Findings - CC - 1988 - Variance of 15' 3" in Eagle Ranch Subd - Variance For Rear Setback Of 15'3" CITY OF EAGLE In the Matter of ) ) Roberta Karpach ) ) ) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Applicant FINDINGS OF FACT On May 10, 1988 the Eagle City Council conducted a public hearing concerning a variance application submitted by Roberta Karpach. The variance request was for a rear set back of 15' 3". The hearing was conducted pursuant to the notice and hearing procedures set forth in Section 67-6509, Idaho Code and Title 8 Section 7-4-(2-4) of the Eagle City Code. At the hearing, testimony was received from the applicant's representative, Robert DeShazo requesting the variance. There was no opposition to the proposal. Mr. DeShazo stated that the reason for the variance request was because the lot is a odd shape, it is impossible to build without a variance on the set back. Based upon testimony at the public hearing together with all documentary evidence submitted by the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission, concerning the application the Eagle City Council made the following CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: I. The Applicant, Roberta Karpach has filed an application for a VARIANCE in order to build a home on the property located at 311 Yellowpine Place, Eagle Idaho, (legal description designated as Lot 13, Block 6, Eagle Ranch Subdivision). FINDINGS OF FACT/CONCLUSIONS OF LAW/KARPACH PAGE 2 2. Eagle Planning and Zoning found that two variances are needed at that location in order to build a home according to the plan submitted by Ms. Karpach's representative. The first variance, a rear set-back variance from the required 25 feet to 15'3" set- back. The second variance found needed was a side set-back variance of 1'6". 3. The records in this matter indicate all notices, public hearings, and publications have occurred as required by law. The records further reflect notice of the proposed change appropriate to the public and private entities with responses having been received from those entities. The Eagle City Council finds that the proposed Variance request fulfills the purposes of development as set forth in Title 8, Eagle City Code. 5. The Eagle City Council finds the relevant criteria and standards for consideration of the Roberta Karpach Variance application as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan and in Title 8 of the Eagle City Code. 6. The Eagle City Council finds, based upon the facts submitted to it by the Eagle Planning and Zoning and the applicant, that the proposed variance application is reasonable and considers the general welfare of the community in the location proposed. 6. The Eagle City Council approves the application with the two variances above cited. A'pp"oved by. () ~M ) ( ~lW2~( MAYOR STEVE GUERBER COUNCIL, of the City of Eagle, Idaho , 1988. ADOPTED by the EA this d- day of //