Findings - CC - 1993 - variance - Variance To Side Setbacks From 20' To 10'/Stager Front/Back/Lots CITY OF EAGLE IN THE !lATTER OF EAGLE WING DBVELOPJlBHT AN APPLICATIOII FOR A VARIANCE ) ) ) PINDIIIGS OF FACT AND COIICLUSIOIIS OF LAW On March 1, 1993, pursuant to public notice and hearing procedures set forth in Section 67-6509, Idaho State Code, and Section 8-7-4-2 City Code, the applicant William J. Korby, owner of the property, applied for a Variance to side setbacks from 20 Ft. to 10 Ft on units 1,2,5,10,11,14,&15, and rear setbacks from 25 Ft to 15 Ft on units 6,7,8,&9, for the purpose of enabling the builder to stagger the buildings in the multi family development rather than creating a "barracks" appearance. The 15 4 plexes is on 4 acres, and has a density of 3.75 lots per acre (15 dwelling units per acre). Multi- family units-4 Plex-60 units, 30 2 bdrm & 30 1 bdrm, 60 covered parking and 60 uncovered parking plexes. The proposed development was approved by the Eagle City Council on November 10, 1992. The application is now before the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission for the City of Eagle, Idaho, for consideration for said Variance. Based on testimony from the applicant and all interested parties, together with all documentary evidence submitted concerning the application, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission finds the following: FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: 1. The records in this matter indicate all notices, and publications have occurred as required by law. The records further reflect notice of the public hearing was sent to the appropriate public and private entities with responses to the proposal being received in the City Clerk's office from those entities, including Eagle Sewer District, Eagle Fire District, Central District Health, and Ada County Highway District. The City was advised by said entities that subject to certain conditions there was no objection application. 2. On March 1,1993, public hearing proceedings were conducted by the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission. There was no testimony on the proposed Variance request. The Commission continued the hearing until March 15, 1993 in order to get a legal opinion on posting of property. 3. On March 15, 1993, the hearing was resumed. It was determined by legal council that no posting was required by State law in a Variance request, and the application was considered at this time. 4. The proposed location for the development is bordered to the East, West and South by an R5 district I to the N by an R5 district and the Seventh Day Adventist Church; 5. The standards used in evaluating the application are in the following sections of the Eagle City Code and Comprehensive Plan: 8-7-4-2: VARIANCES A. Authority to Grant Variances: The Council may authorize, in specific cases, such variance from the terms of this Title as will not be contrary to the public interest where owing to special conditions I a literal enforcement of the provisions of this Title would result in unnecessary hardship. No nonconforming use of neighboring lands, structures or buildings in the same district and no permitted or nonconforming use of lands, structures or buildings in other districts shall be considered grounds for issuance of a variance. Variances shall not be granted on the grounds of convenience or profit, but only where strict application of the provisions of this Title would result in unnecessary hardship. B. Application and Standards for Variance: shall not be granted by council unless a written application is submitted to the administrator and Council containing: 1. name and address of applicant 2. legal description of property 3. description of variance needed 4. statement that (a) conditions exist which are peculiar to the land, (b) rights, commonly enjoyed, may be deprived, (c) special conditions do not result from the actions of applicant I (d) that granting a variance will not confer on the applicant any special privilege a variance shall not be granted unless the Council makes specific findings of the fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it which support conclusions that the above mentioned standard and conditions have been met by the applicant. 8-7-4-3: Under no circumstances shall the Council grant an appeal or variance to allow a use not permissible under the terms of this Title in the district involved, or any use expressly or by implication prohibited by the terms of this Title in said district. In granting any appeal or variance, the Council may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards in conformity with this title. Violation of such conditions and safeguards when made a part of the terms under which the appeal or variance is granted, shall be deemed a violation of this Title. PRACTICAL POINTERS A. Variances deal only with bulk regulations - not uses. B. To be granted only upon showing of undue hardship because of characteristics of the site Must not conflict with public interest The variance is a mechanism which serves as a safety value to provide potential relief from impractical and purposeless application of building bulk and placement requirements. Variances do not involve land use; but require an applicant to make a showing of two particular aspects of the proposal. One fact is that the variance request must be the result of a unique site characteristic. Court decisions have generally determined that this unique site characteristic must be one which is natural, rather than man-made or induced by an owner. Configuration of lot boundaries, locations of existing buildings, etc. are seldom considered unique site characteristics. The applicant needs to show the unique site characteristic and 1. undo hardship because of the characteristic and 2. that there is harm to public interest because of the characteristic. CONCLUSION Based upon the foregoing findings of facts the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission concludes that the recommendation to Council for the applicant's request for a Variance should be denied. 1. The application submitted by William J. Korby for a Variance is not in accordance Eagle City Code, Section 8-7-4-2 and does not serve the welfare of the general public and public interest; 2. The granting of the application may violate the Idaho Code and does nullify the interests or purposes of the Eagle City code. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends the application be denied as there are no safety, unique features of the land, nor is there a hardship to warrant a variance. ADOPTED by the Eagle Planning and zoning Commission of the City of Eagle, Idaho this ~ day of April I 1993. APPROVED: KEN SMITH CHAIRMAN I EAGLE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ATTEpT~' \ /ì ! ~~~+z \ A BARA MONTGOMERY, CITY CLERK