Minutes - 2004 - City Council - 03/16/2004 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Minutes March 16,2004 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Merrill calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, SEDLACEK, GUERBER, NORDSTROM. Nordstrom absent. A quorum is present. 3. General Discussion on City Hall Project - ZGA Architects. Cathy Sewell: Discussion on the site plan and the plaza area. I have been working with The Land Group and we need some direction as to what the Council thinks might be featured in this area. Art work, flags, water feature, sculpture or etc. General discussion on putting the in fracture in for a water feature but leave it simple like a flag plaza. Discussion on an outside restroom if there is going to be an amphitheater. Council concurs to have power and water available at the plaza area. Discussion on the floor plan. Access to the south side of the dais to go down/out. General discussion. Discussion on the outside elevations and the color pallet. General discussion. Council concurs on Elevation Concept 1. 4. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor adjourns the meeting. Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 6: 15 p.m. Respectfully submitted: ---' "'_."""'" ~--- of E,<\ "" J," ~-{ .."""-', 0, '~ iii :\. .. .. ^ , ~ v.. " . - , ,'\.'- .... :: .8 «'.. ", ~ :: Iv .:- . . ' . ~*. :*: , . . ~ ~.. I" -.: : '. ..-1-..... '.:: . ø .°0 ,-, . 0 - '-. .l>...'!I,.._..oJ~-~ "..,"¡ ...,,""',. ~ ..-- "" 1'13 OF \,) ,.." """.....""", SHARD K. MOORE CITY CLERKffREASURER Page 1 K:\COUNCILlMlNUTESITe1J1lOrary Minutes Work Area\CC-O3-16-04spag.doc The Idaho Statesman - Always Idaho Page 1 of 2 'A:1y I Search I Home I News 1 Entertainment 1 Idaho Outdoors I Classifieds I Jobs I Homes I Apartments I Cars 1 Cool Coupons I C ► News Local News Business Sports Opinion Special Features Legislature 2004 National/World News ► Entertainment Entertainment Home I. 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Joseph Jordan After attending a county -sponsored open house on Jan. 27, I was quoted by the same reporter: " The area around the current landfill is the wrong place to accommodate the growing metropolitan area." I believe reporting was accurate in both cases. The problem is with the message, not the messenger. Based on my understanding of actual conditions and of county presentations, I believe both risk and costs are seriously misrepresented in the message to the public and to officials at county and city levels. First. risk As a civil engineer with planning, design and construction experience in -water disposal facilities involving ground water and earthwork, I question how risk at a remote location could approach that at the present Foothills site. Were depth to groundwater, soil permeability and the proximity of domestic and municipal wells considered? Relocation would reduce present risks related to ground water pollution, odor problems, and truck transport through already crowded city streets. Now for costs. By comparison with feasibility studies for similar projects the cost information presented by the county falls short of a sound basis for economic comparison of options. In fact, it seems to favor expansion of the Foothills site by ignoring the substantial land investment already made there. Why lock up some 2,500 acres worth several million dollars for the next 50 years? Surely community concern for those Foothills can come up with a combination of preservation and controlled development, which will return at least part of the investment to offset costs at a better site. Another shortcoming is the use of startup or "out of pocket" costs instead of long-term total costs, which are a true measure of economic feasibility. For example, startup costs for a new county -owned landfill were shown at roughly twice those for a non -owned landfill. It seems unlikely that ownership would make a http://www.idahostatesman.com/Opinion/story.asp?1D-62533 3/5/2004 The Idaho Statesman - Always Idaho Page 2 of 2 apartmentss,.com . u/f�f►1C Two bedroom rte •Select area- Go e apartments om, significant difference in total cost over a 50 -year period. Not being an economist, I would need a better explanation than that offered at the January open house to understand the presentation. Operation and capital costs, incremental and total costs were so confused that no common denominator for comparison of options was evident Many attendees seemed to share my concern that these costs were being combined in "apples and oranges" fashion, resulting in an invalid comparison of options. If decision -makers are still open-minded on the landfill question, here is a roadmap to a fair comparison and a sound selection: 1. Extend the decision deadline beyond March 2004. 2. Hire an independent consultant with strength in economic evaluation to review the county work. 3. Modify the final feasibility document to provide a reliable basis for decision. With modest added cost and time, this process would make use of past consultant work, current public input, and the disinterested appraisal of a professional firm. It should enable future generations to say that careful deliberation by well-informed public servants has kept this valley a good place to live. Edition Date: 03-05-2004 WEST CHOICE— LONG DISTANCE • Talk a little 5 /MINUTE LONG-DISTANCE ALL DAY. EVERY DAY. Qwest ., •'t 0.rSan4r ' Search 1 Home 1 News 1 Entertainment 1 Idaho Outdoors 1 Classifieds 1 Jobs 1 Homes 1 Apartments 1 Cars 1 Cool Coupons 1 C Use of this site signifies your agreement with our Terris of Service (Updated 01/03/03i BBB GANYETT GE GANNE' httn://www.idahostatesman.com/Oninion/storv.aso?ID=62533 3/5/2004