Findings - CC - 2016 - Zoning - Raymond Dowding-Dowding Gravel Co/Id Sand Gravel BEFORE THE EAGLE CITY COUNCIL IN THE MATTER OF ) EAGLE LAND COMPANY-PRIME EARTH) AND MYRON STAHL AND KATHREN ) STAHL, TRUSTEES, AND RAYMOND) DOWDING-DOWDING GRAVEL CO., ) IDAHO SAND AND GRAVEL ) A ZONING APPLICATION) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW This matter having come before the Planning and zoning Commission of the City of Eagle, Idaho, On July 15, August 5, and September 16, 1991, for public hearing pursuant to public notice as required by law, the application for the zoning of Tract 1 (legal description attached as Exhibit A) by Eagle land Company (Prime earth), Applicant, and the application for zoning of Tract 2 (legal description attached as Exhibit B) by Myron Stahl and Kathren R. Stahl, Trustees, and Raymond Dowding (Dowding Gravel Co., Idaho Sand and Gravel Co.), Applicants, in the vicinity of Hill Road and Highway 55; the Planning and zoning Commission having heard testimony from interested parties and being fully advised in the matter, recommended to the Eagle City Council the following: 2. to deny the zoning requests of the Applicant for M3 zoning for Tract 1 and Tract 2, and further recommend the zoning classification of Tract 1 and Tract 2 as an R5 zoning designation. the recommendation of the Planning and zoning Commission is based upon the following facts: A. it is adjacent to residential zoning; B. 'it is a logical use; C. if grandfather rights exist, the operation can continue until the need is gone, at which time property zoning will be already in place; and D. for safety and health protection for residential areas. 1. 3. R5 zoning for Tract 1 and Tract 2 is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and is compatible with the use and zoning of the neighboring area. This matter having come before the Eagle City Council of the City of Eagle, Idaho, on October 22, November 12, November 26, December 3 and December 10, 1991, for public hearing pursuant to public notice as required by law, the application for the zoning of Tract 1 by Eagle Land Company (Prime Earth), Applicant, and the application for zoning of Tract 2 by Myron and Kathren R. Stahl, trustees, and Raymond Dowding (Dowding Gravel Co., Idaho Sand and Gravel Co.), Applicants, in the vicinity of Hill Road and Highway 55; the City Council having heard testimony from interested parties and being fully advised in the matter, now makes the following: 1. 2. FINDING OF FACT The property owner of Tract 1 is: known as Prime Earth Eagle Land Co., also The property owners of Tract 2 are: Myron and Kathren Stahl, Trustees, and Raymond Dowding, also known as Dowding Gravel Co., Idaho Sand and Gravel Co. The property owners of Tract 1 and Tract 2 are hereinafter referred to as the "Applicants". The Applicants made applications to the zoning Administrator for an M3 zoning classification for Tracts 1 and 2, more fully described in the attached Exhibits A and B, respectively. 3. Tracts 1 and 2 were annexed by the City of Eagle at the request of the Applicants on June 12, 1990 pursuant to Ordinance No. 163. The Applicants requested that said properties be annexed subject to the condition of the properties being zoned M3. 4. As part of the zoning procedure, notice and hearings are required by state statutes and under City Code. The City of Eagle gave notices and conducted publ~c hearings according to the Applicants' zoning applications requesting M3 zoning and subsequently zoned the properties M3. Applicant Prime Earth then commenced gravel extraction operations. 5. On January 21, 1991, by petition, several residential property owners who owned property within 300 feet of the external boundaries of Tract 1 and Tract 2, notified the City that they had not received the written notice as required by law. Said property owners indicated that their properties were injured by the gravel extraction operations. 6. The failure to provide proper notice to the surrounding property owners was due to an incomplete list given to the City by the Applicants pursuant to the Applicants' responsibilities under City of Eagle Code Section 8-7-5(C). The City of Eagle has a duly adopted Comprehensive Plan, adopted January, 1978, and revised March, 1990. 7 . 8. Due to the defective notice of the earlier hearings, the Planning and Zoning Commission conducted another set of public hearings regarding the Applicants' zoning applications. The Planning and Zoning Commission held its first public hearing on July 15, 1991, at the City of Eagle City Hall building. 9. Notice of the Planning and Zoning Commission hearing of July 10. 11. 12. 15, 1991 was published in the official newspaper and mailed to all persons who own property within 300 feet of the external boundaries of Tracts 1 and 2, all as required by law. Upon these applications for zoning, the following organizations and agencies were notified for their comments: Ada County Assessor, Ada County Engineer, Ada County Highway District, Eagle Sewer District, Idaho State Transportation District, Eagle Water Co, and Ada County Development Services. No Adverse comments were received. At the October 22, 1991 public hearing portion of the Eagle City Council meeting, members of the community spoke in opposition to the Applicants' zoning application. There concerns were: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. health and safety problems inadequate bonding decrease in property values noise pollution inappropriate location for gravel extraction Two representatives of the Applicants spoke in favor of the M3 zoning. The basis of their argument was to enable the Applicants to continue their gravel extraction operation. The Eagle City Council continued the hearing regarding the zoning applications to November 12, 1991, the date of the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting, in order to deliberate the issue in order to reach a decision. 13. At the November 12, 1991, City Council meeting a decision was handed down to zone Tract 1 and Tract 2 M2 with conditions of approval. Those conditions would be presented at the regularly scheduled City Council meeting on November 26, 1991. 14. On November 26, 1991, the issue was continued for further discussion regarding conditions. A special Council workshop was scheduled for December 3, 1991, in order for the Council and Applicants to deliberate said conditions to be placed on Tract 1 and Tract 2 in order to zone the parcels M2 with a Conditional Use Permit. 15. The Eagle City Council met in special session on December 3, 1991 to discuss the conditions for the M2 zoning and Conditional Use Permit for Tract 1 and Tract 2. 16. The proposed conditions derived from the December 3, 1991 meeting, are to be presented at the regularly scheduled meeting of Eagle City Council on December 10, 1991. 17. The proposed Conditional Use Permit conditions are as follows: 1. Compliance with Eagle City Code, Section 8-3-5 (K): Unique Land Uses; Compliance with Eagle City Code, Section 8-2A-3: Design Review Overlay District; Reclamation Plan Conditions; Hours of operation limitations; Limited areas of extraction; Construction of a berm; Allow the continued use of Tract 1 and Tract 2 as gravel pits; Observance of all applicable Eagle City Codes, State and Federal Codes regarding air and water pollution and erosion; Locked gates with required fencing around the perimeter of the property; Surrounding property owners be accountable in case of trespassing. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 . 8, 9. 10. The Eagle City Council met in regular session on December 10, 1991, the proposed conditions discussed at the December 3, 1991 meeting were presented. The proposed conditions were adopted by the Council with a correction in number 6, which should read "along the inhabited areas of the Prime Earth properties, the W~9~ south side", and to include as condition ill, "Any future housing developments adjacent to the gravel pits will include berming, which will be the responsibility of the developer, not Prime Earth or Idaho Sand and Gravel". 18. At all public meetings all interested persons were given the opportunity to be heard. 19. The surrounding land uses in the immediate area of these properties are a State of Idaho gravel operation, vacant land, and residential housing. The surrounding land is zoned R5, C3 or is unzoned by the City. 20. The present use of Tract 1 and Tract 2 is for gravel extraction. The proposed future use of the land, at the conclusion of the gravel extraction, is residential subdivisions. 21. The Comprehensive Plan provides, as policies and goals for industrial uses with in the City of Eagle, that: A. Factors such as public services and environmental and social impacts, shall be considered before approval is given to industrial proposals. Industrial development shall be limited to light industry and technical parks. Industrial development shall adhere to State and B. C. 22. 23. D, Federal laws with respect to air and water quality. Industrial proposals that may overburden public service and facilities causing increased public expenditures shall not be approved unless the industry directly pays its proportionate costs of related services. The Comprehensive Plan has not been amended pursuant to these zoning applications. In making its decision regarding the Applicants' zoning requests, the Eagle city Council reviewed these applications, with due consideration to: A. B. C. providing orderly development of the City; promoting public health, safety, and general welfare; protecting property rights and enhancing property values; ensuring that adequate public facilities and services are provided to the people at reasonable costs; ensuring compatibility with the surrounding neighborhoods; ensuring that the economy of the State and localities is protected and enhanced; ensuring that the important environmental features of the State and localities are protected and enhanced; encouraging the protection of prime agricultural, forestry, and mining lands for production of food, fibre, and minerals; encouraging urban and urban type development within the incorporated City; avoiding undue concentration of population and overcrowding of land; ensuring that the development on land is commensurate with the physical characteristics of the land; protecting life and property in areas subject to natural hazards and disasters; protecting fish, wildlife, and recreation resources; and avoiding undue water and air pollution. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact, the Eagle City Council hereby makes the following: 1. 2. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The earlier action taken by the City on the Applicants' M3 zoning requests is void, because written notice to all persons who owned property within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of Tract 1 and Tract 2 was not given due to a defective list of property owners given to the City by the applicants. Tract 1 and Tract 2 come into the City as unzoned land. 3. Statutory due process, as contained in the Idaho Code and City of Eagle Code, has been satisfied. 4. A zoning classification of M3 for Tract 1 and Tract 2 is not compatible with the use and zoning of the surrounding area. 5. A zoning classification of R5, as recommended by Eagle Planning and zoning Commission, is not compatible with the present use of Tract 1 and 2, and lacks control that granting manufacturing zoning with a Conditional Use Permit provides. Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the City of Eagle Council hereby enters the following: DECISION It is the decision of the Eagle City Council to deny the zoning request of the Applicants' for M3 zoning for Tract 1 and Tract 2. Further, to disregard the Eagle Planning and zoning Commissions recommendation for R5 zoning for Tract 1 and 2. The Eagle City Council grants M2 zoning with a Conditional Use Permit for said Tracts with the afore mentioned conditions. DATED this 14 day of January, 1992. CITY OF EAGLE A?I:'~ MAYOR STEVE GUERBER Attest: <:.. ---. ,,; . . 1,' '~"""""" < -., n ' ." ~"I~ '~," .IÞ.~. . Cr<:19ì~"'; - f\ii\"Ç¿ (;)'ì\1-\(.(~ ' " "BARBARA MONTGOME~~ I (;\.', EAGLE CITY CLERK I r~ .. . : .,$.,- . : ", ( ... .. .. ~ ~ .' ~':." . . ...#... - , ,-,' "'~""'c".".,:",,).., '" /