Findings - PZ - 1989 - Eagle Ranch 2 Subd PP - Subdividing Of 4 Lots Within Existing Subd CITY OF EAGLE EAGLE RANCH 2 SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT LOT 2, BLOCK 3 ROBERT DESHAZO/ROWLAND JONES FINDINGS OF FACTS AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW On March 6, 1989, pursuant to public notice as required by law, this matter having come before Planning and Zoning of the City of Eagle, Idaho for public hearing upon the application of Robert DeShazo and Rowland Jones for approval of the Eagle Ranch 2 Subdivision preliminary plat; qnd the Planning and Zoning having heard testimony from interested parties and being fully advised in the matter, now makes the following FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. The applicant has applied for Eagle Ranch 2 Subdivision preliminary plat approval for an additional subdividing of 4 lots within the existing subdivision. 2. All legal requirements for notice of public hearing have been met. 3. Relevant criteria and standards for consideration of this application are set forth in Sections 9-2-3, Eagle City code for preliminary plat approval. 4. Conformance with the Eagle Comprehensive Plan have been met. 5. There are public services available to accommodate the proposed development. 6. The proposed development does not pose public health, safety, or environmental problems. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Eagle has recommended that the preliminary plat be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The street within the subdivision meets the requirements of the Ada County Highway District. Approved: Attest: review standards of (~~'f/.'~If".;t.he Eagle "'~>"""'- ~,::' .i.:.,j~.~,~ - .'\{\ -=:. \ ':. 2. The subdivision complies with the design subdivisions as set forth in Section 9-3-2 City Code. DATED THIS day of March, 1989. DARYL WATSON, CHAIRMAN EAGLE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE APRIL 3, 1989 MEETING The Eagle Planning and zoning Commission met in regular session on April 3, 1989 at 7:30 p.m. Chairman WATSON presiding. Roll call showed the following members present: TEWKSBURY. Absent: NYBORG. SINCLAIR, EASON, Motion by SINCLAIR and seconded by TEWKSBURY to approve the minutes of the March 6, 1989 meeting. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Motion by SINCLAIR and seconded by TEWKSBURY to approve the Findings of Fact/Conclusions of Law-DeShazo. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Discussion regarding the Official Schedule of District Regulations resulted in the finishing of the regulation portion of the project. The next meeting will address the definitions portion of the project. Motion by EASON and seconded by SINCLAIR to adjourn the meeting. The time was 10:00 p.m. Approved: t"'~'UU~~,# /~~{:' (. ,I; ~(;'-"\, ~ ' - . : ~ .. .. ' .. .. .. .. .. ~ ':... ,n .. - . j .. "'... : .;., .. ' , <~(./ . -". ".,>' ".'~u..,~...~. '..' Barbara Montg Eagle City Cl Chairman Daryl Watson