Findings - PZ - 1987 - - Annexation At 837 E. State Street CITY OF EAGLE In the Matter of: ) ) ANNEXATIO1J ) ) ) ) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW vlILDER/WRIGHT Applicant FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. On March 13, 1987, John J. Wilder applied for an annexation for property contiguous to the Eagle City limits. The exact address of the property is: 837 E. State St., Eagle, Idaho. Specifically the applicant seeks to have his property within the city limits of Eagle rather than in the Eagle impact area. In accordance with the Eagle City Code, section 8-8-2, annexing lands within the impact area the application was submitted. Section 8-7-4-2 of the Eaqle City Code requires that the applicant file application as the property owner as to the effect on said property, and property owners within 300 feet. 2. On April 7,1987 a nub1ic hearing was held by Eagle Planning and Zoning as provided for in section 67-6509 of the Idaho Code. The Eagle Planning and Zoning recommended to Eagle City Council approval of the proposed application of annexation with the request of zoning set as C-3. 3. On April 14, 1987, a public hearing was held by Eagle City Council in accordance wi tu section 67-6509 of the Idaho Code, the City Council voted to anprove the applicRtion for the property located at 837 E. State Pt., Eagle, Idaho to be annexe~ to the City of Eagle and to be zoned C-3. . . CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: 1. The application of John J. Wilder for annexation to the City of Eagle complies with the requirements set forth in the Zoning Ordinance, section 1-10-2 of the Eagle City Code. 2. The Eagle City Council approved the application as presented. 3. That the effective date of the Ordinance #118, WILDER/WRIGHT ANNEXATION will be June 9,1987. of=' Eagle, Idaho this II day , 1987. :::R:~'EU~ th~ :~::.ofEagle, Eagle, Idaho this 1/ . ATTEST èRb~Y:ø~y Eagle City Clerk FINDIN~S OF FACT & CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Page 2