Findings - PZ - 1987 - - Changes To Eagle Comp Plan CITY OF EAGLE IN THE HATTER OF: EAGLE Cm1PREHENSIVE PLAN (1987) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LA~ FINDINGS OF FACT: 1) Prior to January 1, 1987, the Eagle Planning and Zoning recommendinq chanaes to the 1986 Eagle Comprehsive Plan. 2) On February 10, 1987 the Eagle City Council met in regular session and held a public hearinc; regarding the chances to the plan. Publication and notice of the hearinn was Given to the public on January 22, 1987. 3) Public testimony in opposition to the plan was based on the sections of the plan omitting Eagle Sewer District and Eaale Ranch Water Co. and revised to read Central Sewer and ~ater. CONCLUSIONS OF LA~: 1) The application as submitted complies with the requirements for revisions to the plan according to law. 2) Following notice to the public as required by #67-6509 of the Idaho Code, The Eagle City Council held a public hearing and received public testimony on the changes of the plan. 3) Eagle City Council accented the revisions of the plan as recommended by the Eanle Planning and Zoninn Co~mission with three additional changes. 4) Eanle City Council added, in addition to the changes, that under water and sewer that the City adopt "Eagle City Standards", and that those standards be spelled out in the form of an ordinance. 5) The plan, in final form, shall in put in a resolution and that the final plan be sent to the Ada County Commissioners, Ada Planning and Zoning and APA in compliance with the Area of Impact Agreement. ADOPTED this 2/ day of April, 1987. A~ro~~~ I a'f{;f Carol Hale¡ ~: pr~ arã 0 tgo , ~¿¡t~~ . ry~.-?y Cle.