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Minutes - 2004 - City Council - 04/13/2004 - Regular
/' ORIGINAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes April 13, 2004 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. 1. Eagle Chamber of Commerce President, Teri Bath will give a presentation on Boise Economic Development Corporation. Teri Bath updates the Council and what the Chamber is doing with the Boise Economic Development Corporation. General discussion. , Mr. Boyce, Boise Economic Development Council: Compliments the job Teri 13ath is doing on economic development. Discusses the BMEDC Accomplishments 2003. General discussion. 2. City Forester, Keith Atkins, will give a presentation of Bio-Diversity. Keith Atkins distributes information on Bio-Diversity and discusses the same. General discussion. 3. Larry Sale, ACHD: ACHD is in the market for a Park and Ride Lot in the City of Eagle next year. Distributes information to the Council on Park & Ride Lots and discusses the same. General discussion. 4. Mayor and Council's Report: 5. City Engineer Report: Moved to end of agenda 6. City Clerkffreasurer Report: Moved to end of agenda 7. Zoning Administrator's Report: Moved to end of agenda 8. City Attorney Report: Moved to end of agenda REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 7:45 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Merrill calls the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, SEDLACEK, GUERBER, NORDSTROM. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: Sandy Smith, I am here to get some direction from Council on my site plan and my master sign. Discusses the items on the memo from Barb Cerda. I would like to go back to the planters. Shows Council a design of the planters proposed. Planner Cerda: Discusses the items in question presented by Sandy Smith. General discussion. Council concurs that this needs to come back before the Council on a regular agenda for action. Bastian moves to amend the Agenda to add the following items: Consent Agenda add Item #5R. Appointments to the Library Board; New Business add as Item #9G. Wright Brothers change order on Bridge Site No.1 in the amount of $775.00 and New Business add as Item #9H. Approve funding for gravel pathway in the amount of $15,000.00; Executive session on pending and threatened litigation. Seconded by Guerber. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES............... 5. CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the Rules of Order. Page 1 K:\COUNCILIMlNUTESITe1J1lOrary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-13-04min.doc . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of March 23, 2004 special meeting. C. Minutes of March 23, 2004. D. Minutes of March 29, 2004. E. Re-apoointment to the Desi2D Review Board: The Mayor is requesting Council confmnation of the re-appointment of Eric McCullough to the Design Review Board. Mr. McCullough will be serving a three year term. (NM) F. Renewal approval of LiQuor. Beer and/or Wine Licenses for current license holders which have met all criteria established bv the City. Renewals for consideration are for daVinci's, Albertsons Food Center, and Albertsons Fuel Center, Peddlers, Pizza Hut and Sakura Sushi.(SKM) G. DR-I0-04 - Modification to Two Monument Si2ns and a Buildin2 Wall Sien for Jackson's Convenience Store - Jackson's Food Store: Jackson's Food Store, represented by Roger Huber with Young Electric Sign Company, is requesting design review approval to modify two (2) monument signs and replacing the existing building wall sign. The site is located on the northwest comer of West State Street and Eagle Road at 30 West State Street. (WEV) H. DR-13-04 - Medical Office Buildin2 - Svdnev and Associates LLC: Sydney and Associates LLC, represented by James Murray with CSHQA, is requesting design review approval to construct a 5,650-square foot medical office building. The site is located within Rocky Mountain Business Park on the south side of East Plaza Drive approximately lI8-mile west of East Iron Eagle Drive at 781 East Plaza Drive. (WEV) I. DR-14-04 - Master Si2n Plan for the Ea21e Medical Arts Buildin2 - Svdney and Associates LLC: Sydney and Associates LLC, represented by James Murray with CSHQA, is requesting design review approval to construct two (2) building wall signs and one (1) monument sign for the Eagle Medical Arts building. The site is located within Rocky Mountain Business Park on the south side of East Plaza Drive approximately lI8-mile west of East Iron Eagle Drive at 781 East Plaza Drive. (WEV) J. DR-I0-02 MOD - Indoor Battin2 Facilitv at Ea21e Hi2h School- Ea21e Hi2h School: Eagle High School, represented by Phil Liddell and Doug Nichols, is requesting design review approval to construct a 5,OOO-square foot indoor batting facility at Eagle High School. The site is located on the east side of Park Lane approximately 1,4 mile north of State Highway 44 at 574 North Park Lane. (WEV) K. DR-17-04 - Two Storv Multi-tenant Office Buildin2 - Ea2le River. LLC: Eagle River LLC, represented by Andrew Erstad with Erstad Thornton Architects, is requesting design review approval to construct a 16,470-square foot two (2) story multi-tenant office building. The site is located on the south side of East Riverside Drive approximately 1,400-feet east of Eagle Road within Eagle River Development. (WEV) L. DR-lS-04 - Master Si2n Plan for a Multi-tenant Office Buildin2 - Ea2le River. LLC: Eagle River, LLC, represented by Andrew Erstad with Erstad Thornton Architects, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan Page 2 [(;\COUNCILIMINUTES\T~rary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-13-O4min.doc for a two story multi-tenant office building. The site is located on the south side of East Riverside Drive approximately 1,400-feet east of Eagle Road within Eagle River Development. (WEV) M. Findin2s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for FPUD-3-04 & FP-2-04 - Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Countryside Estates PUD Subdivision No.4 - Countryside Estates LLC: Countryside Estates LLC, represented by Steve Arnold with Briggs Engineering, is requesting final development plan and final plat approval for Countryside Estates Subdivision No.4, an 11-10t (9- buildable, 2-common) residential subdivision. This 9.76-acre phase of Countryside Estates PUD Subdivision is located near the northwest comer of Ballantyne Road and State Highway 44 (State Street). (WEV) N. Findin2s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for FPUD-11-03 & FP-14-03- Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Two Rivers Subdivision No.9 - T. R. Companv LLC: T. R. Company LLC, represented by Dan Torfin, is requesting final development plan and final plat approval for Two Rivers Subdivision No.9, a 41-10t (34-buildable, 7-common) residential subdivision. This 18.64-acre phase of Quarter Circle Ranch PUD is located on the west side of Eagle Road approximately 1600-feet south of State Highway 44. (WEV) O. Findin2s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for FPUD-I-04 & FP-I-04 - Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Two Rivers Subdivision No. 10 - T. R. Companv LLC: T. R. Company LLC, represented by Dan Torfin, is requesting final development plan and final plat approval for Two Rivers Subdivision No. 10, a 32-10t (24-buildable, 7-common, 1-private road) residential subdivision. This 3l.49-acre phase of Quarter Circle Ranch PUD is located on the west side of Eagle Road approximately 1600-feet south of State Highway 44. (WEV) P. Approval of a Beer & Wine license for Ea2le Rib Shack LLC. The applicant is requesting approval of a beer and wine application for the consumption on and off premises. The business is located at 360 E. State St. (SKM) Q. Open Container Permit: Idaho Timber Corporation is requesting an open container permit to be used in Merrill Park (for approved areas only) on July 22, 2004 from 5:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. for a private party. (SKM) R. Appointment of Limberlv Landsber2 and Mar2o Walter to the Librarv Board. Bastian removes Items #5G, J, K and L from the Consent Agenda. Sedlacek moves to rearrange the Agenda by moving Item #9F to #9B. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................... Bastian moves to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Seconded by Sedlacek. Bastian: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE: ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES.. ......... ...... ... ....... 5G. DR-I0-04 - Modification to Two Monument Si2ns and a Buildin2 Wall Si2n for Jackson's Convenience Store - Jackson's Food Store: Jackson's Food Store, represented by Roger Huber with Young Electric Sign Company, is requesting design review approval to modify two (2) monument signs and replacing the existing building wall sign. The site is located on the northwest comer of West State Street and Eagle Road at 30 West State Street. (WEV) Bastian: I removed this item from the Agenda as the applicant is asking us to over ride the Design Review decision. Page 3 K:\COUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work Area\CC-Q4.13-04min.doc Planner Cerda: the Design Review Board reviewed this at their last meeting. The applicant is appealing their decision to construct the sign as they originally proposed. John Jackson, Chief Executive Officer Jackson Food Stores, displays a board showing the proposed signs and discusses the need for the proposed signs. We have change to Shell Oil and changing a company's logo is a very sensitive issue. General discussion. John McCready, representing Jackson Food Stores, discusses the Design Review Board decision and the sign issue. General discussion. Planner Cerda: Discussion on the Memorandum applicant referred to. General discussion on the Design Review Boards' decision. General discussion. John McCready: Reiterates the Shell logo and trade mark as presented tonight in the manual. General Council discussion. Guerber moves to table this item until the April 27, 2004 City Council meeting and ask the applicant to provide some alternatives based upon the discussion tonight. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. THREE A YES: ONE NAY: MOTION CARRIES................ J. DR-I0-02 MOD - Indoor Battin2 Facilitv at Ea21e Hi2h School - Ea2le Hi2h School: Eagle High School, represented by Phil Liddell and Doug Nichols, is requesting design review approval to construct a 5,OOO-square foot indoor batting facility at Eagle High School. The site is located on the east side of Park Lane approximately 1,4 mile north of State Highway 44 at 574 North Park Lane. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Cerda: Provides Council an overview of the Design Review Board decision. Eric Mathiason, Wright Brothers, provides Council some pictures of the proposed color scheme and discusses the same. We are also proposing to incorporate an exposed foundation stem wall of 2 feet. General discussion. General Council discussion. Bastian moves to approve DR-I0-02 MOD - Indoor Batting Facility at Eagle High School as presented by Design Review with the Site Specific and Standard Conditions of approval with the stem wall change as proposed tonight. Seconded by Guerber. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES....... 5K. DR-17-04 - Two Storv Multi-tenant Office Buildin2 - Ea21e River. LLC: Eagle River LLC, represented by Andrew Erstad with Erstad Thornton Architects, is requesting design review approval to construct a 16,470-square foot two (2) story multi-tenant office building. The site is located on the south side of East Riverside Drive approximately 1,400-feet east of Eagle Road within Eagle River Development. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Cerda: Provides Council an overview of the Design Review Board decision and a history of the application. General discussion. Bill Clark, representing Eagle River, discusses the design of the existing buildings in Eagle River. We think that variety is important in this development. Displays overheads of the proposed building design and changes proposed and discusses the same. General discussion. Andy Erstad, Erstad Thornton Architects, representing Eagle River, discusses the overall design of the building with changes that were made. General discussion. Page 4 K:\COUNCILlMlNUTES\T~rary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-13-O4min.doc Sedlacek moves to approve DR-17-04 - Two Story Multi-tenant Office Building with all Standard and Site Specific Conditions of Approval with the exception that #4, 5, and 6 be stricken. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............. 5L. DR-18-04 - Master Si2n Plan for a Multi-tenant Office Buildin2 - Ea2le River. LLC: Eagle River, LLC, represented by Andrew Erstad with Erstad Thornton Architects, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for a two story multi-tenant office building. The site is located on the south side of East Riverside Drive approximately 1,400-feet east of Eagle Road within Eagle River Development. (WEV) General discussion. Bastian moves to approve DR-18-04 - Master Sign Plan for a Multi-tenant Office Building and strike Site Specific #6 and approve all of the Site Specific and Standard Conditions of Approval. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................ 6. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: A. Proclaimin2 April 18-24. 2004 the Week of the Youn2 Child. Mayor introduces the issues and reads the Proclamation into the record. Bastian moves to approve the Proclamation proclaiming April 18-24, 2004 the Week of the Young Child. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES...................... 7. FINAL PLATS: None 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. ZOA-I-04 (Proposed Ordinance No. 468) - Zonin2 Ordinance Amendment - Citv of Ea2le: Ordinance Of The City Of Eagle, Ada County Idaho Amending Eagle City Code Title 9 "Land Subdivisions", Chapter 1 "General Subdivision Provisions", Section 6 "Rules And Definitions", And Chapter 4 "Required Improvements", Section 1 "Improvements Required", Article 10 "Storm Drainage, Flood Controls"; Providing Supplemental Storm Water Drainage Accommodation Standards; Providing A Severability Clause; And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Ken Rice, Holladay Engineering, provides Council a copy of his written presentation remarks and gives Council an overview of the proposed changes to the ordinance. General discussion. Vern Brewer, Holladay Engineering, discusses the ordinance. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Dave Yorgason, Capital Development, applauds the City by creating a storm water plan. Discusses other entities storm water plan. Discusses enforcement. General discussion. Ken Rice, Holladay Engineering, discussion on seepage beds. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Guerber moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance #468 be considered after being read once by title only. Guerber reads Ordinance #468 by title only. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. ALL A YES: M 0 TI 0 N CARRIES................. PageS K:\COUNCILlMlNUTESlTe1J1lOrary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-13-04min.doc Guerber moves that Ordinance #468 be adopted. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. Bastian: A YE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE: Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES.. ..... .... ...... Mayor calls a recess at 9:55 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 10:00 p.m. 9. NEW BUSINESS: A. Appeal of Buildin2 Official decision: Mr. Frank Wright is appealing the decision of the Building Official to deny a permit for a home addition due to setback constraints. (MM) Mayor introduces the issue. Mike Mongelli, Building Official, provides Council an overview of the applicant and the decision for denial of the permit for a home addition due to setback constraints. General discussion. Frank Wright, applicant, 1396 W. Powder Court, the distance from the back of my lot to the curb, including the berm, is 35'. Displays a site plan and the proposed building plan and discusses the same. This is a single level addition. My home is a two story home and there are not changes to my existing home elevations. This addition is not going to have negative impact on the subdivision. General discussion. Guerber moves to over rule the denial and allow the permit to be issued. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................. B. Proposal bv Lori Swanson. the PTO President at Ea2le Hills Elementary. to place a reader board si2n on municipal propertv. in Friendship Park. Mayor introduces the issue. Lori Swanson is not here tonight. General Council discussion. Nordstrom moves to table this matter until Lori Swanson can address the Council. Seconded by Bastian. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES.................... C. Review and action on bid for replacement bollards for the pathwav runnin2 behind McDonalds.: (SKM) Mayor introduces the issue. General discussion on replacing the bollards with street lights and looking at different types of bollards. Guerber moves to authorize replacement of the bollards with which ever option is the least expensive either lights or bollards. Staff will find the least expensive that will fit with the City design criteria and safety and structure. Furthermore authorize the expenditure not to exceed $S,580.oo. Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion. Bastian: A YE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES......................... D. Ordinance No. 471: An Ordinance For The City Of Eagle, Idaho, Amending Eagle City Code, Title 4, Chapter 3, Section 1 "Definitions", Section 2 "Accumulation Of Weeds Prohibited", Section 7 "Other Remedies And Providing An Effective Date. Mayor introduces the issue. Bastian moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section SO-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Page 6 K:\COUNCILIM1NUTES\Te~rary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-13-04min.doc Ordinance #471 be considered after being read once by title only. Bastian reads Ordinance #471 by title only. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................. Bastian moves that Ordinance #471 be adopted. Seconded by Sedlacek. Bastian: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE: Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES................. E. Ordinance No. 472: An Ordinance Of The City Of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho, Amending Title 6, Chapter 4, Section 10 Of The Eagle City Code, To Amend The Cable TV Fee Schedule And Provide For An Updated Copy Of Such Fees To Be Available At City Hall; And Establishing An Effective Date. Mayorinuoducestheissue. Bastian moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance #472 be considered after being read once by title only. Bastian reads Ordinance #472 by title only. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES................. Bastian moves that Ordinance #472 be adopted. Seconded by Sedlacek. Bastian: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE: Nordstrom: AYE: ALL A YE: MOTION CARRIES................. Further Council discussion. F. Resolution No. 04-06: A Resolution Updating The Fee Schedule Pursuant To Section 6-4-10 Of The Eagle City Code, Setting Forth The Rates And Fees Of Subscribers For Catv Service; And Providing For An Effective Date. Mayor introduces the issue. Bastian moves to approve Resolution No. 04-06, a Resolution Updating The Fee Schedule Pursuant To Section 6-4-10 Of The Eagle City Code, Setting Forth The Rates And Fees Of Subscribers For CATV Service; And Providing For An Effective Date. Seconded by Nordstrom. THREE AYES: ONE NAY: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................. Further Council discussion. Council would like to schedule Cable One at a Council meeting. G. Wri2ht Brothers Chan2e Order - Brid2e Site No.1 in the amount of $775.00: Mayorinuoducestheissue. Bastian moves to approve the Wright Brothers Change Order in the amount of $775.00. Seconded by Nordstrom. Bastian: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: A YE: ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES......................... H. Approval of fundin2 for a 2ravel pathwav in the amount of $15.000.00: Mayor introduces the issue. Bastian moves to approve the funding for a gravel pathway in the amount of $15,000.00. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. Bastian: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES......................... 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION Page 7 K:\COUNCILIMINUTES\T~rary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-13-04min.doc A. Pendin2 or threatened liti2ation. I.c. 67-2345(f) Guerber moves to go into Executive Session for the discussion of pending or threatened litigation. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES.......................... Council discusses pending or threatened litigation. Council leaves Executive Session at 11:15 p.m. Pre-Council Reports: City Engineer Report: Vern Brewer, Holladay Engineering, discusses future type of development within the impact area and the future impact area. General discussion. Zoning Administrator's Report: Discussion on cross connections and clarifying our ordinance. General discussion. Discussion on the path kids are using on private property on Park Lane to access Eagle Elementary School. General discussion. The 29th meeting with Star and the Ada County Commissioners has been cancelled. Discussion on the comprehensive plan going before the Ada County Commissioners. Discussion on annexing outside the City's impact area. Discussion on annexing Senora and a piece of property that they have an option on. General discussion. City Clerkffreasurer Report: I have distributed Financial Reports. The regularly scheduled meeting for May 25, 2004 will need to be continued to a different date as that is Election Day for the City Hall Bond. City Attorney Report: No report Mavor and Council's Report: General Discussion on ACHD's Park and Ride Lot options. Sedlacek: Gary Blaylock has resigned as the Economic Development Chairman and Cliff Marks is the new chairman. Eagle Sewer District is going to meet with Star Sewer District on the Ada County area between the two cities. Bastian: Reports of the Library Board meeting. Library is beginning to work on the budget. Mayor: Sharon and I are going to start working on the budget next week. General discussion. Discussion on the new City Hall. Guerber: No Air Quality meeting this month. The Fire Department put on hold two subdivisions that are going to come before Planning and Zoning. The recommendation of the Fire Marshall is that they connect to water. Eagle Water Company would like to provide this water service. General discussion. Discussion on the Ada County Landfill and the new addition. Nordstrom: No report. 12. ADJOURNMENT: Nordstrom moves to adjourn. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES.... .... ..... ....... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 12:25 p.m. Page 8 K:\COUNCILIMINUTES\T~rary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-13-O4min.doc Respectfully submitted: APPROVED: ,.,... "....., ~",,;~ OF l! ""'" ~,'(i ,,~.........~ 0 ~'\ i I OtlPO~..., ...~~ \ :,...CI ;.\' : : ~, : . . -.- . . i '~S to : ,.. : \ $:),\;0 .c A L q"--¡ : . 'f'" .iPþ '\; . ~ ~ .., ...ORA11>~.. 0 ~ ~#. »¡;- ........ ~ ..," "'" OF H> ~ ........" ""'ll"""'" JJ~+q \L,~~ SHARD K. MOORE CITY CLERKfTREASURER Page 9 K:ICOUNCILIMINUTES\T~rary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-13-04min.doc CITY OF EAGLE 310 E. STATE STREET EAGLE, ID 83616 RESIDENTIAL LANDS ANALYSIS FOR THE EAGLE AREA PRESENTED TO THE EAGLE CITY COUNCIL ON: APRIL 13, 2004 Page 1 of 7 K.\PlannLng DcprUm{wa Arca120041Capaci[y Stwlykicvcbpobk lands final.rktc r, RESIDENTIAL LANDS ANALYSIS FOR THE EAGLE AREA OBJECTIVE To determine the number of undeveloped acres and the number of potential residential units abvalible in the Eagle Area based on the 2000 Eagle Comprehensive plan and Eagle Area of City impact. METHODOLOGY For the purpose of this analysis the Eagle Area will include all property within the Eagle AOI and the city limits. The development potential of the Eagle area was measure by overlaying the Eagle Comprehensive plan land use designations with the existing Ada County Assessor parcel data to determine which parcels have development potential. Four categories of land were identified: SUBSTANDARD A parcel of land which dimensional standards are less than what would be allowed by the comprehensive plan. UNDEVELOPED/VACANT A parcel with an improved value of $0.00 to $9,999.00. DEVELOPED A parcel of land with an improved value of over $10,000 and less than 10 acres in size. REDEVELOPABLE A parcel of land equal to or larger than 10 acres in size with an improved value over $10,000. These are parcels that are over twice the size of the largest comprehensive plan category and may contain the ability to redevelop or transition into urban uses or densities. Designation Residential Rural Residential Estates Residential One Residential Two Residential Three Residential Four Mixed Use Eagle Residential Densities Comp. Plan Density 1 unit per 5 acres 1 unit per 2 acres 1 unit per acre 2 units per acre 3 units per acre 4 units per acre up to 20 units per acre Development Density 1 unit per 5 acres 1 unit per 2 acres .8 units per acre 1.5 units per acre 2.5 units per acre 3.8 units per acre 5% @ 8 units per acre Page 2 of 7 K1?laaaiag DcpAh poa Atea1200410roacity StudyNdevclopablc leads f aaLdoc FLOODWAY: All land designated by FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps as being in the floodway were not removed from the analysis after overlaying the comprehensive plan designations. RECREATIONAL/ PUBLIC USES: Several developments have been approved through Ada County and through the City of Eagle PUD ordinance that include land that is not used for residential development. These equivalent residential units were removed from the appropriate land use designation after the preliminary calculations. Recreation/Public Use Lands in Residential Designations Development 1 Land Use 1 Acres 1 Senora School Ban bury Golf Course Merrill Park PRELIMINARY PLATS: Residential 1 Residential 2 Mixed Use TOTAL: 10.9 155 5 170.9 Units Removed 10 310 16 336 Between January 1, 2003 and March 30, 2004 the following preliminary plats were approved and will represent a portion of the potential lots. The City of Eagle does not normally change the comprehensive plan designation of properties upon annexation. Preliminary Plats Approved by Eagle City Subdivision Name Paddy Row Saybrook Village Winding Creek Winding Creek East Hidden Island Acres Units Land Use Designation 3.55 30 CBD 19.58 8 Residential Four 17.43 59 Mixed Use 3.9 46 Mixed Use 36 11 Residential Two Page 3of7 K:1Plaa2ing DcptdmQact Arca12OO4NCapacity Studyldevebpabic lards fmal.doc ANALYSIS SUBSTANDARD PARCELS: This category represents land in which the parcel size is less than the minimum density allowed in the comprehensive plan. Under Eagle City Code existing parcels that are under the dimensional standard will be allowed to develop one unit but must be able to meet the required setbacks of the area. To address this issue all parcels of .20 acres or less, 8,712 square feet, were removed from the analysis. DEVELOPED LAND: Substandard Parcels Land Use Designation Acres Residential Rural 25 Residential Estates 40 Residential One 5 Residential Two 20 Residential Three 5 Residential Four 1 Mixed Use 0* Total : 96 *Land within Mixed Use was not excluded due to size This category represents land that is .20 acres or greater in size with a value over $10,000. Developed Land Land Use Designation Acres Units Residential Rural 1,829 395 Residential Estates 1,981 733 Residential One 1,223 838 Residential Two 587 1,100 Residential Three 468 1,166 Residential Four 893 2,943 Mixed Use 330 164 Total : 7,311 7,339 2004 Impact Area Population (existing units x vacancy rate) x persons per household*= 20,000 COMPASS 2004 Estimate for AOI: 19,207** DIFFERENCE: 3% (793 persons, 276 households) *2000 Census Persons per household= 2.87 **This number does not include unit north of Beacon Light Road Page 4 of 7 K1Planning DeptUmpoct A aa2004 y Stndyldevelopabk lands finaldoc I UNDEVELOPED LAND: This category represents residential land that has a value less than $10,000. This category is the most likely to see immediate development within the Eagle Area. Undeveloped Land Land Use Designation Acres Potential Units Residential Rural 142 28 Residential Estates 133 55 Residential One 527 427 Residential Two 371 549 Residential Three 96 217 Residential Four 315 1,109 Mixed Use 1 371 549 Total : 1 1,955 2,934 Additional Population from Undeveloped Land (potential units x vacancy rate*) x persons per household**= 8,000 *2000 Census Vacancy Rate=5% **2000 Census Persons per household= 2.87 REDEVLOPABLE LAND: This category is the hardest to predict and estimate for the these parcels contain significant improvements and will not always redevelop and rarely to the extent dictated in the comprehensive plan without land availability within the rural county and other cities becoming limited. Land in this category is in excess of 10 acres but also currently has a combined property value in excess of $10,000. Redevelopable Land Land Use Designation Acres Existing Units Potential Units Residential Rural 1,245 18 214 Residential Estates 1,366 23 620 Residential One 655 12 513 Residential Two 1,513 0 2,221 Residential Three 251 6 626 Residential Four 11 1 38 Mixed Use 34 1 243 Total : 5074 61 4,475 Page 5 of 7 K. Planning Depth ArciA2004,Capeciy Seudyldcvebpebie leads fmaLdoc Additional Population from Redevelopable Land (potential units x vacancy rate*) x persons per household**= 12,000 *2000 Census Vacancy Rate=5% **2000 Census Persons per household= 2.87 Page 6 of 7 KlPlaaaing Dcptthupact Atca120041Capacity Stndyldcvebpable lands ftnal.doc CONCLUSIONS The City of Eagle's Comprehensive Plan designates 14,436 acres of land for residential uses including 414 acres for mixed use which may or may not contain residential uses. Of the 14,436 acres 7,029, less than half, has some development potential remaining. Residential Capacity for Eagle Development Category Acres Percent of Total Units Percent of Total Substandard 96 1% 0 0% Developed 7,311 51% 7,339 50% Undeveloped 1,955 14% 2,934 20% Redevelopable 5,074 35% 4,475 30% Total 14,436 100% 14,748 100% The build out population for the existing Eagle Area is as follows: ((potential units + existing units) x vacancy rate*) x persons per household** = 40,500 *2000 Census Vacancy Rate=5% **2000 Census Persons per household= 2.87 The estimated potential population at build out is 40,500 or 240 % increase of the existing population. At the current rate of development the residential land would be exhausted in approximately 16 years, estimating 500 units per year. The calculations above assume that all lands within the redevelopment category would develop at the proposed comprehensive plan density. Is the land is the following is the impacts if only a portion of the land redevelops: Impacts of Limited Redevelopment Build Out Percent of Population with Redevelopment Achieved Unit Change Change Years to Build out 75% -1,118 37,291 14.5 50% -2,237 34,080 12.3 25% -3,356 30,868 10 0% -4,475 27,657 7.8 The COMPASS 2030 estimate population allocation for the Eagle Area is 30,040*. The COMPASS population projection does not account for redevelopment of parcels less than 50 acres in size and severally constrains the number of building permits per year after 2025. *Does not include Areas north of Beacon Light Page 7 of 7 K1Planning Dcpd[mpea Ats412004CCapacity St uly\devcbpable !ands faaLdoc Patnc! BOISE METRO ECONOMIC ;km DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL BMEDC ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2003 New Business & Business Expansions to Boise -Nampa MSA: 1. Amalgamated Sugar Company a. Locating an Executive Office in Boise b. 70 people 2. Total System Services or "TSYS" a. Hired over 80 of the 150 lost when Sears closed Technology Application Center in Boise in December 2002 b. Occupy 15,000 s.f. in MK Center c. $5.2 million new payroll; 8.06 across all industry sectors d. 130 total new jobs across all sectors of area economy 3. Tacoma Screw Products, Inc. (Boise City) a. Opened a parts center in Boise b. Approximately 4 now will likely go to 8 to 9 c. 8,500 s.f. (Currently occupy) 4. SAIA Motor Freight Company a. Processing center; 50-75 people b. $4.5-4.8 million in total household income and over 179 total jobs, across all industries in the Boise -Nampa Metro Area. c. Will occupy 6,000 s.f. 5. OWEST a. 150 new jobs announced on September 2, 2003, which bring the total of 450 jobs created in the past 18 months b. Occupy space at 999 Main Street in downtown Boise c. The total impact of jobs is significant: over $37 million in total household income and over 1,200 total jobs across all industries in the Boise -Nampa Metro Area. 6. Louisiana Pacific – specialty products a. Expansion at existing Meridian Plant Site b. Approximately 100 Total Jobs -30 New c. Over $6 million in household income and over 270 total jobs across all industries in the Boise -Nampa Metro Area. A DIVISION OF THE BOISE METRO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 250 S. STH ST.. STE. 800 . P.O. Box 2368 • BOISE. IDAHO 83Mv r)208.472-5230 . FAX 208.472.5201 • WWW.BOISECHAMBERORG BOISE METRO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL A Dmsrorr of THE BOISE METRO 0w 4&R of C OWAERCF • Boise Metro Economic Development Council "We provide critical information at key points in the business expansion, location and start-up processes." The Boise Metro Economic Development Council (BMEDC) is the economic development division of the Boise Metro Chamber of Commerce. With the long-term mission of creating jobs, encouraging investment in the community, and maintaining a balanced quality of life, the BMEDC is actively involved in the economic vitality of the Boise metropolitan area. What do we do? The BMEDC provides critical information at key points in the business expansion, location and start-up processes. Site Location: We offer many services to businesses considering location or expansion within the area including arranging and hosting site visits; determining available labor and rates; utility costs and addressing many other special requirements business prospects may have. Business Retention and Expansion: We provide assistance to both existing businesses and start-up businesses in the Boise metropolitan area, providing data for business plans and helping with special problems, and state and local regulations. International Business: We co -host seminars and maintain relationships with international service providers and many consular offices in the western United States in order to offer assistance to area businesses interested in selling their goods and services in the global marketplace. Venture Capital: We sponsor an Annual Venture Capital Investor's Forum and bring together entrepreneurs, angel investors and service providers throughout the year. Regional Information: We represent the ACE Communities — Ada, Canyon and Elmore counties as a primary contact for economic development within the region. YEAR 'EFFECTIVE BUYING INCOME Median Household Average Household Per Capita Notal EBI* (000) EBI" - personal income less personal tax and non -tax payments BOISE MSA EMPLOYMENT BOISE METRO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL ECONOMIC BENCHMARKS REPORT Boise -Nampa MSA Updated April 6, 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 not available until 10/04 42,084 41,280 38,574 36,831 36,507 35,392 33,505 36,727 34,3241 50,814 50,591 47,966 46,286 45,420 43,988 41,534 44,216 41,3521 19,207 18,922 17,897 17,201 16,807 16,146 15,261 16,215 15,2271 8,094 8.373 7,419 6,914 6,517 6,097 5,596 5,7481 gmlook.A ,o4ul.aJALlu4,d louigio,i+itb.t .1.. ...AMMO i : }__.. .. _ ...., .. ..; Wir4f,KaMpaliftWffel (10103) (10/02) Total Non -Agriculture 246,600 250,500 232,800 219,400 217,600 206,000 198,700 192,100 184,000 172,900 Manufacturing 23,000 24,600 36,100 37,100 37,000 35,600 35,900 34,500 32,800 31,800 Service Industries 187,100 183,200 178,600 166,700 165,100 157,000 149,800 143,900 138,000 128,300 Retail 27,406 27,500 44,000 40,100 40,700 37,700 36,300 35,700 34,000. 31,900 Health Services 25,400 25,000 18,800 16,000 15,600 15,500 14,700 14,100 13,300 12,200 Hospitals 9,200 9,000 9,000 7,300 7,100 7,000 6,900 6,100 5,900 5,400 Government* 36,806 36,900 36,000 33,100 32,800 32,200 30,600 29,800 28,800 29,200 Unemployment (Adjusted) 'government figures include local, state, federal, & education (local & state) RETAIL SALES (billions) PRIVATE OWNERSHIP BUSINESSES 5 5.6 4.3 31 32 toy 16 reimif i l .8 > ,A ti 0+ 'moi ? !ttlaiit a0k4A10110 ac ;fs ilr koie 'Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing 379 556 'Mining 31 16 1 Construction 2564 2.348 .�. - N 3.5 3.8 4.7014 4.387 1 A ssitootof .1.11 3.9 4.1 5 3.7767 3.6634 1 2.8123 510 498 470 4541 433 4301 3931 23 18 18 141 15 151 201 2,306 2,316 2,120 2,01311,786 1,847 1,558+1 YEAR BOISE METRO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL ECONOMIC BENCHMARKS REPORT Boise -Nampa MSA Updated April 6, 2004 2003 2002 i 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 Manufacturing 683 665 628 608 608 595 581 582 573 Transportation 8 Utilitlies 609 694 645 649 597 557 534 519 493 Wholesale Trade 1,348 1,532 1,463 1,468 1,438 1,369 1,338 1,329 1192 Retail Trade 1,939 2,541 2,455 2,430 2,381 2,301 2,189 2,135 1,866 F.I.R.E. 1,856 1,559 1,424 1,403 1,371 1,225 1,113 1,095 975 Services 7,187 5,211 4,753 4,714 4,417 4,076 3,776 3,693 3,359 TOTALS 16596 15,159 14,207 14,104 13,420 12,604 11,765 11,646 10,429 "•Note: 1st Qtr 2003, includes new Boise -Nampa MSA: Ada, Canyon, Gem, Boise, and Owyhee counties -private owned businesses only) SCB:04/07/04 2 -yY ec-- —44--1,;,oci Economic Development Committee SWOT analysis 2003 Eagle. Idaho STRENGHTS Per Capita Income Schools -community involvement, Quality Highly Educated Population Tow Channels -Boise river -Green Belt Visual Architectural Planning Golf Courses Good Quality & Variety of Life Styles Good Transportation — Access Community Profile Housing -Quality & Variety of Life Styles Good Transportation — Access Community Pride Housing — Quality Rural and Suburban Business Opportunities, Pro Business Environment Sewer Emergency Services & Public Safety — Low Crime Rate Good Water, Sewer — Electricity Systems Local Paper Proximity to Cultural/ Entertainment New Library Active Chamber of Commerce Cooperative Local Government — Comprehensive Plan Parks and Pathways Area wide cooperation — Govemment, Business, Community Tree City USA Designation People desire to live in Eagle Churches Gem Community Medical Facilities Access Museum, Historical Society, Historical Preservation Youth Sports Civic/Charitable Organizations Outdoor Activities — Local and Regional WEAKNESS Limited Youth Activities Few Rentals/Entry Level Housing Downtown Business Variety/Zoning/Flexibility 1 Limited Residential Downtown Density Few Existing Buildings Downtown Available for Commercial Use Pedestrian Access over/under the Bypass Pockets of blighted properties Idaho Department of Transportation Selected Downtown Parking Inequities Limited Broadband THREATS Possibility if Economic Slow Down Lack of Park Opportunities Competition with Treasure Valley Business Low city Tax Levy Inflated Property Values and Assessments Schools Overcrowded/Boundaries/Rapid Growth/Teacher ratios Inadequate City Hall Building Rapid Growth — Straining Infrastructure Mass Transit OPPORTUNITIES Parks Development Office Space Availability Community Events — Involvement Boise River Greenbelt Recreation Promotion if Golf Courses/Tournaments Eagle Island State Park Cultural/Entertainment Promotion of Eagle Opportunity to capture more Business from Growing Market Promotion of Existing Businesses Business Diversification Downtown Promotion — Central Business District Market Surveys/Study — Update Employment Opportunities New Businesses Senior Services Growing Museum Medical/Hospital Support Facilities 2 • I I • 4 !St '144.0.0i jt 4 jr;),..11111PI C;0111.1 TERIDe. ! ba le re enjoy 46'01611160 . it wilif004"m."' • • -t4 4/13/04 1111 Doherty & Associates, Inc. Project Description ► Ultimate Goal - Accommodate 100 Vehicles ► Immediate Goal - Construct Capacity to Accommodate 40-50 Vehicles in FY 2005 ► Immediate Needs Met with Two Smaller Lots (20-25 Each) Doherty & Associates, Inc, •••• Desirable Site Characteristics ► 3/ acre to 1 acre - ► $200,000 RW budget - 20 -25 spaces No subdivision ► Mixed Use (recreation) ► Cooperative Property Owner ► Easy Access to SH 44 and ► No wetland, historical, or SH 55 geotechnical concerns ► Accessible to Fiber Optics ► No rezoning 111 Doherty & Associates, Inc. Concepts Unique for Eagle Traditional Layout Integrated Design 1111 Doherty & Associates, Inc. Potential Sites Western Eagle - 1. W State Street & W Highway 44 Hill Road 2. E Hill Road & N Highway 55 Eastern Eagle 3. E Highway 44 & S Edgewood/E Riverside 1111 Doherty & Associates, Inc. MINI. W State & W Highway 44 Private Land Owner 0.5 acres - 20 vehicles • Future Expansion Opportunity with Ballantyne Realignment • Appraised Value - None available • Access to W State Street & W Highway 44 • W State Street RW owned by ACHD �� Doherty & Associates, Inc. ... • E Hill Road & N Highway 55 • ITD owned property • Partnership Opportunity for RV Facility • Approximately 2.36 acres - 40+ vehicles • Appraised Value of 1.81 acre SW lot - $150,000 • Recreational access to Hill Road bike lane and foothill trails III Doherty & Associates, Inc. EINE. E Highway 44 & S Edgewood/E Riverside • Two Location Alternatives • Private Land Owner • 30-40 vehicles • Appraised Value - $132,800 for Edgewood Location; ? for Riverside Street • Access to E State Street & Highway 44 vr 1111 Doherty & Associates, Inc. ... Project Schedule ► April - May 04: Select Site; Property Owner Discussions I. June -duly 04: Topographic Survey and Preliminary Design August 04: Pre -App Meeting and Design Review Submittal to City of Eagle r September 04: City of Eagle Design Review Board Meeting & Final Design Work ► Spring 05: Construction Commencement ��� Doherty & Associates, Inc. R\flzoo� _1 « back contents next » Retail Visual Identity USA Design Standards and Conversions Manual 0 2002 Equilon/Motiva cc - -cci Page 1 of 1 Revised - January 2002 //«ntrmar =I-tAdice-N.1re.. ,e,rr+ ��i-�.�-�.-1 ..-.J-a..3. i.-. i- .�) ����.re� ��ar..�.-. `11.....�...��� 11 A .........l /...... / o R1/4/12002 2 «< back contents next » ® 2002 Equilon Enterprises LLC/Motiva Enterprises LLC All rights reserved. The copyrighted materials contained in this CD-ROM may not be copied or reproduced without the express written permission of Equilon and Motiva, except Shell -branded wholesalers and retailers may copy or reproduce the materials solely for the purpose of complying with RV! standards. O 2002 Equllon/Motiva L.�.�... / -L _If __._ ,c,..,1 -.__ .1 ,r • . c, t 1 A i / rag.e 1 of ,. KVJzoo2;_) « back contents ne-t Page 1 of 1 The Retail Visual Identity (RVI) Design Standards manual provides the field with guidelines and standards for the implementation of the RVI program. Sections The manual is divided into sections The introductory section descnbes the RVI design principles and gives an overview of the main features of the image. - Sections 1-9 describe each element of RVI in detail and define its function, features, appearance and role within RVI. The first page of each section gives a brief summary of the subject covered in that section. Page numbering Each page includes the section number and title together with the page number - The number in front of the full point is the section number - The number following the full point is the page number. Cross References Avoid reference to pages in isolation. A complete section should be read in its entirely Appropriate cross-references to other relevant pages and sections are given throughout each section Graphics The graphic elements described in this manual (e.g Shell Pecten, Shell logotype, Shell Futura typefaces etc ) are available upon request. Dimensions All dimensions are in inches and indicate the dimensions of the flat front elevation, not the dimension measured over the curved surface (unless otherwise stated). Important Throughout the manual, this symbol in the text highlights a particularly important point ® 2002 Equion/Moeva Introduction- How to Use tnis Manual htta://www.shellsource.corn/.Cltatic(ontent/retail/.,1-iareci/Design ,,tandards Manual/css/... 8/22/2003 KVIzooz Table Contents (RV - « back. contents esign Standards Manual) Page 1 of ,i Click on the section below that you wish to view. Once you click on a section a table of contents for that section will be displayed. Table of contents are located towards the bottom of each sections page. 1 -- RVI Design Principals 2 -- Network Planning 3 -- Prime Signs 4 -- Canopy 5 -- Dispenser and Pump Island Features 6 -- Quick Service Restaurant Signs 7 -- Forecourt Equipment 8 -- Portico and Architectural Treatments 9 -- Illumination 10 - Site Development 11 - New to Industry/Rebuilds 12 - Retrofit Sites 13 - Landscaping 14 - Materials & Vendors & CAD Drawings htto://www.keLc—)firce..c-nm/nntenf/retail/.citanciarris Manual/css/... 3/2.2_/20c07i « back contents Page 1 of 1 http://www.sleIlsource.com/`jtaticContent/retail/ jlia red/Design_5tandarcis_Manual/css/... 8/22/200) 85_KVI2oo2_6 « back contents next » Passe f o� i duction RVI and the Shell Brand Shell's new Retail Visual Identity (RVI) has been designed to embody the core values of the Shell brand in a modem and welcoming environment which conforms to customer's existing perceptions of Shell as warm, friendly and caring. RVI confirms Shell's leadership in retail marketing by demonstrating a capability to make innovative improvements in response to the changing needs of customers. RVI is one of the most powerful and visible means of projecting the Shell brand. Retail professionals worldwide are, in this respect, guardians of the Shell brand. The careful and consistent management of RVI will have a substantial impact on sustaining Shell's brand leadership over the long term. © 2002 Egu lon/Motiva The RVI Design - function and Emotion The RVI design creates a modern presentation of the Shell brand which enhances the positive values already associated with Shell. The design has functional as well as emotional benefits to customers. The functional benefits include, for examples, the design of signs which communicate information clearly and the selection of lighting which provides illumination of the right intensity and quality. One of the emotional benefits of the RVI design is that it creates a bright, clean and comfortable environment - an ambience which is more 'retail' and less 'industrial'. This was a particularly important aspect of the design brief because ancillary profit centers offers (especially convenience stores) are increasingly important elements of the total retail business. Introduction 1.0( http://www.shellsource.com/`jtaticContent/retail/5harec/Design_5tandards_Manual/css/... 8/22/200) IKVI2ooi_7 « back contents next » Important messages to customers are communicated through graphic design, from the presentation of the Shell Pecten to statutory notices RVI specifies a consistent graphic design system which is summanzed in this section. RVI graphic elements - The Shell Pecten - The Shell logotype - The RVI color palette - Shell Futura Bold typeface Other Futura typefaces may be used in very specific circumstances The graphic system is simple It also• - creates visual harmony and consistency - looks fresh, bright and modern - is Gear and legible presents the Shell brand powerfully and consistently CADD (Computer aided design and drafting) The precise form and positioning of the RVI graphic elements are crucial to the look of RVI CADD is uniquely suited to add the successful implementation of RVI graphic rules. It can guarantee a high degree of accuracy and consistency It can link directly to suppliers' automated cutting equipment 0 Computenzed graphics constitute the original RVI Graphics master reference Note Many graphic elements appear on curved surfaces (e g Shell Pecten and lettering on pnme signs). O This manual is not to be used for reproduction of fonts, Pecten, and logotype Any requirements for reproduction of fonts, Pecten or logotype, contact The Design Group. m 2002 EquilwVMonva Page 1 of 1 Graphics 1.01 htto://www.sheIisource.corn/c)tatic( ontent/retail/,c)harecI/Desis?n ,Stanclarcis Manual/css/... 8/22/2003 KVI2OO2 8 « back contents next » Page 1 of .1 Color • Essential Shall Branding Color plays the most important role in creating the overall effect of RVI The colors chosen have been carefully specified and their use is prescribed in detail in this manual The colors have been chosen to perform several key functions: - To brand the site The combination of red and yellow in correct balance makes the essential Shell branding statement. To convey information more clearly Color helps to identify facilities on the site and makes messages and signs more legible - To create the overall ambience Shell retail facilities are unified by consistent application of colors. The combination of colors create the atmosphere and ambience of the site Red and Yellow make the essential Shell branding statement. The RVI Shell Red and Shell Yellow differ significantly from the previous colors. Uniquely among major oil companies, the Shell brand is red and yellow - powerful colors are a major asset in a retail environment. The power of the red/yellow proportions of the Shell Pecten and is designed to reinforce the desired Shell branding effect White has been chosen to complement the red and yellow and to create the light and comfortable atmosphere that research shows customers value White accentuates the clean lines and form of the portico and canopy. It reflects light well at night (e.g. from the canopy soffit) Gray has been chosen as a practical, neutral color, for use on equipment, etc. It also contributes to the overall color balance of the site by contrasting with the strength of the red/yellow/white combination and by adding extra modernity and authority. Black has been chosen for lettering The RVI color palette includes other colors which are used only in specific situations. Blue (in combination with yellow) is used on the fascia of car washes and gray (with yellow) is used on lubricants/car service offers Red and yellow is used to identify marts. All the colors in the palette may be used for grade identification and in the design of symbols and logotypes ® 2002 Equdon/Motiva Yellow White Dark Gray The RV! color palette. The proportions for using different colors together are specified, to create a controlled balance of color. Colors shown here are for information only and are not to be used for color matching Contact The Design Group for color control chips for co/or matching Colors 1.02 kf'f rm. //atoms irre• re -1m / tai -i r-1 n n fPnf /rPb ail / kar'PA/Fs) PSldn cfa nrlarcls, I \/lane tai/css/... 8/Z Z./ZOO7) KVI20O2 1-4- << back contents next » The Shell Pecten The Shell Pecten is one of Shell's most valuable assets It is a universally recognized symbol which captures the essence of the Shell brand On a RVI site the Pecten may appear only in the form specified on this page (1 e in red and yellow on a white background) No other form of Pecten or presentation is permissible. The Pecten appears only on. - the pnme sign (see section 3) - dispenser lower door graphic - with Quality Fuels on the dispenser valance The Pecten does not appear as part of the graphics on any other element of the RVI site It must not be applied to any other visible surface The Pecten must not be included in the design of Non -Fuel Retail- brand logotype or fuel brands. © 2002 Equilon/Motiva Pale ] of,' Pecten 1.08 http://www.skellsource.com/5taticContent/retail/5hareci/Desis7J. n_ jtandarcis_Manual/css/... 8/22/200) RVI2oo2" 15 « back contents next » Primo sign panels All panels on the prime sign are strong, impact -resistant and durable. The surface is smooth and finished in satin Shell Dark Gray. Panels are vertically straight (i.e. with no 'bowing') The messages are displayed in back - illuminated translucent white materials flush with the surface. Price display Where price numerals are installed they will be interchangeable units. An intemally illuminated translucent yellow background is used behind the numeral panels. Pecten surround The Pecten surround is made of opaque material Shell Pecten This represents the international Pecten used world wide Regular Pius 000 10 000 -9- 10 Premium 0 0 019 Page 1 0f 1 ood Ma pular 000109 • 000105 imium 000103 pen 24 Hours 2002 Equilon/Motiva The Pnme Sign 1.09 http://www.siieIIsource.com/ cjtaticContent/retail/ j%area/Design_Stanciarcls_Manual/css/... 8/22/2003 'KVI2oo2_27 « back contents nexi Page l of i Prime Signs The prime sign is one of the most highly visible and distinctive elements of the site. The prime sign displays the International Shell Pecten - identifies and brands the site at a distance - displays information such as fuel prices, facilities and customer offerings Main features - A family of prime signs has been created which is suitable for all types of sites All signs in the family are of modular construction - Monolith signs display information to customers and can promote Non -Fuel Retail (NFR) and fuel brand offers - The proportion, shape and form of the Shell Pecten is exactly the same on all prime signs - All sites must have a prime sign, either a pylon type or a monument type A powerful display of Me Shell Pecten and clear message for customers ® 2002 EquilonlMothva introduction 3.00 }ittp://www.skeIIsource.com/jtaticContent/retai%jkared/Design_ cjtanclarcis_Manual/css/... 8/22/2005 KVI2OO2_28 « back contents rle, t 16' x 16' 13'x 13' Prime Signs A family of prime signs has been created to suit all types of sites and signing situations. The proportion, shape, form and color of the Shell Pecten is identical on all the signs in the family The modular appearance and joints between the modules are a feature of the signs and should not be disguised. See Section 6 for QSR sign applications © 2002 Equilon/Rfotiva Y_Food Mart 1. — 0004, 4 Hours 8' x 9' Page ; 1 . 6'x 7' i* 4'x5' 0 4' x 8 or 6' x 12'monument A Family of modular prime signs to suit all signing situations Prime Sign Family 3.01 kttp://www.sheIIsource.com/jtaticContent/retail/ cjhareci/Design_jtanciares_Manua%css/... 8/22/2003 cc / -e) / .., box " �C q---1 --oci 1441 ! 4{hltl t14t, ',t ,1:4 ' i 1't i ► 'ttl Mltl,tttt I 11 iti}111t�llltl{1titltt►t,1/11061 t � 1t t ,1�1 1lllti t• ►tllll1It4►tiit;t; rrki+,t1!tilt�t i 0tll11t11111 Orli ii% at�tt Ill' tt,tlt►Ittttt 'Itt,.1 0 tt �t ,t It 1 ►t,1°1► i° ttt +tlt'tttttttttt ilt;l till t /II:titlittltt IttNt,t,tl/`t ilttttl►Ittllt `1till ttttttt� ,lltltl��tt+I: ,t1tttl tt 1,t,lilllttlll` ttt,llt►tl ' 4 t4%llNttt‘ ;tlt1,►Iltl� ,tHtNl,ttttj til►il►tttitt "; tttttttttttt / `tI''MItttt<< I tl,tlttltttc ltltttllttt 1 �tt'►tttt /i' 11 1tt t. / 4tttttt% Itilt ttt, cc / -e) / .., box " �C q---1 --oci 1441 ! 4{hltl t14t, ',t ,1:4 ' i 1't i ► 'ttl Mltl,tttt I 11 iti}111t�llltl{1titltt►t,1/11061 t � 1t t ,1�1 1lllti t• ►tllll1It4►tiit;t; rrki+,t1!tilt�t i 0tll11t11111 Orli ii% at�tt Ill' tt,tlt►Ittttt 'Itt,.1 0 tt �t ,t It 1 ►t,1°1► i° ttt +tlt'tttttttttt ilt;l till t /II:titlittltt IttNt,t,tl/`t ilttttl►Ittllt `1till ttttttt� ,lltltl��tt+I: ,t1tttl tt 1,t,lilllttlll` ttt,llt►tl ' 4 t4%llNttt‘ ;tlt1,►Iltl� ,tHtNl,ttttj til►il►tttitt "; tttttttttttt / `tI''MItttt<< I tl,tlttltttc ltltttllttt 1 �tt'►tttt /i' 11 1tt t. / 4tttttt% Itilt ttt,