Findings - PZ - 1989 - Changes to comp plan - Changes To Comp Plan As Recommended CITY OF EAGLE IN THE MATTER OF: ) ) EAGLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 1989) ) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW FINDINGS OF FACT: I. On February 6, 1989, the ~agle Planning and Zoning held a public hearing regarding the changes to the Eagle Comprehensive Plan, 1989. Notice of hearing was published on January 18, 1989, as required by Section 67-6509, Idaho Code. 2. There was no public testimony in favor or opposition given. A letter was received by Ada County Development indicating no opposition to proposed amendments to the plan. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: I. The application for changes to the comprehensive plan complies with the requirements of law. 2. Public hearing was held in,order to receive testimony of the public regarding any changes. 3. Eagle Planning and Zoning recommended the changes to Eagle City Council. 4. The changes recommended are as follows: A. PURPOSE AND SCOPE: L. Develop and enhance the Boise River Greenbelt and Riv~r TrAil wiLh the aiL¥ of Eagle and it's impact area ~ provided tæ tJw Boise River Plan. B. PARKS, RECREATION, AND OPEN SPACES: Paragraph 2, Open space is land which is not used for buildings or structure and offers opportunities for parks, recreation, water supply greenbelt-river trial, tourism, leisure pursuits and interest, and resource and economic development. - - - C. PARKS, RECREATION, AND OPEN SPACES: No.3. Set aside for perpetual public enjoYment and adequate amount of open space such as natural river frontage, greenbelt-river trail, creeks, drainage ways, buffers, flood plains, wooded areas and viewpoints. D. TRANSPORTATION-POLICIES AND GOALS: 11. Encourage development of a by-pass road south of the commercial center. 11. Developers of property located adjacent to arterial hiqhwavs ~d state street, should ~ responsible for providing means for internal traffic çirculation and assurinq access to adiacent properties throuqh the use Qi such gevices ÊÊ frontage or collector ~oads, clustering -'---..------- -'--"--'-----'--'- .,--- FINDING OF FACT AND CONCLUSION OF LAW PAGE 2 development activities, shared access, setbacks for future rights-of-way, and provisions ~r turn~, turn lanes, and ~~. 1]. Permit airports within the area of City impact only in zones in which airports are permitted uses. E. COMMUNITY DESIGN-POLICIES AND GOALS: No.2. The City Limits shall be that area as defined by the Eagle Policy Diagram Map. No. 3. Th~ design of the Commercial Zones shall conform to the design review ordinance consisting largely of government, commercial, and community buildings. F. LAND USE-RESIDENTIAL/POLICIES AND GOALS: No.1. The residential densities in the City Limits shall not exceed twenty-five (25) units per acre. No.2. Densities within the Urban Service Planning area and outside of the City Limits shall not exceed five (5) units per acre. No.5. DELETED. G. COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY FACILITY USES- POLICIES AND GOALS: No.2. A major retial center shall be encouraged with the City Limits of Eagle shall be encouraged commensurate with the needs of the community residents. H. POPULATION: 1987/5,757, 1990/7,094, 2000/9,091. I. PUBLIC SERVICES, FACILITIES AND UTILITIES- POLICY AND GOAL: New residential developments shall be required to provide adequate fire protection. 5. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted to recommend the changes to Eagle City Council, and to be presented to the City Cou=il at too Council m~ ::::l~ Februa~ 28, 1989. ADOPTED THIS d.i day of , 1989. ! APPROVED: ATTEST: ---/ ~., ~~"~ DAR WATSON CHAIRMAN P&Z ~- EAGLE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE MARCH 6, 1989 MEETING The Eagle Planning & Zoning Commission met in regular session on March 6, 1989. Chairman WATSON presiding. Roll call showed the following members present: SINCLAIR. NYBORG, EASON, Motion made by NYBORG and seconded by SINCLAIR to approve the Minutes of the February 21, +989 meeting. All Aye: Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Eagle Ranch 2 Subdivision Representative: Robert DeShazo. Wants to develope 1 1/3 acres within the subdivision, across from Dogwood Place, off Ranch Dr. The area has been designated on the orignial plat as PLAYGROUND. The plat was recorded in 1976 and the area has remained undeveloped. There has not been an association formed in the past to initiate a playground development. Public Testimony: Robert Banks: Could accept development to the land if the charactor of the subdivision remains unchanged. Is interested in standard street requirements, curbs and gutters, as well as sidewalks and drainage problems. Desires it to remain archetectualy compatable with other homes in the area. David Allen: Submitted documentation to the commission regarding past minutes, covenents and plats of the area. Believes the area should remain playground designated. Mike Roach: Bought his home with the assumption that the area in question would be a playground. He believes many of the others thought the same upon purchase of their homes. Bill Decker: Would object to a 2 story home built there, that would enable the buyer to obstruct the current occupant's privacy. Would like to see the ~otal package house plan. Billie Compton: NYBORG read into record a letter received by Ms. Compton endorsing the subdivision. Ms. Compton is opposed to a park or playground. Public Hearing closed. Moved by SINCLAIR and seconded by NYBORG to approve the subdivision request with the conditions that the street within the subdivision mets the requirements of the Ada County Highway Dept, and that the subdivision complies with the Design Review Standards as set forth in Section 9-3-2 (2&3) of the Eagle City EAGI.E PI.ANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 6, 1989 PAGE 2 Code. SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT REGULATIONS: following recommendations: Discussion resulted in the 1. Add: Office Security Facility: Cl,C2,C3,M1,M2 and R (conditional Uses only) (Office that contains living quarters not ~o exceed one family dwelling, that is used on the property that requires 24 hr. security. 2. Indoor Entertainment Facility: Defined as a facility that houses movies, bowling, indoor swimming pools, billiards, pool, video centers, etc. 3. Outdoor Entertainment Facility: Defined as an area that contains an outdoor swimming pool, baseball, go-cart-tracks, etc. 4. Airport: Omit any other wording added to airport as definition is clear. Moved by SINCLAIR and seconded by NYBORG to adjourn the meeting at this point. Respectfully submitted: iJ 0' Daryl Watson, Chairman ~,tt1 ¡;~~U88,.,. ..".,~ l' ',' ,i'::' '-"'~ ::.,~>,','" , ,co,",':"" . ,,' ," '~" .. 1.., " , ,. .::- - ' ',;, , , ' > '::" ii "0'" ':, ~, - ~ - :. .. .. \~:;:;" " " " " :..v> 'q"U:¡D..~'.' Approved: