Minutes - 1992 - City Council - 09/01/1992 - Regular EAGLB CITY COURCIL IIBBTIRG BUDGBT IlBARIRG FY 92-93 September 1,1992 The Eagle City Council met in special session on September 1,1992. Mayor GUERBER presiding. The following members were present: STAN BASTIAN, KELLI BLAIR. PUBLIC HEARING/Budget Hearing FY 92-93 RICK YZAGUIRRE, THOMAS EASON, Mayor GUERBER made a statement regarding the 92-93 budget and reviewed the entire budget for the public in attendance. Mayor GUERBER then announced the public hearing on the FY 92-93 Budget open. Public Testimony received from: Written from: Testimony Lynn Sedlacek Al Courtial Jim Heath Duane Prescott Pauline Hinman Floyd Calhoun Mel Easton Robert DeShazo Concerns of the public: opposed property taxes proposed by the City, law enforcement figures, attorney fees, and water budget. Public hearing closed at 8:25 p.m. Discussion took place regarding the water budget, Eagle Water Co. and the Crandlemire proposal. Moved by YZAGUIRRE and seconded by BASTIAN to continue the budget hearing for decision until September 8, 1992 at the regularly scheduled Council meeting. There:'being ißolI~ther business ...., 01):')t': 't:" .." -<-; "ro' ;',-," '~, , ~..(t" -"...,~-";;," "'. ...~... "",~""'~' ."c"", '" ~ ... '... (>c . '... ~~1'Ý~ ~bItt¡f:te'ff\ €.i,/'?\' """~ ;'- the meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.