Findings - CC - 1991 - Island Woods Subd PUD/CUP/Rezone - Ppud/Cup/Rezone From C3 To R5 CITY OF EAGLE IN THE MATTER OF ISLAND WOODS SUBDIVISION AN APPLICATION FOR A PUD/ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBDIVISION-REZONE ) ) ) ) ) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW On July 23, 1991, pursuant to public notice and hearing procedures set forth in Section 67-6509, Idaho State Code, and Sections 8 and 9, Eagle City Code, B W, Inc. (Dennis Barker) owner of the Island Woods Subdivision property, the applicant, came before the Eagle City Council for the City of Eagle, Idaho, requesting approval ,of a consolidated application for (1) a subdivision preliminary plat, (2) a preliminary planned unit development plan, (3) a conditional use permit for said planned development plan, (4) a rezone of the property from Commercial (C3) to Residential(R5), 5 units per acre. Based on the application, testimony from the applicant and all interested parties, together with all documentary evidence submitted concerning the application, and the recommendation of Eagle Planning and zoning Commission, the Eagle City Council finds the following: FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The records in this matter indicate all notices, and publications have occurred as required by law. The records further reflect notice of the public hearing was sent to relevant public entities, including Central District Health, Eagle Sewer Dist., Meridian School District, Dept. of Water Resources, US West, Eagle Fire Dept., Idaho Power, and Ada County Development Services. The City was advised by said entities that subject to certain conditions there was no objection to the establishment of the proposed development. 2. The project comprises approximately 150 acres, flat topography with slopes than 2%. The over all project will consist of approximately 280 lots, over a period of 10 years, at a development rate of approximately 30 lots per year. The project will consist of common open space which will be used for trails, water amenities and heavily vegetated areas. 3. The development is bordered to the east and south by the Eagle Impact Area, zoned by Ada County as a residential 11. 12. transition zone (RT), to the north by a manufacturing zone (M1) and to the west by an agricultural zone (A). Access to this project will be by means of two accesses to Eagle Road. One access will be constructed to ACHD collector standards. The other access will be constructed to ACHD residential standards. No lots or driveways will access from the collector street. The project includes six cul-de-sacs. all cul-de-sacs will be less than 500 foot length. 4. This project has been annexed into the Eagle Sewer District, subject to final Engineering review and approval. The conceptual plan has been approved. 5. The water system for domestic water is to drill two domestic wells on site. The second well will have capacity for fire flows and back up capacity. The State of Idaho Department of Water Resources has issued a permit to appropriate water and must be constructed in accordance to specifications that the City of Eagle could someday acquire. A private water company will be formed to operate and maintain this water system. 6. The development is within the Eagle Fire district. 7. Storm drainage detention facilities will be constructed on site, irrigation will be done through the domestic water system. 8. The southern boundary of the project will include a local pathway for pedestrians and cyclists. It will not conflict with the floodway or vegetation. 9. An Environmental analysis submitted by Karl Gebhardt, P.E., Hydrologist/Environmental Engineer and Joyce Gebhardt, Wildlife Biologist, Resource Systems, Inc., to the City of Eagle. 10. Street lights or yard lights will be installed throughout the subdivision, which will be maintained by the association or homeowners, or lights will be dedicated to the City. The applicant indicated that there was no public school site in the proposed subdivision. On July 23, 1991, a public hearing was conducted by the Eagle City Council. Testimony was presented by neighborhood property owners that the proposed development may have an adverse impact upon the flood plain, floodway areas and that the project may have wet lands; that waste water problems may exist; and that taking water needed for the development may adversely impact the Boise River; that it would add to the problem of overcrowding of existing 13. schools in the area; and that a Greenbelt area should be established. The Eagle City Council specifically finds that the identified potential problems can be adequately addressed by imposing conditions upon the development of the project. The standards used in evaluating the application are in the following sections of the Eagle City Code and Comprehensive Plan. With respect to the review of the preliminary plat: 9-1-3: 9-2-3: PURPOSE OF GENERAL SUBDIVISION REQUIREMENTS PRELIMINARY PLAT PROCEDURES 9-4: REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS (The following are only a portion of the Code.): 1. STREET LIGHTS (MAY BE REQUIRED) 2. SIDEWALKS AND PEDESTRIAN WALKWAYS 3. WATER SUPPLY AND SEWER SYSTEMS 4. STORM DRAINS 5. FIRE HYDRANTS 6. GREENBELT AREAS (MAY BE REQUIRED) PLANNED UNIT AND CONDOMINIUM SUBDIVISION 9-5-4: With respect to the review of the preliminary planned unit development (PUD) plan: 8-6-4: USES PERMITTED A. THAT THE USES ARE APPROPRIATE WITH THE RESIDENTIAL USES B. THAT THE USES ARE INTENDED TO SERVE PRINCIPALLY THE RESIDENTS OF THE PUD C. THAT THE USES ARE PLANNED AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE PUD . D. THAT THE USES BE LOCATED AND SO DESIGNATED AS TO PROVIDE DIRECT ACCESS TO A COLLECTOR OR AN ARTERIAL STREET W/O CREATING CONGESTION OR TRAFFIC HAZARDS E. THAT A MINIMUM OF 50% OF THE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OCCUR PRIOR TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE RELATED COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL LAND USES. (Those uses within the proposed subdivision that must specifically meet the above requirement are: a day care center and a proposed school site.) 8-6-5-1: MINIMUM AREA: 3 ACRES RESIDENTIAL, 5 ACRES RESIDENTIAL USE W/ SUBORDINATE COMMERCIAL, 10 ACRES FOR COMMERCIAL USE. ARRANGEMENT OF COMMERCIAL USES 8-6-5-5: 8-6-6: PROCEDURE FOR APPROVAL With respect to the conditional use permit; a approval of 8-7-3: CONDITIONAL USES: 8-7-3-1: PURPOSE AND INTERPRETATION OF CONDITIONAL USE 8-7-3-2: 8-7-3-3: GENERAL STANDARDS FOR CONDITIONAL USES (A-I) PUBLIC SITES AND OPEN SPACES (A-C) 8-7-3-4: SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS AND SAFEGUARDS 8-7-3-5: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURE FOR APPROVAL) With respect to the rezone of the property: 8-7-5: AMENDMENTS Based on the following the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission denied the application: 1. RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING AND ZONING The Commission concluded that the preliminary development plan is in conflict with the intent and purpose of Title 8, and 10 of the Eagle City Code and that the proposed development does not promote public welfare and that the combination of various land uses presented and their interrelationship with the land uses in the surrounding area does not justify deviation from standard land uses in the surrounding area and there is inadequate evidence showing that a development use at the proposed location satisfies the general standards for uses set forth in Section 8-7-5, Eagle City Code. Specifically, that the use will not be harmonious with and in accordance with the general objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and Title 8; that the development, conditions attached to this approval are inadequate and will not be adequately served by essential public facilities and services; and that the vehicular approaches to the property are not designed to prevent an interference with public access to the river and traffic on surrounding roadways; and that a legal questions must be met regarding the Williamson claim to an access road in the area. The application submitted by Dennis Baker, does not comply with the requirements set forth in the Eagle Comprehensive Plan; 2. The application submitted by Dennis Baker, for a rezone from an (C3) Commercial District to a (RS) Residential District is in accordance with the Eagle Comprehensive Plan and the requested rezone serves the welfare of the general public and is in the public interest, and should be granted. DECISION OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Based upon the foregoing FINDINGS OF FACTS AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW, the City Council of the City of Eagle, Idaho, approves the application for a Subdivision (PUD/CUP) and rezone for ISLAND WOODS SUBDIVISION subject to the following conditions: CONDITIONS FOR SUBDIVISION APPROVAL 1. Developer and/or owner shall comply with all requirements of Ada county Highway District including approval of the drainage plan, requirements for installing curb, gutter, sidewalks and paving throughout the subdivision or as specified by the Ada County Highway District. Signature by the Ada County Highway District on the plat is required prior to signing of the final plat by the City Engineer. (I.C. title 50, Chapter 13.) 2. Correct street names as approved by the Ada County Street Name committee shall be placed on the plat prior to signing of said plat by the City Engineer. 3. Approval of sewer and water facilities by the Regional Health and Welfare Environmental Services Office is required and signature by the Ada County Central District Health Department is required prior to signing of the final plat by the City Engineer (I.C Title 50, chapter 13.) 4. Minimum building setback lines shall be in accordance with the City of Eagle zoning ordinance at the time of issuance of the building permit or as specifically approved. All lot, parcel and tract sizes shall meet dimensional standards established in the City of Eagle zoning ordinance or as specifically approved. 5. Prior to submitting the final plat for recording, the following endorsements or certifications must be executed: Signatures of owners or dedicators, Certificate of the Surveyor, Certificate of the County Engineer, Certificate of Central District Health Dept., Certificate of the City Engineer and City Clerk and signatures of the Commissioners of the Ada County Highway District and the Ada County Treasurer. 6. A letter from the fire department is required stating "the developer and/or owner has made arrangements to comply with all requirements of the Fire Department", prior to signing of the final plat by the City Engineer. Eagle Fire Department shall approve all fire hydrant locations. Minimum flow per hydrant shall be 1000 gallons 10. 11. per minute. 7 . Comply with Idaho Code, section 31-3805, irrigation rights, transfer and disclosure. Developer and lor owner shall submit a letter from the appropriate drainage entity approving the drainage system and/or accepting said drainage; or submit a letter from a registered professional engineer certifying that all drainage shall be retained on-site prior to signing of the final plat by the Eagle City Engineer. A copy of the construction drawing(s) shall be submitted with the letter. concerning 8. A. For drainage facilities not belonging to ACHD, the developer may either construct prior to final platting or post bond/agreement in the amount of 110% of the estimated construction costs. 9. Covenants, homeowner's association by-laws or other similar deed restrictions, acceptable to the Eagle City Attorney which provide for the use, control and mutual maintenance all common areas, storage facilities, recreational facilities, street lights or open spaces shall be reviewed and approved by the Eagle City Attorney prior to signing of the final plat by the Eagle City Engineer. A restrictive covenant must be recorded and a note on the face of the final plat is required, providing for mutual maintenance and access easements. Appropriate papers describing decision-making procedures relating to the maintenance of structures, grounds and parking areas shall be reviewed and approved by the Eagle City Attorney prior to signing of the final plat by the City Engineer. Develdper shall comply with all requiremerits and restrictions of the Eagle City Code sections regulating Special Development Subdivisions including, but not limited to, Hillside Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Cemetery Subdivisions, Floodplain Development and Areas of Critical Concern. (if applicable) All Subdivisions within the City limits shall be required to install, at subdivider's expense, street lights in accordance with Idaho Public Works Association specifications and standards at locations designated by the Eagle City Engineer. After installation and acceptance by the City Engineer, all street lights in public right-of- way shall become City property. The subdivider has the option of completing street light installation prior to signing of the final plat by the Eagle City Engineer or bonding for 110% of the estimated cost. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. NOTE: All bonding shall conform to the Eagle City Code, Title 9, Chapter 4, Section 9-4-2.2 A. Developer and/or owner shall pay street light inspection fees on the proposed subdivision prior to signing of the final plat by the Eagle City Engineer. The Developer and/or owner shall provide utility easements as required by the public utility providing service prior to signing of the final plat by the City Engineer. The developer and/or owner shall comply with the provisions of the Eagle City Code which specify limitation on time of filing. A request for time extension, including the appropriate fee, shall be submitted to the City Clerk for processing. The developer shall comply with the provisions of the Eagle City Code, pertaining to floodplain and river protection regulations prior to submitting the final plat for signature by the City Engineer. Should the homeowner's association be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the storm drainage facilities, the covenants and restrictions, homeowner's association by- laws or other similar deed restrictions acceptable to the Eagle City Attorney shall be reviewed and approved by the Eagle City Attorney prior to signing of the final plat by the Eagle City Engineer. The developer is to place a note on the face of the plat which states: "This subdivision is subject to the requirements of the Uniform building Code (UBC) as regulated the City of Eagle." No ditch, pipe or structure for irrigation water or irrigation waste water shall be obstructed, routed, covered or changed in any way unless such obstruction rerouting, covering or changing has first been approved in writing the ditch company officer in charge. A copy of such written approval by the ditch company officer shall be filed with the construction drawing and submitted to the City Clerk prior to signing of the final plat by the City Engineer. Developer and/or owner shall provide the City Clerk with a blueprint of the final plat, which has been reviewed, approved and initialed by the Ada County Engineer for subdivision name, and lot and block numbers in conformance with I.C. 50-1307, prior to scheduling of the final plat for hearing. The recreation/greenbelt area along the Boise river and parking therefore shall be approved by the Eagle City Greenbelt Committee prior to approval of the final plat of 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 20. phase 1 by the Eagle City Council. Complete construction drawings shall be submitted to and approved by the Eagle City Engineer prior to the approval of the final plat of phase 1 by the Eagle City Council. 21. Approval of all well water for domestic use by the Idaho Department of Water Resources shall be obtained prior to signing of the plat of phase 1 by the Eagle City Engineer. The development shall comply with the Boise River Plan in effect at the time of City Council consideration of the final plat of phase 1. 22. Conservation, recreation and river access easements shall be approved by the Greenbelt Committee and shall be shown on the final plat. The developer shall obtain approval of the development relative to the effects of the Boise River Flood Plain from the Corps of Engineers prior to approval of the final plat of phase 1 by the Eagle City Council. The developer shall obtain approval of the development relative to its effects on wetlands from the Corps of Engineers and Idaho Department of Water Resources and/or any other agency having jurisdiction prior to approval of the final plat of phase 1. Prior to approval of the final plat of phase 1 by the Eagle City Council, the developer shall submit evidence satisfactory to the Eagle City Attorney that an agreement has been reached regarding access to properties adjoining the project to the east and to the Pioneer Irrigation District Headworks and Canal. If such an agreement cannot be reached, revise the development plan to incorporate the existing access road(s) into the project plan. The parcel of property at the northeast corner of the subdivision, which is currently zoned C3, shall be rezoned to RS prior to signing of the final plat by the Eagle City Engineer. Pavement design of the main collector street shall be based on traffic loads anticipated by the heavy equipment used by the Pioneer Irrigation District and the adjacent property owners. Acceleration and deceleration lanes shall be provided on Eagle Road at each entrance to this subdivision. Design of accesses to subdivision and total improvements to Eagle Road to be approved by the Idaho Transportation Department prior to signing final plat by Eagle City Engineer. By motion of the Council the following conditions are to be added to the covenants of Island Wood Subdivision and presented to the City Council with the final plat: 1. Additional parking by the club house rather than parking located with the subdivision 2. List the type of homes in the subdivision and provided street lighting 3. Provide uniformity in mail boxes and those types of amenities within the subdivision 4. Contact school authorities regarding school property and provide the Council some agreement 5. The club house is to be completed in phase 1 6. The environmental assessment to include any negative impacts on the minimum water flow through the lakes and stream system for freshness of flow and provisions made to accommodate the needs of Pioneer Irrigation District 7 . Access for greenbelt purposes A~?PTEJ?db~ the f E~e <Çity Council olf99\he City of Eagle, Idaho t J.s ~ ay 0 ~l?~ , . g:QQ. STEVE GUERBER MAYOR OF THE CITY OF ./ (' EAGLE