Findings - PZ - 1984 - Variance - Variance 240 N Eagle Rd./Drill Domestic Well R-5 ) ) CARPENTER) ) ) VARIANCE FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW IN THE MATTER OF ROBERT & MAXINE APPLICANTS 1) 2) 3) 4) 1) FINDINGS OF FACT On October 12, 1984, Robert and Maxine Carpenter applied for a Variance from Article III, Section B., Item 2 of the City of Eagle Zoning Ordinance #40, for property located at 240 North Eagle Road, Eagle, Idaho. On November 6, 1984, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commis- ion, following the notice and hearing procedures required in Section 67-6509, Idaho Code, voted to reco~~end to the Eagle City Council that the Variance be approved. On November 27, 1984, the Eagle City Council, following the notice and hearing procedures required in Section 67- 6509, Idaho Code, voted to approve the variance with the stipulation that in the event a centralized water system is established in the downtown core area, the Carpenters will connect to the water system. The variance is warranted by the desire of the applicant to drill a domestic well in an R-5 Zone on property located at 240 North Eagle Road, Eagle. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The application of Robert and Maxine Carpenter for a var- iance to drill a domestic well on property located at 240 North Eagle Road, Eagle, complies with the requirements for a Variance as set forth in Article XV of Ordinance #40 of the City of Eagle for the following reasons: a. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are perculiar to the land which is not applicable to other lands as there is no access to a Central Water System. b. That literal interpretation of the provisions of Ordinance #40, Article III, Section 2, would deprive them of the right to build a home in an R-5 Zone. c. That special conditions and circumstances did not result from the actions of the applicant as they had nothing to do with the fact that no centralized water is available. d. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicants any special privilege that is denied by the Zoning Ordinance to other lands as the lot in quest- tion Is located in the downtown core area where no central water is available and the lot is surrounded by other lots with domestic wells. Findings of Fact Conclusions of Law CARPENTER VARIANCE Page 2 ADOPTED By the Council of the City of Eagle, Idaho, this / ) ~/ day of l~~QI-Ù.J , 1984. APPROVED By ~ayor of. the City of Eagle, Idaho, this I ¡ ~ day of -Q.---vvJL.v,) , 1984. ATTEST: APPROVED: 4d~ CAROL HALEY, 'r "?^~.:. ,~~ nle Kras s i City Clerk