50406PKG 6'I 12' jock,ornnr JACKSON CABINET TO USE STANDARD CORPORATE VINYL COLORS RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND POLE WHITE (AMEROM SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMEROM SHELL #51). REMOVE DIESEL CABINET AND JUNK ALONG WITH EXISTING FACES. IDAHO CONTRACTOR UCENSE NO. C2627-8 RETAINER ARC TO MATCH SHIPPED IM FACES Oland tdkkg4aDAMN eaI'd NANDIO101ILOW I SALES CHECKED BY DATE A v 6'-0 I' 4 IJc©1 Uornn� I J PROPOSED L Boise olvrsion JDuno eLecTRIC son companu, ueaco1 416 E. 41st St., Boise, ID. 83714 (2 PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY CLIENT SALES DESIGN ESTIMATING ENGINEERING L EXPEDMNG DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY ORIG. DES REVISIONS CHRIS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSOMS #65 830 2ND AVE 5 PAYETTE,ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS RLE DESIGN NUMBER B14377 W.O. NUMBER NOTE COST FOR PRO/1004G NECESSARY ELECTRICAL ICAL WIRING TO SIGN AREA IS NOT INCLUDED IN SIGN PROPOSAL _...., j © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY (jcickoni) r OAS (ADOPT POCATELLO CREEK ROAD O REFACE AHD REPAINT 6X6 PYLON AS REQUIRED O REFACE AND REPAINT 6X6 PYLON AS REQUIRED AB.x/EDRETAM EDGE OF EXIST/NG C.48 UTSIDE RETAINER / btRtf�U/ER 6;T //2" REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...T50606RFID. (1) D/F JACKSONS LOGO, MEW FACES AND RETAINERS AS REQUIRED (BY YESCO) (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL...'T50406PKG JACKSON CABINET TO USE STANDARD CORPORATE VINYL COLORS RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. • D/F ILLUMINATED 13'X13' LOGO SIGN - REFACE WITH DUALITE 135-RF2, REPAINT CABINET AND STEEL WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53) REMOVE EXISTING AND JUNK USE EXISTING JACKSONS FACES, REPAINT CABINET TO MATCH (AMERON SHELL #51) RETAINER ARC TO MATCH SHIPPED IN FACES 9 REFACE EXISTING CABINET WITH PANAFLEX FACES DECORATED WITH STANDARD JACKSON'S VINYL COLORS. 13'-0" PROPOSED IDAHO CONTRACTOR UCENSE NO. C2627 -S © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY CuENT SALES Com' ESTIMATING ENGINEERING DPEDMNG DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY owc.DES. CHRIS REVISIONS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #67 1527 5 POCATELLO CREEK POCATELLO, ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS RLE DESIGN Boise Division u ^ ^ ^ eLecTRic son com^anu 614175 W.O. NUMBER �./oune Jescoo 416 E. 41st St., Boise, ID. 83714 (208) 345-2982 NTE COST FOR PRONOUIB NECESSARY INCELECTRICAL U DAW9GNPROPOTO OSAL AREA SNOT © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY r [ IJ CAS CANOPY POCATELLO CREEK ROAD 0 REFACE AND REPAINT 6X6 PYLON A5 REQUIRED OREFACE AND REPAINT 6X6 PYLON AS REQUIRED t 1 ARMCO RETAIN EDGE Of EXIST/NG CAB U75NE BETA/NER DE RETAINER - 4 6. 1 1 2' REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...T50606RFID. (1) D/F JACKSONS LOGO, NEW FACES AND RETAINERS AS REQUIRED (BY YESCO) (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL...750406PKG JACKSON CABINET TO USE STANDARD CORPORATE VINYL COLORS RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. 0 D/F ILLUMINATED 13'X13' LOGO SIGN - REFACE WITH DUALITE 135-RF2, REPAINT CABINET AND STEEL WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53) REMOVE EXISTING AHD JUNK USE EXISTING JACKSONS FACES, REPAINT CABINET TO MATCH (AMERON SHELL #51) RETAINER ARC TO MATCH SHIPPED IN FACES PRELIMINARY TO REMAIN IN PACKET NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION r 1 PROPOSED FOOD STORES Unleaded 1.4 1 U Power 1.51 gI0 Power 1.6 1 g ,¢ Premium EXISTING IDAHO CONTRACTOR UCENSE N0. C2627S © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY SALES DESIGN EsnMAnNc ENGINEERING EXPEDITING DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY DES CHRIS REVISIONS - FIRM NAME/LOCAT1ON ADDRESS JACKSONS #67 5 POCATELLO CREEK POCATELLO, ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS r N OM El] aeeco. Bose DI JWENTWENTDRIG �un� e' 9CTRiC SIGH com - r u /''t 416 E. 41st St., Boise, ID. 83714 (208) 345-2982 614175 NCO. NUMBER NOTE COST FOR PROVIDING NECESSARY ELECTMCAL RING TO MON AREA INCLUDED INSGGNPROPOSAL IS NOT . , © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY MAIN STREET OREFACE AND REPAINT 6X6 PYLON AS REQUIRED 7 1 t TS/DERETAINER TARCHED RETAINER ! DE RETAINER EDGE Of EXISTING C48 REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...TS0606RFID. (1) D/F JACKSONS LOGO, NEW FACES AND RETAINERS AS REQUIRED (BY YESCO) (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL...'TSO406PKG JACKSON CABINET TO USE STANDARD CORPORATE VINYL COLORS RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND POLE WHITE (AMEROM SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. RETAINER ARC TO MATCH SHIPPED IN FACES PRELIMINARY TO REMAIN IN PACKET NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION r PROPOSED EXISTING IDAHO CONTRACTORUCENSE NO. C26274 © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL CLIENT SALES DESIGN ESTIMATING ENGINEERING DIPEDITING DATE BY DRAWINGS ORIG.DES. REVISIONS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY CHRIS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #72 FLE DESIGN NUMBER w ` _ 12-.1 daunt eL9CTRIC sign camPanu, WEIBCQle 416 E. 41st St., Boise, ID. 83714 (208) 345-2982 7TH/MAIN STREET ASHTON, ID B14108 NUMBEFI SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS NOTE COST FOR PROVIDING NE-CESSSRV DWIRING REA IS NOT PROPOSAL - _ •. _.. _ __. - .. - - _ _ .. .- _ -_ - © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY 17TH STREET O REFACE AND REPAINT 6X6 PYLON A5 REQUIRED O 5/F ILLUMINATED WALL MOUNT CABINET UTSIDE RETAINER EOGE Of EX/5T/NG CAB 1 1 ARCNEO RETAINER -Th / DEREtA/.VER 6'/ / 2' Jac' REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...T50606RFID. (1) D/F JACKSONS LOGO, NEW FACES AND RETAINERS AS REQUIRED (BY YESCO) (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL...'T50406PKG JACKSON CABINET TO USE STANDARD CORPORATE VINYL COLORS RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. 0 5/F ILLUMINATED JACKSONS CABINET PAINTED BLACK FINISH SIZE 8'X3' REMOVE EXISTING AND JUNK, CENTER NEW SIGN ON CENTER OF EXISTING SIGN RETAINER ARC TO MATCH SHIPPED 111 FACES 0111 1Jackfondig [ i.508 [ 1.699 [ 1.7F1 FNPRELIMINARY TO REMAIN IN PACKET OT FOR DISTRIBUTION PROPOSED EXISTING • IDAHO CONTRACTOR UCENSE NO. C2627.S © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY CURD SALES DESIGN ESTIMATING ENGINEERING t E>wmmNG DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY ORIG. DES CHRIS REMSJONS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #71 2545 E 17TH STREET AMMON, ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS RLE DESIGN NUMBER i B14107 W.O. NUMBER NO1E COST FOR PROVIDING NECESSARY ELECTRICAL SIGN AREA IS NOT SIGNPPR� OPOSAL © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY 3 W F GAS CANOPY L 11 3 YELLOWSTONE AVE 0 REFACE AND REPAINT 6x6 PYLON AS REQUIRED 7 U75/DE RETA/HER 1 T EDGE OF EX/57/NG G48 ARCHED RCM /H DE REM /HER 6=/ //2' JacllvonA_ REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...T50606RFID. (1) D/F JACKSONS LOGO, NEW FACES AND RETAINERS AS REQUIRED (BY YESCO) (1) SET DIP PRODUCT PANEL...150406PKG JACKSON CABINET TO USE STANDARD CORPORATE VINYL COLORS RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND POLE WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. RETAINER ARC TO MATCH SHIPPED IN FACES PRELIMINARY TO REMAIN IN PACKET NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION V l PROPOSED EXISTING • IDAHO CONTRACTOR UCENSE NO. C2627 -S © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL CLIENT SALES DESIGN ESTIMATING ENGINEERING EXPEMNG DATE BY DRAWINGS ORIG. DES. REVISIONS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY CHRIS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #69 FILE DESIGN NUMBER 5059 YELLOWSTONE CHUBBACK, D B14109 WO. NUMBER SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMSIGN ER NOTE COST FOR PROVIDING NECESSARY ELECTRICAL NOT PROIS MN AREAS © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY GAS CANOPY 5 5TH AVE rJ 0 REFACE AND REPAINT 6X6 PYLON A5 REQUIRED DIUON STREET A VES/DE RETA/NER TARCHED RE7X/NER- Is DE RETA/NER EDGE OP £X/ST/NG CAB jockory RETAINER ARC TO MATCH SHIPPED IN FACES REPLACE FACES WITH TME FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...T50606RFID. (1) D/F JACKSONS LOGO, NEW FACES AND RETAINERS AS REQUIRED (BY YESCO) (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL...*TSO406PKG JACKSON CABINET TO USE STANDARD CORPORATE VINYL COLORS RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND POLE WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. PROPOSED EXISTING IDAHO CONTRACTOR UCENSE NO. C2827$ © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY CLIENT SALES DESIGN ESTIMATING ENGINEERING �EDMN+G DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY ORIG. DES. CHRIS REVISIONS FIRM NAMFJLOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #68 1107 5 STH AVE POCATELLO, ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS RLE DESIGN NUMBER P B14112 WO. NUMBER NOTE: COST FOR PROVIDING NECESSAJW NCcrwGIL�PoNROG TO OSHA NOT INCLUDED w SIGN PrloPosAL. © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY 0 DA5 CANOPY O D YELLOWSTONE AVE O REFACE AND REPAINT 6X6 PYLON AS REQUIRED O 5/F ILLUMINATED WALL MOUNT CABINET 4 NTSID£ RETAINER ARCHED RETAINER IN DF RETAINER EDGE OF EXISTING G8 6'. I l 2" Jaclkcrornni REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...T50606RFID. (1) D/F JACKSONS LOGO, NEW FACES AND RETAINERS AS REQUIRED (BY YE5C0) (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL...*T50406PKG JACKSON CABINET TO USE STANDARD CORPORATE VINYL COLORS RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. 5/F ILLUMINATED JACK5ON5 CABINET PAINTED BLACK FINISH SI2E 8'X3' REMOVE EXISTING AND JUNK, CENTER NEW SIGN ON CENTER OF EXISTING SIGN RETAINER ARC TO MATCH SHIPPED IM FACES ri)RELIMINARY )1 TO REMAIN IN PACKET OT FOR DISTRIBUTION r PROPOSED EXISTING IDAHO CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. C2627 -S © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY CLIENT SALES ESTIMATING ENGINEERING DPEDMNG DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY ORIG. DES. CHRIS REVISIONS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS #74 2265 N YELLOWSTONE IDAHO FALLS, ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS RIE DESIGN N1MBO3 614110 WO. NUMBER YOUn o ^ - rerg el iiiryS F A c tE.y ues S ^ JR. 416. 41 t „�,! • - - S E GV.N NN6TO SIGN NECESSARY AREA IS NOT INCWOED IN SIGN PROPOSAL © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY BURf15DALC YELLOWSTOt1E O REFACE AND REPAINT 8x8 PYLON AS REQUIRED O NEW SHELL LETTER SETS O CUSTOMER PROVIDED CLEARANCE VINYL DECALS O REFACE AHD REPAINT 16X16 PYLON AS REQUIRED REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...T50808RFID. (2) SETS D/F CABINET T50208CAB W/BLANK FACES & SHELL BORDER FROM SIGN RESOURCES (LOGO COPY BY YESCO) (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL...TS0608PKG (1) SET D/F CABINET...T50208CAB (1) SET D/F DIESEL....T50208PKG 8'-1 1/2" Jac nr ALL CABINETS BUT JACKSONS HAVE ALREADY BEEN INSTALLED. JACKSONS CABINET AND FACES ORDERED ON 11/4/03. JACKSONS FACE TO USE STANDARD JACKSONS VINYL MOXIE FACE TO USE RED (3630-33) TEAL (3630-246) GOLDEN YELLOW (3630-125) AND BLACK FACE FOR LOGO TO BE BLANK WITH SHELL GREY BORDER WITH YESCO DESIGNED VINYL LOGO REMOVE READER BOARD AND LEAVE AT SITE. REARRANGE DISPLAY AS NEEDED 50 THERE ARE NO GAPS BETWEEN CABINETS. RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND TOP SECTION OF POLES WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. IDAHO CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO, C2627 -S irAgUldrdWAMDAMINEatattOilhoJAMILealp SALES CHECKED BY DATE T50808RFID T50208RFBL T50308CAB TSY0901 T50608PKG T50208PKG A 9 co 8'-0" 4 s Jaclkv 1.499 1.59° r 1.59' PROPOSED © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL, THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY CLIENT SALES DESIGN ESTIMATING ENGINEERING EXPEDITING DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY ORIG. DES. CHRIS REVISIONS FIRM NAME/LOCA11ON ADDRESS JACK5ON5 #30 4444 YELLOWSTONE CHUBUCK, ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS FILE DESIGN NUMBER 5 N � EJounct BL9CTRIC BIGf. -com'. 814379 W.O. NUMBER NOM COST RDRMIMING NECESSARY n+cLUDED NSIG REA S NOi !y®t9CO®: 41:8 E 4lst�u't.,.BOisB, ID 3114 (2O8� 345- •' . , ... - © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL, THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY CAR WASH Sell Serve GasotineLettft Unleaded 4 9 9 to Power 1.5 9 Plus 1 �J 16 Power • �. 9 Premium 1� !Diesel i 1.55c., A DArlo coNTRACT�oR LICENSE No. 02627-S REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...T50808RFID. (1) SET D/F BLANK...T50208RFBL. (1) D/F CABINET....T50208CAB (REPLACE JACKSONS CABINET) (1) SET D/F CAR WASH....T50208RFCW (1) D/F CABINET....T50208CAB (REPLACE CAR WASH CABINET) (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL...150608PKGCA (1) SET D/F DIESEL....T50208PKGCA (1) D/F CABINET....T50208CAB (REPLACE DIESEL CABINET *FOR CALIFORNIA OR NEVADA SITES ONLY. 3° 3" Jacl REMOVE (JACKSON, CAR WASH, AND DIESEL) CABINETS AND INSTALL NEW CABINETS IN THEIR PLACE. REARRANGE DISPLAY AS HEEDED 50 THERE ARE 110 GAPS BETWEEN CABINETS. RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND TOP SECTION OF POLES WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. ( VIRGINIA CANOPY STORE cUiornni 4 1 SIDE STREET 8' X 8' PYLON SIGN `langt4WA:11.Jr1IJEAJE1ANDA1111lIL0J\0 SALES CHECKED BY DATE © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY CLIENT SALES DESIGN ESTIMATING ENGINEERING ��NG DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY ORIG. DES. DIETZ REVISIONS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS FOOD STORES I 10850 5 VIRGINIA I613933 RENO, NV 1 I 1 SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS FILE DESIGN WAVER NO. NUMBER NOTEOOSTFORPROVIGWONECESSARV ��'�`- © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY OArro CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. C2627S REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM DUALITE: (1) SET D/F LOGO...135-RF2 10000011109 REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL...`T50608PKGCA (1) SET D/F DIESEL...'T50208PKGCA 'FOR CALIFORNIA OR NEVADA SITES ONLY. RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND TOP SECTION OF POLES WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. /0 0 0 0 REMOVE EXISTING AMENITY PANEL FROM FRONT OF CANOPY. INSTALL CAPS TO COVER HOLES IM SOFFIT. RED ROCK ROAD GAS CANOPY r STORE 12' X 12' PYLON SIGN A iO SHEET METAL CAPS (3) REQUIRED. PAINT WHITE 3 W CC I - SALES CHECKED BY DATE © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY 1 CLIENT 1 SALES 1 DESIGN I ESTIMATING I ENGINEERING WEDDING DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY ORIG. OEs. DIETZ REvsioNs FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS FOOD STORES 8775 RED ROCK ROAD RENO, NV sALESPERsoNERIC WILLIAMS FILE DESIGN MASER _ - "{ 1 �� r� wounc . - .. ... - _ _.- Si i 1 .7iii La ) .A 416 E. 41, t St., = oise, 1 . . 83714 208 . ,� - s B13935 w.O. NUMEA NOTE COST FOR PROVIDING NECESSARY ELECTFOCAL WRING TO NW N1EA IS NOT NICWOED IN SKIN PROPOSAL REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM DUALITE: (1) SET D/F LOGO...135-RF2 10000011109 REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL...`T50608PKGCA (1) SET D/F DIESEL...'T50208PKGCA 'FOR CALIFORNIA OR NEVADA SITES ONLY. RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND TOP SECTION OF POLES WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. /0 0 0 0 REMOVE EXISTING AMENITY PANEL FROM FRONT OF CANOPY. INSTALL CAPS TO COVER HOLES IM SOFFIT. RED ROCK ROAD GAS CANOPY r STORE 12' X 12' PYLON SIGN A iO SHEET METAL CAPS (3) REQUIRED. PAINT WHITE 3 W CC I - SALES CHECKED BY DATE © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY EXISTING 13' X 13' SIGN EXISTING 6' X 6' SIGN IDAHO CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. C2627 -S .— REPLACE FACE. METHOD TO BE DETERMINED. RE -PAINT CABINET AND TOP SECTION OF POLES WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER SECTION DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES FREEWAY 13' x 13' PYLON DISPLAY rn REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: LOGO...T50606RFID. BLANK...TS0106RFBL. PRODUCT PANEL...'T50406PKGCA 'FOR CALIFORNIA OR NEVADA SITES ONLY. RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND TOP SECTION OF POLES WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. 4 6' X 6' PYLON DISPLAY SALES CHECKED BY DATE © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY CUENT SALES DESIGN ESTIMATING ENGINEERING EXPEDMNG DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY ORIG. DES. DIETZ REVISIONS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS FOOD STORES 695 N. WELLS RENO, NV SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS FILE °Esicr,NUMBER r ' mil �.• ■ JounG eLeCTRIC SI • I? - • 613815 NUMBER - - = 4 6. 41 . : •ise ID. 83714 208 NOTE: COST FOR PROVIDING NECESSARY ELECTRICAL GM AREA IS r o OSAL NOT © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY DANO CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. C2627 -S REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...T50606RFID. (1) SET D/F BLANK...T50106RFBL. (1) SET D/F CAR WASH...T50106RFCW (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL...150406PKGCA (1) SET D/F DIESEL FACES...T50106PKGCA (1) D/F CABINET....TS0106CAB REMOVE (DIESEL) CABINET AND INSTALL NEW CABINET IN ITS PLACE. 'FOR CALIFORNIA OR NEVADA SITES ONLY. RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND TOP SECTION OF POLES WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. CAR WASH STORE ( CLEAR ACRE LANE SALES McCARRAN ✓ 6' X 6' PYLON SIGN CHECKED BY DATE © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY CUENT SALES DESIGN ESTIMATING ENGINEERING °XPEDMNG DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY ORIG. DES. DIETZ REVISIONS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS FOOD STORES 2595 CLEAR ACRE LANE RENO, NV SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS FILE DESIGN NUMBER Hy •_;►.� �, 8K t0 Y 1:yT 513932 W.O. NUMBER NOTE DOST FOR PROVIDING NECESSARY ELECTRICAL VANN° TO SIGN AREA IS NOT INCLUDED IN SON PROPOSAL © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY IDAHO CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. C2627S REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: LOGO...T50606RFtD. BLANK...T50106RFBL. PRODUCT PANEL...*T50406PKGCA 'FOR CALIFORNIA OR NEVADA SITES ONLY. RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND TOP SECTION OF POLES WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. STORE 6' X 6' PYLON DISPLAY VIRGINIA IIILLCREST SALES CHECKED BY DATE © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY CUENr SALES SALES DESIGN ENGINEERING EXPEDITING _ DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY I FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS ORIG. DES. DIETZ JACKSONS FOOD STORES REVISIONS 2001 S. VIRGINIA RENO, NV SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMSOT FILE DESIGN NUMBER yte 9 l 1" B 13817 NCO. Nu�eER __ . .'r-r�-� j T l �' t Q l � � = _ =' ', 6 1 � , _ 1 "-+ �1 [ Al NO1E 00ST FOR PROVISOS NECESSARY ISECTRICAL WIRING TO SIGN AREA IS P NEXPEDITING © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY. PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY IDAHO CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. C2627 -S REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...T50606RFID. (1) SET D/F BLANK...TS0106RFBL. (1) D/F CABINET....T50106CAB (REPLACE JACKSONS CABINET) (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL...*T50406PKGCA REMOVE (JACKSON) CABINET AND INSTALL NEW CABINET IN IT"5 PLACE. *FOR CALIFORNIA OR NEVADA SITES ONLY. RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND TOP SECTION OF POLES WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMEROM SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. 9th STREET ( CANOPY VIRGINIA STREET 6' X 6' PYLON SIGN 4 + `SINNE4.41WANINIMINUAiJNIND1010111LOVii SALES CHECKED BY DATE © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY cUENT SALES DESIGN ESTIMATING ENGINEERING laPEDMNG DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY ORIG.DES. DIETZ REVISIONS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSOMS FOOD STORES 901 N VIRGINIA RENO, NV SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS FILE DEVON MAGER ��� g - esc • �•_-- ® C]UI'1G ELG'CTRIC SI !Ili 1 416 E. 41stSt., Boise I !.837.4 (208 ' 613931 N3TE COST FOR FROMM{ NECESSARY ELE-CIRCAL WPM 'IC SION AREA* NOT INCLUDED IN SION PflOPOSAL . © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY EXISTING BUILDING 0 fT50505CAB I4-0 T50505RFID \_2" SQUARE TUBE CANOPY SADDLE WITH PLATE ► , B HIGHWAY 78 O POLE SIGN, REPLACE CABINET O SHELL LETTER SETS REMOVE EXISTING TEXACO DISPLAY FROM POLE AND JUNK. ORDER FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) D/F CABINET...T50505CAB (1) SET D/F LOGO TSO505RFID FABRICATE A SQUARE TUBE FRAME WITH PLATE (PAINT SHELL WHITE) AND INSTALL ON EXISTING STEEL. RE -PAINT STEEL SHELL DARK GREY. IDAHO CONTRACTOR UCBISE NO. C2827 -S SALES CHECKED BY DATE © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY SALES DED" ESTIMATING ENGINEERING EXPEDITING DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY DR1G DES. DIETZ REVISIONS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS FOOD STORES #111 GUS'S GAS 110 HWY 78 GRANDVIEW, ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS 250281 FlEDESIGN ""'�" 614238 W'O'N` NOTE COST FOR PROVIDING NECESSARY BE•CTRICAL WIRING TO SIGN AREA IS NOT wcLuoEowSIGN PROPOSAL © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY D l NORTH MAIN (HWY 55) O REFACE AND REPAINT 8X8 PYLON A5 REQUIRED O ALUMIINUM PANEL WNINYL COPY O SHELL LETTERS REFACE & REPAINT 8x8 PYLON DISPLAY REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...T50808RFID. (1) SET D/F T50208CAB & T50208RFBL (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL...T50608PKG (1) SET D/F T50208CAB & T50208PKG READER BOARD TO BE REMOVED AND LEFT AT SITE REARRANGE DISPLAY AS SHOWN. RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND UPPER POLE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. T50808RFID T50208CAB T50208RFBL T50608PKG T50208CAB T50208PKG iikanadmoolimundramoommoi SALES CHECKED BY DATE PROPOSED Unleaded 1.810 Power IQ Plus 1.92 Power 1.99A Premium 1.730 Diesel HOT DOG S 3 FOR S I EXISTING Dara CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. C2827 -S © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY CLIENT SALES DESIGN ESTIMATING ENGINEERING lOPEDIDNG DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY ORIG. DES. 10.3.03 CHRIS REVISIONS FIRM NAME/LOCATlON ADDRESS JACKSONS #115 503 11 MAIN STREET CASCADE, ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS 250258 RLE DESIGN NUMBER _ ! ! uoune eLecTRic . c-13 • Aja —• a 614234 W.O. NUNHER — r ...41.6 E. 41 `1 Boi .- 1 : _. 7. 4 NOTE COST FOR PROVIDING NECESSARY ELECTRICAL WRING TO SIGN AREA IS NOT INCLUDED IN SIGN PROPOSAL © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY 2 r NORTH WHITLV O REFACE AND REPAINT 6x6 PYLON AS REQUIRED O SHELL LETTER SET O AWNING 5ECTION TO BE REPLACED REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...TS0606RFID. (1) SET D/F CABINET T50106CAB 1 W/BLANK FACES & SHELL BORDER FROM SIGN RESOURCES (LOGO COPY BY YESCO) (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL...T50406PKG (1) SET D/F CABINET T50106CAB (1) SET D/F DIESEL....T50106PKG SALES DATE CHECKED BY Country Choice PIZZA 1'1KI BAKE IIOT & READY LOGO TO BE FIRST SURFACE VINYL: COPY: "COUNTRY CHOKE" GREEN REVERSE CUT (3630-26) COPY: "PIZZA" RED(3630-33) DROP SHADOW BLACK(3630-22) ALL CABINETS ORDERED 11/4 INSTALL ALL CABINETS BUT T50206. LEAVE SPACE FOR CABINET TO BE ADDED LATER READER BOARD TO BE REMOVED AND LEFT AT SITE. REARRANGE DISPLAY AS NEEDED 50 THERE ARE NO GAPS BETWEEN CABINETS. RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND TOP SECTION OF POLES WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. DAHO CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. C2627 -S T50606RFID T50106CAB T50106RFBL TSOZ06CAB CUSTOM FACE T50406PKG T50106CAB T50106PKG 6'-0 " 1.49' 1.39' 1.59' 1.59' PROPOSED O 9 A V © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY CLIENT SALES DESIGN ESTIMATING ENGINEERING DTEDMNG DRAWINGS DESIGN N0. SHEET N0. SCALE DATE BY ORIG. DES. CHRIS REVISIONS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS SCOGANS FOOD MART #1 301 NORTH WHITLEY FRUITLAND, ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS RLE DESIGN NUMBBi B14230 W.O. NUMBER NOTECOST FOR PROVIDING NECESSARY ELECTPICAIS NOT INCLUDEDM�SIGNPROOPING TO� © THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO. SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY IDAHO CONTRACTOR UCENSE NO. C2827S © PROD. APPROVAL DATE BY cuENT SAS DESIGN ESTIMATINGWO. ENGINEERING ExPEDmNG DRAWINGS DESIGN NO. SHEET NO. SCALE DATE BY ORGDES. DIETZ REVISIONS FIRM NAME/LOCATION ADDRESS JACKSONS FOOD STORES #101 217 MICHIGAN ST COUNCIL, ID SALESPERSON ERIC WILLIAMS 250257 FILE DESIGN NUVRER 14232 NUMBER NOTE COST FOR FROMMNECESSMY ELECIRICAL WIRING SON AREA IS NOT s PROPOSAL MICMIGAM STREET O REFACE AND REPAINT 8x8 PYLON AS REQUIRED O NEW ALUMINUM PANEL WKOPY O NEW SHELL LETTER SETS O EXISTING READER BOARD CONVERTED TO S/F REPLACE FACES WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM SIGN RESOURCES: (1) SET D/F LOGO...TS0808RFID. (1) SET D/F BLANK FACES & SHELL BORDER FROM SIGN RESOURCES (LOGO COPY BY YESCO) (1) SET D/F PRODUCT PANEL...T50608PKG (1) SET D/F DIESEL....TS0208PKG COUNCIL dig 0 0 D F U E MEM' BKGD @ (COUNCIL) TO BE RED VINYL 3630-73. LETTERS (COUNCIL) TO BE WHITE WITH BLACK VINYL DROPSHADE. LETTERS (FOOD & FUEL) TO BE WHITE WITH BKGD TO BE BLACK VINYL. GREY BORDER TO BE 011 FACE FROM SIGN RESOURCES. REMOVE (2) READER BOARD CABINETS AND LEAVE ONE AT SITE. MAKE ONE 5/F BY INSTALLING METAL BACK AND INSTALL 011 WALL. TIE POWER INTO LIGHT. RE -FACE STAR CABINET, RE -FACE FOOD MART CABINET, RE -FACE PRODUCT PANEL, AND RE -FACE DIESEL CABINET. LOWER O.A.H. OF PYLON TO 10' FROM BOTTOM OF DIESEL CABINET TO GRADE. REARRANGE DISPLAY AS NEEDED 50 THERE ARE NO GAPS BETWEEN CABINETS. RE -PAINT SHELL CABINET AND TOP SECTION OF POLES WHITE (AMERON SHELL #53). RE -PAINT LOWER CABINETS AND STEEL DARK GREY (AMERON SHELL #51). JUNK EXISTING FACES. T50808RFID CUSTOM FACE W/ GREY BORDER T50608PKG TS0208PKG 4 SALES CHECKED BY DATE THS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL. THE IDEAS HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY PERMISSION TO COPY OR REVISE THIS DRAWING CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THRU A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH YESCO SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY