Minutes - 2019 - City Council | Planning & Zoning - 09/26/2019 - JointEAGLE CITY COUNCIL PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION ADA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SPECIAL WORKSHOP MINUTES September 26, 2019 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ridgeway calls the meeting to order at 12:04 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: A. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL: BASTIAN, GOLD, PITTMAN, MITCHELL. All present. A quorum is present. B. EAGLE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: WRIGHT, GUERBER, JOHNSON, MCLAUGHLIN, SMITH. Guerber is present. C. ADA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: KENYON, LACHIANDO, VISSER. Lachiando is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Ridgeway leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. EAGLE FOOTHILLS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT WORKSHOP: Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Baird -Spencer displays a power point presentation and provides an overview. General discussion on the Foothills Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Ada County Commissioner Kenyon leaves the meeting at 1:15 p.m. Continued general discussion on the Foothills Comprehensive Plan Amendment. 5. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor: can I have a motion to adjourn. So moved by Gold. Seconded by Bastian. Mayor: are there any objections? Seeing none we are adjourned. Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 1:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted: SHARON K. BERGMANN( CITY CLERK/TREASURER -STAN RIDGEWAY MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT WWW.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 1 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-26-19sprntng.doc EAGLE CITY COUNCIL, EAGLE P&Z COMMISSION & ADA COUNTY THIS WORKSHOP IS A WALK THROUGH OF THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP AND SPECIFIC POLICY CHANGES. THE CITY COUNCIL REQUESTED THAT THE EAGLE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AND REPRESENTATIVES FROM ADA COUNTY BE INCLUDED. 2 • REMOVE ALL AREAS NOT IN THE INCORPORATED CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF EAGLE THAT ARE WITHIN THE FOOTHILLS SUBAREA FROM THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; • DRAW A NEW COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING BOUNDARY FOR THE CITY; • REVIEW AND EDIT THE TEXT OF THE FOOTHILLS PLANNING AREA; • REVIEW ADJACENT AREAS AND PLANNING AREAS (RURAL & BROOKSIDE PLANNING AREAS( FOR CONFLICTS/CONSISTENCY. 3 9/26/2019 1 CIS LIMITS r a 8,005 acres of the 10,780 acres north of the 2006 AOCI line are in the City limits today. Over 70% of the Foothills Planning Area is in the City Today. 5 • REMOVAL OF AREA NORTH AND EAST OF EXISTING CITY LIMITS AND AOCI; • REMOVAL OF COMMUNITY CENTERS • RE-DFSIGNATION OF BROOKSIDE PLANNING AREA AS AGRICULTURAL /RURAL (1 UNIT/5+ ACRES) • OVERALL FOOIHILLS AREA REDUCED FROM 49,000 ACRES TO 10,780 ACRES • EXPANSION OF THE RURAL PLANNING AREA 6 9/26/2019 2 Draft Changes Foothills Land Uses 2017 Acres Proposed Acres °g/Rural (1/5acres) 1,540 1,920 Foothills Residential (1/2acres) 31,527 40 ommunity Center (Mixed Use) 690 \ 0 M3 Spring Valley (DA) 6,005 6,005 BLM/PARK /Public (No Density) 5,398 2,815 Beacon Light to Homer (Rural/Large Lot) * 3,840 3,840 OTAL 49,000 14,620* • LI 02.9 rxres Nerth of Beoecn bp, Rood 10.?80-acres nosh of the AOC! -70% reduction in Area 7 Draft Changes 2017 Proposed Foothills Residential Units Units Units g/Rural (1 unit/Sacres) 770 384 oothills Residential (1 unit/2acres) 15,764 20 \\ ;\ or i'`\\\ ��\\'\ ` \ \ \\i�ti \`\� \�\\`\\\��� \�� \'� P '�\.\\ �aa ",��\� � p \\�����\ k �\�: \,W 1,725 0 M3 Spring Valley (DA) 3,000 3,000-7,000 LM/PARK /Public (No Density) 0 0 eacon Light to Homer (Rural lunit/5 acres & arge Lot 1 unit/acre to 1 unit/2 acres) * 2,040 2,040 OTAL 22,837 5,444 - 9,444 8 Approved DA(s) equal: 3,722 to 7,722 units (63% to 87% of all units) Terra View= 722 units (8-13% of potential units) M3= 3,000 to 7,000 units 55% to 74% of •otential units NE Corner BLR&SHI6 Foothill Willow Creek to SH 16 9 9/26/2019 3 • NOTABLE TEXT CHANGES: • CHAPTER 1 & 6: EXPLANATION OF THIS AMENDMENT PROCESS AND RATIONALE BEHIND • CHAPTER 3: CHANGES TO GROWTH, POPULATION 8. BUILD OUT NUMBERS (UNDER REVIEW) • ENTIRE PLAN: MINOR MAPS WILL HAVE "PLANNING BOUNDARY" ADDED (UNDER REVIEW) • CHAPTER 6: REMOVE BROOKSIDE PLANNING AREA- CHANGED TO "AG/RURAL" (UNLESS CC REQUEST MU- No RES) • CHAPTER 6: AMENDMENTS TO RURAL & FOOTHILLS PLANNING AREA MAPS (UNDER REVIEW) • CHAPTER 8: REMOVE CONNECTION INTO FOOTHILLS AT BROOKSIDE LANE • CHAPTER 8: CHANGE REFERENCES TO THE NORTHWEST FOOTHILLS TRANSPORTATION PLAN 10 • CHAPTER 9: INCLUSION OF TRAILS MASTER PLAN & PARKS MASTER PLANNING rOtMrm • CHAPTER 6: FUTURE LAND USE MAP INCLUSION OF AN ENTERPRISE/EMPLOYMENT OVERLAY • CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF THE 35- ACRE "WEST PARK" SITE FROM "NEIGHBORHOOD RESIDENTIAL" TO "PUBLIC/SEMI-PUBLIC" 11 The intent of this overlay is to encourage and promote opportunities for employment, limited commercial and light industrial activities that are dependent upon access and visibility to the state highway system and residential uses. Uses should focus on providing employment opportunities for citizens of the City of Eagle and the provision of goods and services that will reduce the number and lengths of trips for residents in the area west of Linder Road and north of the Boise River. Uses should be consistent with the employment sectors within Development utilizing this overlay should be designed to consolidate access points by developing/using local roads and cross access easements to connect to planned signalized intersections along the state highway system. Uses along state highway 16 should include a north/south access road between the highway and Palmer Lane. 12 9/26/2019 4 13 • Not Removing Foothills Sub -area: needs to stay intact for the M3/Spring Valley property • Still a constraints -based Plan- No density for steep slopes, floodways or habitat areas. 14 Tentative Hearing Timeline Completed Application: October 22 P&Z Notificaiton to Paper: October 22 P&Z Notificaiton Published: October 29, 30, & 31 P&Z Hearing: November 18 CC Notificaiton to Paper November 22 CC Notice Published: December 3, 4, & 5 C Hearin:: December 17 15 9/26/2019 5 • Update Water System Master Plan • Negotiate Area of City impact with Ada County • Discuss the removal of Planned Communities in AOC 1 & previous planning areas between SH -16 & SH -55. • Adoption of implementing ordinances - Design Review, Subdivision,& Zoning • Recognition of Rural 2 -acre & 5 -acre lots (well & septic standards) 16 17 4" 9/26/2019 6