Findings - CC - 1988 - Comp plan changes to Land Use / Population - Changes To Comprehensive Plan CITY OF EAGLE IN THE MATTER OF: ) ) EAGLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 1988) ) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. On February 9, 1988, the Eagle City Council met and held a public hearing regarding the changes to the Eagle Comprehensive Plan, 1988. Notice of hearing was published on January 20, 1988, as required by Section 67-6509, Idaho Code. 2. There was no public testimony in favor or opposition given. A letter was received by Ada County Development endorsing the plan. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: 1. The application for changes to the comprehensive plan complies with the requirements of law. 2. Public hearing was held in order to receive testimony of the public regarding any changes. 3. Eagle Planning and zoning recommended the changes to Eagle City Council. 4. The changes recommended are as follows: A. Land Use section of the plan renaming five land use categories, and; population section which changes population projections for the years 1990 and 2000. B. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Page 2 5. Resolution ~-88 was adopted by the Eagle City Council on the- day of~~ ~ , 1988. Copies of the Eagle Comprehensive Plan, in its entirety, have been forwarded to Ada County Development and Ada County Commissioners, in compliance with the Area of Impact Agreement, Ordinance #121. ~OPTED ~IS Jl day Of~~ APPR<>.,VED. ~ ~~dRBER MAYOR OF EAGLE , 1988