Minutes - 2004 - City Council - 02/24/2004 - Regular ¡/ ORIGINAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes February 24, 2004 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Bastian moves to change the agenda as follows: Take Item #2 off the Pre-Council Agenda and add it to New Business as Item #B; place a new item on the agenda as Item #E. Police Vehicles, Pathway Budget discussion as New Business Item #F; and add to the Consent Agenda as Item #M. Open Container Permit Applications. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES......................... Bastian moves to add to the Pre-Council Agenda Dr. Robert H. Freilich. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES..................... 1. Dr. Robert H. Freilich: Discussion on Fiscal Conservatism, Land Use And Smart Growth - Enhancing City and County Revenues and Reducing Costs in a Difficult Economy. Dr. Freilich provides Council an overview of his background and credentials. Discussion on the topics. General discussion. 2. Library Director, Ron Baker, will discuss library policy in regards to collection selection in answer to a recent complaint. This item was removed from the Agenda. 3. BFI Annual Report: Tanya Mericle with BPI will present the annual report for BPI, and also give an update on the cart conversion. Moved to New Business as Item #B. 4. Mayor and Council's Report: Moved to the end of the agenda 5. City Engineer Report: Moved to the end of the agenda 6. City Clerkffreasurer Report: Moved to the end of the agenda 7. Zoning Administrator's Report: Moved to the end of the agenda 8. City Attorney Report: Moved to the end of the agenda REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor calls the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, SEDLACEK, GUERBER, NORDSTROM. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: Sandy Smith, North Channel Chevron, discusses signage that was approved, the reader board and the information that can be displayed on the reader board. General discussion. Staff: the amount of signage allowed has been met and additional signage on the reader board would exceed the maximum allowed. The reader board can only display community service. 5. CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the Rules of Order. . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Page 1 K:\COUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-24-04min.doc Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of February 10,2004. C. Minutes of February 17, 2004. D. DR-63-03 - Buildin2 Addition and Site Improvements to Smith's Ea2le Chevron - Rick and Sandv Smith: Rick and Sandy Smith, represented by Rick Toews with BRS Architects, are requesting design review approval to construct a 960-square foot addition to the convenience store and to complete other site improvements to the Smith's Eagle Chevron. The site is located on the northwest comer of South Eagle Road and West Inlet Bay within the Channel Center Subdivision at 503 South Eagle Road.(WEV) E. DR- 70-03 - Multi-tenant Office Buildin2 within Merrill Subdivision No.4 - Dave Evans Construction: Dave Evans Construction, represented by Tim Scharff with Dave Evans Construction, is requesting design review approval to construct a 5,822-square foot multi-tenant building. The site is located within Merrill Subdivision No.4 (a re-subdivision of Lot 12, Block 3, Merrill Subdivision no. 2, formally known as Rocky Mountain Business Park) which is located at 501 South Fitness Place. This building is proposed to be located on Lot 20, Block 3, of Merrill Subdivision No.4. (WEV) F. DR-71-03 - Multi-tenant Office Buildin2 within Merrill Subdivision No.4- Dave Evans Construction: Dave Evans Construction, represented by Tim Scharff with Dave Evans Construction, is requesting design review approval to construct a 2,728-square foot multi-tenant building. The site is located within Merrill Subdivision No.4 (a re-subdivision of Lot 12, Block 3, Merrill Subdivision no. 2, formally known as Rocky Mountain Business Park) which is located at 501 South Fitness Place. This building is proposed to be located on Lot 19, Block 3, of Merrill Subdivision No.4. (WEV) G. DR-73-03 - Master Si2n Plan for Merrill Subdivision No.4 - Dave Evans Construction: Dave Evans Construction, represented by Tim Scharff with Dave Evans Construction, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for Merrill Subdivision No.4. The site is located within Merrill Subdivision No. 4 (a re-subdivision of Lot 12, Block 3, Merrill Subdivision no. 2, formally known as Rocky Mountain Business Park) which is located at 501 South Fitness Place. (WEV) H. DR-74-03 - Master Si2n Plan for Multi-tenant Office Buildin2 within Merrill Subdivision No.4 - Dave Evans Construction: Dave Evans Construction, represented by Tim Scharff with Dave Evans Construction, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for the multi-tenant office building within Merrill Subdivision No.4 (a re-subdivision of Lot 12, Block 3, Merrill Subdivision No.2, formally known as Rocky Mountain Business Park) which is located at 501 South Fitness Place. This building is proposed to be located on Lot 20, Block 3, of Merrill Subdivision No.4. (WEV) I. DR-75-03 - Master Si2n Plan for Multi-tenant Office Buildin2 within Merrill Subdivision No.4 - Dave Evans Construction: Dave Evans Construction, represented by Tim Scharff with Dave Evans Construction, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for the multi-tenant office building within Merrill Subdivision No.4 (a re-subdivision of Lot 12, Block 3, Merrill Subdivision No.2, formally known as Rocky Mountain Business Park) which is Page 2 K;\COUNCILIM1NUTES\Te~rary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-24-04min.doc located at 501 South Fitness Place. This building is proposed to be located on Lot 19, Block 3, of Merrill Subdivision No.4. (WEV) J. DR- 76-03 - Common Area Landscapin2 within Merrill Subdivision No.4 - Dave Evans Construction: Dave Evans Construction, represented by Tim Scharff with Dave Evans Construction, is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping within Merrill Subdivision No.4. The site is located on Lot 12, Block 3, Merrill Subdivision No.2, formally known as Rocky Mountain Business Park at 501 South Fitness Place. (WEV) K. Findin2s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CU-14-03 - Bank Facilitv with Drive-Up Services - Bank of America: Bank of America, represented by Gensler Architects, is requesting conditional use approval to construct a bank facility with three drive up service lanes. The 1.11-acre site is generally located on the north side of State Highway 44 in the Eagle Towne & Country Centre Shopping Center at 3144 West State Street. (WEV) L. Desi2nation of Surplus propertv. (SKM) M. Open Container Permit Applications. Bastian moves to remove Item #D, G, H, I, and J from the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES................ Bastian moves to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............................ D. DR-63-03 - Buildin2 Addition and Site Improvements to Smith's Ea2le Chevron - Rick and Sandy Smith: Rick and Sandy Smith, represented by Rick Toews with BRS Architects, are requesting design review approval to construct a 960-square foot addition to the convenience store and to complete other site improvements to the Smith's Eagle Chevron. The site is located on the northwest comer of South Eagle Road and West Inlet Bay within the Channel Center Subdivision at 503 South Eagle Road.(WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. General discussion on Site Specific Condition #9. Bastian moves to approve DR-63-03 - Building Addition and Site Improvements to Smith's Eagle Chevron and change the second sentence in Site Specific Item #9. read: All art projects shall be approved by the Eagle Arts Commission. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................... G. DR- 73-03 - Master Si2n Plan for Merrill Subdivision No.4 - Dave Evans Construction: Dave Evans Construction, represented by Tim Scharff with Dave Evans Construction, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for Merrill Subdivision No.4. The site is located within Merrill Subdivision No.4 (a re-subdivision of Lot 12, Block 3, Merrill Subdivision no. 2, formally known as Rocky Mountain Business Park) which is located at 501 South Fitness Place. (WEV) H. DR-74-03 - Master Si2n Plan for Multi-tenant Office Buildin2 within Merrill Subdivision No.4 - Dave Evans Construction: Dave Evans Construction, represented by Tim Scharff with Dave Evans Construction, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for the multi-tenant office building within Merrill Subdivision No.4 (a re-subdivision of Lot 12, Block 3, Merrill Subdivision No.2, formally known as Rocky Mountain Business Park) which is located at 501 South Fitness Place. This building is proposed to be located on Lot 20, Block 3, of Merrill Subdivision No.4. (WEV) Page 3 K:\COUNCILIMINUTES\Te~rary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-24-04min.doc I. DR-75-03 - Master Si2n Plan for Multi-tenant Office Buildin2 within Merrill Subdivision No.4 - Dave Evans Construction: Dave Evans Construction, represented by Tim Scharff with Dave Evans Construction, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for the multi-tenant office building within Merrill Subdivision No.4 (a re-subdivision of Lot 12, Block 3, Merrill Subdivision No.2, formally known as Rocky Mountain Business Park) which is located at 501 South Fitness Place. This building is proposed to be located on Lot 19, Block 3, of Merrill Subdivision No.4. (WEV) J. DR-76-03 - Common Area Landscapin2 within Merrill Subdivision No.4 - Dave Evans Construction: Dave Evans Construction, represented by Tim Scharff with Dave Evans Construction, is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping within Merrill Subdivision No.4. The site is located on Lot 12, Block 3, Merrill Subdivision No.2, formally known as Rocky Mountain Business Park at 501 South Fitness Place. (WEV) Mayor: I want to address all the Consent Agenda items that have to do with Dave Evans Construction and the Merrill Subdivision. The reason I pulled these items off the Consent Agenda is so I can make a statement regarding Merrill Subdivision. Today a member of the community revealed to me that they believe I am involved with Merrill Subdivision and development community. I wish to make a statement that I am not in any way whatsoever involved with Rocky Mountain Development or any part of Merrill Subdivision. This is another part of our family. My family is strictly involved in the egg business in Emmett and I do not have any kind of relationship with this development and I have never had an interest in any pennies, dimes, or dollars going in or out of this development. I wanted to make that statement and will recuse myself simply because it says Merrill and I would like Council to make an action on these items. Bastian: Mayor with that statement, I did attend the Design Review meeting where these items were discussed and approved. I find no reason for us not to approve them. The Design Review Board did a very good job in adding conditions and making sure the integrity of our Design Review Ordinances were upheld. Bastian moves to approve Items #G, H, I, and J. Seconded by Guerber. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES......................... 6. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: None 7. FINAL PLATS: None 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None 9. NEW BUSINESS: A. 03-33-CU/03-3S-MSP/03-1S-ZC/03-1S-DA/03-29-PBA - Rezone With Development A2reement. Propertv Boundarv Adjustment. Master Site Plan. and Conditional Use Permit For A Church Facilitv - SPink Butler Clapp LLP: JoAnn Butler, with Spink Butler Clapp LLP, is requesting the approval of a rezone with development agreement, property boundary adjustment, master site plan and conditional use permit to construct a 24,OOO-square foot (approximate) church facility with a 70-foot high steeple. The 14.35-acre site is located on the southwest comer of the intersection of Floating Feather Road and Park Lane at 1025 North Park Lane. This site is located in the Eagle Area of Impact. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Michael Spink, Spink Butler Clapp LLP, representing the applicant. The applicant agrees with staff recommendations and agrees with the conditions placed on the project. We are here to answer questions. Page 4 K:\COUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-24-04min.doc Brian Bennion, LCA, distributes pictures of church buildings with similar construction and architecture that will be incorporated into this project. General discussion. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Displays overheads and provides Council an overview of the project. This is in our impact area and our recommendation is transferred to Ada County. The height exception is limited only in the City limits and does not apply to our Impact Area Agreement. The staff and Planning and Zoning Commission have recommended approval of this application. General discussion. City Attorney Buxton: Provides Council an overview of the religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act. General Council discussion. Guerber moves to approve 03-33-CU/03-3S-MSP/03-1S-ZC/03-1S-DA/03-29-PBA - Rezone With Development Agreement, Property Boundary Adjustment, Master Site Plan, and Conditional Use Permit For A Church Facility and in that transmittal to Ada Co include wording that indicates that there was some concern by some members of the City Council regarding what might be perceived to be an excess of height in regard to this specific location particular due to the proximity to the City of Eagle and actions the City has taken in the past in regards to the height of facilities of a near by Church. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. TWO A YES: TWO A YES: MAYOR RECUSES HERSELF: MOTION DIES TWO AYES: TWO NAYS............................ Sedlacek moves to approve the application and I would ask the applicant to reconsider the height of the steeple. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. Sedlacek amends the motion to include: Strike Site Specific Condition #2 as that has been met by the applicant. Second concurs. Further discussion. TWO A YES: TWO NAYS: MAYOR RECUSES HERSELF: MOTION DIES...................... Nordstrom moves to deny this application. Motion dies for lack of a second. Bastian moves to approve the application as presented and strike Site Specific Condition #2. Seconded by Sedlacek. THREE AYES: ONE NAY: MOTION CARRIES........... General discussion on a letter to the County concerning the Councils' concern about height limitation. B. BFI Annual Report: Tanva Mericle with BFI will present the annual report for BFI. and also 2Îve an update on the cart conversion. Mayor introduces the issue. This item will be noticed on another agenda. C. Olde Towne Entry Si2n: The City of Eagle is requesting design review approval for the Olde Town entry sign. The site for the proposed sign and landscaping is located on the northeast comer of State Highway 44 and Parkinson A venue. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator: We have a request to continue this item so it can be presented to the Chamber of Commerce Board. I think we can still get the sign constructed in a timely manner with the extension of time. General discussion. Bastian moves to continue this item to the March 9, 2004 City Council meeting. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES..................... PageS K:\COUNCILIMINUTESITe1J1lOrary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-24-04min.doc Bastian moves to amend his previous motion to approve the sign in concept and have staff and one member of Council approve the final sign. Seconded by Guerber. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES.................. D. A ward of Additive Alternate No.1. (Brid2e No. 1) and Brid2e No.2.. (SKM) Mayor introduces the issue. Vern Brewer, Holladay Engineering: Provides Council an overview of the project. General discussion. Sedlacek moves to award the Additive Alternate No.1, (Bridge No.1) and Bridge No.2 to Wright Brothers in the amount of $14,065.00. Seconded by Guerber. Bastian: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE: ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES........ ....... E. Police Vehicles. Mayor introduces the issue. Bastian: At the last meeting we discussed the desire of Sgt. Borgquist to award our deputies who work with community policing by allowing them to take home the vehicle they are doing duty in as they have all of their equipment in the vehicle. Currently they have to unload the vehicle and loaded it the next morning which takes time away from duty. This also provides a reward for the hard work that they do and provides some incentive for continuing to work in the City of Eagle. The City of Eagle has a more demanding schedule than cities around us. This is a small reward and a token of our appreciation. This would be with the stipulation that any person living outside of Ada County would not be able to take their vehicle home. Bastian: This is a motion. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES. . .. .... .. ... .... .. F. Discussion on Pathwav Bud2et. Mayor introduces the issue. City Clerk Moore: Discusses the information distributed to the Council on the pathway budget. General discussion. Bastian moves to approve $30,658.30 to complete the work on the pathways as indicated in the Alternate Budgets FY 03/04 plus any additional engineering fees associated with the pathways. Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES. ....... .... 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Discussion re2ardin2 rate schedule for Citv water svstem. (Ken Rice, Holladay Engineering) Mayor introduces the issue. Ken Rice, Holladay Engineering: Provides Council an overview of a rate increase schedule. General discussion. Vern Brewer, Holladay Engineering: Discusses the United Water billing to Lexington Hills Homeowners Association on the Pond. United Water and the Homeowners Association are negotiating. General discussion. Page 6 K:ICOUNCILIMINUTESITeIqXJrary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-24-04min.doc Mayor calls a recess at 9: 15 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 9:25 p.m. B. Citv Hall discussion. (NM) Mayor introduces the issue. Bastian: Discusses his e-mail to the architect in regards to the "Turn of the Century" look for the new city hall. General discussion. 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Pendin2 or threatened liti2ation. I.C. §67-2345(f) Bastian moves to go into Executive Session for discussion on pending or threatened litigation. Seconded by Sedlacek. Bastian: A YE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES......................... Council discusses pending or threatened litigation. Council leaves Executive Session at 10:00 p.m. PRE-COUNCIL REPORTS con't: Zoning Administrator's Report: Discusses the Star Impact Area application. General discussion. Discusses the Boise Impact Area Exchange. This has been continued to the March 10th meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. Discussion on a letter from Frank Litz on a code enforcement issues. We are taking care of this with Tom. Discussion on package plants. Discussion Laguna mediation. Discussion on the appeal period. Laguna has stated they do not want mediation. Discussion on the water craft ordinance. Discussion on the Buster's van and their sign. Discussion on the Fire Departments concerns on Optic om, fire flows & hydrants. City Clerkffreasurer Report: On March 2nd we have a meeting with ZGA on the new City Hall and we also have the Joint Meeting with ACHD scheduled. Council concurs that the joint meeting with ACHD is not needed. The meeting with ZGA will be scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Dan Friend, Eagle Fire Department, would like to have Council permission to use more lawn area for tables and seating at the Nut Feed. Council concurs that this would be all right. Discussion on Park Reservations for non-profit groups that want to reserve Merrill Park Shelter on a weekly basis through the summer. Council concurs that they are not in favor of these types of reservations. Discussion on the vault at Merrill Park. Mayor and Council's Report: Nordstrom: No report. Guerber: Discussion on the Lease Agreement with Ada County on the Eagle! Ada Park. General discussion. Discussion on a BMX track. Reports on the Air Quality Board. General discussion. Mayor: I spend most of my time at Compass, Treasurer Valley Partnership and Valleyride. Discussion on the Annexation Bill. It was held in committee. Discussion on the Park Road name change. Page 7 K:\COUNCILIMINUTESITe1J1lOrary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-24-04min.doc Bastian: Discussion on Paddy Rowe issue. Discussion on meeting with Captain Freeman and Under Sheriff Rainey. They are looking at community policing and being able to have time to do this because of the demand in other areas. There will be a time when community policing won't be able to be done with the deputies that we have because of the demand for services in other areas. They are suggesting that we need a STEP Officer. The City really needs two Sergeants and a Lieutenant which will increase our costs to over $300,000 annually. General discussion. Sedlacek: I am going to meet with Lazy J on Friday to let them know what they need to do to be in compliance. Discussion on the new City Hall. Further discussion on the new City Hall. City Engineer Report: No report City Attorney Report: No report 12. ADJOURNMENT: Nordstrom moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 11: 15 p.m. Respectfully submitted: -¿~~~RF:)z. ~~ CITY CLERK/TREASURER AP OVED:' """""'" ", '" ", Of EAO 'I, ,"",-J.,. ........ (A ',#. .:' ..... .. " "<::' ~ .:' "'.8 0 ~ A ... ". ~ :: ú..~)' ',:.'. ~ : :¿~ ' ~*:. .. -.. . . ". ). S*\ ",'tTj~--:: = . 8.~1'l-.\j,.:O:: \ ."0" .,<,"," ),; :: ~ <J" ..c,. ~( .. '.. ~:: ###. )0 .... .~o" {) '?'- ...." '" --11'£ or- \ ~", '" "~' "'""u'" Page 8 K:\COUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-24-04min.doc 1 3 1. Eagle Road North of Floating Feather - Eagle 2. Greenhurst Blvd. - Nampa 3. Black Cat and Cherry Lane - Meridian 4. Franklin and Locust Grove - Meridian Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Local Area Stake Centers 2 4 f Cc ...2---2(i-ocf MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE, CHARTERED RANSOM J. BAILEY SUSAN E. BUXTON* MICHAEL C. MOORES BRUCE M. SMITH PAUL A. TURCKE° CHRISTOPHER E. YORGASON TAMMY A. ZOKAN' ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 225 NORTH 9Th STREET, SUITE 420 BOISE, ID 83702 TELEPHONE: (208) 331-1800 FAX (208) 331-1202 MEMORANDUM January 28, 2003 To: Mayor Merrill and Eagle City Council From: Ransom Bailey Re: Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act JOHN J. MCFADDEN•t Of Counsel • Also admitted in Oregon =Also admitted in Washington * Also admitted in South Dakota ' Also admitted in New Mexico This memo is in response to a recently proposed ordinance disallowing churches in the Central business District. This proposed ordinance could not withstand a legal challenge, as it is in direct violation of a recent piece of federal legislation. The best alternative for the City would be to allow churches in this district on a conditional use basis, thereby giving the City some leverage in achieving its land -use and planning goals. However, the City must be very cautious in its approach as even minor restrictions could be viewed as encroaching upon an entity's religious freedoms. Signed into law in 2000, the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA) was crafted to protect religious institutions in their use of land and in constructing buildings for religious purposes. The Act also addresses the religious rights of persons in the custody of the government, but this section of the Act is largely ignored by this memo, which focuses instead upon land use issues. RLUIPA responded to the land use regulations and zoning laws (often facially neutral) put forth by localities to curb or diminish the construction of new religious buildings. The motivation behind the majority of municipal zoning laws is that religious organizations are tax exempt and reduce municipal tax revenues. The zoning laws also act to maintain the status quo in a community by excluding newer religious groups and preventing established denominations from expanding or developing new ministries. RLUIPA allows religious groups to challenge these laws and regulations. The land use provisions are contained in Section 2 of the Act and consist of two main parts. The first deals with land -use regulations that substantially burden the free exercise of religion. The religious entity must establish that the law imposes a "substantial burden" January 28, 2003 Page 2 (something which rises above a minor expense, minimal intrusion, or inconvenience) on their exercise of religion. If the religious entity is successful in showing this "burden" land -use officials must put forth a "compelling interest" behind the law. This "compelling interest" is an interest of the highest order the general example being a demonstrable need to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public. Furthermore, local officials must also show there are no "less restrictive means" of protecting this "compelling interest." For all practical purposes the municipality will have great difficulty passing this "compelling interest" test once the religious organization has established a "substantial burden." The second element of the RLUIPA, is the guarantee of equal treatment. Specifically, the Act calls for equal treatment of faith based organizations and comparable secular organizations. The best example is that of land -use law allowing a secular assembly building — theater, VFW, senior center — but barring a church. Under the RLUIPA this land -use law would be struck down. Having established the basic tenets of the RLUIPA, the full effect of the Act on land -use laws is still being discovered as courts wrestle with how far this Act should apply. For instance, while striking down land -use, zoning, and landmark regulations from prohibiting religious entities from using land it is not a carte blanch immunization from these laws and regulations. The ability of religious organizations to establish a "substantial burden" on the practice of their religion may be rather easy in the context of a prohibition, however, it is considerably less so when faced with regulations addressing structural integrity, sanitation, fire and flood safety and other requirements established for the welfare of the community. What remains unclear are aesthetical requirements such as establishing historical districts put forth to preserve the character of the community. While courts have established the act of building a church to be religious expression, the finer point of say, a steeple violating a municipal height ordinance is still open for debate. Thus the legal boundaries of how far RLUIPA will go in protecting religious organizations wrestling with municipal land -use laws is an ongoing issue facing courts both today and in the future. Robert H. Freilich Freilich. Leitner & Carlisle Fiscal Conservatism, Land Use And Smart Growth: Enhancing City and County Revenues And Reducing Costs in a Difficult Economy Dr. Robert H. Freilich Presentation to the Boise City Council February 2004 From the Ma County Highway District Five Major Crises • Decline in existine built-up areas • Degradation of the environment • Sprawl development burdening energy supplies • Fiscal strain linked with deficiencies in inadequate public facilities and overburdened transportation facilities ss of agricultural lands and open space What is Sprawl Low-density development on the edges of cities and towns that is poorly planned, land -consumptive, automobile -dependent and designed without regard to its urroundings. Ni:toN Mit, N41011.11 lruu tot 11: Ada County Highway District Boise. Idaho February 2004 1 Robert H. Freilich Freilich, Leitner & Carlisle Sprawl is a Conservative Fiscal Issue Growth has helped fuel ... unparalleled economic and population boom and has enabled millions ... to realize the enduring dream of home ownership ... but sprawl has created enormous costs... Ironically, unchecked sprawl has shifted from an engine of ... growth to a force that now threatens to inhibit growth and degrade the quality of our life. 111 Beyond Sprawl. 1995 Bank of America Understanding the Impacts of Sprawl Character/ "Fiscal Levels of Service Ili Energy Use s ti- n.nnuu: i onn i PV—`" y Coni a�tibility Environmental 3, Ada County Highway District Boise, Idaho February 2004 Robert H. Freilich Freilich. Leitner & Carlisle The Public Infrastructure Gap National infrastructure deficiencies are approaching $4 trillion ($4,000,000,000,000) Myths • All growth pays for itself • Smart growth means no growth • Smart growth interferes with free mark • Smart growth is too expensive • Demanding quality & cost recovery will shift growth to other areas Relative Cost of Planned Development v. Sprawl Facility Sprawl Planned Din,elupment Duncan Burchell Frani. Synthesis Roads I (I(1' ; -11y.; 7W 7 i'. 75(i; School, 1 I n 97`4' 99( 95( Unlrtic� I 1 II I' , (il I' ; 92c% 66(,; S5 /t Other loft , Io_"; NA 100',; NA Ada County Highway District Boise. Idaho February 2004 3 Robert H. Freilich Freilich. Leitner & Carlisle Capital Costs Shifted to Existing Development Population A l3 C D 10.00O $12,000 2(1,00(1 6,000 6.000 30 .1)00 4,0K10 4.11111) -U(K) 40,1100 i,I)4 11) i.(R)O 3.0(KI i,ll(IO Total S. -5m)° $13.00o $7.000 $3,000 Washington. D.C. Area Features I. Radial Corridors 2. Corridor Centers/Joint Development 3. Transportation Congestion Management 4. Economic Incenrkes for Ag. Land Ada County Highway District Boise, Idaho Building Permits Issued 1979 9,000 BPs 8,000 Outside 1,000 Inside 1983 16,000 BPs 8,000 Outside 8,000 Inside February 2004 4 Robert H. Freilich Freilich. Leitner & Carlisle Seattle/ Puget Sound Growth Strategy YR,in Puget Sound Regional Rail and HOV System Palm Beach County Tiers Ada County Highway District Boise, Idaho February 2004 5 Robert H. Freilich Freilich. Leitner & Carlisle Conceptual Alternative Analysis Ada County Highway District Boise, Idaho February 2004 6 Robert H. Freilich Freilich. Leitner & Carlisle Washoe County Alternatives Washoe County Alternatives Washoe County Alternatives Ada County Highway District Boise, Idaho February 2004 7 Robert H. Freilich Freilich, Leitner & Carlisle 1► Washoe County Alternatives 11111 1. "n ..11Y�11i11 fat 111.1 L611 . 1 I Twin Cities, Minnesota 111111.1111111 E' Transportation Planning & Joint Public/Private Development Ada County Highway District Boise, Idaho February 2004 8 Robert H. Freilich FreiItch, Leitner Carlisle Local Government Roles in Joint Development of Transit Centers • assemble property • provide flexible zoning / incentives • secure low cost financing • construct infrastructure • coordinate gov't agencies • expedite development process • designate transit corridor • establish transit service / centers Joint Development: Techniques • Excess Condemnation • Long terns leasing/value capture • Negotiated private sector investments • Connection fees • Concessions Joint Development: Regulatory Incentives • Parking reductions Li• Impact fee reductions • Concurrency waivers (TCMA) • Density bonuses • TDR • Expedited processing Ada County Highway District Boise, Idaho February 2004 9 Robert H. Freiltch Frcilich. Lehner & Carlisle Joint Planning - Bridging the City/County Gap • Comprehensive Plan as Constitution • Mutual definition of growth tiers • Targets State funding to priority growth areas • Linkage between CIP, development and annexation • Adequate public facilities required • Promotes creative. efficient development • Limitations on sprawl Funding "°clly,i. Facilities + Adorn 1.05 Standard, Deficiencies No I5 eirni i:, Facilities for Faciliti.•, tl'r !Aiming IX:,. 4, Genial Res. Transfers Ad Valorem Tax Joint Funding License/Esci a Tax Amen Mgmnt. Utility Rates Trans.Corps ser Fees Impart Fees. TDIK. .lardatory Dedications Improvement Requirements Mitigation Fees, (DIk Ada County Highway District Boise. Idaho February 2004 10 Robert H. Freilich Freilich, Leitner & Carlisle Dolan/Ehrlich Analysis of Concurrency New Growth Related Facilities ) Good Faith Test I • Impact Fees Concurrenc 111/itgh Prof (ttlotkJity fin) la Don v- Ciry a Tigard - --- h I !'Development Related Test 1 L Agreement Approval Deficien. ies in public se leverriKedNego\�ution 1 Developer f (Ehrlich v. Culver City) 1 rights. local 1 facilities i capacity t Lproporti CIP will solve deficiencies within reasonable periodof time ains vested 1 Golden e. f'ingnlrrg gov't gains 1 Hord, Timm of n greater Ramapo: appli han rough school faciliti onalit) Concurrency and Adequate Public Facilities Planning Concurrency 'Timing and Sequencing (police powers) CIP (fiscal powers) Carrying Capacity Ada County Highway District Boise, Idaho February 2004 11 Robert H. Freilich Freilich. Leitner & Carlisle iming of Development & Public Facilities Congestion Management: Regulatory Alternatives • Zoning • Subdivision Approval • CUP/SUP • Impact Analysis • DRI/Special Review • Exactions/development agreements • Impact fees Mink • Adequate Public Facilities Ordinances (APPO's)/ Concurrcncv • Congestion Pricing • Ncotmditiomd/rOI) • TDM • Access management • TDR Development Agreements • Concurrency management Serve new demand Solve existing deficiencies Growth management igation defense Ada County Highway District Boise, Idaho February 2004 12