Minutes - 2004 - City Council - 04/20/2004 - Joint ~ ORIGINAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Joint Meeting Minutes City Council and Planning & Zoning Commission April 20, 2004 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Merrill calls the meeting to order at 6: 10 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: City Council: BASTIAN, SEDLACEK, GUERBER, NORDSTROM. Nordstrom and Guerber are absent. A quorum is not present. P&Z: BANDY, DECKERS, CROOK, GLA V ACH, LIEN. Deckers and Lien are absent. A quorum is present. 3. DISCUSSION ITEM: A. Area of Impact expansion and land use planning. Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Baird-Spencer: Explains what the meeting is about. This is a planning workshop. On the tables are a large map of the whole city out past Highway 16, results of the visioning, and markers. Discussion on the conceptual map created by the planning department. Vern Brewer, Holladay Engineering: Discusses the land uses on the conceptual map. 6,400 acres comprises the area that can be developed. Discussion on the transportation issue in the area. Discussion servicing the area and the costs of service. General discussion. Participants begin discussion and draw their land use ideas on the maps. 4. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor adjourns the meeting. Hearing no further business, the joint meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. ....."""'" Respectfully submitted: -;;"l OP II':"", ~,. ¡" ~, P:;'\ ....-; ~ Q ~~ / o\lPo~-f ~.~~ " Ê* CI ~\ '1 : , -.- ! : i \:ï. S B i '* : , fft \(\0 A L ,:,':",!. : ... :">"; > "I: ~ .. "'0 ~ ~. !Ii ~"1').....R:ATf;.....1..0 ¡; ~# ~~ ..... ~..~- ~#### OF 11) ~ ~",- ####"'II"III~ SHARON K. MOORE CITY CLERKffREAS URER Page 1 K:\COUNClLIMlNUTESITe1J1lOrary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-20-04jl1IllDg.doc Share of Land Uses in Existing A01 ® Commercial ■ Nixed Use o Industrial ❑ Residential • Enterprise 88% 1%6% 4% 1% 0 Parks(Public/Private; I Share of Land Uses within Western Expansion 80% o Commercial • Nixed Use ❑ Industrial ❑ Residential • Enterprise p Parks(Public/Private) Share of Land Uses in Combined A01 3% 7% Et Commercial ■ Nixed Use ❑ Industrial ❑ Residential 5% • Enterprise 2% O Parks(Public/Private) 3% Scottsdale, AZ (Residential Uses 'Open Space Commercial }CulturaVlnstitutional lEmployment 'Office }Resort !Utilities 'Mixed Use/Downtown Comparison of Land Use Share 54% 30% 2.5% 2.4% 1.8% 1% 1% .8% .5% Redmond, WA (square miles) Residential 27.5 60% Commercial 0.56 1% City Center 2 4% Research/development/ technical 12.15 26% Urban Recreation 4 9% 46.21 100% Costa Mesa, CA Residential 48% CommerciaVoffice 14% Industrial 14% Public/Semi-public 24% Brier, WA Residential 87.4% Neighborhood Business 0.2% Schools 1.6% Cemetery 4.5% Public Utility 2.4% Hamilton, MT Residential 65% Commercial 15% Industrial 10% Parks 5% Public Facilities 5% Comparison of Land Use Share gle Existing AOI Commercial 4% Mixed Use 6% Industrial 1% Residential 88% Enterprise 0 Parks(Public/Private) 1% gle Proposed Western Area Commercial 0 Mixed Use 10% Industrial 10% Residential 55% Enterprise 20% Parks(Public/Private) 5% gle Combined Commercial 3% Mixed Use 7% Industrial 3% Residential 80% Enterprise 5% Parks(Public/Private) 2% Soaring 2025: Envisioning theCity of Eagle of Tomorrow Comments & Questions How do you feel about the proposal to move the Eagle Area of City Impact to State Hwy. 16? How do you feel about the land use patterns and implications presented? Please provide the following information if you would like the City to respond back to you. Name: Address: Phone: