Findings - PZ - 1995 - Rezone from R5 to C2 - Change Zone To Build Albertson's NDV-27-BS 10,04 FRDM,HTEH ID,208344S818 PAGE 3/1S CITY OF EAGLE IN THE MAlTER OF ALBERTSON'S. INC. APPLICATION FOR REZONE ) ) ) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW This matter CAME before the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission on September 11. October 2, and October 16, 1995. pursuant to public notice and hearing procedures set forth in Section 67-6509. Idaho Code. Donald Knickrehm. was present representing Albertson' s at the September 11 and October 2 meetings. and Phillip M- Barber was present tepresentmg Albertson's at the October 16 meeting; Kevin Mortensen was present at all three meetings representing the Applicant, Albertson' s. Inc., requesting an approval of an application for a rezone ftom R5 to C2 district cJassification- FINDINGS OF FAcr Having given due consideration to the application and evidence presented. the Eagle Pbmn;f\g and Zoning Commission hereby makes the following fmdings of fact: 1. That on September II, 1995. a public meeting was conducted by the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission- Because there was a failure to post the property as required by law, the hearing was continued until October 2. 1995, when another public meeting was held before the Eagle PJanning and Zoning Commission. The records in this matter indicate all notices and publications occurred as required by law for the October 2, 1995 hearing. After closing the public portion of the hearing on October 2, 1995. the Planning and Zoning Commission continued the hearing to October 16. 1995. when the hearing was reconvened and concluded. 2. That the Applicant proposes to build an Albertson's supermarket near the northeast comer of Eagle Road and the future Eagle Alternate Route (bypass). The existing zoning of the subject property is R5. The rezone to C2 would change the district classification. 3. That the existing land use in the area is presently residential aDd agricu1ture- The property, requested to be zoned C2. is bounded by Eagle Road on the West (with agricultural and residential properties across Eagle Road). residential property to the North. 2nd street and residential/agricultural property to the East and agricultural land owned by the State of Idaho to the South. 4. That the records reflect that in response to the notice of the public hearing sent to relevant public entities, including Ada County Highway District, Idaho State Transportation Department and others, the City was advised by said entities that subject to certain conditions there was no objection to the zone change. The following comments were received: NOV-27-BS 10-04 FROM-HTEH 10-2083446818 PAGE 4/16 Ea2le Sewer Dist¡j,g: 8/31/95. The property is within Eagle Sewer District's Planning Area and is annexed into the District's Planning Area. Eagle Sewer District has no opposition to the rezone request.. ACHD: 10/2/95. After initially requesting deferral of the requested rezone, ACHD has indicated withdrawal of its deferral request so long as rezone approval is conditioned on Applicant's agreement to comply with ACHD requirements. Ea2le Fire District: No objection. Idaho Transoortation ~mt. 8128/95. "... We have no objection to this rezone- Eagle Road south of State Street is designated State Highway 55. As such, lID has access control over this roadway. We will need to work closely with the developer to ensure that access for this new store does not interfere with our constIuctÏon plans for Eagle Road and the Eagle Alternate Route. As design work progre~ the developer will need to supply lID with a copy of the Traffic Impact Study covering this development for Our review. The study should be conducted according to the guidelines of ACHD and the Institute of Transportation Engineers. After our review, we will generate specific requirements for access points. In addiûon, the developer will need to file an application with us for access to the highway." Central District Health. 8/24/95. After written approval from appropriate entities are submitted, we can apptove this proposal for central sewer and central water. Street runoff is not to create a mosquito breeding problem. We will require plans be submitted for a plan review for any food establishment (groœry store). Stormwater management recommendations (attached to transmittal). A best management practice for a high ground water site is to be used." Division of Environmental Oualitv: 8124/95. "... We have the following comments on the proposed project: 1. Air Quality. We do not anticipate that the project will violate air quality regulations, except possibly during construction activities. The effects would likely be of short duration and can be winimi7',ed by appropriate dust control practices. 2. Noise. We expect that noise will be limited to construction periods, and that operations will be governed by local ordinances. 3. Water Supply. If Eagle Water Company water mains are to be extended~ plans and specifications must be submitted to this office for review and approval prior to construction. We do not review plans for services to a single buildin& but plans must be submitted to the Department of Labor and Industrial Services, Plumbing Division (State Plumbing Division). 4. Wastewater Collection and Treatment If the Eagle Sewer District collection system is to be extended, plans and specifications must be submitted to this office for review and approval -2- NOV-27-85 10,05 FROM,HTEH 10,2083446818 PACE 5/16 prior to construction. We do not review plans for services to a single building, but plans must be submitted to the State Plumbing Division. 5. Surface Wares: Quality. If the area to be disturbed exceed five aQ'es and, during constIUctioD, storm water trom the project area oould reach waters of the United States, contractors must obtain an NPDES General Pennit from the U-S. Environmental Protection Agency (EP A). " Ballentyne Ditch Q1: 9/5/95. "In regards to your notice of 8/16/95 regarding the Albertson rezone; the Board of Ballentyne Ditch Co. have been contacted by Albertson' $. They have not yet submitted a formal proposal regarding our ditch right-of-way. Certain conditions must be met prior to receiving our Board's approval. Drainae:e District #2: 9/12/95. 'The Board of Commissioners of Drainage District No.2 reviewed the Albertson's Store Rezone Application for comment at its general board meeting held September 5, 1995, determined the same to have nO impact upon the District's drainage system and therefor th~ District has no objection thereto." 5. That the appücant presented testimony and drawings depicting an Albertson's supennarket, related parlcíng and landscaping. The drawings and exhibits presented by applicant are hereby incorporated by reference into these factual findings. 6. That testimony was presented by several individual cifu:ens, both in support and in opposition to the requested rezone. Reasons for opposition included concerns regarding increased traffic and concerns regarding impact upon existing neighboring homes by noise, lights and traffic. Reasons for support included a convenient facility that serves the general public, economic benefit to the City, employment opportunities, and the project is consistent with and further's Eagle's comprehensive plan.. 7. That the standards used in evaluating the application are in the following sections of the Eagle City Code and Comprehensive PJan. ZONING D ISTRI crs 8-2-1: DistriCtS established C2 GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT: To permit the establishment of areas for commercial uses allowed in other commercial zones and commercial uses which are more intensive that those permitted in other commercial ZOIlC$, such as large equipment sales, as well as light manufacturing in conjunction with retail salcs. Section 8-10~I-A- Purpose: Development agreements are a. discretionary- tool to be used by the Council as a condition of rezoning. Development agreements allow a specific project with a -3~ NOV-27-B5 10,05 FROM,HTEH ID.2083446818 PAGE 6/16 specific use to be developed on property in an area that is not appropriate for all uses allowed or conditional in the requested zone. EAGLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE: The current Comprehensive Plan designation for the land in this proposal is commercial: "Suitable primarily for the development of a wide range of commercial activities including office. retail and service establishments. . The Comprehensive Plan designates this property as a "Special Area or Site." "Special areas or Sites" are defined as areas, sites or structures of historical. archeological, architectural, ecological, or scenic significance- Special areas Or sites within the Impact Area should be analyzed according to their defined function. Whenever possible, these sites should be preserved and conserved as open spaces or for educational and cultural centers. Development of Special Areas or Sites should take place in a manner that reflect harmony with their natural environment and recognized qualities which render them distinctly unique. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Based upon the foregoing findings, the Planning and Zoning Commission concludes as follows: I. That the proposed use of the property and the proposed rezone are consistent and compatible with the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Eagle. 2. That certain restrictions On design. development and use of the property are, however, appropriate in the cireumstan~ and particularly in light of the designation of this property as a "Special AIea" by the Comprehensive Plan. That the restrictions can be placed upon development of the subject property through a Development Agreement. The Development Agreement must provide limitations on allowed uses. Required landscaping, and berms and fences will help protect neighboring properties. A draft of an acceptable Development Agreement is attached hereto. 3. That the use limitations and other restrictions in the Development Agreement will adequately protect the use and enjoyment of nearby property owners. With such limitations and restrictio~ the development described as part of the rezone application will be an asset as it vvill provide shopping in an aesthetically pleasing project. 4. That the proposed zone change with the Development Agreement is in harmony with the general pUIpOse of the City's Comprehensive Plan and ordinances and will not be otherwise de1rim.entaI to the public health, safety and welfare. That the rezone is in accordance with the Comprehensive Pian for the foregoing reasons. At the termination of the Development Agreement, the property will revert to an R5 rezoning designation. -4- NOV-27-B5 10,05 FROM,HTEH 10.2083446818 PAGE 7/16 RECOMMENDATION Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, the Eagle Plann1"B and Zoning Commission recommends that the Rezone Application be approved, with the following conditions and subject to execution of a Development Agreement as described herein. If limited by such a Development Agreement, the rezone proposed jn the Application is compatible with surrounding properties' zones and land uses, and is in accordance with the Eagle Comprehensive Plan. 1. Masonry fence along Second Street. 2. Wood fence along north side of property. 3. Meet ACHD and lID requirements- 4. Corrections as designated in the Development Agreem~ Section 3.2.5(b) 1. The bnilding shall "not, with a mC77Mline permitted" ADOPTED by the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Eagle, Idaho- This 16th day of October, 1995. APPROVED; ATTEST: Bert Bradley, Chainnan Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission Barbara Montgomery, City Clerk City of Eagle THE FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW and recommendation of the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission regarding the application of Albertson's, Inc. for a rezone from R5 to C2, as such application was heard by the Eagle City Council on November 14, 1995, are hereby adopted by the Eagle City Council, and the rezone requested is hereby granted subject to execution and recording of the Development Agreement attached hereto. DATED this - day of November, 1995. APPROVED: g~L Q~ Steve Guerber, Mayor City of Eagle .5- rll f 5 DI'f~ I1/D(" Ê ,,8 ill 8:\I1.I~OOOU'2V\FiIIIllIGS.OZ NOV-2?-86 10.08 FROM.HTEH ID.2083448818 PAGE 8/18 RecordiDg Requested By and When Recorded R.etum to: Barbara Montgomery City Clerk City of Eagle P.O. Box 477 Eagle. Idaho 83616 Yo.- ----. I\I<paeca DID Not Wrioo ","",811ois Li8c #OIXO~ NEe Eagle & Hwy 44/55 Bypass Eagle, ID DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT !his Development Agreement, made and entered into this - day of November, 1995, by and between the CITY OF EAGLEt a municipal corporation in the State of Idaho (nEagle"), by and through its Mayor, and ALBERTSON'S, INC., a Delaware corporation (the "Applicant"). WHEREAS, the Applicant has executed options to acquire and will acquire fee title to certain real estate (the "Property") on Eagle Road which is the subject of an application for rezone in Eagle, identified as Rezone Application No. ERZ-3-95. and WHEREAS the Applicant desires to develop a commercial retail project (and in particular, a full service grocery store/supermarket) on the Property, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the intent of this Development Agreement is to protect the rights of Applicant's use and enjoyment of the Property for the purpose of developing it into a commercial retail development while at the same time limiting potential adverse impacts of the coDmlercial development upon residential property owners near the Property and ensuring the Property is developed in a manner consistent with Eagle's plan for locating commercial development and recognition of the Property as abutting a significant approach to Eagl~ all as reflected in Eagle's Comprehensive Plan; and ,.,IIUEI/I\IIOGI3\Z27IŒVQ.5111 NOV-27-8S 1O,O6 FROM,HTEH 10,2083446818 PAGE 8/16 WHEREAS7 the Applicant has agreed to the use restrictions and other limitations set forth herein upon the use and development of the Property and has consented to a C-2 wnìng designation for the Property; THEREFORE7 for and in consideration of the mutual covenants contained h~ it is agreed as follows: ARTICLE 1 LEGAL AUTHORITY 1~1 This Development Agreement is made pursuant to and in accordance with the provjsions of Idaho Code Section 67-6511A and Eagle City Code, Title 8, Chapter 10. ARTICLE 2 ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 2.1 Eagle will adopt an ordinance amending the Eagle Zoning Ontinance to rezone the Property to a C-2 District, subject to the provisions of this Development Agreement The ordinance will become effective after its passage, approval and publication and the execution and reoo~tion of this Development Agreement. This Development Agreement shall automatically terminate and be of no further force and effect if the Property has not been rezoned C-2 within one hundred eighty (180) days of the date hereof, or in the event the Applicant does not acquire fee title to the Property wíthin one hundred eighty (180) days. ARTICLE 3 CONDmONS ON DEVELOPMENT 3.1 Applicant will develop the Property as represented in the rezone application, including the Preliminary Development Plan submitted with the rezone application (a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "B"), subject to the conditions set forth in this Development Agreement. Further, Applicant will submit such applications regarding design review as are required by the Eagle City Code. 3.2 The commercial development shall comply with the proposed Design Review Ordinance, as it exists at the time an improvement is made. Unless greater requirements are established by said ordinance, the following conditions shall be satisfied: 3.2.1 LandscaninSl. The Property shall have no less than twelve percent (12%) of its area in landscaping. The landscaping shall be a mixture of deciduous shade trees, flowering trees, conifer trees, planter beds and lawn areas. There shall be no Jess than one (1) two (2) inch (or larger) caliper tree located every forty (40) feet along the perimeter excluding entryways of the Property. Within the parking area a landscaped planter shall be provided with a minimum of two (2) two (2) inch (or larger) caliper trees -2- ""\Q,ID/T\GCIO~.5TII NDV-27-96 10:08 FRDM:HTEH ID:2083448818 PAGE 10/18 for every twenty (20) parking stal1S. Landscaping will include grass-covered berms between two and one-half (2~) feet and three (3) feet in height along Eagle Road and 2nd Street frontages. A masonry feIlcc shall be constructed on the bean. behind the Albertson's store, and a wood fence shall be constructed along the North boundary line to provide visual screening fOT the adjacent property. An undergrmmd inigation system shall be installed in the landscape areas. Landscaping sba1I be installed before any building receives an occupancy permit. Perimeter yards, berms> buffers, landscaping and screening shall be constructed in accOrdance with the Landscape Plan (attached hereto as Exhibit "Co, and made a part hereof by this reference) submitted to and approved by Eagle. 3.2.2 Li2btinr. All parking lot and area lighting for this Property will be Metal Halide Lighting of no more than 1 >000 watts contained in a shoebox fixture (or similar cut-off fixture) installed on poles no higher than thirty (30) feet on the perimeter of the Property and no higher than forty (40) feet on the interior of the Property. No "cobra" type light fixtmes shall be allowed. No Cor-ten light poles shall be allowed. The lighting shall provide minimum one (I) foot candle maintained at grade level, and minimum two (2) foot candles maintained illnmifUttion on all vehicle and pedestrian entrances to the si~ at on-site vehicle intersections and at building en1rances- 3..2.3 Siønaae. Business identification and building signs shall be allowed which confonn to the approved plans for the Property. Applicant shall be allowed one (1) fÌ'ee- standing sign, not more than twenty (20) feet in height with no more than fifty (50) square feet of signage space on each face. Such sign may be intemally (indirectly) luminated. No sign shall be higher than the roof line of any building, nor shall any sign be animated or audible. 3.2.4 Noise Restrictions. Applicant shall comply with the applicable local noise ordinance. All public announcements. paging systems and music systems that can be heard outside the commercial building shall not exceed 67 dBA from any location more than fifty (50) feet outside of the PropeIty- 3.2.5 Desim. Hei2ht. and Location of Building. The design of the building shall be in context with the "turn of the century" architecture. The building shall be constructed of concrete masonx)' and brick masonry with corbeling at the building corners and parapets. Arched masomy openings would be provided for both a covered colonnade> as well as g1ued openings. (a) The building on the Property shall be of first quality Construction and architecturally designed SO that its exterior will be architecturally and aesthetically compatible and hatmonìous with the Design Review Guidelines of the City of Eagle. - 3 . Cõ, \tlIDmIlGOI3\227\øEY.IGR. SIlo NOV-27-85 10,07 FROM.HTEH IC,2083446818 PAGE 11/16 (b) The building shall not have more than one story (with a mez7mline pemriUed), and shall not exceed forty (40) feet in height, including rooftop mechanical fixtures and equipment and screening for the same, if any- (c) The building shall be of the size and location as generally depicted on the Exhibit "B" attached hereto. unless otherwise approved by the Design Review Committee or the Eagle City Council. (d) All of the foregoing shaD be constructed and maintained in accordance with all local. state and federal laws, mles and regulations applicable thereto. 3.2.6 Service Facilities. All service facilities shall be attractively screened from second street with a three (3) foot high landscaped berm and a six (6) foot high masonry fence. Applicant shall use a fully self-contained trash compactor for all trash and refuse. There shall be no outside or open dumpster. Fire hydrants, transformers, light poles. or other vertical obstructions shall not be located in or near turning radius of service vehicles- Required ramps to rear entrances not to exceed 1: 12 (8%). Applicant shall provide a naturaI dock (no tmck well) for delivery vehicle use. All of the foregoing shall be located as generally shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto. 3.2.7 Site Plan and Parking- The development on the Property shall pro\'ide for two-way drive aisles with 60 degree angle parking and ten (l 0) foot wide parking stalls. There sbaII be no less than 4.5 parking stalls per 1,000 square feet of building area.. The main drive aisle width shall be no less than thirty (30) feet in width. The curb cut width at each entrance shall be no less than thirty-six (36) feet in width. The Site Plan shall conform to all ADA standards. There sball be no wheel stops. All service and main customer traffic aisles to be heavy duty paving. Manhole cov~ catch basin, and clean- out boxes sball not be located in traffic aisles or entry ramp areas. All of the foregoing shall be located as generally shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto. 3.2.8 Maintenance. The Applicant sbaII maintain or cause to be maintained the Property in good and clean condition and repair, said maintenance to include the following: maintaining the exterior of any building located on the Property; maintaining, repairing and resurfacing when necessary all paved surfaces. removing all snow, papers. debris, filth and refuse to the extent reasonably necessary to keep the Property in a clean and orderly condition; and maintain all landscaped ~ including repairing and replacing, when necessary, sprinkler systems and water lines and replacing sluubs and other landscaping as is reasonably necessary- 3.2.9 Use Limìtations. The following land uses shall be prohibited upon the Property: bar, tavern. billiard or pool baIl, massage parlor~ cocktail lounge (except if incidental to a restaurant use). adult book or adult video store or other adult sex shop~ - 4- ç: \Q.IDII\OIIOI3\l27\QtV.llll.5Th NOV-27-B5 10-07 FROM-HTEH ID-2083446818 PAGE 12/16 automotive main1enance or repair facility. car wash. machine shop~ mini storage, warehouse or industrial uses, or facility for the renting~ leasing. selling, or displaying of any motor vehicle, boat, recreational vehicle, trailer, camper, mobile home or industrial or farm equipment. 3.2.10 Adjacent Prooertv Development. To the extent such requirements may be imposed by Eagle within its legal authority and discretion, the real property lying adjacent to the Property on the North and South sQaIl be subject to the sawe landscaping and design requirementß, the use liInjtations, and the other requirements and limitations made applicable by this Development Agreement to the Property. 3.2.11 Truck Traffic Restriction. Applicant shall require all Albertson's delivery trucks delivering goods to the store to enter and exit the store property from Eagle Road, and sbaIl prohibit such trucks from using Second Street (except directly behind Albertson's development) for ingress or egress \mill such time as Second Street is improved as a collector street and the removal or elimination of this restriction is approved by Eagle. 3.2.12Future Road Ri~t-of-Way. Albertson's shall reserve a future road right-of-way sixty (60) feet in width over and across a portion of the "Canal Spillway Parcel" (shown as "Future Road Right-.of- Way" on Exhibit "B" attached hereto). and sball dedicate for free that right-of-way at such time as the Ada County Highway District determines to construct a new roadway utilizing the described Future Road RigId-of- Way. 3.2.13 ACHD Requirements. Albertson' s shall comply with Ada County Highway District ("ACHD") requirements as set forth in the ACHD Development Services Division Development Application Report, approved by the ACHD Commission November 8. 1995. ARTICLE 4 AFFIDAVIT OF PROPERTY OWNERS 4.1 An affidavit of all owners of the Property agreeing to submit the Property to this Development Agreement and to the provisions set forth in Idaho Code Section 67-6511A and Eagle City Code Section 8-1 0-1 sball be provided and is incorporated herein by reference. ARTICLE S DEFAULT 5.1 In the event Applicant fails to comply with the commitments set forth herein, within thirty (30) days of written notice of such failure from Eagle, Eagle shall have the right, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies, to cure such default or enjoin such violation - 5 - 6: \Q.1OO\00D1;J\<27\Df1IHR.STI! NOV-27-85 10.08 FROM.HTEH ID.2083446818 PACE 13/16 and otherwise enforœ the requirements contained in this Development Agreement or to terminate the Development Agreement following the process established in Eagle City Code Section 8-1 0-1- 5.2 If required to proceed in a court of law or equity to enforce any provision of this Development Agreement:, Eagle shall be entitled to recover all direct out-of-pocket costs so incurred to cure or enjoin such default and to enforce the commitments contained in this Development Agreement (providing Eagle prevails in such action), including attorneys' fees and court costs. ARTICLE 6 UNENFORCEABLE PROVISIONS 6.1 If any term, provision, commitment, or restriction of this Development Agreement or the application thereof to any party or circumstances shall. to any exten~ be held invalid or unenforceabl~ the remainder of this instrument shall remain applicable, binding, and in full force and effect- ARTICLE 7 ASSIGNMENT AND TRANSFER 7.1 After its execution, the Development Agreement shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder at the expense of the Applicant. Each commitment and restriction on the development shall be a burden on the Property. shall be appurtenant to and for the benefit of the Property. adjacent property, and other residential property near the Property and shall run with the land. This Development Agreement shall be binding on the Applicant and owners, and their respective heirs, administrators, executors, agents, legal representative~ successo~ and assigns; provided, however, that if all or any portion of the commercial development is sold, the sclJers shall thereupon be released and discharged from any and all obligations in connection with the Property sold arising under this Agreement. The new owner of the Property or any portion thereof(including, without limitation, any owner who acquires its interest by foreclosure, trustee's sale or otherwise) shall be liable for all commitments and other obligations arising under this Agreement with respect to the Property or portion thereof ARTICLE 8 SUBSEQUENT ALTERATIONS 8.1 Nothing in this Development Agreement shall be deemed to bar or prohibit remodeling of portions of the building to be constructed or other improvements on the Property, or reconfiguration or alterations to the parking areas, drive aisI~ landscaping or other improvements of the Property after the initial construction and landscaping as contemplated by the Application and supporting documentation is completed and an Occupancy Penn it is issued to the Applicant, provided that any such alterations are in compliance with all then applicable Zoning Ordinances and the then applicable Design Review Ordinance of Eagle. - 6- Ii, \Q, IÐII'IOOO2~m\OfY~.5111 NOV-27-B6 10,08 FROM,HTEH 10,2083446818 PAGE 14/16 ARTICLE 9 GENERAL MA TIERS 9.1 Amendments. Any alteration or change to this Development Agreement shall be made only after complying with the notice and hearing provisions of Idaho Code Section 67-6509~ as required by Eagle City Code Section 8-10-1. 9.2 Para2r3ph Headings. This Development Agreement shall be construed according to its fair meaning and as if prepared by both patties hereto. Titles and captions are for convenience only and shaIl not constitute a portion of this Development Agreement. As used in this Development Agreement, mascu)in~ feminine or neuter gender and the singular or plural number shall each be deemed to include the others wherever and whenever the context so indicates. 93 Choice of Law. This Development Agreement sœII be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho in effect at the time of the ~ecution of this Development Agreement. Any action brought in connection with this Development Agreement sball be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction located in Ada County ~ Idaho- 9.4 Notices. Any notice which a party may desire to give to another party must be in writing and may be given by personal delivery, by mailing the same by registered or certified mail, return receipt request~ postage prepaid, or by Federal Express or other reputable overnight delivery service~ to the party to whom the notice is directed at the address of such party set forth below. Eagle: Clerk of the City of Eagle P. O. Box 477 Eagle~ Idaho 83616 Attention: Barbara Montgomery Applicant: Albertson's, Inc. 250 Parkcenter Blvd- P.O. Box 20 Boise, Idaho 83726 Attention: Legal Department or such other address and to such other peISOns as the parties may hereafter designate. Any such notice shall be deemed given upon receipt if by personal delivery ~ forty-eight (48) hours after deposit in the United States mail, if sent by mail pursuant to the foregoing, or twenty-four (24) hours after timely deposit with a reputable overnight delivery service. - 7- s: ~ IEIIT\GGOIJ\.22 \œV8 ,5I11 NOV-27-BS 10.08 FROM.HTEH 10.2083448818 PAGE 15/18 9.5 Effective Date. This DeveloplI1ent Agreement shall be effective after delivery to each of the parties hereto of a fully executed original of this Development Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF 7 the parties have execUted this Development Agreement. DATED this - day of November, 1995. CITY OF EAGLE, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Idaho By: Steve Guerber. Mayor AlTEST: City Clerk [8 E A L] DATED this - day of . 1995. ALBERTSON'S, INC., a Delaware corporation By: William H. Arnold, Vice President Real Estate Law - 8- ":\CUÐII\aeo~VJCR,$III NOV-27-BS 10-08 FROM-HTEH IC-2083446818 PAGE 16/16 STATE OF IDAHO ) ) 88. ) County of Ada On this - day of , 1995, before ale, , a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared William H. Arnold, known to me to be Vice President, Real Estate Law of Albertson's, Inc., the corporation that executed the within instrument or the person who executed the instrument on behalf of said corporation, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. WI1NESS MY HAND and official seal hereto affixed the day, month and year in this certificate first above written. Notary Public for the State of Idaho Residing at My Comml~on Expires STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ss. ) County of Ada On this - day of , . 1995, before m~ a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared . known or identified to me to be the of CI1Y OF EAGLE. the municipal corporation that executed the within instrument or the person who executed the instrument on behalf of said municipal corporation. and acknowledged to me that such municipal corporation executed the same. IN WIlNESS WHEREOF, I have hereuntO set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written- Notary Public for the State of Idaho Residing at My Commission Expires -9- \Õ; \tl.IEIII\DOOII\22]\IIE'ÐIGII. 51H ~. . "EXHIBIT A" August 11, 1995 . , A pared orland locared in the SW 1/4 ofrhe SW 1/4 ofSecrion 9, Townsbip 4 North, Rmge I &st of the &ise Meri~ being more particularly described as follows: C 0 M:PO SITE LE GAL D EScRrPTI ON ALE ERTs ON SEAGLE., IDAHO PARCEL Co mm. en cing at the So athwest corner 0 f said S eçri ÔÍl 9; thence So uth 8 9 0 52'48 4 East 65. 00 feet a1 ong the: So lith line of S3id &cti 0 11 9 to the IRUB PO!NT OF BEGINNING bcing on !be Eastofyrigln: of way line of Stale Bîghw¡¡y 55 (Eagle Road) as d esaibcd by Wan:amy D~ to the STATE OF IDAHO, IDAHO TRANSPORTATION' DEIJ'ARTMENT r=rded October II, 1994 as ID=nnent No, 94090844, Ad¡ Coomy Deed Rttords; then"" Norm 02.39'47" West 355,&& feet along said Easterly rigbI of way line to a. pomr on the soUth line of that tract of land descnòed by Wan-amy Deed to M::Ïchacl A Wortman r~rded November 21, 1980 as I.nstrumc:nt No. 8055241, Ada Coumy Deed Records; th enœ tracing saÌ d S oath fine South 8 9 0 5 2 '48" E4st 5 70. 49 feet to the Sourl1east comer ofs;rld WOrtman tr4ct; thence North 01001"31" East 347.18 feet along the Westerly line oftf1at tIact ofland described by Wammy Deed to Fred Venable reco rd ed Dec.e:r:nber 15, 1972 as Instrum eat No. 8 29 823. Ada. Co unt:y: Deed Recoïds to th e œn:œr Iin e 0 f a. drain ditch; then œ Sooth 8 6 0 43 '5 4" East 87. 60 feet along said ditch œnter lin e t 0 theW e.sterly right 0 f 'W4.y Iin e 0 f SecondS tr eet as oj escribed b y Wamnty Deed to ADA COUNTYBIGHW AYDIS1:RICT recorded Ja.rroary 30, 1981 as: Instrument No. 8104341, Ada County Deed Reo:>rds; thence South 01 001'54 W~ , 707.86 feet along said Westerly right of way line to a. point on the SoUth line of said: Section 9; thence North 89°52'48" West 635.00 feet: along the SOUth line of said Seaion 9 to the po int 0 f b egÌnning. S4id parcel of Land CDntaining 5.98 acres more or less. The b<i5is of bearing of chis description is per Project No. F-3271(033) a. highway SUP.'ey now 00 file in the office of the IDAHO TRANSPORTATIONDEPARTIvfENT and ail other information is iTom record data.. /.~ /-:,v';~~::.'!~' j rtf/if;: lit: t!A ~ I \ .r <:/ L 7"""'.~ ,( ! /.- ! \ '~<"7 ¡ . . c- I . "-'~ IlliuG 11 J ç;,\~~.- "~/':~I .~L-A'N"" '-"" 0"_'/ .>, "-";:~"'- "/ . -Dr;.' ~-:'::-;<;3--/ . '. .,...'- " . .. - ,. Exhibit liB" CITY OF EAGLE P.O. BOX 477 EAGLE, IDAHO (208)939-6813 REZONE APPLICATION FILE # FEE $ 535.54 EXISTING ZONE R-5 REQUESTED ZONE C-2 AP PL I CANT: Albertson's, Inc., a Delaware Corp. Owner--- Purchaser XX- Lessee--- PHONE (208) 385-6643 REPRESENTATIVE! AGENT: CSHQA Architects/Planners PHONE (208) 343-4635 REPRESENTATIVE'S! AGENT'S ADDRESS: 200 N. 6th, Boise, ID 83702 LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Near the Northeast corner of Eagle Road and the future Eaqle Alternate Route (hyp;:¡!';!';). rpfpr rn ;:¡rr;:¡....¡'øn ";""injry P1çp and àQriiil photo. SIZE OF PROPERTY: 5.79 acres (composite) / HOW IS PROPERTY NOW USED? Residential, single-family HOW ARE THE ADJOINING PROPERTIES USED? North Residential* South Agricultural* East Residential* West Residential* *Refer to narrative description ARE THERE ANY EXISTING LAND USES IN THE ~ENERAL AREA SIMILAR TO THE PROPOSED USE? Yes WHAT ARE THEY AND WHERE ARE THEY LOCATED?Commercial land use occurs within the downtown core of the city of F;:¡gle and along State St. The proposed pro;ect lies approx. 650 ft South of the downtown core. Refer to the attached narrative. ON WHAT STREET( S) DOES THE PROPERTY HAVE FRONTAGE? Eaqle Road, approx. 350 ft., and 2nd Street, approx. 350 ft. ., . WHAT IS INTENDED LAND USE: A NARRATIVE DESCRIBING THE LANDUS:Éti:;i.:\..~.:';yt:,j;~( PLANS FOR SEWER ( WATER ( ROADS { FIRE ( ETC. IS REQUIRED. . '::";,\;;:,)"':"('S'V}~~~~:~~:V:~¡'¥~~. . . , , , " . . , ...',' ...,'""" ":.,, '..' . ,'." ,. , . .A R E Z 0 N E PAGE 2 A P P L I CAT ION WHAT IS THE AVAILABILITY OF PUBLIC FACILITIES ALLOWABLE USES? SEWER Available from Eaqle Road and 2nd street WATER Available from 2nd street FIRE Constructed on-site STREETS Eaqle Road and 2nd Street TO SUPPORT THE ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. 15 COPIES OF VICINITY MAPS (8 1/2" X 11") SHOWING THE LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING PROPERTY LINES AND STREETS. (AVAILABLE FROM THE APA, MAPPING DIVISION.) PLEASE INDICATE THE LOCATION OF YOUR PROPERTY. 2. A COMPOSITE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY. ALL LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS MUST BE CERTIFIED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR LAND SURVEYOR REGISTERED BY THE STATE OF IDAHO. 3. PROOF OF OWNERSHIP OF LAND / 4. PHOTOS OF EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS (IF AVAILABLE) 5. A LIST OF ALL PROPERTY OWNERS AND ADDRESSES WITHIN A 300' RADIUS OF THE PARCEL(S). (INFORMATION AVAILABLE FROM THE COUNTY ASSESSOR) . 6. 6 COPIES OF APPLICATION ANY REVISIONS TO THIS APPLICATION REQUEST MUST BE RECEIVED 14 DAYS PRIOR TO THE HEARING DATE, APPLICATION WILL BE DEFERRED TO THE NEXT MEETING. ." ", NOTE APPLICATION WILL BE REVIE\~ED IN ORDER TO DETERMINE COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS. A HEARING DATE WILL BE SCHEDULED ONLY AFTER AN APPLICATION HAS BEEN ACCEPTED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR. R E Z 0 N E PAGE 3 A P L I CAT ION THE CITY CLERK, AT THE TIME OF THE FILING OF THE APPLICATION, SHALL COLLECT THE FEES FOR LAND USE PLANNING ACTIONS REQUESTED. ANY COST INCURRED BY THE CITY IN OBTAINING A REVIEW OF THE APPLICATION, BY ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS OR OTHER PROFESSIONALS NECESSARY TO ENABLE THE CITY TO APPROVE OR DISAPPROVE THE APPLICATION IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT. UPON ACCEPTANCE OF THE APPLICATION DEVELOPER SHALL POST THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE APPLICATION NO LATER THAN ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING AND AGAIN ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING. THE POSTING SHALL BE OF HARD SURFACE BACKGROUND, AT LEAST 2 FT x 18 INCHES IN SIZE, A PAINTED OR OTHER PERMANENT METHOD OF LETTERING, AT LEAST 1" x 1/4". THE POSTING SHALL BE PLACED ON THE PROPERTY IN A STABLE MANNER WITH STAKES AT LEAST 2 "x 2 ", AND INFORM THE PUBLIC THE NAME OF THE DEVELOPMENT, THE DATE, PLACE, TIME AND NATURE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING. SIGNS SHALL BE POSTED ADJACENT TO ALL ROADWAYS THE DEVELOPMENT IMPACTS AND SHALL BE REMOVED AFTER THE PUBLIC HEARING. .~ OF APPLICANT/REPRESENTATIVE 8/~ /9? DATE' . .'. .. . " ~ ." :?':'.;,'. ~""~;.:,\:~:' . ..>;,,;X~;f;t;fA~~#~i 7 ] D ~ I - - --,--"--'-- L-- - - I fI I ¡ I I ~ I' ~ Z I ~ n I ~ tl I I ~ b I : I ." 'I ~ . It! I I ã ia I i I - - I I I I I , I I I ! I I 1 I ¿ I I : r Ii @ : ; I~' \1 . J:: i I ~ ¡ I : I : W:.. . I L 'I I .. e .. 5 ¿ I I I : I ~ I I L I : em L__- I i Jil d ij ij "'17" ] ~ I !~' - - ~ a ,. II I, ~ II II " " :1 II 'I ~ I' .I ! I I I I I . . . . I . I I I S~:=11~!: íì~~¡i~ : ~ ~ ~/I!/lð/l ï/l~/li/l" ~ ...t::-tt::-t t::-t......! '= ~".,.,.,~"~,, ~'-t -t -t ~'~' " I , ,"" .!. ~ ~ ~.!. .!. ~s ~:i ~ '" Î :~ ~ ... í ~H~I\) 1111i~111 ! .íll~1 I ~ II ~IIII I I " " Exhibit "B" EAGLE. IWtO ~ [ L 7 ] D =:J I ~ II !f~ J: .,~ !~II - - -~.---L-~- L-- - - IJ II ro . , jl . II I II ') I I i I i r- III ." I ! I ~ [ L L : CEDo L__- 00JD JI ~I ,*,J AUERT8ONS NO. H" D NlBI8EC11ON EAGLE IÐ. a EAGLE AL'JEMATE AT, EAGLE. ÐAHO '- œ ~ ~ r------=. ~I :::I =-_-:=":n'"::l'"..;'.--==r::_- r AIIIIdr, - --~--.-.__. ......-- -1211*- ...-- æ¡:..:=.===-':'::¡'~1'!: ! I ¡ I I " + I I I : I ¿ I I I . ~I , i :, I I~ ~ ¡ : ~ I t I , I I I ¿ I I I I fJ¡;J~'¡r;iF'I;':f;ilifiï I ~~~'" j'J11Ib~J1ii!l! !hIHlh '{fi , III"'}IIIIIII" Î!llì'IIIJIl¡' '¡Iii I:' [.1111'111'11,1$1'111 ai'il.Wil, !i~~ J 'I H] t:hJi!!¡ lif' !¡ II!'! ' 11,J1'(1 :j ~ Ii i jf~!!ifnir~flll ~~ I Plt~ìr Il, i, ' ! Ë~ i',hJ¡J,hl!: n H t¡ "'0 1~.li'.II'. ~~r- " ! ! i'!! I ¡' ,I ¡ I ì!' ;3:0 I ~~ I: I ;;oj! " -,~, I . ~ ~- . ---- ---- -- ~ bbbb r\) :;: ~ ~U III ~~~ ~~~H~ ¡¡¡ i¡¡;¡¡ ~~~~~~ 0 ~c~ ~~~u~ ~ ¡;¡~ .~ :n:G >' !;(¡ ~¡;¡ ~~~ ~ <¡; ~!; g ~ !; ~ ~~ CC~ ~ ~ . , , . . . , . . !~!f!f ~H~H 1 ~ ~ -,' ~ -:. -:. .'.' ?~~ .'-?? Exhibit "c"