Minutes - 2004 - City Council - 01/13/2004 - Regular ORtGtNlQ EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes January 13,2004 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. 1. Ada County Sheriff s Office: Sgt. Dana Borgquist will present the monthly report for December 2003. Sgt. Borgquist distributes the monthly report and discusses the same. 2. Jim Birdsall will give an update on grants being pursued for park development. Jim Birdsall reports on three grant applications to the Idaho Parks and Recreation Department. The January 27th Council meeting will be the last chance to review the grants. Discussion on the Hill Road Park. Jim Murray, CSHQA, displays an overhead of the master plan site plan, discusses the sum of money needed to purchase the ACHD property. Displays an overhead of the budget and discusses the same. To get the project started we would propose to build the soccer fields, have a dirt parking lot, the trail could be done at a later date. We have held out the landscaping. It would be a no-frills soccer field. Discusses leasing the ACHD property and freeing up money to add park amenities. We will reduce the scope of work not the quality. We want to get the fields started. General discussion. Discussion on the water delivery system. Vern Brewer discusses the water delivery system. Jim Birdsall discusses the budget figures to use for the grant application. Jim Birdsall discusses the RV Dump Station grant application. Doing this application would clearly create good will in regards to our other grant applications, would provide a service to the area and there would be an opportunity for the City to provide a kiosk at the site. There can't be a charge for the service but there would be sewer and water fees and maintenance costs associated with the site. One possible site would be at the WinCo Development. I forwarded the site development plan on to the developers. There might be an opportunity to have the site located at the Chevron Station. General discussion. A decision on moving forward needs to be made at the 27th Council meeting. Jim Birdsall discusses the crossing under the Eagle Road bridge. I need to have the costs of the project for the grant. We need to gather the developers together that indicated that they would pay the development costs ifthe City paid for the engineering. We would have to have quick meetings on this. 3. ACHD representative, Larry Sale, will discuss a large informational sign for a Three Rivers Crossing meeting. Public input is important to this issue. There are two informational meetings coming up on the issue. LaMarr Outdoor advertising will loan us two outdoor signs for advertising. We would like to have one of these billboards located in the City of Eagle. General discussion. 4. Mayor and Council's Report: Moved to the end ofthe agenda 5. City Engineer Report: Moved to the end of the agenda 6. City Clerkffreasurer Report: Moved to the end of the agenda 7. Zoning Administrator's Report: Moved to the end of the agenda 8. City Attorney Report: Moved to the end of the agenda REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Merrill calls the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, SEDLACEK, GUERBER, NORDSTROM. All present. A quorum is present'. Page 1 K:ICOUNCILlMlNUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-OI-I3-04min.doc 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Bastian moves to rearrange the agenda by moving Section III. Oath of Office/Appointments to #4 and renumber thereafter and Nordstrom moves to add an Executive Session. Seconded by Guerber. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES.... ....... ......... ......... 4. III. OATH OF OFFICE/APPOINTMENTS: A. Oath of Office: The City Clerk will administer the oath of office to Nancy C. Merrill. Presentation of Certificate of Election. (SKM) City Clerk Moore swears in Nancy C. Merrill as Mayor and presents her with her Certificate of Election. B. Oath of Office: Mayor Merrill will administer the oath of office to Stan Bastian and Scott Nordstrom. Presentation of Certificates of Election. (NM) Mayor Merrill swears in Stan Bastian and Scott Nordstrom and presents them with their Certificate of Election. C. Appointment of Citv Clerkffreasurer: (NM) Mayor introduces the issue and recommends the appointment of Sharon K. Moore as the City Clerkffreasurer. Guerber moves to appoint Sharon Moore as the City Clerkffreasurer. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................. D. Election of Citv Council President: (NM) Mayor introduces the issue and recommends Stan Bastian as Council President. Sedlacek moves to retain Stan Bastian as Council President. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES...................... E. Review and discussion of Council Liaison positions for 2004: (NM) Mayor introduces the issue and recommends that Council review the list of liaison positions and discuss this at the next City Council meeting. Bastian moves to continue Review and discussion of Council Liaison positions for 2004 to the January 27, 2004 City Council Meeting. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES.................... 5. CONCLUSION OF FISCAL BUSINESS: I. CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the Rules of Order. . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. Page 2 K:\COUNCILIMINUTESITe1J1lOrary Minutes Work Area\CC-OI-13-04min.doc A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of December 16,2003. C. Minutes of December 17,2003. F. DR-44-03 - Master Shm Plan for Six Office Buildin2s within Cottonwood Creek Subdivision - David Waldron: David Waldron, represented by Tony Meade with Idaho Electric Sign Company, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for six office buildings within Cottonwood Creek Subdivision. The master sign plan includes two (2) monument signs and building wall signage for each of the office buildings. The site is located on the west side of Eagle Road, approximately 3,500-feet north of Chinden Boulevard at 2421 North Eagle Road. (WEV) G. DR-47-03 - Domino's Pizza Restaurant - HB One. LLC: HB One, LLC, represented by Terry Butler and Robert Runyan, is requesting design review approval to construct a 2,312-square foot Domino's Restaurant facility. The site is located on the north side of State Street approximately 1O0-feet west of Stierman Way at 498 East State Street. (WEV) H. DR-55-03 - Common Area Landscapin2 within Ancona Business Park - Ancona Group. LLC: Ancona Group, LLC, represented by Colin Connell managing partner for Ancona Group, LLC, is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping within Ancona Business Park. The 5.08-acre site is generally located Y:z-mile west of State Highway 55. (WEV) I. DR-59-03 - Master Si2D Plan for Aikens Plaza - MH3. LLC: MH3, LLC, represented by Sue Cook with Sue Cook Design, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for the Aikens Plaza office/retail building. The site is located on the south side of Aikens Street approximately 350-feet east Eagle Road at 123 Aikens Street. (WEV) J. DR-60-03 - Master Si2n Plan for The Riverside Buildin2 - Vertical Construction: Vertical Construction, represented by Roger Llewellyn with Golden West Advertising Inc., is requesting design review approval of the master sign plan for The Riverside Building. The site is located on the south side of East Shore Drive within the Eagle River Development at 439 East Shore Drive. (WEV) K. Findin2s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for PP/FP-2-03- Kolander Subdivision - Buddv D. Kolander: Buddy D. Kolander is requesting combined preliminary plat and final plat approval for Kolander Subdivision, a re- subdivision of Lot 9, of Academy Place Subdivision. The 9.64-acre, 4-lot residential subdivision is located at 1260 Rush Road. (WEV) L. Findin2s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for RZ-6-03/CU-I0-03/PPUD-3- 03/PP-6-03 - Windin2 Creek Planned Unit Development - Salmon Point Development. Inc Salmon Point Development LLC, represented by Ron Bath, is requesting a rezone from C-2 (General Business District) to MU-DA-P (Mixed Use with development agreement and PUD) for conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Winding Creek Subdivision, a residential/commercial planned unit development. A 17A3-acre portion of the development consists of an 89-10t (59-residential, 17 -commercial, 13-common) subdivision, with the remaining 3.93-acres (Lot 1, Block 3) to be subdivided at a later date. The site is located on the north side of State Street approximately 100-feet east of Palmetto A venue at 988 State Street (WEV) Page 3 K:\COUNCILlMlNUTES\Te~rary Minutes Work AreaICC-OI-13-04min.doc Bastian moves to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Sedlacek. Bastian: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE: ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES....... ............ II. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. A-2-03/RZ-2-03/CU-S-O3/PPUD-I-03/PP-3-03 - La2Una Pointe Planned Unit Development - La2una Pointe LLC: Laguna Pointe LLC, represented by Land Consultants Inc., is requesting an annexation and rezone from RUT (Rural Urban Transition) to R-2-DA-P (Residential up to two units per acre with development agreement and PUD) and R-E-DA-P (Residential Estates up to one dwelling unit per two acres with development agreement and PUD), a rezone from A-R (Agricultural-Residential) to R-2-DA-P (Residential up to two units per acre with development agreement and PUD) and R-E-DA-P (Residential Estates up to one dwelling unit per two acres with development agreement and PUD), conditional use, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Laguna Pointe planned unit development. The 117.51-acre development consists of a 69-10t (55-buildable, 14-common) residential subdivision. The site is located east of Eagle Road approximately Y2-mile north of Chinden Boulevard at 2260 S. Eagle Road. (WEV) The public hearing for this item has been closed. This item was continued from the December 17,2003 meeting. Mayor introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator Vaughan and the City attorney are available for questions from the Council. Bastian: It is my recollection that the applicant is not opposing that they be annexed into the Eagle Sewer District but they would like to remain outside that of District. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: The request by the applicant was that, it was stated on the record when the public hearing was open, they wanted the opportunity to look into the development of a package plant facility or sewer facility, specifically to that development. Sedlacek: At the previous hearings we went through a lot of discussions about a lot of different issues and before the end the applicant brought up the fact that they weren't looking for immediate annexation, they wanted annexation after they removed gravel from the property. I'm having a little problem with that and I want to make sure I understood that correctly. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: The applicant has what they claim to be a valid conditional use permit on the property for the extraction of gravel through and as regulated by Ada County. The City Staff had a discussion with Council at the last public hearing regarding the extraction of gravel on the site and we talked about conditioning the site and talked about the issue of not removing any gravel from the site upon annexation. I believe that applicant represented and testified that they needed to remove some gravel from the site and part of the request of the application was that they be allowed to remain in the County until they were done extracting what they needed to extract off from this site at which point in time the City could annex. Bastian moves to deny A-2-03/RZ-2-03/CU-S-O3/PPUD-I-03/PP-3-03 - Laguna Pointe Planned Unit Development for the following reasons: the applicant is requesting that they not be annexed into Eagle Sewer District and one of the conditions I think is important in annexing subdivisions is that they have public sewer service within the sewer system of the City. In this City it is Eagle Sewer District and we don't have a sewer district as such but that is the communities sewer facility and plant operation and I think that any subdivision that comes into the City of substantial size they should be served by the Eagle Sewer District; we have a nonconforming use for gravel extraction and if they were annexed into Page 4 K:ICOUNCILIMlNUTESITe1J1lOrary Minutes Work Area\CC-OI- I3-04min.doc the City that would be a nonconforming use and the desire for the developer to want to continue extracting gravel would go against the desire of the City and actually this gravel operation has been shut down; the applicant wants to stay within the County in order to finish the gravel extraction before being annexed into the City and I think that makes the application premature, that we need to be at a time which the applicant wishes to be added to the City and meet all of the conditions of City Code including the cessation of gravel extraction; and for those two reasons I move that we deny this application as being premature. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. (City attorney verifies that Council Member Nordstrom has reviewed the record in this matter) ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES........... .n B. CU-ll-O3/PPUD-4-03/PP-7-03 - Savbrook Villa2e Planned Unit Development - N.JN. LLC NJN, LLC, represented by Land Consultants Inc., is requesting a conditional use permit, preliminary development plan and preliminary plat approvals for Saybrook Village Subdivision, a residential/commercial planned unit development. The 19.58-acre development consists of a 16-lot (8-residential, 5-commercial, 2-common, I-church) subdivision. The site is located on the south side of West State Street approximately ~-miles west of Eagle Road at 1161 West State Street. The public hearing for this item has been closed. This item was continued from the December 16, 2003 meeting. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Lowe: Last week myself, Mark Butler, John Ord from the church met with ACHD staff to look at the plan for the construction of curb and gutter from the frontage on State Street in front of the church. It was thought that the curb and gutter could be placed on the site without having to move the new street light and the Highway District would consider possibly moving the centerline of State Street north and that would allow some room for their curb and gutter. All of this would be conditioned on ACHD approving the plans and they seemed pretty willing to allow some modifications not only to the curb and gutter location but as well to drainage. General discussion. Mark Butler, representing the application, indicates that this is okay with the applicant and thanks ACHD. States that this works with their plan. General discussion. Mark Butler, Land Consultants, Inc., representing the applicant, displays a site plan and discusses the concept plan and some reconfiguration. General discussion. John Ord, representing the applicant, the size of the sanctuary is pretty close to the size we want, it may be moved; our plan is to develop walkways and pathways. We are going to have a fall financial campaign this fall and we will know then. General Council discussion on the project. Sedlacek moves to approve CU-ll-O3/PPUD-4-03/PP-7-03 - Saybrook Village Planned Unit Development - NJN, LLC with the Standard and Site Specific Conditions of Approval; that Site Specific Condition #22 be changed to say that the only commercial application that can be developed is the nursing/convalescent home (assisted living facility). Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion. TWO A YES: TWO NA YS: MAYOR: AYE: MOTION CARRIES....... ... .... .... PageS K:\COUNCILlMlNUTESITe1J1lOrary Minutes Work Area\CC-Ol-13-04min.doc C. Discussion of ACHD's Hill Road propertv and proposed land swap. (NM) Mayor introduces the issue. We have received the two appraisals for the Ada County Site and the ACHD Hill Road property. Larry Sale, ACHD, the value of the Highway District Property is in excess of $200,000 and the Ada County Site is $100,000. Discussion on the land swap. General discussion on the appraisal of the ACHD property which seems to be high. Further discussion. Council concurs to get the attorney's and all parties together to discuss the land swap and negotiate with ACHD on the cost of their property this Thursday. D. Review and action on proposed purchase of Ultralvte LRB speed detection laser. (SB) Mayor introduces the issue. Bastian moves to approve the purchase of the Ultralyte LRB speed detection laser for the sum of $3,000.04 and that the funds are to come from the available funds in Contract Other in the Budget. Seconded by Guerber. Bastian: A YE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................. E. Discussion on fundin2 new staff position. Mayor introduces the issue. General Council discussion. Bastian moves to approve the funding for the new staff position and the funds are to come from the available funds in SAG #l-Impact Area Expansion and Capital Expenditure-City Facilities. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. Bastian: AYE; Sedlacek: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE: ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES....................... F. Valuation En2ineerin2 for new Citv Hall. (NM) Mayor introduces the issue. City Attorney Buxton: Mr. Zabala, ZGA, would like to meet with City representatives to discuss value engineering and construction manager. Value engineer could cost up to 3% of the cost of the project. With the contract with ZGA you could have someone come in to look at a redesign. My recommendation is that you give Mr. Zabala the opportunity to talk to the City to see what value engineering requires. General discussion. Council concurs to meet with Mr. Zabala. Vern Brewer, Holladay Engineering, value engineering is a specific term that doesn't apply to what you are doing here. It usually applies to projects over $1 M. I think what you are looking for is a very experienced construction manager to do a point by point evaluation of your plans and specifications and make suggestions for cost savings. There are people who do these evaluations. General discussion. Council concurs to go with Vern's recommendation. G. DR-41-03 - Three Story Retail/Apartment Buildin2 - Edvthe Ro2ers Trust: Edythe Rogers Trust, represented by James Gipson with James Gipson Associates, is requesting design review approval to construct an 8,678-square foot three story commercial/residential building. The site is located on the southeast comer of 2nd Street and Idaho Street at 135 North 2nd Street. This item was continuedfrom the November 11,2003 meeting. The applicant is requesting this item be remanded back to staff/or further review. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. The applicant is requesting this item be remanded back to staff for further review. Page 6 K:\COUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work Area\CC-Ol-13-04min.doc Bastian moves to remand DR-41-03 - Three Story RetaiVApartment Building - Edythe Rogers Trust back to stafffor further review. Seconded by Guerber. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES.......... H. DR-SO-03 - Master Si2n for La Strada Place - Edvthe Ro2ers Revocable Trust: Edythe Rogers Revocable Trust, represented by John Serra, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for the three (3) story commercial/apartment building. The site is located on the southwest comer of 2nd Street and Idaho Street at 135 North 2nd Street. This item was continued from the November 11,2003 meeting. The applicant is requesting this item be remanded back to staff for further review. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. The applicant is requesting this item be remanded back to staff for further review. Bastian moves to remand DR-SO-03 - Master Sign for La Strada Place - Edythe Rogers Revocable Trust back to staff for further review. Seconded by Guerber. ALL A YES: M OTI 0 N CARRIES..................... III. OATH OF OFFICE/APPOINTMENTS: Moved to the beginning of the Agenda A. Oath of Office: The City Clerk will administer the oath of office to Nancy C. Merrill. Presentation of Certificate of Election. (SKM) B. Oath of Office: Mayor Merrill will administer the oath of office to Stan Bastian and Scott Nordstrom. Presentation of Certificates of Election. (NM) C. Appointment of Citv Clerkffreasurer: (NM) D. Election of Citv Council President: (NM) E. Review and discussion of Council Liaison positions for 2004: (NM) 5. PUBLIC COMMENT: None 6. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: None 7. FINAL PLATS: None 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Mayor calls a recess at 9: 10 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 9:20 p.m. A. CU-12-03/PPUD-S-03 - Windin2 Creek East Planned Unit Development - Southers Properties: Southers Properties is requesting a conditional use permit and preliminary development plan approval for Winding Creek East, a 47 -lot (46-residential, l-common) residential planned unit development. The 3.9-acre site is located approximately 500-feet north of State Street and approximately lO00-feet east of Palmetto Avenue. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor swears in David Southers. David Southers, applicant, displays a site plan and provides Council an overview of the project. I have been in the Eagle since 1982. This is a piece of the Trolley Square project and follows the existing road in and abuts Drainage District #2. Discussion on the style and type of housing. Mayor swears in Phil Hull. Phil Hull, The Land Group, representing the applicant, discusses the Site Specific Conditions of Page? K:\COUNCILIMINUTESITeß1'Orary Minutes Work Area\CC-OI-13-04min.doc Approval. General discussion. City Planner Lowe, provides Council an overview of the project and discusses the Site Specific Conditions of Approval. General discussion. Discussion on set backs. General discussion on pressurized irrigation and potable water for irrigation. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor closes the Public Hearing David Southers, Ron Bath and myself are working on the water rights. General discussion. Discussion on the landscape islands, we don't own the property but we will put it in but we won't maintain it. Phil Hull, discusses the parking and parking ratio on the site. General discussion. Sedlacek moves to approve CU-12-03/PPUD-S-03 - Winding Creek East Planned Unit Development with all Standard and Site Specific Conditions of Approval with Site Specific Condition #S modified to remove the word "meandering"; #18 change to say "prior to the approval of the Preliminary Plat"; #23 the front be changed to back and the back be changed to front; the last sentence that all multi-family structures shall have a minimum separation of 2S' from the other multi-structures and in Site Specific Condition #lS that we stress that we do want the irrigation surface water rights to be allowed if at all possible. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. Sedlacek amends the motion to state: change #4 to say: Council directs staff to create a set of conditions relevant to this portion of the development. Second concurs. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES.............. Further Council discussion on the drain ditch in this project and the maintenance. B. V AC-6-03 - Vacation to the final plat of Two Rivers Subdivision No. S - T.R. Companv. LLC: T.R. Company, LLC, represented by Dan Torfin, is requesting City approval of a vacation to the final plat of Two Rivers Subdivision No.5 to remove the utility, drainage and irrigation easement along the common side lot line of Lots 30 and 31, Block 19, to satisfy a lot line adjustment. The utility, drainage and irrigation easement required for the side lot line will be satisfied with the creation of a new easement along the new common side lot line. The site is located on the south side of West Water Grove Drive at 577 and 591 West Water Grove Drive. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Dan Torfin, representing the applicant, displays a site plan and discusses the request for the approval of a vacation. City Planner Lowe: City staff, P&Z and City Engineer recommend approval of the vacation with the conditions listed. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor closes the Public Hearing Bastian moves to approve V AC-6-03 - Vacation to the final plat of Two Rivers Subdivision No.S. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES..................... C. CU-13-03 - Bank Facilitv With Drive UP Service - Home Federal: Home Federal, represented by Russ Phillips with Insight Architects, is requesting conditional use approval to construct a bank facility with three drive up service lanes. The .63-acre site is generally located on the northeast comer of Eagle Road and East Riverside Drive in the Eagle River Commercial Development at 100 East Riverside Drive. (WEV) Page 8 K:\COUNCILIMINUTESITe1J1lOrary Minutes Work Area\CC-OI-13-O4min.doc Mayor introduces the issue. Russ Phillips, Insight Architects, representing the applicants, distributes a handout in regards to parking and discusses the same. Displays a site plan and provides Council an overview of the project. City Planner Lowe: The drive-thru location is not a concern. Discussion on cars exiting the drive-thru and Staff has recommended that signs be put up. The parking issues are resolved. Discussion on the intercom system. Staff has recommend approval. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor closes the Public Hearing Russ Phillips, discusses speed bumps. General discussion. Bastian moves to approve CU-13-03 - Bank Facility With Drive Up Service - Home Federal with all Standard and Site Specific Conditions of Approval with the following Site Specific Condition changes: #4. strike the words in the 2nd line after shall and put in "install caution signs". Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES............. ............ Sedlacek moves to reconsider the vote on the Saybrook approval. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES........................ II.B CU-ll-03/PPUD-4-03/PP-7-03 - Savbrook Villa2e Planned Unit Development - NJN. LLC Mayor: The applicant has asked to bring new information to the Council in regards to refiguring the lots and hopefully get approval of the project tonight. Mark Butler, representing the applicant. What we would request is that if we could take our southerly building and not put it in. We originally had 8 lots and we agreed to reduce it to 6. We are hoping to get those lots back and maybe have 9 lots. Displays a site plan with proposed changes. City Attorney: With the increase in the number of lots it could be a substantial change and would have to be re-noticed for a public hearing. Further discussion on the number of lots. City Planner Lowe: I think we can work through this if applicant supplies us a revised plan. Further Council discussion. Nordstrom: on the reconsideration of CU-ll-03/PPUD-4-03/PP-7-03 - Say brook Village Planned Unit Development - NJN, LLC that we modify the application to read "nine residential and 4 commercial lots" and the lot concept plan to be presented to City Staff and be approved by the Mayor before moving forward. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion. THREE AYES: ONE NAY (Guerber): MOTION CARRIES.......................... 9. NEW BUSINESS: A. AI-2-03- Administrative Interpretation: Accessory structures located in the front yard area (in front of the principle structure (single family dwelling) within the A and A-R zoning districts. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: discusses the accessory structures. General discussion. Page 9 K:\COUNCILIMINUTES\Te1J1lOrary Minutes Work Area\CC-Ol-13-04min.doc Nordstrom moves to accept AI-2-03 Administrative Interpretation. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................ B. Resolution 04-01: A resolution of the Eagle City Council, Eagle, Ada County, Idaho repealing any and all existing comprehensive plans, and adopting the amended 2000 Comprehensive Plan; affirming that prescribed notice and hearing requirements were met in accordance with Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code; and providing an effective date. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Resolution 04-01 needs to be remanded to staff. Bastian moves to remand Resolution 04-01 to staff. Seconded by Guerber. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES......................... C. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Guerber moves to go into Executive Session for the discussion of threatened and pending litigation. Seconded by Bastian. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES..................... Council discusses threatened and pending litigation. Council leaves Executive Session at 11:45 p.m. PRE-COUNCIL REPORT: Mayor and Council's Report: Mayor: The vault issue at Merrill has been resolved. The drawings are done, it has been approved by the inspectors at no cost to the City. Council discussion on the Ada/Eagle Park agreement. City Engineer Report, Vern Brewer: I have had an inquiring on the old McKay Subdivision property. This could come back for your consideration. Discussion on United Water Agreement. United Water has proposed a rate system and I have told them that the Council might have a problem with this rate system. We should be able to decide where the costs are borne by whom. We want to have a meeting with the parties and the attorney's the first of February. This would only be a one year contract, renewed annually. The rate increase will be more than 5% and we will need to have a public hearing. General discussion. The Hill Road water options will be at the next meeting. This will need to be a regular agenda item. Discussion on the storm water ordinance. There is a pedestrian pathway meeting scheduled for tomorrow. Elwin will handle that meeting. Discussion on the 404 Permit. We modified our applications and it is now going to be approved. We may need to have them process the permit and have them deny it and then appeal the action. Weare meeting tomorrow with a contractor to look at the pedestrian tunnel under Eagle Road to give costs. We will have two contractors give us estimated costs. City Clerkffreasurer Report: The AIC Officials Day At The Capitol is on Thursday, January 29, 2004 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Who is planning on attending? The Auditors were here last Monday through Wednesday. Zoning Administrator's Report: No report. City Attorney Report: No report. Sedlacek: The Sewer District Elections are on February 3, 2004. There are two positions open for a six year term and five people running for the positions. General discussion. Page 10 K:\COUNCILIMINUTESITe1J1lOrary Minutes Work Area\CC-Ol-I3-04min.doc I saw in our mail that Aikens Plaza came through and I'm wondering if you got Drainage District #2's approval. Discussion on Senora Creek and the reason the City did not appeal their decision. Bastian: I will be meeting with the Library Board tomorrow on their strategic plan. Cheryl Bloom and another party are real concerned about the berm in Henry's Subdivision. I called Kristen Van England and she is willing to make some concessions. Guerber: Air Quality Board meets tomorrow. I would like to have the Fire District come into Pre-Council. Nordstrom: Discussion on the Eagle Community Fund. We received $1,712.00 from last year and this will roll over into 2004. In March we will find out the 2004 payout. General discussion. Mayor: I will be involved with AIC and the Legislature the next few months. Boise is hosting the AIC Annual Conference this year. I appreciate everyone's support today on the State of the City address. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Nordstrom moves to adjourn. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 12:30 a.m. Respectfully submitted: II ÚA--u- ~ 21; ø-öK- "'-SHARON K. MOORE CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: "",'1111""'" ,..., "("Í OF l] "" J.~ (¡\ ..."...""" '" !IIi .. .. \.;- '" ~ .. ~ ~ -, . ':(' ~ ~ .'c/'.. f?,1 ..~~ 'tr: ',>-\ ~ = . ~:\: : ::... .- . : . .7.' . .... .. \ ø ..<"' u E A L ...'~"": " ;..;>, ..°1'1' ,.;."... ~ '\.., ').....~RAT~~.. 0 ...." " .£'J:-, -...<0. ..~' .." " ço ""~"...'" '" F I'v ~ ,...'" "t"".....",... Page 11 K:\COUNCILlMlNUTESITemporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-13-04min.doc JAN -6-2004 16:45 FROM:JAMES GIPSON ASSOCCI 208 939 0211 JAMES GIPSON ASSOCIATES architecture • planning 38 NORTH FIRST STREET, P.O. BOX 219 EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 phone (208) 939-0236 fax (208) 939-0211 January 6, 2004 Ms. Barb Cerda City of Eagle Fax (208) 938-3854 Dear Barb : CC /—/3-oy TO:9383859 P.1 Eagle DR -41-03 JGA Project No. 0328 Rogers Trust Building Eagle, Idaho Fila Route to: 111 FILET-- CITY OF EAGLE JAN 0 0 2004 This will confirm our request to defer consideration of this Design Review application pending resolution of the issues we have been discussing. Thank you for your help with the project. With best wishes, Js!stsr...MES GIPSON ASSOCIATES n cc. : John Serra INSIGHT Russ Phillips + Dana Kauffman January 13, 2004 City Council City of Eagle 310 E. State St. Eagle, ID 83616 Re: Home Federal at Eagle River Dear Council, After meeting with Mr. Dale Nege, property owner of Wendy's in the Eagle River development, we are submitting a revised site plan which exhibits (6) standard parking spaces directly adjacent to Home Federal plus (1) handicap space. The commission sympathized with Mr. Nege's concerns although Mr. Nege did understand and sign a shared parking agreement. Home Federal has deviated from their standard prototype design to accommodate Mr. Nege and we understand Mr. Nege supports this revised plan. This revised information was included with our application to the Design Review Commission. Silt rely, Russ Phillips, AIA INSIGHT architects, pa 1789 Broadway Avenue Boise, Idaho 208.338.9080 208.338.9067fax Jan 13 04 03:11p WENCO INC OLD FAsmo�.T.n IiAMBUROERS. January 13, 2004 Russ Phillips Insight Architects Boise, Idaho Subject. Horne Federal site plan — Eagle River Russ, 208 336 7541 Per our recent phone conversation, the revised site plan for the Home Federal building at Eagle River is more than acceptable. 13y slightly changing the building layout and providing seven (7) parking spaces along the south side, you have allayed my fears of losing parking spots for my customers at peak hours. Please use this letter as my recommendation for the Home federal project. Thank you and Dan Stevens of Home Federal for working with me. I am sure your project will be a success. Please let me know if there is anything else I could do to help your project. Best Regards, Dale F. Nag Wenco, Inc. President WENCO. INC. / 7609 W. EMERALD, BOISE, ID 83704 / 208-336-7400 FAX: 208-336-7541 p.1 P:\02 Projects\02027 HF Eogle\1 Sd\DR Submittal\02027 LS -1 Landscape Plan.dwg, 01/13/2004 09:44:34 AM, Administrator y u 5. EAGLE ROAD (STATE ROUTE 65) SITE PLAN HOME FEDERAL EAGLE RIVER STORE EAGLE, IDAHO �NSIGH7 lr � , rte. MA1 . Pps + Clans 12. an »ep111tadwArra. 9lmli621070e Mane= ITSMS 4Ag 'I an.dwg, 01/13/2004 09:45:08 AM, Administrator Sd\DR Submittal\02027 LS -1 Landscape A..00.M 1 alANTING DETAIL TREES PLANTING NOTES l ALL PL.NT rVTSw14 040.1..... TO M AM.. RT DOIAM•CAL NY. OCA..PM w•M PL.r.TiO TPi1 0.0011 001111.00 01.74A00 POR 1TTPIWI 000AMD •S4M . PLANT. I. ALL NON PLANT. WM YO MI WI. N LA. AwW Al A., PLAL1pON O0.V uhrir COL..NM NOmmy ruRl r GAUP. 00 AIELLO TO Ot f PM N 0001100! OMA. Of MOOD MTM A r�� /{w /�.w.�rwa nor. co Y p mow 0,1• .....OAIK 00 . • lim (P ara CO PWYEG * CDfl* 000.0. P.....10101.0.0.00•2 r CALM. 00 LA.� /�w y1 a 4L LAM ARA& MALL N.0001. MTN..PWTOKT MfI[i'rCUW*1 MT ACTA PLANTANOon "maw MPPL1 Y CALM %OO OLIN ORAN AO AR AMONIAL wriN N.. 100 TO OE PLACSD p �O, NR ma. Y NC.. O OITHO AND .11:01...TMT. P!0 fRG.O•TiW dMOW P WAWA. AND 0001..... 01.0. M MT. PO RpA .00. CaTO. C,TA• CCAPAOI 7010.• *MCA Y TALL I O crI OIOAr APIA µANI MA1 p.CCIMTP VW... =VOW OW N' A' OCO MD TOP r OP TOPIC, Mp ApoYTAT Owr• 0001 TO It . D.O. DM. n SHRUBS AND GROUND COVERS �+o f MOT �..1a PCL►o NOW A.SHRUBS ALL PLANT MAT00.. Y.ALL O.0.0. . POR A IMOD 0.00 TEAR MD.. AT Ty OATS P KOITY.N4 CCPPLIT CA. RPLAC. Au PLANT Tummy. PQp OOAO we 0. ODTANbII 71.10! CCAf•CA. •.Ale RAMP. SO NOT N A 0...... C.001110. .IfDYTAr MTM Diff DM NCA YO IP10S. AT NO COOT TO TM1 O.MR A PLAN . MOOILL NM TRS. YO PLANT. MOO Y1KL D1 1 PAIR. TCPSOL MDI PART P41....0 CQrgT -TM a.. DC .NM1w. MCA.IONT4L. 0.04CMP 1LI. CW ANIMADAL.MDWAKE ALL MIS PCD OVA.. CO CCwI. Oa.. T.ALORTr amity RD T10 901•000 I OAL SAM O..K 000019 NAAS.MALL w1• Y CP TOMO. APO ALL R.ANTq qt.... NAM Cr Cr WM.. TOPICAL MULL DT 000[R.7wM1.q. .1.1.010 DAC.. 160E I.• 00 A LOOK MOO,.YOT LOYL CLW .TO MU 0.W. TMNI.40...O.ICA.L. C.. MID NIDAMOM • GW ON 0.01 ICP.. NAM. LAMM no. r N AMT OIID.C. A CV CCwIOPYO vdOCAL 1.00.101A0 101!0/.1• T.0g1jO .641•00 . Tv. TTVITTIR .000. �LM. COWAN. AO .A. 01,ia 7. i 11.00 fK01 1TY0.IM4. OTRID. C.I.M. MO IN ORAOA TOM. TO A 1.71 0.01•.1 x AA.. Lr0.000WOO.. MRA I A. IN. AVON 000 WM. O. 0 . r IAO. C.A. O .MWD ANO OAPNAM. TO K 000000 NO V NPLAMO Oto NAA PG ....Au, W. owOP 00.0 0000. POTP.TLLA 1 IAL. rot W.p. wino 0001• mai ir MI 1 WM= A4 1R11 NO YAwOi COW VAICP NI• PL.. PN PIOSA AOR. T.OoO..o ..0. ROT N.= 1..L. T.. TADLOTa. moms, OwROrr Pat ITARr.CTVTIR0 IrOOtpOATIOI OP PPA. 10.01101$ CO.P.1A' 900 SCOTCH PM .A4. MN A RAO.* CCM J0.1.1,0 TO LAM. JAL. AND 1 OR MONO TAM N LAW NM. YPLL MAN CO.... .00VpO 00MCA0 000. GRASSES AND PERENNIALS 0• DO.w.G•. owe Caw.... PL.... CR CALY1AORpIT. AOPROwA 10.!10. ALSO AA N .0A4 rol• OY .01100C4L. un..r . 0.L. TOA PA 00.11VYT 40.00. 04000 W..KN 0.• P.Tve. C.A. T TN.!. PV 7000 T W. A. 1.OT *000A . 00100111•0 .O4. M. TC ?L001OP.A[Dw'O 0070000 .O.L •ALROMATIC TCIED IRRIGATION PROVIDED OY EAGLE RIVER r.LIroolna --O CAM• 00011• 10.00.• RUM CA000 M I-Cr1E FEDERAL • P:\02 Projects\02027 HF iiog LANDSCAPE PLAN CC WIONIN M.L4A NrAR P.00 PY0ODOM 1111•0 1.60 1 mown, L P ANrT000L co OD. 00.11. COI Oe1.T00 Pw011.000 API CPL.. Alp D.C. O PROPIPLY A MTS. O.CODRAOTOR tp 1 0 .TD1 AND MlML VOCANIO O LYOOCAR ANAATIO. GMATIMM Ti! CLOCK • COMIC. PLANT .0.4.• TO MCI. NAMLP. DONNA 000.01 .RAGA .1000 MRA• ON .ALLAN A.O PAKD AM. OA. C.W. 0071.00 ▪ COOPONATf TAI P 1...11D LCCATLO. YTM YTS L.MT►O PLAN CORACT AMDATICT .NM AM COP...00 0011.001•1 PLANT.. D. .IOYI.T.ON W.Tiw YPPLOIO TO PPIOI.[RTT.M4L M PR10.0.0 POW VOCATTOC.O 01.1 .0.. *MITI ON CONT.. YO TOO 0.004 0 MYNRT ONO. AMPLT CIRTNCAT.OM TN.T ALL iRN NO purrs N PR. PICA. D.A. AID N NOT TO. PLANT NALRr Y•4L COrRT ..TM AIM 7.0I r 10.00. A[I00 PO. 11.0.0..TNV..I.O[A ALL •••00..10. OR'.WATD 0000.AL0. 01. t0 L.C.C.P1 Aa.YOI. par LANDSCAPING pARKING LEGAL DESCRIPTION W100. rt. OR. IN. PIA ON K. Wt. NAN 'W IN NOAMM • 0.000. ROOD •.1•.W 01.01.001101.0 I. 1010MA00/R •.0\000. 1.00101010 • II 040 01400.411.1014. MO ANCININ ..IG NAL ION .D 0, NOM µM..P,OC I ANY 110 AK E, V 1MLL ACA COIAL WO t 1 1 1 1 .000100010 ULIJ FK• O � LLQ I a� =Wi tu c3 A 1b TOO. I A O .01000x1 1 DOC.. D.1 +DI.a .7.0.00 111.11 .. 010.HNM LS -1 P:\02 Projects\02027 HF Eagle\1 Sd\DR Submippp2027 Floor Plon.dwg, 01/13/200,344,(9,:29:15 AM, Administrator a � PI o o FLOOR PLAN Al1 oc.e -L• :: 28'-4 1/2" 2T-1 I,7 HOME FEDERAL EAGLE RIVER STORE MIA IWO I 9 r o) 1 l VERIFY SCALES 0 1' 1INSIGliktprmp. 17L Srashow hems &W. ur.S370e Ena7aat®o SOSabaooSi7lha P:\02 Projecls\02027 HF Eagle\1 Sd\DR Submiltol\02027 Roof Plan.dwg, 01/13/2004 09:29:44 AM, Administrator ROOF PLAN HOME FEDERAL EAGLE RIVER STORE mom. Iwo 17114Onr•Nw elmIdrowae MM.= cnaJECrII. P:\02 Projects \020 3 1 HF Eagle VI 'toSd \DR ;Submittal \02027 Elevotion_ALT,dwg, 0113 2004 1918.3241,AM, Administrolor t 114 t ••• GOMM* 1 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS HOME FEDERAL EAGLE RIVER STORE EAGLE, IDAHO vERFT LCALE, ues rchllImitria PhIlLipe Dene men 1792Bmdawkma 11.611111 201122kalEi1 1211132119011 Eagle City Council Public Hearing Sign-up Sheet Subject: CU -13-03 - Bank Facility With Drive Uu Service - Home Federal: January 13, 2004 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY TELEPHONE SUBJECT YES/NO? PRO/CON Page 1 f 1 H:1CO U NCILIAGENDAICCS IGN U P. W PD Eagle City Council Public Hearing Sign-up Sheet Subject: VAC -6-03 - Vacation to the final plat of Two Rivers Subdivision No. 5 — T.R. Company, LLC: January 13, 2004 7:30 p.m. ADDRESS/ TESTIFY NAME TELEPHONE SUBJECT YES/NO? PRO/CON TX 4m aarr y daviel. rP 61 lee aliAilid kto 4 0 Page 1 f 1 H:1COU NC ILIAGENDAICCS IGNUP. WPD Eagle City Council Public Hearing Sign-up Sheet Subject: CU-12-03/PPUD-5-03 - Winding Creek East Planned Unit Development - Southers Properties: January 13, 2004 7:30 p.m. NAME ADDRESS/ TESTIFY TELEPHONE SUBJECT YES/NO? PRO/CON Page 1 f 1 H:I000NCILIAGENDAICCSIGNUP. WPD Ada County Sheriff's Eagle Station Monthly Report •- :,.: silt. :,s ' • ;• • ••••s• '•..••f M• ••• •r-....- ••+:/r�,; ••M ....� •••. ::%:::••' t.• • ,•.• Few• • •t•• • :-i • ...•cr• �, ;�• i., i j•aw.• N. IIPi f'+""tT ! I� !I I+ IIJJ{x:•-,...•. 1. •�:' vy `,. ..i �.. 1��i'�1 i '0�.. ',:�il l`1 j�• dj ti.i • • .. • $�'•°q♦ • :�'t"�'.• z...t., *-• ci•. . f �'__ r � ' ' • i. t ►i a �r •+ti • ` i • •.. �. `� December 2003 Presented to: Eagle City Council By: Sgt. Dana Borgquist Sergeant Dana Borgquist Country Christmas planning and deployment on December 5. Deputy John Dewey was the incident commander this year and everything went very well. The only improvement for next year will be the need for no parking signs on Idaho between Eagle and 2nd for detoured traffic. Issued an Idaho Statesman story on the results from the Eagle survey. Featured quotes from Undersheriff Raney and a local business owner, Dec 7. Issued an Idaho Statesman story on the importance of leaving vehicles in driveway without valuables. Featured quotes from Deputy Jon McDaniel and Detective Mike hinzel, Dec 21. Presented two letters of appreciation to the Hilton Garden Lin and River Rock AleHouse for their raffle contribution at the Chamber Meeting. Undersheriff Raney presented the survey results to the body of the Chamber of Commerce. Provided a PowerPoint presentation to City Hall Staff on LIDAR, laser speed detection unit. Assisted fellow Deputies with the Hope Tree Christmas gift giveaway. Attended training on the new Tazer's that will be deployed to all patrol areas in the county. Red Team Deputy Matt Buie 12-5-03 • Rode the bike with Deputy McDaniel at the Eagle Country Christmas. Made several good citizen contacts throughout the event. 12-7-03 • I took a vehicle burglary report on Colville Ct. I canvassed the area, stopping by 5-6 residents. I wanied them of the incident, and gave them tips on how to keep themselves from becoming a burglary victim, such as removing their valuables from their vehicles, and locking the car doors. I also attempted to gather any possible information about the original burglary, and did gather some information, but it did not become a valid lead. 12-15-03 • Business Contacts at the Andon Complex at the 1700 Block of E State St. CJ Auto Body Tri Temp Refrigeration High Desert Hardwood Air Care Wilson's Custom Cabinets Idaho Window Sales AD Lighting Bledsoe Construction Valley Machining Dovetail Restoration 2 One of the businesses complained about a lack of nighttime patrols. They are having a continuous problem with vehicle burglaries and thefts. This became a very positive contact because I told him this was precisely why I was there, because we would not have known about his concerns otherwise. I gave some advice about how to prevent future burglaries. I suggested that he partner with the neighbor residents to help watch the complex, because the police could not he there all the time, and 1 did ask the graveyard officers do extra patrol, which they did. 1 left my business card and asked him to call us with any other concerns. I gave the Dispatch information cards to all the businesses to be filled out, and did not have any other problems or concerns expressed to me. Bicycle patrol for Idaho Statesman to photograph for an article. Did some additional patrol downtown. 12-27-03 • Checked on several registered sex offenders in the following Eagle areas: Rush Rd. Mission Ct. Mission Dr. Parkinson St. Syringa St. One of these contacts is also on felony probation. All were at the addresses listed for their registration. One offender has a couple felony warrants. I spoke to his mother and gathered some information on where he might be staying at this time. I gave this information to the Boise Police, and he was arrested on 12-29-03. (Some information gathered was a duplicate of what Detective Taddicken had already gathered on this suspect.) Throughout December 2003 • Radar for High School drivers all month. I selected several problem areas. • 1 watched for crosswalk violations at Eagle Middle School. • Stop sign patrol at Ranch and Stierman. • Follow up on local wanted subjects. Deputy Kelly Adams Directed Traffic Enforcement Eagle High School (Park Ln) — speed Cove Colony (high school traffic) — speed Eagle Middle School — school zone speed Ranch Rd and Stierman — stop sign Hwy 44 and State St. (west end) — stop sign Special Events Eagle Country Christmas — numerous citizen contacts 3 Projects Park Rd. name change. Spoke to Jean Walker at City Hall and was advised the first step is to select a name for the street. Also if thinking of numbering addresses then to do it now and not wait. Then she can present new name to city council and ACHD for approval. Training Block training — taser training and certification SWAT training x2 Other Continued crime suppression patrols on Eagle Skatepark . Merrill Park, Hilton Garden Inn and new construction sites. Deputy Luis Gutierrez 1 continued to spread my message of carrying a cordless or cell phone on routine walks or while exercising in order to report crime or activity while its in progress. Along with nightly extra patrol of Eagle's parks and schools, I continued with saturation patrol for burglary suppression focusing on a few neighborhood/areas of town each night. I had an opportunity to have a heart to heart conversation with one of our habitual runways. 1 talked her into a voluntary hold at Intermountain. It seemed to have worked for a short time, as she didn't run away or have any reported problems at home for about two weeks, which is a record for her. Attended SWAT training twice during the month. Deputy Jeff Winegar I continue to do security checks around town at the business's, parks and neighborhoods in an attempt to reduce crime. I also attended SWAT training 2 times this month. Gold Team Deputy Jon McDaniel • I had the opportunity to use the bicycle to patrol during and after the Country Christmas celebration. Deputy Buie and I made several citizen contacts and many had positive comments about the bikes. 1 was able to ride the bike twice this month during the lunch hour for Eagle High. I reminded the kids about the complaints of littering, etc. 4 • I have been working with Tracy in City Hall on changing E.C.C. 4-9-4 (Loud Amplifications from vehicles) to be an infraction citation. We have had numerous complaints from different neighborhoods concerning this growing problem. This change will allow officers or citizens to cite (even juveniles) with an infraction ($50.00 penalty). This would change the penalty from a misdemeanor to an infraction. • Met with Statesman reporter Chereen Langrill about burglary suppression. I stressed the "partnership" we need with the community reference calling in suspicious vehicles / people. Detective Mike Kinzel and I also gave her several ways to deter vehicle burglaries. • Deputy Dewey and I gave a one-hour presentation to the library staff, which was related to their ongoing vandalism problem. We implemented a log entry system which both Eagle Deputies and staff would do periodic checks of the property. We also discussed options for creating an Eagle Public Library Rules sheet, which could be handed to obnoxious juveniles who don't listen to staff. This would allow law enforcement to get involved under E.C.C. 5-8-1 and would require parents to also be responsible. • Due to the ongoing vandalism problem at the library (both outside and inside), I partnered with the three residents behind the library (603, 605, and 625 Amanita). I explained the problem and asked if they would call in any loitering juveniles so we can make contact with them. The field interview cards, which are generated, are sent to the juvenile's school resource officer for follow-up. • The Christmas school break normally brings a sharp increase of vandalism's and vehicle burglaries. On 12/27 Deputy Vogt and I worked from 2200 till 0300 hours on foot and in unmarked vehicles on a burglary suppression extra detail. Jake caught some vandalism suspects he had been looking for the past week. I was able to perform field interviews on two juveniles out past curfew. • Did my monthly check at The Family Table group home on McGrath. The home had no calls for service the month of December. Deputy John Dewey Traffic problems in Eagle during the month of December have been addressed and traffic has slowed down. I ran several radar patrols and made several contacts, but the speeders were sporadic. Made daily security checks at our local city parks, subdivisions, and businesses. Contacted management at the Hilton Garden Inn and Eagle River Development about the area and potential problems. Management of both businesses are very happy with our service and don't have any concerns. Put on Safety and Awareness class for Eagle Library staff. Which was very well received. 5 Assisted SRO Vic Cortez at Eagle High School with talking to a history class about the constitutional rights of citizens and search and seizure. I was contacted by Wells Fargo Bank to possibly present a Safety and Awareness class to their employees. Attended SWAT training twice in the month of December. Also attended department block training, which consisted of certification for use of the tazer. Deputy Jeremiah Neumann During the month of December I continued heavy patrol on Highway 44 and Highway 55. I stopped numerous violators and cited a large amount of those. This traffic enforcement led to numerous DUI arrests, warrant arrests and other criminal violations. Property crime suppression through saturated residential patrol. Using both vehicle patrol and foot patrol through Eagle's subdivisions. Night Vision was used to enhance this effort. During this time I contacted multiple juveniles who were out past curfew or not where they were supposed to be. In all cases their parents were called out to take their children hone. This was an increasing common event over the Christmas Holiday. Made several routine bar checks at the Regal Eagle and the Double Eagle. During these contacts I checked the businesses liquor license and made sure no violations were occurring. I am currently working with The Hilton Garden Inn to solve a problem with underage kids partying in the hotel rooms. Several ideas are being discussed between hotel staff and I. One of the hotel's managers was very instrumental in helping bring a wanted criminal into custody. He pointed out to me that the subject had booked into the hotel under a false name. I discovered the subject had 4 outstanding warrants. The subject left the hotel before I had this information. However, I was given enough leads to track him down. My self and several others are now working at locating him. 1 ani continuing several investigations in some area homes for drug activity. I am currently working with a narcotics detective on a specific location. We are developing several good leads out of the Eagle area, which may lead to arresting some larger dealers. Department block training for the month was certification for use of the tazer. I attended training for all of my collateral duties Bomb Team, Gang Officer and Honor Guard. A very good month! 6 Deputy Jake Vogt Continuing my partnership with newspaper delivery people asking for their help reporting suspicious people / vehicles etc. at the time they are seen instead of hours later. Conducted nightly patrol of the Skatepark. Conducted nightly patrols of Merrill Park to make sure that the bathroom locks were working. The automatic timing locks still aren't working. Conducted nightly patrols of the various construction sites for burglary suppression to include the new Home Depot site. Deputy McDaniel and I did some vehicle burglary suppression in two unmarked police vehicles. I caught two Christmas decoration vandals in the act of moving decorations. A previous victim identified them. Their parents were contacted and there were no more Christmas decoration vandals during the remaining Christmas break. 7 0 Misdemeanor Arrests Felony Arrests Warrant Arrests t DUI Arrests Non -Injury Accidents Injury Accidents Fatal Accidents Seatbelt citation Skateboard Violations Parking Citations Tobacco Alcohol citations City Ordinance citations c n D_ —I -0 Cf) < 0 0 Cr p 51) yo giCD Q. 0 0 COD C 0 cn O cn Sv � O o uoRE}ia i egleaS 11 sy s) 0 0 0 Efi (D ZD*T► • o C 0 D cn.� -+ con > D Q (% 11 CD 0 (D Er) o Q (D Z 0 0 CD -L 0 N 0 CO O O D N O W Ui O (D 0 OOOOOWOO�NU1-1"PW N O O O GJ O G) CO W CO 0 0 O Accident Statistics for December 2003 For the month of December 2003 we had a total of 20 accidents within the city limits of Eagle. September - 19 accidents October —18 accidents November — 6 accidents Of the 20 accidents, 14 were property damage accidents, and 6 were injury accidents. The causes of those accidents were following too close, inattention, failure to yield, improper overtaking, speed too fast for conditions and alcohol impaired. Most of the accidents were due to following too close on icy and snowy roads. Most of the accidents occurred on Tuesday and Wednesday this month. Monday: 3 accidents Tuesday: 5 accidents Wednesday: 5 accidents Thursday: 1 accident Friday: 3 accidents Saturday: 1 accident Sunday: 2 accidents 9 Crashes in Eagle 12/1/03 to 12/31/03 it• —• r Crime lnalysis Lnit ' ~ �/ { Non -Intersection p Non -Injury • Injury Intersection El Non -Injury • Injury City Limits Ada County 1-7 Boise Eagle Garden City BEACON LIGHT 1 14; J (3)1 Non-Intersection/Injury 1 Non-Intersection/Non-Injury 1Intersectlon/Non-Injury rr 11 (2)1 Non-intersection/Non-Injury I 1 I ntersectioNNon-Injury (2) 1 Intersection/Non injury 1 Nan-Interseotion/Non Injury (2) 1 Non Intersection/Injury 1 Non-Intersection/Non-Injury I-, -0 2000 ---- 4000 Feet On. C., aK1bsse Crashes in City of Eagle DECEMBER 2003 Data from CAU database DR Date Day of Week Time Address 1503 12/14/200 Sunday :00 PM S EAGLE RD & W HWY 44 Unit 1 Causes Unit 2 Causes Unit 3 Causes 6 Following Too Close UNIT 2 WAS STOPPED AT THE STOP LIGHT AND UNIT 1 REAR ENDED IT. Unit 4 Causes 1448 12/02/200 Tuesday :00 PM W HIGHWAY 44 RD & E STATE ST Unit 1 Causes Unit 2 Causes Unit 3 Causes Unit 4 Causes 22 Inattention 0 None #1 Was behind #2 in merge lane. #1 thought that #2 had merged and looked away momentarily and then rear ended #2. Clear and dry 1.4': Intersect ton Injury?. 1Ne; intersection? Injury? 1471 12/08/200 Monday :00 AM HIGHWAY 55 HWY & E HILL RD (;intersection? Unit 1 Causes Unit 2 Causes Unit 3 Causes Unit 4 Causes i' !Rion .. 0 None #1 WAS SOUTH ON HIGHWAY 55 WHEN A DEER RAN OUT IN FRONT OF HER. AND SHE HIT IT. CLOUDY AND DRY 1452 12/04/200 Thursday Unit 1 Causes 0 None •:00 PM N EAGLE RD & HIGHWAY 44 RD Unit 2 Causes 6 Following Too Close Unit 3 Causes Unit 4 Causes #1 STOPPED FOR A VEHICLE MAKING A LEFT TURN INTO A BUSINESS AND #2 REAR ENDED #1. CLOUDY AND DRY. 1462 12/05/200 Friday Unit 1 Causes 22 Inattention 13 Failed to Yield :00 PM Unit 2 Causes 0 None N highway 44 RD & W hill rd Unit 3 Causes Unit 4 Causes #1 was driving east on Hill and stopped at stop sign. #2 was driving north and had no stop sign. #1 started into intersection after looking and did not see #2. #2 collided with #1 in the rear quarter panel. Clear and dry. 1448 12/02/200 Tuesday Unit 1 Causes 6 Following Too Close :00 PM Unit 2 Causes 0 None N eagle rd & E idaho st Unit 3 Causes 0 None #3 was stopped in traffic and #2 was stopped behind it. #1 was behind #2 driving south and failed to stop striking #2 in the rear. #2 was then pushed into the rear of #3. Clear and dry. Monday, January 12, 2004 Unit 4 Causes Intersection? I� injury? [11 intersection? IInjury? ._: Intersection? 1 j Injury? Page 1 of 4 11 DR Date 1466 12/06/200 Unit 1 Causes 13 Failed to Yield Crashes in City of Eagle DECEMBER 2003 Day of Week Time Saturday :00 PM Unit 2 Causes 0 None Data from CAU database Address e ranch dr & N mango st Unit 3 Causes Unit 4 Causes #1 stopped at intersection and failed to see #2 coming and pulled out in front of #2. #2 could not stop in time and ran into the side of #1. Cloudy, rain and wet. 1484 12/10/200 Wednesday :00 PM Unit 1 Causes 22 Inattention 6 Following Too Close Unit 2 Causes 0 None S eagle rd & E rivershore dr Unit 3 Causes 0 None Unit 4 Causes #2 was in front of #1 and was stopped in traffic. #3 was in front of #2 also waiting for traffic. #1 travelling at a high rate of speed hit #2 and then #2 hit #3. Cloudy and dry. 1477 12/09/200 Tuesday Unit 1 Causes 4 Improper Overtaking :00 AM Unit 2 Causes 28 Improperly Parked E n covey run crt & e brookwood dr Unit 3 Causes Unit 4 Causes #1 was southbound and pulling a trailer while #2 was parked facing south. #1 sideswiped with his trailer #2 vehicle as he was driving by. Clear and dry. 1505 12/15/200 Monday Unit 1 Causes 6 Following Too Close :00 PM Unit 2 Causes 0 None N park In & W flint dr Unit 3 Causes Unit 4 Causes #1 and #2 were southbound and stopped in traffic. #1 thought that #2 had started to go and rear ended #2. Clear and dry. 1508 12/16/200 Tuesday Unit 1 Causes 6 Following Too Close :OO AM Unit 2 Causes 0 None E state st & N highway 55 hwy Unit 3 Causes #1 and 2 were westbound when #2 slowed for a tight and was rear ended by #1. Clear and dry. 1517 12/17/200 Wednesday :00 PM Unit 1 Causes Unit 2 Causes 6 Following Too Close 0 None Eagle Rd & chinden blvd Unit 3 Causes Unit 4 Causes Unit 4 Causes #2 stopped in traffic and #1 was following behind and could not stop in time and ran into the rear of #2. Clear and dry. Monday, January 12, 2004 �1 Intersection? Injury.' Intersection'? Injury's �.__I Intersection'' Injury? i 1Intersection? Injury? 1Intersection? Injury'' Intersection' Injury' Page 2 of 4 12 Crashes in City of Eagle DECEMBER 2003 Data from CAU database DR Date Day of Week Time Address 1514 12/17/200 Wednesday :00 AM W highway 44 rd & S eagle rd I ; Intersection:' Unit 1 Causes Unit 2 Causes Unit 3 Causes Unit 4 Causes ' injury? 22 Inattention 0 None 0 None 6 Following Too Close #2 and #3 were stopped at red Tight in the left turn lane. #1 was also in the turn lane and didn't stop and rear ended #2. #2 then hit #3. Clear and dry. 1542 12/23/200 Tuesday Unit 1 Causes 0 None :00 PM Unit 2 Causes 22 Inattention W HIGHWAY 44 & N HIGHWAY 55 Unit 3 Causes Unit 4 Causes #1 AND #2 WERE WESTBOUND AND #1 CAME TO A STOP AT A RED LIGHT BEHIND TRAFFIC. #2 FAILED TO SEE #1 STOP AND REAR ENDED #1. CLOUDY AND DRY. 1547 12/26/200 Friday Unit 1 Causes 22 Inattention 15 Disregarded Signal :00 AM Unit 2 Causes 0 None S EAGLE RD & S RIVERSHORE LN Unit 3 Causes Unit 4 Causes #1 RAN A RED LIGHT AND STRUCK #2 WHO WAS TURNING INTO THE INTERSECTION ON A GREEN LIGHT. CLOUDY AND DRY. 1550 12/26/200 Friday Unit 1 Causes 22 Inattention :00 PM Unit 2 Causes 0 None E STONEWATER CRT & N BASIL PL Unit 3 Causes Unit 4 Causes #2 WAS PARKED IN FRONT OF RESIDENCE ON ROADWAY WHEN #1 STRUCK #2 IN THE REAR. CLEAR AND DRY. 1554 12/28/200 Sunday Unit 1 Causes 27 Physical Impairment 2 Speed Too Fast for Condition :00 AM HIGHWAY 44 & N BALLANTYNE LN Unit 2 Causes 0 None Unit 3 Causes 0 None Unit 4 Causes #1 SPUN OUT 1N SNOW AND LEFT ROADWAY, STRIKING #2 WHO WAS PARKED OFF OF THE SHOULDER. #1 CONTINUED DOWN ROADWAY SLIDING BACKWARDS AND SLID INTO #3 WHO WAS ALSO PARKED OFF OF THE SHOULDER. SNOW AND SNOW. 1556 12/29/200 Monday :00 AM N HORSESHOEBEND RD & W SHIELDS AVE Unit 1 Causes Unit 2 Causes Unit 3 Causes Unit 4 Causes 2 Speed Too Fast for Condition #1 DROVE INTO SLUSH AND LOST CONTROL HE THEN TRIED TO GAIN CONTROL BUT OVERCORRECTED AND DROVE INTO POND. CLOUDY, SNOW AND SLUSH. Monday, January 12, 2004 r Intersection'' Injury .11([ Intersection'' r Injury .[ Intersection', [ 1Injury.' . ( Intersection" Iv' Injury? : ` Intersection'' • Injury" Page 3 of 4 13 Crashes in City of Eagle DECEMBER 2003 Data from CAU database DR Date Day of Week Time Address 1569 12/31/200 Wednesday :00 PM FLOATING FEATHER RD & EAGLE RD Intersection? Unit 1 Causes Unit 2 Causes Unit 3 Causes Unit 4 Causes iv] Injury? 22 Inattention 0 None 21 Alcohol Impaired 13 Failed to Yield #2 SB on Eagle Rd: #1 NB on Eagle Rd making left turn; #1 failed to yield to #2 and was struck. Snow/Slush 1567 12/31/200 Wednesday :00 AM E IRON EAGLE DR & E PLAZA DR Unit 1 Causes Unit 2 Causes 2 Speed Too Fast for Condition Unit 3 Causes Unit 4 Causes #1 negotiating a curve on Iron Eagle, lost control on snowy road and hit light pole on right shoulder. Snow/Snow Monday, January 12, 2004 intersection? Injury? Page 4 of 4 14 City of Eagle Reported Cases 12/1/03 to 12/31/03 it O OC Reported Cases • BATTERY O BATTERY AGGRAVATED A BURGLARY 0 BURGLARY VEHICLE 0 DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE/ALCOHOL ® GRAFFITI/INJURY BY GRAFFITI i INATTENTIVE DRIVING O MARIJUANA POSSESSION [] POSSESSION OF DRUG PARAPHERNALIA O RECKLESS DRIVING 0 THEFT GRAND ® THEFT OF MOTOR VEHICLE O THEFT PETIT Oi VANDALISM City Limits Ada County Boise j Eagle Garden City 0 1000 Cao 6000 6000 Feet • W m BEACON LIGHT FA ATING FEATHER HIGHWAY 44 MACE A SOUTH CHANNEL 0 0 • *rare { 0 0 0 'rA ael,4 DR # Crime Eagle Reported Cases December 2003 Date Date To Time Time To Address Location Description 15074 BURGLARY VEHICLE 12/01/2003 12/15/2003 1 2359 IMMONNMEMENNI6 RESIDENCE/HOME (APT CONDO NURSING HOME) Stolen/Damaged Property CELLPHONE SAMSUNG Property Value Recovered Value $193.00 $0.00 14435 BURGLARY 12/01/2003 12/01/2003 1146 1146 Milliilla Stolen/Damaged Property: PURSE SUEDE BLU W/BLK TRIM CONTENTS; CHECK BOOK; CASH $200 RESIDENCEIHOME (APT CONDO NURSING HOME) Property Value Recovered Value $220.00 $0.00 14445 DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE/ALCOHO 12/02/2003 12/02/2003 50 50 HIGHWAY/ROAD/ALLEY Stolen/Damaged Property: Property Value Recovered Value $0.00 $0.00 14620 THEFT PETIT 12/03/2003 12/03/2003 1711 1711 111•11111101111111 RESIDENCE/HOME (APT CONDO NURSING HOME) Stolen/Damaged Property: CASH; WALLET BLK POKEMON; MUSCLE RELAXERS 1 BOTTLE; VICODIN 1 BOTTLE; RING BIRTHSTONE NECKLACE EARRINGS GOLD Property Value Recovered Value $348.00 $0.00 14555 GRAFFITI/INJURY BY GRAFFITI 12/03/2003 12/03/2003 1730 1830 SUMINIIIIIIIS GOVERNMENT/PUBLIC BUILDING Stolen/Damaged Property: LIBRARY SPRAY PAINTED 14602 THEFT PETIT 12/05/2003 12/05/2003 930 930 Stolen/Damaged Property: WEED WACKER TORO RED Information pulled Thursday, January 08, 2004 Property Value Recovered Value $50.00 $0.00 RESIDENCE/HOME (APT CONDO NURSING HOME) Property Value Recovered Value $350.00 $0.00 Some cases may not have been entered into the system at the time information pulled Page 1 of 6 DR # Crime Eagle Reported Cases December 2003 Date Date To Time Time To Address Location Description 14685 BURGLARY VEHICLE 12/06/2003 12/07/2003 1 1030 RESIDENCE/HOME (APT CONDO NURSING HOME) Stolen/Damaged Property: RADAR DETECTOR ESCORT 14727 MARIJUANA POSSESSION Stolen/Damaged Property: Property Value Recovered Value $180.00 $0.00 12/06/2003 12/06/2003 258 258 HIGHWAY/ROAD/ALLEY Property Value Recovered Value $0.00 $0.00 14644 POSSESSION OF DRUG PARAPHERNALIA 12/06/2003 12/06/2003 258 258 HIGHWAY/ROAD/ALLEY Stolen/Damaged Property: 14820 THEFT GRAND Stolen/Damaged Property: POND LINER 40'X100' Property Value Recovered Value $0.00 $0.00 12/09/2003 12/10/2003 1800 600 CONSTRUCTION SITE Property Value Recovered Value $1,120.00 $0.00 14877 BURGLARY 12/09/2003 12/09/2003 1 2359 RESIDENCE/HOME (APT CONDO NURSING HOME) Stolen/Damaged Property: FIREPLACE HEATILATOR MNB3933 Property Value Recovered Value $2,000.00 $0.o0 14930 DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE/ALCOHO 12/11/2003 12/11/2003 2359 2359 HIGHWAY/ROAD/ALLEY Stolen/Damaged Property: Property Value Recovered Value $0.00 $0.00 Information pulled Thursday, January 08, 2004 Some cases may not have been entered into the system at the time information pulled Page 2 of 6 DR # Crime Eagle Reported Cases December 2003 Date Date To Time Time To Address 14989 BURGLARY 12/11/2003 12/11/2003 900 1930 Stolen/Damaged Property: DRILL DEWALT CORDLESS; SCREW GUN DRYWALL W/STILTS Property Value $623.00 Location Description RESIDENCE/HOME (APT CONDO NURSING HOME) Recovered Value $0.00 14968 BATTERY AGGRAVATED 12/12/2003 12/12/2003 1700 1700 RESIDENCE/HOME (APT CONDO NURSING HOME) Stolen/Damaged Property: FOLDING KNIFE #1 Property Value Recovered Value $0.00 $0.00 15050 BURGLARY VEHICLE 12/12/2003 12/12/2003 745 925 aMIONIUM SCHOOUCOLLEGE Stolen/Damaged Property: CELLPHONE NOKIA; SHIRT EAGLE HIGH FOOTBALL 14997 VANDALISM Stolen/Damaged Property: LAWN DAMAGED Property Value Recovered Value $115.00 $0.00 12/13/2003 12/13/2003 1 2359 RESIDENCE/HOME (APT CONDO NURSING HOME) Property Value Recovered Value $100.00 $0.00 15033 BURGLARY 12/14/2003 12/14/2003 1 1714 STORAGE RENTAL (LOCKERS, MINI STORAGE, Etc) Stolen/Damaged Property: CLOTHES MISC WOMENS; BOOKS; DVDS VHS CDS Property Value Recovered Value $900.00 $0.00 15018 DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE/ALCOHO 12/14/2003 12/14/2003 227 227 HIGHWAY/ROAD/ALLEY Stolen/Damaged Property: coo Information pulled Thursday, January 08, 2004 Property Value Recovered Value $0.00 $0.00 Some cases may not have been entered into the system at the time information pulled Page 3 of 6 DR # Crime 15090 BURGLARY Stolen/Damaged Property: CASH & COIN 15116 RECKLESS DRIVING Stolen/Damaged Property: Eagle Reported Cases December 2003 Date Date To Time Time To Address 12/15/2003 12/16/2003 1730 820 iiiMMIliMi Location Description COMMERCIAUOFFICE BUILDING Property Value Recovered Value $765.00 $0.00 12/16/2003 12/16/2003 1455 1455 111.1111111111111111111111116 HIGHWAY/ROAD/ALLEY Property Value Recovered Value $0.00 $0.00 15107 BURGLARY VEHICLE 12/16/2003 12/16/2003 1255 1500 alliMIS SCHOOUCOLLEGE Stolen/Damaged Property: CD PLAYER PIONEER DEH1500; SUBS 2 MTX SING 10" AMP 2 CHANNEL; SPEAKERS SONY 3 WAY 6X9 XSV6933; MISC STEREO ACCESS; CD'S 20 WNISOR CASE 15146 INATTENTIVE DRIVING Stolen/Damaged Property: 15169 THEFT OF MOTOR VEHICLE Stolen/Damaged Property: NAIL GUN DUEL FAST Property Value Recovered Value $1,141.00 $0.00 12/17/2003 12/17/2003 735 735 HIGHWAY/ROAD/ALLEY Property Value Recovered Value $0.00 $0.00 12/17/2003 12/17/2003 1540 1540 CONSTRUCTION SITE Property Value Recovered Value $12,100.00 $12,000.00 15354 THEFT GRAND 12/19/2003 12/22/2003 1500 830 aninlinallin CONSTRUCTION SITE Stolen/Damaged Property: 2003 BOBCAT S130 W/AUGER & BUCKET; 2002 C&B TRLR FLATBED WHI LE3832 Information pulled Thursday, January 08, 2004 Property Value Recovered Value $32,000.00 $0.00 Some cases may not have been entered into the system at the time information pulled Page 4 of 6 DR # Crime Eagle Reported Cases December 2003 Date Date To Time Time To Address Location Description 15321 VANDALISM 12/19/2003 12/20/2003 1700 800 COMMERCIAUOFFICE BUILDING Stolen/Damaged Property: SIGN SPRAY PAINTED Property Value Recovered Value $200.00 $0.00 15287 DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE/ALCOHO 12/20/2003 12/20/2003 45 45 allIONMNIUMNIIM HIGHWAY/ROAD/ALLEY Stolen/Damaged Property: Property Value Recovered Value $0.00 $0.00 15318 POSSESSION OF DRUG PARAPHERNALIA 12/21/2003 12/21/2003 51 51 HIGHWAY/ROAD/ALLEY Stolen/Damaged Property: Property Value Recovered Value $0.00 $0.00 15319 MARIJUANA POSSESSION 12/21/2003 12/21/2003 254 254 RESIDENCE/HOME (APT CONDO NURSING Stolen/Damaged Property: HOME) Property Value Recovered Value $0.00 $0.00 15349 BURGLARY VEHICLE 12/21/2003 12/22/2003 1800 700 RESIDENCE/HOME (APT CONDO NURSING Stolen/Damaged Property: WALLET W/CONTENTS; CREDIT CARDS ; FIRST AID KIT HOME) Property Value Recovered Value $100.o0 $0.00 15361 BURGLARY VEHICLE 12/22/2003 12/22/2003 946 1025 11.1101111111Mila RESIDENCE/HOME (APT CONDO NURSING Stolen/Damaged Property: SONY CAMCORDER SER/PRV6565639; VEST SAFARILAND BULLET HOME) PROOF SN/WM3A9711824387; BINOCULARS NIKON 10X40; Property Value Recovered Value FLASHLIGHT STREAMLIGHT; TOOL LEATHERMAN $1,810.00 $0.00 NJ Information pulled Thursday, January 08, 2004 Some cases may not have been entered into the system at the time information pulled Page 5 of 6 0 DR # Crime 15576 BATTERY Stolen/Damaged Property: 15521 VANDALISM Stolen/Damaged Property: CD'S 2 Eagle Reported Cases December 2003 Date Date To Time Time To Address Location Description 12/25/2003 12/25/2003 1800 1800 RESIDENCE/HOME (APT CONDO NURSING HOME) Property Value Recovered Value $0.00 $0.00 12/26/2003 12/27/2003 2000 1455 MINMEN., RESIDENCE/HOME (APT CONDO NURSING HOME) Property Value Recovered Value $200.00 $0.00 15589 THEFT PETIT 12/28/2003 12/28/2003 1700 1700 HOTEUMOTEUETC Stolen/Damaged Property: CPU PROCESSOR MEMORY 15900 THEFT GRAND Stolen/Damaged Property: CASH 12/29/2003 12/30/2003 1100 800 Property Value Recovered Value $466.00 $0.00 COMMERCIAUOFFICE BUILDING Property Value Recovered Value $1,400.00 $0.00 15615 DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE/ALCOHO 12/29/2003 12/29/2003 2349 2349 HIGHWAY/ROAD/ALLEY Stolen/Damaged Property: Total Value of Property Stolen/Damaged Total Value of Property Recovered N '-' Information pulled Thursday, January 08, 2004 Property Value Recovered Value $0.o0 $0.00 $56.381.00 $12.000.00 Some cases may not have been entered into the system at the time information pulled Page 6 of 6 Monthly Report for Crime Analysis Unit C-irne Analysis Unit DECEMBER 2003 By Rachel Holford Joni Murphy 22 ADA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE CRIME ANALYSIS UNIT December 2003 The Crime Analysts are communicating with patrol teams and detectives on a daily basis through patrol/detective briefings and one-on-one contact. The Crime Analysts have noticed an increase in the communication between CAU and patrol. Patrol Deputies are contacting the CAU for projects on a regular basis. The CAU is keeping the communication open and relationships growing by participating in any training exercises and volunteering as photographers for these training exercises. The Crime Analysis Unit (CAU) is providing a Daily Incident Log, bi-weekly Stolen Vehicle Reports and Warrant Reports. Some additional forms of communication include a bi-weekly map of property crime in Ada County, a crash map for STEP deputies, a monthly reported cases map for our contracts BSU, Eagle and Kuna, and providing reported cases statistics for the City of Star. The information is gathered from the Records Management System, New World. A new reserve group has been assembled and is currently in training. Deputy Loveland was tasked with teaching a class and asked for CAU assistance. She asked that we look at vehicle thefts and burglaries from October 1, 2003 to December 1, 2003 and find a way to show the information in a way that could be provided to the class. CAU created a packet that included a statistic sheet, crime breakdown, and map of the incidents. The class was able to use this to see what, where, when, and how these two crimes affected the county. Our K-9 team has been working to create and perfect a database that would allow them to keep track of their call outs in detail. CAU created the database in Access. The database is set to run specific reports, allowing the deputies to pull the information needed, without the hassle of having to know how to use Access coding. The database has been set to run with the data entry being entered by BSU clerks. CAU will monitor and maintain the database to ensure the proper information is being entered and that the reports are running smoothly for the deputies. The monthly Area Meetings have brought forth an enormous amount of projects for CAU to dive into. Deputy Bartlett brought us a project that he was going to use for the next area meeting. The idea was to show all incidents that surrounded convenience stores in Area 4. The focus was on petit thefts, such as shoplifting of beer. We designed a report that broke down each store and provided the incidents -2- 23 that it had in the last year. The report was taken by deputies to the stores and discussed with the manager(s). The report allowed check boxes and a narrative field for the deputies to fill out in regards to their discussion with the manager(s). They provided the manager(s) with prevention ideas and gathered information for our use. The Deputies were to list the day, time, and who they spoke with, if the store currently had working surveillance cameras, and any other note worthy information. Near the end of March 2004, CAU will look back at these crimes and compare the same time line from last year to this year to see if the contact assisted in a reduction. Eagle also needed assistance in determining a project for the Area Meeting. CAU provided Deputy Dewey with statistics, crime breakdown, and map of the Eagle area. After reviewing the information they decided to take a good look at accident stats. From this CAU has opted to provide accident breakdowns by area for each of the area books. Sgt. Mike Schneider contacted the CAU for information on crashes at Highway 69 and Deerflat Rd. separating out PIs and PDs. The purpose was to let ITD know the amount of crashes the Ada County Sheriff's Office was responding to at that location in order to make a decision on whether or not to install a traffic light. At the writing of this report, a decision has not been made. Deputy Fowler took on a project that would combine the efforts of the Sheriffs Office with the many construction companies currently active in Ada County. CAU provided a map of current construction sites, incidents which have occurred at or around those sites, report listing stolen items/value, and the month to month trend. This information allowed Deputy Fowler to see what spots in the county were being hit the hardest, and what items were most commonly taken. This information was a piece of Deputy Fowler's ongoing efforts to make an impact on construction related crimes. Deputy Fowler is also working with Liberty Northwest Contractors Group and Construction Industry Crime Prevention (CICP) to present seminars on crime prevention for the Idaho construction industry. Those seminars are scheduled for January 2004 at the Ada County Sheriff's Office. The below graphs compare reported cases for property crime and domestic incidents from December 2002 to December 2003 by individual property crime and by each Area. You can see the increases and decreases in each property crime and by area. 3 24 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 60 50 40 30 20 10 47 e Comparing Incidents 23 II10 11 _ 5 11 11 0 II l� n° 46 o December -2002 • December -2003 59 50 Comparing by Area 53 ❑ December -2002 IN December -2003 2 3 4 5 STAR BSU EAGLE KUNA Attachments: Property Crime Tables Property Crime Graphs -4- 75 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 ADA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE CRIME ANALYSIS UNIT Property/Persons data from CAU Database December 2003 TOTALS PER AREA ■ Jriy-2003 OSeptember-2003 0Noverber-2003 O Aupust-2003 O October -2003 ■ December -2003 i. li 20 15 10 5 0 20 15 10 1 2 3 4 5 Vehicle Burglary STAR BSU EAGLE KUNA ▪ July -2003 OMq,M-2003 O September -2003 0Obtober-2003 ONovember-2003 ■Oecembem-2003 1 2 3 4 5 STAR BSU EAGLE KUNA Residential Burglary O Juy-2003 ■August -2003 O September -2003 O October -2003 • ONovcrnbet-2003 ■December -2003 20 — 15 10 5 1 2 3 4 5 STAR Commercial Burglary BSU EAGLE KUNA 1Ju1-2003 13Aaqust•2003 O September -21303 GOctobu-?003 ONovenDu-2003 III Dec eo -2003 0 Cl Ll l7 r� f 171 Q• Q 1 1 2 3 4 5 STAR BSU EAGLE KUNA 1 Revised 01/12/2004 26 20 15 10 5 0 20 15 10 5 20 15 10 5 0 ADA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE CRIME ANALYSIS UNIT Property/Persons data from CAU Database December 2003 Construction Site Burglary . ■July -2003 OSept en-ber _2003 ONwrnber-2003 nn +^ r, rT 1-1 August -2003 D Octnber-2003 ■ December -2003 1 2 3 4 5 STAR BSU EAGLE KUNA Grand Theft ■ July -2003 O September -2003 - ONovemba-2003 U August 2003 O October -2003 NI December -2003 O n t MS ri L7 ! t lbI 11 131-11 !J 1 2 3 4 5 STAR BSU EAGLE KUNA Petit Theft 20 ._ 15 10 5 0 1 ■ Ally -2003 CIAugust-2003 O Septomba-2003 13 November -2003 O October 2003 ■ Dccembcr-2003 bi a 111 �1 2 3 4 5 STAR BSU EAGLE KUNA Malicious Injury to Property ■July 2003 - USepterrter-2003 ONovember 2003 August -2003 C Odnb.r 2003 ■ December -2003 1 2 3 4 2 5 STAR BSU EAGLE KUNA Revised 01/1212004 2 7 20 15 10 Ehi ADA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE CRIME ANALYSIS UNIT Property/Persons data from CAU Database December 2003 2 3 Domestic Battery 4 ■JWy-2003 GM701-2003 O September -2003 13 October 2003 gNwember-2003 0 Decenibcr _2003 rroil 5 STAR BSU EAGLE KUNA 3 Revised 01/12/2004 28 December -2003 Vehicle Burglary Residential Burglary Commercial Burglary Construction Site Burglary Theft of Vehicle Grand Theft Petit Theft Malicious Injury to Property Injury by Graffitti Domestic Battery (TOTALS November -2003 Vehicle Burglary Residential Burglary Commercial Burglary Construction Site Burglary Theft of Vehicle Grand Theft Petit Theft Malicious Injury to Property Injury by Graffitti Domestic Battery IIITOTALS October -2003 Vehicle Burglary Residential Burglary Commercial Burglary Construction Site Burglary Theft of Vehicle Grand Theft Petit Theft Malicious Injury to Property Injury by Graffitti Domestic Battery [TOTALS 1 1 ADA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE CRIME ANALYSIS UNIT Property/Persons Crime data from CAU database December 2003 1 2 3 4 5 STAR BSU EAGLE KUNA TOTALS 2 2 2 8 3 0 4 7 6 34 7 7 2 1 0 1 2 3 0 23 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 6 1 1 2 1 1 0 2 2 0 10 4 4 12 4 2 0 13 3 4 46 10 10 3 5 1 2 3 4 12 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 5 0 0 0 1. 0 12 17 1 27 25 1 28 1 7 1 3 24 1 22 23 186 1 2 3 4 5 STAR BSU EAGLE KUNA TOTALS , 7 6 0 2 1 0 1 3 3 23 1 5 0 6 3 0 1 1 1 18 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 7 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 0 7 2 4 4 6 1 0 4 1 2 24 4 10 4 4 2 2 3 7 2 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 2 2 0 2 0 2 1 15 17 I 34 113 J 21 II 8 5 11 18 L.2.1 136 I 1 2 3 4 5 ST'AR BSU EAGLE KUNA TOTALS I 4 9 8 5 0 1 0 2 7 36 1 2 4 4 2 1 1 2 1 18 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 4 0 2 1 0 3 2 0 12 3 1 2 6 0 1 10 1 2 26 5 6 7 4 3 0 1 4 8 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 3 12 17 I1 28 1 25 1 27 J 8 4 15 14 I1 21 159 September -2003 1 2 3 4 5 STAR BSU EAGLE KUNA TOTALS Vehicle Burglary 2 1 0 2 3 1 3 10 2 24 Residential Burglary 1 1 0 3 0 0 2 3 1 11 Commercial Burglary 0 0 1 0 1 0 8 0 0 10 Construction Site Burglary 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 4 Grand Theft 1 0 2 0 0 1 2 10 0 16 Petit Theft 1 4 1 2 2 0 11 3 9 33 Malicious Injury to Property 3 5 5 2 0 1 4 5 4 29 Injury by Graffitti 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Domestic Battery 0 1 2 1 21 1 2 1 11 TOTALS 9 12 11 10 8 5 32 35 1 17 139 Numbers based when information was queried from New World: 1/09/04 1 Revised 01/12/2004 29 ADA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE CRIME ANALYSIS UNIT Property/Persons Crime data from CAU database December 2003 August -2003 1 1 2 3 4 5 STARBSU 1 EAGLE 1KUNA TOTALS I Vehicle Burglary 4 8 2 7 2 0 0 4 6 33 Residential Burglary 1 3 3 2 3 1 2 2 3 20 Commercial Burglary 0 0 1 1 0 0 6 3 1 12 Construction Site Burglary 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 Grand Theft 2 1 1 3 1 0 2 2 3 15 Petit Theft 3 6 4 3 0 1 7 3 7 34 Malicious Injury to Property 1 6 10 2 15 4 1 3 5 3 49 Injury by Graffitti 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Domestic Battery 1 3 3 3 0 1 1 1 5 18 'TOTALS _I 18 1 32 1 16 1 34 1 10 i 4 1 21 1 22 1 28 185 I July -2003 1 1 2 3 4 5 STAR BSU EAGLEIII= TOTALS I Vehicle Burglary 2 7 3 3 3 3 6 2 6 35 Residential Burglary 2 4 4 3 0 1 3 4 2 23 Commercial Burglary 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 Construction Site Burglary 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Grand Theft 1 5 1 3 0 1 2 0 1 14 Petit Theft 4 2 5 3 1 1 6 5 8 35 Malicious Injury to Property 4 3 5 3 11 2 3 5 5 41 Injury by Graffitti 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Domestic Battery 4 2 2 6 1 2 2 0 2 21 !TOTALS J 18 26 21 21 17 10 22 16 25 176 Numbers based when information was queried from New World: 1/09/04 2 Revised 01/12/2004 3 0