Findings - PZ - 1988 - waiver of project completion date - Phase The Project In 3-4 Phases Rather Than One Phase For Completion CITY OF EAGLE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION In the Matter of: TREASURE VALLEY MOBILE) HOME PARK Waiver of a ) Condition ) ) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW On September 6,1988, pursuant to public notice as required by law, this matter having come before the Eagle Planning and Zoning of the City of Eagle, Idaho, for public hearing upon the application of Bill Renauld, representing Treasure Valley Mobile Home Park/Five Star Concepts for a waiver of the 7th condition of Eagle City Council on 09/23/86. That condition was that completion of the project was limited to one year. An extension was granted in September of 1987. The request of the applicant is to phase the project in 3 or 4 phases rather than one phase to complete the project. After hearing testimony from the applicant and interested parties and being advised in the matter the Eagle Planning and Zoning recommends the following: FINDINGS OF FACTS AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Approval of the application of a Waiver of a Condition based on testimony of Mr. Renauld that financial institutes now request phasing of major projects and will only finance under those conditions. 2. That a new condition be placed on the applicant, that condition will include that Eagle City Council will be provided the details of the pj:la.sing process in lieu of the original condi tion. .,~) iL DATED this ;;¡ [., day Of~x.~" ~, 1988. Zoning Chairman