Findings - CC - 1987 - - Variance Of Setbacks At 309 Yellowpine CITY OF EAc";LE In the Matter of: ALBERr COURTIAL FINDINGS OF ~AC~ ~ND CONCT....USION3 01" LAN Applicant ?INDINGS OF FACT: , L. On Octaber 1: 1986 Albert Wo Courtial appiied for a Jariance for property inside the Eaql~ ::::it'T Limits. The exact locai.io~ of the property is 309 Yellowpine, Earyle, Idaho. Specifically the applicant seeks a chanGe th~ set back reaulations for his property ~ram the required 10 foot for a 2 story, side 3etback to a 5 foot side setback variance and ~rom a rear setback requirement o~ 25 feet to a variance o~ 10 ~eet. Section 8-7-4-2 of the Eaqle City Code requires that the applicant file application as the property owner as tc the effect on said property, and property owners w~~hin 300 f~e~. 2. On November 5, lQS5, following public hearinG ~n~ notLce requirements set forth in Section 67-6509, Idaho Corle, the Eagle "'lanning and Zonincr Commissdoè1 voted '::0 :cecon:::nend approval of tl~E. proposed variancE. to the Ea~le City C~uncil. 3. On November 1 f), 1986, following public hearing .:"ild notice requirements set ~orth in S~ction b7-65~q, Idaho Code, the Ea~~e City Council voted to approve the app:ication fer Varia~ce w~tn unanimous consent. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: 1. The application of Albert Courtial complies with the requirements for seeking a variace as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance, Section 8-7-4-5 of the Eagle City Code. ., .... . The City Council approves the application as presented. ADOPTED by the Eagle City Council of the City of Eagle, Idaho this / 0 day of ~ , 1987. .-.. APP~OVED by the Mayor the the City of Eagle, Idaho this _I}___- day o~ ' 1987. &u- ~ d!zv , -I CAROL HALEY, MAYO~j1 ¡ ATTEST: <---;;? ~ ~ / ~r,m1ERY City Clerk of Eagle FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Page 2