Minutes - 2004 - City Council - 04/27/2004 - Regular / ORIGINAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes April 27, 2004 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. 1. BFI will give a presentation regarding landfill options. They will also briefly touch on the proposed leaf recycling program which is on the regular agenda for action. 2. A representative from CH2M Hill and Dave Neal with Ada County will be in attendance to answer questions regarding landfill options. Mayor introduces the issue. Representatives from CH2M Hill will present first. Ed Sloan, 4243 N. Brook side Lane, Eagle, with CH2M Hill provides a brief overview of the CH2M Hill Company and gives a slide show presentation. Randy Peterson, Design Manager with CH2M Hill speaks to the key technical issues Dave Fisher with BFI, discusses landfill options. Commissioner Rick Yzaguirre stands to address the Council Dave Neal with Ada County stands to address the Council. General Discussion. Steve West representing Idaho Waste Systems Facility stands to address the Council about concerns he has with groundwater contamination, cost estimates and air quality. Holly Lenz, 2634 E Harrier Dr. Eagle, Ms. Lenz is a concerned Eagle citizen. She would also like an answer to the question, "how deep is the deepest well they tested?" Also discusses air stripping. Joe Jordon lives in Hidden Springs is representing a concerned group of people who are concerned about cost and environment effects. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Merrill calls the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, SEDLACEK, GUERBER, Absent: NORDSTROM. A quorum is present. 3. 4. 5. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT: CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the Rules of Order. . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of April 13, 2004. C. Minutes of April 13, 2004 special meeting. D. Minutes of April 20, 2004 Joint meeting. Page 1 K:ICOUNCILIMlNUTESITemponuy Minutes Work AreaICC-04-27-04mio.doc E. Renewal approval of Liquor. Beer and/or Wine Licenses for current license holders that have met all criteria established by the City. (SKM) F. DR-S8-03 - Monument Sien and Buildine Wall Sien for Domino's Pizza Restaurant - HB One LLC: HB One LLC, represented by Roger Llewellyn with Golden West Advertising, Inc., is requesting design review approval to construct a monument sign and building wall sign for the Domino's Pizza Restaurant. The site is located on the north side of East State Street approximately lOO-feet west of Stierrnan Way at 498 East State Street. (WEV) G. Findines of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CU-9-04 - Public Service Facility! Heieht Exception Request for a 138kV Sub-Transmission line- Idaho Power Company: Idaho Power, represented by Layne Dodson, is requesting conditional use approval to construct a 138kV sub-transmission line, and a height exception request to construct utility poles with heights ranging from approximately 70 to 85-feet, (35 to 50-feet higher then the required maximum of 35-feet). The new sub-transmission line is proposed to connect with the existing 138kV power line on State Street and is proposed to extend west through the City to Ballantyne Road at which point the line will follow the same route as the existing power lines that parallel State Highway 44, to the new Star, Idaho, substation site. (WEV) H. Noise Ordinance exemption: Eagle Rodeo Inc. is requesting an exemption to the noise ordinance as allowed in Eagle City Code 4-9-6 (0) for June 3, 4, and 5th, extending the time from to midnight. (SKM) I. Appointment of Election Clerks and Judees and desienation of fees: (SKM) Guerber moves to remove item SG from the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Bastian. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES... Bastian moves to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Seconded by Sedlacek. Sedlacek: AYE; Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES. Bastian moves to have the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CU-9-04 - Public Service Facility! Height Exception Request for a 138kV Sub-Transmission line - Idaho Power Company continued until the next meeting for necessary changes. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... Bastian would like to amend the agenda to include under Unfinished Business, new item 9 la; mediation request for Laguna Point Subdivision. Seconded by Guerber. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES... 6. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: A. A Proclamation declarine the Month of May Motorcycle Awareness Month. Guerber moves to approve May Motorcycle Month. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... B. Resolution No. 04-09: A resolution accepting the sale and purchase agreement between the City of Eagle and Ada County Highway District and authorizing the Mayor to sign. (SEB) City Attorney, Ransom Bailey stands to address the changes that need to be made to this resolution. Also explains the need to public notice this item Larry Sale stands to address this item and when it will be signed. Bastian moves to approve Resolution No. 04-09. Seconded by Guerber. Sedlacek: AYE; Bastian: AYE; Guerber: A YE: ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES... Page 2 K:ICOUNCILIMINUTESITetJ1'Onuy Minutes Work AreaICC-04-27-04mio.doc 7. FINAL PLATS: None 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Resolution No. 04-08: A resolution adopting a fee for the addition of 2-yard front loading compactor service for solid waste collection services. (SKM) The Mayor introduces the item. Tonya Miracle with BFI stands to address the need for the rate change for Walgreen's use. The mayor opens the public hearing. The mayor closes the public hearing. Bastian moves to approve Resolution No. 04-08. Seconded by Guerber. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES... 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 9-(la) Request for Mediation by Laguna Pointe Subdivision. Bastian provides an explanation for the mediation request. Discussion on the mediation process and the timeframe for the public hearing process. Attorney Bailey stands to address the best way to proceed with the mediation. Shannon Cook. 2260 S Eagle Road, stands to address the Council on the mediation and boating issue. Nichoel Baird Spencer, City Planner stands to address the timeframe for meetings to be held on May 4, 2004. Bastian moves to establish a time for Laguna Point Subdivision for May 11, 2004 to mediate an agreement. Seconded by Guerber. ALL A YE...MOTION CARRIES. A. Proposal by Lori Swanson. the PTO President at Eaele Hills Elementary. to place a reader board sien on municipal property. in Friendship Park. This item was continuedfrom the April 13, 2004 meeting. Lori Swanson, PTO president at Eagle Hills Elementary stands to address the need for a reader board in Friendship Park. Ms Swanson states that the City property is a more visible site for the reader board due to the location of the school. Discussion on moving the rock sign with the school name onto the City Property and putting the reader board back from the park. Sedlacek moves to allow the rock sign (Eagle Hills Elementary) be moved to the park site but the reader board will have to be moved back onto school property. Discussion. Sedlacek rescinds her motion. Sedlacek amends her motion to approve the concept of putting the rock on city property and put the reader board inside the island on the school grounds after we had an opportunity to review the dimensions and plans. 2 AYE, 1 abstained (Guerber): MOTION CARRIES... B. A representative from BFI will discuss the leaf recycline proeram and seek Council approval to move forward with the proeram. (SKM) Tonya Miracle presents the leaf collection program for the month of November. Page 3 K:\COUNCILIMlNUTESITemponuy Minutes Work AreaICC-04-27-04mio.doc Guerber moves to approve the BFI leaf recycling program, the City to pay the additional cost of .50 cents per home out of the reserve funds which accumulated from the new trash rates. Seconded by Sedlacek. Sedlacek; AYE; Bastian: AYE; Guerber; A YE; ALL AYES... MOTION CARRIES. C. Review and discussion of Island Woods Path repairs: (NM) Vern Brewer, with Holladay Engineering presents the item. General Discussion. Bastian moves to have the City receive ownership of the pathway property. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. ALL A YE...MOTION CARRIES. D. DR-I0-04 - Modification to Two Monument Siens and a Buildine Wall Sien for Jackson's Convenience Store - Jackson's Food Store: Jackson's Food Store, represented by Roger Huber with Young Electric Sign Company, is requesting design review approval to modify two (2) monument signs and replacing the existing building wall sign. The site is located on the northwest corner of West State Street and Eagle Road at 30 West State Street. This item was continued from the April]3, 2004, meeting. (WEV) The mayor introduces the item. The applicant is not present. Attorney Bailey stands to address the issue of signage backgrounds and the different colors used. Guerber moves to deny. . . the motion fails for lack of a second. Bastian moves to continue DR-I0-O4 - Modification to Two Monument Signs and a Building Wall Sign for Jackson's Convenience Store - Jackson's Food Store to the next City Council Meeting. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... E. Discussion of lone ranee infrastructure plannine. (VB) Mayor introduces the item. Planner Baird-Spencer, provides Council an overview of this item. Vern Brewer uses a hand colored map to discuss the infrastructure plan vision. General Discussion. Larry Sale, ACHD Liaison stands to provide his overview of the vision for infrastructure planning. Mr. Sale's requests that the City and staff work very closely with the Highway District from the beginning of this plan. 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. Merrill Park pathway connection to Eaele River and Dater Fence: approve funding. NM) The Mayor introduces the item. Bastian moves to approve $2000 for the fencing and $5000 for the pathway connection, with both funds to come out of the park fund. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. Vern Brewer provides a report on the pathway construction funding. Mr. Brewer would like to provide recognition for all those that provided time and funding for this project. Sedlacek: AYE; Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES... Page 4 K:ICOUNCILIMINUTESITetJ1'Onuy Minutes Work AreaICC-04-27-04mio.doc REPORTS: 1. Mayor and Council's Report: 2. City Engineer Report: Response on the landfill issue. Drafting a policy statement for utilities and infrastructure. Discussion on The City of Middleton planning. 3. City Clerkffreasurer Report: Clarify the date for the next City Council Meeting; May 26, 2004 after the canvas of votes. 4. Zoning Administrator's Report: Will a quorum be available for the May 4, meeting? Nordstrom, Bastian and Guerber will be available. BOCC meeting tomorrow night at the Ada county courthouse. 5. City Attorney Report: None Guerber reports on the Leadership Conference. General Discussion Discussion on ACHD their long range plan and their consultant Dr.Freilich. 11. Mayor reports on the various meeting dates. 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Personnel Issues: I.c.§ 67-2345 (a) or (b) Guerber moves to go into executive session for the discussion of Personnel Issues. Seconded by Sedlack. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES... Council discusses personnel issues. Council leaves Executive Session. 4. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Merrill adjourns the meeting. fl~~ ~~ SHARON K. MOORE CITY CLERKITREASURER APPROVED: ..",U""'II ",,' OF ~ 111« ,," ~ ~-1 () ~« ~",~ ...".... '< ~~ ':v'. ..~~ ¡ ... ~t'OR....»... '\ : :,p ~\: . . . . : * : -.- : * : ': ~~SEAL;:::: :: : ..(\ ""..:: : {þ ..0 ~...... 0 :: .... .;-. ..'?PORA't.«;.. ~ .: ## -1 'h ........ ~ .." """ ~ lJ 0 F \\) .."" """'11""" Page S K:ICOUNCILIMINUTESITemponuy Minutes Work AreaICC-04-27-04mio.doc Resolution No. 04-08 PUBLIC HEARING THE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, April 27, 2004 7:30 P.M. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY TELEPHONE SUBJECT YES/NO? PRO/CON Page 1 f 1 H:ICOUNCILIAGENDAICCSIGNUP. WPD Ada County Sheriff's Eagle Station Monthly Report March 2004 Presented to: Eagle City Council By: Sgt. Dana Borgquist Sergeant Dana Borgquist Worked on the budget for Eagle on various days throughout the month. Began a presentation for the crash numbers in Eagle, there will be a press release with this information as soon as it is available. Met with various business's in the area. Taught Community Oriented Policing to our new Reserve class. Taught Emergency Vehicle Operations to our new Reserve class. Met with Idaho Transportation Department, Office of Highway Safety in regards to the Eagle traffic numbers. Briefed with Deputy Marc Bowman about his upcoming motorcycle training. Secured a small grant for some overtime money for seat belt enforcement. Red Team Deputy Matt Buie 03-03-04 ➢ I contacted Tom Holloway, store director for Albertsons in Eagle. I requested that he move his cameras to cover the cough syrup aisle because of recent problems with juveniles abusing cough syrup as an alcoholic drink. He said that he believed they already covered it but would make sure that it was done. D I contacted the manager of the Home Depot in Eagle and asked that they lock up their muriatic acid to prevent abuse in Meth labs. They said they would check on it and would do it if they were able. 03-09-04 — 03-11-04 > I attended the Wicklander-Zulawski & Associates Reid Method Interview & Interrogation class. This gave me skills needed to conduct an interview that might yield a confession from suspects. Excellent class. 03-18-04 D We all attended quarterly firearms training at the range. 2 03-21-04 D I took a report from a felony probationer on Firwood. He still lives there and seems to be doing fine. 03-27-04 > I checked on Felony Probationers on Conover St, Dunyon, Edgewood, and Conifer Ct. The only one home was the Conover St. I checked through his home for any alcohol or contraband. He was crime free and seemed to be doing an honest business with mechanical work. The one on Edgewood appeared to be moved out. No one home at Dunyon and Conifer. I called their probation officer Lee Fuhrman and left a message with my results. He called me back and said that the Edgewood person had moved to Canyon County. He also brought in an updated list of felony probationers for Eagle. 03-29-04 ➢ Business contact at the State Street Ice Cream Shop. I spoke with the owner for quite a while, and gave him my business card and a dispatch information card for him to fill out. His only complaint was the speeders on State St. 03-30-04 > Business contact at Our Secret Cottage at the new strip mall near State St and Park Rd. Several customers inside, so I gave the owner a business card and dispatch information card, and gave a very brief "please call the police with suspicious activity, etc" speech. 03-31-04 ➢ Directed patrol on Highway 44 near W. State St at Eagle High lunchtime with Dep. Bryan Brodin and Dep. Winegar on motors. They caught the speeders on laser, and called them out to me. Between the three of us, we made six stops, with five citations within about 20 minutes. Throughout the month of March I conducted stationary and mobile radar patrols in the local school zones and other high volume, speed problem areas. The specific areas of concentration were Park Ln, north of Floating Feather; Floating Feather and Edgewood; Floating Feather and Grey Pebble; Floating Feather and Thunderbird; Floating Feather and Highway 55; Eagle Elementary; Seven Oaks Elementary; Ballantyne and State St; Highway 44 and W State St; 2nd and State St.; State and Kestrel; State and Young; and Eagle Rd and Two Rivers. Deputy Marc Bowman Deputy Marc Bowman will be the new motor officer for the City of Eagle. Marc will take the place of Deputy Jeff Winegar who will be transferring to the STEP team at shift change (April 4). Deputy Bowman will come from the Kuna contract. 3 Deputy Jeremiah Neumann During the March I continued with patrols on the highway's through town. I stopped and cited any with violations. This traffic enforcement led to DUI arrests, warrant arrests and other criminal violations. Utilizing radar and our laser to make traffic stops. I am still working with the prosecutor's office to simplify charges on underage consumption. Also looking at any way to alleviate the manpower required at juvenile parties. Attended Bomb Training once this month. Deputy Jake Vogt Continuing my partnership with newspaper delivery people asking for their help reporting suspicious people / vehicles etc. at the time they are seen instead of hours later. Conducted nightly patrol of the Skatepark and other city parks. Conducted nightly patrols of the various construction sites for burglary suppression including Home Depot. Spoke to the night cleaning crew about securing their vehicles, crime prevention education, reference vehicle burglaries. Gold Team Deputy Todd Jolliffe Deputy Jolliffe took Kelly Adams position as he left for the Civil Department. Deputy Jolliffe has spent the last couple years as the School Resource Office at Eagle Academy, so he is familiar with lots of kids and with the area. Deputy Jolliffe is also a member of the ACSO SWAT team. Deputy Jolliffe will work graveyard until shift change, he'll then be a day shift. 4 Deputy John Dewey • Stepped up traffic patrols around schools and Floating Feather subdivisions. I made several stops and wrote several citations for speeding. • Continuing to make daily security checks at our city parks. Taking time to talk to kids, etc. • Added new businesses, The Money Tree, to Safety and Awareness project. The manager was very receptive. • Conducted an introduction and presentation to the residents as Sisters Villa. The residents had a lot of questions and were very happy with our service. Deputy Luis Gutierrez Came back to work and got caught up on what was happening after being gone for several months. Attended SWAT training twice during the month. Deputy Jon McDaniel 1. Stopped in all eight banks in Eagle and made sure they were taking steps to prevent robberies like were occurring in Boise. Answered general safety questions. 2. With the recent opening of the Sisters Villa, I met the management team and offered to do a safety meeting. Two weeks later Deputy Dewey and I met with the residents in their rec. hall and dealt with their concerns. 3. I had the chance two times this month to get onto the bicycle. Both times I received positive comments days later from citizens who had seen me. 4. Deputy Dewey and I gave a safety talk to the employees of the Money Tree and discovered that their corporate offices do a fine job of training their employees about fraud/robbery. 5. Met with the Family Table staff and they are currently at nine children. We had no calls for service at the home this month. 6. Met with John Wassom with ACHD reference a discrepancy with speed limit signs in Brookwood. Some area's are 30 mph and others are 25 mph. John agreed fix the problem. 5 Crashes in Eagle 3/1/04 to 3/31/04 L BEACON LIGHT 2 • F GATING F ER Intersection Non -Injury Non -Intersection o Non -Injury 0 nJury City Limits 1 Ada County I Boise I Eagle Garden City 2000 4000 Feet CHI Des ^a,CAb 1.1t 10311 peXa. 441/04 ACSG1CAJ4r, Eagle Reported Cases , 3/1/04 to 3/31/04 1 BEArON LIGHT c / ; CE Sourut Nan World 4/8104 ACSO'CAUt*rn Reported Cases • 1--911 HANGUP 1 -ACCIDENTAL SHOOTING 1 --ALCOHOL VIOLATION > 2 --BATTERY 2 -BURG ATTEMPTED • 2 --BURGLARY VEHICLE A 1--BURNING/LITTERING Q 3 -COMMERCIAL BURGLARY 1 -COMMERICAL BURGLARY p 2 --CONTEMPT OF COURT Q 1 -CONTRIBUTING (YRA) ® 1 --CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE DELIVERY Q 1 -CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE VIOLATION Q 2 --DOMESTIC BATTERY/PHYSICAL • 1 -DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE 4 -DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE/ALCOHOL 4 -DRIVING WHILE SUSPENDED/DWP 1 -FAILURE TO APPEAR 1 -FAILURE TO OBEY CITATION 2 -FRAUD 1 -FUGITIVE TO IDAHO 2 -INATTENTIVE DRIVING 2 --INJURY TO CHILD 5 -JUVENILE BEYOND CONTROL 1 -JUVENILE PROBLEM 4 -LEAVING THE SCENE OF AN ACCIDENT 3-LOST/FOUND/RECOVERED PROPERTY • 1 -PERSON NEEDING ASSISTANCE 4 -PROBATION VIOLATION 1 -RECOVERED STOLEN VEHICLE * 6 -RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY 1 -RUNAWAY i) 1 --RUNAWAY RETURNED 1 --SUICIDE ATTEMPTED 3 -THEFT GRAND ✓ 11 --THEFT PETIT 1 --UNATTENDED DEATH 6 --VANDALISM 1 -WEAPON ON SCHOOL GROUND ■ A • •EB C