Findings - CC - 1996 - A-1-96 / RZ-2-96 - Annexation & Rezone 1150 S Eagle Rd., 26.82 Acres ,/ - BEFORE THE EAGLE CITY COUNCIL IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION FOR AN ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AND REZONE BY ED HENDERSHOT, INc. ) ) ) ) ) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW CASE NO. A-1-96/RZ-2-96 The above-entitled annexation and rezone application having come on and for consideration before the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission on September 16, 1996, and October 7, 1996. The Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission, having heard and taken oral and written testimony and having duly considered the matter, makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law: Findines of Fact 1. Applications for annexation and rezoning from the applicant were received by the City of Eagle on August 16, 1996. 2. Notice of Public Hearing on the application for the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission was published in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and the Eagle City ordinances on August 1, 1996. Notice of these public hearings were mailed to property owners within three hundred feet (300') of the subject property in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code, and Eagle City Code on August 2, 1996. Requests for agencies' reviews were transmitted on August 2, 1996 in accordance with the requirements of the Eagle City Code. 3. A public hearing on the application was scheduled on September 9, 1996. At that time the Zoning Administrator notified the Commission that notice of the public hearing had not been posted on the property pursuant to Eagle City Code. The Commission continued the public hearing until September 16, 1996, to allow for proper posting of the notice of public hearing. The public hearing was continued until October 7, 1996, for submittal of a proposed development agreement between the City and the Applicant. The public hearing was closed on October 7, 1996, at the conclusion of which the Commission took up the matter and rendered its decision. 4. The property which is the subject of the application is located at 1150 South Eagle Road, Ada County, Idaho. The property consists of26.82 acres and is within the City of Eagle area of impact. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LA W - Page 1 5. The owner of the property at the time of the application was Mary L. Reid whose address is 22241 81 st Avenue S.E., Mercer Island, Washington, 98040. The applicant is Hendershot Construction, Inc. 6. The applicant proposes annexation of the parcel into the City of Eagle and a zoning designation of Agricultural-Residential (A-R). 7. The property is currently zoned in Ada County as Rural Transitional (RT) and is designated on the Comprehensive Plan land use map as very low density (one or fewer dwelling units per gross acre) and is within a flood plain and special area designation. 8. The subject property is bounded on the north by undeveloped land zoned RT and the Boise River; on the south by undeveloped land zoned R-5 (Residential District with no more than 5 dwelling units per acre); on the east by undeveloped property zoned RT; and on the west by residential property zoned R-5. 9. The applicant requests this annexation and rezone in response to a denial by Ada County for a lot split and variance necessary to obtain a building pennit from Ada County. Ada County recommended the applicant apply for annexation into the City of Eagle. The applicant proposed to remove two mobile homes currently located on the property and construct one single family dwelling. The applicant also desires to preserve the ability to split the lot into two lots of approximately 13 acres. For future construction ofa second dwelling unit the property is proposed to be accessed by a private driveway within an easement and will be served by septic system if approved by the Central District Health Department and a private well currently located on the property or public water if available. 10. The applicant submitted a report on the Delineation of the Waters of the United States, prepared by Resource Systems, Inc. setting forth the wetlands and other waters of the United States located on the property. Comments were received from other public agencies and may be summarized as follows: a. Central District Health: The Central District Health Department on August 20, 1996, responded that "[a]n onsite sewage application is on file with this office. We encourage connection to the Eagle Sewer System in this area of shallow groundwater." Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. Division of Environmental Quality ("IDEQ"): On August 14, 1996 the IDEQ responded with requirements should public water service be provided to the property and for approval of the sewer or septic system for the property. Idaho Power: On April 19, 1996, Idaho Power notified Mr. Hendershot that they would provide electric service to the property. Intennountain Gas Company: On June 27, 1996, Intennountain Gas Company notified the applicant that they would provide gas service to the property. United Water Idaho: On July 1, 1996, United Water Idaho notified the applicant they would provide water service to the property. b. c. d. e. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW - Page 2 The Eagle Sewer District responded on August 21, 1996 that the property is within the Sewer District planning area but not annexed into the Sewer District and that, due to the agreement reached with Ada County, they may not annex property into the Sewer District at this time. Accordingly sewer service from the Eagle Sewer District is unavailable. Ada County Highway District ("ACHD"): On August 19, 1996, ACHD responded that the proposed site plan confonns to the District standards and specified eight recommendations or conditions that must be complied with when the applicant presents a specific development proposal. Eagle Fire Protection District: On August 8, 1996, the Eagle Fire Protection District responded that the District has on opposition to the application. Federal Emer~ency Management Agency ("FEMA"): On August 26, 1996, FEMA responded that any structure must meet the "no-rise" standard in the flood way and development in the flood plain is admissible so long as it meets the City of Eagle's requirements. Idaho Fish and Game: On August 8, 1996, Idaho Fish and Game responded with concerns about applicant's plans for landscaping activities around the property ant the impact on the existing riparian corridor of the Boise River. 11. ST AFF REPORT: In the Staff Report the Zoning Administrator provided the following discussion: A. Based on the infonnation submitted to the City, it is staff s opinion that the area to be annexed can reasonably be used for the orderly development of the City. f. g. h. 1. J. B. As required by the Eagle City Code, the area to be annexed lies within the negotiated Area of Impact, abuts existing City Limits and is connected to the City by more than a shoestring or strip of land upon a public highway. c. The proposed zoning designation complies with the Comprehensive Plan. However, staff recommends that the rezone to A-R not be approved and that a rezone to A (Agricultural) be pennitted. This will allow one unit per 20 acres which meet the applicant's desire to remove the two existing mobile homes and construct one dwelling unit. In reviewing the engineering report submitted to the City by the City Engineer, and City code with regard to development in the Flood Way/Special Hazard Area, it is staffs opinion that a zoning district which could pennit two dwelling units on this site should not be approved until an FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LA W - Page 3 14. 15. in depth engineering analysis of the Flood Way/Special Hazard Area is completed as required. D. Adequate public facilities exist to serve any and all uses allowed on this property under the zoning recommended by staff (A-Agricultural) except for sewer service. The letter submitted to the City by Central District Health on August 22, 1996, does not give approval, but states that, "We encourage connection to the Eagle Sewer System in this area of shallow ground water". The attached letter from the Sewer District dated August 21, 1996, states that sewer service could not be provided by the Sewer District. Staff recommends that the applicant provide the City with a letter of approval for a septic system from Central District Health prior to the City Council Hearing for this item. E. The proposed zone is compatible with the zoning and uses in the surrounding area. However, as previously stated, staff believes that a rezone to A - Agricultural should be pennitted at this time. 12. At the public hearings there was no testimony in opposition to the applications. 13. The annexation and rezone applications are subject to the requirements of Idaho Code Sections 50-222 and 67-6525 and Title 8 of the Eagle City Code. Pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-222, upon request of the owner, land contiguous or adjacent to the city may be annexed into the city. Pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 67-6525, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall recommend the zoning ordinance designation for the unincorporated area and concurrently or immediately following the adoption of an ordinance for annexation the City shall amend the zoning ordinance to confonn to the City's zoning detennination. Pursuant to Section 8-7- 5(D), if the requested rezone is in accordance with the adopted Comprehensive Plan, the Council may adopt or reject the amendment under the notice and hearing procedures as provided in the Eagle City Code. The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend the initiation of a development agreement as a condition of rezoning pursuant to Chapter 10, Title 8 of the Eagle City Code. The City of Eagle Comprehensive Plan sets forth among other things the purpose of which is to: protect property rights and enhance property values; ensure that adequate public facilities and services are provided to the people at reasonable cost; to encourage urban and urban-type development within the incorporated city limits FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW - Page 4 of Eagle that is in harmony with the rural character of the area; to avoid undue concentration of population and overcrowding of land; and ensure that the development of land is commensurate with the physical characteristics of the land. In the Land Use section of the Comprehensive Plan, the following relevant policies are set forth: Managing growth and channeling it into orderly community development is the key element of land use planning. Unplanned growth results in undesirable land use patterns. Areas within the City and within the Impact Area are to be given a land use designation which shall be depicted on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation Map, hereinafter referred to as "Land Use Map." The Land Use Map shall be considered an integral part of the Comprehensive Plan and shall serve in the capacity of a planning policy document and planning tool that will assist the City I sustaining responsible growth and development to ensure that evolving land use patterns remain consistent with goals, objectives and policies of this Plan. 16. Land use designations as reflected on the Land Use Map shall be based on the existing land use pattern, existing natural physical features such as the Boise River, Dry Creek and the foothills, flood plain areas, capacity of existing community facilities, projected population and economic growth, compatibility with other uses of the land, transportation systems, and the needs of local citizens. 17. In the Very Low Density Residential category of the Comprehensive Plan, the following relevant policies are set forth: Very Low Density Res!dential- Suitable primarily for single family residential development on acreages within agricultural use areas which are in transition to residential use and are within the Urban Services Area. Typical residential densities of one dwelling unit or fewer per two gross acres. This area may also be suitable for agricultural uses such as crops or livestock involving land comprised of at least 20 contiguous acres or smaller parcels provided it can be clearly demonstrated that the land will be used for a viable commercial agricultural purpose such as feed lots, dairy farms, egg farms, or other similar type uses. Conclusions of Law 1. The annexation and rezone applications submitted by Applicant on Au~ust 16, 1996, are complete and were accepted by the City of Eagle. 2. All requirements for providing notice of the application and the public hearings thereon, including notice by publication, notice by mailing, and notice to other agents as set forth in Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code, and the Ordinance of the City of Eagle have been complied with. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW - Page 5 3. All requirements for the conduct of public hearings is set forth in Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and the Ordinances of the City Eagle have been complied with. 4. The City of Eagle has the authority to approve, conditionally approve, or deny the annexation and rezone applications pursuant to Idaho Code Section 50-222, Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code, and Titles 8 of the Eagle City Code and to require a development agreement as a condition of rezoning pursuant to Chapter 10, Title 8, of the Eagle City Code. 5. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the annexation and rezone subject to the execution of a development agreement substantially similar to Exhibit A and subject to the following conditions: a. Require the applicant to provide the City with a letter of approval for a septic system from Central District Health prior to the City Council Hearing for this item. It should be made clear to the applicant that this lot is considered a non-confonning lot per Eagle City Code and that prior to a building pennit being issued by the City the lot will be required to be brought into compliance with the Eagle City Code. Also, a building pennit can not be issued until a Development Pennit, as required by the Eagle City Code and as outlined by the City Engineer's letter dated September 4, 1996, is obtained from the City and all City requirements regarding the Flood Way/Special Hazard area have been met. 6. The annexation and rezone as proposed and with the above conditions is in accordance with the Eagle City Comprehensive Plan as it set forth below: a. The property use as limited by the development agreement is in confonnance the Very Low Density Residential land use category of the Plan and is compatible with the surrounding areas because the development is similar to nearby residential development and does not adversely impact the nearby riparian land. The property will have adequate transportation and public services based upon the testimony of the Eagle Sewer District, Ada County Highway District, United Water and the Eagle Fire District. The property should not adversely affect nearby property values. b. b. Decision The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Eagle hereby recommends approval of the annexation and rezone for Hendershot Construction, Inc. with the following conditions: 1. Execution of a development agreement substantially similar to the Development Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A. 2. Require the applicant to provide the City with a letter of approval for a septic system from Central District Health prior to the City Council Hearing for this item. DATED this 18TH day of November, 1996. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW - Page 6 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF EAGLE (See si~ned Plannin~ and Zonin~ copy) Chainnan ATTEST: (See si~ned Plannin~ and Zoning copy) City Clerk [SEAL] A. Notice of Public Hearing on the application for the Eagle City Council was published in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and the Eagle City ordinances on October 25, 1996. Notice of these public hearings were mailed to property owners within three hundred feet (300') of the subject property in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code, and Eagle City Code on October 23, 1996. B. .On November 19. 1996, the City Council continued this item because the Findings of Fact were not yet approved by the Commission. On November 26, 1996 the Eagle City Council took action on this item. C. At the public hearing the applicant's representative spoke in favor of the application. There was no public testimony against the application. Decision by Council;. The Findings of Fact of the Planning and Zoning Commission (above) are accepted by the City Council with the Development Agreement amended as follows: 1. Section 3.2.1 shall have the text amended to state"no more than two lots". 2. Section 3.2.9 shall have the text amended to state, "to be provided, a ten foot pathway shall be constructed" FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LA W - Page 7 3. Section 3.2.9 shall have the text "prior to approved" stricken and the text, "prior to issuance of a building pennit or approval of a lot split, come before council for approval" shall be added. 3. Section 3-2-10 "The residences shall be connected to central sewer upon availability. DATED this 19th day of December, 1996. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Mayor ATTEST: ~~ 1 er ,"f(~":t~ ", F ' tç~,., ~" .&:f 0 E4 ,..,",~~. -..'I'.#t: "" ~....o. ~I" '~~ [ S E A Ll.". ....:~ ."- Q.,., , ,,' J$ CJ~ -"G .~.. '~".. .. ..,..,i 0 It<1 ." ,:. .' ¡ : c.P '<" ;, . - . "l ' - *. -.- ,',., :. : ..... ?"lEA .... ~ ' . ; } .. .'t, S ~ I T (." '," ':0 ..(>. Jö.~:":.f'>~: ~ ..~-t. '<:'\ ,;' ,'" ? ~ ~'..'l>ORA'ff;}Þ .' " " ##--~ ....o;sr:'" , -<,"..:> ,# ',l~ <""':t..- "," '##/ ~'..Of! ,.¡.; ,~~" ##"'I8I"'C~"'~ FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LA W - Page 8 --'~---'-'-- -'--~-.._-- ,