Findings - CC - 1993 - Amendments to Comp plan - Amendments To Comp Plan CITY OF EAGLE IN THE MATTER OP THE 19 9 3 AJŒRDJŒRTS TO THE COJIPREBENS IVB PLAN ) ) ) FIRDINGS OF FACT ARD CONCLUSIONS OP LAW On April 27,1993, pursuant to public notice and hearing procedures set forth in Section 67-6509, Idaho State Code, and Section 2-1- 5.B, Eagle City Code, amendments to the 1990 Eagle Comprehensive Plan and an introduction of a Land Use Designation Map were brought before the Eagle City Council of the City of Eagle, Idaho. The matter was continued until May 11, 1993 for decision. On March 1, 1993, a public hearing was held by the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission on the proposed amendments to the Plan and the Land Use Designation Map was presented to the public. The Commission continued the hearing until March 15, 1993, in order to review testimony received and provide additional time to receive and review written testimony. The Commissioners informed the public they would consider written testimony until 5:00 p.m. March 5, 1993. On March 15, 1993 the Commission met and reviewed the oral and written testimony received. The Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission made recommendations to the City Council. Based on oral testimony and written evidence submitted before the Eagle City Council, the Council finds the following: FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The records in this matter indicate all notices, and publications have occurred as required by law. A summary and notice of hearing of the Plan was published in the Valley News, Meridian, Idaho, the City of Eagle's official newspaper. 2. The Plan includes the boundaries of the Eagle City Limits and the Eagle Impact Area boundaries as follows: "North: Homer Road, South: Chinden Blvd, East: Linder Road and East by the current Highway 55". 3. The Plan assures the City of Eagle with continued "elasticity" in deciding what might be allowable in an area by the adoption of the 1993 Eagle Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Designation Maps, while considering future proposals for development in areas of the map; There is a realization by the Mayor and Council that there is a tremendous amount of land available for a variety of densities, along with a feeling that higher densities are more logical between the City's downtown and Boise, where development between the cities is likely to create a physical "merging" between the two cities; That there are many "natural" transition areas that exist besides street boundaries. Dry Creek, the Boise River and several "bluffs" are the most notable and allow transition territory to take place between various densities; That a transition area may best be created by the Council when a developer proposes a subdivision between two existing projects with widely varying densities than to do it exclusively in the map; That most residents of Eagle want to retain a somewhat rural atmosphere that encourages lower dwelling densities and that people attracted to Eagle in the future are likely to be willing to pay for such an environment; That erring on the side of lower density can more easily be undone through future Comprehensive Plan amendments and the elasticity allowed Council when reviewing specific projects than by making decisions today that may be considered as regrettable in the future; That realizing not everyone will agree with those decisions; the Council concludes the following: CONCLUSION 1. The Land Use Designation Map includes the following density designations: Rural Transitional-RT (lor fewer dwelling unit per 5 acres) Very Low Density Residential-R (lor fewer dwelling units per 2 acres) Low Density Residential-R (2 or fewer dwelling units per acre) Medium Density Residential-R (4 or fewer dwelling units per acre) High density Residential/Limited Professional Office/Limited Commercial (Up to 25 dwelling units per acre) Commercial-C Industrial-M Public/Semi Public (parks, state park, future schools, fire facilities, greenbelt and golf courses) Special Areas (Boise River floodplain, Dry Creek floodplain, Foothills, Central Business District, State Street corridor) Floodplain Pathways (Boise River, Dry Creek, Chevron Pipeline) Bike lanes. To designate the industrial area north of Hill Road as Medium Density Residential; To change the high density/Professional/Commercial area south of Hill Road and west of the existing 'Highway 55 to Medium Density Residential; To designate Industrial area south of State Street (the Monroc area) as Medium Density Residential; To add an additional area between State Street and the future Eagle Alternate Route west of Edgewood Lane to the current High Density Residential/Limited Professional Office/Limited Commercial designation, so it includes areas like Merrill's and Fabco Inc.; To designate the area south of Dry Creek and below the existing bluff between Eagle Road and the Lexington Hills subdivision as Low Density Residential, thereby, identifying a transition area from the Medium Density of Lexington Hills to the very Low Density north of Dry Creek; Except for the existing Medium Density Residential designation of the Kunkler farm land below Downing Downs, designate all the area between State St., Floating Feather, Meridian Road and Dry Creek as Low Density Residential; To designate the area between State St. and the future Eagle Alternate Route west of the Riverview Dr. Subdivision as Medium Density Residential; To designate the area between State St. and the Boise River and west of the future Eagle Alternate Route all the way to Linder Road as Low Density Residential, but with Special Areas recognition; To designate a quarter-wide corridor north of State St. between Meridian Road and Linder Road as Low Density Residential; To identify the location of the Foxtail Golf Course north of U.S. Highway 20/26 and east of Linder Road as Public/Semi- Public on the map; To include all the area between the north and south fork of the Boise River east of Eagle Road as Medium Density Residential in order to prepare for future access and the demands on the Williamson Ranch when Cloverdale Road is extended, as is planned in the Eagle 2010 Transportation Plan; 2. The 1993 Eagle Comprehensive Plan, as presented, will include the following modifications: Page 14, item 10, should read as follows: "To identify two new collector roadways. The first is planned west of Eagle Rd, south of Mace Road, and opposite of the collector road in Island Woods Subdivision (E. Island Wood Dr.). This roadway will loop back into Eagle Road. The second new collector roadway is planned east of Eagle Rd., and will consist of the current E. Island Wood Dr. within Island Woods Subdivision and is planned to tie in with Chinden Blvd. to the south"; Page 22, item 9, reference --9. developed-----; add "and transition" to the buffer zone Buffer and transition zones shall be Page 24, item 6 of rural Transitional section, should read "gross", rather than "net"; Page 24, to read as follows: "residential densities of one dwelling unit per two gross acres or less"; Page 25, to read as follows: "Appropriate residential densities are 4 dwelling units or fewer per gross acre"; Page 26, item 7 add "within the City's Central Business District", at the end of the sentence to reinforce item 5; Page 26, item 8 change the word "promote" to "encourage"; Page 27, item 15 to read "To encourage industrial development generally on the south side of State Street. Such development shall be limited to light industry, technical parks and other compatible industrial uses"; Page 27, gross density should not subtract all public facilities from the total acreage because that will discourage inclusion of parks and open spaces and use of the PUD concept of clustering. Use open spaces as a credit. Therefore, item 22 will read "Density shall be calculated on a gross basis by dividing the number of acres in the plat by the proposed number of dwelling units"; In addition, the example 1 of item 22 will read "The overall density range of a parcel with a Low Density Residential Classification may be two or fewer dwelling units per gross acre---. Also, example 2 of item 22, on page 28 will read "The overall density of a parcel with a Very Low Density Residential classification may be one dwelling unit or fewer per two gross acres. A parcel consisting of twenty gross acres could accommodate up to 10 units."; Page 30, recommend changing the first line of the background to read: "Since the incorporation of Eagle on February 26, 1971, the population"; Also, paragraph 2 on page 30 should read: "City of Eagle in 1980, urban development shall be more effectively.. ."; Page 35, recommend adding an additional section regarding air quality that says: AIR QUALITY Quality of the air in Eagle is dependent upon decisions made on a national, statewide and countywide level, as well as by the City POLICY & GOALS: 1. To ensure that the City shall conform to all applicable Federal, State and local air quality regulations. 2. To integrate all modes of travel including automobiles, trucks, buses, vans, bicycles and pedestrians to support air quality improvement measures. 3. To encourage development and use of mass transit forms of transportation. 4. To encourage development of pathways and use of non- motorized forms of transportation. 5. To establish and enhance areas of tree growth by creating an urban forest that will help reduce air pollution. The Eagle City Council concluded that the amendments of the Plan and the inclusion of the Land Use Designation Map serves the welfare of the general public and is in the best public interest, and approves the 1993 Eagle Comprehensive Plan and accompanying Land Use Designation Maps with the above cited modifications. The Comprehensive Plan is a policy document intended to be used as a guide. It should be followed as closely, as reason, justice and its own general character make it practical and possible. The Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Designation Map is not a precise plan or map and does not show nor intend to show the exact outline of land use districts. It shows, rather, the general location, character and extend of land use patterns. Based on the foregoing findings the Eagle City Council approves the 1993 Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Designation Maps. ADOPTED by the Eagle City Council of the City of Eagle, Idaho this :r p"day of June, 1993. J)irÿv ¿n~VED h " ~CJ.ê- ~rl MAYOR STEVE GUERBER CITY OF EAGLE " ATTEST: ,1